1967-09-18 Regular Meeting~ ~, Minutes of the Meeting - September 5, 1967 (Continued) PETIT JURY - (CONTINIIED.) Jurors For The Week Beq innina October 23. 1967 Baker,Wm.P., Box 225,W31. (c/o) Sig Goodman) Brown,Thurber, 221 S. llth St. Bryant,James W., 509 Wri. Ave. Cheek,5tanley G., P.O.Box 151,Kure Bch. DLugin,Lorayne, 2911 Hydrangea Duncan,Vertise E., 3702 Palm St. Dunn,E.B., P.O.Box 779,Car.Bch. Eanes,Louis Thomas, 1220 Country Club Rd. Farr,Charlie Lee, Rt.3,Box 1, Wil. Fulwood,Geo.F., 625 S. llth St. Futrelle,Duncan L.,Sr., l}09 Castle Hayne Rd. Gainey,W.T., P.O.Box 481,W11. Crarner,Blease W., 2l~148 Wri. Ave, Garris,Mrs.Nettie T., 2!} Summit Walk Greene,J.H., 101 S. lOth St.. Greene,Wm.G., Rt. 2,Box 25,W11. Gurganus,T.C., Rt.2, Box 1l}2,W11. Hampton,Murpt~y J., 474 Robt.E.Lee Dr. Howard,Kenneth F., 2732 Mimosa P1. Huggins,Mary, 710 Orange St. Hirby,Samuel c/o 51!} Princess St. Kittle,Robt.U., l~630 Mockingbird Lane Langford,D.J., 303 5ummer Rest Road Langley,Hilda Myers, P.O.Box 197,Car.Bch. Lewis,C.W., 6022 Park Ave. Lipsius,Edward,Jr., 411 S, l9th St. McDonald,Ed., 1214 S. 9th St. McGranahan,James A.,Jr. ,807 Country Club Rd. Jurors For Th~ Week .Bea inninq October 30, 1967 Best,Ben,J.W.,Jr., 139 Parkwood Dr. B1ackledge,W.Herbert, Rt. 2,Box l~f~0,Wi1. Bryan,E.C., Box 562A,Car Bch. Cameron,W.M.,Mrs. 2309 Chestnut St. Campbell,Elvie, 202 Gores Row Cavenaugh,J.C., 2924 Princess P1, Dr. C1ark,Henry, 618 Dawson St. Collter,R.G., 2511 Monroe St. Dixon,Lizzie, 108 S. l0th St., Edens,Johnie A., Rt. 1,Box 259AB,Wi1. Emerson,Wm.P. P.O.Box 1809,Wi1. Everett,Doris Wright 514 S. 8th St. Everett,John M., P.O.Box 163,Wi1. Farnsworth,Josephine, 618 Wooster St. Fisher,Mrs.Lula S:, 1605 Princess St. Fowler,Mae McInnis, 215 Red Cross St. Furr,J.E., P.O.Box 758,W31. Gainey;Geo., 220 Page Ave. Hamme,R.F.,Jr., 18 N. 5th St. Hardison,C.A., 118 Mercer Ave. Hicks,John Russell, Rt. 3,Box 351, Wil. Holden,S.E., 131 Wintergreen Rd. Hussey,Gaston, 305 McRae St. Jeffords,Otis L., 3842 Halifax Rd. Jones,Nk.ry, 1103 Brooklyn Alley LeGrand,Lucy, 220 Castle St. Leonard,Wilbur, 34~4 worth Dr. Lockhart,Mattie, 714'-5wann St. - Civil Term: Malpass,C.F., 2207 Plaza Dr. Marshall,D.C., 4029 Cherry Ave. Murphy,Robt., 813 Castle St. Murray,S.W.,Jr., Rt. 1,Box 120, Wil. Oldenbuttel,C.J., 23 Forest Hills Dr. Page,Mrs.Daisy G., c/o Star-News Parker,Mary Catherine, 116 Avondale Dr. Parker,Wade L., Rt. 1,Hox 118AB,Wi1. Pelham,Sophie, 809 Meares St. Perry,Albert F., P..O. Box 119,W11. Peterson,Henry L.,Sr., 512 N. Herr Ave. Piner,Jos.E., Rt. 2,Box 16~E, Wil. Reaves,Eleanor A., 2224 Oleander Dr. Rhodes,Lawrence D.,Sr. ,Rt. 1,Box 150,Castle Hayne, Rivenbark,Donaid G., Rt. 1,Holland Dr.,Castle Hyn. Rogers,Daisy D. Mason, Rt. 1,Box 218, Wil. Sandlin,Henry E., Rt. 1,Box 7A,Wi1. Schmidt,Mildred H., 552 Castle Hayne Rd. Smith,J.A „ P.O. Box 374, Wil. Sprunt,J.Laurence, 5. L ive Oak Pkwy. Stanford,Wm. G., 811 S. 7th St. Stanley,Mae O., 100 Colonial Vge. Stephenson,Leo H., 1923 Moss St. Summerlin,H.I., 5719 Wri. Ave. Taylor,Calvin C., 1303 King St. Walker,G. Avery, 711 Grace St. Walker,Z.J., 133 Mercer Ave. Williams, G. Aileen, 208 N. 27th St. - Criminal Term: McEachern,W.H.,III, McKim,Thomas J., Mi11er,Mrs.Deane B., Neal,Percy, Neal,Jesse W., Nesbitt,Jas., Page,Eva M., Pate,Dwight L.,Jr., Paterson,Elizabeth H., Peterson,H.L.,Jr., Powell,Thomas, Rasberry,H.J.,Jr., Richards,A.L., Risley,E.F.,Sr., Rivenbark,C.H., Rivenbark,Theo C.,Sr., Shipman,Hattie L., Smith,Sigmond B., Smith,S.F., Smith,Wm. Ramp, Jr., Richardson,Henry, Sullivan,C.B., Vereen,James A.,Jr., Walton,Wm. A., Waters,R.S., Watters,W.H., Wheeler,Mrs. Sadie, 2urcher,Jack, P.o.Box 656,wi1. 2!~!} Huntington Rd.. Box 143,Car.Bch. 510 Red Cross St. 2L~30 Monroe St. 431 Evans S !}20 Walnut St. 12~ Holbrooke Ave. 825 Windsor Dr. 512 N. Kerr Ave. 1101 5. 8tt, St. 5003 Pine St. P.O.Box 1184,Wi1. Box 630,Car.Bch. 300 Wood Dale Dr. 102 Silver Lake Rd. ~12 Campbell St. 116 Chadwick Ave. Box 3226,wi1. 5121 Wr3. Ave. 1210 Love Alley 902 N. Kerr Ave. 2710 Harrison St. 2708 Jackson 5t. Rt. 2,Box 3I~AB,Wi 1. 2302 Princess P1. Dr. Rt. 2, Box 168,wi1. 2311 Dexter St. ADJOURNP~NT - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be ad,journed. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - September 18., 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissionerst Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County N~nager J. E. Marshail and County Auditor Perry Shepard. The following were absent: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioner J. M. Ha21, Jr., and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. INVOC,ATION - After calling the meeting to order the Vice-Chairman asked Rev. C. B. Hutcherson, Pastor of Devon Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes of September 5, 1967 just following, "At this ,~uncture 300 ,Jurors were drawn", it should be indicated that subsequent to the drawing of the jurors Mr. Bowden was excused from the meeting. After making this correction, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried. A.B.C. PERMIT, ALLEM~S GRILL - An application for an A.B.C. license was presented to the Board for Allen's Grill on Route 2. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this be referred to the Sheriff for his in- vestigation. Motion was carried. 90 Minutes of the Meeting - September 18, 1967 (Continued) SALE OF PROPERTY TO FILTORS, INC. - This matter will be considered for action by the Boar'd at the.Airport Committee Meeting to be held September 21, 1967. Dr. Hooper ~joined the meeting at this time and assumed the chair. WOOD SHINGLES - The question of permitting wood shingies in New Hanover County was discussed. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that New Hanover County go under the North Carolina Residential Building Code relative to wood shingles. Question was called on the motion and it was passed. PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER APPOINTMENTS - The following men were appointed to the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission after a ballot was taken by the Board of Commissioners. ~ ~ ~ Mr. French I. Davis whose term wil.l expire August 1, 1968, Mr. Morris Emmart whose term will expire August 1, 1969, Mr. John Oxenfeld whose term will expire August 1, 1969, Dr. H. M. Pickard whose term will expire August 1, 1970, and Mr. I. John Tinga whose term will expire August i, 1970. JURY CONIlNISSION MEMBER APPOINTMENT - ~ By common consent this matter wiil be considered at the Board of Commissioners~ Special Meeting which will be held in conSunction with the Airport Committee Meeting September 21, 1967, AGREEMENT, VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS - The agreement for payments to the Volunteer Fire Departments was discussed. Mr: Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that subject to the County Attorney~s approval and one correction, the agreement be signed by the Chairman of the County Commissioners. Motion was carried. AGREENIENT, BR04JN-HERRING TRUCK 8 TRACTOR COMPANY, 1J~ND PURCHASE - Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the land in question ad,Jacent to properties owned by the New Hanover County Prison Farm be soid to Brown-Herring Truck & Tractor Company for the price stipulated by New Hanover County Commissioners and in accordance with the proposed agreement prepared by Mr. Addison Hewlett. Motion died by reason of a tie vote. By common consent this matter will be discussed at the meeting to be heid on Thursday, September 21, 1967. SPECIAL MEETING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1967 Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Airport Committee Meeting scheduled to be held on September 21, 1967 be a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. Motion was carried by three to one vote. BOND AND COUPON CREMATION CONTRACT, COUNTY AUDITOR - County Auditor Perry Shepard recommended that contracts for the cremation of bonds and coupons be awarded to the banks that are presently handling the bonds and coupons for the County. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that pursuant to the County Auditor~s recommendation contracts be entered into with the.banks that presently have the bond and coupon accounts. Motion was carried. By common consent County Auditor Shepard was congratulated for visualizing the need for not having to replace a person in his office by virtue of having the bond and coupon cremation contracts. CEILING IN COUNTY AUDITOR~S OFFICE - County Auditor Shepard requested that the ceiling in his office be lowered to provide better acoustics and that the amount is approximately $350.00 and can be transferred from his Salary Account. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the amount of $350.00 be transferred from the County Auditor~s Salary Account for the purpose of lowering the ceiling in the County Auditor~s office. The County Manager was directed to investigate Tax Office about equipment room and also lowering the ceiling. Motion was carried. CHERRY, BEKAERT & HOLLAND AUDIT FEE, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, COUNTY AUDITOR - County Auditor Shepard stated to the Board that the Audit fee for Community Hospital was .$~48•50 and due Cherry, Bekaert 8 Holland and also he recommended that an additional amount of $500.00 be appropriated from Unanticipated Revenue from Community Hospital to cover other expenses that are coming in rather small amounts in the form of bills to be paid by his office. Mr. Metts moved, seconded hy Mr. Bowden, that the amount of $848.50 be appropriated from Unanticipated Revenue as recommended by the County Auditor. Motion was carried. HOSPITAL EXPANSION - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this Commission request the Board of Trustees at New Hanover Memorial Hospital to budget or set aside.a sinking fund for expanding the liospital in the future. Question was called on the motion and it was carried by a vote of three for and one against. Mr. Metts voted "NO'~. SALARIES, MENTF+L HEALTH CLINIC County Manager Marshall presented the requests from the Mental Health Advisory Executive Committee that the salaries of the,two present employees, Mrs. Sylvia Hollar and Mrs. Faye West be increased. It was also stated that these two employees did not receive ad,justments in accordance with the Plan adopted by the Board of County Commissloners for the merit system employees. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the salary for Mrs. Sylvia Hollar be set at one step below the minimum of $3,936.00 annually and the salary for Mrs. Faye West be set one step below the minimum of $5,748.00 per year and further, that these salaries be retroactive to July 1, 1967. Queskion was called on the motion and it was carried by a vote of three for and none against. Nr. Vaughan abstained from voting. DISCUSSION OF MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC - Dr. Hooper advised the Board that the Mental Advisory Board is working very hard to get the Mental Health Clinic back on a working basis and that they have reorganized in view of the re= appointments made to the Mental Health Advisory Board by the County Commissioners. They are endeavoring to have the proper staff to continue the normal operations as soon as possible. ~ ~ 91 Minutes of the Meeting - September 18, 1967 (Continued) ACCOUPVTING METHODS - A discussion of Accounting Methods was led by Mr. Vaughan. Mr. Vaughan then moved that the Board direct County Auditor Perry Shepard to make a study of advanced accounting methods that might be applicable to County business with special•emphasis on Tax Listing and Assessing and also, to make a study and report on a general plan for overall Accounting methods of the County. Motion was carried. DISCUSSION OF REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Dr. Hooper stated he had received some correspondence relative to the formation of a Regional Council of Governments. He stated that a meeting was to be held by the Steering Committee on September 2'7, 1967 in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mr. Metts stated that he would endeavor to attend the meeting. WATER AUTHORITY Dr. Hooper reported to the Board that a meeting had been arranged for September 2$, 1967 with the Bonding Attorney in New York with the Mayor, Chairman of the Board, City and County Attorneys attending. The purpose of the meeting is to develop additional information relative to the establishment of a Water Authority in the County. Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chairman~s trip to New York be postponed until additional in- formation is obtained from the Water Resources Study. Motion died for the lack of a second. WELFARE RECIPIENTS - Mr. Vaughan discussed Welfare recipients. Also, Mr. Bowden explained several of the methods or formulas used in computing the amount of assistance people are receiving. By common consent it was agreed that a letter be drafted and sent to the family of Mrs. Gause, deceased member of the New Hanover School Board. In con,junction with the Welfare recipients, Mrs. Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, appeared before the Board and advised that two people had been removed from the Weifare roils. The question of bills being received from the hospital~for Welfare Cases was discussed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by -r. Hooper, that the Board of County Commissioners advise the Hospital Board of Trustees that they (the Commissioners) wish the billing to be on a consistent monthly basis in order that a backlog of bills to be processed by the North Carolina Department of Welfare will not occur. In the event of a backlog of bills, it is requested that the billing be spread out over a several months period. Motion was carried. By common consent it was agreed by the Board that the County Auditor be permitted to prepare a tax breakdown or disc indicating for what purposes the tax dollar is spent. ADJOURNMENT - • - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper that the meeting be ad,journed. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshali, County Manager. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING HELD AT AIRPORT September 21, 1967 !}:00 P.M. Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden called the meeting to order with the following present: Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, .lr., J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; County Manager J. E. Marshall; Airport Manager ,)ohn Westbrook; and Mr. John Talbert of John Talbert 8 Associates. Mr. John Wessell, representing Garvers Manufacturing Company, presented to the Airport Committee and the Board a request from Hellwood Corporation for an easement for a taxiway right- of-way from Kellwood Corporation property to the runway. Following a discussion of the above it was decided that the two attorneys will work to resolve this matter and draft a proposed agreement. It was suggested 1~ cents be discussed by Mr. Wessell with his client. DESK FOR CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT, WARRANT LJRITING SECTION - County Manager N~rshall reported to the Board that he had received a reqvesL from Clerk of Superior Court James McKeithan for an appropriation to purchase a used typist desk to be used in the Warrant Writing Section. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the amount of $50.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund for the purchase of the above desk. Motion was carried. SALE OF PROPERTY TO FILTORS, INC. - The Board was advised that the Deed of Release had been received from the Federal Avdation Agency and that the Deed of Conveyance had been prepared by the County Attorney. Following a brief discussion of this Mr. Vavghan moved,-seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Deed of Conveyance be signed by the Chairman and further that the Deed of Release be signed by the Chairman. Motion was carried. CHANGE IN PROPERTY MAP - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Airport Manager be authorized to work in con,junction with Mr. John Talbert in making the necessary corrections to the Property Map at the County Airport. Motion was carried. ' SALE OF PROPERTY TO BRO~+IN-HERRING TRUCK 8 TRACTOR COMPANY - County Attorney Tillery discussed with the Board the proposed agreement for the sal¢ of a 3.065 acre tract of County property near the County Farm. He stated that 3n his opinion the County would be well advised to obtain the highest dollar available for the tract with no strings attached. ~ Further, that the proposed agreement prepared by Mr. Hewlett would not be binding upon any successor -C to Brown-Herring Truck & Tractor Company. Should the County seek to recover the property if not used by Brown-Herring as stated in the agreement, the purchase money would have to be obtained, in his opinion, from some non-tax source. I