1967-09-05 Regular Meeting~ $~ Minutes of the Neeting - August 28, 1967 (Continued) RIGHT-OF-1dAY CAROLINA POln~ER AND LIGHT COP'PANY, NEti~ HAA~OU'ER AIRPORT - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery presented to the Board a request from Carolina Power and Lioht Company for a sixteen foot easement adjacent to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right-of-way which taould serve a signal box and light. Following a revieva of this on a sketch presented by Mr. Tillery, INr. Hall moved, seccnded by Mr. Bowden, that the easement be ,ranted to Carolina Power and Light Company, subject to the Airport Manager~s approval and the necessary approval from the F.A.A. Notion was carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. Piotion was carried. J. E. Marshall; County Manaoer P~inutes of the Meeting - September 5, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meetine of the New Hanover County Bozrd of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the CommisGioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, J. Ni. Hall, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Manaoer J. E. Marshall and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INUOCATION - After calling the meeting Andrews-Covernant °resbyterian to order the Chairman asked Rev. E. G. Connette, Pastor, St. Church, to give ±he ir.vocation. P.PPROVAL OF NINUTES - For the minutes of the meetinc of August 28, 19b7 under the headin~ "Clerk of Superior Court" at the bot±om of the paracraph the following should be inserted: "After further questioning, it ~.~as developed that several other employees had resigned." Under the heading of "Clerk of Superior Court" on Page K it should be corrected to read as follows: "Mr. Vaughan *:oved, seconded by Dr. Hooper for the purpose of discussion, that the normal channels for Civil Ser~.+ice rep]acement of the above named person be followe~l and n~ exception mado." Under the item "Ldelfare Recipients" it shovld be corrected to read as follows: "Nr. Vaughan discussed the Welfare recipients ip general, and in specific tne case of Col. Tom Price's pu~ents presently receivino assistance from the County Welfare Depa'rtment." Under the item '~Appointment of Committee, Hugh P;acRae narl:" the titles of the President of the l~linter Park Optimist Club, Principal of l~Jinter Park School and Principal of Roland Grise School should follow the name of the three men appointed therefrom, and prior to where the motion tiaas carried it should be stated that the three men from l~linter Park Optimist Club, Winter Park School and Roland Grise School are members of the Committee by virtue of the position ~ahich they presently hold. After making the above corrections Mr. Bowden mova.d, seconded by Mr. Hall; that the minutes be approved as transcribed. ' LATE LISTING PEP~P.LTY, J.. N. SULKE ESTATE County Manaeer Marshall presented a request from the J. M. Sulke Estate for a waiver of the late listing penalty on the above named estate in the amount of $708.j0. After due con- sideration of this matter, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that no waiver of penalty be granted. Notion was carried unanimously. REQUEST FRONi PEOPLES SAVINGS & LOAN P.SSOCIATIO:~ A letter from Peoples Savings & Loan Association relative to their tax valuation on the propertie.s located on Market Street was presentd. In the pres~ntation it was developed that the primary ~ifference seemed to lie in the value established on the retaining wall built around the parking lot area. After considerine the matter, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by ~r. Hall, that this be referred to the Tax Supervisor and to Mr. Jerry Nelson of Southern .Appraisal. Company for a report and to be presented back to the Board for final consideration at a later date. Motion was carried. REQUEST ON TAX FORECLOSED °ROPERTY Mr. L. E. Allen appeared before the Board relative to the purchase of a tax foreclosed lot on the corner of Fifteenth and Kidder Streets which had previousiy been denied by the Board at their meeting on August 28, 1967. After explainino to Mr. Allen that the Board did not desire at this time to sell thv lot, Mr. Allen thanked the Board and retired from the meeting. PAVING CONTRACT, 4DDITIOi~~AL PAYMENT - County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reviewed with the Board the provisions of the paving contract between the City of Wilmington, IVew Hanover County and Lincoln Construction Company for the paving around the several different schools. He stated that after reviewing the provisions of the contract, it was his opinion that the payment was valid and due to Lincoln Construction Company at this time.. After con- sideration of this matter, Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the bill, as re- commended by the County Attorney, be paid toiLincoln Construction Company and the amount of $3,1~70.23 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to cover this item. ;rotion was carried. WATER AUTHORITY County Attorney Tiliery reviewed with the Board the status of the establishment of the Water Authority in New Hanover County, the ramifications and details involved in this and financing were discussed and other procedures that could become involved. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. BoUrden, that the Chairman be authorized, with ~•!hoever he felt necessary to work x with him, to follow this matter up and keep the Board advised even to the extent of a trip to New York to discuss with the Bonding Attorney any details that may be involved. ~otion was carried by four for and one against. h9r. Vaughan voted in the negative and stated that he voted "IVO" because he felt at this time this matter was too vague. ~ ~~ Minutes of the Meeting - September 5, 1967 (Continued) NiR. JOHN COLE, PROPERTY ASSESSNENT, CAROLINA BEACH - Mr, and Mrs. John Cole and Attorney John Burney, appeared before. the Board relative to the tax values on their property on Lots 15, 16, and 17 and buildings thereon in Block 46 at Carolina Beach. Also, a stiaimming pool, fence and the paving on the lots were discussed. It was developed that this area is a motel. Following a discussion on this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this matter be referred to the Tax Supervisor and Mr. Jerry Nelson of Southern Appraisal Company to investigate for possible errors and further, to determine if a commitment was made tQ Mr. and Mrs. Cole to investigate their complaint prior to the Board of Equalization and Reviea/ hearings and further, that a report be made to the County Commissioners as soon as possible. Motion was carried. I~IELFARE RECIPIENTS - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the ldelfare Director be requested to furnish a list of persons which she has requested, and in her opinion are financially able to support a parent or parents which are presently receiving welf2re aid, to remove them from the Welfare roils and which she has not had any succes,s in so doing. Motion was carried. WIRING AND HEAT PUMPS, FOOD STAMP BUILDING The question of heat pumps and wiring for the Food Stamp building located at Community Hospital was presented. It vaas stated to the Soard that two prices had been obtained for the purchase of the heat pumps, one being from Bame Builders Supply located at Carolina Beach and the units to be $300 each or a total of $600 and one price obtained from Cemmunity Hard- ware & Supply Company for a total price of $696.86. Further, that wiring prices had been obtained from Acme Electric Company and their'proposal was in the amount of $280.00 and one from Hodges Electric Company which was in the amount of $235.00. After considering the matter, hlr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. H211, that the purchase of the two heat pumps be made from Bame Builders Supply and the wiring accomplished by Hodges Electric Company and funds for the wiring to come from the General Emergency Fund. Nr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, which was seconded by Dr. Hooper, for the purpose of discussion, that the County return to the Surplus Food Program. Question ti•ras called on the substitute motion and it was defeated by a vote of four against and one for. Question was then called on the original motion and it carried by a vote of four to zero. Mr. Vaughan abstained from voting. APPOINTNEiNT OF TAX COLLECTOR - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by N;r. Vaughan, that Nr. Sam Johnson who is presently serving as Tax Collector for the Consolidated City-County Tax Office be reappointed as Tax Collector upon expiration of his present term. Notion~~•~as carried unanimously. BOPID AND COUPON CREMATION CONTRACT, COUNTY AtiDITOR - County Auditor Perry Shepard discussed ti~aith the Board the possibility of a bond and coupon cremation contract. After consideration of the matter, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by N1r. Isetts, that the County Auditor be authorized to negotiate with the several different banks that are presently acting as co-paying agents on County bonds for a cremation contract on bonds and coupons that they are presently handling for the County and report back to the Board as soon as possibie. Ntotion was carried. At this juncture Mr. Bowden was excused from the meeting. Also, 300 jurors were drawn. CASTLE HAYNE RQAD - Mr. Vaughan discussed the possible traffic hazard that wouid be developing on Castle Hayne Road (Route 117) after the. completion of the General Electric Plant. After consideration of this matter, Mr. Vaughan moved,seconded by Mr. Me.tts, that the County write the Highway Commission; namely, Mr. Nurphy and Mr. Hunt, ti,~ith a copy of the letter to all the County Commissioners, and request that they advise the County Commissioners as to what plans they have for relieving the traffic on Route 117 in the northern portion of 1Qe4a Hanover County. Motion U.~as carried. DEPARTMENT HE.ADS Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Manager be instructed to write all Department Heads and r.equest that they advise the County Manager when they ~aill be out of town more than 2(} hours and as to whether or not it will be on vacation or County business and further, that should it be County business what other County personnel will be accompanying them on the trip. ROAD PETITIOPJ, CARL SEITTER DRIVE A road petition was presented from the property owners on Carl Seitter Drive requesting addition to the State Maintained Secondary Road System. D7r. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Uetts, that the standard resolution be adopted and it be forwarded to the Highway Depart- ment for their consideration. Motion was carried. P,OA.D PETITIOA', HORNE PLP.Cc DRIVE - County Nlanager Pfarshall advised the Board that he had received from the-Highway Commission a request that the Board adopt the standard resolution for addition to State Maintained Roads for Horne Place Drive. He further stated that this road meets the requirements for addition to the State Pfaintained County Road System. Nir. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan; that the standard rESOlution be adopted and returned to the Highway Commission. Notion was carried. PETIT .IURY - The followino good and lak~ful pe.rsons were drawn to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the ~deeks beginning October 2 and 9, 1967 - Criminal; October 16 2nd 23, 1~~7 - Civ~1; and October 30, 1967 - Criminal: ~88 h".inutes of the Meeting - September 5, 1967 (Continucd) PETIT JURY (CONTInUED) - Jurors For the Week BeGinninq October 2, 1967 Brinson,J.G., ~lb S. 5th 5t. Cephus,Ernest, 1213 5. 8th St. Eaton,Kenneth E., 501 N. 23rd St. Efird,C.L., c/o Efirds Dept. Store Foy,N!rs. Sessie Fisher ,Rt. 1,Box 413B, Wil. Furr,Max F.; 1404 Grace St. Gunnerson,Stanley N., 1508 5. 4th St. Ha11,YJade H., Rt. 3,Box l}25, ln~il. Hamel,Leodore J., 5205 !~Jri. Nve. Harker,Jesse F., 5454 ~'ndover Rd. Hayes,Aubrey.E., 205 Robt.E.Lo,e Dn, Hilburn,Benj.;rraham, 1605 Robt.E.Lee Dr. Hines,Edward E., 305 Nevakir}c P,ve. Ho11is,Elijah 1•!., RFD 2,Box 121,?Jil. Horne,Eliz. B.,Mrs.,Box685 Car.Bch. Janicki,Henry F., 234 Oakcrest Dr. Jones,N,rs.Julia F., 1611 Princess St. Johnson,Nattie F., 811 ~iller St. Johnson,O.C., Box 207,Car. Bch. Ylutz,Noel D., Box b2, Car.Bch. Lodor,Ruth Kohler, 715 Country Club Rd. McSwain,Robt.B., 2515 4dashington St. Mallette,H.H.., 311} S. 8th St. Nansfield,W.M., 611 Thomas St. Marsh,E.C.,. 128 Bagley Ave. Nathews,Donald Edward, 5001 Pine St. Neier, Susan, 719 S. 5th St. Mercer,Mrs. J.Y+'., ?16 S. sth St. Jurors For the Week Avten,Wm.J., P.very,El.i2abeth Lea, Baldwin,J.O.,Jr., Brewer,Hubert, Brown,Elizabeth M., Srown,W.P.lbert, Burris,E.M., Butler,James R., Bryd,Lee McK., Caulder,J.im, Cole,N.R., Craig,J.W., Cribb,Bobby J., Dinkins,K.S., Dumas,Waliis Moore, Ennis,E.D., Farrov.~,J.'vJ., Fauser,Frank G., Fryer,Jessie A., • Ha11,Homer Henry, Hamilton,Bernice, Hardy,Foster, Hilburn,F.C., Holmes,Pearlie, Ingram,Sam H.,Jr., Jackson,Estul, Johnson,J.D., King,Lawrence; Little,David Austin, Jurors For the Week Atkinson,A.C., Bellamy,Robt.Frankli Bissinger,R.T., Bolton,C.H., Bostian,IJary D., Sostic,Willie E., Bryant,Louis C., Bullock,Joe M., Chisholm,Ethe1 M., Corbett,Frank, Craig,.lames S.,J.r., Cuddington,Reilly H. Dobson,Elwood C., Dobson,J.R., Edens,Eugene A., Franks,Harrell, Fulwood,Edna,Mrs., Futch,Mary K., Futchs,Augusta M., Goodrum,Herbert J., Goss,John A., Gray,James T., Hardee,Albert, Harrell,C.A „ Hines,Annie, Hodges,6~lm..G., Horne,James L., Jennings,Fred, ,lohnson,Flora 5., Jones,Carrie L., Beqinnino October 9, 1967 - 221~ Jeb Stuart Dr. iooi s. 5th st. Rt. 3,Box 34,wi1. Rt. 2,Box 367,Y:~i1.. 21~11 Oleander Dr. 2i4 ~r. 27tn st. • 3826 Hoggard Dr. 1010 ldri~ht St. 38i5 Fair Lawn Dr. 2508 Circle St. 314 Ann St. 2708 Chestnut St. Rt. 2,sox 361 cc,Wil. Rt. 2,aox 334,wi1. 505 Robt.E.Lee Dr. 308 Church St. 1620 Orange St. 4118 Greenway Ave. 2608 Wri. Ave. 11 Woodlawn Ave. ioo5 s. 5tr, st. Rt. z,BoX 94,w~i. !}16 Castie St. 1}~3 Evans St. 3918 ldinston Bivd. 220 Dixie Ave. Box 276, Car. Bch. 605 Nun St. 112 Borden Ave. Criminal Term: Moore,Hall B., 802 Spofford Circle Moore,J.E., 17 Barnard Dr. Nesbitt,James, 1}31 Eva;~s St. P(ixon,C.E.;Jr., RFD 1,Box 150,Wi1. O~lesby,Char]es H., Rt. 2,Box 182 H.,~nfil. Parnell,Ralph Darryl,Rogersville Rd. Person;Lizzie 5pears,1418 N. 7th St. Pot.ter, I.D. , 201 lr!i l landa Dr. Price,Dr.Roger W., 562 E. Shipyard St. Rich, John Thomas,Jr .38t~i~ Sylvan Dr. Shepard,Geo.A., Rt. 3,Box 508,Wi1. S1oan,Alex, 72b 4lood St. Smith,Ada Bryant; Rt. 1,Box 31A,Wi1. Stephenson,h9avis G., ~23 S. Front St. Stewart,Viola, . Gen. De1.,Car. Bch. Stokes,Paul, 1105 N. 9th St. Straughn,J.H., 5057 l~Jri. Ave. Stringfieid,DorothyH .208 N. ~th St. Tancrelle,Louis F.G. ,RFD 1,Box 10l~ Castie Hayne Thomas,Alfred 520 S. llth St. Thorpe,Woodus E. Rt. 1,Box 296 P,Castle Hayne Tickner,~d,H., 415 Greenvield St. Todd,Jessie, Rt. 1,Box 250,Castle Hayne Wadsvaorth,Malcome Russe11 ,310 Wallace Ave. Ward,Dennis R., ~ 2306 Maple St. l~dard,F.B., 27(}0 Wisteria Dr. White,Martha, 601 Taylor St. Williams,E.B., 2210 Oak St. 1a~i11iams,Leon C., 312 Midland Dr. • k~illiams,Lewis F., 509 N. 8th St. Criminal Term: • Mabry,Margaret P7i11s,801 Bluebird Lane t~larshall,B.J.,.lr., 208 N. 23rd St. Mathews,Eliz T., 311 S. 2nd St. Mazur,A.A.; 228 Spruce Dr. Milligan,Robt.D., 230 Jamaica Dr. Moore,Elaine Wilkins ,Rt. 1.Box 155A,Castle Hayne Moore,McKinley, 620 S. 8th St. I~7orris,Johnnie,Jr., 1217 N. 8th St. Po~~~e11,Betty Joyce, 213 Woodiand Dr. Saffo,Peter B., 320 Red Cross St. Seigler,M.G., RFD 3,Box 81, Wil. Sellers,Joseph A., 2725 Burnett Blvd. Senechal, Robt. J., 3722 tiJinston Blvd. Sidbury,Daisel, 712 Dock St. Sma1l,Lillian S., P.O.Box 1051,Wi1. Smeds,Harold H., 139 Wintergreen Rd. Spencer,Albert T., 2714 Adams St. Stanley,h~.P9., 2818 Highland Dr. Staton,Ruth B., 305 A?idland Dr. Swart,Dirk Jr., P.O.Box 838,Wi1. Thomas,Caliie L., 908 Milier St. Threatt,A.R. , Box 1~79,1a~i 1. Tuttle,Anne Xanthos, 1903 Market St. Von Oesen,Mangels, 1211 Grace St. Watkins,James Arthur ,1910 Perry Ave. Willard,E.P.,._ . i5:s. 4tn st. YJilliams,Elizabeth P .,$03$ Pine St. l~lright,ll~erlie R., • 110 Pine Cone Rd. Beqinnin~ October 16, 1967 - Civii: `22!} N. 23rd St. n, 22!}7 Camellia Dr. Rt. 3,Box 7o,wi1. 317 Long St. Dr. 109 TJ. Audubon Blvd. t}18 Rutledge Dr. 5317 Wri.Ave. 2404 Poplar St. P.O.Box 582,Wi1. bi4 s. i4tn st. 211 Brookwood Ave. , 300 Pembert,on Dr. 21a5 Rhodes Ave. 2263 Mimosa Place RFD 1,Sox 357,Wi1. 68AA,Wri. Ave. 1417 Glenn St. ~}706 Park Ave. t}13 5. 2nd St. 2t}2 Huntington Rd. ii3 5. i2tn st. 38l~7 Edgewood Rd . 207 Spruce Dr. 2201 Brandon Rd. ' 204 s. iitn st. P.O.Box 61+3,Car.Bch. 224 ni• z9tn st. 810 N. 7th St. 70~ Orange 5t. 71 Oranc;e 5t. Latimer,Mrs.A".ary A., Lewis,W.H. Leaai s,Wm. D. , Locke,Bert D., ~cAdams,Gladys D., McAllister,C.H., Moore,Henry Freeman, Noore,Narie C., Morse,Flouritte P4., Norse,James Henry, Murphy, W. F.,, IVewe11,L.L.,Jr., Pearson,Reuben. Pende.r,irlm.,Jr. , Register,Jimmy, Rivenbark,W.I., Skipper,Everett Jasper Smith,P.J,. , Smith,Wm. L., Spithaler,Paul ul., Steenhuis,Bernice H., Stocks,Jack G., Tart,t+7arren G. , Taylor,Julian K.,Jr.,` Tucker;Glenn N., Volk,Edna C., L~Ialdrom,Nrs. Bertha Nt. u:ard,u7illard J., We11s,Ranford G., D.o.Box 5o6,wii. 2i5 s. iith st. 1}1?_0 Greenfield St. 14 Bedford Forest Dr. P.O.Box 625A,Car.Bch. RFD 3,Box 7`3,Wi1. 405 s. i3cn st. 2007 A7etts Ave. 421 Castle Hayne Rd. L}21 Castle Hayne Rd. 21} Pinecrest Terrace P.O.Box 2L~., Wri.Bch. 702 N. Ilth St. P.O,Box 183;Castle Hayne 2509 ti~r i . Ave . 53~4 Car.Bch.Rd. ,5028 Pine St. 807 5.3rd St. 312 PI. k~allace Av~. P.O.Box 332 ln+ri. Bch. P.O.Box 17,Kure Beach Rt. 1,Holland Dr. 227 3otn St. 1806 Grace St. Car. Peach 1115 Hawthorne Rd. ,2508 Jac}cson St. P.o.Box 36o6,4Ji1. Rt. 3,Box ~49,1~li 1 . ~ ~, Minutes of the Meeting - September 5, 1967 (Continued) PETIT JURY - (CONTINIIED.) Jurors For The Week Beq innina October 23. 1967 Baker,Wm.P., Box 225,W31. (c/o) Sig Goodman) Brown,Thurber, 221 S. llth St. Bryant,James W., 509 Wri. Ave. Cheek,5tanley G., P.O.Box 151,Kure Bch. DLugin,Lorayne, 2911 Hydrangea Duncan,Vertise E., 3702 Palm St. Dunn,E.B., P.O.Box 779,Car.Bch. Eanes,Louis Thomas, 1220 Country Club Rd. Farr,Charlie Lee, Rt.3,Box 1, Wil. Fulwood,Geo.F., 625 S. llth St. Futrelle,Duncan L.,Sr., l}09 Castle Hayne Rd. Gainey,W.T., P.O.Box 481,W11. Crarner,Blease W., 2l~148 Wri. Ave, Garris,Mrs.Nettie T., 2!} Summit Walk Greene,J.H., 101 S. lOth St.. Greene,Wm.G., Rt. 2,Box 25,W11. Gurganus,T.C., Rt.2, Box 1l}2,W11. Hampton,Murpt~y J., 474 Robt.E.Lee Dr. Howard,Kenneth F., 2732 Mimosa P1. Huggins,Mary, 710 Orange St. Hirby,Samuel c/o 51!} Princess St. Kittle,Robt.U., l~630 Mockingbird Lane Langford,D.J., 303 5ummer Rest Road Langley,Hilda Myers, P.O.Box 197,Car.Bch. Lewis,C.W., 6022 Park Ave. Lipsius,Edward,Jr., 411 S, l9th St. McDonald,Ed., 1214 S. 9th St. McGranahan,James A.,Jr. ,807 Country Club Rd. Jurors For Th~ Week .Bea inninq October 30, 1967 Best,Ben,J.W.,Jr., 139 Parkwood Dr. B1ackledge,W.Herbert, Rt. 2,Box l~f~0,Wi1. Bryan,E.C., Box 562A,Car Bch. Cameron,W.M.,Mrs. 2309 Chestnut St. Campbell,Elvie, 202 Gores Row Cavenaugh,J.C., 2924 Princess P1, Dr. C1ark,Henry, 618 Dawson St. Collter,R.G., 2511 Monroe St. Dixon,Lizzie, 108 S. l0th St., Edens,Johnie A., Rt. 1,Box 259AB,Wi1. Emerson,Wm.P. P.O.Box 1809,Wi1. Everett,Doris Wright 514 S. 8th St. Everett,John M., P.O.Box 163,Wi1. Farnsworth,Josephine, 618 Wooster St. Fisher,Mrs.Lula S:, 1605 Princess St. Fowler,Mae McInnis, 215 Red Cross St. Furr,J.E., P.O.Box 758,W31. Gainey;Geo., 220 Page Ave. Hamme,R.F.,Jr., 18 N. 5th St. Hardison,C.A., 118 Mercer Ave. Hicks,John Russell, Rt. 3,Box 351, Wil. Holden,S.E., 131 Wintergreen Rd. Hussey,Gaston, 305 McRae St. Jeffords,Otis L., 3842 Halifax Rd. Jones,Nk.ry, 1103 Brooklyn Alley LeGrand,Lucy, 220 Castle St. Leonard,Wilbur, 34~4 worth Dr. Lockhart,Mattie, 714'-5wann St. - Civil Term: Malpass,C.F., 2207 Plaza Dr. Marshall,D.C., 4029 Cherry Ave. Murphy,Robt., 813 Castle St. Murray,S.W.,Jr., Rt. 1,Box 120, Wil. Oldenbuttel,C.J., 23 Forest Hills Dr. Page,Mrs.Daisy G., c/o Star-News Parker,Mary Catherine, 116 Avondale Dr. Parker,Wade L., Rt. 1,Hox 118AB,Wi1. Pelham,Sophie, 809 Meares St. Perry,Albert F., P..O. Box 119,W11. Peterson,Henry L.,Sr., 512 N. Herr Ave. Piner,Jos.E., Rt. 2,Box 16~E, Wil. Reaves,Eleanor A., 2224 Oleander Dr. Rhodes,Lawrence D.,Sr. ,Rt. 1,Box 150,Castle Hayne, Rivenbark,Donaid G., Rt. 1,Holland Dr.,Castle Hyn. Rogers,Daisy D. Mason, Rt. 1,Box 218, Wil. Sandlin,Henry E., Rt. 1,Box 7A,Wi1. Schmidt,Mildred H., 552 Castle Hayne Rd. Smith,J.A „ P.O. Box 374, Wil. Sprunt,J.Laurence, 5. L ive Oak Pkwy. Stanford,Wm. G., 811 S. 7th St. Stanley,Mae O., 100 Colonial Vge. Stephenson,Leo H., 1923 Moss St. Summerlin,H.I., 5719 Wri. Ave. Taylor,Calvin C., 1303 King St. Walker,G. Avery, 711 Grace St. Walker,Z.J., 133 Mercer Ave. Williams, G. Aileen, 208 N. 27th St. - Criminal Term: McEachern,W.H.,III, McKim,Thomas J., Mi11er,Mrs.Deane B., Neal,Percy, Neal,Jesse W., Nesbitt,Jas., Page,Eva M., Pate,Dwight L.,Jr., Paterson,Elizabeth H., Peterson,H.L.,Jr., Powell,Thomas, Rasberry,H.J.,Jr., Richards,A.L., Risley,E.F.,Sr., Rivenbark,C.H., Rivenbark,Theo C.,Sr., Shipman,Hattie L., Smith,Sigmond B., Smith,S.F., Smith,Wm. Ramp, Jr., Richardson,Henry, Sullivan,C.B., Vereen,James A.,Jr., Walton,Wm. A., Waters,R.S., Watters,W.H., Wheeler,Mrs. Sadie, 2urcher,Jack, P.o.Box 656,wi1. 2!~!} Huntington Rd.. Box 143,Car.Bch. 510 Red Cross St. 2L~30 Monroe St. 431 Evans S !}20 Walnut St. 12~ Holbrooke Ave. 825 Windsor Dr. 512 N. Kerr Ave. 1101 5. 8tt, St. 5003 Pine St. P.O.Box 1184,Wi1. Box 630,Car.Bch. 300 Wood Dale Dr. 102 Silver Lake Rd. ~12 Campbell St. 116 Chadwick Ave. Box 3226,wi1. 5121 Wr3. Ave. 1210 Love Alley 902 N. Kerr Ave. 2710 Harrison St. 2708 Jackson 5t. Rt. 2,Box 3I~AB,Wi 1. 2302 Princess P1. Dr. Rt. 2, Box 168,wi1. 2311 Dexter St. ADJOURNP~NT - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be ad,journed. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - September 18., 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissionerst Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County N~nager J. E. Marshail and County Auditor Perry Shepard. The following were absent: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioner J. M. Ha21, Jr., and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOC,ATION - After calling the meeting to order the Vice-Chairman asked Rev. C. B. Hutcherson, Pastor of Devon Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes of September 5, 1967 just following, "At this ,~uncture 300 ,Jurors were drawn", it should be indicated that subsequent to the drawing of the jurors Mr. Bowden was excused from the meeting. After making this correction, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried. A.B.C. PERMIT, ALLEM~S GRILL - An application for an A.B.C. license was presented to the Board for Allen's Grill on Route 2. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this be referred to the Sheriff for his in- vestigation. Motion was carried.