HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-08-28 Regular Meeting~3~
Minutes of the Meetina - Avgust 7, 1967 (Continued)
Jurors For the Week BeGinnin~ September 18, 1967 - Civil Term (Continved):
Rivenbark,Billie O., 305 Castle Hayne Rd. Stefano,V,A., 503 S. 18th St.
Robinson,Melvin, 306 Midland Dr. Taylor,Robt.N., 11E11~ Churchill Dr,
Robinson,Minson J., 105 Macnolia St. Threatt,R.C., P.O. Box 936,Wi1.
Robinson,Mrs. iVora S., 113 6 Country Club Rd. Tu11ar,Pau1 E., Rt. 1,Box 118A/t,Wil.
Robinson,R.H., 61~. Colonial Dr. Wagoner,Lindley Gray, 141~.19 Cascade Rd.
Russo,Wm.L., 25 Ivey Circle Watts,Elbert, 228 Dixie Ave.,Wil.
Smith,Henry, 184 Arlington Dr. Wiard,David K., 224 S. 4th St.
Sneeden,J.Earl, P.O .Box 11~88,Wi1. Woodcock,Bernice B., 408 N. ~lst St.
There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. P"etts, that the
meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried.
.1. E. 1~!arshall, County Manaoer
Minutes of the Meeting - August 28, 1967
The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Ne~~~ Hamover County Board of Commissioners was held
on the above date at 8:30 A.N. in the Commissioners~ Room ~srith the following members present:
Chairman Dr. Jos. 1~1. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J. N!. Hail, Jr.,
John Van B. Metts, Jr., Nt. H. Vaughan; Connty Attorney L. Bradford Tiliery, County Manager
J. E. Marshall, and County Auditor Perry Shepard.
After calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. C. A. McCombs, Pastor of St.
Natthews Lutheran Church, to give the invocation.
For the minutes of P.ugust 7, 1967 under the heading "Appropriation For Air Conditioning
Units From James Walker Hospital" should be corrected to read as follows: "Mr. Metts moved,
seconded by Mr..Bowden, that th'e purchase be approved and that an appropriation of $600.00 be
made from the General Emergency Fund and each vnit charged to Capital Outlay in the different
departmenLs using the air conditioning units. Notion was carried."
Under the heading "Chief of Community Services Section, Mr. J. S. Grimes", Mr. Vaughan
requested that the motion he made that the Office Expense and Telephone be ~aithdrawn from the
Community Services Consultant be included in this Section, although the motion died for the
lack of a second. It was a~reed to have it included in the minutes.
Under the heading "Director of Public Welfare, Salaries" the following should be inserted:
"Mr. Vaughan stated that he felt that the ad,justments made in the salaries were made without
consideration of the Salary Adjustment Plan set out by the Commissioners."
Following the above corrections, ~r. I~letts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the
minutes be approved as corrected. Motion raas carried.
County Auditor Perry Shepard presented severai fund transfers and stated that they were
inter-departmental ~oith the exception of two. From Unanticipated Revenue, A1ew Hanover Memorial
Hospital $22}2,813•55 to Appropriation (Various) New Hanover Memorial Hospital $242,813•SS• From
Surplus-New Hanover County School Reyular Account $320,000.00 to Appropriation New Hanover County
School (Various) $320,000.00. From General Emergency Fund $1,5!}8.00 to Boiler Insurance
Appropriation $1,5t}8.00, for the boiler at New Hanover Memorial Hospital for one year. From
Emergency Fund $23LE.60 to Capital Outlay, Register of Deeds $23l~.60. Pursuant to the recommenda-
tion of the County Auditor, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these transfers be
made. Motion was carried. .
County Manager J. E. Marshall presented a road petition from the Flemington Community and
stated that he had talked with Mr. Paul DuPre of the State Highway Commission relative to this
matter. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Hal1 moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the standard
resolution be adopted. Motion was carried.
N~r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that the meeting to be held on September 4, 1967
be rescheduled to September 5, 1967 at 8:30 A.P7. Motion taas carried.
Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bo~aden, that Mr. L. F. Duvall be appointed to the Jury
Commission as the County Commissioners~ representative. Motion ti~as carr9ed.
Mr. Meares Harriss, representing the Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee, appeared
before the Board relative to the removal of Trains (}2 and 1}9 Hearing. He suggested that Che
County Attorney be permitted to assist the Assistant P.ttorney General in the hearing and that
he felt this was over and ahove the County Attorney~s regular duties and should be so considered
from a compensation standpoint. Followino a discussion of this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded
by Mr. Metts, that this Commission o0 on record authorizing the Chairman to write an enthusiastic
letter to the Chairman of the Board of the several counties north of New Hanover County and along
the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad which is served by Trains 42 and 49 and request their support
at the hearing to be held September 18, 1967 in Wilmington and should they see fit to support
financially this endeavor, it would be greatly appreciated. Motion was carried by a vote of
four for and one against.
NIr. James McKeithan, C1
employees tahich had resigned
by the Vice-Chairman in view
` during this discussion. The
stated that he had had three
>rk of Superior Court, appeared before the Board relative to the
from his office. At this point a five minute recess ~aas declared
of the Chairman being absent, and he felt that he should be present
Chairman returned and the meeting was reconvened. Mr. P^.cKeithan
people to resi;n in his office within the past tG~o weeks, one beinc
Ninutes of the Neeting - August 29, 1967 (Continued)
the Clerk working in Superior Court and two of the Deputy Clerks that were writing warrants.
He stated that their primary reason for resigning had been salary inadequacies. At this
point, a question concerning space for the ktarrant Writing Deputies was presented. County
Manager Narshall made a recommendation that office space for the Warrant Writers be in the
NP Area t,rhich is presently occupied as an office and retention cell by the Marine MPs. A7r.
McKeithan asked that in view of the fact that Court would be reconvening at I0:00 o~clock
that he be excused and allowed to return back to the meeting later on. This was granted.
After further questioning, it was developed that severa.l other employees had resigned.
Miss Maie Sanders, Miss Warren and Miss Von Glahn appeared before the Board re2ative to
the retirement benefits being paid to the teachers and the supplement being paid by New
Hanover County and stated they felt that due.to the State increase the County~s share shovld
not be reduced by the State increased amount. They did not ask for an increase but only that
the County hold the line on the present amount that is being paid as the County Supplement.
A general discussion of this matter followed. Mr. Tillery reviewed the Law of 191~.3 and the
Law of 1963. 1t was then determined it was necessary that to make any changes in the retire-
ment payments from the County that an act of the General Assembly would be necessary. Every-
one seemed to understand at this point the requirements of this, and the ladies named above
were thanked for making their appearance before the Board and further, that this item be
included in the Legislative file.
Having received three bids for the supplying of a Bookmobile Body they were opened at
the prescribed time. Bids were received from the following companies in the amounts indicated:
Thomas F. Moroney Company $ 12,500.00
Gerstenslager Company ll},622.75
Baker Equipment Engineering Company 12,E376.00
Due to the complexity of these bids, ~r. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that their
review be referred to the Bookmobile Committee composed of the Librarian, Chairman of the
Library Board and the County Ntanager. Motion tiaas carried.
At this point a recess k~as declared of thirty minutes foF the purpose of reviewing space
in the Court House for the Warrant Writing Personnel.
Meeting ~~~as reconvened at 11:00 A.M.
Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden; that the following people be appointed to the
Mental Health Advisory Board with their four year terms expiring A.pril 23, 1971:
Mr. Robert N. }{allman
Rev. Jerome C. Jones
Dr. James H. Smith
Dr. Thomas P. May
Mrs. George M. Koseruba
Question was called on the motion and it ~das car*ied.
