1968-03-04 Regular Meeting~148 Minutes of the Meeting - March 4, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Absent: Commissioner John Van B. Metts, Jr. INVOCATION: After calling the meeting to order, and in view of the scheduled minister not being present, the Chairman asked Mr. M. H. Vaughan to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF NINUTES - For the minutes of February 16, 1968, under the heading of Sheriff~s Department, the last sentence of the last paragraph should read: '~Question was called on the substitute motion and it was carried.'~ After making this correction, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. REPORTS - All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. SALE OF TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a request from Mr. George Losak for tax foreclosed property that is located adjacent to the Kidder line on the corner of Fourteenth and N~artin Streets and one lot north.of Martin Street. After discussion on this, the County Commissioners deferred action until they were able to view the site and take action at the next meeting. RESOLUTION, SGT. A. H. C~RK - Chairman Dr. Hooper suggested to the Board that a proper resolution be adopted and pre- sented to Sgt. A. H. Clark in view of his recent retirement and long years with the State High- way Patrol. The following resolution was offered: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . WHEREAS, Sgt. A. H. Clark did begin his career with the State Highway Patrol in 1934~ and WHEREAS, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 1943, and WHEREAS, Sgt. A, H. Clark did have command of District 6, Troop B, Wilminoton, State Highway Patrol from October, 1949 to March, 1968, and WHERFAS, the members of the Board of County Commissioners are grateful to Sgt. Clark for his untiring and faithful service. NOW, THEREFORE, fiE IT RESOLVED That the members of the Board of County Commissioners extend to Sgt. A. H. Clark their best wishes in all that he may undertake in the years that lie ahead. That a copy of this Resolution be made a part of the minutes of this meeting and that a copy thereof be delivered to Sgt. Clark. Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, the 4th day of March, 1968. (s) ,los. W. Hooper, Chairman (s) L. 0. Bowden Vice-Chairman (s) J. M. Hall, .Tr. Commissioner (s) J. E. Marshall Clerk'~ R E 5 O L U T I O N (s) M. H. Vaughan Commissioner Upon motion of Mr. Bowden, Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Hall, seconded by Dr. Hooper, the resolution was unanimously adopted. A.B.C. PERMITS - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board A.B.C. Permits from Harvey~s Restaurant, Highway 17; Middle of the Island Restaurant, 124 Causeway Drive; Sea Gull Restaurant, Carolina Beach; and Little Pig, 61!} Castle Street. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that they be referred to the Sheriff~s Depart- ment for his investigation. Motion was carried. ROAD PETITION County Manager Marshall presented Lo the Board a road petition pertaining to Pelican Point Road. He stated that the petition appeared in order as well as the resolution that was to be adopted. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the standard resolution be adopted and that it be referred to the Highway Commission for their consideration. EtESOLUTION REQUESTING STATE ROAD MAINTENANCE, SCHOOL BOARD - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a request from the School Board for the in- clusion of a section of street from the intersection of Shipyard Boulevard and Independence Boulevard southeast to an intersection of Longstreet in Pine Valley. The following resolution X was offered: ' 149~ Minutes of the Meeting - March 4, 1968 (Continued) RESOLUTION REQUESTING STATE ROAD MAINTENANCE, SCHOOL BOARD (CONTINUED) - "BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commissioners of New Hanover County in regular session on March 1}, 1968, that pur.suant to a request from the Board of Education the State Highway Commission is hereby requested to include in the State Maintained Road System a two (2) block section of street .that runs from the intersection of Shipyard Boulevard and Independence Boulevard southeast to an intersection of Longstreet in Pine Valley; BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED that this request is made in order that three (3) school buses may be routed over said street thereby reducing the number of miles they must travel. ADOPTED: March (}, 1968 COPY ATTEST: (s) J. E. Marshall" Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this resolution be adopted and also, the standard resolution and referred to the Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion was carried. By common consent the County Manager was instructed to draft a letter to the Board of Education requesting that they consider other road requests similar to the one just mentioned in the above paragraph and ma}ie a complete review of such requests, and if there is needed action by t•he County Commissioners, it be referred to them. BIDS ON BUILDING DEMOLITION, JAMES WALKER HOSPIT/aL SPRUNT BUILDING AND BOILER BUILDING - After hading made the proper advertisement in the local newspaper relative to demolition of the foregoing buildings, bids were then received and opened. The first bid opened was rece,ived from Horton Iron and Metal Company, Inc. and their bid was $8,500.00. After reviewing it the County Attorney said that no certified check or bid bond was enclosed, therefore