1967-12-04 Regular Meetingi 118 Minutes of the Meeting - November 20, 1967 (Continued) RESIGNATION OF COUNTY ATTORNEY (CONTINUED) - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Tillery~s letter of resignation be accepted with regret and that a replacement for Mr. Tillery be selected before the next regular meeting. Motion was carried. ~ ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of Lhe Meeting - December !}, 1967 ASSENBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - ' After calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. James B. Tubbs, Executive Secretary of the Wilmington Presbytery, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes for the meeting of November 20, 1967 be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried. REORGANIZATION OF BOARD - The first item being the election of a Chairman, Mr. Bowden nominated Dr. Joseph W. Hooper and Mr. M. H. Vauohan nominated M. H. Vaughan as Chairman. Mr. Bowden moved that the nomi- nations be closed, seconded by Mr. Metts. Motion was carried. The ballot was then taken on the nominations and Dr. Hooper was elected Chairman by a vote of three to zero. Dr. Hooper abstained from voting. The next item was the election of a Vice-Chairman. Dr, Hooper nominated Mr. Bowden as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr.Hall, that the nominations be closed. Motion was carried. The ballot was then taken and the Chairman declared that Mr. Bowden was elected Vice-Chairman. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". APPOINTNiENT OF CAUNTY ATTORNEY - Due to the resignation of Mr. L. Bradford Tillery as County Attorney, Dr. Hooper re- commended that iNr. James C. Fox, a local practicing Attorney, be appointed as County Attorney. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Nr. James C. Fox be appointed County Attorney. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the salary for the newly appointed County Attorney be the same as the outgoing Attorney. Mr. Bowden made a substitute motion that the present salary for the County Attorney be reduced by $250.00 per year. He stated that his motion was made in the light of trying to be consistent. Motion died for lack of a second, Question was called on the original motion and it was carried by a vote of four to zero. Mr. Bowden abstained from voting. A.B.C. PERMITS: CARMEN'S RESTAURANT, INC., OLEANDER DRIVE; THE GOLD N CRUST HOUSE, 759 Sa. 17TH STREET; AND COTTLE DRIVE-IN, CAROLINA BEACH ROAD - The above applications for A.B.C. Permits were reviewed and Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vavghan, that they be referred to the Sheriff for his investigation. Motion was carried. RESOLUTION LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by PSr. Bowden, that the following resolution pertaining Lo New Hanover County becoming a member of Lhe Lower Cape Fear Council of Local Governments be adopted. Question was called on the adoption of the resolution and it was carried. "A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WHEREAS, the following counties and municipalities constitute a single development area for urban development; and 1~lHEREAS, the units of local government bear a common responsibility to serve the people of the urban area with efficient, economical and purposeful government; and WHEREAS, the physical, social and economic factors of the urban area present the local governments with common prohlems and with opportunities for con- structive actions to serve the people; and WHERFAS, there is need for close coordination and cooperation among the local governments acting in concert; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESaLVED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (i) Acting ,jointly with other governments of the urban area, there is hereby created and established the L04JER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS, hereafter called the "Council." 2) Membership in the Lower Cape Fear Council of Governments is open Lo each unit of ocal Government within the territorial limits of the urban area and to such additional ~ areas as the Council may add. . ~ ~ a ~. ` ~_ ~. 9 ~ Minutes of the Neeting - December 4, 1967 (Continued) RESOLUTION LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMEIJTS (CONTINUED) - "(a) ~Unit of Local Government' is defined to mean any public corporation or entity designated as a unit of Government. (3) Membership and representation shall be as determined in the By-Laws of the Council. Each representative shall be an elected member of the local governing body. ((}) Any government which has become a member of the Council may withdraw upon 60 days notice subsequent to formal action by its governino body. (5) The purpose and functions of the Council taith respect to Lhe area shall be: (a) To carry on a continuing program of comprehensive planning that supple- ments and coordinates but does not duplicate the programs of the member units; (b) To study such area governmental problems common to two or more members as is deemed appropriate, including but not limited to matters affecting health, safety, welfare, education, economic conditions, and regional development; (c) To promote cooperative arranoements and coordinate action among members; (d) To make recommendations for review and action to the members and other public agencies that perform functions within the region; (e) To serve as a clearing house for the benefit of inember, of information concerning their common problems and concerning state and Federal services available to assist in the solution of various problems in this area; (6) (a) The Council may discuss questions or any matters within the scope of its stated purpose, and make recommendations for action to the governmental units involved in any such question or matter. (b) Members and non-members, governmental units and/or quasi-governmental agen- cies, or citizens of this area may bring matters involving inter- governmental cooperation to the attention of the Council for discussion and possible recommendation. (c) The Lower Cape Fear Council of Governments may request any governmental unit or agency, Federal, state or local, to act upon its recommendations if such is deemed to be in the interest of the Council and~or its member units. (d) The Council may promote agreements between members or non-member govern- mental units which are deemed appropriate to further inter-governmental cooperation. (e) The Council may initiate and/or request studies deemed necessary to further understanding of any matters or problems under cons3deration by the Council. (f) The Council shall encourage contributions of research assistance from research organi2ations, civic foundations, institutions of higher learning, and other organizations. (7) The Council may accept and expend funds, grants, gifts, and~or services from the government of the United States, or its agencies; from the State of North Caro- lina or its departments and agencies; from agencies or instrumentalities from any governmental unit whether participating in the Council or not; and from other civic sources or private sources. (a) The Council may establish an operating budget to meet expenses of approved programs. Any such budget shall be authorized by each member uni_t and necessary contributions shall be born¢ by the member units in pro- portionate shares as determined by the Council, and the memberunits. (8) The Council may adopt by-laws designating officers of the Council, providing for the conduct of business, the manner and method of securing local funds that may be necessary, and the manner and method by which voting on pro,jects by the Council shall be determined. Such by-laws, after adoption by the Council, shall be ratified by the legislative body of each unit of local government. (a) The Council may establish or designate any such committees or advisory groups it deems necessary to assist in carrying out its purpose and functions. The Couttcil shall authorize and define the powers and duties of all committees and advisory groups so established. The council shall designate the membership of such committee or advisory groups and shall appoint a chairman of these groups and other personnel deemed necessary. Recommendations and other actions of commitLees or advisory groups will be heard by the Council but such recommendations and other actions are not binding on the Council unless so adopted. " (q) The Council may establish an office, appoint an executive director, and employ staff and/or consultants and retain such as it deems necessary. (10) The Council shall keep accurate minutes of its proceedings and shall make periodic reports concerning its activities to member units and other interested parties. . (il) Voting and voting procedures shall be as determined in the By-laws of the Council. Decisions of the Council which involve specific recommendations for y~ agreement for cooperative endeavors between two or more participating members shall require an affirmative vote of those participating members. ~ l~U Minutes of the Meeting - December ~, 1967 (Continued) RESOLUTION LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (CONTINUED) - "(12) The Council shall meet at regular sessions or at the cali of the chairman, as deemed appropriate. (a) The Council shall elect from its membership a chairman, and such other officers as it deems necessary, all to serve for periods of time as specified in the By-laws. (b) The Council may create an executive committee from within its membership, or otherwise organi2e itself as is deemed appropriate, (c) The Councii shall establish an agenda to be followed at meetings, if such agendas are deemed necessary by the Cauncil. (d) Notlce of ineetings, regular or special, together with the agenda, if availabie, shall be furnished members and other interested parties approxi- mately 10 days prior to such meeting. (e) The Council may adopt further rules and procedures through the enactment of by-laws as it deems necessary. (13) Amendments to this resolution shall be made effective by an affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the members. Any amendment shall be submitted in . writing to each member at least thirty days prior to the meeting at which such amendment is to be voted upon. This resolution shall be effective as of the date of its adoption. Attest: (s) J. E. Marshall , Signature (s) Jos. W. Hooper Title Clerk Date ~ December 4, 1967 Title Chairman Of The Board Date December 4, 1967" Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Chairman present to the next meeting of the Council of Local Governments the question of other governing bodies becoming members of this particular one. It was mentioned that Pender County may be interested in becoming a member. Motion was carried. RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT, AIRPORT, CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a request for an easement for the con- struction of a power line to serve the new Filtors plant being constructed on property ad,jacent to New Hanover County A;rport and north of Gardner Drive. After reviewing the application and easement, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the easement on behalf of the County. Motion was carried. ACQUISITION OF NATIONAL GUARD PROPERTY ADJACENT TO COUNTY AIRPORT - Mr. Hall stated to the Board that it was his understanding wittiin the very near future the Special Forces Unit presently occupying the National Guard property ad3acent to the County Airport will be disbanded. Mr. Hali then moved, seconded by Mr. P9etts, that the County institute the necessary plans to obtain the property that the Special Forces Unit will be abandoning. Motion was carried. RESET JANUARY 1, 1968 MEETING - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting for January 1, 1968 be scheduled for Tuesday, January 2, 1968 at 8:30 A.M. Motion was carried. BROWN-HERRING TRUCK AND TRACTOR COMPANY - County Manager Marshall stated to the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Addison Hewlett, .Tr., AtLorney for the Brown-Herring Truck and Tractor Company, advising that th~y are no longer desirous of purchasing the property ad,jacent to the County Farm property. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Brown-Herring Truck and Tractor Company be released from th~ purchase, sub,ject to them paying any direct expenses that may have been incurred by the County. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that $200.00 which was expended in the appraisal of the property for a possible purchase by Mr. H. A. Marks not be included in this particular item. Motion was carried. REVIEW PLANS FOR COURT ROOM ADDITIONS, MFt. JOHN OXENFELD - Mr. John Oxenfeld of the firm of Oxenfeld and Newkirk appeared before the Board and re- viewed the plans for the proposed new court rooms. After reviewing the plans in detail, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Oxenfeld proceed with the development of the plans and specifications for the court rooms and funds for the cost of the plans and specifi- cations, which at this point are estimated to cost $4,000.00 to $5,000.00, be paid from the Court Room Renovation Fund. Motion was carried. INSUR.4NCE ADVISORY COMNiITTEE Mr. Hardy Wessell having resign¢d as the County representative on the Insurance Advisory Committee, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Franklin Elmore be appointed as the County's representative to the Wilminoton-New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee. Motion was carried. Mr. Metts abstained from voting. REQUEST FROM THE STATE - County Manager Marshall reported to the Board that he had received a request from the local State Prison officials requesting that the County house eighteen (18) to twenty-two (22) State prisoners in the County Prison during the period of renovation at the State Prison Unit. He had submitted a letter to the Board prior to the meeting and his views as well as the Connty Attorney~s views had been expressed therein. Following a discussion on this Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the County advise the prison officials that we (the County) would like to work with them, but at this time due to several circumstances it appeared that this would bc an unworkable situat3on. Further, should they (the State officials) come up with some other idea that would possibly be workable with the County, it can be considered by the Board at that time. Motion was carried. , 1. ~~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 4, 1967 (Continued) VOTING MACHINES - ~ Mr. William Carpenter, representing Automatic Voting Machines, and Mr. Henry Bost, re- presenting Shoup Voting Machines, appeared before the Board relative to New Hanover County leasing, with the option to purchase, 15 voting machines to be used in a pilot program in the County. Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Bost had been advised by the County Manager that should they have additional information that should be presented, or that they desired to present, to the Board at the meeting, they would each be allotted ten (10) minutes to so present the additional information. Following a toss of a coin, Dr. Hooper pointed out that Mr. Carpenter would make his presentation first. Therewith, Mr. Carpenter pointed out several features of his voting machine and stated that one of the features offered by his machine that was not offered by the competition is his printed return and it is above all others in the country. Mr. Bost then made his presentation and pofnted out that his machine has a vertical ballot which associated the name of the candidate with the voting lever whereas his competition's machine had a horizontal ballot. Mr. Bost raas then quesLioned by Vice-Chairman Bor~den relative to the number of instal.lations his company had in the State. Both sale representatives were asked if they did not have a sealed proposal that could be presented at this meeting and both stated that they did have, but due to not having specifications as to what they would be quoting on, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Bost and Mr. Carpenter be requested to submit a sealed proposal at the meeting to be held December 18, 196~ and that the proposals they had handed to the chairman be returned to the representatives unopened. The motion was carried. By common consent, the County Attorney and County Manager were instructed to work on the specifications and get them in the hands of the two sales representatives. LOOSE LEAF REGISTRATION, MR. O. K. PRIDGEN, II - Mr. 0. H. Pridgen, II, Chairman of the Board of Elections, appeared before the Board of the Commissioners relative to the Loose Leaf Registration which is to be instituted in New Hanover County. Mr. Pridgen stated that it is the Board of Elections' feeling that business in this season will be slowing down somewhat and wiil allow them (Board of Election Members) to hold the necessary meetings to prepare the new precinct map and will inform the Commissioners of the new map as soon as it is completed. Further, that the Board of Elections plan to have the new system in effect in the Spring Primary. Dr. Hooper questioned Mr. Pridgen about instituting the program and he replied that he felt that there would not be any hold up in the instituting of the loose leaf registration. There being no other comment on this, Mr. Pridgen was thanked for appearing before the Board. At this juncture the Chairman declared a five minute recess at 10:40 A.M. The meetino was reconvened at 10:L}5 A.N. AIR POLLUTION, MEt. W. H. CRANFORD, DIRECTOR OF SANITATION - Mr. W. H. Cranford, Director of Sanitation for the Consolidated Board of H~alth, appeared before the Board relative to the Air Pollution Program being terminated and the present employee working on the program. He stated that he would like to retain this•man to continue in the capacity of a Sanitarian on a full time basis in the Health Department. To substantiate the work that the employee had been doing Mr. Cranford presented a report and memorandum which out- lined the different types of work the empioyee in question has been doing. Dr. Hooper then stated that the figures presented at the meeting were not available at the Board of Health Meeting at which time the question of the Air Pollution Program being terminated was discussed. Following a discussio?t~.on this, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the problem, in view of now having the figures, be referred back to the Heaith Department for their recom~endation on retaining the employee being used on the Air Pollution Program. Further, that this seems to be a Health Department problem and before a decision is made on this a recommendation should be forthcoming from the Health Departmettt. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. Dr. Hooper abstained from voting. INSURANCE, MR. HOMER DAVIS - Mr. Homer Davis, representing Nationwide Insurance Company, appeared before the Board, relative to the Fleet Liability Insurance presentiy carried by his company on County owned vehicles. He stated that by chance he had found out that the County had elected to join the Insurance Advisory Committee Program and that he had learned of a possible cancellation on the present Fleet Insurance Policy his company is carrying. He pointed out several factors which would enter into this and further, that he is not a member of the Insurance Advisory Group which the County is a part of. He further stated that should the policy be cancelled, it would be on a short-rate basis and the County would lose money. He was advised by Dr. Hooper that the Insurance Advisory Committee had agreed to only write the Fleet Insurance Policy in the limits that would be in excess of the policy Nr. Davis' company is presently carrying. Mr. Hardy Wessell, Executive Secretary of the Insurance Advisory Committee, stated when the survey was being made they were under a great deal of pressure for time and in several instances they had to have binders on policies that were expiring and several other factors were not known to them at the time of the original survey. Also, by the nature of the work some mistakes had been made but the policies are of the Audit type and corrections are being made back to thc date of the original policy when mistakes are found. Mr. Glasgow Hicks also a member of the In- surance Advisory Committee, spoke to the points made by Mr. Wessell. It was also stated that the Insurance Advisory Committee is in the process of mailing out questionnaires to all the insurance agencies in New Hanover County which determines their qualifications to become classi- fi~d as a participating agent and, ther~fore, they may elect to become members of the Insurance Advisory Group. Mr. Davis was advised of this fact and it was stated to him by Mr. Wessell that he should be receiving a questionnaire within a very short period of time. Ther¢ being no further comments.on this matter, Mr. Davis was thanked for appearing before the Board. OGDEN RESCUE SQUAD - Mr. Winston Thompson and Mr. Crews from the Ogden Rescue Squad appeared before the Board and stated that they would like to be granted a franchise in New Hanover County under House Bill )( No. 159 passed by the 1967 Session of the General Assembly for Ambulance Service. Following a discussion on this, Mr. Thompson stated that the Secretary of his organi2ation would write a letter to the County and it would b¢ investigated by the County Attorney and a report made to the Board of Commissioners as soon as possible. ~l~N Minutes of the Meeting - December 4, 196~ (Continued) OGDEN RESCUE SQUAD (CONTINUED),- Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by.Mr. Hall, that Mr. Thompson and Mr. Cr¢ws be thanked for appearing before the Board and the Board of County Commissioners recognizes the fine ~ob that the Ogden Rescue Squad is doing. Motion was carried. BQARD OF EDUCATION RESOLUTION - Mr. Emsley Laney and Dr. William blagoner from the Board of Education appeared before the Board relative to the building of the Pine Valley School. A petition was presented to the Board which is as follows: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : PETITION COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER TO: THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY: Your Petitioner, the New Hanover County Board of Education does hereby petition , the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to provide the necessary funds for the constrvction of a new elementary school to be located near Highway No. 132 5outh, in the Pine Valley residential area of New Hanover County, and to that end, does re- , spectfully show the Commissioners: ~ 1. That the purpose of this Petition is to request the necessary funds to construct a new elementary school to carry out the purposes set forth in a resolution passed by the Board of Education of New Hanover County at its meeting held on November 7, 1967, a certified, true copy of said resolution as appearing in said Minutes, being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. 2. That a new elementary school, to be located on Highway No. 132 South, near the Pine Valley residential area of New Hanover County, is needed in order to provide proper and sufficient school plant facilities in New Hanover County; that in order to complete this elementary school before September, 1968, it is necessary that construction of said elementary school begin immediately; that the estimated - cost of said new elementary school is $475,000.00; that said school may.,be constructed ~ in two phases, with separate contracts; that Phase #1 being the construction of the foundation, walls, and roof for an unfinished school building, at an estimated cost of $110,000.00; with Phase #2 being the completion of the school plant facility at an additional cost of $365,000.00. - 3. That the New Hanover County Board of EducaEion determines that it is necessary that said elementary school be constructed and that construction begin at the earliest possible date. UJHEREFORE, YOUR PETITIONER RESPECTFULLY PRAYS: That the Board of County Commissioner•s of New Hanover County raise the sum of $110,000.00 at this time so that the New Hanover County Board of Education might contract for and complete Phase ~Y1 of its construction of said elementary school. That the balance of the funds necessary for construction of said elementary school be pro- vided either from school bonds, if approved by the voters of New Hanover County, or from other sources of revenue, to be provided by the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners. This 15 day of November, 1967. (s) E. A. Laney, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Education STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HAMOVER . E. A. LANEY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Education; that he has read the foregoing Petition and thaL the same is true of his own knowiedge, except as to those matters and things therein set forth on information and belief, and as to those, he believes it to be true. (s) E. A. Laney Sworn to and subseribed before me this 15 day of November, 1967. (s) Ione P. Whitehead Notary Pubiic My commission expires: Sept. 12, 1969 EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION , The regular meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Education was held on Tuesday, November 7, 1967, at the office of the Board, at 8:00 o~clock P.M. The following members were present: E. A. Laney, Chairman; M. M. Dunn; Mrs. Alice Strickland; LaMar McIver; Dr. John Codington; and L. M. Newsome. No members were absent. Also present was Dr. William Wagoner, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary to the Board. it i'e ?` # iE ~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 4, 1967 (Continued) ~ BQARD OF EDUCP.TION RESOLUTION (CONTINUE-) - M. M. Dunn introduced the following resolution and moved that it be adopted: (1) WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Education at its meeting on September 19, 1967, unanimously passed a resolution petitioning the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to call an election to vote for School Bond in the amount of $3,750,000.00 for the construction of new school ` buildings and to make additions and alterations to existing school buildings; and WHEREAS, one of the needed school'plant facilities is a new elementary school to be located on Highway No. 132, near the Pine Ualley residential area of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, in order to complete this elementary school before ' September, 1968, the beginning of the 1968-69 school term, it is necessary that construction of said elementary schooi begin immediately; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of this new elementary school near Pine Valley is ~475,000.00; that said school may be constructed in two phases with separate contracts; that Phase #1 being the construction of the foundations, walls, and roof for an unfinished school building at an estimated cost of $110,000.00; ~aith Phase #2 being the completion of the school plant facility at an additional cost of $365,000.00; and WHEREAS, the Nerf Hanover County Board of Education determines that it is necessary that said elementary school be con- _ structed and that construction begin at the earliest possible date. The Board of Commissioners is hereby requested to raise the sum of $110,000.00 at this time so that the New Hanover County Board of Education might contract for and complete Phase #1 of the construction of said elementary school. The balance of the funds necessary for construction of said elementary school to be provided either from school bonds, if approved by the voters of New Hanover County, or from other sources of revenue to be provided by the New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners. (2) The Secretary of the New Hanover County Soard of Education is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this . resolution to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. The motion was seconded by Dr. John Codington, and was unanimously'passed. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . DR. WILLIAM WAGONER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly elected Secretary of the Board of Education of New Hanover County; that at the regular meeting of the Board of Education of New Hanover County, held on the 7th day of November, 1967, all members were present, and that the resolution hereto attached was duly and properly passed by the unanimous vote of all members. That the said resolution is duly recorded in the Minutes of the Board at Page 7, Book VII; that the said resolution is a true and correct copy of same as passed and as recorded in the Minutes. This, the 15 day of November, 1967. (Corporate Seal) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15 day of November, 1967. (s) Ione P. Whitehead Notary Public My commission expires: Sept. 1Z, 1969 (s) Dr. William Wagoner Following a discussion on this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Board of Education be authorized to proceed with the obtaining of the requested $110,0~0.00 and this request is subject to the approval of the County Attorney. Mr. Metts made a substitute motion, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for the purpose of discussion, that this matter be deferred until the next meeting and that the County Attorney obtain.the necessary information from the Local Govern- ment Commission as to where Lhe $110,000.00 will come from and also, the additional funds for completion of the school plant. The question was calied on the substitute motion and it failed by a vote of four against and one for.. Question was then called on the original motion and it carried by a vote of four to zero. Mr. Metts abstained from voting. CAPITAL RESERVE FUND - " Dr. Wagoner then discussed with the Board the question of the transfer of $15,~64.00 from the Capital Reserve Fund to the John T. Hoggard School construction. Following a rather lengthy discussion on this Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the requested transfer of $15,76!}.00 from the Capital Reserve Fund to the John T. Hoggard High 5chool construction be approved and fvrther, that should any surplus be left in the Capital Outlay Fund, it should r be returned to Capital Reserve. ~.'~~. ti r~.z4 Minutes of the Meeting - December t}, 196~ (Continued) CAPITAL RESERVE FUND (CONTINtJED) - Dr. Hooper made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. VauShan, that these funds be obtained from anywhere within the current school budget except the Capital Reserve Fund, it being under- stood that these funds should be used for the purchase of additional school sites. Question was called on the substitute motion and it failed by a vote of two for and three against. Dr. Hooper and Mr. Vaughan voted in the affirmative and Mr. Metts, Mr. Hall and Nr. Bowden voted in the negative. Question was then called on the original motion and it r~as passed by a vote of three for and two against. Mr. Meits, Mr. Hall and Mr. Bowden voted in the affirmative and Dr. Hooper and Mr. Vaughan voted in the negative. ATTACHN.ENT TO RESOLUTION PRESENTED AT THE NOVEMBER 20, 1967 MEETING - The following declaration is made a part of the resolution requesting the transfer of $15,761}.00. "It is further declared that the building of John T. Hoggard High School and the financing thereof is necessary for the maintenance of the public school term as required by the Constitution and Law of North Carolina." This is a recommendation made by Mr. Tillery for the completion of the resolution of November 20th. BOOKMOBILE CHASSIS - By common consent the County Manager was authorized to proceed with the advertising for bids for the purchase of a chassis for the Bookmobile. ORDiNANCE REGUTATING PARHIPJG AT COUNTY AIRPORT - County Manager Marshall stated to the Board that in a recent conversation with the Airport Manager he stated to him that some problems are developing in and around the Terminal Building relative to unauthorized parking. He stated that an enforcible ordinance shovld be adopted by the Soard of Commissioners wttich would help remedy some of the problems. Mr. Bowden moved the County Manager and the Airport Manager draft an ordinance for pre- sentation to the Airport Committee. And further, that the County Attorney be consulted on the proper legal language to be incorporated in the ordinance. Motion was carried. HOSPITAL BILLS FOR PRISONERS FROM COUfVTY JAIL, COUNTY AUDITOR - County Auditor Shepard presented bills for prisoners which were retained in the County Jail but had received some form of treatment at New Hanover Memorial Hospital in the amount of $285•75. He stated that funds are presently not provided in the budget and in order that they might be paid an appropriation is necessary. Following a discussion on this Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Nr. Vaughan, that this matter be referred to the Welfare Department for whatever action might be taken by that particular department. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION, DECEMBER 22, 1967, COUNTY AUDITOR - County Auditor Shepard stated to the Board that past practice indicated the payroll for the period ending December 30th had been distributed several days prior to Christmas but the Board had always authorfzed this distribution. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that the payroli for the period ending December 30th be authorized for distribution on December 22, 1967. Motion was carried. COUPl1`Y AUDITOR~S REPORT AND County Auditor 5hepard Data Processing which would independent Data Processing iVew Hanover County and requ Revenues to cover the first RECOMMENDATION ON E.D.P. SERVICE - presented to the Board his report and recommendation pertaining to be used in the County Tax Listing Department. He recommended that Corporation of Raleiyh be retained to perform the E.D.P. work for zsted that an amount of $21,000.00 be appropriated from Unanticipated year's cost. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Independent Data Processing Corporation of Raleigh, N. C. be retained to perform the electronic data processing work for New Hanover County and that the contract be made subject to the approval of the County Attorney. Further, that an amount of $21,000.00 be appropriated from Unanticipated Revenues to cover this expenditure for the first year. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Chairman be instructed to write a letter to ali County employees informing them that data processing will be utilized in the County Government and that no jobs will be lost except through attrition as result of the County adopting data processing. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF OFFICIAL BONDS FOR COUNTY OFFICIALS - This matLer was referred to the County Attorney to investigate the official bonds of all County officials and to make a report at the next meeting. WELFARE RECIPIENTS, MR. VAUGHAN Mr. Vaughan discussed a letter he had written to Dr. Hooper sometime ago relative to a welfare recipient and stated he had not received any answer to the question raised in his letter. Further, that a copy of the letter was furnished to Miss Hall which was discussed at the Welfare Board Meeting. Mr. Bowden answered Mr. Vaughan and stated that he (Mr. Vaughan) had received a verbal answer, but he (Mr. Bowden) would be happy to resubmit the name Mr. Vaughan had furnished him to the Welfare Board for their further investigation. At this time Miss Hall, Welfare Director, was requested to appear before the Board relative to the matter. Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Weifare, appeared before the Board pursuant to their request relative to Mr. Vaughan's discussion about a particular welfare recipient. Following a discussion on this matter, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, for the purposes of discussion, that in order for Mr. Vaughan to further pursue his desires on this matter he (Mr. Bowden) would resign from the Board of Welfare and Mr. Vaughan be appointed to replace him as the Commissioners~ representat;ve. Mr. Vaughan refused to accept the appointment which was not offered by the Board. Question was calied on the motion and it was defeated. Mr. Metts stated that he felt Mr. Bowden was doing a very good job as the BoardTS representative on the Board of Public Welfare, APPROVAL OF TAX LIST TAKERS FOR 1968 - The Commissioners having previously been furnished a list of the proposed list takers for 1968, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the recommendation of the Tax Supervisor for the List Takers for 1968 be accepted. Motion was carried. y ~ti~~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 4, 196'7 (Continued) ACCE55 ROAD TO COUNTY AIRPORT - County Manager Marshall reported to the Board that the final easement for the_new access road at the Airport is being prepared by the Highway Commission and should be ready for signature at the next meeting. Further, that it was quite possible that construction will begin on the new road shortly after the first of 1968. CASWELL SCHOOL - Dr. Hooper pointed out that he had received a letter from the Casorell School for a Christmas contribution. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that a contribution be made in the same amount that had been made in the past. Motion was carried. REQUEST FROM AERONAUTICS, INC., LARGE SIGN NEAR TWEN'fY-THIRD STREET, AIRPORT ROAD INTERSECTION - Aequest was received from Aeronautics, Inc. for permission to erect a sign near the Airport road intersection at Twenty-Third Street. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that due to the size of the sign and its locatiori that permission be denied Aeronautics, Inc. at this time. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". INVENTORY OF PIJBLIC FUNDS, CI:ERH OF SUPERIOR COURT - County Auditor Perry Shepard presented to the Board for their signature an Audit Report of the Inventory of Public Funds held by the Clerk of Superior Court. Following a review on this, each Commissioner signed the report. GROUND WATER RESOURCES REPORT - By common consent the Chairman was authorized to write a letter to the Geological Survey Office in Raleigh to try and ascertain why theGround Water Resources Report has not been pre- sented to the Board before now. LIGHTS, JA~ES WALKER AND COMMIJNITY HOSPITALS - By common consent, the County Manager was instructed to have a survey made for possible better exterior lighting in and around James Walker and Community Hospitals. BUILDING CODE SUPPORT - Mr. Bowden read from a newspaper clipping which supported the Board~s views on retaining and enforcing a good code or codes and further, that the Code protects people and property. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaugham, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. M. E. Marshall County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - December 18, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Manager J.,E. Marshall; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order and in view of the scheduled minister, Rev. R. C. Joyner, being unabie to attend, County Manager J. E. Marshail gave the invocation. • APPROVAL OF MINUTES For the meeting of December 4, 1967 under the heading Welfare Recipients it is to be put in chronological order; that is, the items where the break occurred will continue to be a con- tinuous item. Under the heading Reorganization of Board the minutes should be corrected to stipulate or reflect that Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" on the election of Vice-Chairman Bowden as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved with the corrections noted on Page 1 and Page 8. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that under the item headed ldelfare Recipients, the minutes should be corrected to reflect that the Board did not offer Mr. Vaughan the appoint- ment to the Board of Welfare should Mr. Bowden resign. Motion was carried. Following the approval of the minutes and due to some discussion as to how the minutes should be corrected, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the action just taken on approving the minutes be rescinded and that the Board start all over in approving the minutes. Motion was carried. For the minutes of December t}, 1967, the minutes should be corrected to reflect that Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" on the election of Mr. Bowden as Vice-Chairman. Under the heading Welfare Recipients the minutes should be corrected to show that the Board did not offer Mr. Vaughan the appointment as the County Commissioners' representative on the Board of Public Welfare. Also, that the minutes, under the same heading, be corrected to place both items of Welfare Recipients in chronological order, which presently appear as two items. Foilowing the above corrections, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mt. Bowden, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. , In response to a question raised during the approval of the minutes of the 'last meeting, Mr. Vaughan informed Nr. Bowden and the Board that with reference to the qvestion of his willingness ~ to serve on the Welfare Board, he had agreed to serve at the expiration of Mr. Braak~s term on