County A7anager P;arshall presented a proposal from Mr. L. E. Allen to buy the following
described parcel of ground: Part of Lot 4, Block 568 which is 33 feet wide by lbs feet deep
and is 199 feet from the southeast corner of Fifteenth and l{idder Streets, fronting on Fifteenth
Street. The appraised value by the County Assessors was ~800.00 and this was also presented
to the Commissioners. Following a brief discussion of this, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by
Mr. Hall, that the sale be declined. Niotion was carried. .
_Mr. Vaughan discussed the question of Expense Accounts of County empioyees on out of town
trips. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Auditor advise all County
employees that in the future it raill be necessary that hotel rooms, meals exceeding $2.00 and
transportation be substantiated by a voucher. Motion was carried.
County Manager J. E. Marshall presented a letter from Niss Lela Moore Hall, Director of
Public ~^!elfare, relative to two positions in her department. She stated in her letter that
the two people occupying the positions did not have adequate experience and, therefore, the
salaries should be $5,748.00 rather than $6;321~.00. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. A7etts,
if there exists no conflicts between the salaries recommended and the Personnel Plan the
recommendation be accepted. Notion was carried.
Chairman Dr. Hooper made a report to the Board relative to the trip of Mr. Starr P!cNillan,
County Coroner, to New York to spend a ideek with the Medical Examiner there. He further stated
that he had some photographs that he vaould like to have paid for by the County. By common
consent, this was agreed to.
County Manager Marshall presented bills for the water and fuel pumps at the Fire Training
Ground and stated that previously the Board had agreed to carry these items in the Airport
Budget. At this time no funds have been budgeted for the current fiscal year and should have
been budgeted in the Cape Fear Technical ,Institute Budget. Further, he stated that he had
talked with Mr. McLeod at Cape Fear Tech and he was agreeable to carrying this expense in
his Budget provided that should this particular bill cause an over expenditure in his
electrical bill the Commissioners will appropriate additional funds therefor. By common
consent the County Nanager was instructed to advise ~r. McLeod that the Board is aareeable
to the additional appropriations if it is needed as a direct result of the water and fuel
pumps at the Fire Training Ground. "
Minutes of the Pneeting - August 28, 1967 (Continued)'
Clerk of Superior Court Jaroes NcKeit.han reappeared before the Board relative to space
requirements for the Warrant Writing Personnel and General Personnel in his department. Pur=~tant
±o a reviei: of possibie office space for the Ularrant l+~riting Personnel reviewed by members of
the Commission, Mr. Vsushan moved, secor.~lPd by Nh~. Nall, that the two small offices south of
the ABC Law Enforceme.nt offices, presently occupied by the Homemaiters, be vacated and the
Homemakers moved to available, space in the upstairs portion of the building and further, that
the Homemakers~ offices be made available to the Clerk of Superior Court for the Ylarrant ta~riting
Personnel. Notion was carried.
The question of salaries for the ~rlarrant Writers was discussed from a Personnel point of
view. After considering this matter, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Clerk of
Superior Court be authorized to advertise t,he tt•!o vacancies in his Department and that the
services of the Employment Security Commission be utili2ed to its fullest extent ar.d further,
that the cost for makin~ such advertisement be charged to the Salary Account in the C1Prk of
Superior Court office. Motion ~~aas carried.,
Mr. P^.cKeithan stated to the Board that A9rs. Elmer Gore will be retiring at the end of this
month, ~ahich is P.ug~st 31, 1467, and he would like to hire someone to fill that vacancy.
A discussion of this follorred and several questions and ansv.~ers ~aere raised relative to
this being a Civil Service position and that the Civil Service requirements should be met. P9r.
Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr, Hooper, for the purpose of discussion, that the normal channels
for Civil Service replacement of the above named person be followed and no except?on made.
Motion Vras carried. By common consent the County Manager was instructed to prepare a letter
and circulate to all departments employing persons that,are considered as Civil Service employees
relative to the replacement of retired persons and any other vacancies that occur in their
Mr. P7cKeithan mentioned to the Board that Col. Wiliiam Gnau, Clerk of Recorders Court,
had requested that in lieu of his vacation for 196b and 1967 that a cash payment be made. He
stated that this is a very demanding job and that Col. Gnau under the circumstances did not
feel that he could consrientiously take vacation with the work load presently in Recorders
Foilowing a discussion of this, Mr. Hali moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that a cash payment
be made to the above named person and that this in no way sets a precedence and this is con-
sidered as a special case and the employee in question is a k.ey employee and that this is a
very demanding job. Question was called on the motion and it 4ras carried.
Mr. A~cKeithan then discussed Uaith the Board the possibility of Col. Gnau being paid over-
time in view of the fact that he was presently reporting for work at 7:15 R.M. and working
sometimes beyond 5:30 and that he felt like overtime could be justified in the form of a payment.
Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the request for overtime to Col. Gnau be
taken under advisement and that Mr. McKeithan make a report to the Board by the end of September
for their consideration relative to the amount of overtime being worked by the named person
above. Motion was carried.
The salary for the replacement of the Clerk in Superior Court, Mr. Richard !rJells, was dis-
cussed by Mr. McKeithan and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the salary for the
replacement of Nr. Wells in Superior Court be the same as paid Mr. Weils. Motion ~ti~as carried.
Mr. Vau,han moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, t11at the Personnel Plan be reviewed at the second
meeting in October. Motion was carried.
Mr. Vaughan discussed the 1n~elfare recipients in general, and in specific the case of Col.
Tom Price~s parents, presently receiving assistance from the County Welfare Department. Dr.
Hooper moved, seconded by NIr. Vaughan, that the Weifare Board be advised of the Board of
Commissioners~ concern in the matter of Weifare recipients and that they, the Welfare Board,
pursue this matter to some point of understanding ardreport be made to the Board of Commissioners
as soon as possible.
Pursuant to avthority granted to the Chairman relative to an Advisory Committee for Hugh
MacRae Park, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bo~aden that the follotaing people be appointed
as a Committee to advise in the development of Hugh NlacRae Park:
Dr. George M. Koseruba
Mr. Hugh Morton
Mr. B. F. Alford, President, Winter Park Optimist Club
P1r. H. J. McGee, Principal, la~inter Park School
Nr. Silly L. Mason, Principal, Roland-Grise School
and Mr. Laurence 0. Bowden to serve as Ex Offic'io I~lember representing the County Commissioners
and iurther, that an additional provision be for two other people to be appointed at a later
date. The above appoint2d members from Winter Park School; k~inter Park Optimist Club and
Roland-Grise School are members of the Committee by virtue of the position they presently hold.
Motion r~as carried.
Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by N1r. Metts, that the Airport Committee meet and determine the
requirements necessary for a bond issue to do the necessary terminal building addition, the
runway overlays or resurfacing and other needs at the County Airport and a report made to the
Covnty Commissioners by October 15th. ~otion was carried.
Chairman Dr. Hooper stated that in his opinion t•~e should proceed with the Court Room
renovation to provide for the District Courts as soon as possible. Fo11o~Jing a discussion of
this, Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Mr. J. N. Hali be authorized to work with
the County Manager and the architect to develop the necessary plans for modification of the
Jail plumbing and to the point of advertixing for bids. Motion was carried.
Minutes of the Neeting - August 28, 1967 (Continued)
County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery presented to the Board a request from Carolina Power
and Lioht Company for a sixteen foot easement adjacent to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
right-of-way which taould serve a signal box and light. Following a revieva of this on a sketch
presented by Mr. Tillery, INr. Hall moved, seccnded by Mr. Bowden, that the easement be ,ranted
to Carolina Power and Light Company, subject to the Airport Manager~s approval and the
necessary approval from the F.A.A. Notion was carried.
There being no further business Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting
be adjourned. Piotion was carried.
