1968-01-02 Regular Meetingi~~~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 18, 1967 (Continued) TRANSFER OF FUNDS, MIJSEUM - County Auditor Shepard reported to the Board that he had received a request from the Museum Curator to transfer from Farm Labor the amount of $300.00 to Capital Outlay for the Museum. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this transfer be made. Motion was carried. ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR MUSEUM - Dr. Hooper reported to the Board that he had conferred with several City officials in re- gard to additional space for the museum in the present building they are occupying. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the County Manager confer with the City Manager with re- ference to additional space and to report to the Board at the next meeting regarding this matter. WOR}tMEN~S COMPENSATION AUDIT - County Auditor Shepard reported to the Board that he had a bill in the amount of ~382.33 for the Workmen~s Compensation Audit and that funds are not available in the current budget. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the amount of $382.33 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to cover this particvlar bill. Motion was carried. MR. HOMER DAVIS, FLEET INSURANCE POLICY - Mr. Homer Davis, representing Nationwide Insurance Company, appeared before the Board relative to the Fleet Insurance Policy on County vehicles. After a discussion on this and by common consent, the County Manager was instructed to compare with the Insurance Advisory Committee and Mr. Davis the possible savings, if any, that is to be reali2ed from not changing the fleet policy and to report to the Board as soon as possible. FINANCIAL REPORT - County Auditor Shepard presented a financial statement to the Board and stated that at this particular time the financial position of the County appeared to be very healthy. By common consent the Board observed that the County Auditor has upgraded the records in his office and has increased the revenue by obtaining additional interest through ittvestments. WELFARE RECIPIENTS - ~ County Attorney Fox reported to the Board that any individual taking out a warrant for children of Welfare Recipients had been investigated by him and that he would submit a memorandum covering his investigation. BONDS ON COUNTY OFFICIALS - County Attorney Fox reported to the Board that he had reviewed the official bonds on County officials and found several that appeared not to be in order but that they would be contacted and brought up to date as quickly as ,possibie. Further, that he had reviewed the contract on data processing and that it is to be redrawn by the Data Processing Company to cover certain requirements. 1dELFARE RECIPIENTS - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Welfare Board review the Welfare Recipient ($35,000.00) Case and obtain as much data on it as possible, with view of bringing action against the children of the recipient. If indicated, the data will be presented to the District Solicitor for proper handling through the judicial channels. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bowden and carried. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WASHINGTON, D. C. - Dr. Hooper pointed out to the Board that there would be a three day meeting of the National Association of County Commissioners in Washington in January dealing with the relationship of counties to the Federal Government. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that any Commission member that could, attend the meeting at County expense in i.~Jashington. Notion was carried. ADJOURNMENT - There heing no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - January 2, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was he2d on the above date 2t 8:3o a.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Manager J. E. Marshadl; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Absent was Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order the Chairman asked Rev. R. L. Gregory, Pastor, First Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the meeting of December 18, 1967, on Page 2 thereof, there should be inserted at the end of the paragraph under Approval of Minutes "(The foregoing was dictated by Mr. Vavohan)". There being no further corrections, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved. ~5otion was carried, APPOINTMENT OF TAX SUPERVISOR - Pursuant to the certification by the Civil Service Board on December 29, 1967, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Peter H. Braak be appointed Tax Supervisor on the action taken by the Commissioners at a previous meeting. Motion was carried. TAX PENALTY, MR. R. H. BORKENHAGEN - A request was received from Mr. R. H. Borkenhagen relative to a tax penalty waiver on property he failed to list prior to .lanuary 31,, 1967. Following a discussion on this Mr. Hail moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the request be denied. Motion was carried. ~ ~~~ Ninutes of the Meeting - January 2 1968 (Continued) RECLASSIFICATION, TAX DEPARTMENT - County Manager Nlarshall discussed with the Board that Mr. John G. McDaniel, Tax Appraiser; Tax Listing Department, had applied for the advertised job of Tax Appraiser which recently appeared in the up-state papers as well as the local paper, and was certified by the Civil Service Commission. Following a discussion on this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that due to added responsibilities and the certification, Mr. McDaniel!s salary