1967-10-16 Regular Meeting~~ Minutes of the Meeting - October 16, 1967 , ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairrt!an Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Manager J. E. Marshall; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - ~ After calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. B, H. Baskervilie, Pastor, Chestnut Street United Presbyterian Chvrch, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF NINUTES - For the minutes of the meeting of October 2, 1967 under the heading "Insurance Advisory Committee", it should be corrected to read as follows: "i"fr. Wessell, relative to the James l~~alker Hospital insurance, stated that he had talked with zn insurance engineer the week of September 25th, and he advised that in lieu of obtaining actual values on the building that it would probably be well to reduce to $0 percent the insurance that was carried on the hospitai building when it was operated as James Walker Nemorial Hospital. Under the heading "Welfare Recipients", the following sentence should be included: "Pnr. Bowden offered to 2ssist Mr. Vaughan in looking over the records in the Welfare Department of several questionable weifare recipients." There being no other corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was carried. At this juncture in the meeting Nr. Hall joined the meeting. For the minutes of October 11, 1967, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried. SALE OF AUTO, COf~M4UNITY HOSPITAL - County P9anager Marshall pointed out to the Board that there was still being carried a 1951 M.odel Chevrolet which was used by Community Hospital and is no longer needed and that it is in a • relatively poor state of repair. He suggested that the automobile be sold. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the County Manager be authorized to sell the automobile for the highest offer m2de. It being understood that no advertisement will be made on this particular sale. Motion was carried. A.B,C. PERMIT-- ' An A.B.C. Permit request was received from the Shady Oaks Tavern in Castle Hayne. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this item be referred to the Sheriff for his investigation. Motion was carried. APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE, FIRE~EN'S RELIEF REFUND - County Manager Ntarshall presented to the Board a request from the Wrightsboro Fire Department that Mr. E. R. Lane be appointed for another two year term as Trustee for the Firemen~s Relief Fund for the Wrightsboro Rural Fire District. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Lane be appointed for the term indicated. Motion was carried. EASENENT FOR NEW ACCESS ROAD, COUNTY AIRPORT - County Manager Marshall, along with County Attorney Tillery, presented to the Board a proposed right-of-way easement from the Department of the Army for the new access road over the National Guard Property adjacent to the County Airport. Following a brief discussion of this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the County and it be forwarded to the proper authority. Motion was carried. MR. LEE WALLERSTEIN, OFFICE OF ECONONIC OPPORTUNITY - Mr. Lee Wallerstein, Economist with the Housing and~Urban Development Agency in Washington, and a Nr. Carter, a Rurel Development Specialist with the Department of Ayriculture, appeared before the Board relative to the County getting enough information pertaining to all Federally funded programs that are available and stated they would like to ask the Board their feelings and ideas with the idea in mind of developing better programs. A general discussion by both Board members with Mr. Wallerstein and Mr. Carter followed. It was stated that the two men (Mr. Waller- stein and Mr. Carter) had no programs to sell or defend but wanted to obtain information. It was aslced of Nr. Wallerstein approximately how lono it would take in their presentation and he stated to them approximately an hour and one-half. P9r. Wallerstein was advised that several other groups were scheduled to appear before the Board and in vier~ of the time element invoived they would probably be asl:ed to appear again as soon as the other groups scheduled arrived. At this juncture the School Board arrived and Mr. Wallerstein and Mr. Carter stated that they tJOUld retire from the meeting and be back at the Board~s convenience to discuss with them prior to adjournment. AMENDMENT TO GRANT AGREEMENT, AIRPORT County Rttorney Tillery explained to the Board that in view of a recent Supreme Court Ruling that it was necessary to sign an amendment to the existing Grant Agreement with the Federal Aviation Agency. Following a brief discussion of this, ~r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan that the following resolution be adopted and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Grant Agreement on behalf of the County: Motion was carried. "The following Resolution was introduced by J. M. Hall, Jr., seconded by Ni. H. Vaughan, read in full, considered and adopted: "RESOLUTION RDOPTED AND APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENT N0. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 9-31-020-6103 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND NEW NANOVER COUNTY, N. C. "BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: "SECTION 1. That said Board hereby authorizes the execution of Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration on behalf of the United x States of America and the Board Of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, N. C. ~ 98 Ninutes of the Meeting - October 16, 1967 (Continued) AMENDNiENT TO GRANT AGREEM;ENT, AIRPORT (CONTINUED) - "SECTION 2. That the Chairman, Jos. W. Hooper, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendment to Grant Agreement in quadruplicate on behalf of said County, and the Clerk Of The Board, J. E. Marshall, is hereby authorized and directed to im- press the official seal of the County Of New Hanover and to attest said execution. "SECTION 3. That a true copy of the Amendment to the Grant Agreement referred to hereinabove is hereto attached and made a part of this resolution as though it were fully copied herein." The following is Amendment 1 to the Grant Aareement: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADh9INISTRATION Washington 20553 Contract No. FA-2-2277 New Hanover County Airport Wilmington, North Carolina AMENDMEPlT NO. 1 TO G}~.iQT AGREENENT FOR PROJECT IVO. 9-3i-o2o-6io3 WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "FAA") has determined it to be in the interest of the United States that the Grant Agreement between the FAA, acting for and on behalf of the United States, and New Hanover County, North Carolina, (hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor"), accepted by said Sponsor on the 22nd day of May, 1961, be amended as hereinafter provided. NOW THEREFORE, WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties hereto, the FAA on behalf of the United States, on the one part, and the Sponsor, on the other part, do hereby mutually agree that the terms and conditions of the Grant Aoreement between the United States and the Sponsor accepted by said Sponsor on May 22, 1961, be amended as follows: 1. The exception set forth in the Project Application, Part II, Paragraph S is revised to read as follows: , Under the restrictions of the Constitution and the laws of North ' Carolina, as interpreted by the Supreme Court of North Carolina, the sponsor cannot pledge present or future tax revenues or contract a debt to assure its compliance with the assurances of Part III of this ' Project Application. 2. The follo~ring provision is added as Paragraph 10 of the Grant Agreement: In view of the provision appearing in Paragraph 5, Part II of the Pro- ject Application, it is understood and agreed, to the fullest extent of the present power and authority of the Spons'or under the laws and Constitution of North Carolina, that the obligations under Part III of the Project Application will be met to the fullest extent possible within the legal power and authority of the Sponsor. 3. The following provision is added as Paragraph 11 of the Grant Agreement: It is agreed that the undertaking of the Sponsor under Paragraph 2 hereof shall not be construed as an agreement hereunder to the expenditure of funds in excess of the amount specified under the Project Application, Part II, Paragraph 2, as available to for use in defraying the costs of the Project. Ttie United States of America shall not be obligated under any provision hereof unless this Amendment has been accepted by the Sponsor before October 30, 1967, or such sub- sequent date 2s may be pre,scribed in writing by the Administrator. It is understood 2nd agreed that a11 of the other terms and conditions of the Grant Agreemen't remain in full force and effect and are not changed except as hereinabove provided. IN WITNE55 IdHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to said Grant Aoree- ment to be duly executed as of the 5th day of September, 1967. UNITED STATES OF AN!ERICA FEDERAL AVIATION .4DNI~tISTRATION By: (s) Chester L~J. L^Jells Title Area Manager iJew Hanover County, N. C. (PJame of Sponsor) By: (s) Jos. W. Hooper Title Chairman Of The Board Attest: J. E. P7arshall Title Clerk To The Board CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR~S ATTORNEY I, L. Bradford Tillery; acting as Attorney for New Hanover County, (hereinafter referred to as "Sponsor") do hereby certify: That I have examined tlie foregoing Amendment to Grant Ayreement and the proceedings taken by said Sponsor relating thoreto, and find that the execution thereof by said Sponsor has been duly authori2ed and is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, and further that, in my opinion, said Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Sponsor in accordance ti,~ith the terms thereof. Dated at Wilmington, N. C., this 3rd day of October, 1967. X , (s) L. Bradford Tillery Title County Attorney Minutes of the Neeting - October 16; 1967 (Continued) CAPE FEAR HORSEMEN~S ASSOCIATION - Commissioner Hall stated to the Board that he had been contacte,d by the Cape Fear Horsemen~s Association who wanted to know if the County would furnish the labor to install a one inch plastic water line for the watering of horses at the horse rink in Hugh MacRae Park. By common consent it was agreed that this would be accomplished by prison labor and the pipe would be furnished by the Cape Fear Horsemen~s 4ssociation. The County Manager was instructed to get this project under way as soon as possible. WELFARE RECIPIENTS - A question being raised by Mr. Vaughan relative to welfare recipients was answered by Mr. $owden, and he stated that he would follow through on the question raised by Mr. Vaughan with the ~~elfare Department. ~ ROOF ON BOILER HOUSE, CO iiITY HOSPITAL - County Manager Marshall pointed out to the Board that the present roof on the boiler house at Community Hospital was in bad need of repair. He stated that he had obtained one price and that due to the time element involved he had been able to obtain only one. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County Manager be authorized to negotiate a price for repairing the roof on the boiler house and that the funds for this work come from Unanticipated Revenue-Community Hospital and should the cost exceed $1,500.00 the Board is to be advised. SCHOOL BOARD PRESENTATION - School Board members, Mr. Emsley taney, Mr. Murdoch Dunn, Dr, John Codington, Mr. Lamar NcIver, and Superintendent of Schools Dr, l~dilliam ldagoner appeared before the Board to present two petitions. -~ The first petition presented to the Board and explained was for a Bond Issue in the amount of $3,750,000.00 to be voted on at the Nay 4, 1968 Primary. The petition is set out in full as follows: STATE OF NORTH CAROLII~'A : COUNTY OF NEl~~ HANOVER . PETITION TO: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HP.NOVER COUNTY: Your Petitioner, the New Hanover County Board of Education, under the provisions of Article 14 of Chapter 115 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, entitled, "Education", does hereby petition the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, to call an election to vote for school bonds, and to that end, does respect- fully show the Commissioners: . 1. That the purpose for caliing the proposed election is to vote school bonds to carry out the purposes set forth in a resolution passed by the Board of Education of New Hanover County at its meeting held September 19, 1967, a certified true copy of said resolution as appearing in said minutes being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. ~ 2. That the area in which the proposed election is requested is the i:~hole of the County of I4ew Hanover. 3. That the maximum rate of tax rahich is proposed to be levied is that amount which would pay the interest on and refund the principal of a total of $3,750,000.0~ of New Hanover County school bonds. Said bonds, if approved by the voters, to be issued from time to time as the moneys are needed to carry out the purposes referred to above. - WHEREFORE, YOUR PETITIONER RESPECTFULLY PRAYS: That the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County call an election to vote on the $3,750,000.00 bond issLe in accordance with law. This 3 day of October, 1967. (s) E. A. Laney Chairman,Board of Education of New Hanover County STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEY: HANOVER . E. A. IANEY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Education; that he has read the foregoing Petition and that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to those matters and things therein set forth on information and belief, and as to those, he believes it to be true. (s) E. A. Laney Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 day of October, 1q67. Ione P. Whitehead Notary Public My Commission expires: Sept. 12, 1969 9~ T ~ioo i Ninutes of the Meeting - October 16, 1967 (Continued) SCHOOL BOARD PRESENTATION (CONTINUED) - EXTRACT FRO~ MINUTES CF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION The regular meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Education was held on Tuesday, September 19, 1967, at the office of the Board, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: E. A. Laney, Chairman, M. P7. Dunn, Nrs. Alice Strickland, LaMar McIver, and Dr. John Codington. No members were absent. Also present was Dr. ~rlilliam Wagoner, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary to the Board. M..M. Dunn introduced the following resolution and moved that it be adopted: WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board,of Education desires to provide additional school plant facilities for the maintenance of public schools within the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit; NOt^!, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Education as follows: (1) The New Hanover County Board of Education has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to erect new buildings and to erect additions to and alter or reconstruct existing buildings, and to acquire and install the equipment required for such buildinas or additions, and to acquire the land needed for such purposes, in order to provide school houses, school gar2ges, physical education and vocational education buildings, lunch rooms and other similar school plant facilities needed for the schools in said County, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following schools: (1) Pine Valley Elementary School; (2) Wrightsboro Schooi; (3) J. C. Roe School; (4) Sunset Park Elementary Schooi; (5) O~den School; (6) College Park School; (7) John T. Hoggard High School; (8) k~illiston Senior High School; (9) Lake Forest School; (10) Sunset Park Junior High 5chool; (11) New Hanover High School; (12) A new Junior High School; (13) A New Elementary School. (2) The Netia Hanover'County Board of Education further determines that it is necessary to provide such additional school plant facilities in order that IVew Hanover County may maintain public schools in said County for the minimum term prescribed by the Constitution of North Carolina, as an administrative agency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina, and that it will be necessary to spend for such additional school facilities not less than $3,75~,000.00 in addition to other moneys which are no~a or will be available for Such purposes. The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County is hereby requested to raise the money required to finance such purposes by the issuance of bonds of said County pursuant to la4a. (3) The Secretary of the New Hanover County Board of Education is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. The motion was seconded by Dr. John Codington, and was unanimously adopted. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . DR. WILLIAN WAGONER, beinc duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Secretary of the New Hanover County Board of Education; that the foregoing is a true and exact excerpt from the minutes of Lhe regular meeting of the Board of Education of New Hanover County, held in the office of the Board on September 19, 19b7, and he does further certify that all members of said Board were present at said meeting, pursuant to notice duly given. (s) William Wagoner Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 day of October, 1957. Ione P. Whitehead Notary Public My Commission expires: Sept. 12, 1969 The second petition presented to the Board was for the County Commissioners to call an election in order that a vote may be held on an additional 15 cents tax levy per $100 property valuation to increase the present supplement provided the County school teachers. The 15 cents supplement would be in addition to the now existing 20 cents supplement. A general discussion followed by the Commissioners 4Jith the several Board of Education'members and Dr. William Wagoner on both petitions. The petition is set out in full as follows: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER: PETITIOPd TO: THE BOARD OF COUP]TY COM[NISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY: Your Petitioner, the Board of Education of New Hanover County, under the pro- visions of Article 11~. of Chapter 115 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, entitled "Education", does hereby petition the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to cali an election in order to vote for an additional Fifteen (15e`) Cents tax levy per $100.00 property valuation to increase the present supplement provided by the County, and to that end, does respectfully show the Commissioners: X i r, ~.U~ Minutes of the Meeting - October 16, 1967 - Continued ,SCHOOL SOARD PRESENTATION (CONTINUED) - '. 1.. That the purpose for calling t Fifteen (15~) Cents supplement to carry passed by the Board of Education of New 19, ].967, a certified true copy of said attached hereto and by reference made a ie proposed election is to vote an additional ~ out the purposes set forth in a resolution Hanover County at its meeting held on September resolution as appearing in said minutes being part hereof. 2. That the area in which the proposed election is requested is the whole of Net~t Hanover County. 3. That the maximum rate of tax which is proposed to be levied'is an additional Fifteen (15r~)Cents per $100.00 property valuation, said amount being in addition to the Twenty(20d) Cents tax per $100.00 property valuation previovsly having been voted to supplement State-supported schools of New Hanover County, making a total of Thirty- Five (35d) Cents. !}. That in the event the voters vote to increase Che present supplement an additional Fifteen (15~) Cents; the total amount of supplement tax to be levied in New Hanover County shall be Thirty-Five (35r~) Cents per $100,00 property valuation, and upon the vote of the people approving the Fifteen (15~ Cents increase, the local supplement tax heretofore.voted shall be repealed and the total tax levy shall be Thirty-Five (35d) Cents per $100.00 property valuation. Wt{EREFORE, YOUR PETITIONER RESPECTFULLY PRAYS: That the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County call an election to vote on a Fifteen (15e') Cents increase in the supplement, so that the total supple- ment shall not exceed a maximum of Thirty-Five (35~) Cents per $100.00 property valuation. This 3 day of October, 1967. (s) E. A. Laney Chairman of the Board of Education of New Hanover County STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . E. A. LANEY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Education; that he has read the foregoing Petition and that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to those matters and things therein set forth on information and belief; and as to those, he believes it to be true. (s) E. A. Laney, Chairman Sworn to and subscribed before me, tr~is 3 day of October, 1967. Ione P. Whitehead Notary Public My Commission expires: Sept. 12, 1969 EXTRACT FROM MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNT'Y BOARD OF EDUCATION The regular meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Education was held on Tuesday, September 19, 1967, at the office of the Board at 8:00 o~clock P.M. The following members were present, E. A. Laney, Chairman, M. M. Dunn, Mrs. Alice Strickland, LaMar Mclver, Dr. John Codington. No members were absent. Also present was Dr. l~~illiam Wagoner, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary to the Board. ~ ;~ ,. :~ „ M. M. Dunn introduced the following resolution and moved that it be adopted: WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Education does find that it is to the best interest of the school system of Pdew Hanover Covnty, in order to provide more funds to raise the salaries of teachers and other employees, in order to increase the present supplement to the salaries of instructional employees for additional pos3tions and services where needed by the New Hanover County Board of Education; and WHEREAS, it is to the best interest of the New Hanover County School System that the present Twenty (20d) cents supplement be increased an additional Fifteen (15r~? .cents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the officers of the Board of Education of New Hanover County, be authorized and empowered to petition the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County under the provisions of Article lla., Chapter 115, of the General Statutes of North Carolin2, to call an electibn for the purpose of submitting to the voters of New Hanover County the question of whether or not an additional Fifteen (15d) cents tax per $100.00 property valuation shall be levied and collected so that salaries of teachers and other instructional employees of the Board of Education of New Hanover County may be increased, and additional positions be fiiled and services provided so that the schools of New Hanover County may be operated at a higher standard than that provided by State support. ~ ~10 ~ Minutes of the Meetiny - October 16, 1967 (Continued) SCHOOL BOARD PRESENTATION {CONTINUED) -- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER DR. WILLIAM WAGONER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Secretary of the Nei,r Hanover County Board of Education; that the foregoing is a true and exact excerpt from the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of,Education of New Hanover County, held in the office of the Board on September 19, 1967, and he does further certify that ali members of said Board were present at said meeting, pursuant to noLice duly given. (s) William ldagoner Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3 day of October, 1967. Ione P. la~hitehead Notary Public Ny commission expires: Sept. 12, 1969 Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the petition for the School Construction Bond Issue be placed on the ~"~ay 4, 1968 Primary Ballot. Question was called and motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the question of the 15 cents additional supplement be placed on the Ballot of the May (}, 1968 Primary. Notion was carried. At this juncture Dr. Hooper stated that he must leave the meeting and the chair was assumed by Vice-Chairman Bowden. Forthwith, Vice-Chairman Bowden declared a five minute recess. Meeting was reconvened at 11:00 A.M. Dr. William Wagoner, Superintendent of Schools, then presented Mr. Herb McKim of Ballard, McKim and Sawyer, Architects, who discussed the proposed type of school construction in the near future for the Pine Valley School. Nr. Vavghan asked the architect iahether in vie~•f of the points developed, it was fair to draw the conclusion that on a 36,000 square foot school such as being discussed we were saving some $72,000.00 as compared to past type structures. , The architect replied that in general this conclusion might be drawn but that there were many other considerations involved. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Laney if it was possibly true that it would be easier to give quality education under normal rates of growth in the Community than it would be under conditions of boom town growth. Mr. Laney replied in the affirmative. . Following a thorough presentation, Mr. McKim was thanked for his presentation and also, the School Board for making their appearance. MOBILE NOME PARK ORDINANCE Mr. Redmond Crisp and a Mr. Jones along m~ith several other representatives of Mob~le Home Park o~mers and dealers, appeared before the Board relative to the Mobile Home Parlt Ordinance. Isr. Crisp stated that they had through their Attorney talked with the County Attorney in trying to develop the amended ordinance presently before the County Commissioners. Following a discussion, Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board adopt the amended ordinance as recommended by the Covnty Attorney and the original ordinance be repealed. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion which was seconded by Mr. Bowden, for the purpose of discussion, that we rescind the present Mobile Home Park Ordinance and that mobile homes being placed on individual lots or otheriaise in a park come under the Sub-Division Ordinance and Building Code. Mr. Vaughan then proceeded to discuss his motion and stated that he felt that the Mobile Home Park owners and Mobile Home dealers had the County in a defensive position and that his idea was to try to reach a common ground through such action. Question w2s called on the substitute motion and it was defeated by a vote of three against and one for. Question was then called on the original motion and it was carried by a vote of three for and one against. At this juncture in the meeting Vice-Chairman Bowden recessed the meeting one hour for the purpose of the Commissioners attending the ground breaking ceremony for the new Voyaqer Inn. The meeting was recor.vened at 1:00 °.M. Present were Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; County Manager J Nr. Vaughan presided over the meeting. J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. SUB-DIVISION PLFlT APPROVAL, PINEY WOODS SECTION H IN HARNETT TOWNSHIP - County Nanager Nfarshall presented to the Board the original plan of Piney l~~oods Section H Sub-Division. He stated that it had been approved by the City-County Planning Commission and was in order for the Chairman to sign. Therewith, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr, Hall, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Plat for approval on behalf of the County. Motion was carried. AUD1T REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YE/aR ENDING JUNE 30, 196~ - The Audit Report from the firm of Cherry, Bekaert and Holland covering the year ended June 30, 1967 was presented to the County Commissioners by the County Auditor. The report. was received by the Commissioners subject to their review and approval and will be discussed at the November 6, 1967 meeting. At this juncture of the meetin, Mr. l~Jallerstein and Mr. Carter iaere allowed to continue their discussion with the Board and the completion of the questionaire. A rather complete discussion was held relative to the questions posed by Mr. Carter and by Mr. in~allerstein to the Commissioners. Following the completion of this the Board members thanked Mr. Wallerstein and Mr. Carter for attendino the meeting and discussing problems that may be of mutaal interest. BERM AND DUNE PROJECT, KURE, WILMINGTOA! APJD HANBY BEACHES - By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman take the necessary steps to arrange for the holding of a public meeting relative to the Berm and Dune Project for the above beach areas and also, that the necessary facts and figures relating to this be presented at tliat time relating to cost and assessments, if possible. f .LE~3~ A7inutes of the Meeting - October 16, 1967 (Continued) TRASH DISPOSAL - Commissioner Hall discussed with the Board members the question of the City's proposition of using the new Trash Disposal site by County residents. Mr. Hall stated that he had met with the County Manager and the Director of Sanitation at length and that the only solution in view at this time was that we enter into an agreement with the City of Wilmin~ton, as proposed by the City, for County residents to use the new landfill. The proposal from the City is that the County pay to the City a fee of $10,000.00 per year and that the City will charge fees and collect from commercial haulers. All such fees collected will be credited to the charge made the County except the fees coilected from the haulers of industrial waste and garbage. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the agreement be approved and that the amount of $~,500.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund for the remaining part of the fiscal year 1967-68 as the County's payment to the City for the use of the new landfill site by County residents. ~otion was carried unanimously. AD,IOURNMEMT - There being no further business Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. , J. E. Marshall, County Manager MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETIIQG October 31, 1967 4~3a P•M• Present: Ch2irman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Absent: Commissioner J. M. Hail, Jr. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Nr. Vaughan, that formal notice be waived and this be a cor.stituted meeting of the Commissioners. Motion was carried. Chairman Dr. Hooper then stated that the purpose of the meeting was to evaluate the property tax base and review a report from County Avditor Shepard relative to the correct figures obtained in the recent investigation of the property value figures. Chairman Dr. Hooper then read the following statement: "The purpose of this meeting is to acquaint the people of New Hanover County with the true property valuations of the County as computed by P9r. Perry Shepard, County Auditor. "This Commission advised the public last Thursday as soon as the true facts were available these would be furnished the people. These facts and figures were verified and furnished me at 3:00 o'clock P.M. today. "Unfortunately in the past week Mr. Perry Shepard has been unjustly accused of improperly computing the tax base. This was not Mr. Shepard's duty and this oblioation rests with the Tax Supervisor~s office. Mr. Shepard was placed in charge of the Tax Supervisor~s office and eaith the complete cooperation of the Tax Super- visor and his staff has arrived at the true tax base. The people of New Hanover County have been done a disservice by rather sensational head lines and stories in the local paper based not on verified figures but on figures ~ahich had no real meaning or value. The true figures are available at this time and I am happy to report them to you. "The Auditor~s evaluation for New Hanover County is $240,980,680. This inclvdes real property, personal property and corporate excess tax of 6.5 million. This is roughly 8.8 million less than the figure of $2l}9,822,298 used on July 28th in setting the budget. Based on a 93 percent collection rate and a tax rate of ~i.55 per hundred dollars this represents $127,452 less revenue than was anticipated. The errors in computing the tax base were located in Wilmington and Harnett Townships. No errors were noted in the individual abstracts or in individual listings on the scrolls. The error in the tax base was in the recapitulation of the tax scrolls. The tax bills as sent out for these townships and the other six townships are correct. No errors were noted in the other six townships. "The County Commissioners at this time, based on information furnished by the Auditor, anticipates no cut in the monies appropriated in budgets for the current fiscal year. This Commission does not anticipate having, based on advice from the Auditor, to borrow any funds to satisfy the budget as set up. In the opinion of the County Auditor, adequate funds from Unanticipated Revenue can be transferred ~ahen they accrue to the County with the consent of the County Commissioners and the County Attorney to satisfy the budget and the cash flo~~r needs. ~~I would like the Commission~s authorization as of November lst to place Mr. Shepard in temporary charge of the Tax Listing Office and to request him to make recommendations for correcting operating deficits as to administration and personnel in this office at the Commissioners~ Meeting November 6th. "Any questions will be entertained at this time from the nea~s media or others present." Questions were then invited by the Cliairman from the people present and from representatives of the several different news media. Several questions were asked and they were ans~aered by the Chairman and other members of the Board. A question was asked by one member of the press relative to a resignation and Dr. Hooper stated that he had a letter from Tax Supervisor W. G. Houck requesting that he be placed on voluntary retirement, effective November 1, 1967. ~