1967-08-07 Regular Meeting' \ i~ ~inutes of the Meeting - July 17, 1967 (Continued) At this point a five minute recess rras declared by the Chairman. Neetin~ was reconvened. JURY COMMISSION - Clerk of Superior Court, James McKeithan, appeared before the. Board relative to the Jury Commission. He stated that he had been able to obtain figures which; in his opinion, u~as a fair estimate as to the cost of establishirio the new Jury Commission. He made certain recommendations relative to salaries and other items of capital outlay to be purchased and used by the Jury Commission. He also mentioned to the Board the air conditioning in his office and also the bad air conditioning unit in the Recorders Court office. By common consent the Coanty ~anager was to check with Mr. McKeithan on this problem as well as the space problem for the deputies writing warrants. BILL FROM MR. JOHN SCHILLER County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery presented a bill from Mr. John Schiller, Attorney for the Tax Coliector's office, in the sum of $76.58 and explained that this represented a collection made for Sheriff~s fees regardino a Robeson County tax matter. Mr. Tillery expressed the opinion that this collection was separate from the duties which he normally performs under his functions as Attorney for the Tax Coliector's office and that payment of the bill was justified. Following a discussion on the above Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that payment to Mr. Schiller as recommended by the County Attorney be approved, Motion was carried. JURY CON~7ISSION - By common consent it rras agreed that the appointment of a member to the Jury Commission by the.Board of Commissioners be scheduled for the Agenda fo'r August 21, 1967. BILL FROM CHERRY, BEI{AERT 8 HOLLA.IQD - A bill in the amount of $1,034.38 from the firm of Cherry, Bekaert & Holland for the analysis of Social Security Bank Account and State Withholding Bank Account for October 8, 1957 to March 31, 1967 and reconciliation of Bond and Coupon Accounts at Wachovia Bank 8 Trust Company and North Carolina National Bank and Trvst Company from July 1, 1965 through May 31, 1967 was pre- sented. By common consent it was agreed that an itemized statement on the above mentioned bill be obtained from the said firm. DRAINAGE DITCH - Mr. T. M. Batten from the Seagate Area, Azalea Heights, appeared before the Board relative to a drainage ditch. He explained to the Board in detail the problem he is experiencing with a particular drainage ditch that was put in by the developer in the area in which he lives. By common consent the County Manacer was instructed to check on this with Mr. Batten to determine if it is a County problem or a State Highway Commission problem or a pro~lem for the o~,~ner of the property. ADJOURIVNiENT - . There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting be adjourned. Nhtion ~aas carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Ninutes of the Meeting - August 7, 1967 RSSENBLY The regular semi-monthly meetine of the Aiew Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioner~s Room with the followine members present: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Netts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Aud+'tor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - .4fter calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Dr. J. Frank Davis, Pastor, St. Paul~s Lv±heran Church to give the invocation. APPP,OVAL OF .^;INUTES - Mr. Met,t~ moved, seconded by,Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes of Che meeting of July 17, 1967 be approved as transcribed. Notion was carried. APPRO?RIATIOA1 FOR AIR CONDITIONING UIVITS FROM JANlES UTALKER HOSPIT.4L - Cour.ty Manager N:arshall presented to the Board a request for an appropriation to cover the purchase of t~r~elve (12) air conditioning units to be used in the different county departments which had been obtained from James Walker Hospitai. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by P9r. Bowden, the purchase be approved and that an appropriation of $600.00 be made from the General Emergency Fund and each unit charsed to Capital Outlay in the different departments using the air con- ditioning units. Motion U~as carried. ROAD PETITIONS, CHAAIIEL HAVEAI SUBDIVISION, HORNE PLACE DRIVE AND COLLEGE ACRES - County Manager Marshall presented road petitions for the above three named areas and stated ~that from what he could ascertain they v.~ere in order. Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the petitions named above be referred to the Highway Department for their consideration. ROAD PETiTION RESOLUTION - Masters Lane, Yorkshire Lane and Greenhowe Drive were presented to the Board for approval ' by adoption of a r¢solution. The resolution officially requests the Highm~ay Department to inc.lvde ~ the different roads requested by the petitioners in the Secondary Road System. j~ Mr. Metts moved, seconded by N;r. Bowden, that the followin5 resolution be adopted: ~80 Minutes of the Meeting - P.ugust 7, 1967 (Continued) ROAD PETITION RESOLUTIOI~r (CONTINUED) - NORTH CAROLINA COUIQTY OF REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAIPIE- SECOPIDARY ROAD SYSTEM WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of ~requesting that the above described road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road system; and 4lHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the State Highway Commission for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of that the State Highway Commission is hereby requested to revieto the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. ~ CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution ~aas fuly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of at a meeting on the day of , 19 , and appears on the minvtes of the said Commission. ~ I~IITNESS my hand and official seal this the day of , 19 . Clerk, Board of Commissioners County of Motion was carried. ATTORNEY FOR BROWN HERRIIIG TRUCK & TRACTOR COMPAiVY - Nr. Addison Hewiett, Attorney for Broi•m Herring Truck & Tractor Company, and D1r. Herring appeared before the Board relative to Brown Herring's proposed purchase of some county owned property near the County Farm. This matter was discussed by the Board members and the County Attorney. ~r. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this matter be resolved by the two attorneys. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan did not vote. REPORT FROM MR. H. GRAY HUTCHISON - P9r. H. Gray Hutchison of the firm of H. Gray Hutchison & Associates, along with Mr. Dan Penton, Mr. John Hardin and ~iss Lois Ward, members of the Board of Trustees of the Old County Retirement System, appeared before the Board relative to the finai actuarial report that was to be presented by Nr. Hutchison. Mr. Hutchison proceeded to revie~. the report in detail and several questions were asked by the Board of Trustee members as ~aell as by the Board of Commissioners. Follo~•~ing the presentation, IJr. Hutchison was thanked for his work and the report was accepted. REPORT BY P~2. D. D. BAGGETT Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Extension Chairman, appeared before the Board and presented a report that had been previously requested by the County Commissioners. The report was in narrative form and it was accepted by the Board for their review and Nr. Baggett is to be notified some- time in the near future relative to a complete discussion of this. CHIEF OF COMNfUNITY SERVICES SECTION, NII2. J. S. GRIP~S - Mr. J. S. Grimes, Chief of the Community Services Section for the State of Aiorth Carolina, and Mr. Asa Blount appeared before the Board pursuant to a request that Mr. Blount's superior from Raleigh explain the responsibilities of P7r. Blount in the community. Mr, Grimes explained in'detail the different 4,~ork or programs that P7r. Blount was endeavoring to follow or is to follow. Several commissioners questioned Mr. Grimes and Mr. Biount relative to the different projects he (Mr. Blount) has been trying to develop. Following a discussion of this, the Board members thanked Mr. Grimes for appearing before them and making this explanation and furnishing them eaith the information. Mr. Vaughan moved that the office expense and telephone be withdrawn from the Community Services Consultant. The motion died for lack of a second. CONCRETE FOOTINGS, MR. JANiES B. HUGHES Mr. James B. Hughes appeared before the Board relative to an addition to his home on Middle Sovnd which would include a room and bath, but he had ob,jected to the Building Inspector requiring that footings for the addition be of poured concrete. He proposed to use solid concrete blocks for his footings. It was stated to Nr. Hughes that under the provisions of the Code the Building Inspector's opinions were final and that the Board could not amend the Code as such. ~r. Hughes stated that he would endeavor to obtain opinions from a builder or builders and present this information to the Building Inspector in an effort to have his opinion of this particular matter chanoed. If this was impossible, he would then appeal to the Courts. The Board thanked Mr. Hughes for expressing his opinion and making an appearance before them. WOOD SHItdGLES, Nfft. RALPH M. SP9ITH Mr. Ralph M. Smith of Becker Buiiding 5upply, along with several architects, appeared before the Board relative to permitting wood shingles for roofs. All of the persons in the delegation with Mr. Smith spoke in favor of wood shinsles or hand split shakes. Nr. Smith further intro- duced Mr. Sam Olsen who is connected with the Institute for wood shingles, who explained some- what in detail the facts or factors involved in wood shingles or hand split shakes. Further, the request from the delegation that appeared was that the Board of County Commissioners permit T~ew Hanover County to be covered by the North Carolina Residential Code relative to wood shingles. They were advised by the Board members that this matter urould be considered. I~Ir. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that the matter be tabled and a study be given to the possible use of wood shingles in New Hanover County and further, that other counties and the Volunteer Fire Departments in our County be contacted for their opinion. Motion Uias carried. At this juncture 120 jurors k~ere drak~n. x Minutes of the Meeting - Avgust 7, 1967 (Continued) • BOI~1D P.ND COUPOIQ CREMATION COAITRACT, Nfft. CHARLES WRENPt - Mr. Gharles Wrenn, from North Carolina National Bank, pursuant to the recommendation of the County Auditor, appeared before the Board relative to the County entering into a con- tract with North Carolina National Bank for the cremation of bonds and coupons for the County. Dr. Hooper, moved, seconded by NIr. Bowden, that any action on this matter be tabled until the next meeting and a bid be obtained by the County Auditor from 3dachovia Bank. Motion ~aas carried. TRASH DISPOSAL - County Manager Marshail presented a letter from the City Manager of Wilmington relative to the County residents using the ne~,~ trash disposal site. Following a discussion of this and by common consent, Mr. Hall is to work ~aith the City Manager and the County Mana~er to develop as many facts in this and bring back a recommendation to the Board as soon as possible. SALE OF TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - County Nanager Marshall presented to the Board a proposal to sell a tax foreclosed lot in Block 352, which is constituted by a part of Lots•4 and 5. He stated that the County Appraisers had placed a vslue of $$90.00 on this. Mr. Netts moved, seconded by A1r. Hall, that subject to the County Manager~s approvai, after reviewing the proposed lot on the ground, the sale be approved. Motion was carried. REQUEST FROM AMERICAN LEGION POST 10 County Manager Marshall presented a letter he had received from Mr. Ben B. Halterman, Vice-Chairman, Executive Committee, of the Ameri.can Legion Post 10, requesting that they be granted the use of a portion of the New Hanover Count.y Airport praperty for the purpose of holding a circus on September l}, 1967 for an afternoon and evening sho~:. He further stated in the letter that they would clean up the property to the satisfaction of Mr. Westbrook, the Airport Manager, and also that a Liability Policy with the Sells-Gray Circus will be provided in the amount of one million dollars. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that subject to the insurance approval by the County Attorney, and subject to the Airport Nanager~s approval, this request be granted. By common consent a letter is to be written to Mr. Halterman stating that the above action was taken reluctantly by the Board of County Commissioners and that they request the American Legion Post to endeavor to obtain another site for future use. REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF NON-LISTING TAX PENALTY County Manager Nrarshall presented a request from Mr. L. B. Edelman requesting a waiver of the late listing on non-listing penalty on the J. N;. Sulke Estate amounting to $708.56. He stated that in a conversation with Tax Supervisor Houck that it was his feeling that he did not have the authority to do anything but to allow it to stand. After a brief discussion of this Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr, Vaughan, for purposes of discussion; that the penalty stand as is prescribed by law. Mr. Vaughan then made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this matter be developed further and information.presented to the County Commissioners at its next roeeting. Question was called on the substitute motion and it t~as carried. WIRING FOOD STANIP BUILDING County Manager Marshall presented a request from the 4delfare Department relative to wiring at the Food Stamp Building located at the rear of Community Hospital for heat pumps. He stated money was noL provided in the budget for the wiring but it had been approved for the heat pumps. The cost of the wiring is $235.00. Prior to granting approval on this, the County Manager was instructed to investigate other possibilities of heating and cooling the building to a point where it is comfortable other than installing heat pumps. APPEARANCE OF STATE PRISONER OFFICIAL MAJOR I~JHITFIELD - Major l~Jhitfield from the State Prison Unit appeared before the Board relative to space for prisoners. He stated that the State Prison Department had condemned the unit presently being used for the housing of State prisoners. He mentioned that Community Hospital or James Walker Hospital may have possibilities for use on a temporary basis, possibly as long as tYJO years, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the County P7anager work with Major Whitfield and make a report at the next meeting. Motion was carried. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC I~JELFARE, SALARIES - Niss Lela Noore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, appeared before the Board relative to salaries of personnel in the Department of Public l~Jelfare. She first discvssed the salaries of Professionai Classified Personnel and in so doing presented an itemized list indicating what the salaries are to be for the different individuals. Following a review of this, Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the recommendations on the salaries as submitted be approved. Motion was carried. Further, she discussed salaries for Non-Professional Classified peopie and in so doing presented an itemi2ed list of these~particular individuals. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the recommendations as svbmitted by the 4Jelfare Director be accepted. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan requested that the minutes reflect who was present at the time this action was taken. They were: M. H. Vavghan, John Van B. Metts, ,Ir, Laurence 0. Bowden and J. Ni. Hall, Jr. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" on the above and stated that he felt that the action taken by the Board was contrary to the original agreement in establishing the minimum level for the personnel in the Welfare Department. He stated further that he felt the money that was indicated by Miss Hall as a savings in one area was being absorbed in another area for salary adjustments. Mr. Bo~..~den stated that he had made a statement at a Welfare Board meeting and further, that he had discussed this matter tiaith Miss Hall over the telephone, and he had advised her that provided the following qualifications might be met he was in agreement; one, was that money was available in the salary budget; two, if there was no conflict with the Personnei Plan and if the wages that were discussed did not compare with the boys bagging groceries at super markets and she could not retain personnel or recruit new personnel under the provisions outlined,he was in complete agreement with the proposal. Mr. Vavohan stated he felt that the adjustments made in the salaries were made without consideration of the Salary Adjustment Plan set out by the Commissioners. A.B.C. PERNIT, NiIDDLE OF THE ISLAND RLSTAURANT - Request for A.S.C. License for the Middle of the Island Restaurant from Mr. Joseph David Levine was presented. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, this matter be referred to the Sheriff for his investigation. Motion was carried. COIVTRACT TO AUDIT ACCOUNTS OF CONSOLIDATED TAX OFFICE - ~ A contract to audit the accounts of the City-County Tax Office was presented. It ~~:as from P§r. W. Earle Beale, CPA. After briefly reviewing this; Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this contract be signed on..the part of the County by the Chairman. I~otion was carried. ~, rsz Ninutes of the Meeting - August 7, 1967 {Continued) BILL, CHERRY, IIEHAERT 8 HOLLAND - An itemized statement had been requested from the firm of auditino the several different Sociai Security and Bond and Co office. After presenting the itemized statement and reviewing by Mr. }iall, that the bill be paid and an additional amount of present appropriation be made from the General. Emergency Fund. Cherry, upon Acc it, Mr. $184.38 P•9o t i on Bekaert & Holland for ounts in the Auditor~s Vaughan moved, seconded over and above the was carried. ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR DEPUTIES WRITIIVG i~IARRANTS - Clerk of Court, James McKeithan, appeared before the Board and stated that he had looked over the Court House to determine an area that ~,~ould be suitable for the deputies in his office presently writino warrants. He made a recommendation that the Homemakers working in the Welfare Department in the tt,~o small offices adjacent to the A.B.C. Law Enforcement Office be turned over to the Clerk of 5uperior Court for use by the deputies writing warrants. The Board thanked Mr. P4cl{eithan for his recommendation and then instructed the County Manager to investigate possible other space in the Court House and make a recommendation as to what area might further be used for this purpose. BILL FOR JAIL IIVMATES, AiEW HANOVER MEMORIAL H05PITAL - Tk~o bills for inmates of the County Jail were presented totaling ~i4.5o from Ne~,~ Hanover I~!emorial Hospital for ttao people that had been confined in the County Jail. Before final action on this the County Manager was instructed to determine how this particular matter had been handled in the past in view of the fact that no line appropriation has been made. $ILL FOR THE FIRN OF H. GRAY HUTCHISON FOR THE FINAL ACTUARIAL REPORT ON THE OLD RETIREPIENT SYSTEM - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the bill from the firm of H. Gray Hutchison 8 P.ssociates in the amount of $1,SOO.GO be paid and funds to come from the Retirement System Account. Motion was carried. CAROLINA POI~ER 8 LIGHT COMF'ANY, REQUEST FOR RIGHT-OF-'•r1AY ACROSS AIRPORT PROPERTY - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery brouoht to the attention of the Board that Carolina Potaer and Lieht Company would like a right-of-way across some of the Airport property. He will obtain details on this and make a report to the Board in the near future. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons 4aere dra~.m to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning September 11 and 18, 1967 - Civil Terms: Jurors For the Week SeAinninq September 11, Al1en,L.E., P.O.Box 241,Wi1. Barrow,Richard D., 5309 Autumn Dr. Bowen,Ervin Edward, 37ig Wilshire Blvd. Cotton,John E., 161} Colonial Cir. Davenport,Grace J., Box 319, Wri. Bch. Durant, N., 917 Wood St. Fe1ke1,5.0.,Mrs., 1415 S. 4th St. Fry,T.J., P.O.Box 107,3{ure Bch. Goiding,Wm.B., 116 Bryan P.ve. Grainger,Ernest E., 205 Willanda Dr. Graves,Ruby Pierce, P.O.Box 52,Wri. Bch. Green,Andrew, 1}16 Wooster St. Green,Willie, 519 S, llth St. Guy,PJewman F., 6?_4 Forest Hills Dr. Hahn,Carroll W., 607 Rosemont P.ve. Howe11,F1oyd,H., 2118 Market St. Hughes,Robt.S., 3d9 S. Kerr Ave.. Jeffords,James N., 5016 Sare.foot Dr. Johnson,A.L., 304 Ne~dkirk Ave. Johnson,hiarvin A., 329 Williamson Dr. Kegel,Earie Ni., 1316 Copley Rd. Ketchum, Allen H., 301 Johr.ston Dr. King,Celia, RFD 3,Box 43,Wi1. Kittrell,Ed., 272~ Nonroe St. Kuhl,Mrs. Edna L., 4107 Wri. Ave. Kye,Lee Jr., 2 ilorthern Blvd. Labriola,Michael, 5323 Oleander Dr. Laing,Harold E.,Mrs. ,P.O.Box 41, 'vJri. Bch. Lee,Edw. N., 205 i~?. 22nd St. Lewis,Richard C., 703 C.C. Road Jurors For the Week Avison,Lucy G., Be11,E.C., Bellamy,Lillian N., Boney,9enjamin C., Bo~•eden,James E., Carrino,Raymond, Capps,Douglas E., Davis,Herman, Doran;Helen i~l., Dudley,John H.,Sr., Edv.~ards,Joseph E., Finberg,Clavde F., GrahBm,Ralph J., Griffin,Zezal, Ha11,James, Ha11,Raymond R., Heyer,Niss Hattie P.. Hodoes,Wm.G., Hunt,Cecil Eugene Jr Hurst,Albert, Hutto,Pearl S., Jenkins,l^lade M. , 1967 - Civil Term: A°.cGowen,Edward Dixon, 45oi Oleander Dr. Mack,John Bro~•m, Wri. Eeach Malpass,Jack, Rt. 1,Box !},Wil. Narcroft,Loren F.; 1509 Sherwood Dr. Murray,5udie Eichorn, 331 Castle Hayne,N.C. North,John F., 436 Decatur Dr. Owens,ldillie, 902 Dickinson St. Paulson,Nargaret Burns ,2708 Oleander Dr. Raines,Ebern, 309 Castle St. Reese,Cecil Lavern, Rt. 1,Ho1].and Dr. Ropvr,Ralph W., 3710 Winston Blvd. Russ; 1~!m. P., 302 Sunset Ave. Russell,Ger~.ld'.ne D., 723 S. 7+.h St. Rvst,I'.eien J., 116 N. Kerr Ave. Saibero,K., Rt. 1, Box 130 AA,Wil. Sanderford, Worth V., 1!}4 Pilgrim Circle Sanford,Lonnie T.,Jr., 2235 Camellia Dr. Spivey,C.R.,Jr., 308 N. 21st St. Sturdivant,Narjorie, Rt. 3,Box 9,1di1. Teague,A.Farrell, 2725 Van Buron St. Tyson,Mack, 2103 Gibson Ave. Vann,Elmer Ray, Rt. 1,Box ?_1~O,Castle Hayne 4ladsworth,Jas.W., 130 Colonial Vge.. Uragner, .l.W., RFD 3; Box 160,'rlil. ~rlilliar:s,Beecher, f}11 5. 7th St. l~Jorthington,O.F., 1601 Castle St. :'opp,Joseph T., Rt. 1,Box 143-C,ia~ii. ldest.~.n~m.H., 22b Spruce Dr. Young,Floyd Iv.,Jr., 51 N orth~~aood Dr. Young,Geo. A".., 14 W il. Ave. Beqinninq September 18, 1967 - Civil Term: Rt. 1,Box 30tSD,lvi1. Kegel,Earle M., 105 Summerset Lane Let~ais,Mary Etta, Box 3646,Azalea Sta. Lewis,O.B., 466 Robt.E.Lee Dr. Lewis,Omax Rudolph, (}626 Mockingbird Lane Letiais, R. A., 709 N. Kerr Ave. Lewis,Walter Leon, 4202 Park Avv„ Littletan,Cato M.,Jr., Rt. 3,Box l~99,Wi1. Livingston,F.Eiliott, Rt. 3,Box 326,Wi1. Livingston;Robt.Pierce, 5202 Wri. Ave. L1oyd,David, 317 Fine Grove Dr. Lock;Ben, 5fl50 1~Jri. Ave. Lockamy,P.D.,Sr., l}59 Robt.E.Lee Dr. NcDonald,A.C., Rt. 2,Box 323,1a~i1. Millard,Thomas O., 406 N. 9th St. Mi11er,C.James,Jr., 2521 Van Buren St. Mvrrill,Clyde T., , 618 Red Cross St. Padgett;Norman D., P.0. 9ox 643,Car. Bch. Perdem~,W.E., ..1?_C Sebrell Ave. Perry,Albert F., 208 Norwood Ave. Potts,John I., 502? Oleander Dr. Register,.lohn P., 233 Long Leaf Acres' Dr. Richardson,Nildred C.; c/o Ed Clark 1315 Copley Rd. 206 Wri. Ave. 21}25 Monroe St. 708 A1. 23rd St. 23 I~orningside Dr. 20 Pinecrest Terrace 714 Essex Dr. 24a Princess St. la~allace Bldg. 603 Nixon St. 5i5 s, qtn st. 4100 Park Ave. 4723 Long Leaf Hills 2220 Brandon Rd. Rt. 1, Box 32,Castle 105 5. lOth St. 113 Bermuda Dr. 1707 Chestnut St. Box 119,Wii. c/o James Howard,Wri Rt. 3, Box I.F86,Wi 1. Rt. 1,Box SO,ldil. Hayne Bch. ~ ~3~ Minutes of the Meetina - Avgust 7, 1967 (Continued) PETiT JURY (COIVTINUED) - Jurors For the Week BeGinnin~ September 18, 1967 - Civil Term (Continved): Rivenbark,Billie O., 305 Castle Hayne Rd. Stefano,V,A., 503 S. 18th St. Robinson,Melvin, 306 Midland Dr. Taylor,Robt.N., 11E11~ Churchill Dr, Robinson,Minson J., 105 Macnolia St. Threatt,R.C., P.O. Box 936,Wi1. Robinson,Mrs. iVora S., 113 6 Country Club Rd. Tu11ar,Pau1 E., Rt. 1,Box 118A/t,Wil. Robinson,R.H., 61~. Colonial Dr. Wagoner,Lindley Gray, 141~.19 Cascade Rd. Russo,Wm.L., 25 Ivey Circle Watts,Elbert, 228 Dixie Ave.,Wil. Smith,Henry, 184 Arlington Dr. Wiard,David K., 224 S. 4th St. Sneeden,J.Earl, P.O .Box 11~88,Wi1. Woodcock,Bernice B., 408 N. ~lst St. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. P"etts, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. .1. E. 1~!arshall, County Manaoer Minutes of the Meeting - August 28, 1967 ASSEMIILY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Ne~~~ Hamover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.N. in the Commissioners~ Room ~srith the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos. 1~1. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J. N!. Hail, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., Nt. H. Vaughan; Connty Attorney L. Bradford Tiliery, County Manager J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. C. A. McCombs, Pastor of St. Natthews Lutheran Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF NINUTES - For the minutes of P.ugust 7, 1967 under the heading "Appropriation For Air Conditioning Units From James Walker Hospital" should be corrected to read as follows: "Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr..Bowden, that th'e purchase be approved and that an appropriation of $600.00 be made from the General Emergency Fund and each vnit charged to Capital Outlay in the different departmenLs using the air conditioning units. Notion was carried." Under the heading "Chief of Community Services Section, Mr. J. S. Grimes", Mr. Vaughan requested that the motion he made that the Office Expense and Telephone be ~aithdrawn from the Community Services Consultant be included in this Section, although the motion died for the lack of a second. It was a~reed to have it included in the minutes. Under the heading "Director of Public Welfare, Salaries" the following should be inserted: "Mr. Vaughan stated that he felt that the ad,justments made in the salaries were made without consideration of the Salary Adjustment Plan set out by the Commissioners." Following the above corrections, ~r. I~letts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion raas carried. FUND TRAI~TSFERS - County Auditor Perry Shepard presented severai fund transfers and stated that they were inter-departmental ~oith the exception of two. From Unanticipated Revenue, A1ew Hanover Memorial Hospital $22}2,813•55 to Appropriation (Various) New Hanover Memorial Hospital $242,813•SS• From Surplus-New Hanover County School Reyular Account $320,000.00 to Appropriation New Hanover County School (Various) $320,000.00. From General Emergency Fund $1,5!}8.00 to Boiler Insurance Appropriation $1,5t}8.00, for the boiler at New Hanover Memorial Hospital for one year. From Emergency Fund $23LE.60 to Capital Outlay, Register of Deeds $23l~.60. Pursuant to the recommenda- tion of the County Auditor, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these transfers be made. Motion was carried. . ROAD PETITION, rLEI~iINGTON COM~iJ~dITY County Manager J. E. Marshall presented a road petition from the Flemington Community and stated that he had talked with Mr. Paul DuPre of the State Highway Commission relative to this matter. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Hal1 moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the standard resolution be adopted. Motion was carried. RESCHEDULED MEETING OF SEPTEMBER L~; 1967 - N~r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that the meeting to be held on September 4, 1967 be rescheduled to September 5, 1967 at 8:30 A.P7. Motion taas carried. APPOINTMEIVT OF JURY COMMISSIOn1 I~MBER - Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bo~aden, that Mr. L. F. Duvall be appointed to the Jury Commission as the County Commissioners~ representative. Motion ti~as carr9ed. N~F2. MEARES HARRISS, ICC HEARIA'G ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD - Mr. Meares Harriss, representing the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee, appeared before the Board relative to the removal of Trains (}2 and 1}9 Hearing. He suggested that Che County Attorney be permitted to assist the Assistant P.ttorney General in the hearing and that he felt this was over and ahove the County Attorney~s regular duties and should be so considered from a compensation standpoint. Followino a discussion of this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this Commission o0 on record authorizing the Chairman to write an enthusiastic letter to the Chairman of the Board of the several counties north of New Hanover County and along the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad which is served by Trains 42 and 49 and request their support at the hearing to be held September 18, 1967 in Wilmington and should they see fit to support financially this endeavor, it would be greatly appreciated. Motion was carried by a vote of four for and one against. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT - NIr. James McKeithan, C1 employees tahich had resigned by the Vice-Chairman in view ` during this discussion. The stated that he had had three >rk of Superior Court, appeared before the Board relative to the from his office. At this point a five minute recess ~aas declared of the Chairman being absent, and he felt that he should be present Chairman returned and the meeting was reconvened. Mr. P^.cKeithan people to resi;n in his office within the past tG~o weeks, one beinc