1968-01-15 Regular Meeting.~ 3 3' Minutes of the Meeting - January 15, 1968 ASSEMBLY - ~ The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.N. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. N. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Absent was Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order Vice-Chairman Bowden asked Rev. R. C. Joyner, Pastor, Myrtle Grove Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes of the meeting of January 2, ~968, under the Item Welfare Cases it should be corrected to read as follows: "Mr. Bowden reported to the Board that the question of the $35,000 Welfare Case was being investigated and a letter had been sent to the family, and in the event of a negative report the letter will be turned over to the District Solicitor for legal steps. Mr. Vaughan thanked him for this information." Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes be approved with the above correctdon. Motion was carried. RESOWTION, FAMILY OF PAUL BLANCHARD - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Attorney prepare a proper resolution and it be presented at the proper time to the family of Paul Blanchard. Motion was carried. Following is the resolution: "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER RESOLUTION Members of the Board of Commissioners of Idew Hanover County learned with regret of the death on January 11~, 1968, of E. Paul Blanchard, Jr., Register of Deeds of New Hanover County since December, 1961}. Mr. Blanchard will be remembered as an energetic and able public official who discharged the duties of his office with dignity, ability and integrity. The Board of Commissioners acknowledge Mr. Blanchard~s death with the foliowing resolution. RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County record its sense of deep loss in the death of E. Paul Blanchard, Jr., and its high regard for him as a public official and a leader in his community; that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County express its deep sympathy to Mrs. Blanchard, by sending her a copy of this resolution; that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County. Done at Wilmington, New Hanover County, Nort January, 1968. (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) (s) J. E. Marshall, Clerk'~ h Carolina, on the lsth day of Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Vice-Chalrman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioner M. H. Vavghan, Commissioner John Van B:.Metts, Jr., Commissioner ANNUAL REPORT, COUNTY EXTENSION CHAIRMAN - Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Extension Chairman, appeared before the Board and presented the Annual Narrative Report for the County Extension work for the year ending December 31, 1967 and commented briefly on said report. He was thanked for the report by members of the Commission. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, MR. CRANFORD Mr. W. H. Cranford, Director of Sanitation Activities for the County Health Department, appeared before the Board relative to retaining the Sanitarian who has been working on the Air Pollution Program. Following discussion on this, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr, Metts, that the County Commissioners authorize the employment of the Sanitarian in question on a continuing basis should it be determined that the services are needed by the Board of Health. Salary to be the same as is present. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. By common consent it was agreed that the Board of Commissioners advise the Board of Health of the action taken ,just previously and that the Commissioners feel that positive action should be taken by the Board of Health on matters such as this. TAX SUPERVISOR - County Tax Supervisor Peter Braak appeared before the Board relative to retaining a person in the Tax Listing Office who is scheduled to retire the end of January and requested that an appropriation be made to retain her for two additional months. He stated further that her replacement had been hired and an additional approprfation would be needed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Tax Supervisor be authorized to retain Mrs. Gertrude Burriss for two additional months, and the amount of $500.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to cover this particular expense. Motion was carried. The County Tax Supervisor then discussed the value of mobile homes and how they are taxed. A discussion was held on this by the several Board members. Following the discussion, the County Attorney and Tax Supervisor were instructed to investigate this matter as to what other counties are doing and also to obtain as much information from the Institute of Government as is possible before a decision is made. ~ - 134 Minutes of the Meeting - January 15, 1968 -(Continued) APPROVAL OF KING~S GRANT SUBDIVISION, SECTION 2- County Manager Marshal2 presented Section 2 of KingTS Grant Subdivision and stated that it had been approved by the Planning Commission on January 3, 1968. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this Section of King~s Grant Subdivision be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign same. Motion was carried. Following the approval of King~s Grant Section 2, the Board agreed that a letter should be written to the Planning Commission and advise them that they are concerned about limited access highways having entrances from subdivisions such as on 132 and other ma,jor highways. It is the feeling of the Board that the Planning Commission should consider these very care- fully in regard to future subdivisions. A.B.C. PERMIT, SUPER MARINA, CAROLINA BEACH - County Manager Marshall presented an A.B.C. Permit request from Mr: Bobby B. Passmore who operates the Super Marina, north of Carolina Beach. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this be referred to the Sheriff's Department for his investigation. REQUEST FOR REFUND OF TAXES PAID IN ERROR - County Manager Marshall presented a request from Attorney Cicero Yow who is representing the estate of Liilie Van Leuven Stewart. In his letter Mr. Yow stated that taxes had been pa.id in error for the years 1966 and 1967 on a part of Farm 7 in Winter Park Gardens. Following a discussion on this, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Tax Supervisor investi- gate this case and should he determine that an error has been made in collection of taxes, a refund made in the amount of $30.76. Motion was carried. GRAND ,IURY REPORT, COUNTY PRI50N - County Prison Farm Superintendent Lutha Mint2 appeared before the Board relative to the report recently rendered by the Grand Jury and certain items contained therein. Mr. Mintz stated that on the day the Grand Jury made their inspection he was in attendance and was unable to determine just how or why the Crrand Jury had reported that certain things existed at the Prison Farm which he was not aware of. County Manager Marshall stated he had visited the Prison Farm once each week for the past six months and had never observed any condition existing as reported by the Grand Jury. The Commissioners agreed that the operation was generally under good super- vision with the exception of blankets and mattress cover condition. F.oilowing this discussion, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the County Manager be instructed to investigate the cost of purchasing mattresses and covers and also surplus blankets and to make a report to the Commissioners. Motion was carried. ROAD PETITION, COUNTY AIRPORT - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a recommendation that Hall Drive be included in the State Maintained Road System in the general vicinity of the Airport. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the standard resolution be adopted and this request referred to the Highway Department for their consideration. Motion was carried. BOOKNOBILE CHASSIS BID AWARD County Manager Marshall stated that after compiling the bids on the bookmobile body and chassis it was determined that an additional appropriation of $1,121.75 would be needed over and above the presently budgeted $16,000,00 for the purchase of a new bookmobile. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the amount of $1,121.75 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund and,that the contract be awarded to the low bidder on the chassis which is Raney Chevrolet Company. Motion was carried. AIRPORT BOND ISSUE - A discussion was held on the items to be included for the Airport in the upcoming Bond Referendum to be held in the May Primary and they are as foilows: Strengthen the northwest- southeast runway, taxiways and aprons $2l}2,000, replace high intensity lighting on runways $9,000, sub-totai $251,000, terminal building expansion to include building $60,000, equipment $15,000, walkway canopy $10,000,baggage area canopy $10,000, building for F.A.A. $19,000, sub- total $113,000. The total for the runway strengthening work and the terminal building expansion is $364,000. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the amount of $361~,000 be fncluded on the Referendum Ballot at the May Primary in accordance with other pract3ces throughout the State. Motion was carrled. BOND ISSUE, COMNRJNITY HOSPITAL BOARAING AND NURSING HOME - Vice-Chairman Bowden presented a letter from Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Weifare, relative to renovating the Community Hospital building to a skilled nursing home facility. It was stated in the letter that an attempt had been made to locate money through public or private funds to renovate the old Community Hospital building, but it had been un- successful. Further, that in order to bring the hospital building to minimum standards for a nursing home facility an estimated amount of $225,000 would be needed. Following a discussion on this, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the amount of $225,000 be included on the ballot at the May Primary for the renovation of Community Hospital to a Boarding and Nursing Home. Motion was carried. WELFARE BOARD REQUEST - County Manager Marshall Marks relative to membership Members. It was stated that $100.00. Mr. Vaughan moved, from the Welfare Department~ was carried. presented a letter to the Board that he had received from Mr. H. A. in the North Carolina Association of County Public hrelfare Board at the present time the minimum dues had been established at seconded by Mr. Hall, that the amount of $100.00 be appropriated s surplus in order that these membership dues may be paid. Motion REQUEST FOR INFORMATION, WELFARE DEPARTN,ENT Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Welfare Board be directed to furnish financial information for the care of the sick and indigent and any other Jvstification for the conversion of Community Hospital to a skilled boarding and nursing home facility. Motion was carried. AIRPORT PARHING LOT County Manager Marshall suggested to firm of John Talbert and Associates, Inc. County Airport be taken at this meeting. of John Talbert and Associates, Inc. be a the parking lot and that they be received sioners. Motion was carried. the Soard that the necessary action to authorize the to advertise for bids for the new parking lot at the Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the firm athorized to proceed with the advertising for bids on at the February 5, 1968 meeting of the County Commis- ~ 1_~5 Minutes of the Meeting - January 15, 19b8 ~Continued) -ISCUSSION OF PAVING AROUND SCHOOLS - Pursuant to a letter written by Dr. the status of school paving budgeted for Manager and he stated that the necessary for advertising within thirty days. The January 12, iq68. This was presented as Hooper to the City Manager of Wilmington relative to the fiscal year, a reply was received from the City field work will be accomplished and the plans ready letter received from the City Manager was dated information to the Board. WATER AUTHORITY - The question of a study being made by Alexander Potter Associates relative to the establish- ment of a Water Authority was discussed briefly by the Board. Nr, Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Firm of Alexander Potter Associates be advised that the County Commissioners would like for the firm to advise the County the cost of making the study. Motion was carried by a vote of three for and one against. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO" and stated that no one had advised him of how the Authority would oper2te. COUNTY AUDITOR'S REQUEST County Auditor Perry Shepard presented to the Board several requests for transfers and they are as follows: To the County Aid Insurance $2,633.00, to Commissioners' Advertising ~343•41, to Coroner~s Stationary $3.90, and to Capital Outlay County Farm $25.96. He re- commended that the amount of $1,533.0o be appropriated from the Unanticipated Revenue in the General Fund for Insurance ,Refund and that the amount of $1,1a.73.27 be appropriated•from the General Emergency Fund. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the transfers be made in accordance with the recommendations of the Auditor. Motion was carried. INTEREST RATE ON NEW BONDS - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. ~etts, that the County Attorney and County Manager con- fer with Mr. Easterling at the Local Government Commission to determine what is necessary to upgrade the Group Rating of the County relative to bonds. A discussion was held on this. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. COMMENDATION, BLOCKADE RUNNER MUSEUM - ~ Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that a resolution be adopted commending Mr. John Foard on his establishment of the Blockade Runner Museum. Motion was carried. Following is the resolution: - "STATE OF NORTH C/aROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the members of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover have taken notice of the very fine museum opened by Mr. John Foard on Route 421 north of Carolina Beach and known as the Blockade Runner Museum, and WHEREAS, Mr. Foard has devoted many hours of his time and efforts in so estab- lishing said museum, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have observed Mr. Foard~s efforts in bringing tio New Hanover County an asset such as the museum for the cultural benefit of the citizens of New Hanover County and others. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that it express to Mr. Foard its appreciation for the very fine facility in the Blockade Runner Nuseum and wishes to him continued success in his endeavors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be made a part of~ the minutes of this meeting and that a copy thereof be delivered to Mr. Foard. Done at Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina the lsth day of January, 1968. (s) Jos. W. Hooper, Chairman (s) Laurence O. Bowden, Vice-Chairman (s) J. M, Hall, Jr., Commissioner (s) M. H. Vaughan, Commissioner (s) John Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioner (s) .1. E. Marsall, Clerk" ROAD NAMING, MASONBORO SOUND AREA Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, that the County Manager investigate the naming of the road that leads off the Masonboro Loop Road to the left of Walton's Store down to and along the water and back to the Loop F2oad being named the Masonboro Sound Road. Furtfier,'that the'fdllowing.resdlutlon be adopted: Motion was carried. "BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County in regular session on February 5, 1968, that the 5tate Highway Commission of Arorth Carolina is hereby requested to designate State Road 1525, more commonly called the Masonboro Loop Road, as the Masonboro Sound Road. Adopted February 5, 1968 (s) J. E. Marshall, Clerk" PINE VALLEY SCHOOL FINANCING - A oeneral discussion was held on financing of the Pine Valley School with explanations being furnished by both the County Auditor and County Attorney regarding surplus funds and also the provisions of a continuing contract. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, for the purpose of discussion, that the Attorney and Auditor be directed to investigate the procedure for using surpius funds from the current budget. Motion was defeated by a vote of one for and three against. ~ 13~ Minutes of the Meeting - January 15, 1968 (Continued) AMBULANCE SERUICE FRANCHISE - Mr. Aaron Goldberg, representing Tate Ambulance Service,appeared before the Board and stated that he wanted to know if his client could get a franchise to operate in New Hanover County and that the franchise be exclusive. Further, that he was making verbal application at this time. A discussion was held regarding the operation of the Ogden Rescue Squad as an ambulance service also. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Chairman and Mr. Hall be a committee to meet with a representative of Tate Ambulance Service and the Ogden Rescue Squad to discuss this problem to see if it can be ironed out to the mutual benefit of all concerned, and further, should other members of the Commission desire to attend such meeting, they do so. Motion was carried. ~ CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE RESOLUTION, BOND ISSUE - The following petition from the Cape Fear Technical Institute was presented requesting that the item of a two million doilar bond issue be included in the May Primary. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the petition be accepted and that it be inciuded on the ballot in the May Primary. Motion was carried. "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : PETITION COUNTY OF NEW HANOUER . T0: THE BOARD OF COUNT`Y COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY: Your Petitioner, the Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees, under provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 11SA of the General Statutes of North Carolina, entitled, "Community Colleges, Technical Institutes and Industrial Education Centers," does hereby petition the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to include in the New Hanover County 1968 spring primary election a vote for school bonds, and to that end, does respectfully show the Commissioners: 1. That the need for and cost of additiottal facilities has been determined by a study conducted through a committee formed by a resolution of the Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees duly passed at its meeting held September 15, 1967. 2. That a request to the County Commissioners of New Hanover County for a bond issue in the amount of $2,000,000.00 for construction of needed facility additions for Cape Fear Technical Institute to be voted on in the 1968 spring primary election was duly authorized by resolution passed at the December 15, 1967, meeting of the Cape Fear Technical Institute Baard of Trustees. A certified true copy of said resolution as appearing in said minutes being attached and by reference being made a part hereof. , 3. That the maximum rate of tax which is proposed to be levied is that amount which would pay interest on and refund the principal of a toLal of $2,000,000.00 of New Hanover County bonds. (}. That the area of the proposed election is the whole County of New Hanover as encompassed in the 1968 spring primary election. WHEREFORE, YOUR PETITIONER RESPECTFULLY PRAYS: That the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County include the election of the $2,000,000.00 bond issue in the 1968 spring primary in accordance with law. This 12 day of January, 1968. (s) Fred J. Galehouse Chairman, The Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees and the Cape Fear Technical Institute Facility Committee STATE OF PIORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . FRED J. GALEHOUSE, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Chairman of the Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees; that he has read the foregoing Petition and that the same is true of his own knowledge, except as to those matters and things therein set forth on information and belief, and as to those, he believes it to be true. (s) Fred J. Galehovse Sworn to and subscribed before me this 12th day of January, 1968. (s) Eli2abeth P. Carroll Notary Public My Commission expires March 17, t968 . , EXTRACT FROM MINUTES Of THE CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~ The regular meeting of the Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees con- vened in the Board Room, Cape Fear Technical Institute, at 4:05 P.M., Friday, December 15, 1967. h ~ ~.~~ Minutes of the Meeting - January 15, 1968 (Continued) CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE RESOLUTION, BOND ISSUE (CONTINUED) - "Members present: Messrs. Kirby Sullivan, R. L. Burnett, Howard Holly, Luther T. Cromartie, Dr.s. Thomas P. May, H. A. Eaton, and Mr. Fred J. Galehouse, Chairman. Also present was Mr. M. J. McLeod, President of Cape Fear Technical Institute and Secretary to the Board. 1Mr. Cromartie moved that the Faci23ty Committee be authorized to present a request to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County for a two million dollar bond issue for construction of needed facility additions for Cape Fear Technical Institute to be voted on in the New Hanover County, 1968, spring primary election. The motion was seconded by Mr. Burnett, and was passed unanimously.'" CLOSING OF REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE DUE TO DEATH OF PAUL BLANCHARD - ~ Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Office of Register of Deedsbe closed in a manner as recommended by the County Attorney on Tuesday, January 16, 1968, due to the death of the Registrar, Paul Blanchard. Motion was carried. DISPOSITIOTd OF ARMORY ON MARKET STREET - Vice-Chairman Bowden stated that the Armory on Narket Street is now vacant and that a meeting should be held between the County Commissioners and the City Council to determine what disposition will be made of the said building. The County Manager was instructed to contact the City Manager to see if a meeting can be arranged as soon as possfble. MEMENTOS;.VISITING DIGNITARIES = By commori.consent the.County.Nianager.wa5,.instructed to i",nvestigate the possibility.of a memento being.preserited to vislting dignitaries. He was advised to check with the County Commissioners on their different ideas and also the local jewelry concerns. EDP COORDINATOR - . • ' Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that beginning December 1, 1967 continuing to May 1, 1968 the County Auditor who has been so designated as EDP Coordinator be com- pensated in the amount of $150.00 per month in addition to serving as County Auditor. Mr. Metts made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that should the County Auditor have any additional expenses due to EDP work or any other county work, he be refmbursed for all out-of-pocket expenses and he be compensated $125.00 per month for the months he was Tax Supervisor and any part month be prorated. Further, that funds for this to come from the General Emergency Fund. Question was called on the substitute motion and it carried by a vote of three for and one against. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be ad,journed. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - February 5, 1968 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M, in the Commissioners' Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jos. W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Absent, Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order the Chairman, in view of the scheduled minister not being present, asked Vice-Chairman Bowden to give the invocation. ~ APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes of January 15, 1968, under the heading Grand Jury Report, County Prison, the following should be inserted after the last sentence of the first paragraph: "The Commissioners agreed that the operation was generally under good supervision with the exception of the blankets and mattress condition". Following this correction, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the minutes be approved as transcribed. Motion was carried. NEW HANOVER COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Miss Camille Carroll of the New Nanover County Humane Society appeared before the Commis- sioners relative to packs of dogs running loose in the County and attacking other small dogs, and in several instances death resulting from such attacks. She was primarily interested in the Commissioners.authorizing the present County dog warden to work one additional day in the week until the condition that is presently existing clears up. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, for discussion, that the Chairman write a letter to the City Council requesting that some arrangement be made for a full time dog warden on a joint operation basis and also, that the joint County-City Dog Pound be established as soon as possible. Motion was carried. A.B.C. PERMITS - A.B.C. Permits for Carmen Restaurant, Inc., Langley's Grocery, Mister Phillips' 4 Winds, Buffaloe's Grocery, Royal Cafe, The Driftwood, The Earl of Sandwick Shoppe, Inc., and Sasser's Curb Market were presented. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that they be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for his investigation. ' RESIGNATION OF CONiMtJNITY SERVICES CONSULTANT - Chairman Dr. Hooper advised the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Asa H. Blount, Community Services Consultant, advising that he had resigned from that position and had been appointed to a position with the Carolinas Council of Housing and Redevelopment Officers in High Point. This is a matter of information for the Board. ~-