it was not in order. The second bid opened was from Harry Forden, Sr. and the total amount of it was $3,~00.00. A bid bond or certified check was not included with his, and it was determined by the County Attorney that this was not in order. The next bid opened was from Hooks Salvage Company and the total'amount of his bid was $(},999.95• A bid bond was enclosed with his. The next bid opened was from S. E. Cooper 8 Company and the total amount of his bid was $2,500.00. A bid bond was enclosed with his bid. The last bid opened was from Crowell Constructors, Inc. and the total amount of his bid was $3,000.00. A bid bond was included with his bid also. After reviewing the bids received, the work to be done, and pursuant to the County Manager pointing out.that it will be necessary that several holes in the concrete be broken in the boiler house located at James Walker Hospital after the complete demolition to ailow water to drain out, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the bid be awarded to S. E. Cooper 8 Company and funds for this to come from Surplus Community Hospital. Motion was carried. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - Sheriff Marion Millis appeared before the Board relative to the need for additional employees in his department. County Manager Marshall pointed out to the Board that he had written to ten (10) counties relative to a survey that was to be made but had not received the information from all counties contacted. He did state, however, that he had received information from two counties; namely, Davidson and Alamance Counties. Sheriff Millis explained to the Board that several reasons existed and cited as Number 1 the Crime Rate increase from 1963 to 196~. He stated that in 1963 there were 473 classified No. 1 crimes. In 1967 this had risen to 692. He further stated that the case clearance has been good in the past three years in that they are getting 52 percent by arrest. He proposed to put one man, if authorized only two, in plain clothes and one to work in the office as a Desk Deputy. Following this, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Sheriff be authorized to employ two additional deputies and to follow the necessary Civil Service procedures in so obtaining employees. Funds in the amount of $3,000.00 to come from the General Emergency Fund and appropriated to the various accounts involved. Substitute motion was made by Mr. Vaughan seconded by Dr. Hooper, for discussion, that the Sheriff be authori2ed to hire one additional man, and after the information is received from the County Manager's survey, consideration will be given to the remainder of the. request. Motion was defeated by a tie vote. Question was then called on the orig2nal motion and it carried. WORKER, WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Mr. H. A. Marks, Chairman of the Weifare Board, and Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director Public Welfare, appeared before the Commissioners relative to the need for an additional Old Age Rssistance•Worker in that Department. Mr. Marks stated that by hiring such a worker the case load could be reduced in the county. The total funds tteeded for the balance of the fiscal year is $2,279.OL}. The County~s portion of this would he $1,299.87• Following a rather thorough discussion on this, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Welfare Department be authorized to hire an additional Old Age Assistance Worker and that the necessary transfers be made within the Welfare Department Budget. Motion was carried. ~Miss Hall then discussed briefly with the Board of Commissioners the possible effects of Title 19, and she stated that additional personnel will be needed to carry out the program when it is made effective. WINTER PAR}( OPTIMIST CLUB - Mr. Charlie Bridges and Mr. Ed Wilson of the Winter Park Optimist Club appeared before the Board relative to the replacing of the fence and backstops at the two ball fields in Hugh MacRae Park and requested that the County appropriate $2,500.00 to cover a part of the total cost which was estimated to be $3,86!}.00. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this matter be referred to the Park Commission and that they present a cost comparison for the informal bid for the two different types of fence; namely a vinyl covered fence and the galvanized fence as proposed by them originally. Question was called on the motion:and it was carried. 't-- ~15 ~ Minutes of the Meeting - March 4, 1968 (Continued) BOND ISSUE HEARING AND RESOLUTIONS - There being no one appearing to express views one way or the other relative to the Bond Issue proposal, the County Attorney advised that it would be necessary that the following resolutions be adopted: "The Clerk reported to the Soard that the bond order entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $3,750,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover' which had been introduced on February 5, 1968, had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on February 9, 1968, and on February 16, 1968, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon on March 4, 1968, at 1Q:00 o~clock, A.M. "Laurence O. Bowden moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr, and was unanimously adopted, "At 10:00 o~clock, A.M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the bond order and the published notice of hearina. "After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, Laurence O. Bowden moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. "The Clerk reported to the Board that the bond order entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,000,000 Technical Institute Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, which had been introduced on February 5, 1968, had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on February 9, 1968, and on February 16, 1968, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon on March 4, 1968, at 10:00 o~clock, A.M. "Laurence O. Bowden moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. "At 10:02 o~clock, A.M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the bond order and the published notice of hearing. "After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, Laurence 0. Bowden moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. "The Clerk reported to the Board that the bond order entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of ~364,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Hanover', which had been introduced on February 5, 1968, had been published in the Wilmington Morning Star on February 9, 1968, and on February 16, 1968, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon on March 4, 1968, at 10:00 o~clock, A.M. "Laurence O. Bowden moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. "At 10:04 o~clock, A.M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the bond order and the published notice of hearing. "After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, Laurence O. Bowden moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. "The Clerk reported to the Board that the bond order entitled ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $225,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, which had been introduced on February 5, 1968, with notice that the Board of Commissioners would hold a public hearing thereon on March 4, 1968, at 10:00 o'clock, A.M. "Laurence O. Bowden moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. "At 1o:06 o~clock, A.M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Clerk read the bond order and the published notice of hearing. "After the ~Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, Laurence 0. Bowden moved that the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. ' "WHEREAS, the bond ord'ers entitled ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $3,750,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,000,000 Technical Institute Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $36~,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Hanover', and ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $225,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, have been introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on February 5, 1968, and have been duly published with notice of hearing thereon, and the Board of Commissioners has, at the time and place specified in such notice of hearing, heard any and all citizens and taxpayers who desired to protest against the issuance of the bonds, and such hearing has been closed; and X ' J ] 51~ Minutes of the Meeting - March (}, 1968 (Continued) BOND ISSUE HEARING AND RESOLUTIONS (CONTINUED) - "WHEREAS, the County Accountant has, by direction of the Board of Commissioners, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners a statement of debt incurred and to be incurred for school purposes under bond orders either introduced or passed, complying with the provisions of the County Finance Act, and such state- ment so filed shows that the net indebtness of the County for such purposes is !}.29% of the assessed valuation of property in said County as last fixed for County taxa- tion; and "WHEREAS, the County Accountant has, by direction of the Board of Commissioners, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners a statement of debt incurred and to be incurred for other than school purposes under bond orders either intr.oduced or passed, complying with the provisions of the County Finance Act, and such statement so filed shows that the net indebtedness of the County for such purposes is 3.22% of the assessed valuation of property in said County as last fixed for County taxation; NOW, THEREFORE, "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: "(1) The bond order entitled 'Bond Order authori2ing the issuance of $3,750,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on February 5, 1968, is hereby adopted without change or amendment. "(2)'The bond order entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,000,000 Technical Institute Bonds of the County of New Hanover', introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on February 5, 1968, is hereby adopted withovt change or amendment. "(3) The bond order entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $36l~,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on February 5, 1968, is hereby adopted without change or amendment. "(4) The bond order entitled 'Bond Orcier authorizing the issuance of $225,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover', introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on February 5, 1968, is hereby adopted withovt change or amendment. "(5) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause copies of said bond orders to be published with the statement as to their adoption prescribed by The County Finance Act in the Wilmington Morning News, a newspaper published in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, in said County, and such pub- lication shall be made in the manner prescribed by the County Finance Act. , "The motion, having been duly seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr., was unanimously adopted. "Laurence O. Bowden moved that the following resolution b~e adopted: '~WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted, on March 4, 1968, bond orders entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $3,750,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $2,000,000 Technical Institute Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $364,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, and ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $225,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, and such bond orders and the indebtedness to be ineurred by the issuance of such bonds, should be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or disapproval, in order to comply with the Constitution and Laws of North Carolina; NOW THEREFORE, "BE IT'RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: '!(1) A special election shall be held in the County of New Hanover on May 4, 1968, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said County, for their approval or disapproval, the bond orders described in the notice of special election hereinafter set forth and also the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds authorized by such bond orders. "(2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of said election in substantially the following form: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVERr NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPECIAL ELECTION will be held in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, on May !}, 1968 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said County (1) the question whether they shall approve or disapprove the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $3,750,000, the levy of a tax for the payment of such bonds, and the bond order entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $3,750,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover~ adopted by the Board of Commissioners on March 1}, 1968, to authorize the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax, (2) the question whether they shall approve or disapprove the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $2,000,000, the levy of a tax for the payment of such bonds, and the bond order entitled ~Bond Order authori2ing the issuance of $2,000,000 Technical Institute Bonds of the County of New Hanover' adopted by the Board of Commissioners on March 4, 1968, to authorize the issuance of said bonds and the x levy of such tax, (3) the question whether they shall approve or disapprove the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum r3z Minutes of the Meeting - March l}, 1968 (Continued) BOND ISSUE HEARING AND RESOLUTIONS (CONTINUED) - "principal amount of $36!},000, the levy of a tax for the payment of such bonds, and the bond order entitled ~Sond Order authorizing the issuance of $364,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Hanovert adopted by the Board of Commissioners on March 4, 1968, to authori2e the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax, and (4) the question whether they shall approve or disapprove the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $225,400, the levy of a tax for the payment of such bonds, and the bond order entitled 'Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $225,000 Public Hospital Bonds of the County of New Hanover~ adopted by the Board of Commissioners on March (}, 1968, to authori2e the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax. "The $3,750,000 bonds are authorized to finance additional school plant facilities in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit, in order to enable the County of New Hanover, as an administrative agency of the State of North Carolina, to main- tain public schools in said school administrative unit for the school term prescribed by law. The $2,000,000 bonds are authorized to finance the enlargement and equipment of buildings for the use of the Cape Fear Technical Institute. The $364,000 bonds are authorized to finance improvements to the New Hanover County Airport. The $225,000 bonds are authorized to finance the remodelling, reconstruction and equip- ment of The Community Hospital Build3ng of the County. "The ballots to be used at said election shall contain the words 'For the bond order authorizing $3,750,000 bonds to finance the cost of erecting in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit several new buildings to be used as school houses, school garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, lunchrooms and other school plant facilities, and of reconstructing and enlarging by the erection of additions, several existing buildings located in such unit and used for such pur- poses, and of acquirino land, furnishings and equipment necessary for such new or reconstructed or enlarged buildinys in order to enable the County of New Hanover, as an administrative agency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina to maintain public schools in said school administrative unit for the nine months~ school term prescribed by law, and a tax therefor~ and the words 'Against the bond order authorizing $3,750,000 bonds to finance the cost of erecting in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit several new buildings to be used as school houses, school garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, lunchrooms and other school plant facilities, and of reconstructing and enlarging by the erection of additions, several existing buildings located in such unit and used for such purposes, and of acquiring land, furnishings and equipment necessary for such new or reconstructed or enlarged buildings in order to enable the County of New Hanover, as an administrative agency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina to maintain public schools in said school administrative unit for the nine months~ school term prescribed by law, and a tax therefor' and the words ~For the bond order authorizing $2,000,000 bonds to finance the cost of enlarging and equiping buildings used as a Technical Institute operated under the provisions of Chapter 115-A of the General Statutes of North Carolina offering vocational, trade and technical speciaity courses and programs to the inhabitants of New Hanover County, and a tax therefor' and the words:.='For the bond order authorizing $364,000 bonds to finance the cost of improving the New Hanover County Airport, maintained and operated by the County for use of airplanes or other aircraft, including terminal building expansion and the improvement of runways, taxiways and aprons, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands, and a tax therefor~ and the words ~Against the bond order authorizing $364,000 bonds to finance the cost of improving the New Hanover County Airport, maintained and operated by the County for use of airplanes or other aircraft, including terminal building expansion and the improvement of runways, taxiways and aprons, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands, and a tax therefor' and the words 'For the bond order authorizing $225,000 bonds to finance the cost of remodeling and reconstructing the Community Hospital Building of the County, in- cluding the equipment of said hospital facility for use as a nursing or convalescent facility, and a tax therefor~ and the words ~Against the bond order authorizing $225,000 bonds to finance the cost of remodeling and reconstructing the Community Hospital Buildino of the County, inciuding the equipment of said hospital facility for use as a nursing or convalescent facility, and a tax therefor', with squares opposite the affirmative and negative forms in one of ~~hich squares the voter may make a mark (X) to indicate his choice. °In the event that a ma~jority of the qualified voters voting at such election shali approve such bond order and the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds thereby authorized, bonds of the maximum amount authorized by such bond order shall be issued for the purpose described in such bond order, and a tax will be levied for the payment thereof. "The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:3~ o~clock, A.M., and will close at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, P.M. The election will be heLd at the following polling places: Precinct WRIGHTSBORO PRECINCT CASTLE HAYNE PRECINCT OGDEN PRECINCT Address Wrightsboro School 640 Castle Hayne Road St, Stanislaus School Castie Hayne Road Odgen Fire Department Market Street Road WINTER PARK PRECINCT Winter Park School 20!} South McMillan Avenue SEAGATE PRECINCT Bradley Creek School 6206 Oleander Drive WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH PRECINCT Wrightsville Beach Sc~ool Harbor Island ~ %f -'Against the bond order authorizing $2,000,000 bonds to finance the cost of enlarging and equiping buildings used as a Technical Institute operated under the provisions of Chapter 115-A of the General Statutes of North Carolina offering vocational, trade and technical , ~~~ec~~i~tv~oc~a~rses and programs to the inhabitants of New Hanover County, and a tax therefor~ .~~3~ Minutes of the Meeting - March 1}, 1968 (Continued) BOND ISSUE HEARING AND RESOLUTIONS (CONTINUED) - Precinct Address MASONBORO PRECINCT Cape Fear Academy 4002 South College Road FEDERAL POINT PRECINCT Burnett Motor Sales #1 Carolina Beach Road FEDERAL POINT PRECINCT Carolina Beach Town Hall #2 Carolina Beach WILMINGTON PRECINCT: Cf #1 Dudley School 920 North Sixth #2 Tileston School 1a12 Ann Street ~3 William Hooper School I}10 Meares Street #4 Sunset Park Jr. High 206 W. Tennessee Avenue ~{5 Vance Building Rutledge Drive Entrance #6 New Hanover High (Gym) Princess Street Entrance #7 Williston Sr. High ~.01 South Tenth Street #8 Lake Forest, Inc. 250 Pinecrest Parkway ~9 Chestnut Street School 2150 Chestnut Street #10 Catlett School 814 Co2we11 Avenue #11 Fire Station 34o3 Park Avenue #12 Forest Hills School 410 Colonial Drive. #13 Winter Park Presbyterian Church (Educational Building) 303 45th Street #14 John T. Hoggard High l}305 Shipyard Blvd. '~There shall be a new registration of voters for this election. All qualified voters desiring to vote in this election must register on the registration books of their respective precincts between 9:00 o'clock A.M. on Saturday, March 30, 1968, and 6:30 o'clock, P.M, on Saturday, April 20, 1968. On each day (Sundays excluded) during such period the registrar for each election precinct in the county will keep his book open between the hours of 9:00 o~ciock A.M. and 6:30 o~clock P.M. for the registration of voters in such elettion precinct. On each Saturday during such period each registrar will attend at the polling place in his election precinct between the hours of 9:00 o~clock A.M. and 6:30 o'clock P.M. for the registration of voters. '!Any qualified voter of the County during all of said election day or who, disability will be unable to be present day may apply for an absentee ballot to earlier than forty-five days prior to s P.M., on May 1, 1968. who expects to be absent from the County because of sickness or other physical at the polls to vote in person on said be used in voting at said election not ~id election and not later than 6:00 o'clock, '~By order of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover. "Dated: March !}, 1968. (s) J. E. Marshall Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina" "Said notice of special election shall be published three times and there shall be an interval of at least one week between said publications and the first of said pub- lications shall be not later than forty-five d'ays prior to the date of such election. '~(3)~ The polls for said election shall be opened and closed at the times and at the places stated in said notice and electors shall be registered for said y~ election in the manner stated in said notice. ~154 Minutes di the Meeting - March 1}, 1968 (Continued) BOND ISSUE HEARING AND RESOLUTIONS (CONTINUED) - "(!~} The County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and distribute the necessary ballots and to provide the registration books, booths, ballot boxes, and other equipment required for the holding of said election and to conduct and supervise said election. "Commissioner J. M. Hali, Jr. seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously adopted." MARKET STREET ARMORY AS MUSEUM - The Museum Board of Trustees having appeared before the Board of County Commissioners at a previous meeting and also before the City Council of Wilmington, a discussion was held on the possible use of the Armory on Market Street as a Museum. r~ Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Museum Board of Trustees be advised that the Board of County Commissioners looks favorably on the request that the Armory be used as a Museum, but that the Board of Trustees present to the County Commissioners an operating budget for the Museum should they be moved to the Market Street location and further, that they prepare a budget for the operation of the Museum in its present location for the ensuing year should it not be moved in order that a cost comparison may be made. Further, that the Board of Trustees assure the County Commissioners that they will obtain additional property for off-street parking in the area where the Armory is located. Also, that they request the City of Wilmington to participate in the op~ration of the Museum at the Market Street location to the extent of 50 percent should the move be effected. Question was called on the motion and it was carried. By common consent a letter will be written to the Board of Trustees of the Museum and also the City Council and advise them that the County Commissioners will be willing to meet with them at their convenience to discuss this particular problem. At this ,juncture a short recess was declared by the Chairman at 10:15 A.M. Meeting was reconvened at 10:30 A.M. APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES, CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - Dr. Hooper advised the Board that he had received a letter from Dr. T. P. May resigning from the Board of Trustees at the Cape Fear Technical Institute. After briefly discussing this, action on the appointment, or reappointment, was deferred until the next meeting. Further, that a letter of appreciation be prepared and sent to Dr. May for an outstanding ~job as a member of the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Technical Institute. MENTAL HEALTH - Mr. Bowden discussed with the Board a letter he had received from the Chairman of the Nental Health Advisory Committee, Rev. Jerome C. Jones, and at this juncture he read two of his requests and recommendations. Recommendation No. 1 is th2t the Mental Health Advisory Board be authorized to communicate with Mr. Herbert Rooney to be hired as Program Director for the Mental Health Center. Further, that they communicate with Mr. Rooney that he is the man they so select and (1) if we can arrive at a satisfactory or mutual ,job description and at a mutually satisfactory salary schedule LhaL he be employed. It was further recommended that upon favorable response to the communication with Mr. Rooney the County Commissioners empower the Mental Health Advisory Board to proceed immediately toward development of mutually satisfactory ,job description and salary schedule for final presentation for acceptance by the parties involved; namely Mr. Rooney, the County Commissioners, the State Personnel, and Mental Heaith Commissions. Following a brief discussion on this, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the recommendation be accepted. Motion was carried. Recommendation No. 2. The Mental Health Advisory Board recommended that Dr. Rolf H. Fisscher be employed on a one-half day week basis beginning April for consultation services at the Mental Health Center at a rate of $25.00 per hour for his services for (1) patient treatment and (2) Center Staff consultation and direction. It is to be understood that this consultative relationship will be reviewed upon employment of a Mental Health Center Director. In the meantime, however, it is the recommendation of the Advisory Board this action be taken without delay in order that the Center might resume partial functioning and proper preparation be made for the direction of incoming staff in June as approved by the County Commissioners. Following a brief discussion of this, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the recommendation be approved. COUNTY AUDITOR'S REQUEST - County Auditor Perry Shepard advised the Board that it was necessary that an amovnt of $950.00 be appropriated for the Jail 4Jater and Sewerage. Following a brief discussion on this, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the amount requested be appropriated from the General Emergency fund to the requested item. County Auditor Shepard advised the Board that it appe2red the County Electrical In- spector~s Telephone will exceed the budgeted amount by $70.05. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the amount of $70.05 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund for the Electrical Inspector~s phone. Motion was carried. JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL NURSES' QUARTERS - Mr. Bowden reported to the Board that he had viewed the roof on the James Walker Nurses' Quarters and determined with the architect that the roof is in dire need of repair. He stated that it would be necessary that the architect proceed on the idea or basis that the roof be repaired should the building be utilized. ~r. Bowden moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the architect (Mr. Julian Altobellis) be authorized to advertise for bids to repair the roof only at the James Walker Hospital Nurses~ Quarters. Motion was carried. \ ~ .~.JJ Minutes of the Meeting - March 1}, i968 (Continued) SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Dr. Hooper discussed with the Board the County membership in the Southeastern Economic ~ Development Commission. Following thfs, he moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that a letter be written to Mr. James Fout, Chairman of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission asking that by action of the letter, New Hanover County become a member of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission and further, that New Hanover County will obligate funds for one year, and further, that the appointments to the Commission to represent New Hanover County are Mr. John Van B. Metts, ,lr. for two years and Mr. H. Van Reid for three years. Further, that the third member will be appointed from the Committee of 100 as soon as the person is contacted. These appointments are made strictly in accordance with the provisions as set out by the By-Laws. Also, that the Southeastern Economic Development Commission be advised that the Commission is working on names for the Advisory Committee. Motion was carr3ed. LADIES LOUNGE FOR EMPLOYEES IN COURT HOUSE By common consent the County Manager was asked to investigate the possibility of a Ladies Lounge whereby several ladies in the building that bring their lunch may have some place to eat other than at their desk. ADJOURNMENT - ~ There beina no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. SPECIAL MEETING June 22, 1967 7:30 P.M. At a special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held on the above date in the Commissioners~ Room the following were present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioner M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor Perry Shepard, and County Manager J. E. Marshall. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the three day notice for special meetings be waived and that the Board convene in special session. Motion was carried. County Manager Marshall presented the following resolution relative to the sale of 0.!}65 acres of covnty owned land near the Airport to Filtors, Inc.: "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the sum of $3,100.00, representing the proceeds of the sale of a 0.465-acre tract of land to be sold to Filtors, Inc., as proceeds of the sale, be earmarked and used exclusively for developing, improving, operating, or maintaining the New Hanover County Airport." Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the resolution be adopted. Motion was carried. County Manager Marshall presented the following resolution relative to the assessment ratio of all real and personal property subject to assessment in the County: "BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners that the assessment ratio of all Real and Personal Property subject to assess- ment in said County shall be fifty (50) percent for the year 1967 pur- suant to the provisions of G.S. 105-294•" Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the resolution be adopted. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager BUDGET DISCUSSI.ON June~22, 1967 tl:15 P.M. At a special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held on the above date in the Commissioners~ Room the following were present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, J. M. Hall, Jr., County Auditor Perry Shepard and County Manager J. E. Marshall. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the three day notice for special meetings be waived and the Board convene in special session. Motion was carried. ~ This special meeting was also held for the p'urpose of budget discussion. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the bills incurred in the Clerk of Superior Court office be paid from,the interim budget effective July 1, 1967. Motion was carried. ~ After discussing several budgets and at 10:15 P.M. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting be recessed until Monday, June 26, 1967 at 5:30 P.M. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager ~