1967-12-18 Regular Meeting~ti~~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 4, 196'7 (Continued) ACCE55 ROAD TO COUNTY AIRPORT - County Manager Marshall reported to the Board that the final easement for the_new access road at the Airport is being prepared by the Highway Commission and should be ready for signature at the next meeting. Further, that it was quite possible that construction will begin on the new road shortly after the first of 1968. CASWELL SCHOOL - Dr. Hooper pointed out that he had received a letter from the Casorell School for a Christmas contribution. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that a contribution be made in the same amount that had been made in the past. Motion was carried. REQUEST FROM AERONAUTICS, INC., LARGE SIGN NEAR TWEN'fY-THIRD STREET, AIRPORT ROAD INTERSECTION - Aequest was received from Aeronautics, Inc. for permission to erect a sign near the Airport road intersection at Twenty-Third Street. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that due to the size of the sign and its locatiori that permission be denied Aeronautics, Inc. at this time. Motion was carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". INVENTORY OF PIJBLIC FUNDS, CI:ERH OF SUPERIOR COURT - County Auditor Perry Shepard presented to the Board for their signature an Audit Report of the Inventory of Public Funds held by the Clerk of Superior Court. Following a review on this, each Commissioner signed the report. GROUND WATER RESOURCES REPORT - By common consent the Chairman was authorized to write a letter to the Geological Survey Office in Raleigh to try and ascertain why theGround Water Resources Report has not been pre- sented to the Board before now. LIGHTS, JA~ES WALKER AND COMMIJNITY HOSPITALS - By common consent, the County Manager was instructed to have a survey made for possible better exterior lighting in and around James Walker and Community Hospitals. BUILDING CODE SUPPORT - Mr. Bowden read from a newspaper clipping which supported the Board~s views on retaining and enforcing a good code or codes and further, that the Code protects people and property. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaugham, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. M. E. Marshall County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - December 18, 1967 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Manager J.,E. Marshall; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order and in view of the scheduled minister, Rev. R. C. Joyner, being unabie to attend, County Manager J. E. Marshail gave the invocation. • APPROVAL OF MINUTES For the meeting of December 4, 1967 under the heading Welfare Recipients it is to be put in chronological order; that is, the items where the break occurred will continue to be a con- tinuous item. Under the heading Reorganization of Board the minutes should be corrected to stipulate or reflect that Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" on the election of Vice-Chairman Bowden as Vice-Chairman. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved with the corrections noted on Page 1 and Page 8. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that under the item headed ldelfare Recipients, the minutes should be corrected to reflect that the Board did not offer Mr. Vaughan the appoint- ment to the Board of Welfare should Mr. Bowden resign. Motion was carried. Following the approval of the minutes and due to some discussion as to how the minutes should be corrected, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the action just taken on approving the minutes be rescinded and that the Board start all over in approving the minutes. Motion was carried. For the minutes of December t}, 1967, the minutes should be corrected to reflect that Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" on the election of Mr. Bowden as Vice-Chairman. Under the heading Welfare Recipients the minutes should be corrected to show that the Board did not offer Mr. Vaughan the appointment as the County Commissioners' representative on the Board of Public Welfare. Also, that the minutes, under the same heading, be corrected to place both items of Welfare Recipients in chronological order, which presently appear as two items. Foilowing the above corrections, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mt. Bowden, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. , In response to a question raised during the approval of the minutes of the 'last meeting, Mr. Vaughan informed Nr. Bowden and the Board that with reference to the qvestion of his willingness ~ to serve on the Welfare Board, he had agreed to serve at the expiration of Mr. Braak~s term on r ,~~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 18, 1967 (Continued) APPROVAL OF MINUTES (CONTINUED) - July 1, 1965. When the occasion arose for the appointment to be made by the Board, Mr. Bowden was quickly nominated by Mr. Braak with the proper second by Mr. Hall and since Mr. Sowden in- dicated his willingness to serve, the Commissioner who proposed to nominate Mr. Vaughan did not do so. Mr. Vaughan further stated that three months ago he was informed that Nr. Bowden wished to give up the post both by Mr. Bowden and,if he remembered correctly, by Dr. Hooper, who asked him if he would take the post. Mr. Vaughan was subseqvently informed by Dr. Hooper that Mr. Bowden had decided against giving up the job. Mr. Vaughan stated that none of .the remarks he had made or qu¢stions he has asked should be taken personally by Mr. Bbwden, but that if Mr. Bowden did think he was under fire, that he, Mr. Varighan, had no intention whatsoever of accepting the responsibility under those circumstances. (The foregoing was dictated by Mr. Vaughan) RESCIND ACTION REI.ATIVE TO NATIONAL GUARD PROPERTY - Mr. Hall stated to the Board that he had had a communication with Col. Eason of the Local National Guard Unit, and in view of the fact that the National Guard will be oecupying the space which will be abandoned by the Special Forces Unit on the property adjacent to the Airport, he moved that the Board rescind its action taken on the request for reverting the property to the County at the Airport. Motion was seconded by Mr. Metts and carried. RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT NEW ACCESS ROAD COUNTY AIRPORT - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board the final Right-Of-Way Easement for the Chair- man~s signature which will grant to the Highway Department an easement over the property of the Nationai Guard. Mr, Uaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden. that the Chairman be authorized to sicn this Rigtt-0f-Way Easement and it be submitted to the Highway Department. BIDS FOR AUTOMOBILES, SHERIFF~S DEPARTMENT - Bids were received from Cape Fear Ford Motor Sales and Raney Chevrolet for the furnishing of two automobiles in the Sheriff~s Department. The bids are as follows: BID FROM CAPE FEAR FORD [~iOTOR 5ALE5 Item I 1968 Ford Custom 2 door $2272.83 N.C. Sales Tax 3 .10 z3o .93 Less Trade-in 65 Ford 2 dr -400.00 ~lyob.93. Item II 1968 Ford Custom t} door $2288.~2 N. C. Sales Tax 34•32 . z3z.3 14 Less Trade-in 66 Ford t} dr -700.00 $1623. 1!}. Air conditioner .$266.03 + 1-1/2% N. C. Sales tax. Delivery time . 30 days minimum - 60 days maximum. BID FROM RANEY CHEVROLET COMPANY , (1) 1968 Chevrolet, 1} Door $2,2Q8.08 Less 1966 Ford, !} Door 900.00 DIFFERENCE $1,30tS.OtS (1) 1968 Chevrolet, 2 Door $2,211.58 Less 1965 Ford, 2 Door 554.00 ~ DIFFERENCE $l,bbi.5~ Should you desire four season air condition, you will have to add $275.00 per unit to the above quotations. After reviewing the bids and the cash deposit required by law, it was determined that Raney Chevrolet was the low bidder. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr, Hall, that the low bid, in- cluding air conditioning, be accepted from Raney Chevrolet, subject to the Sheriff's and County Attorney~s approval. Further, that the amount of $19.66 be appropriated in addition to the Capital Outlay item for purchase of automobiles in the Sheriff~s Department which will be from the General Emergency Fund. Motion was carried. REQUEST FOR TAX LISTING PENALTY WAIVER, P!1RS. VALERA T. WHITAKER - It was reported to the Board that some additional information had been developed relative to the tax penalty waiver for Mrs. Whitaker's property located at 101 Brookwood Avenue in the amount of $20.70. After discussing the matter, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, that the request be denied on the basis that it does not meet requirements as set out. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. A.B.C. PERMITS, ERNIE'S GRILL, 619 NIXON STREET AND LUM~S OF WILMIIVGTON, INC., 3903 OLEANDER DRIVE- The above two A.B.C. Permit requests were presented to the Board. Mr. Metts moved, seconded ~ by Mr. Vaughan, that they be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. Motion was carried. INFORMATION TO BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEAL, JOHN BURNETT - County Manager N[arshall reported to the Board that he had received notice from the State Board of Assessments that the appeal by Nr. John H. Burnett and Gilbert H. Burnett to reduce the appraised values so approved by the New Hanover County Board of Equali2ation and Review had been denied. This action was taken by the State Board of Assessment on November 13, 1967. GEOLOGICE+L SURVEY Dr. Hooper reported to the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Ralph C. Heath, District Chief of the Geological Survey conducting the Water Resources investigation for New Hanover County, and he advises that the report should be forthcoming to the County sometime in February. y At this juncture County Attorney Fox reported to the Board about the meeting recently held with City officials and Consulting Engineers relative to a ti'ater Study along the lines of the establishment of the Water Authority. 1.;~'~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 18, 1968 (Continued) VOTING MACHINE RENTAL BIDS - Bids from Automatic Voting MacHine Company and Shoup Voting Nachine Company were re- ceived hy the Board. After reviewing these bids and also review by the County Attorney, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the proposal as submitted by Shoup Voting Machine Company be accepted and that the County proceed with the rental as soon as possible. The contract to be signed between the County and the Voting Machine Company is subject to the County Attorney's approval. - Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for purposes of discussion, that Automatic Voting Machine Company bid be accepted or that some set up be made to have an equal number of machines in the County. Contract to be signed between County and Automatic Voting Machine Company is to be subject to the approval of the County Attorney. General dis- cussion was held on this and question was called on the substitute motion and it was defeated by a vote of four against and one for. Question was then called on the originai motion and it was carPied by a vote of four for and one against. AUTHORIZATION TO SELL OLD SURPLUS EQUIPMENT, COUNTY AIRPORT AND COUNTY FARM - County Manager Marshall reported to the Board that there was a 1943 GMC Army Surplus flat bed truck at the County Airport which had at one time been used by the Health Department to haul mats for the dragline and has now been turned back to the County and is no longer needed for County use. Also, there is a 1953 one and one-half ton Chevrolet Dump Truck and a 1957 one ton flat body truck at the County Farm which have been out of service for approxi- mately one year due to excessive repair costs. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County ~anager be authorized to sell the equipment for the best price obtainable. Further, that it is not necessary to advertise for this particular sale. Motion was carried. ASSISTlaNT DISTRICT SOLICITOR CONFIRMATION - A letter was received from Mr. Allen Cobb, District Solicitor, recommending that Mr. N. B. Barefoot be reappointed Assistant District Solicitor and that his salary be increased to $6,000.00. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, for discussion, that Mr. Barefoot be reappointed at a salary of $6,000.00 per year and that the amount of $500.00 be appropriated from the Generai Emergency Fund for the remaining part of the fiscal year. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Mr. Barefoot be re- appointed at the present salary and that any salary ad~justment be considered at the 1968-69 budget time. Motion was then discussed. Question was called and it was defeated by a vote of two for and three against. Question was then called on the original motion and it carried by a vote of three for and two against. TAX SUPERVISOR - Dr. Hooper stated to the Board that he had received a letter of application for the position of Tax Supervisor from Mr. Peter Braak and one from Mr. R. J. Drum who is presently a resident of Tazewell, Va. After briefly discussing this, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Civil Service Commission consider the appointment of Mr. Braak as Tax , Supervisor reporting to the Board through the County Manager, effective January 1, 1968, at the same salary as the previous Tax Supervisor. Mr. Netts made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Braak be appointed as Tax P.ppraiser and County Manager Marshall be appointed as Tax Supervisor, Question was called on the substitute motion and it was defeated by a vote of three against and two for. Question was then called on the original motion an@ it was carried. Mr. Metts and i~fr. Hall stated they voted in favor of this arrangement but they still felt the provi.sions in the substitute motion would be better, GOOD NEIGHBOR COUNCIL - Dr. Hooper reported to the Board that he had received a letter from Nr. Marvin J. Johnson, Chairman of the Good Veighbor Council, which requested that Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott be appointed as a permanent member of the Good Neighbor Council. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by A9r. Hall, that Prrs. Elizabeth Elliott be appointed as a permanent member of the Good Neighbor Council. Motion was carried. JURY CONMISSION - Dr. Hooper stated that he had observed that the Jury Commission has completed its 4.+OCkL and that the job they had accomplished was very good. Sy common consent it was agreed that a letter of thanks for their work in this endeavor for the County be written each member of the Jury Commission. RESOLUTION, DR. WILLIAM H. u1AGONER Dr. Hooper stated te the Board that he feit it would be in order that a resolution be drafted and made a part of these minutes and sent to ~r. William Wagoner, Superintendent of Schools, on his appointment to the Presidency of Ulilmir~gton College and recite in the re- solution the Board+s appreciation for the very fine job that Dr. Wagoner has accomplished in the past few years in directing the School System for New Hanover County. Dr. Hooper then moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, that this resolution be prepared and mailed to Dr. Wagoner. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Hall then moved, seconded by Mr. Metis; that a letter be sent to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees congratulating them on the appointment of Dr. Wagoner as the President of b!ilminoton College. Question was called on the motion and it was carried by a vote of four for and one against. Nr. Vaughan stated that by his voting "NO" he did not question the ability of the Board of Trustees in selecting a President for the College. BILLS FOR JAIL INM.4TE5, HOSPITAL - County Auditor Shepard reported to the Board that he had conferred with Welfare Director Miss Lela Noore Hall in reference to the bills for inmates from the County Jail which had been treated at New Hanover Memorial Hospital in the amount of•$285.75 and further, that there was no money provided in either the Jail Budget or the Welfare Budget for this particular type of expenditure. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the bills in the amount of $285•75 be paid Neva Hanover Memorial Hospital and be charged to the Jail Budget. Motion was carried. ~~ . i~~~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 18, 1967 (Continued) TRANSFER OF FUNDS, MIJSEUM - County Auditor Shepard reported to the Board that he had received a request from the Museum Curator to transfer from Farm Labor the amount of $300.00 to Capital Outlay for the Museum. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried. ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR MUSEUM - Dr. Hooper reported to the Board that he had conferred with several City officials in re- gard to additional space for the museum in the present building they are occupying. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the County Manager confer with the City Manager with re- ference to additional space and to report to the Board at the next meeting regarding this matter. WOR}tMEN~S COMPENSATION AUDIT - County Auditor Shepard reported to the Board that he had a bill in the amount of ~382.33 for the Workmen~s Compensation Audit and that funds are not available in the current budget. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the amount of $382.33 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to cover this particvlar bill. Motion was carried. MR. HOMER DAVIS, FLEET INSURANCE POLICY - Mr. Homer Davis, representing Nationwide Insurance Company, appeared before the Board relative to the Fleet Insurance Policy on County vehicles. After a discussion on this and by common consent, the County Manager was instructed to compare with the Insurance Advisory Committee and Mr. Davis the possible savings, if any, that is to be reali2ed from not changing the fleet policy and to report to the Board as soon as possible. FINANCIAL REPORT - County Auditor Shepard presented a financial statement to the Board and stated that at this particular time the financial position of the County appeared to be very healthy. By common consent the Board observed that the County Auditor has upgraded the records in his office and has increased the revenue by obtaining additional interest through ittvestments. WELFARE RECIPIENTS - ~ County Attorney Fox reported to the Board that any individual taking out a warrant for children of Welfare Recipients had been investigated by him and that he would submit a memorandum covering his investigation. BONDS ON COUNTY OFFICIALS - County Attorney Fox reported to the Board that he had reviewed the official bonds on County officials and found several that appeared not to be in order but that they would be contacted and brought up to date as quickly as ,possibie. Further, that he had reviewed the contract on data processing and that it is to be redrawn by the Data Processing Company to cover certain requirements. 1dELFARE RECIPIENTS - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Welfare Board review the Welfare Recipient ($35,000.00) Case and obtain as much data on it as possible, with view of bringing action against the children of the recipient. If indicated, the data will be presented to the District Solicitor for proper handling through the judicial channels. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bowden and carried. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WASHINGTON, D. C. - Dr. Hooper pointed out to the Board that there would be a three day meeting of the National Association of County Commissioners in Washington in January dealing with the relationship of counties to the Federal Government. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that any Commission member that could, attend the meeting at County expense in i.~Jashington. Notion was carried. ADJOURNMENT - There heing no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - January 2, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was he2d on the above date 2t 8:3o a.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Manager J. E. Marshadl; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Absent was Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. R. L. Gregory, Pastor, First Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the meeting of December 18, 1967, on Page 2 thereof, there should be inserted at the end of the paragraph under Approval of Minutes "(The foregoing was dictated by Mr. Vavohan)". There being no further corrections, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved. ~5otion was carried, APPOINTMENT OF TAX SUPERVISOR - Pursuant to the certification by the Civil Service Board on December 29, 1967, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Peter H. Braak be appointed Tax Supervisor on the action taken by the Commissioners at a previous meeting. Motion was carried. TAX PENALTY, MR. R. H. BORKENHAGEN - A request was received from Mr. R. H. Borkenhagen relative to a tax penalty waiver on property he failed to list prior to .lanuary 31,, 1967. Following a discussion on this Mr. Hail moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the request be denied. Motion was carried. ~