1968-04-01 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meeting - Narch 18, 1968 (Continued) PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS FOR SCHOOLS - A discussion was held after Mr. Vaughan's remarks on the progress of the pre-engineered buildings for schools, The consensus was that a meeting was to be cailed with representatives of Butler and the Board of Education, subject to an invitation from the Soard of Education. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager Minutes of the Meeting - April 1, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. ~etts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Nr. J. E. Marshall, County Manager, was not present because of illness. INVOCATION - In view of the Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, not being present at this time, the meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden who asked Rev. R. H. Rub, Pastor, Messiah Lutheran Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF NiINUTES - Under the heading "Approval of Minutes", second paragraph, the last sentence should read: "Further, that they communicate with Mr. Rooney that he is the man they so select and (1) if we can arrive at a mutually satisfactory job description and at a mutually satisfactory salary schedule, that he be employed". \ _~. ~ ~' Under the heading "Appointment to Board of Trustees, Cape Fear Technical Institute", the second paragraph should read: "Mr. Vaughan stated that he understood that a Technical Institute in Duplin County was built for $275,000, when the same in Wilmington was $1,000,000. He further stated that he had not verified the figure of $1,000,000, but he felt this was sound information. After making the above corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved. Motion was carried. At this juncture the Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, joined the meeting. BUDGET MINUTES - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that subject be placed on Agenda for next meeting. Because of the lapse of time between the Budoet -iscussions and the distribution of the minutes, he felt like they shou.Id have more time to study them. Notion carried. REPORTS - All reports either due by or throuah the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Mr. Fox advised the Board that it is permissible for the Board of Equali2ation to convene between the first Monday in April and the first Monday in May. By common consent it was agreed to convene Tuesday, April 16, 1968 and the local news media be asked to announce that Monday was a holiday and all County business scheduled to be conducted on Monday ~aould be handled on Tuesday, April 16, 1968. REQUEST FOR PRISON LABOR, BABIES HOSPITFlL, MR. JOHN MOBLEY = Mr. Bowden advised the Board that Mr. John .Mobley of Babies Hospital had requested the use of prison labor to do certain work on the grounds around the Babies Hospital. By common consent the Board regrets it will be unable to comply with this request due to shortage of prison labor and the amount of ditch work that has to be done in the County. Also, the County is not permitted to use prison labor on privately owned property. A letter will be written Mr. Mobley advising him of this. SUBDIVISION PLATS - SECTION 1, FARNINGTON AND SECTION 5, TANGLEWOOD - Two subdivision plats were presented to the Board for approval: Section 1, Farmington and Section 5, Tanglewood. There was some question about an access road in and out of Section 1, Farmington, so the request for approval was tabled until later in the meetino when Mr. Howard Loughlin could come over and explain to the Board about the road. BIDS ON RE-ROOFING NURSES' QUARTERS, JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - ~r. Julian Altobellis, Architect, appeared before the Board relative to the bids for re- roofing the Nurses' Quarters, James Waiker Hospital. The following bids were received and the amounts are as indicated: ~ Hsnover Iron 4Jorks $ 4,590.00 Pioneer Roofing 6,357.00 Dowless Metal Works 4,81}9.00 Bid Bonds were received and all appeared to be in order after review by the County Attorney. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the worl: be oiven to Hanover Iron Works, the apparent lew bidder, provided it meets the specifications and approval of the Architect and County Attorney. Discussion was then held on where money should come from. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the money come from surplus of Community Hospital Fund. Motions carried. Y- Mr. King was asked how long it would take to complete the work, and he advised approximately 45 days. ~~_~~ h Minutes of the Meetiny - April 1, 1968 (Continued) PRESENTATION OF COST ESTIMATE AND PLANS, RENOVATION NURSES' QUARTERS, JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - Mr. Julian A. Altobellis, Architect, presented the plans and cost estimate on the re- novation of the Basement, First, and Second Floors of the old Nurses~ Quarters at James Walker Hospital. Mr. Marks, Chairman of the Welfare Board, and Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director Public Welfare were present for this presentation. Mr. Aitobellis said he had met with Mr. Bowden, Mr. Marks, and Miss Hall to determine Miss Hall's requirements. He then contacted the State Building Inspector who advised him of the changes that would be necessary to meet the requirements of the State Building Code. After conferring with the persons mentioned, Mr. Altobellis prepared the following cost estimate: ALTOBELLIS 8 ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECT WILMINGTON, N. C. , 1 April, 1468 COST ESTIMATE FOR RENOVATION OF PROPOSED NEW ]-fANOVER COUNTY WELFARE BUILDING (BASEMENT, FIRST, AND SECOND FLOORS) 1. DEMOLITION 8 HAULING, SOUTH WING BRICK-VENEERED BUILDING----------------$ 8,750.00 Remove two entr2nce porticoes on main buildino Main building screens Radiators and steam piping throughout Existing elevator and shaft Basement and foundation walls to below grade 2. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION WORK----~-+________________________________________~18,750.00 New elevator tower ' New south stair tower Removal of doors, windows, partitions New doors and windows, interior partitions, wall patching Miscellaneous brick patching work, such as at two porticoes Barricades and protection Bond, insurance, permits, inspection fees, overhead, profit 3. SUSPENDED CORRIDOR CEILINGS ( CLASS "A")--------------------------------$ 1,400.00 For heating and air conditioning ducts and return air plenum 1}. HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK---------------------------------------$20,000.00 Two heating and cooling units for each floor Controls Duct Work, Grilles, duct insulation 5. ELECTRICAL WORK---------------------------------------------------------$17,500.00 Re-using only the existino convenience outlets Lighting fixtures, lamps, wall switches for same Lighting and power paneis, disconnects New electrical service, main distribution panel Telephone conduit New elevator wiring 6. PAINTING AND CAULKING, PATCHING-----------------------------------------$19,000.00 Remove paint from walls and ceilings Patching and filling walls and cei.lings Reputtying all existino wood windows Caulking all exterior and interior openings Painting interior and exterior new doors, windows, metal work Painting steel fire escape Painting walls and ceilings, concrete floors 7. PLUMBING WORK-----------------------------------------------------------$ 5,500.00 Removal of lavatories, capping piping thereof Removal of shower stalls, tubs, drain piping New water closets, lavatories, sinks, drains, water supply New water service and meter Reconnection of existing hot and cold water risers to new supply One new water heater, pipe insulation in basement 8. TELEPHONE EQUIPNIENT-----------------------------------------------------$ 640.00 Installation charge 9. NEW HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR--------------------------------------------------$14,500.00 10. NEW FINISHING HARDWARE--------------------------------------------------$ 1,050.00 Door numbers, new and existino door closers, stops, hinges Panic Hardware 11. MILLWORK----------------------------------------------------------------$ 6$0.00 Information counter Book shelves , 12. ROOFING AND SHEET METAL WORK--------------------------------------------$ 5,000.00 New built-up roof for existing buiiding Metal vents and bases New cant strips and base flashings Metal flashing and gravel stops Parapet waterproofing Totai estimated construction cost------------$112,7(}0.00 ARCHITECTUR.4L AND ENGINEERING, SUPERUISION FEE TOTAL COSi 9.o0a.0o ~i2i,74o.00 ~' NOTE: FOR COMPLETE RENOVATION OF THE EXISTING THIRD FLOOR:----------------$ 18,500.00 includes all work items listed above ~ 1.69 Minutes of the Meeting - April 1, 1968 (Continued) PRESENTATION OF COST ESTIMRTE AND PLANS, RENOVATION NURSES' QUARTERS, JA~ES l~JALKER HOSPITAL (CONTINUED) - ~ Mr. Altobellis went over the cost figures explaining each in detail and answering questions concerning them. Mr. Metts raised the question of how many square feet would be chargeable to kaeifare Department. The answer was around 18,600 square feet, and Miss Hall said return would be approximately $29,000 annually, not counting parking area, less utilities and janitorial service which she estimates to be $12,000 annually. The County now receives about $200.00 per month for rent from the k~elfare Department. The total cost of renovating Basement, first and second floors is estimated to be $i2i,74o.00. To renovate the third floor of the Nurses' Quarters is estimated to cost an additional $i8,5oo.00. When asked by Dr. Hooper how much it would cost to duplicate this building, Mr. Altobellis replied around $1,000,000. He added that this is a sound building of good construction. Dr. Hooper asked Miss Hall how she could justify tripling her space. (She now has about 5,200 square feet). She answered by saying they were very much over crowded. Dr. Hooper,raised the question r~hether or not tax money could be spent'for this project and the answer was yes. Mr. Altobellis was asked if the work was begun the first of July, how long would it take to complete it. He said about five months. He mentioned it would be necessary to pave where the oid buiiding is demolished for parkino. This is not included in the figure forrenovating. Dr. Hooper said it would be along range approach to the County's need for office space and would certainly relieve the congested condition now and in the future. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the renovation be discussed at budget time. Motion carried. Mr. Altobellis said bids should be advertised for as soon as possible before costs rise another 15%. Also; in the summer it is hard to get good response from bidders. Nr. Altobellis said the old wing would have to be demolished before work could begin. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that Mr. Altobellis prepare advertisement for bids to demolish the southern part of the Nurses~ Quarters. Motion carried. Nr. Vaughan asked Miss Hall for an estimated cost of operations in the new facility. WELFARE SALARIES - Miss Hall was questioned about changes in Welfare salaries. She explained that one employee had resigned who had been making a salary of $4,752, another employee was promoted to this position at a salary of $1},128, another employee was promoted to fill this vacancy at a salary of $3,936, and a new worker was employed at the beainning salary of $3,1~20. These departmental promotions result in a reduction in total salaries being paid of $960.00. The employees receiving promotions have been employed 6 and 4z years respectively. ~WELFARE REQUEST, COOPER BUILDING, JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - Niss Hall requested that should the County Commissioners decide to demolish the Cooper Section of the Nurses' Quarters at James Walker Hospital and shouid it be anticipated that the Welfare Department is to occupy the remaining section of this building, that the Welfare Department be given permission to salvage what can be used by them prior to giving the con- tract. The Chairman advised Miss Hall this would be discussed with Mr. Altobellis, the' Architect. MAIN SWITCHBOARD PANEL, OLD BOILER ROOM - The main switchboard panel which was in the old boiler room went to 5. E. Cooper Company when they were awarded contract to demolish the building. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this switchboard panel be purchased from Mr. Cooper at a cost of $l}00.00 to be used for the remaining buildings at James YJalker Hospital and funds for this to come from Welfare Surplus. Motion carried. NEW 1AW5 GOVERNITQG WELFARE - Mr. Vaughan asked'Miss Hall to furnish the Commissioners a memorandum advising the Board of the new laws, rules and regulations which will soon.affect the Welfare Department. PALM TREE SALE, LIONS CLUB, MR. JOHN KING, PRESI-ENT, WILMINGTON CLUB - Mr. John King, President of the`"l~Jilmington Lions Ciub, appeared before the Board asking that the County Commissioners endorse the Palm Tree Program of the Lions Club. Mr. King said money derived from the sale of these paim trees will go to Boys Home, Lake Waccamaw. Mr. King read a resolution and asked that the County Commissioners adopt same. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the resolution be adopted by the County Commissioners and made a part of these minutes. Motion carried. Mr. Hing was thanked for appearing. Below is the resolution which was adopted: RESOLUTIONS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY PALN TREE PLANTING PROGRAM . WHEREAS, one of the greatest undeveloped potentials of our area is the tourist business, and WHEREAS, nothing says "This is a recreational area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 365 days a year" like a palm tree, and WHEREAS, the Australian Palm is best adapted to the New Hanover County area, and WHEREAS, if enough of these palm trees are planted each year for the next 20 years it will transform the appearance of ovr whole area into a vacationland,and r WHEREAS, the sale price of $3.00 is approximately $1.00 less than the regular price of palm trees; I 1'! v Minutes of the Meeting - April 1, 1968 (Continued) PALM TREE SALE, LIONS CLUB, MR. JOHN KING, PRESIDENT, WILMINGTON CLUB (CONTINUED) - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED,.that the County Commissioners of New Hanover County do hereby endorse the Palm Tree P ogram which is being conducted by the Wilmington Lions Club and we hereby urge all interested citizens to participate in this fine under- taking. Dated in New Hanover County this lst day of April, 1968. (s) Jos. W. Hooper Chairman New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners CIVIL DEFENSE - Col. Griffin appeared at the meeting to bring the Board up to date on the Office of Civil Defense. He inquired about storage space at James Walker Hospital for supplies of Civil Defense. He was told they would be stored across driveway. This was satisfactory to Col. Griffin. Col. Griffin reported that he has signed necessary contracts for additional shelters with the following: Cape Fear Technical Institute Carolina Power & Light Company St. James Church Williston School Tileston School Sue Ann Shoe Store There have been added approximately 20,000 additional shelter spaces which brings the total for our area to L}5,900. Supplies are on order for these new shelters. They will be unloaded at the old '~C" Atlantic Coast Line Building and distributed from there by City and County trucks to the different loca'tions. Col. Griffin reported his office was not in the 5% bracket of Counties as yet but hoped to be in the 10% bracket. He reported on courses already held and to be held in the future on Civil Defense. Col. Griffin reported that one of the 25 ]{W electrical generators had been placed in Babies Hospital since they did not have any auxiliary power. He said there was still another that could be placed somewhere. It was suggested he contact authorities at Carolina Beach and ascertain if they could use it in that section of the County. He reported that a Government Office Conference would be held at Lake Waccamaw on April 14, 1968. He reported that he was Acting Director as of April lst, but hir. Huntt's 30 days leave would not be up until May lst•; therefore there will be no salary for this position until that time. Dr. Hooper asked Col. Griffin if there was any reason why he could not serve as Actine Director until the first of July. Col. Griffin's reply was "No, Sir, no ob,jections". Col. Griffin said Civil Defense Agencies are joint. City reports to County and County prepares reports. From the State standpoint, it should be one operation of all governing bodies working together. Col. Griffin was asked are there any counties~in the State which pay entire cost of a joint operation7 Col. Griffin answered there were none. He said the Mayor has full responsibility of City and the Chairman of Board of Commissioners is in charoe of County, although one person is in full charge. County has to have authority from City V to use their property for County in case of emergency. He asYed for permission to report to the Commissioners once a month on his activities. The Chairman suggested first meeting of each month. Col. Griffin was thanked for appearing before the Board. CIVIL DEFENSE RESOLUTIONS - Mr. Fox asked for postponement of discussion on Civil Defense Resolutions until he and Col. Griffin can meet for discussion and maybe work out an agreement between City and County. They will report on this at next meeting. CIVIL DEFENSE - LETTER FROM MR. DIRK SWART - Chairman Dr. Hooper advised the Board of a letter from Nr. Dirk Swart who is applying for position of Director of Civil Defense. MOBILE HOME PARHS - Mr. D. M. Borneman, Jr. appeared before the Board asking for permission to have a twenty (20) foot drive in his mobile home park instead of a thirty (30) foot drive which the New Hanover County Mobile Home Park Ordinance requires. He said k~hen he applied for permission from the Health Department to build a trailer park, he was furnished with only the Health'_ Department~s Mobile Home Park Ordinance which requires a twenty (20) foot drive. He was not furnished with a copy of the County's ordinance. He did not know about the thirty (30) foot requirement at that time. He said his park has been approved by the Health Department and the Planning Board. By common consent it was agreed that the Health Depart- ment would be asked to discontinue the issuance of obsolete ordinances and to be sure that all ordinances are signed by the proper authority and dated before issuance. After a rather lengthy discussion•of this, Chairman Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that all matters pertaining to mobile home parks presently operating, or to operate in the future, shall be left to the discretion of the County Commissioners when matters of public health or safety or other extenuating circumstances arise and the Board at its dis- cretion may waive or modify one or more requirements of this ordinance and in such way not to constitute any precedent for subsequent cases. Motion carried. X Mr. Hall moved, seconded by t~Ir. Metts, that in view of this exceptional circumstance of Mr. Borneman~s case, that the twenty (20) foot right-of-way be allowed, subject to approval of the Planning Department. Notion carried. Minutes of the Meeting - April 1, 1968 {Continued) ~.'7~.~ SUBDIVISION PLATS - SECTION 1, FARMINGTON AND SECTION 5, TANGLEWOOD - At the Board's request Mr. Howard Loughlin appeared to discuss access road into Section 1, Farmington. He assured the Commissioners that there would be a 60 foot road. ~r. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that inasmuch as the Planning Board had approved both these plats that they be approved by the County Commissioners. Motion carried. Mr. Loughlin informed the Board that maps had been recorded that were never brought to this Commission for approval and are in violation of the subdivision ordinance set up by the County. Mr. Loughlin said they had been marked exempt by various persons. Nr. Vaughan requested that the Register of Deeds be asked to appear at the next meeting to discuss this matter with the Commissioners. ~ A.B.C. PERNIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Permit requests were presented to the Board from Sunset Seafood Market, 2308 Carolina Beach Road and Ann's Place, 2806 Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that they be referred to the Sheriff~s Depart- ment for his investigation. Motion was carried. CARE OF GROUNDS, CONMJiVITY HOSPITAL - By common consent Mr. Roberts is to clean up area around Community Hospital and dispose of debris. ~ SCHOOL COSTS, PREFAB BUILDINGS - By common consent a letter will be written to Dr. GJagoner requesting progress made on studies of prefab buildings. SALARY, DIRECTOR OF SANITATION - Dr. Hooper advised Soard that Mr. Cranford, Director of Sanitation, had received an offer from Cumberland County one step above normal and that the Board of Health was unanimous in recommending that Mr. Cranford's salary be increased in order to keep him. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that in accordance with the Board of Health~s recommendation, that Mr. Cranford~s salary be increased one step above normal which will mean a$2,000 per year increase. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". RESIGNATION OF HEALTH DIRECTOR, DR. C. B. DAVIS - Dr. Hooper advised the Board that Dr. C. B. Davis had resigned as Health Director, but that he had sick leave and vacation until July 18, 1968. Hiring of a young energetic man to head up the Board of Health is being pursued, and as soon as a decision is reached the Board will be advised. At present Dr. Knox is Acting Director. MENTAL HEALTH - Mr. Bowden discussed a letter of agreement between Dr. Rolf Fisscher and the Mental Health Center, and requested it be incorporated in the minutes, and a letter be written to the Mental Health Board acknowledging this agreement. Below is the agreement. "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Mental Health Advisory Board of New Hanover County, upon the direction of the County Commission and acting in behalf of the Commiss.ion does herewith enter into agreement with Rolf Fisscher, M.D. for the provision of psychiatric consultation services to the Southeastern Mental Health Center of Wilmington, North Carolina. "Such services shall include: ~~(1) Patient Treatment--Inpatient or outpatient--and patient treatment services. "(2) Community services and program consultation. "(3) Staff training and~or teaching of personnel associated with the Community mental health program. "(I}) Consultation in the supervision of the work of the Southeastern Mental Health Center. "In return for such services, the Mental Health Advisory Board, acting upon the direction of the County Commission, does hereby obligate approved funds of the County to the amount of $!}SOO.Ob for forty-five weeks of such consultation at a minimum of four hours per week, for the duration of the agreement. "This agreement may be terminated by either party to the agreement upon sixty days advance notice of the date of termination. Unless terminated, the agreement shall be subject to the review of both parties to the agreement at the end of the first and subsequent forty-five week periods. "Upon approvai by the parties to the agreement, this agreement shall commence re- troactively to Narch 20th, 1968. (s) Jerome C. Jones, Chairman, Mental Health Advisory Board (s) Alice A, vonOesen, , Secretary, Mental Health Advisory Board (s) Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioner, New Hanover County (s) Rolf Fisscher, M.D." 7` Mr. Bowden said Mr. Jones had done quite a bit of research on the Mental Health Clinic, and he moved, seconded by Mr. Metts; that he be complimented. Motion carried. ~ ~i~z Minutes of the Meeting - Aprii 1, 1968 (Continued) COUNTY AUDITOR~S REQUESTS - County Auditor Shepard requested the following transfers: Reqister of Deeds: From Revenue Stamps to Stationary & Supplies $ 500.00 From Capital Outlay to Repair of Record Books 500.00 Sheriff~s Department: From Salary Account to Auto Expense 1,000.00 From General Emergency to Auto Expense 500.00 Tax Listinq: From EDP to Capital Outlay 175.00 (Desk for Mr. Braak) Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these transfers be made. Motion carried. MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1968 RESCHEDULED - By common consent the April 15, 1968 meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16th due to Easter Monday being a holiday. N. C. ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT MEETING HELD MARCH 21, 1968, YAUPON BEACH - Mr. ~etts reported he attended the consultation portion of this meeting, but due to other commitment he could not remain for the regular meeting. SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONMISSION - X Dr. Hooper inquired of Mr. Metts about the appointment of the ten members to serve on the Advisory Board of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission. Mr. Metts was under the impression that Dr. Hooper would submit the names. Dr. Hooper requested that he, Mr. Metts, submit the names. OFF-STREET PARHING REQUEST OF FIRST ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH, MR. R. C. GRANT - Mr. Bowden advised the Board that the Hugh MacRae Park Commission has agreed to allow members of the First Advent Christian Church to park on the roads to Hugh MacRae Park on a temporary basis. The Commissioners would like it understood that the County will not be responsible for any liability which might be incurred, or any permanency as to the allowance of this privilege. MEETINGS OF INTEREST TO COMMISSIONERS Dr. Hooper called attention to several meetings which are to be held. He mentioned the fact that he had talked with Mr. Peter Braak about attending one meeting, the Local Government 5tudy Commission Regional Meeting, April 5, 1q68 at 10:00 A,M., Fayetteville. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Braak attend this meeting and that someone accompany him, if possible. ~otion carried. REQUEST FOR AIR CONDITIONING UNITS, STATE PROBATION OFFICER - Mr. Bowden advised the Board he had received a letter from Mr. J. Howard Batts, State Probation Officer, requesting air conditioning units in the State Probation offices on the second floor of the Court House. By common consent the County Manager~s office was requested to check and determine if there are any units available. If so, obtain an estimate of cost of installing. PROGRESS EDP - Mr. Shepard advised the Board that as of Friday, Narch 29, i968 EDP is on schedule. SUBDIVISION PLAT, SECTION 1,FARMINGTON Nr. J. R. Reaves, Realtor, appeared before the Board and asked the Commissioners to approve the above plat as is without streets; Veteran Administration will accept these lots on a state maintained road without streets. He was advised that plat had been approved by Commissioners today. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the meetino be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshail, County Manager By: Hazel J. Savage Joint Meetino Wilmington City Council - New Hanover County Commissioners April 22, 1968 The recessed meeting of the Council of the City of Wilmington reconvened in the Council Room, City Hall, at 10:45 a.m., on the above date and a joint meeting with the Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County, was held. Those present from the County were: Chairman Hooper; Commissioners Bowden, Hall, Metts and Vaughan; County Auditor Shepard. Those present from the City were: Mayor Allsbrook; Councilmen Cromartie, Fonvielle, Harrington and Symmes; City Attorney Yow and City Manager Brandon. MIJSEUM~ RELOCATE CAPE Fr.AR ARhtORY The two governing boards discussed the future of the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum. Dr. Hooper presented letters from various organizations and individuals endorsing the use of the Cape Fear Armory, Market Street, by the Museum, and observed he was certain the City has received similar endorsements. He also presented a proposed annual operating budoet, fiscal year 1968-69, along with estimated costs of relocation, prepared by the Museum~s director, Nr. Gary Eyster, who was also present. Expenses in connection with moving the ~useum from its present location at Police Headquarters Bldg. to the Armory were estimated at $4,000 and operating budget, $12,800, including utilities with exeeption of water. Dr. Hooper advised that the County Board has voted unanimously to support the Museum on a 50/50 basis with the City and requested the CouncilTS consideration in favor of this arrangement. ~