1967-06-26 Special Meeting~~J6 F SPECTAL MEETING AND BUDGET DISCUSSION ~une 26, 1967 5:30 P.M. ASSEMBLY - At a special meeting, for the purposes of budget discussions and other matters, held on the above date the following were present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W, Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, County Auditor Perry Shepard and County Nianager J. E. ~arshall. BUILDING INSPECTOR BUDGET - The first budget to be reviewed was the one for the Building Inspector. After reviewing the several items, the Building Inspector was instructed to present information relative to the number of trips, permits, and any other related information for comparison for the Board~s con- sideration in the purchase of two-way radios for that department. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR BUDGET - The Electrical Inspector Budget was then discussed and reviewed and he, too, was instructed to present information relative to the support in the purchase of two-way radio for his depart- ment. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan,that the meeting be recessed for dinner at 6:l}0 P.M. Motion was carried. The meeting was reconvened by the Chairman at 7:30 ~P.M. PRISON FARM BUDGET - The County Manager reviewed the Prison Farm Budget and answered several questions relative to it. By common consent he was instructed to check on the possibility of using State Prison farm labor in our County in order that consideration may be given to closing the County Prison Farm. HUGH MACRAE PARK BUDGET - The budget for Hugh MacRae Park was discussed and considered, and by common consent the County Manager was instructed to check on commercial signs located in and around the ball fields and also, the possibility of a pay telephone at Hugh I~facRae Park. MUSEUM BUDGET - Mr. Gary Eyster, Mr. Henry J. McMillan, Nrs. Ned McEachern and Mrs. Ida Kellum presented the budget for the museum to the Board of Commissioners. After reviewing it and in discussing the need for additional space for the museum, Mr. Vaughan moved that the county request the City to make available additional space for the museum in the present building and would'appreciate action as sbon;.as pbSsible. -At the:present~idme t}iey are.particular3y iriterested in the third floor. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and carried. COURT HOUSE SUDGET - The budget for the County Court House was reviewed and question of ice for Superior Court was raised. The County Manager was instructed by common consent to investigate the possibility of the ice making machine being obtained from James Walker Memorial Hospital. COUNTY AID BUDGET - The County Aid budget was reviewed down to the item of Public Audit. Within the review the title to Cape Fear Armory was raised. The County Manager was instructed to ascertain through the County Attorney as to who holds title to said building. The question of the public audit within the County Aid Budget was considered at length. County Auditor Shepard recommended that an audit be made in the following offices. County Auditor Sheriff and Related Offices Register of Deeds Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Recorders Court Welfare Department Tax Listing Department RECESS - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting be recessed until 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, June 28, 1967. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manaoer X