1968-04-22 Regular Meeting~i~z Minutes of the Meeting - Aprii 1, 1968 (Continued) COUNTY AUDITOR~S REQUESTS - County Auditor Shepard requested the following transfers: Reqister of Deeds: From Revenue Stamps to Stationary & Supplies $ 500.00 From Capital Outlay to Repair of Record Books 500.00 Sheriff~s Department: From Salary Account to Auto Expense 1,000.00 From General Emergency to Auto Expense 500.00 Tax Listinq: From EDP to Capital Outlay 175.00 (Desk for Mr. Braak) Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these transfers be made. Motion carried. MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1968 RESCHEDULED - By common consent the April 15, 1968 meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 16th due to Easter Monday being a holiday. N. C. ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT MEETING HELD MARCH 21, 1968, YAUPON BEACH - Mr. ~etts reported he attended the consultation portion of this meeting, but due to other commitment he could not remain for the regular meeting. SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONMISSION - X Dr. Hooper inquired of Mr. Metts about the appointment of the ten members to serve on the Advisory Board of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission. Mr. Metts was under the impression that Dr. Hooper would submit the names. Dr. Hooper requested that he, Mr. Metts, submit the names. OFF-STREET PARHING REQUEST OF FIRST ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH, MR. R. C. GRANT - Mr. Bowden advised the Board that the Hugh MacRae Park Commission has agreed to allow members of the First Advent Christian Church to park on the roads to Hugh MacRae Park on a temporary basis. The Commissioners would like it understood that the County will not be responsible for any liability which might be incurred, or any permanency as to the allowance of this privilege. MEETINGS OF INTEREST TO COMMISSIONERS Dr. Hooper called attention to several meetings which are to be held. He mentioned the fact that he had talked with Mr. Peter Braak about attending one meeting, the Local Government 5tudy Commission Regional Meeting, April 5, 1q68 at 10:00 A,M., Fayetteville. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Braak attend this meeting and that someone accompany him, if possible. ~otion carried. REQUEST FOR AIR CONDITIONING UNITS, STATE PROBATION OFFICER - Mr. Bowden advised the Board he had received a letter from Mr. J. Howard Batts, State Probation Officer, requesting air conditioning units in the State Probation offices on the second floor of the Court House. By common consent the County Manager~s office was requested to check and determine if there are any units available. If so, obtain an estimate of cost of installing. PROGRESS EDP - Mr. Shepard advised the Board that as of Friday, Narch 29, i968 EDP is on schedule. SUBDIVISION PLAT, SECTION 1,FARMINGTON Nr. J. R. Reaves, Realtor, appeared before the Board and asked the Commissioners to approve the above plat as is without streets; Veteran Administration will accept these lots on a state maintained road without streets. He was advised that plat had been approved by Commissioners today. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the meetino be adjourned. Motion was carried. J. E. Marshail, County Manager By: Hazel J. Savage Joint Meetino Wilmington City Council - New Hanover County Commissioners April 22, 1968 The recessed meeting of the Council of the City of Wilmington reconvened in the Council Room, City Hall, at 10:45 a.m., on the above date and a joint meeting with the Board of Commissioners, New Hanover County, was held. Those present from the County were: Chairman Hooper; Commissioners Bowden, Hall, Metts and Vaughan; County Auditor Shepard. Those present from the City were: Mayor Allsbrook; Councilmen Cromartie, Fonvielle, Harrington and Symmes; City Attorney Yow and City Manager Brandon. MIJSEUM~ RELOCATE CAPE Fr.AR ARhtORY The two governing boards discussed the future of the Wilmington-New Hanover Museum. Dr. Hooper presented letters from various organizations and individuals endorsing the use of the Cape Fear Armory, Market Street, by the Museum, and observed he was certain the City has received similar endorsements. He also presented a proposed annual operating budoet, fiscal year 1968-69, along with estimated costs of relocation, prepared by the Museum~s director, Nr. Gary Eyster, who was also present. Expenses in connection with moving the ~useum from its present location at Police Headquarters Bldg. to the Armory were estimated at $4,000 and operating budget, $12,800, including utilities with exeeption of water. Dr. Hooper advised that the County Board has voted unanimously to support the Museum on a 50/50 basis with the City and requested the CouncilTS consideration in favor of this arrangement. ~ ~. ! e~ Joint Meeting Wilmington City Council - New Hanover County Commissioners April 22, 1968 (Continued) MIJSEUM, RELOCATE CAPE FEAR ARMORY (CONTINUED) - The County Board and Council members agreed that a central location would enhance the value of the Museum to tourists and would be of benefit to the City, County and Eastern N. C. The Director was recognized for the wonderful job he has done with the Museum and its various exhibits. In answer to inquiry, the;City Attorney advised that it is the joint responsibility of the City and County for maintenance of the Armory Building and that joint ownership would continue should the Museum leave. Mr. Eyster told the Boards he could begin certain removal work now, such as painting, with the help of volunteers and Youth Corps personnel, with major work to await appropriated funds as of July 1. Following discussion, Councilman Harrington moved that the City cooperate with the County and provide appropriations in the forthcomino budget to furnish 1/2 the cost of relocating the Museum at the Armory Bldg., in the amount of $2,000 and $6,400 for 1/2 the operating expenses for the fiscal year 1968-69. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fonvielle and passed with the affirmative votes of Councilmen Cromartie, Fonville, Harrington, and Mayor Allsbrook. Councilman Symmes voted "no" for the reason he was opposed to a 50/50 agreement. Mr. Eyster thanked the two boards for backing the Museum and expressed the hope that everything will be done to please the City and County. COMPUTERIZATION, TAX COLLECTIONS - Dr. Hooper called upon Mr. Perry Shepard, County Auditor, to present proposal for use of electronic data processing in the City-County Tax Office. Mr. Shepard outlined the various County bookkeeping operations which are now computerized and the desirability of adding tax collections to the system. He pointed out the difficulty in having two systems of collection in one office. He introduced Mr. Paul Sharp, Independent Data Processing Corp., Raleigh, who explained in detail methods and advantages of computerization and proposed that his company make a study in the tax collection office, at no expense to the City or County, to determine exact needs and costs. Following discussion, Councilman Symmes moved that the study be conducted, providing there is no cost to the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cromartie. Upon inquiry, the Manager also voiced approval of such a study. The motion was voted upon and was unanimously adopted. Dr. Hooper stated that the County has endorsed this unanimously and is prepared to go into it on a 50% support basis. AWARD BIDS, SCHOOL PAVING - The Manager reported on bids received April 8, 1968 from four concerns for Paving Around Schools, second year schedule, the low bid being that of Reagan Construction Co.; in the amount of $41},3b4•55, some $12,767.65 above the amount appropriated by the two boards. He stated the City Engineering Dept. was asked to go over these tabulations to determine how it could be brought within joint budgeted amounts, and it was found by dropping one block of street, which is an isolated block near ~rlilliston School, the project could be brought within the budgets. This block could be picked up in next year~s paving schedule. During discussion, it was the consensus that prices next year will be greater and that this year~s paving schedule should not be changed. Councilman Harrington moved that the City appropriate an additional $6400 to be trans- ferred from the Contingency Fund, to cover the additional bid price for the paving around schools. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fonvielle and unanimously adopted. Commissioner Vaughan moved that the County Board appropriate from County ABC Funds an additional amount of $61.~00 for the paving of streets around schools. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hall and unanimously adopted. The City Attorney pointed out that the figures are based on estimates, the contract is a unit price contract and can vary above or below the total bid figure. He aiso advised that the County should be furnished copy of bid specifications, tabulation, and copy of minutes of today's meeting. Upon motion of Councilman Harrington, seconded by Commissioner Hail, and unanimousiy adopted; award for furnishing Municipal Improvements, School Paving Projects, was made to Reaoan Construction Co., being low bidder meeting s'p.ecifications, in the amount of $41+, 364. 55. UNPAVED BLOCK, CA~PBELL STREET - The Manager reported it has been brought to the City's attention that there is a block of unpaved street, Campbell, Fifth to Sixth, near Peabody Schoel, and requested the ~aishes of the Boards in placing this on the third yearts schedule of work. By common consent, the Manager was reque•sted to obtain the recommendation of the Board of Education. DOG POUND - Commissioner Vaughan referred to the joint operation of the Dog Pound and by the Boards to direct the attorneys to complete their study of the matter, so over can take place. Dr. Hooper advised~,he would furnish the attorneys a copy Forsythe County on a similar operation. ~It was agreed to leave the matter with for report and recommendation to the governing bodies. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. City Clerk requested action the change- of report of the attorneys ~