1967-10-02 Regular Meeting' sz Minutes of Special Meeting - September 21, 1967 (Continued) SALE OF PROPERTY TO BROWN-HERRING TRUCK & TRACTOR COMPANY (CONTINUED) - Mr. Metts moved that Mr. Tillery~s comments be included and that the property be sold to Brown-Herring for the price stipulated. Motion died for the lack of a second. Mr. Metts then moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the comments of the County Attorney out- lined above be included as a part of the record. Motion was carried. JURY COMMISSION - By common consent it was agreed by the County Commissioners that if Mr. Jack McCauley would accept the appointment to the Jury Commission,he would be the County Commissioners~ appointee. Mr. Metts was excused from the meeting at 5:20 P.M, in order that he might keep an appoint- ment that he was previously committed for, Dr. Hooper ~oined the meeting at approximately 5:30 P.M. DEDICATION OF GAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - Dr. Hooper discussed with the Board a letter he had received from Mr. W. T. Emmart relative to the dedication of Cape Fear Technical Institute October 22, 1967. It was requested that funds be appropriated to cover the expense of the dedication ceremony and luncheon to be underwritten by the County Commissioners. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper that the amount of $350.00 be provided from the Commissioners~ Entertainment Fund for the dedication of Cape Fear Technical Institute to be held on October 26, 1967. Motion was carried. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Commissioners' meeting be ad,journed. Motion was carried. Therewith the Airport Committee Meeting was convened. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. Minutes of the Meeting - October 2, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Mew Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vavghan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; and County Manager J. E. Marshall. Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper was absent. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order the Vice-Chairman asked Rev. B. H. Baskerville, Pastor, Chestnut Street United Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes covering the meeting of September 18, 1967 under the Paragraph "Ceiling in County Auditor~s Office" prior to where the motion was carried, the following sentence should be added: "The County Manager was directed to investigate Tax Office about equipment room and also lowering the ceiling." Under the Paragraph '~Salaries, Mental Health Clinic" it shouid be corrected to read as follows: "Dr. Hoopee moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the salary for Mrs. Sylvia Hollar be set at one step below the minimum of $3,936.0o annually and the salary for ~rs. Faye West be set one step below the minimum of $5,748.00 per year and further, that these salaries be retroactive to July 1, 1967." Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes be approved as corrected. For the minutes of September 21, 1967 under the second paragraph on the first page the followinc should be inserted after the last sentence: "It was suggested that 1~ cents be discussed by Mr. Wessell with the client." After making the above correction, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. REGISTER OF DEEDS, PAUL BLANCHARD - Mr. Paul Blanchard appeared before the Board relative to the possibility of purchasing a Documentary Tax Stamping Machine to be used in his office in lieu of purchasing the Revenue Stamps and maintaining an inventory. He stated that the cost of the machine was $666.00 and that the yearly rental on the meter would be $21}0.00. Following a discussion of this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that an amount of $666.00 plus the North Carolina Sales Tax and a pro- portionate part of the rental be appropriated from the Revenue Stamp Account in the Register of Deeds~ office and the proper transfer made. Question was cailed on the motion and it was carried. TAX COLLECTOR Mr. Sam Johnson presented his statement of Settlement of 1966 New Hanover County Taxes which he stated would be sub~ject to the audxt presently being conducted by riis office. Foliowing a discussion of this, led by Mr. Johnson, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the state- ment be accepted sub,ject to the audit and Mr. Johnson commended for a,job well done. Motion was carried. TAX SCROLLS - Tax Supervisor W. G. Houck appeared with Tax Collec.tor Sam Johnson relative to the pre- sentation of the tax scrolls for the calendar year 1967. The scrolls were signed by the Vice- Chairman and the Clerk and aiso by the Tax Collector and were then turned over to the Tax Collector. X , 931 Minutes of the Meeting - October 2, 1967 (Continued) VOLUNTEER FIREMEN - Mr. William Rivenbark, Mr. Lloyd Bowden, and another gentleman from the County Fire In- spection Committee appeared before the Board relative to a request for additional funds over and above the amount budgeted for the seven different fire departments in the County, and they re- quested that the Board reconsider this matter for the fiscal year 1967-68. Mr. Metts and several other Commissioners commented on this matter. It was stated that the Wrightsboro Fire Depart- ment had brought down to the Court House for inspection by the County Commissioners, a new fire truck they had recently completed. Therewith, Vice-Chairman Bowden recessed the meeting for ten minutes to inspect the new fire truck. Meeting was reconvened at 9:15 A.M. At this point, by common consent, it was agreed that ~r. H. Van Reid be contacted relative to meet;ng with the different fire departments to assist them in a public relations program for solicitation of funds. After a discussion on the request of the firemen relative to thefr in- crease in funds, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the amount payable to the Fire Departments be increased by $30.00 per month per department, subject to the County Attorney's approval. Funds for this will come from the General Emergency Fund. Question was called on the motion and it was caTried. COL. GEORGE PICKETT, N. C. DEPT. OF WATER RESOURCES - Co1.George Pickett and a Mr. Long from the North Carolina Department of Water Resources appeared before the Board relative to the County participating in the proposed berm and dune pro- ject for Wilmington, Hanby and Kure $eaches. Col. Pickett explained the pro,ject and also the funding which will be required. A general discussion by the several Board members followed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Board of Commissioners recognizes the need for the project and that necessary steps be taken without delay to include advertising and the holding of a public hearing to inform the people involved as to what the beneflts will be and also the cost to the different individuals involved. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Bowden, for the purpose of discussion, that the Board of County Commissioners arrange for a public hearing and advise the people involved to obtain their opinion, and a factual presentation be made as to the cost and other factors in- volved. Question was called on the substitute motion and it was defeated by a vote of one for and three against. Question was then called on the original motion and it was carried by a vote of three for and 2ero against. Mr. Vaughan abstained from voting. MR. NORMAN JOHNSON, BUILDING CODE Mr. Norman Johnson, a resident of Myrtle Grove Sound, appeared before the Board relative to the Building Code. He stated that he felt a man that owned his own property and was capable of doing his own work, as far as house repairs, etc. are concerned, should be aliowed to do so with- out having to bother with purchasing a building permit or adhering to the requirements of the Building Code. Mr, Johnson was then questioned by the several Commissioners re2ative to this matter. Mr. Johnson was thanked for appearing before the Board and expressing his opinion. JAIL REPAIRS Commissioner J. M. Hall reported on the project of the Jail repairs and stated that he had been in contact with the architect who°had advised him that due to a delay by their engineers it will be approximately two more weeks before they will be able to advertise for bids for the Jail alterations and repairs. A.B.C. PERMIT, CAPE FEAR HOTEL - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that be referred to the Sheriff for his investigation. the request for an A.B.C. Permit, Cape Fear Hotel, •Motion was carried. INSURANCE ADVISORY CONN7ITTEE - ~ Mr. Allen Strange and Mr. Hardy Wesseil, representatives of the Insurance Advisory Committee, appeared before the Board and presented the policies covering the several different items of 3nsurance which they had been charged with as an investigative matter. Mr. Wessell, relative to the James Walker Hospital Insurance, stated that he had talked with an Insurance engineer the week of September 25th and he advised that in lieu of obtaining actval values on the building that it would probably be well to reduce to 50 percent the insurance that was carried on the hospital building wh~n it was operated as James Walker Memorial Hospital. Foliowing this he also stated that the•buiidings, which will be owned by IVew Hanover Memorial Hospital, would probably be covered under the same conditions. Mr. Vaughan then moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the report and recommendatlons by Mr. Wessell relative to James Walker Hospital be accepted and that the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board be advised of this action and suggest that they contact the Insurance Advisory Committee in order that the proper steps may be taken. Motion was carried. ROAD PETITION, GIADIOLUS ROAD AND SASSANQUA RQAD A road petition was presented by County l~nager Marshail which had been received from the residents of Gladiolus Road and Sassanqua Road. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the standard resolution be adopted and this be referred to the Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion was carried. RQAD PETITION, PASHA DRIVE, FOREST PAR1( County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a petitidn from the residents of Pasha Drive in Forest Park requesting that the road be taken into the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, tihat the standard resolution be adopted and it be re- ferred to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion was carried. MOBILE HOME PARK ORDINANCE - • County Attorney Tiilery discussed briefly with the Board the proposed Mobile Home Park Ordinance he had prepared. ~ Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board initiate the proper steps to adopt the proposed ordinance and repeal the original ordinance adopted by the County Commissioners. Following a discussion on this, Mr. Metts withdrew his motion and Mr. Hall withdrew his second provided a meeting is set up to discuss this matter in the very near future. At this juncture 240 jurors were drawn. ~ + ! 9~Minutes of the Meeting - October ~, 1967 (Continved) BOOKMOBILE BIDS - ~ County Manager Marshall reported to the Board that he and Dr. E. Stuart Benson had reviewed the bids submitted for furnishing the body for the new bookmobile. It was further stated that one bid did not meet specifications at all and that one had several items that did not meet specifications. He stated that the bid from the Gerstenslager Company was $181.75 above the next lowest bid but felt like this piece of equipment would better serve the County~s needs as well as meet specifications. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the bid be awarded to the Gerstensiager Company in the amount of $1l~,622.75. Motion was carried. ECONONIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - A letter had been received from Mr. Jesse C. Fisher, Jr. in ldhiteville requesting that the Board reconsider its action relative to becoming a member of the Economic Development Commission for Southeastern North Carolina. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr, Vaughan, that the Chairman be authorized to appoint some member of the Commission to attend, provided the people are willing to have some representation from New Hanover County attend, their next meeting and further, that if more than one desires to go to the meeting they be authorized to go also. Mbtlon was carried. REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS - Mr. Metts stated that he had met with the several members of the Steering Committee to establish a Regional Council of Governments for New Hanover County and the Municipalities therein and Brunswick County and the Municipalities therein in a meeting in City Hall on September 2~, 1967. He stated that it was the agreement of the several representatives there that they would retvrn to their governing bodies a recommendation that each become a member of the Regional Council of Governments. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that New Nanover County participate in the Lower Cape Fear Regional Council of Governments and further, that Pender County become a member should they desire to do so. All of the above being sub~ject to the County Attorney~s approval of the Resolution. Mr. Tillery then reviewed the Resolution and shortly thereafter offered his approval. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. WELFARE DEPARTMENT LIEN County Manager N~arshall reported to the Board that he had received a letter from Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, stating the County Board of Welfare had at its meeting on September 20, 1967 agreed that the Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabledliens on the property of Lula G. Stevenson and Eddie Stevenson be subordinated to the proposed Citizens Savings 8 Loan Association first mortgate. The Welfare Board requested action be taken by the County Commissioners at their October 2, 1967 meeting. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this request be granted and that the lien be subordinated by the Welfare Department. MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC, JANITOR'S SALARY County Manager Marshall stated to the Board that the salary for the Janitor as requested by the Mental Health Advisory Board had not officially been approved by the Board of Commissioners. He stated that it would be $960.00 annually. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this recommendation of the Advisory Board be granted and that the salary adjustment be made to $g6o.00 annually and that adjustments be retroactive to July 1, 1967. Motion was carried. County Manager Marshall was directed to have the Mental Health Advisory Board investigate the possibility of using professional janitorial services in the building they presently occupy until an adequate staff is obtained or the need for a full time janitor is indicated. SCHOOL COSTS - Mr. Vaughan discussed with the Board the question of school costs and stated that it had been several months, possibly as many as eighteen, since a request was made to the School Board to advise the Board of County Commissioners of ways that school construction costs may be reduced: Mr, Vaughan was advised that at the present time the School Board~s Architect is investigating possibie ways of reducing this and is preparing a report which should be rendered to them shortly. The County Manager was instructed to contact the School Superintendent and request that he be advised of the progress and status of the report. GOOD NEIGHBOR COUNCIL - • Vice-Chairman Bowden stated that a letter had been received from Mrs. W. F. Elliott, 5ecretary of the Wilmington-New Hanover County Good Neighbor Council, in which Mrs. Elliott had stated that they recommend the Good Neighbor Council be given authority or permission to automatlcally drop any member from the Board of Directors of the Good Neighbor Council should they miss or not attend six consecutive meetings without a valid excuse. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this recommendation be accepted. Motion was carried. WELFARE RECIPIENTS - By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to write a letter to the State Board of Public Welfare and state to them that this Board has been advised that it is the policy of the North Carolina Department of Public Welfare to take no action against wealthy children of persons on the welfare rolls, other than to seek voluntary cooperation 3n supporting their parents. Mr. Bowden offered to assist Mr. Vaughan in looking over the records in the Welfare Department of several questionable welfare recipients. PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in Superior Court for the weeks beginning November 6, 1967 - Criminal; November 13, 20 and 2~, 1967 - Civil: Jurors For the Week Anderson,Eleanor, (c/o J.C. Spivey) Be11,Mrs.Pear1 S., Best,Ben W.,Sr., Brailford,Moses, Brown,Rosa B., Bryant,Margaret, Burnett,Elijah W., Burriss,Robt.E., Carroll,W.F., Cole,Dempsey E., Croom,Geo.F., Croom,Stephen R.,Jr Beqinninq November 6, 1967 E05 Church St. RFD 1,Box 19~,Wi1. 4635 Long Leaf Hills 1013 Green St. Rt. 2,aox 37l~.,wil. i3 so, izth st. 1315 Queen St. 105 N• 39th St. Rt. 2,Box 210,Wi1. 701} Orange St. 7 Montgomery Ave. ,51~1F2 Andover Rd. - Criminal Term: Dykers,Maria N., Rt. 1,Box ll}3,Wi1. Frankiin,John B.,,Tr., 65 B eauregard Dr. Godfrey,L.C., Box 285,Rt. 2,Wi1. Griffin,Wm.E., 1307 Fordham Rd. Griffin,Wm. H., 1107 No. 6th St. Harris,Esther Sharpless,821 Green St. Hinson,Gordon O., 511 Castle St. Holder,Jos. M., 1} Ce ntrai Blvd. Hufham,E.O., !}16 Wri. Ave. Huggins,Huldah N., 412 Market St. Hundley,RobL.M., P,O. Box 3181,Azalea Kaglet,James, (~l}0 Henry St. I(endall,C.P., Rt. 2,Box 170,Wi1. StB.,Wi1. x ~~ T Minutes of the Meeting - October 2, 1967 (Continued) PETIT JURY - (CONTINUED) Jurors For The Week Beginninq November 6, 1967 Kepley,Richard B., P.O.Box 302,Car.Bch. King,A.L., 713 Ann St. Kraus,Jas. H., ~02 So. 17th St. Kuhlken,J.G.,Jr., 117 Wri.Ave. Kuhn,O,B., 2740 So. Front St. Jackson,Dorothy C.,315 Queen St. Jacobi,David B., 167 Colonial Dr. Lee,Donaid J., L}1.F09 Cascade Rd. Little,Mary Helen, 610 Campbell St. Lowe,Pauline J., Rt. 2,Box 259,Wi1. McIntyre,Keller, 1306 Church St. Mishoe,Edelweise, Castle Hayne,N.C. Ne31,Louise, 1l}05 Gienn St. Newman,Rosalie J., 108 Forest Hilis Dr. Newsom,James B., 508 Central Blvd. Nichols,Raymond A.,Rt. 1,Sox 296M, Castle Hayne O~Quinn,Odell O., 901 So. 3rd St. Jurors For The Week Batton,Henry P., Bradshaw,Marion S., Coleman,Howard C., Colucci,John,Jr., Cox,John F.,Jr., Cromwell,Lina Porter Cromwell,Richard A., Croom,James, Croom,Pearlie, George,Maggie Green,James E., Isenhaur,L.A „ Johnson,Andrew,L., Johnson,Clauduis, Johnson,Ed., Johnson,Lawrence, Johnson,Wm. F., Jones,Osie H., Kuebrich,Daniei E., Lewis,R.H., Lewis,R.J., Lockfaw,D.A., Lyerly,F.W., Martin,O.N., McCarley,J.D.,III, Mintz,N.W., Montgomery,Josie M., Muench,Wm.A., ~Neblett,Elizabeth O. Crowley, Newkirk,B.E., Beqinnin~ November 13, 1967 490tS Market St. 7i5 so. 5tn st. i5i3 so. 5th st. KingBClarendon Sts. 4202 Greenfield St. , 5201 Oleander Dr. II,P. O. Box 755,Wi1. Rt. 3,Box 381,wi1. 804 Kerr Ave. 21o S. 16th St. 711 Campbell St. Box 206,Car.Bch. 113 Brookwood Ave. 511 Wri.Ave, l}83 Car.Bch. tt08 N. 7th St. Rt. 2,Box 211CC,Wi1. 2108 Princess P.1.Dr. 2121 Metts Ave. 310 Chestnut St. 1}O1 MacDonald Dr. P.O.Box 598,Wii. 1819 Ann St. 3028 Car.Bch. Rd. 1~240 Car.Bch. Rd. r~30 Fern Dr. 4810 Park Ave. 326 Johnston Dr. 1223 Country Club Rd. 6 Hudson Dr. Jurors For The Week Beqinninq November 20, Abeyounis,Berry Geo., 143 Wintergreen Rd. Alford,Jack A., RFD 3,Box 202,Wi1. Armstrong,Lee Roy,Jr., 606 Thomas Ave. Bellamy,Wilbur, 611 Wooster St. Belser,Marion D., Rt. 3,Box 23,Wi1. Braddy,J.C., 1204 Meares St. Breeland,Thos.L.,Jr., 18 No. 23rd St. Butler,Lucille M., 1!} N. 23rd St. Cokley,Carrie, c/o Foster Hill Realty Co. Corbett,W.R., Box 1139.1~~i1. Craig,C.J.,Jr., 2112 Brandon Rd. Crowley,Geo. W., 236 Huntington Rd. Edge,Ben E., 27L}0 Harrison Ave. Futch,Alma B., Rt. 2,Box 217A,Wi1. Gravette,Robt.Woodferd,5031 Oleander Halsey,Charles T., 1103 Ann St. Hinson,Wiley F., 2311} Dexter St. Hopkins,Ophelia, 211 Turners Lane Houston,R.P., 217 No. 5th St. Johnson,A.R., 2015 Wolcott Ave. Johnson,Colon L., 4i4 Sunset Ave. Criminal (Continued) Ourt,Frederick C., Payton,Margaret L., Pierce,Earl H., Retchin,Raymond, Rivers,Clarence B., Schutt,Laney 5., Seeger,Frederick N., Shaver,Irving V., Sternberger,Frederick Taylor,Mildred Grace, Truesdale,Lillie, Uber,E,E., Waddell,Fred, Walker,Daniel E., Weeks,James B., , Wrenn,O.B.,Jr., - ci~ii: Organ,J.D., Osborne,Louis C., Outlaw,Jas. W., Outlaw,Wm. Edward, Overcash,Jerry N „ Owens,Golie, Oxenfeld, John R., Pate,A.C., Piner,T.D.,Sr., Potter,J.M., Quinlivan,W.F., Register,Leonard, Ruark,Paul M., Russell,John F., Russell,W.F. Seeger,Everett H., Sego,John L., Sisson,W.E., Sleeman,Ivan George S1oan,Landon W.,Jr., Soles,Joseph E., Taylor,Hattie, Tharp, J.L., Vereen,Louise E., Wendt, W.H., Westbrook,J.V., Willetts,Frederick,Jr. Williford,Ira , Willson,Wm. W., 4934 Pine St. i3oi so. 6th st. 1207 So. 3rd St. 111 Colonial Dr. 520 N. llth St. 308 N. 15th St. 402 Pine Hill Dr. P.O.Box 316,Car.Bch. B•,4300 Halifax Rd. ii5 s. i7tn st. Rt. 1, Box 82, Wil. 508 Bonham Ave. 71o s. 8tn st. l}92~1 Park Ave. 322$ Chalmers Dr. Hure Beach 1967 - Civil: Morris,Wm.,,., Newman,Ernest W., Newton,Francis E., Newton,John Kay, Nixon,Joe,RFD 1, Nobies,Horace B., Norton,John C.,Sr., O'Rourke,Geo. J., Orrell,Mrs.Bessie 5ears, Peschau,Henry B.,Jr., Phillips,Wm. Sherwood, Reynolds,Ida Lee, Roberts,C.B., Robinson,J.J., Russell,Wm.Frederick,Sr. Rutland,Bessie McGowan, Sanders,E.S., Schultz,John D., Seitter,Loretta M., Smith,L.G., 5needen,J.Ear1, Sneeden,James F., Soles,Donald E., Vines,Arden, West,Wm. Geo., Willetts Robt. Arnold, Wilson,Eddie C., Wissbaum,John D., Wright,James H., Young,Herbert L.,Sr., Kramer,Florence S., c/o Weaver Realty Co. Kress,G.R., 225 N. 22nd St. Lewis,R.L., 1302 Castle St. Lewis,S.S., 4221 Cedar Ave. Long,Perry A., Rt. 2,Box ll}1,Wi1. McCoy,Rosa 203 Cental Blvd. Merritt,Bettie P., P.O. Box 240,Wi1. Mi11er,Mattie May, 820 So. lOth St. Jurors For The Week Barden,J.T.,Sr., Bass,Frances V., Baxley,K.O:, Be1t,Rosa J., Bennett,James A., Best,Saliie E., Branch,S.P., Brittain,W.F., Burriss,Arcadia, Butler,Archie L.,Jr BeginninG November 27, 329 Pine Grove Dr. 206 So. 16th St. 805 xiii sc. 225 Oakcrest Dr. 209 Gores Row Rt. 1,Box 129AB,Wi1. 1917 Nun St. 114 Ridgeway Dr. RFD 2,Box 139,Wi1. 405 Larchmont Dr. 1967 - Civil: Corbett,Johnnie, Craft,A.C.,Mrs., . Davis,Bernice, Dukes,Major A., Edens,Edward N., England,Hershell B.,Jr., Farrow,Raymond, Fleming,Helen Deal, Ford,R.G. Forte,Myrtle E., 410 Larchmont Dr. 4026 Patrick Ave. Rt. 3, soX 5o3-a,wti. 11{2 Victoria Dr. 211 Oakcrest 258 Pieffer Ave. aox 422, wil. 3823 Wilshire Blvd. Rt. 2, Box 13l}, Wil. i2i9 so. 4tn st. 12 Kentucky Ave. 2714 Van Buren St. Rt. 3,Box 12, Wil. 3004 Jefferson St. 309 Wright St. 305 McMillan St. 2720 Washington St. P.O.Drawer 3066,W31. Box 625, Car.Beach 3817 Princess St. 4oz5 Cherry Ave. 1109 Dawson St. 520 Sunset Ave. 718 So. 9th St. Rt. 3, Box 196,W11. t~~o ra~t. st. 703 Windsor Dr. Hure Beach !} Lagoon Place i545 So. College Rd. 5306 Hanover Rd. 805 No. B1va. Rt. 3,&ox 548,wi1. Box 327,Wi1. 3008 Monroe St. 2222 Wri Ave. 203 Kenwood Ave. 318 Orange St. Rt. 3,Box 69,wi1. 3~2 Wood Dale Dr. 723 Country Club Rd. 201 Beach Rd. Gen. De1.,Car. Beach 166 Colonial Circle 48 Mercer Ave. Rt. 2, soX 3o,wti. 3823 Sylvan Rd. 1805 Ann St. 218 Kenwood Ave. 2!}08 Metts Ave. !}07 So. 1}th St. 11 Jasmine P1. Rt. 1,Box 148,Wi1. 401 strada St. Rt. 2, 6ox 387,wi1. Rt. 2,Box 229A,Wi1. Rt. 3, Box 1o8,wi1. Rt. 2, soX 447,wii. 103 So. 1}lst St. 1206 Dock St. 119 No. 6th St. Rt. 2,sox 324,wi1. P.O.Box 563,Wri.Bch. 904 So. xerr Ave. Rt. 3,Box 92,Wi1. Rt. 3,Box 133,wi1. 23 Robt.E.Lee Dr. Kure Beach RFD 2,Box 171,Wi1. ~ ~ 9~ Minutes of the Meeting - October 2, 1967 (Continued) PETIT .IL1RY - (CONTINUED) Jurors For The Week Beqinninq R'ovember 27, Fox4aorth,Albert J., 2l} Mercer Ave. Ganey,2ora, 210 Church St. Grant,H.T., 2515 Burnett Blvd. Hanby,Howard A., 1021 Country Ciub Rd. Harriss, David 5., 2211 Oleander Dr. Hill, Wm. A., 913 Marstellar St. Holliday, W,C., P.O. Box 662,Car. Beach Howard, Ine2, 915 No. 8th St. Inman, Homer D., 125 Laurel Dr. Irving, Emmett T., 1318 Ann St. Johnson,L.W., 11}02 Rankin St. Justice,W.T., 114 No. 12th St. Kulp, Maurice A., 307 Midland Dr. Kye, Carl, Rt. 2,Box la14A,Wii. Lewis,Grover L., Box 552,Car. Beach Nathis,Mary C., 223 N. 23rd St. Midgett,Ethel, 12 E vans St. Morgan, Victor, Rt. 3, Box 454,Wi1. 1967 - Civil (Continued?: Mulcahy,F.E., Gen.Del.,Car.Beach Newton,Robt. S., Jr., 4804 wri. Ave. Parker,Elizabeth O., 919 Co. Club Rd. Peterson,Arnold, Box ll}7,Wri.Bch. Peterson,James H., Rt. 3,Box 291,Wi1. Reid,Miller, 3620 Princess St. Rd. Rhederick,Elijah, 505 So. 14th St. Rodger,Ruth, 5732 Oleander Dr. S1oan,Douglas C., Rt. 3, Box 52t},Wil. S1oan,Jordan A., P.O.Box 1886,Wi1. Suggs,Alton L., P.O.Box 86,Car. Beach Swart,Jan, P.O.Box 197A,Castle Hayne Teachey,A.B., 50!} Brunswick St. Turbeviile,Carl, 3i3 Castle St. Ward,M.B.,Jr., 3917 Wri. Ave. Warlick,F.L., 100 So. 41st St. Warlick,Nlarion H., 1901 Castle St. Wilson,R.H., 504 Park Terrace ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. J. E. Marshall, County N;anager MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~EETING October 11, 19b7 8:15 P.M. At a special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held on the above date in the Commissioners~ Room, the following were present: Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; and County Manager J. E. Marshall. In view of Chairman Dr. Hooper being out of town and Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden being iil, the meeting was called to order by Commissioner Vaughan with the consent of Commissioners Metts and Hali. Mr. C. B. McCandless, a spokesman for a delegation of sixteen people from the Homeowners Association,spoke to the point about taxes and several other points that were related to the Homeowners Association and the Building Code. It seemed the main complaint was aimed at the Building Inspector not as an individual but the fact of an enforcement officer and the Building Code. Further, he spoke to the point of the one mile area being controlled by the City re- garding building and electrical permits and inspections. He further stated that the principal objection is harassment on small projectswhere the demands are not consistent with the present structure. A Mr. George Frank Stone spoke and his objection seemed to be pointed at the County Govern- ment in general. It was determined that Mr. Stone was not a member of the Homeowners Association and further, that he had not attended any of their meetings. This iaas confirmed by Mr. C. B. McCandless. N~r. Norman E. Cunningham spoke and related that he had purchased land from Mr. Norman Johnson and pointed out that he had tried to develop the lot which he had purchased, and that he had talked with the Health Department, the County Manager, and Electrical Inspector about the location of a trailer, installing a septic tank, and a temporary service pole for electrical service to permit him to.clear the lot after dark. This being a rather lengthy presentation, the County Manager was instructed to investigate along with the Health Department this particular matter and make a report to the Commissioners. Mr. A. B. Riggs spoke to the point of poor citizens in the County and seemed to be against zoning, building codes, and permits. At this point, and subsequent to several statements being made that inspectors forced their way into several different properties, it was agreed that no Building Inspector or Health In- spectbn from the County had ever forced their way onto or into anyone's home. Everyone present, including the members of the Commission, the County Manager, and the Home Owners Association agreed with this statement. There were no dissenting remarks. There being no further statements to be made, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager ~