1967-07-28 Special Meeting~~.~2 ~ SPECIAL SESSION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SETTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1967-68 July 28, 1967 At a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held at !}:15 P.N., Friday, July 28, 1967 the following were present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners ,lohn Van B. Metts, Jr., J. N, Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Manager J. E. Narshall; and County Auditcr Perry Shepard. The purpose of the meeting was to set the budget and tax rate for the fiscal year 1967-68. Dr. Hooper reported to the Board that he had contacted Mr. Bowden and then it was aoreed that the salary of the Manager was to be set at $10,500 and that the Auto Allowance be set at $1,540 per year. The following budget resolution was offered: "Be it Resolved, that for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1967 and ending June 30, 1968 the following appropriations are made to the various funds which are deemed sufficient for carrying out the necessary operations of the New Hanover County Government": Funds General Fund Agriculture & Economics 'Aid To Blind Aid To Dependent Children Aid To Permanently & Totally Disabled Old Age Assistance Hospitalization, Indigent 8 Public Assistance Welfare Administration Health Fund I~ental Health Fund Debt Service Fund Cape Fear Technical Institute, Reg. Cape Fear Technical Institute, Bldg. New Hanover Memorial Hospital Schools Book Fund Suilding Fund Current Expense Fund Supplementary Funds Capital Out,lay Fund Pension Fund Driver Education Fund Lunch Room Fund Revaluation Fund Court Room Renovation Fund Tax Amount Rate ~1,z29,491.25 19.97 ~5,137.36 0.99 26,209.00 1.03 761,088.00 3•55 539,340.00 6.37 6z5,824.00 4.67 134,570.00 0.08 l~67;312.00 7.32 2i4,688.i4 7.8~ 7o,55i.oo 0.66 932,148•75 33•56 i 9 l0 4 83, 44•5 _ zo2,448.51 - o - z5,ooo.oo 0.77 7,500.00 - o - 1,140,681.65 23•72 720,400.00 19.97 431, 161. 32 17 .l~9 io5,o75•59 3.82 93,570.52 - o - 85,ooa.oo - o - io,ooo.oo 0.24 35,000.0o i.51 $8,011,931.60 ~1.55 Be it further resolved that a tax levy of ~i.55 per $100 be levied against all taxable property in the County as of January 1, 1967 to support the activities of the County Government for the fiscal year 1967-68 using a base valuation of $232,331~,700. Be it further resolved that $2.00 be levied on each taxable poll or male person betti~een the ages of 21 and 50 and the taxes levied and collected under this Section shall be for the benefit of the Public School Fund and the poor of the County. Be it further resolved that the Budget be adopted in detail and spent only in amounts appropriated for each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the above resolution be adopted. Motion was carried unanimously. There being no further business Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the meeting be adjourned. Notion vaas carried. .1. E. Marshall, County Manager ~