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Plinutes of Special Neeting - October 31, 19~7
There being no other questions, Mr. Vaughan moved, secor.ded by Mr. Bowden, that County
Auditor Perry Shepard be appointed Tax Supervisor, effective November 1, 1967.
' A substitute motion was made by Mr. isetts that the County Manager be placed in charge
of the Tax Listing Office. "A.otion died for a lack of a second. Question was then called
on the ori~inal motion and it carried by a vote of three Sor and ene against. P".r. Metts
voted in the negative.
By common consent it was agreed that the County Auditor and County Manager work on the
recommendations on the realianing or changes to be made in the Tax Listing Office.
There being no further business, ~r. Metts moved; seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the
meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried.
J. E. Marshall, County Manager
Minutes of the Meeting - November 6, 1967
The regular semi-monthly meetino of the Nev~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners iaas held
on the above date at 8:00 A.M. in the Commissioners' Room with the foilowing merrbers present:
Chairman Dr. Joseph 1^J. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B.
Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; County Manager
J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard.
After calling the meetiny to order the Chairman asked Rev. Sam L. Whichard, Pastor of First
Pentecostal Holiness Church to give the invocation.
For the minutes of the meeting of October 16, 1967, under the heading; "Mr. Lee Wallerstein,
Office of Economic Opportunity", shouid be corrected to read as follows: "P7r. Lee Wallerstein,
Economist with the Housing and Urban Development Agency in !='ashington, and a Mr. Carter, a
Rural Development Specialist, with the Department of Agriculture, appeared before the Board
relative to the County getting enough information pertaining to all Federally funded programs
and stated further that they would like to 2sk the Board for their feelings and ideas with the
idea in mind of developing better programs." Following this correction, Mr. Netts moved,
seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried.
For the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 31, 1967, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded
by ~r. Metts, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried.
Mr. Hall requested that he be allowed a few minutes of time to make a statement and re-
quested that his remarks be placed in the minutes. The floor was granted to N,r. Hzll and the
follo4~ing statement made:
"Nr. Chairman, I hsve some remarks to make which I request be placed into the
minutes of this meeting.
"Last weekend, October 29th, I went out of town ~•/ith the full knowledge that recap
was being made of the tax assessment records to see where the county stood in rec~ards
to the value of it's tax base. I assumed the matter wovld be discussed at our regular
meeting on November 6th.
"When about 2~ miles out of ~~lilmington last Tuesday, on my way back home, I
heard on the car radio that the CYiairman had cailed a special meeting that after-
noon at 4:30 o'clock. As a result of that meeting, apparently with no opportunity
to be heard, Mr. 1~1. G. Houck was "Retired" - Retired ostensibly at his own request.
The chairman knew I was out of town and would be on the job the next morning.
"Gentlemen, of all the high handed, inconsiderate, unjust methods of getting
rid of an honest, hard working, conscientious employee, this action of yours last
Tuesday takes the at•aard - Getting rid of a man you knew to be taking the rap for a
subordinate~s error in addition.
"It was done just exactly as Adolph Hitler might have done it. !~lhy you didn~t
take him out in the covrtyard and shoot him, I'll never know.....Hitler would have.
"There is no question as to the fact that an error was made in the tabulation....
Mr. Houck admits it....It's perfectly evident. But, has the public been hurt? No.
"The only harm done has been that the taxpayers of Wilmington and Neuf Hanover
County will have to pay about $175,000 less this year than they would have, had the
error not been made. To some folks that might be a blessing.
"Novr, Gentlemen, two years ago you decided you had to he modern....You had to
have a County Manacer....I told you at the time that a County Nanager only had a few
things to manaye. As far as I can see it, and I don't believe you can add mvch to it.
He has managerial authority over the Huoh McRae Park, the County Prison 8 Farm, the
Airport, the County Cemetery, and the Tax Office.
"Mr. Houck was called to the Chairman's office and by the Chairman was told that
he had better resign in about thirty minutes or so.
"One of Mr. Houck~s subordinates made an error--Mr. Houck was made to pay the
penalty---Who was in Authority over Mr. Houck? Our County Manager---If it is fair
to hold P'ir. Houck responsible for an error of a subordinate, why not carry this on
to another conclusion? Who is responsible for Mr. Houck~s performance? The County
Minutes of the Meeting - November 6, 1967 (Continued)
"At this point I want to call your attention to the 1913 North Carolina La4a
which reads as follows, in part: 'It shall be the duty of the said Auditor to
exercise a general supervisor over the tax books of said county (New Hanover) ~dith
a view to prevent the double listing of property and similar errors....~
"Noti~~, if you want to take responsibility for this error further down the line,
I ask you, did A4r. Shepard prevent the occurrence of this error? No.
"And yet, instead of even pointing your finger at him for his omission of this
job; you turn around and make him your Tax Supervisor....And he says he doesn't
know anything about the tax office job....That statement is most certainly borne out
by the fact that he reported the error at Ti,renty-Nine Nillion Dollars when it was
actually Nine ~illion. He smugly implies or reports that a Nine Million Dollar
error is a Twenty-Nine Million Dollar error. Seems to me that deserves passing
"For many years Mr. Houck did an honest and effective job. Then suddently one
of his subordin2tes makes an error. So, Boom!! So now you have what you seem to
have been looking for...Some way tp oet rid of a man who was doino a good job (with
the exception of this error) for about one third the cost of what it takes to get
"Gentlemen, I Yiope I'm wrong, but this action smells. It smells of political
skull duggery.
"Certainly, he did withhold some startling information, and for that he should
be censured, but to order him to resign without a full board hearing his case, and
a:ith no regard for his civil service status is undemocratic and dictatorial.
"If I were a county employee of several years of faithful service to the best
of my ability, I'd be looking for another job where such wilfulness didn't exist.
I c2n imagine what this must do to the morale of other county employees.
"Again, I say the action of this Board last Tuesday was high handed and could
well have been put off until a full board was present. FurtYiermore, the punishment
vras all out of preportion to the offense and out of proportion to any possible
harm which may have been done. There has never been any question made of Mr.
Houck's honesty or integrity.
"Gentlemen, I move that Mr. Houck's resignation not be accepted and in view
of the fact that your recent appointee, Mr. Shepard, admits openly that he knows
nothing of the Tax Supervisor's job, that Mr. W. G. Houck be reprimanded for not
notifying this board more promptly of his fears and that he be re-appointed as
Tax Supervisor, with the full expectation that nothing like this will happen aoain."
At ±he conclusion of the statement Mr. Hall moved, seconded:.by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Houck's
resignation not be accepted and in view of the fact that your recent appointee, Mr. Shepard,
admits openiy that he knotas nothing of the Tax Supervisor's job; that Mr. W. G. Houck be
reprimanded for not notifying this Board more prosptly of his fears, and that he be reappointed
as Tax Supervisor v.~ith the full expectation that nothin^, ]ike this wili happen again. Dr.
Hooper then stated that Mr. Houck had known about the miscalculation from the 30th day of
September, 1967, and did not report it to any member of the Board, the County P7anaeer or anyone
in authority.
Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden requested a few m?nutes of time and the fleor and made
the following statement:
"I ~aant to malte my position abundantly clear on tlle recent developments in the
Office of Tax Supervisor. Mr. Shepard, County Auditor, called me at my office on
!a~ednesday, October 25th, to relate what he had discovered earlier that day, a
possibility of a 29 million dollar discrepancy in Ne~,~ Hanover County Tax Base, and
the amount actually used for preparation of the Buclget.
"The error was detected and brought to our attention by the Avditor when posting.
1 was informed of three conditions; one, there U.~as possibility of a$29,000.000
error; two, it had been known since September and nothing had been done to rectify
or verify the error; and three, neither the P.uditor, Board of County Commissioners
or the County Nanager had been advised. Immediately he was placed in charge to arrive
at the actual tax base for the County. Since l~Jilmington Township was one that 4.~as
adversely affected, the City of Wilmir.gton had, therefore, predicated their budget
on what appeared to be an approximate nine and one-half million dollar inflated
tax base. It was truly a dark hour for both the City and the County. Had the 29
million dollar error been confirmed, the City and County would have been confronted
with a financial "Dunkirk". This would have set us back several years, The final
nine and one-half miliion dollar error could be lived with, but the combination of
the error, the attitude, the lack of initiative and supervision were sti11 as
serious. No one should forget the above ~~rhen questioning the Commissioner's
position in the resiynation of P~fr. Houclc. The fiscal integrity of Wilmington and-
IQevr Hanover County had been seriously jeopardized by the lack of action and fore-
thought on the part of the Tax Supervisor.
As a Commissioner ~.~ith the responsibilities of the office vested -in me, I had
no choice of action to pursue but the one taken. I can assure you this acti~n is not
yet complete. N1i•. Houck's resignation was not intended as a punishment to him,
but as a preventive safeguard to preclude such a dismal reoccurrence. No one in
public trust such as a Commissioner should be expected to compromise his convictions
by perpetuatine this type of inefficiency, regardless of personal feelings; or how
we11 liked the individual may be.~~ '
Commissioner Metts made the Statement that someone under Mr. Houck made the mistaks and
that Mr. Houck had someone over him; namely, the County Manager, who signed the tax scrolls
and should have gone back and looked at the scrolls and checked the figures.
~ ~
Minutes of the Meeting - November 6, 1967 (Continued)
The Chairman asked County Auditor Shepard did he have any remarks to make at this time
and he stated that the scr~lls were signed on October 2, 1967 and were subject to audit during
the month of October.
At this point the Chairman recognized P7r. J. uJ. Waiton, Jr, who stated to the °.oard
that he had a petition containing approximately 1.~00 names which requested tYtat Mr. la~. G.
Houck be reinstated to his position as T2x Supervisor. Further, that the petitioners
objected to the manner and approach to the retirement or resigninc of Mr. }Iouck. The petition
was accepted for the Board by the Chairman. h9r. Walton ti/as questioned as to who circula~ed
the petition and he stated that he had prepared it but it had been sioned by members of
several different churches and other county residents. Mr. E. G. Connette, Jr., Pastor of
St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, stated that the petition was not a church sponsored
one, only that it had been made available in his church as ~.~ell as others and that no real
effort was made by his church or others to have the petition signed. Dr. Hooper wanted to
know if Mr. Houck had ever worked for Mr. Connette's church. Mr. Hall said that he could
answer this and stated that the County hired I`~r. Houck away from the church at the time when
the County r~as in need of a man to run things.
Mr. V2ughan stated that Mr. Houck was made full time Tax Supervisor and as such ~~~as fully
responsible for the office of Tax Svpervisor and Tax Listing.
Dr. Hooper asked if the County Manager had any comments to make at this time regarding
this matter and the County P7anzger then read a report on the Tax Listing office, wtiich,is
as follow's: ' ' : " ' .' ' .' :
"Pursuant to a request, the County A7anager presents this as a report with
recommendations relative Lo possible changes that can or should be made in the
Tax Listing Offiee.
"First, I ti~ould recommend that the position of Tax Supervisor be a full time
position. It should require a person with full knowiedge of and be well versed
in the tax structure of tne County and the work of the office. Aiso, the Tax
Supervisor should have a good lcno4~ledge of the tax la~.~s of the State.
"Second, I would recommend that cle2r lines of communications and
responsibilities be maintained ~,~ithin tYie office and with other offices at all
"Third, to prevent tYie happening of errors in determining the taxable values
in the County, a system of checks and balances should be established. The system
does not have to be elaborate, but simply should provide a check.
"Fourth, consideration should be given personr.el need~ frnm the standpoint
of the present and also possible future needs, due to rPtirer~ent and other con-
"Fifth, that consideration be given the need for additior.al office,space for
the entire operatior.. Along these lines, should the Welfare Department be moved,
a portion of the spzce they presently occupy be made available for use by the Tax
Listing Office.:
Dr. Hooper then read from the State Law, Section 11-6, the oa±h of office for all
County Commissioners.
There being no further discussion on this matter, the question was then called on the
motion uihich had been made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Metts, and it was defeated by a vote
of CWO for and three against.
Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vauyhan, that the resignation of Mr. u.~. G. Houclc be
accepted and that it be effective November 1, 1967. Question was cailed on the motion and
it was carried by a vote of three for and t~:ro aoainst.
County Auditor Perry Shepard recommended that the area to the re.ar of where the Building
and Electrical Inspectors are located be utilized fer a part of the Tax Listin5 Office and
that the office presently occvpied by the assessors be made available for use by the T~uilding
and Electrical Inspectors. By common consent this rias agree,d by the Board.
County Auditor Perry Shepard made a tentative report on the probability of using data
processing in the tax listing office and auditor~s office. The report is as fo11o~,~s:
"The writer was delegated by this Commission to make a study of advanced accounting
methods that might be applicable to the county with special emphasis on the Tax
Listing and Assessing Department; minutes dated September 18, 1967.
"This report is tentative due to time, other assioned working duties and responsi-
bilities, and the very nature of a delicate complex study of computer systems.
"I have dvring the past fem~ weeks attended Seminars on data processing for local
governments, visited various computer service bureaus, manufacturers, other counties
that use service centers &/or their own equipment. Due to mar.y factors, I am still '
not ready to suggest or recommend a system to this commission.
"I have available four proposaJs namely:
1-National Cash Register Co. Nianufacture
2-Cherry,Bekarert and Holland, CPA-Service Center
3-National Data Processing, Inc. Service Center
1}-Independent Data Processing Inc. Service Center
. ~
"These are detailed studies. and cost of service.
Minutes of the Meeting - November 6, 1967 (Continued) -
~~I have been contacted by Univac Inc., Burroughs Inc,,.Addressograph Inc.,
All Manufacturers, and Arista Data Processing, Service Center,
"I would like for this Commission to appropriate $500.00 from the yeneral
emergency fund in order to have the officia2s from Arista to spend one uieek
in the Tax Listing and Assessing, the Tax Collectors and the Auditors Depart-
ments in order to make their detail report and analysis and cost. These
officials state that it will take one rreek to make a compiete study of our
needs and requirements and one week to prepare their proposal. The cost of
the proposal to Lhe counLy is nomina2, they will absorb the remainder of the
cost. They state based on their county experience an intelligent study will
take two weeks to evaluate, study and prepare.
"I will continue to keep you fully advised as ta the progress we are making
and aware of all proposals and studies,
"Modern data processing with its speed and efficiency can provide us with an
up to date accounting system, with answers now, not tomorrow, accounting records,
management financial reports and any number of by products needed,required or
desired. However, daLa processing does not perform any magic, it is oniy as
good as the operators who designs, prepares; programs, installs, feeds the
imput and interprets the output. The gamble is always there. In order to
get next years tax abstracts, scrolls, bills, etc. on the computer we cannot
delay any longer than December i, 1967 per my advisors, we have to determine
the following:
3-Service Center or manufactures
4-Schedule of activities
t3-Input & Computer
tb-Paralle2 Run
17-File P^~aintenance
19-Begin normal production
"Gentlemen, none of the above can be performed overnight, from beginning to
normal production, we are talking about in the opinion of the writer from
one to two years conversion time, let no one fool you. Weare•talking about
confusion, frustration at times complete chaotic, overtime, tears, sweat
and you name it we will experience it. Therefore we cannot, we must not have
2ny amateurs or anyone 2earning at our expense in the courthouse. There is
no intent..or criticism in the above statement on any of the aforementioned
proposals I now have. The firm you gentlemen accept will have to have
among other things:
1 Know How
2 Initiative
3 Self-reliance
f} Modern Equipment
5 Soundly Managed 8 Financed
6 Proper Attitudes B, Patience
"Gentlemen, I thank you for your time and as Lhe saying goes, 'We either fish
or cut bait'. The final surveys and analysis of the surveys, and decisions
are of the Commission. I am at your complete disposal as my time will permit.
There will be many decisions for you to make and right or wrong they will
have to be made and accepted. Upon your final decision the end will be only
the beginning. Benjamin Franklin said, ~As soon as a better method of doing
something is devised the old method becomes obsolete.~
(s) Perry Shepard
County Auditor"
County Auditor Shepard also requested that an amount not to exceed $500.00 be approp-
riated from the General Emergency Fund for the purpose of having Arista Data Processing make
a study for the use of data processing in the offices of the Tax Supervisor and County Flud3tor.
At this juncture, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting be recessed
at 9:00 A.M. for the purpose of attending the National SecuriCy Seminar and that the report
from the Covnty Audztor be considered after reconvening at 11:00 A.M. Motion was carried.
The meetine was recor.vened 2C 11:17 A.M. rrith the fo2lov.~irtg members present: Chairman
Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Nall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan;
County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery; County Mar.ager J, E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry
Shepard. '
Mr. Addison Hewlett and Nr. Glenn Herring appeared before the Board relative to Brot,m-
Herring Truck 8 Tractor Company purchasing a tract of land now owned by the County adjacent
to the road leading to the Wanet Sausage Company. Mr. Vaughan questioned Mr. Hewlett and
. ~r. Herring as Lo whether they would be agreeable to inserting in the minutes that a building
for the International Harvester Company business that is presently being conducted will be
constructed on the property within five years. Mr. Hewlett and Nlr. Herring both agreed to
Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that sale be made to the Brown-Herring Truck and
Tractor Company of the proposed land pursuant to the agreement which has been reviewed by the
County Attorney. Question was called on the motion and it was carried.
~ 108
P9inutes of the Neeting - November 6, 1967 (Continued)
Chairman of the uielfare Board, P4r. H. A. P4arks, 2nd Mr. Lloyd Moore appeared before
the Board relative to reclassifications and salaries of personnei in the Welfare Department.
A list was presented for zll reciassifications in ihe department. After briefly discussing
this, it was agreed by the Board of Commissioners and Welfare Board members that study would
be given the proposals and that the Welfare Board would present complete data at the next
meetiny in November.
Mr. Raeford Trask presented a plat for King's Grant Sub-Division which had been approved
by the City-County Plar.nino Commission ar.d was necessary that it be approved now by the Eoard
of County Commissioners.
He stated that it had not been sioned by the Chairrr:an of the Planning Commission but
that this would be done and that it would be in order for the signature by the Board of County
Commissioners' Chairman. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that subject to the Chairman
of the Planning Commission signing the plat it be approved and the Chairman authorized to
sign it on behalf of the County.
County Manager A7arshall presented a request from A?rs. Valeria T. Whitaker of 101 Brook-
wood Avenue; 'l?lilmington; requesting that the ten percent mandatory penalty in the amount of
$20.71 be waived. After briefly discussing this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hal.l,
that the penalty waiver not be granted. Motion was carried.
County Manager Marsliail presented a request from Dr. Morris Kramer who owns property
in Carolina Beach but resides in Lumberton, IV. C. in which he stated that a penalty of $27.55
had been levied asainst his property in Carolina Beach. Information was presented which
substantiates the fact that Dr. Kramer h2d made an effort to have his property listed to
avoid the penalty. Followine a discussion on this; P4r. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Metts,
that the penalty of $27.5~ be waived on tYie property owned by Dr. Kramer in Carolina Beach.
Motion was carried.
P. request from Mrs. John A. Dixon who lives in the Viroin Islands but has property owned
jointly by she and two other sisters in Czrolina Beach was presented to the Board and she re-
quested that the penalty waiver be oranted her. Folio~aine a discussion on this P4r. Hall moved,
seconded by "7r. Vaughan, that the penalty not be waived bec2nse it did not appear to be a
county error. Motion was carried.
County I~lanager Narshall presented a recommendation from the Tax Supervisor that the
~raluation per acre on property owned by Mr. Joseph R. Halecki be reduced from ~2,400 per acre
to $~00 per acre. Th~ Tax Superuis.or'haci"recommended that the adjustment be made to $400 per
acre. A9r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the adjustment be made and N:r. Halecki
so notified. N!otion ~,~as carried.
County Manager ^7arshall reperted to the Board th2t follo~,~ing a review by N.r. Jerry
Nel.son of Southern Appraisai Company of the property in question owned by Mr. and Mrs. C~le
in Carolina Beach that it had been adjusted do~•m~aard from the former $10;725 to $9,17K. This
adjustment was made in view of the fact that ±ne sU,~immin~ pool had been original.l; priced
on 1,000 sqcare feet but upon checking; it was found to be 577 square feet. Mr. Vaughan
moved; seconded by Mr. Nietts, t.hat adjus±ment be made. Niotion was carri?d.
C~unty Manager Narsha ll reported to the Board that A7r. Jerry Nelson had reviewed the
Peoples Savings & Loan Association properties for possible error in pricing its land and
retainer ~~iall. After consideration and consulting uiith Mr. Pell of the Southern Appraisal
Company it ~ras agreed that the adjustment should be made doUrnward and that the Peoples
Savin~s 8 Loan should not be charged for the Vaall supporting the fill inasmuch as we had
previously ctiarged them for a level lot. The resulting figure laas from $171,1~.50 to ~163,°,25.
Mr. Vaughan moved; seconde.d by n4r. Hail, that the above adjustment be granted. A".otion
was carried.
At this juncture 120 jurors were drawn.
County Manager Marshall reported to the Board that Tax Listing by Mail should be
effective this year. He stated that the aUStracts were ordered on Gctober 23, 1967 and that
they had been promised for delivery by November 9, 1957. A2~o, that a letter of instructions
had been prepared and will be in the hands of the printers very shortly.
A bill was received in the amount of $100.00 from the American Shore and Beach Preservation
Association for a corporate membership for Ner,~ Hanover County. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded
by Mr. Hall, that this be approved and that it be paid from the Line Item Dues and Subscriptions.
N;otion was carried.
Dr. Hooper reported to the Board on the mee
Beach and he stated that at this time the Town of
share of the financing and that no furt}!er action
until word is received from the State or from the
ting for the Berm and Dune Project at Hure
Hure Beach ~aas not able to provide their
would be taken on the proposed meeting
Town of Kure Beach that funds are available
County Auditor Shep2rd reported to the Board that the amount of the insurance premium
recently received from the Insurance Advisory Board exceeded the budgeted amount by $2,688.76
and that an additional appropriation ~:as needed. He stated that he would recommend that it
come from the General Emergency Fund. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the
amount of $2,688.76 be appropriated from the General Emercency Fund to pay the insurance
premiums presented by the Insurznce Advisory Committee. Notion was carried.
Minutes of the Meeting - November 6, 1967 (Continued)
County Auditor Shepard recommended that the amount of $(}30,070.24 be transferred from
Revenues Received to Appropriations for New Hanover A§emorial Hospital. Dr. Hooper moved,
seconded by Nr. Metts, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried.
County Nuditor Shepard recommended that $10,858.16 be transferred from Revenue Received
to Appropriations at Cape Fear Technical Institute. Pir. P7etts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper,
that this transfer be made. Motion was carried.
County h4anager PAarshall stated that it had been brought to his attention that the holiday
schedule for the County does not completely coincide with the Holiday Schedule observed by
City offices. The only conflict is that the County observed May lOth as A4emorial Day and
the City of Wilmington did not. He suggested that May lOth be deleted and that November
llth be designated as a holiday to be observed by County offices and it wouid also coincide
~1ith the City's schedule. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the above re-
commendation be accepted. Motion was carried.
By common consent it was agreed that the County Manager be authori2ed to negotiate a
sale for the highest doilar for the sale of the old motor grader at the Airport.
Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that all these requests be referred to the
Sheriff for his investigation. Motion was carried.
County Manager N;arshall stated that he had received a letter from Mr. Leonard W. ldatts,
Court Reporter, requesting that the County pay the cost of the telephone presently used in
his office and now beir.g paid for by him. Further, that Mr. ?n~atts had recommended some dis-
positicn be made of the Dictaphone equipment that was used at one time in the Superior Court
Room. in his letter Nr. Watts stated that the Dictaphone equipment, to his knowledge, ha'cl been
quite expensive in operatiny in view of it not operating properly and this had been true
since he had been here.
Mr. Vauahan rooved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the amount of $100.00 be appropriated
from the General Emerc~ency Fund for the purpose of paying for the telephone in the Court
Reporter's office. P~Iotion was carried.
The County Manager was instructed to contact Dictaphone Corporation and the Court Re-
porter to determine just what has been the problem with the dictating equipment and determine
why it has not worked properly in the Court Room.
By common consent it was agreed that the County Audit would be discussed at the next
regular meeting of the Board.
By common consent it was agreed that the CoLnty Auditor apprise the Board of the financial
situation at the second meeting in each month in order that the Soard will have some knowledge
as to how the fin2nces of the County are sitvated in view of the tax listing error.
By common consent the County P~anager ~aas instructed to write a letter to the Savannah
office in order that they might be apprised of the urgency of the need for the new access road
at the County Airport and request execution of the release of the National Guard Property as
" soon as possible.
Mr. Vaughan stated that the owner of Carolina Security Patrol had contacted him relative
to not gettiny an ansv.~er on the security forces at New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Dr. Hooper
ti•~ill obtain an ans~aer on this and report it to Mr. Vaughan.
Mr. Vaughan requested that some investigation be made of the possibility of the Opportunities,
Inc. office being made availabie for 2dditional museum space. Dr. Hooper stated that he had
contacted Nayor Allsbrook and thzt he. advised him he would have this matter looked into immediately
and report to him as soon as possible.
The County Manager was instructed to contact the proper official in Raleigh to determine
when the final report is to be made relative to t'he U. S. Geological Ground Water Survey.
Covnty Attorney L. Bradford Tillery reported to the Board about meeting, in ?~Jashington
u~ith Mr. Alton Lennon and Representatives of HUD about the la~ater Authority proposed in 1^iilmington
and Nem~ Har.over County.
Mr. Tiliery stated that we should have facts and figures and to have such, an engineer would
be required. Also, that another meeting had been requested in I~~ew York by the Bond Attorneys
but in view of P-7ayor Allsbrook and several other City officiais being there he did not deem
it necessary that any County officials make a second trip at this time.
Mr. Vaughan discussed the question of Welfare recipients briefly. By his consent it was
agreed that Mr. Bowden would report on this at the next meeting.
Mr. Vaughan discussed school costs in New Hanover County. By common consent it was agreed
that the County Manager would contact one of the prefabricated building eontractors in order that
~ a film may be arranged for the County Commissioners at their next meeting. He was to endeavor to
have this film showing at approximately 8:l+5 A.M.
By common consent it was agreed that the Economic Development Commission wouid be discussed
by Mr. Metts at the next meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.
n ~~
~ 110
Minutes of the Meeting - November 6, 196~ (Continued)
County Auditor Shepard having made a request for an appropriation of $500.00 for a pro-
posed study of data processing, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that an amount not
to exceed $500.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund for the purpose of having
Arista Processing Service Center make a study for the use of data processing in the Tax
Listing Office and County Auditor's Office. Motion was carried.
Dr. Hooper reminded the Board about the Governor~s Conference on Economic Development
to be held on Thursday, November 9, 1967 in Raleiyh. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall,
that all members be appointed representatives and that those that were able to attend the
meeting in Raleigh do so. Motion was carried.
Dr. Hooper presented to the Board the request from the Mental Health Advisory Committee
and it was that $3,000.00 be used from the Director~s salary to underwrite the cost of obtaining
the services of a Director for the Mentai Health Center. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr.
Metts, that the amount of $3,000.00 be authorized for use from the present Director~s salary
of the Mental Health Clinic to underwrite the cost of obtaining the services of a director.
Motion was carried.
The statement about support from the Board of County Commissioners from the Mental Health
Advisory Committee was then read and by common consent made a part of the record and is as follows:
"We are especiaily grateful to you and the members of the Commission for the
comp2ete and vital support you have given during the recent problems associated with
staff and program. We feel this situation is now behind us and the ground is clear
for us to rebuild without encumbrances."
By common consent, and in view of the fact that Mr. Pridoen was involved in Court, the
matter of loose leaf registration will be discussed at the next meeting.
County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a request for addition to the State Main-
tained Secondary Road System for Rainbow Circle and Sierra Drives, Pabelo Avenue and Monterey
Drive. Both petitions seemed to be in order and the necessary maps had been furnished. Mr.
Vaughan moved that the standard resolution be adopted and these petitions with attached maps
be referred to the Highway Department for their consideration. Motion was seconded by Mr.
Metts and passed unanimously.
A plan for the proposed Queens Point Sub-Division was presented. It had been approved by
the Planning Commission but the lack of having the signature of the Chairman of the City-County
Pianning Commission the Boarcl took the following action: Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr.
Metts, that the sub-division plat be approved sub,ject to the signature of the Chairman of the
City-County Planning Commission being placed on the plat and bhen signed by the Chairman of
the County Commissioners. Motion was carried.
County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery presented a proposal to the Board relative to the
easements being obtained on the ends of the runway for the glide slope and approach zone areas.
After a brief discussion of this Nir. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the chairman
be authorized, empowered and directed to execute and deliver a letter to the Federal Aviation
Administration advising that Agency that New Hanover County requests the deletion and waiver
of acquis3tlon of easements over parcels F, I, C. B, and S as soon as possibie as shown on
revised Exhibit "A" for New Hanover County Airport. Motion was carried,
Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. E. R. Wilson be reappointed to serve
on the Board of 2oning Ad,justments as a representive of the County from the one-mile area for
a term of two years. The effective date of this appointment to be November 5, 1967 and will
expire November 5, 196q. Motion was carried.
By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman write a letter to Mr. Pau1 Blanchard,
Register of Deeds, and express to him the Commissioners~ regrets of his extended illness.
Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Mr. Vaughan and the County Attorney be
authorized to negotiate the lease amendment and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the
lease amendment upon being delivered to him. Motion was carried. '
The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as ,jurors in Superior Court
for the weeks beginning December !} and December 11, 196~ - Criminal Terms:
Jurors For the Week Beqinninq December !~, 1967
Batson,Pleasant, 1ob Central Blvd.
Brown,W.F., 103 Jacksonville Ave.
Canady,C.F., Rt. 1,Box 2(}8,W11.
Carmon,Daniel w., 914 Meares st.
Chesser,Homer E.,Sr., 2006 Pender Ave.
Coleman,Robt.F.,Jr., 1922 Chestnut St.
Doby,John D., l}0 L ake Forest Pkwy,
Fountain,Mrs.W.G., 2412 Belvedere Dr.
Fowler,O.D., 2222 Brandon Rd.
Funderburg,Mrs.Louise N.,RFD 1,Castle Hayne
Ga11ey,Richard, 709 So.
15th St.
Garrett,John H., !}LE08 ,
Greenfield St.
Green,Lucille D., 209 Brookwood Ave.
Haertel,Ceci1 W., 212 Cape Fear Blvd.
Hansen,A,H.,Sr., 208 Arlington Dr,
- Criminal Term:
Harrell,J.Reece, 5113 Clear Run Dr.
Harrell,Susan Chason ,Rt. 1,Box 8!{-I,Wil.
Harris,Lura, 230 Lake Forest Pkwy.
Hatch,George G., 1l}2 Heritage Park Dr.
Hayduke,S.J., Rt. 2,Box 53A,Castle Hayne
Hi11,Andrew, 501 So. 14th St.
Jackson,J.R., 130 Whitman Ave.
Jenkins,Thomas,Jr., 825 Green St.
Johnson,H.L., 809 So. Front St.
Johnson,Robt.B., 3606 Winston Blvd.
Jordan,Thelma B., 53i Castle Hayne Rd.
Justice,F.M., Rt. 1,Box 56, Wil.
Justice,J.B., 113 Glendale Dr.
Kalnen,Elizabeth M., Cast le Hayne, N. C.
Keith, Louis, 25-D Taylor Homes
l.1 ~`
Minutes of the Meeting - November 6, 1967 (Continued)
Jurors For the Week Beainninq December 11, 1967
Koen,Pete H., 122 Bermuda Dr.
Koltuniak,John Joseph, Rt. 1,Box 79BB,Cas.Hyn.
Lane,Margueritte S., Rt. 1,Box 154,Cas.Hyn.
Lanier,N.B., Rt. i,Box 203,Cas.Hyn.
Latimer,H.G.,Jr., 407 CP&L Bldg..
Lofton,Alice Wood, 1015 Orange St.
Melton,John R., 3821 Car.Bch. Rd.
McCa11,W.H., 6913 wri. Ave.
Millinor,Carolyn Williams,3502 Car.Bch.Rd.
Morton,Cabot C., Rt. 1,Holland Dr.,
Murchison,Charlotte, 1231 Fairway Dr.
Neal,Mer1 C., Rt. 2,Box 393,W11. ~
CriminaT Term (Continued):
ourt,Mrs. Carrie B., Rt. 1,Box 166,Wi1.
Philemon,Daniel M., 2010 Perry Ave.
Pierce,J.E., 5806 Roseland Dr.
Puskas,Ernest James, 126 Bermuda Dr.
Rivenbark,E.A., Rt. 1,Wrightsboro Rd.
Rogers,"Robt.C., 235 No. 23rd St.
Spencer,Mrs. Augusta B.,5i4 Princess St.
Steenhuis,Bernice Hi1da,Box 17,Kure Beach
Ti11y,Carrie M., • 707 Campbell St.
Tsantes,Louis, 1}19 So. 3rd St.
Turner,Paul T., 915 No. Kerr Ave..
Ward,James N~rvin, 2Q9 Bermuda Dr.
Webb,A.C., Rt. 2,Box 315,Wi1.
Jurors For the Week Beainninq December 11. 1967
Bordeaux,Hubert~H., 135 Holbrooke Ave.
Brinson,Allan R., 1}O6 Dawson St.
Cameron,Bruce B. c/o MacMillan & Cameron
Cameron,Robt. F., P.O. Box 990,W11.
Campbell,Lottie, 823 So. 6th St.
Campbell,Willie, Rt. i,Box 265-B,Wil.
Carter,Walter S.,Jr., 20!} Rose Ave.
Cottle,Loranzo Bryant,Jr .,304 Coliege St.
Cromartie,Willie M., 612 Church St.
Eames,Phillip M.;Jr., l}618 Mockingbird Dr.
Farrar,Jack B., P.O. Box 418,W11.
Galloway,Robt.E., 110 Sunset Ave.
Ha11,Gertrude, 1208 Charlotte St.
Ha11,John, Box 809,Wi1.
Hardiman,Callie B., Rt. 1,Box 82-B,Wil.
Harris,Rofield, 706 Ann St.
Harriss,Francies Green, 1701~ Chestnut St.
Harvell,Everett L., Rt. 1,Box 7l},Cas.Hyn.
Harvell,J.W., P.O. Box 37,Cas.Hyn.
Harvell,Roy Stanley, Rt. 1,Box 273AA,Cas.Hyn.
Hayduke,Joseph C., Rt. 1,Castle Hayne
Hayes,Norbert B„ 13l} Jamaica Dr.
Jackson,Clarence, 130 Bermuda Dr.
Jordan,Levi P., Rt. 1,Box 180,Cas.Hyn.
Jordan,Richard W., 529 Castle Hayne Rd.
Joyce,Charies A., P.O. Box 104,W11.
Joyner,Claudia B., 1936 Hudson Dr.
Keel,Dorfina, Rt. l,Box 76,Wi1.
Keith,R.A., 29 W hitman Ave.
Krochmalny,Raymond, Rt. 1,Holland Dr.,
Criminal Term:
Lane,James F.,
Laney,Madge G.,
Larkins,Lula G.,
Leonard,Harold E.,
Leonard,Robt. Ray,
Lewis,Edward E.,
Lewis,Jerold W.,
Lewis,Oscar T.,Jr.,
Lucas,Richard Lee,
Marks, Nfrs. Rebecca,
Parks,Norman E.,
Raynor,James Ray,
Smith,L.M., Sr.,
Teague, M.L.,
Rt.•1,Box 154,Cas.Hyn.
Rt. 1,Cas.Hyn.
8 son. s1va.,wt1.
110 Jamaica Dr.
131 Glendale Dr,
Rt: 1,Box 232F,Cas.Hyn.
Rt. 1,Box 81A,Wi1.
Rt. 1,Box 82AA,Wii.
Rt. 1,Box 13,wt1.
~Rt. 1,Box 1'18,Wi1.
218 Jamaica Dr.
RFD 1,Box 188,Cas.Hyn.
213 Jamaica Dr.
Rt. 1, Box 98HD,W31.
2720 Mimosa Place
711 Wooster St.
Kure Beach
Rt. 3,Box 139,wi1.
1115 Dock St.
2916 Monroe St.
Gastle Hayne
210 Oakleaf Dr.
201 Tenn. Ave.
1501 Nun St.
808 50. bth st.
305 Church St.
' 919 So. 2nd St.
2510 Adams St.
There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting
be adjourned. Notion was carried. ~
J. E. Marshall, County Manager
Minutes of the Meeting - November 20, 196~
~ The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Nanover Connty •Board of Commissioners was held
on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members present:
Chairman Dr. Joseph lA. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts,
Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery;•County'Manager J. •E. Marshall; and
County Auditor Perry Shepard. •
After calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. W. A. Seawell, Pastor, Grace
Methodist Church, to give the invocat3on.
At this time Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. joined the meeting.
For the minutes of November 6, 196~ in the paragraph where Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden
made a statement it should have the following inserted following the first sentence of the second
paragraph: "I was informed of three conditions; one, there was a possibility of a$29,000,000
error; two, it had been known since September and nothing had been done to rectify or verify the
error; and three, neither Lhe Auditor, Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager had
been advised."
Under the heading "Transfer of Unanticipated Revenue, New Hanover Memorial Hospital", it
should be corrected to read as follows: "County Auditor Shepard recommended that the amount
of $(}30,070.24 be transferred from Revenues Received to Appropriations For New Hanover Memorial
Hospital." Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this transfer be made. Motion was
carried." ~
Under the heading "Transfers of Funds, Cape Fear Technical Institute", it should be corrected
to read as follows: "County Auditor Shepard recommended'that $10,858.16 be transferred from
Revenues Received to Appropriations at Cape Fear Technical~InstituLe. Mr. Metts moved, seconded
by Dr. Hooper, that these transfers be made. Motion was carried."
~ Following these corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be
approved as transcribed. Motion was carried.