J. E. Marshall; County Manaoer
P~inutes of the Meeting - September 5, 1967
The regular semi-monthly meetine of the New Hanover County Bozrd of Commissioners was held
on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the CommisGioners~ Room with the following members present:
Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B.
Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, J. Ni. Hall, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manaoer
J. E. Marshall and County Auditor Perry Shepard.
After calling the meeting
Andrews-Covernant °resbyterian
to order the Chairman asked Rev. E. G. Connette, Pastor, St.
Church, to give ±he ir.vocation.
For the minutes of the meetinc of August 28, 19b7 under the headin~ "Clerk of Superior
Court" at the bot±om of the paracraph the following should be inserted: "After further
questioning, it ~.~as developed that several other employees had resigned."
Under the heading of "Clerk of Superior Court" on Page K it should be corrected to read
as follows: "Mr. Vaughan *:oved, seconded by Dr. Hooper for the purpose of discussion, that the
normal channels for Civil Ser~.+ice rep]acement of the above named person be followe~l and n~
exception mado."
Under the item "Ldelfare Recipients" it shovld be corrected to read as follows: "Nr.
Vaughan discussed the Welfare recipients ip general, and in specific tne case of Col. Tom
Price's pu~ents presently receivino assistance from the County Welfare Depa'rtment."
Under the item '~Appointment of Committee, Hugh P;acRae narl:" the titles of the President
of the l~linter Park Optimist Club, Principal of l~Jinter Park School and Principal of Roland
Grise School should follow the name of the three men appointed therefrom, and prior to
where the motion tiaas carried it should be stated that the three men from l~linter Park Optimist
Club, Winter Park School and Roland Grise School are members of the Committee by virtue of
the position ~ahich they presently hold.
After making the above corrections Mr. Bowden mova.d, seconded by Mr. Hall; that the minutes
be approved as transcribed. '
County Manaeer Marshall presented a request from the J. M. Sulke Estate for a waiver of
the late listing penalty on the above named estate in the amount of $708.j0. After due con-
sideration of this matter, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that no waiver of penalty
be granted. Notion was carried unanimously.
A letter from Peoples Savings & Loan Association relative to their tax valuation on the
propertie.s located on Market Street was presentd. In the pres~ntation it was developed that
the primary ~ifference seemed to lie in the value established on the retaining wall built
around the parking lot area. After considerine the matter, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by ~r.
Hall, that this be referred to the Tax Supervisor and to Mr. Jerry Nelson of Southern .Appraisal.
Company for a report and to be presented back to the Board for final consideration at a later
date. Motion was carried.
Mr. L. E. Allen appeared before the Board relative to the purchase of a tax foreclosed
lot on the corner of Fifteenth and Kidder Streets which had previousiy been denied by the Board
at their meeting on August 28, 1967. After explainino to Mr. Allen that the Board did not
desire at this time to sell thv lot, Mr. Allen thanked the Board and retired from the meeting.
County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reviewed with the Board the provisions of the paving
contract between the City of Wilmington, IVew Hanover County and Lincoln Construction Company
for the paving around the several different schools.
He stated that after reviewing the provisions of the contract, it was his opinion that
the payment was valid and due to Lincoln Construction Company at this time.. After con-
sideration of this matter, Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the bill, as re-
commended by the County Attorney, be paid toiLincoln Construction Company and the amount of
$3,1~70.23 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to cover this item. ;rotion was
County Attorney Tiliery reviewed with the Board the status of the establishment of the
Water Authority in New Hanover County, the ramifications and details involved in this and
financing were discussed and other procedures that could become involved. Mr. Metts moved,
seconded by Mr. BoUrden, that the Chairman be authorized, with ~•!hoever he felt necessary to work x
with him, to follow this matter up and keep the Board advised even to the extent of a trip to
New York to discuss with the Bonding Attorney any details that may be involved. ~otion was
carried by four for and one against. h9r. Vaughan voted in the negative and stated that he voted
"IVO" because he felt at this time this matter was too vague.