be set at $5,316.00 which is one step 2bove his present salary. Further, that no additional personnel be hired in the ciassification designated as Salary Range 18. The effective date of the salary adjustment to be J2nuary 1, 1968. Motion was carried. BOOKMOBILE CHASSIS BIDS - Pursuant to an•advertisement in the local newspaper, bids were received from Raney Chevrolet Company and Harris Pon.tiac Company. The bid from Raney Chevrolet is in accordance with the specifications t,rith th~exception of the fuel tank being mounted on the left side, and their bid 2mounted to $2,l}99•OU, The bid from Harris Pontiac Company was $2,792•51+ and it had two exceptions; the fuel tank was mounted on the right hand side only and the spare rim and under- frame tire carrier was not~~available. Following a discussion on this; Mr. Hall moved, seconded by ~r. Vaughan, that the bids be accepted for evaluation and a decision made at the next meeting of the Commissioners. Motion was carried. TAX LISTERS' SALARIES - County Auditor Shepard discussed with the Doard the request from the Tax Listers and stated that they had been promised last year an increase of $1.25 per day which would bring the3r total pay to $13.75 per day. Following discussion on this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the daily salary for the tax listers be increased from $12.50 per day to $13.75 and the amount needed be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund. Further, that this action be effective January 1, 1968. Motion was carried. SELECTION OF OUTSIDE AUDITORS - County Auditor Shepard stated to the Board that it would be advantageous to the County to select the external auditors for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1q68 and further, the external auditors may be able to program their work and thereby render a report to the County earlier than has been in the past. Mr. VaugY~an moved, seconded by Dr. ]iooper, that the firm of Cherry, Bekaert and Holland he selected as the outside auditors for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. Motion was carried by a vote of three for and one against. APPROPRIATION REQUEST - Several appropriation requests were discussed with the Board. They were: Commissioners~ Advertising $355.00, Telephone for the Community Services Consultant $300.00, Audit for Con- solidated Tax Collector~s Office ~45.00. Total of'the appropriations is $700.00. Also, dis- cussed with the Board was the power bill for the Radiology Department at the James UJalker Hospital. .This was returned to the Auditor and stated, that in the opinion of the Board, that no liability on the part of the County rests with this particular bill, Further, notice was taken of the fact that Community Services Consultant's telephone is in excess and has been due to many long distance telephone calls. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the amount of $700.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to cover the expenditures mentioned above with the exception of James Walker Hospital bill. Motion was carried. ~ The County Manager was instructed to advise Mr. Asa Blount, the Community Services Con- sultant, that the Board is quite concerned about the number of long distance telephone calls being made. INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Mr. Allan Strange, Mr. Hardy Wessell, and Members of the Insurance Advisory Committee, along with Mr. Homer Davis, representing Nationwide Insurance, appeared before the Board relative to the Fleet Insurance coverage for County owned vehicles. The County Manager presented the evaluation and recapitulation figures that he had obtained through the efforts of the Insurance Advisory Committee and through his own evaluation. There beino some question as to whether or not Mr. Davis could be a member of the Insurance Advisory Committee, P9r. Strange stated that he wculd invite Nr. Davis to submit a proposal for consideration through the Committee. Dr. Hooper stated that originally there was a difference in the premium for•Continental Insurance Policy and that these differences would have been adjusted at the end of the year. These adjustments could be due to reclassification or a misclassification or taking out of service certain vehicles. Further, that Mr. Davis can submit a proposal through the Insurance Advisory Committee for consideration on the County's insurance. Mr. Strange then stated that he would work with Mr. Davis in any manner that he could in making him a member of the Insurance Advisory Committee. The gentlemen were then thanked for making their appearances and explaining the different positions and facets of the County's insurance. , BOARD OF EDUCATION PETITION, WRIGHTSBORO SCHOOL - Dr. William Wagoner, ~r. Emsley Laney, and other members of the Board of Education appeared before the Commissioners relative to a petition for funds in the amount of $110,000.00 for the construction of six additional classrooms at Wrightsboro School. Dr. Wagoner stated that the $110,000.00 is an all inciusive figure and includes equipment in its entirety. Follo~ti~ing a very thorough discussion of this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the petition be accepted and the means of financing be worked out as soon as possible. Motion was carried. Following is the petition: ::See Page 1291a, which follows Page 130, for additional action. "STATE OF NORTH CAROLIIVA : PETITION COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . TO: THE BOARD OF COUNTY CONINISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY: Your Petitioner, the New Hanover County Board of Edvcation, does hereby petition the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, to provide the necessary funds for the construction of six (6} additional classrooms at 1~Irights- boro School, and to that end, does respectfully show the Commissioners: ~C, 1. That the purpose of this Petition is to request the necessary funds to construct six (6) additional classrooms at Wrightsboro School to earry out the purposes set forth in a resolution passed by the Board of Education of New Hanover County at a meeting held on December 21, 1967, a certified, true copy of said resolution as i13~ Minutes of the Meeting - January 2, 1968 (Continued) BQARD OF EDUCATION PETITION, WRIGHTSBORO SCHOOL (Continued) - "appearing in said Minutes, being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof. 2. That six (6) additional classrooms are needed at l~irightsboro School in order to provide proper and sufficient school plant facilities in New Hanover County; that in order to complete the construction of said six (6) additional class- rooms at Wrightsboro School before September, 1968, the beginning of the 1968-69 school term, it is necessary that construction of said additional classrooms begin immediately; that the estimated cost of said six (6) additional classrooms at ~n~rightsboro School is $110,000.00. 3. That the New Hanover County Board of Education determines that it is necessary that six (6) additional ciassrooms at !drightsboro School be constructed and tY~at construction begin at the earliest possible date. WHEREFORE, YOUR PETITIONER RESPECTFULLY PR.4YS: That the Board of Covnty Corr~missioners of New Hanover County raise the sum of $110,000.00 at the earliest possible time so that the IVet,~ Hanover County Board of Education might contract for and complete the construction of six (6) additional classrooms at 1Jriyhtsboro School. This 29th day of December, 1967. (s) E. A. Laney, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Education STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUPdTY OF IVEW HANOVER E. A. lANEY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Education; that he has read the foregoing Petition 2nd that the same is true of his o4m knowledoe, except as to those matters and things therein set forth on information and belief, and as to those, he believes it to be true. (s) E. A. Laney Sraorn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of December, 19b7. (s) Charlotte Simon Notary Public A9y commission expires: 9-15-68 EXTRACTS FROA7 P7INUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUIVTY BOARD OF EDUCATION A special meeting of the P!ew Hanover County Board of Education ~aas held on Thursday, December 21, 1967, at the office of the Board, at 8:00 o'clock, P.A7. The following members were present: E. A. Laney; Chairman; M. M. Dunn; Mrs. Alice Strickland; LaMar NcIver; Dr. John Codington; and L. M. Newsome. No members were absent. klso present was Dr. la~illi2m''vJagoner, Superintendent of Schools and Secretary to the Board: ,: a~ :~ ;~ ,. „- ;, adopted: LaNar McIver introduced the foilo4~ing resolution and moved that it be (1) WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Bo2rd of Edvcation, at its meeting on September 19, 1967, unanimously passed a resolution petitioning the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to call an election to vote for school bonds in the amount of $3,750,000.00 for the construction of new school buildings and to make additions and alterations to existing school buildings; and WHEREAS, six additional classrooms are needed at Wrightsboro School; and WHEREAS, in order to complete construction of these six additional classrooms before September, i968, the beginning of the 1968-69 school term, it is necessary that construction of said additional classrooms begin immediately; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of the six additional classrooms at the Wrightsboro School is $110,000.00; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Education determines that it is necessary that said six additional classrooms at Wrightsboro School be constructed and that construction begin at the earliest possible date. The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County is hereby requested to raise the sum of $110,000.00 at this time so that the Tdew Hanover County Board of Education might con- tract for and construct,said additional classrooms at the !~Jrights- -. ~-- - bor o Schoo 1._ _~:`~ ~-- - _ (2) The Secretary of the Pdew Hanover County 9oard of Education is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. ~ The motion W2S seconded by Dr. John Codington, and was unanimously , passed. / 2 9-A Minutes of the Meeting - January 2, 1Q68 (Continued) BOARD OF EDUCATION PETITION - WRIGHTSBORO SCHOOL (CONTINUED) - The following resolution oras offered by M,r, Vaughan and seconded by Dr. Hooper: R E S O L U T I O N Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County: (1) That for properly maintaining the school term in District No. 1, Wrightsboro School, New Hanover County Administrative Unit, as required by Article IX, Section 3, of the Con- stitution and the Getteral Statvtes of the State of North Carolina, it is necessary that certain improvements be made therein of the following character: To construct six (6) additional classrooms at the Wrightsboro School (2) That in order to provide said improvements it is necessary that the sum of One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000.00) be obtained by borrowing the same, to be used by the New Hanover County Board of Education for said purpose. (3) That the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County does hereby approve of and authori2e the application for, and procurement of, a loan for sa3d purpose from the • State Literary Fund of the State of North Carolina, operated under G. 5. 115, Article II, and said Board does hereby authorize and direct that all necessary steps be taken to procure said loan under the terms of said statutes and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Educat'ion governing the making of loans from said fund, and the Chairman and Clerk to this Board are hereby authorized, empowered and directed for and on behalf of this Board to join with the New Hanover County Board of Education in making the necessary application therefor, and to take such action under this resolution and under said statutes, rules and regulations as may be necessary for said purpose. The county accountant is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Local Government Commission for approval of the issuance of such notes. (4) That the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby agrees to levy, at the appropriate tax levying period in each and every year, upon all taxable property in said county, ad valorem taxes at a rate sufficient to meet the interest and principal payments on such part of the loan requested herein as may be approved by the State Board of Education, and thereby provide the funds necessary each and every year to meet and repay tlie interest and principal payments due on such approved loan, under the terms of the statute by authority of which the said loan is made, and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education governing such loans. The resolution was duly adopted by the following vote: Those voting in the affirmative were: Dr. Joseph W, HooAer Laurence 0. Bowden J. M. Hall, Jr. M. H. Vauqhan Those voting in the r~egative were: Whereupon the Chairman announced that said resolution was duly and properly adopted. Minutes of the Meeting - January 2, 1968 (Continued) BOARD OF EDUCATIOni PETITION, WRIGHTSBORO SCHOOL (Continued) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUIVTY OF NEW HANOVER . DR. 6dILLIAM WAGONER, being duly st,~orn, deposes and says: That he is the duly elected Secretary of the Board of Education of New Hanover County; that at a special meeting of the Board of Education of New Hanover County, held on December 21, 1967, all members were present, and that the resolution hereto attached was duly and properly passed by the unanirr~ous vote of all members. That the said resolution is duly recorded in the Minutes of the Board at Page , Book ; that the said resolution is a true and correct copy of same as passed and as recorded in the Minutes. This, the 29th day of December, 1967. (Corporate Seal) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of December, 1967. (s) Charlotte Simon Notary Public P7y commission expires: 9-15-68" (s) 4~lilliam ~~vagoner PINE VALLEY SCHOOL FINANCING Mr. Vaughan stated that he k~OllICI like the County to proceed t~rith the financing of Pine Valley School as soon as possible. With this he moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for discvssion, that the Board appropriate the amount of $110,000.00 to start the construction of the Pine Valley School 15 classroom unit. During discussion of this Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the matter be tabled. Notion was defeated by a tie vote two for and two against. Dr. Hooper made a substitute motion that the County Attorney be instructed to determine what legal basis the matter can be pursued on and the County Auditor be requested to determine just what $110,000.00 from the Budget v/ould do to the financial picture of the County. Motion was carried. RESOLUTION, N~E2. ALLEN JOA?ES - Mr. Hall stated that it is his understanding h7r. Allen Jones will be leaving the community and to recoyni2e his service rendered to the County over the past few years he ti~ould like to move that a resolution be drawn up and adopted recognizing the fine job Mr. Jones has done in the past. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bowden and carried. Following :s the resolution adopted: "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . R E S 0 L U T I O N WHEREAS, the members of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County have taken notice of the fact that Mr. Allen Jones wiil be moving from the community, and WHEREAS, Mr. Jones has been quite active in the civic affairs in New Hanover County in the past few years, and WHEREAS; the Board has observed the many undertakings of Mr. Jones. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that it expresses to Mr. Jones its appreciation for his many efforts and wishes to him continued success in his endeavors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be made a part of the minutes of this meetino and that a copy thereof be delivered to Mr. Jones. Done at Wilmington, Nek~ Hanover County, North Carolina, the 2nd day of January, 1968. (s) Jos. W. Hooper Chairman Attest: (s) J. E. Marshall Clerk" . 13~ PROPOSED CENTRAL STATE BANK ACCOUNT FOF. WELFARE CHECKS - County Auditor Shepard discussed with the Board the proposal of a Central State Bank Account for Welfare Checks and stated that it would not t2ke any control away from the County. Following a discussion on this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this particular procedure be adopted. Motion was carried. JURY COMMISSION ADDITIONAL APPROPRIP.TION - County Manager Marshall reported to the Board that he had been advised by the Clerk of Superior Court that the Jury Commission Budget ~a~as over expended by the amount of $i82.3o. Further, that in order to set the files up properly a new nine drawer file cabinet which is equipped with a lock will be needed. The cost of the file cabinet is $295•61. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan that the amount of $477.91 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to cover this expense. Motion was carried. WELFARE CASES - x ~r. Bowden reported to the Board that the question of the $35,004.00 Welfare Case was being investigated and a letter had been sent the family and in the event of a negative report the letter will be turned over to the District Solicitor for legal steps. Mr. Vaughan thanked him for this information. 13~ Minutes of the Meeting - January 2, 1968 (Continued) BUDGET SCHEDULE AND TAX RATE - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for the purpose of discussion, that the Budget discussions-begin on or about ~une 1, 1558, and that the proposed budget be based on a tax rate of ~i.55 per hundred. The tax rate used ~~ill be svbject to any action taken by the Board of County Commissioners on the Pine Valley School. Motion was carried. ROAD.PETITION, LAUREL DRIVE AND HOLLAND DRIVE - County Manager Marshall presented a petition which had been received for Laurel Drive and Holland Drive in the County. He stated that a map had not been received but a sketch had been - drawn on the request indicating where the road would be located. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this petition be referred to the Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion was carried. CIVIL DEFENSE - By common consent the County Manager was instructed to arrange for a Civil Defense review at that organi2ation~s office during the week of January 22nd, if at all possible. The meeting should be scheduled to begin around 3 o'clock P.M. PARKING ORDiNANCE, COUNTY AIRPORT - • The following ordinance was presented for adoption: Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the ordinance be adopted. Motion was carried. PARKING ORDINANCE NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT Be it ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1159 of the 1957 Session Laws of the State of North Carolina, the parking at New Hanover County Airport shall be regulated in the followino manner. Section 1. All areas to be used for parking shall be designated by the Airport Manager and the County A7anager and shall be marked with appropriate signs or markings. Section 2. All areas to be used as loading zones for the purpose of loading or unloading freight, for taking on or discharging passengers or for other loading or unloading purposes, except in areas designated by lease agreements, contracts or franchises, shall be designated by the Airport N;anager and County Manager and shall be marked with appropriate signs.or markings. Section 3. Any violation of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor, and upon a plea of nolo contendere, or a plea of guilty or upon conviction, any offender shall be fined not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00). Section 4. All ordinances and clauses of ordinances in conflict tiaith the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in effect from the date of its adoption. Adopted January 2, 1968 (s) Jos. k~. Hooper Chairman, Covnty Commissioners Attest: (s) J. E. Marshall Clerk" COUNTY ATTORNEY'S N~ETING - By common consent the County Attorney was authorized to attend the meeting of County Attorneys at the Institute of Government on February 23-24, 1968. TAX LISTING BY MAIL, STATEMENT BY MR. BObdDEN - The following statement was read by Mr. Bowden relative to the tax listing by mail: "Tax,Listing By Mail is not new to non-residents but it will be new to residents. Non-residents have been allowed this privilege for years. Many other counties have gone to this convenience. Efforts are being made to confuse 'Listing By Mail~ with the error in ~Personal $300.00 Exemption~ - totally different items. People desiring to can still list the same way as they have done in the past years by appearing before the list takers in their respective townships. Property owners are not re- quired to take ten (14) percent deduction, they can have an on the spot appraisal. Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) Personal Property Exemption is established by the North Carolina Statute to apply to ~Appraised Value'. New Hanover County tax ratio is fifty (50) percent of appraised value, therefore $150.00 exemption is on assessed value." The County Attorney then commented on the Attorney General~s ruling regarding personal property exemptions. ADJOURNN~NT - There being no further business, Mr, Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be.adjourned. ~otion was carried. There being some discussion as to a matter not being considered rel'ative to the Electronic Data Processing Coordinator, the meeting was reconstituted with Dr. Hooper, Mr. Bowden, and Mr. Vaughan present. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that Mr. Perry Shepard, County Auditor, be appointed Electronic Data Processing Coordinator and his compensation is to be set at the next meeting of the County Commissioners. Motion was carried. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be readjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager.