1968-03-18 Regular Meeting~_~~ Minutes of the Meeting - March 18, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was heid on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and County Manager .1. E. Marshall. Absent Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper. INVOCATION - ~ After calling the meeting to order, the Vice-Chairman asked Rev. W. B. Cotton, Pastor, Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, to give the invocation. Mr. Hall joined the meeting at this juncture. APPROVAL OF MINUTES For the minutes of March l}, 1968, under the heading "Resolution Requesting State Road Maintenance, School Board", the following paragraph should be added: "Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this resolution be adopted and also, the standard resolution, and referred to the Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion was carried." Under the heading "Mental Health", second paragraph, second sentence should read: "Further, that they communicate with Mr. Rooney that he is the man they so select and (1) if we can arrive at a mutually satisfactory job description and at a mutually satisfactory salary schedule, that he be employed". After making these corrections, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. REPORTS - All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. A.B.C. PERMITS - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board A.B.C. Permit Requests from Jazzland Supper Club, 5523 Oleander Drive and Macks Grill, Carolina Beach. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that they be referred to the Sheriff's Department for his investigation. Motion was carried. RESOLUTION, SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL TAX - County Manager Marshall presented to the Board a resolution of the Board of Commissioners ordering an election for the supplemental tax for New Hanover County Schools. Upon motion of Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Hall, the resolution was adopted. A certified copy is to be for- warded to Mr. Otto Pridgen, Chairtr~an of the Board of Elections, this date. Following is the resolution and notice of the election: . RESOLUTION OF THE BQARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY L~dHERFAS the New Hanover County Board of Education has filed a Petition re- questing the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to call an election and fix the date thereof and cause such election to be held in the New Hanover County School District; and VJHEREAS it appears from this Petition that the purpose of the election is to ascertain the will of the voters on a proposal to increase the current Supplemental Tax Rate in the New Hanover County School District from twenty cents per hvndred dollars of valuation to a maximum of thirty-five cents per}undred dollars of valuation in said school district, said district being comprised of that land known and designated as New Hanover County, North Carolina; It is therefore ordered as follows: (1) An election is hereby called to be held in the New Hanover County School District for the purpose set forth above. (2) The date on which the election shall be held is Saturday, May !}, 1968, between 6:30 A.M. and 6:30 P.M. (3) The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to certify immediately a copy of this Resolution to the Chairman of the County Board of Elections of New Hanover County which shall give public notice and conduct said election according to law. Passed,and adopted this 18th day of March, 1968. To the Chairman of the County Board of Elections of New Hanover County, North Carolina, I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County on February 5, 1968, and same is hereby certified and delivered to you for execution in accordance with law. This 18th day of March, 1968. (s) J. E. Marshall Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina X ~16 4 Minutes of the Meeting - Narch 18, 1968 (Continued) RESOLUTION, SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL TAX (CONTINUED) - Notice of Special Election to be held in the New Hanover Gounty School District on Saturday, May l}, 1968 A special election will be held on Saturday, May 4, 1968, between 6:30 A.M. and 6:3o P.M., at which there will be submitted to the qualified voters of the New Hanover County School District the following question: Shall the current Supplemental Tax Rate for the New Hanover County School District be increased from twenty cents per hundred dollars of valuation to a maximum of thirty-five cents per hundred dollars of valuationl The question hereinabove set forth contains a statement of the purpose for which the election is to be held and the area in which the election is to be held is the New Hanover County School District, said district being comprised of that land known and designated as New Hanover County, North Carolina. There shall be a new registration of voters for this election. All qualified voters desiring to vote in this election must register on the registration books of their respective precincts between 9:00 o'clock A.M. on Saturday, March 30, 1968, and 6:30 o'clock P.M. on Saturday, April 20, 1968. On each day (Sundays excluded) during such period the registrar for each election precinct in the county will keep his book open between the hours of 9:00 o'clock A.M. and 6:30 o~clock P.M. for the registration of voters in such election precinct. On each Saturday during such period each registrar will attend at the polling place in his election precinct between the hours of 9:00 o~clock A.M, and 6:30 o'clock P.M. for the registration of voters. The reoistration books will be open to public inspection by any voter of the New Hanover County School District between 9:00 A.M, and 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, March 30, 1968, and on each Saturday thereafter prior to the election at the re- spective election precincts, and Saturday, April 27, is Challenge Day. The last day for registration is Saturday, April 20, 1967. The registrars and judges appointed by the County Board of Elections will act as registrars and judges. The precincts, the polling places, the names and addresses of the registrars, and the names of the judges are as follows: Precinct Pollinq Place WRIGHTSBORO Wrightsboro School . 64o Castle Hayne Road CASTLE HAYNE St. Stanislaus School Castle Hayne Rd. OGDEN Ogden Fire Dept Market Street Rd. WINTER PARK Winter Park School 204 S. NcMillan Avenue SEAGATE Bradley Creek School 6206 Oleander Dr. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Wrightsville Beach School Harbor Island MASONBORO Cape Fear Academy 4002 S. College Rd. FEDERAL POINT #1 Burnett Motor Sales Carolina Beach Road FEDERAL POINT #2 Carolina Beach Town Hall . Carolina Beach WILMINGTON #1 Dudley School 920 N. Sixth WILNIINGTON.#2 Tileston School l}12 Ann Street WILMINGTON #3 William Hooper School 410 I~teares Street WILMINGTON ~f4 Sunset Park .Ir. High 206 W. Tenn. Avenue WILMINGTON #5 Vance Buildino Rutledge Drive Entrance Reqistrar Judpes ~ 7_ ~;~ Minutes of the Meeting - March 18, 1968 (Continued) RE50LUTION, SUPPLEMENTAL SCHOOL TAX (CONTINUED) - Precinct Pollinq Place Registrar Judqes 4JILMINGTON #6 New Hanover High ( Crym ) Princess St. En- trance WILMINGTON #7 Williston Sr. High 401 S. lOth St. WILMINGTON #8 Lake Forest, Inc. 250 Pinecrest ' Parkway WILMINGTON #9 Chestnut Street School 2150 Chestnut St. WILMINGTON #10 Catlett School 81l} Colwell Ave. YJILMINGTON #11 Fire Station 3!}03 Park Ave. WILMINGTON #12 Forest Hills School 410 Colonial Dr. WILMINGTON #13 Winter Park Pres- byterian Church (Educational Bldg.) 303 45tn Street WILMINGTON #1f} John T. Hoggard High l}305 Shipyard Blvd. William A. Wagoner, Superintendent of New Hanover County Schools and Secretary of New Hanover County Board of Education O. K. Pridgen, Chairman New Hanover County Board of Elections FIREWORKS DISPLAY, AZALEA FESTIVAL County Manager Marshall presented a letter from City Manager E. C. Brandon, Jr. re- questing that the County Commission approve the following fireworks displays in conjunction with the Azalea Festival: (1) Thursday, April 18, approximately 7:00 P.N. at Legion Stadium and (2) Wednesday, April 1~, location and time to be determined later by President of the Festival, Mr. Bill Huffine. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts; that the Board approve the fireworks displays provided insurance is provided and subject to the Covnty Attorney's approval. Motion was carried. CAPE FEAR RIVER NAVIGATION PROJECT - On February 16, 1968 the Board of Commissioners endorsed the Barge Canal from Navassa to Acme and expressed its willingness to make available $14,50~, assuming the Council of State would carry the total amount until July 1, 1968. a letter was received from Col. R. J. B. Page, Chief, Division of Waterways & Seashore, advising it had been ruled that the State could not advance funds for later repayment by the Counties, and it was proposed to have the State pay 80% of the cost out of funds available to his Department. In view of this, he suggested that the Counties pian their participation on the basis that they will have to provide at this time a total of $11,600 rather than the full $58,000. The requirement is reduced by 80%, but it must be met in the next month or two in cash. This would mean New Hanover County's share is $2,900.00. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Col. Page be advised that New Hanover County will provide $2,900.00 when it is needed. Mo.tion was carried. Mr. Vaughan did not vote. LETTER OF RESIGNATION, DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE - A letter from Mr. Spotswood H. Huntt, Director, Civil Defense, announcing his resignation as of March 31, 1968 was read. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Huntt's resignation be accepted and a letter expressing appreciation be sent him. Motion carried. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that effective April l, i968, Col. Griffin be appointed Acting Civil Defense Director, subject to the approval of the City Council of Wilmington. He shall remain in such position until a man mutually satisfactory to the governing bodies is selected. ' Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County Manager be directed to work with City on setting up a joint meeting not later than June 1, 1968 on appointing a permanent Civil Defense Director. Motion carried. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUEST OF FIRST ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH - Mr. Randolph Grant, representing First Advent Christian Church7 appeared before the Board relative to off-street parking for his church. The area in question is on the roads to Hugh ~` MacRae Park. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the matter be referred to Hugh MacRae Park Commission for their consideration and recommendation. Motion carried. ~1. E~ ~ Minutes of the Meeting - March 18, 1968 (Continued) REQUEST FROM CAPE FEAR COMPOSITE SQUADRON - A letter from the Cape Fear Composite Squadron of Civil Air Patrol was presented. It,was a request that the tax per ride be waived by New Hanover County which is covered in the Schedule B Licenses. They propose to hold a carnival to raise necessary funds to operate the Squadron. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the requirements of Schedule B Licenses be waived. Motion carried. BOND, REGISTER OF DEEDS - A bond in the amount of $10,000.00 in the name of Mrs. Lois C. LeRay, Register of Deeds, was presented for approval by the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that it be approved. Motion carried. TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the sale of the eastern portion of Lot 1} in Block 566, for the amount of $787.88, to Mr. George Losak, be approved, subject to approval of County Attorney. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan did not vote. WINTER PARK OPTIMIST CLUB - MR. CHARLES BRIDGES - Mr. Charles Bridges and Mr. Ed Wilson of the Winter Park Optimist Club appeared before the Board relative to the new ball field fences at Hugh MacRae Park. They presented informal bids they had obtained and they are as follows: Ingram Bros. $ 3,864.00 Electric Comfort Co. l},080.00 Coastal Fencing Co. 4,z50.00 A rather lengthy discussion was held. They were thanked for making their appearance. HUGH MACRAE PARK COMMISSION Mr. Bowden discussed with the Board several recommendations regarding Hugh MacRae Park. He moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Principal of Hoggard High School, Mr. C. D. Gurganus, be appointed to the Park Commission. Motion carried. Nr. Vaughan voted "NO'~. Mr. Bowden reported that he was made acting Chairman of the Commission and stated he will schedule another meeting to discuss matters pertaining to the Park. Also, the Commission felt that the State should be coritacted to review the Park. By common consent the County Manager will contact the State agencies involved. APPOINTN~NT TO BOARD OF TRUSTEES, CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - Mr. Hall nominated, seconded by Mr. Bowden, Mr. Fred Willetts, Jr. to serve the unexpired term of Dr. T. P. May on the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Technical Institute. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan stated that he understood that a Technical Institute in Duplin County was built for $275,000, when the same in Wilmington was $1,000,000. He further stated that he had not verified the figure of $225,000, but he felt this was sound information. At this juncture a short recess was declared by the Vice-Chairman at 10:10 A.M. Meeting was reconvened at 10:20 A.M. AUDITOR~S REQt1ESTS - County Auditor Perry Shepard advised that it wouid be necessary to appropriate $592.57 from the General Emergency Fund to supplement the following accounts: Sheriff~s Department, Stationary & Supplies $250.00 Jail Inmates Hospital Bills 10o.00 Drainage 4~•57 Advertising - Commissioners 200.00 ~59z.57 Also, he requested a transfer of $108.97 within the Mental Health Budget. Mr:.Hall moved, seconded by N1r. Metts, that this transfer and appropriations be approved. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD - Mr. Hali moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Fred Graham be appointed to the Mental Health Advisory Board. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". Mr. Vaughan stated that Mr. Graham was a very fine gentleman, but felt that the re- sponsibility shouid be spread around and that Mr. Graham is aiready on the Wilmington College Board. NURSES~ QUARTERS JAMES WALKER MENf~RIAL HOSPITAL, BUILDING PLANS - Mr. Bowden said he met with Mr. Aitobellis who explained some of the problems in com- plying with some of the State~s regulations. To comply with these regulations it will add additional costs to the renovation of the Nurses~ Quarters at James Walker Memorial Hospital. Mr. Altobellis was requested to request bids on a new roof for the Nurses' Quarters and to appear before the Board when he is prepared to discuss the renovations. PALM TREES, NEW HA140VER COUNTY AiRPORT - Nr. Metts discussed with the Board the possibility of the Airport Committee investigating the planting of palm trees at the Airport. Mr. Metts will follow through on this matter. BUDGET i968-69 - By common consent the Auditor 4Jfl5 requested to present the budget by May 15, 1968. DOG POUND - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, for discussion, that the County Nanager be instructed to make arrangements forthwith for a joint dog control pounding and policing operation with the City and report on the progress made at the next Board meeting. ~r. Narshall was directed to check the statutes, with the advice of the County Attorney, before proceeding with the meeting with the City. ' Minutes of the Meeting - Narch 18, 1968 (Continued) PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS FOR SCHOOLS - A discussion was held after Mr. Vaughan's remarks on the progress of the pre-engineered buildings for schools, The consensus was that a meeting was to be cailed with representatives of Butler and the Board of Education, subject to an invitation from the Soard of Education. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - April 1, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. ~etts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Nr. J. E. Marshall, County Manager, was not present because of illness. INVOCATION - In view of the Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, not being present at this time, the meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden who asked Rev. R. H. Rub, Pastor, Messiah Lutheran Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF NiINUTES - Under the heading "Approval of Minutes", second paragraph, the last sentence should read: "Further, that they communicate with Mr. Rooney that he is the man they so select and (1) if we can arrive at a mutually satisfactory job description and at a mutually satisfactory salary schedule, that he be employed". \ _~. ~ ~' Under the heading "Appointment to Board of Trustees, Cape Fear Technical Institute", the second paragraph should read: "Mr. Vaughan stated that he understood that a Technical Institute in Duplin County was built for $275,000, when the same in Wilmington was $1,000,000. He further stated that he had not verified the figure of $1,000,000, but he felt this was sound information. After making the above corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. At this juncture the Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, joined the meeting. BUDGET MINUTES - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that subject be placed on Agenda for next meeting. Because of the lapse of time between the Budoet -iscussions and the distribution of the minutes, he felt like they shou.Id have more time to study them. Notion carried. REPORTS - All reports either due by or throuah the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Mr. Fox advised the Board that it is permissible for the Board of Equali2ation to convene between the first Monday in April and the first Monday in May. By common consent it was agreed to convene Tuesday, April 16, 1968 and the local news media be asked to announce that Monday was a holiday and all County business scheduled to be conducted on Monday ~aould be handled on Tuesday, April 16, 1968. REQUEST FOR PRISON LABOR, BABIES HOSPITFlL, MR. JOHN MOBLEY = Mr. Bowden advised the Board that Mr. John .Mobley of Babies Hospital had requested the use of prison labor to do certain work on the grounds around the Babies Hospital. By common consent the Board regrets it will be unable to comply with this request due to shortage of prison labor and the amount of ditch work that has to be done in the County. Also, the County is not permitted to use prison labor on privately owned property. A letter will be written Mr. Mobley advising him of this. SUBDIVISION PLATS - SECTION 1, FARNINGTON AND SECTION 5, TANGLEWOOD - Two subdivision plats were presented to the Board for approval: Section 1, Farmington and Section 5, Tanglewood. There was some question about an access road in and out of Section 1, Farmington, so the request for approval was tabled until later in the meetino when Mr. Howard Loughlin could come over and explain to the Board about the road. BIDS ON RE-ROOFING NURSES' QUARTERS, JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - ~r. Julian Altobellis, Architect, appeared before the Board relative to the bids for re- roofing the Nurses' Quarters, James Waiker Hospital. The following bids were received and the amounts are as indicated: ~ Hsnover Iron 4Jorks $ 4,590.00 Pioneer Roofing 6,357.00 Dowless Metal Works 4,81}9.00 Bid Bonds were received and all appeared to be in order after review by the County Attorney. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the worl: be oiven to Hanover Iron Works, the apparent lew bidder, provided it meets the specifications and approval of the Architect and County Attorney. Discussion was then held on where money should come from. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the money come from surplus of Community Hospital Fund. Motions carried. Y- Mr. King was asked how long it would take to complete the work, and he advised approximately 45 days.