1967-06-28 Special Meeting1.5~'~~ SPECIAL MEETING AND BUDGET DI5CU5SION June 28,, 1967 5:00 P.M. Special meeting and budget discussion of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners reconvened at 5:00 P.M. in the Commissioners' Room on the above date with the following members present: Chairman Dr. .Toseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioner M. H. Vaughan, County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery, County Auditor P'erry Shepard and County Manager J. E. Narshall. This being a joint session with the Board of Trustees of the New Hanover County Retirement Board, the following members of that Board were present: Mr. John H. Hardin, Miss Lois Ward and Also, Mr. Perry Shepard, a member of the Board of Trustees in his capacity as Treasurer of the said Board. Mr. H. Gray Hutchison, of the firm of H. Gray Hutchison and Associates, was in attendance and explained the actuarial work that he wili be completing and the procedures that will be recommended for adoption by the Board of Trustees relative to the New Hanover County Retirement System. At this juncture Commissioner J. M. Hall, .]r. joined the meeting. Several questions were posed to the County Attorney relative to the legal aspects of the handling of funds for the Retirement System. Mr. Tillery endeavored to answer these questions and it appeared he answered them satisfactorily for the Board of Commission members and the Board of Trustee members. A question was raised relative to any outstandino notes or loans made from the Retirement System. It was stated that one was still outstanding and Mr. Tillery explained in detail the position that the particular individual had taken relative to this. By common consent the County Attorney was instructed to contact Mr. John M. Walker relative to his outstanding note or loan from the New Hanover County Retirement System. Further, a discussion followed pertaining to the hiring of an actuary to do the necessary work on the records of the Retirement System at the end of each fiscal year. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board of Commissioners go on record as supportino the hiring of an actuary to do the actuarial work for the Board of Trustees each year and that funds be appropriated to cover this expense from the County budget. Motion was carried. The joint session then ended with the Board of Trustees retiring. The Board of Commissioners then resumed their regular meeting. Chairman Dr. Hooper pointed out to the Board that in years past the amount of $100.00 had been made available to cover the expense of printing water safety tips in the magazine entitled ~~Life Around YJilmington". Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the amount of $100.00 for this particular item be appropriated and that funds for this come from the Advertising and Development Fund for the fiscal year 1967-68. Notion was carried. At this point a discussion developed relative to the audit for the County in the several offices involved. County Auditor Shepard stated that he felt that an audit by an independent auditor was necessary and he planned to start internal auditing of County offices that handle funds after July 1, 1967. He stated he would like to make quarterly reports rather than monthly reports. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Certified Public Account.ant that will perform the County Audit be advised by the County Auditor that the Board of Commis- sioners feel that the Certified Public Accountant at his discretion should go into other offices that handle funds or records and satisfy himself that the reports made to the County Auditor are substantially correct in order that the Certified Public Accountant can issue an unqualified report. Further, that should the cost of the work involved exceed $10,000.00 the Certified Public Accountant will report to the Chairman before proceeding further. Question was called on the motion and it was carried by vote of three for and one against. County Attorney Tillery reported to the Board that several problems had developed in the disbursement of funds at New Hanover Memorial Hospital relating to Hill-Burton funds and pre- opening expenses. He suggested that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED: That the Treasurer of New Hanover County continue to disburse all Hill Burton funds and all proceeds of the bond issue relative to con- struction, equipment and other pre-opening expenses of New Hanover Memorial Hospital until such time as lawful pre-opening commitments against said funds have been examined, verified and paid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Treasurer of New Hanover County shall cause all such funds remaining after satisfaction of pre-opening commitments to be placed in a separate account to be expended in accordance with the direction of the Board of County Commissioners for hospital-related construction and equipment. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the resolution be adopted. Motion was carried unanimously. By common consent it was to determine or to develop as this fact kno~an to the County Mr. Hall moved, seconded dinner. Motion was carried. The meeting was reconven Board of Education Budget. agreed that the County Attorney would work with the County Auditor to the funds existing at New Hanover Memorial Hospital and make Commissioners. by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be recessed at 6:50 P.M. for zd at 7:(}0 P.M. for the purpose of discussing and reviewing the At this juncture Mr. Metts joined the meeting. ~ Mr. Emsley Laney, Chairman of the Board of Education and Dr. William Wagoner, Superintendent of Schools, other school Board members and members of the educational staff were present and re- viewed the budget in detail to the Commissioners for the fiscal year 1967-68. ~ 158 SPECIAL MEETING AND BUDGET DISCUSSION (CONTINUED) June 28, 1967 5~00 P.M. The question of pension funds for retired school teachers was discussed. Mr. Hali moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper that the pensions being paid to retired school teachers from County Funds be raised to $150.00 per month. Motion carried. The question of Dr. Wagoner~s salary was discussed by Mr. Laney following Dr. Wagoner being excused from the meeting. After a brief discussion of this, ~r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County~s share of Dr. YJagoner~s salary be raised from $4,200.00 to $5,200.00 per year. Motion was carried. At this point the salaries for Dr. Heyward Bellamy, Nr. Dale Spencer, and Nr. John Marshall were discussed by Mr. Laney. Mr. Hali moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the salaries for the above three people be set as recommended by the Board of Education and Dr. Wagoner. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting be recessed until Monday, July 3, 1967 following the regular Board of Commissioners meeting. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager BUDGET DISCUSSIOPd MEETING ,7ulv 3, 1967 , The recessed meeting of July 3, 1967 was reconvened for the purposes of discussing the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1967-68 with the following present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and County Manager J. E. Marshall. The first budget discussed was the Civil Defense Budget. Mr. Spotswood Huntt and Col. Griffin appeared before the Board relative to the Civil Defense Sudget. Mr. Vaughan asked about the Director~s salary and it was stated to him that the Director of Civi~l Defense is covered by the State Merit System. Further, it was stated that this is an item that is a joint operation with the City of Wilmington and the joint meeting with them had not been held. At this point Col. Griffin and Mr. Huntt ~ thanked for their being present to present the budget. BOARD OF ELECTIONS - Mr. O. K. Pridgen, II appeared before the Board to discuss the Board of Elections budget. Mr. Vaughan moved,~seconded by Mr. Hall, that the personal services for 0. K.'Pridgen II and office expenses for primary and run-off be set at $2,600 per year. Motion was carried. Further, Mr, Pridgen discussed the possibility of purchasing voting machines and at this point Mr. Vaughan moved that we do not try to get any voting machines this year but try next year. Dr. Hooper made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that a pilot test be tried in three precincts and that the County lease 15 voting machines and the amount of $2,250 be appropriated in the budget for the fiscal year 1967-68. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion which is the same as the one made by Dr. Hooper above but that the machines be a type that can be brought to the office. After a discussion on this, Mr, Vaughan withdrew the motion and question was called on Dr. Hooper~s motion and it was carried. At this point it was agreed that the Commissioners would be willing to listen to the different salesmen representing the voting machines approved for the use in the State of I~~orth Carolina. At this point Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be recessed for lunch at 1:00 P.M. Motion carried. Neeting was reconvened at 2:00 P.M. with the following present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vauohan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. TAX COLLECTOR~S BUDGET - Mr. Sam Johnson, City-County Tax Collector, appeared before the Board to discuss the Tax Collector~s budget for the year 1967-68. It was stated to Mr. Johnson that this was a joint budget and that it would be necessary for the County to get together with the City to discuss their financial capabilities in re- ference to the joint operation. Mr. Johnson was thanked for presenting his budget and the supporting information for his requests. LIBRARY BUDGET - Miss Katherine Howell, Librarian, Dr. E. S. Benson, and Mr. Louis Poisson appeared before the Board to discuss the Library Budget. It was reviewed in detail and following the com- pletion of the review it was stated to them tha.t this being a joint City-County operation it would be necessary for the County Commissioners to meet in joint session with the City before a final decision is made. MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC - Mr. Robert Kallman and Mrs. Alice Von Oesen appeared before the Board to discuss the budget for the Mental Health Clinic. Several related problems involved in the Center was dis- cussed with the Board and it was agreed that the amount of $70,551 be provided for in the budget for the fiscal year 1967-68 in view of not having a Director and several other staff members. HEALTH DEPARTMENT Dr. C. B. Davis, Mrs. Mabel Price and Mrs.. A. Lou Davis appeared before the Board to present the Board of Health budget for the Fiscal year 1967-68. Several items relating to the Health Department Budget was presented, one being the operation of the Laboratory and the other the X-Ray Program that is being carried on by the County. y By common consent the County Manager was instructed to investigate the possibility of closing the County operated Laboratory and also abandoning the X-Ray Program in the Health Department. ~ l~~ BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING (.CONTINUED) July 3, 1967 HEALTH DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) - At this juncture a discussion developed on the purchasing of a second dragline, and Dr. Hooper moved, 5econded by Mr. Vaughan, that the question of purchasing a second dragline not be included in this budget and the problem be referred to the City-County Planning Department for study in view of their recent interest in the drainage programs throughout the County. Mr. Hall made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the dragline be included in the Health Department's budget for the fiscal year 1967-68 and that the problem of drainage be referred to the City-County Planning Department and the amount of $23,000 be included in the budget for the purchase of a second dragline. Question was called on the substitute motion and it failed by a tie vote. Mr. Bowden abstained from voting. Question was then called on the original motion and it failed because of a two-two vote and again Mr. Bowden abstained from voting. Mr. Metts then moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that should a referendum be held a second dragline and other equipment that might be necessary as indicated by a study which will be conducted by the City-County Planning Department relative to drainage be included in the said referendum and the study be conducted as soon as proper staff is obtained in the City-County Planning Department. Motion was carried. The total appropriations requested by the Health Department for the fiscal year 1967-68 was $273,500.21. The recommendations by the County Auditor was $267,51.~.9.12 and the final budget set by the County Commissioners was $21}7,811.00. WELFARE DEPARTNENT BUDGET - Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfare, Mr. H. A. Marks and Mr. N. P. Barefoot, who was invited by the Welfare Board to sit in on the Budget Discussion but was no longer a member of the Board of Welfare, being replaced by Mr. Lloyd Moore, presented the budget for the Welfare Department. It was reviewed in detail by Miss Hall and Mr. Marks, particularly in the areas of salaries and other items that would be increasing in the fiscal year 1967-68. The requested budget by the Welfare Department- totaled $518,718. The County Auditor had recommended in the budget that it be set at $1~88,530. The final budget as approved by the County Commissioners for the YJelfare Department is $l~67,312. Following the completion of the 4lelfare Department Budget discussion, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting be recessed until Thursday, July 6, 1967 at 5:00 P.M. Motion was carried. J. E Marshall, County Manager BUDGE'I' DISCUSSION MEETING ,7ulv 6, 1967 The following members were present: Chairnan Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vavghan; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Mr. H. Van Reid, Executive Vice-President, Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Board to discuss the Chamber of Commerce budget for the fiscal year 1967-68. He also discussed with the Board the success of the advertising programs in the past~year. He was questioned by several of the Commissioners relative to the City appropriating additional funds for adver- tising to be administered by the Chamber of Commerce. By common consent this matter will be decided after the joint meeting with the City. The budget reqvests by the Chamber of Commerce for the fiscal year 1967-68 was $25,~00. County Auditor Shepard in his budget recommendations provided for $20,000. The final appropriation as approved by the County Commissioners is $20,000 for the fiscal year 1967-68. By common consent the meeting was recessed at 6:35 P.M. for dinner. Meeting was reconvened at 7:1}0 P.M, with the following present: M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Manager J. E. Marshall and County Auditor Perry Shepard. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT~S BUDGET - ' Representatives from Myrtle Grove, South Wilminaton, Winter Park and Wrightsboro Fire Departments were present to discuss their budget requests for the fiscal year 1967-68. The Volunteer Fire Departments had requested an appropriation of $26,000 for the year 1967-68 and County Auditor Perry Shepard had recommended that the amount of $22,040 be provided in the budget. Further, it was stated to the Soard that Ogden Rescue Squad had requested an appro- prietion of $1,000 for the fiscal year 1967-68 which money would not be used i.n their ambulance service. The final appropriation by the Board for the Volunteer Fire Departments was $22,000 per year for all seven fire departments and $1,000 for the fiscal year 1967-68 for the Ogden Rescue Squad. Upon completion of this discussion Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting be recessed until the joint meeting with the City on July 11, 1967. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. \ •~_~a JOINT MEETIVG NEW HANOVER COUNTY-CITY OF WILMINGTON BUDGET DISCUSSTON.MEETING July 11, 1967 4:00 P.M. Present from the City was Councilman C. M. Harrington, City Attorney Cicero Yow, Mayor O. O. Allsbrook, Councilman Alex Fonville, Councilman John Symmes, City Manager E. C, Brandon, Jr. The County representatives were Chairman Dr. ~oseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., Mr. M. H. Vaughan, County Manager J. E. Marshall and County Auditor Perry Shepard. The first item for discussion was the City-County joint operation of the Civil Defense. It was stated to the Group by City Manager Brandon that the City had not provided any salary adjustments in their budget for the fiscal year 1967-68. Following a rather thorough dis- cussion of this, it was agreed that the County wouid match the City budget for the Civil Defense for the ensuing fiscal year. The total budget requested by the Civil Defense was $22,009.00. County Auditor Shepard recommended that the amount of $21,208.08 be appropriated. The final budget as approved by both the City and the County was $19,208.00 with the City's share being $1},802.00 and the County~s share being $4,802.00 and the Federal share being ~9,604.00. PLANNING AND ZONING BUDGET - It was agreed by the City and the County that the Planning and Zonino Budget for the fiscal year 1967-68 would be $34,802. The County~s share would be $17,f}01.00 with the City's share being the same as the County's. PUBLIC LIBRARY BUDGET - The Public Library Budget was discussed as a part of the joint Cit -County operations. It was stated that the Libraries had requested an appropriation of $33,~82•91. County Auditor Shepard had recommended that an amount of $29,842.00 be appropriated. Due to salary adjust- ments and other items it was agreed that County Auditor Shepard work with City Manager E. C. Brandon to develop what the final budget for the Library should be. Followino this discussion with the City Manager, County Auditor Shepard determined that the final figure would be $29,934•00 and further it was agreed that all salaries in the Library would be included which covers the Bookmobile operators too. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Nr. Vaughan, that the meeting of the County Commissioners be recessed until July 17, 1967. J. E. Marshall, County Manager BUDGET DISCUSSION N~ETING Ju1y 17, 1'9b7 The meeting was reconvened at 12:00 Noon on the above date with the foliowing members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr „ .1. M. Hall, .lr.; County Manager J. E. ,Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard, This meeting followed the adjourned meeting of the County Commissioners held on July 17, 1967. The salaries in general of several different departments covered by the Merit System was discussed at this time. No decision was reached on any particular salaries and at 12:45 P.M. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be recessed for lunch. Motion was carried. Meeting was reconvened at 1:1}5 P.M. with the following present: Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Auditor Shepard; and County Manager J. E. Marshall. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. discussed the Jury Commission members~ salaries and he felt that the amount should be $12.50 per day per man and it is estimated that the job will run three and one-half weeks, possibly longer but this is an estimate at this time. The budget for advertising and industrial development, the County Aid Budget and other items were discussed pertaininc to the Clerk of Superior Court office. This concluded the discussion on this phase of the budget. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meetina be recessed until Thursday, July 20, 1967, at 5:00 P.M. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 20, 1967 The following were present: Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Netts, Jr.; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and County Nanager J. E. Marshall. A continuation of Clerk of Superior Covrt~s salaries were held and Mr. McKeithan explained to the Board several of his ideas relating to salaries. Dr. Hooper joined the meeting. The County drainage program budget was discussed. The total requested budget for the County drainage was $1},281} and the same amount had been re- commended by County Auditor Shepard. The final budget was set by the Board at $4,221~.. The bonded debt budoet was then reviewed by the Board but this being a fixed item it was set as recommended by the County Auditor. By common consent the meeting was recessed at 7:30 P.M. for dinner. ~ .l. ~1 BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING (Continued) July 20, 1967 The meeting was reconvened at 8:15 P.M. with the following present; Commissioners J. M. Ha11, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. P`etts, Jr.; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. The Prison Farm Budget was then reviewed. The total requested budget by the Prison Farm was $1}5,193. County Auditor Shepard recommended a budget of $1+4,093. Following a discussion of the items in the budget it was set at $1~J~,116. By common consent the meeting was then recessed ~:ntil Mo;iday, July 2!}, 1967 at 4:00 P.N. J. E. Marshall, County Manager BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING Juiv 21t, 1967 The followino were present: Chairman Dr. Joseph ~J. Hooper, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. ~, Hall, Jr.; County Manager J. E. Marshall, County Auditor Perry Shepard, and County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery. County Attorney L. Bradford Tillery explained to the Board he had taiked with the Claims Attorney regarding the shortage in Recorders Court and that he recommended the offer made by the Claims Attorney of $5,000 be accepted. Following a brief discussion of this, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the County Attorney~s recommendation be accepted. Motion was carried. PERSONNEL COVERED BY MERIT SYSTEM - County Attorney Tillery reported on the meeting he and Dr. Hooper attended Friday, July 21, 1967 in Raleigh with ~r. Claude Caldwell, State Personnei Director. He stated that Mr. Caldwell advised he and Dr. Hooper that the State Personnel Board would go along with whatever level is set as long as it is along the lines of the Merit System principles. The meeting was recessed for dinner at 6:40 P.M. The meeting was reconvened at 8:20 P.l~h. with the following present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, ,Ir., J. M. Hall, Jr.; County Manager J. E. Marshall; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. There being a vacancy in the position of Assistant District Solicitor with the appoint- ment of Mr. Allen Cobb to the position of District Solicitor, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Napoleon P. Barefoot be confirmed as Assistant District Solicitor as recommended by Mr. Allen Cobb and that the salary be set at $5,000 per year. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Extension Chairman, presented to the Board the budget for the Agricultural and Economics operation. He stated that his requested total budget was $2o,116 and County Auditor Shepard recommended a budget of $20,116. Further, Mr. Baggett stated that he had requested an eight percent increase in salaries. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that Mr. Baggett give a report to the Commissioners at their first meeting in August as to staff secretaries and the value of Mr. Lemons to the office. Motion was carried. On the question of salaries in the Agricultural and Economics office Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the amount of five percent for salary adjustments be provided for that department~s personnei and that this five percent is subject to the report requested in the above motion. Notion was carried. ["fERIT SYSTEM SALARIES, PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE, WELFARE DEPARTMENT - A discussion was held on the salaries to be established for professional people in the Ulelfare Department. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the floor on professional people in the Ydelfare Department be set at three steps below minimum and that the County Audit.or be requested to furnish figures for two steps below and one step below the minimum to determine how much money is involved. Motion was carried by a vote of three for and one against. MERIT SYSTEM SALARIES, CLERICAL AND SUB-PROFESSIONAL - Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minimum for clerical and sub-professional be set at one step below the minimum of the State Merit System except in cases where salary cuLs would result. Motion was carried. Nr. Vaughan abstained from voting. At this juncture a discussion of the Volunteer Fire Departments~ appropriations was dis- cussed. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Volunteer Fire Departments~ appropriation be increased to $25,360. Motion was defeated by a tie vote. This concluded the budget review and discussion. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the meeting be adjourned and that Friday, July 28, 1967, 4:00 P.M., be set as a date and time at which the budget will be set. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager ~