1967-10-11 Special Meeting~ 9~ Minutes of the Meeting - October 2, 1967 (Continued) PETIT .IL1RY - (CONTINUED) Jurors For The Week Beqinninq R'ovember 27, Fox4aorth,Albert J., 2l} Mercer Ave. Ganey,2ora, 210 Church St. Grant,H.T., 2515 Burnett Blvd. Hanby,Howard A., 1021 Country Ciub Rd. Harriss, David 5., 2211 Oleander Dr. Hill, Wm. A., 913 Marstellar St. Holliday, W,C., P.O. Box 662,Car. Beach Howard, Ine2, 915 No. 8th St. Inman, Homer D., 125 Laurel Dr. Irving, Emmett T., 1318 Ann St. Johnson,L.W., 11}02 Rankin St. Justice,W.T., 114 No. 12th St. Kulp, Maurice A., 307 Midland Dr. Kye, Carl, Rt. 2,Box la14A,Wii. Lewis,Grover L., Box 552,Car. Beach Nathis,Mary C., 223 N. 23rd St. Midgett,Ethel, 12 E vans St. Morgan, Victor, Rt. 3, Box 454,Wi1. 1967 - Civil (Continued?: Mulcahy,F.E., Gen.Del.,Car.Beach Newton,Robt. S., Jr., 4804 wri. Ave. Parker,Elizabeth O., 919 Co. Club Rd. Peterson,Arnold, Box ll}7,Wri.Bch. Peterson,James H., Rt. 3,Box 291,Wi1. Reid,Miller, 3620 Princess St. Rd. Rhederick,Elijah, 505 So. 14th St. Rodger,Ruth, 5732 Oleander Dr. S1oan,Douglas C., Rt. 3, Box 52t},Wil. S1oan,Jordan A., P.O.Box 1886,Wi1. Suggs,Alton L., P.O.Box 86,Car. Beach Swart,Jan, P.O.Box 197A,Castle Hayne Teachey,A.B., 50!} Brunswick St. Turbeviile,Carl, 3i3 Castle St. Ward,M.B.,Jr., 3917 Wri. Ave. Warlick,F.L., 100 So. 41st St. Warlick,Nlarion H., 1901 Castle St. Wilson,R.H., 504 Park Terrace ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. J. E. Marshall, County N;anager MINUTES OF SPECIAL ~EETING October 11, 19b7 8:15 P.M. At a special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held on the above date in the Commissioners~ Room, the following were present: Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; and County Manager J. E. Marshall. In view of Chairman Dr. Hooper being out of town and Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden being iil, the meeting was called to order by Commissioner Vaughan with the consent of Commissioners Metts and Hali. Mr. C. B. McCandless, a spokesman for a delegation of sixteen people from the Homeowners Association,spoke to the point about taxes and several other points that were related to the Homeowners Association and the Building Code. It seemed the main complaint was aimed at the Building Inspector not as an individual but the fact of an enforcement officer and the Building Code. Further, he spoke to the point of the one mile area being controlled by the City re- garding building and electrical permits and inspections. He further stated that the principal objection is harassment on small projectswhere the demands are not consistent with the present structure. A Mr. George Frank Stone spoke and his objection seemed to be pointed at the County Govern- ment in general. It was determined that Mr. Stone was not a member of the Homeowners Association and further, that he had not attended any of their meetings. This iaas confirmed by Mr. C. B. McCandless. N~r. Norman E. Cunningham spoke and related that he had purchased land from Mr. Norman Johnson and pointed out that he had tried to develop the lot which he had purchased, and that he had talked with the Health Department, the County Manager, and Electrical Inspector about the location of a trailer, installing a septic tank, and a temporary service pole for electrical service to permit him to.clear the lot after dark. This being a rather lengthy presentation, the County Manager was instructed to investigate along with the Health Department this particular matter and make a report to the Commissioners. Mr. A. B. Riggs spoke to the point of poor citizens in the County and seemed to be against zoning, building codes, and permits. At this point, and subsequent to several statements being made that inspectors forced their way into several different properties, it was agreed that no Building Inspector or Health In- spectbn from the County had ever forced their way onto or into anyone's home. Everyone present, including the members of the Commission, the County Manager, and the Home Owners Association agreed with this statement. There were no dissenting remarks. There being no further statements to be made, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager ~