1968-04-16 Regular MeetingI 1'7 4 Minutes of the Meeting - April 16, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, J, M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Mr. J. E. Marshall, County Manager, was not present because of illness. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order, Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper asked Rev. E. T. Small, Rector, Church of The Good Shepherd to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr, Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BUDGET MINUTES - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the budget minutes be approved as written. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan stated that it had been almost one year since the budget meetings, and it was almost imposSible, in his opinion, for anyone to make corrections at this time. REPORTS - All reports either due by or throvgh the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. Dr. Hooper reported that Mr. Marshall is progressing nicely and hoped to be out of the hospital within a week or two. Dr. Hooper advised the Board that the Board of Health is now interviewing men that are being considered for the position of Director of the Health Department. All are qualified men with degrees in Public Health Administration but are not physicians. Dr. Hooper said the position would probably be filled within the next six weeks. REQUEST, TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, BERM, 8 DUNE PROJECT - Dr. Hooper discussed letter he had received from Mr. Luther T. Rogers, Jr., Mayor of Wrightsville Beach, requesting that the County provide in its 1968-69 Budget $6,000 for the Berm and Dune Project at the northern end of Wrightsville Beach. This is the County's share for the project. The Town of Wrightsvilie BeachTS share is $q,000. ~r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that it is the intent of this Board to appropriate in next year~s budget New Hanover County~s share which is eight (8%) percent and estimated to be $6,000. Motion carried. AZALEA FESTIVAL - At this ,juncture Mr. B. E. Huffine, President of the A2alea Festival, presented the Board of County Commissioners with credentials to attend certain functions of the Festival and ex- pressed his desire that they attend. He also presented schedule of arrivals and schedule of events. DISCUSSION BERM BETWEEN CAROLINA AND KURE BEACHES - Dr. Hooper reported on a meeting held April 11, 1968 with members of the Corp of Engineers, officials of the State Department of Water Resources, Mr. Fox, and he representing the County regarding berm between Carolina and Kure Beaches. A rather lengthy discussion was held in which it was pointed out that as in the cases of Carolina and Wrightsvilie Beaches, which are incorporated, the Federal Government will contribute eighty (80%) percent of the cost. This leaves twenty (20%) percent to be financed locally. Carolina and Wrightsville Beaches furnished twelve (12%) percent of the costs of the berm and dune project in their areas and New Hanover County furnished eight (8%) percent. Dr. Hooper pointed out that the Corp of Engineers has in hand $95,00o of its share of $503,000. Balance of $408,000 is in their next year~s budget. Aiso, the State has in hand its share of $2!}5,600. He infor.med the Board that the pro,ject wovld not be started until after Beach Season this year, but commitment by the County to help finance the pro,ject had to be made by May 1, 196E3. Kure Beach is financially unable to participate and the other areas are unincorporated which presents the problem as to how to raise twelve (12%) percent of the required local funds. Mr. Hall said he felt this pro,ject was essentiai for the preservation of Fort Fisher and whatever steps are necessary should be taken to consummate the pro,ject. He expressed the opinion that a building line should be put into effect. He feit the Commission should advertise for a meeting. County Attorney Fox said it would be a very lengthy procedure and a hearing would require cautious approach and would be time consuming. Mr. Fox informed the Board that under the statute, once a building line is established it becomes property of the County. Mr. Fox aiso ad~i~sed that a tax assessment would be time consuming and would require a considerable amount of work. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr, Hooper, that we express to the Corp of Engineers and other affected departments that it is the intent of New Hanover County to extend this berm and dune operation and that we initiate, as promptly as possible, the proceedings that are necessary to consummate the pro,ject; that we express the opinion that we intend to treat the unincorporated areas as we have the incorporated areas and that the additional twelve (12%) percent be met by assessment on the unincorporated areas. Discussion followed the motion and it was determined that the tax base would not allow an assessment to satisfy the required twelve (12%) percent, Mr. Hall then withdrew his motion. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that New Hanover County express its willingness to go along with the eight (8%) percent for berm and dune pro,ject in area between Carolina Beach and Kure Beach. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". Mr. Uaughan moved that Dow Chemical Company be contacted and their attitude determined as to whether they are willing to pay entire cost before any action by this CommisSion is taken. Motion died for lack of a second. k Minutes of the Meeting - April 16, 1968 (Continued) DISCUSSION BERM BETWEEN CAROLINA AND KURE BEACHES (CONTINUED) - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Dow Chemical Company be contacted relative to picking up cost of their share since they own three-fifths of the frontage. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan abstained from.voting. CIVILIAN DISORDERS - Sheriff Marion Millis appeared before the Board to report on the several days of disorder which was experienced in Wilmington recently. Dr. Hooper told Sheriff Millis he should be commended dn handling the law enforcement outside of the City. There were only one or two incidents and they were handled expediently. There was no property damage in the County and no injuries. Dr. Hooper said he was sure th'is entailed a lot of overtime for the Sheriff and his deputies. Mr. Vaughan questioned Sheriff Millis as to motivation of trouble. Sheriff Millis said trouble of this kind is being experienced throughout the Country. Mr. Vaughan asked if any outsiders were involved. Sheriff Millis replied he did not think so. Mr. Vaughan questioned Sheriff Millis about qualifications of the National Guard and about them not having ammunition. Sheriff Millis said they were properly trained and not all rifles were unloaded. He said all men were issued ammunition. Mr. Vaughan asked what was his function insofar as the City was concerned. He replied his men stayed until the National Guard arrived, then pulled out. After that, his department transported prisoners. Mr. Vaughan asked the Sheriff if he thought Civfl Defense should have taken over. Sheriff Millis~ reply was, "No, they are not set up for this; they do not know the laws." When asked if he had all the equipment he needed,,Sheriff Millis said he would like to have five (5) inore riot guns and the County gas masks renewed. Dr. Hooper asked Sheriff Millis if he thought the existing laws in the State of North Carolina which we operate under are satisfactory for the control of unrest in~this community: Sheriff Miliis said, "No, he thought they should be strengthened." Dr. Hooper asked the Sheriff if he would present the Board~at a later date with a list of recommendations on how the laws could be strengthened to be more effective. The list will be forthcoming. 5heriff Millis was thanked for appearing before the Board, and Mr. Vaughan said he wouid like to commend the Sheriff on the way he handled the situation. The other Commissioners said they thought Sheriff Millis did a very fine ~job. CONN7ENDATION, T. C. JERVAY - Dr. Hooper commented on the fine editoriai Mr. Jervay published in his paper in which he pleaded for law and order, saying violence was not the answer for dissatisfaction. Dr. Hooper said he would like to introduce a motion Lhat Mr. Jervay be commended for his appeal to his race. Motion was seconded by Messrs. Vaughan, Hall, Metts and Bowden. ACTING CLERK OF COUNTY Dr. Hooper advised the Board that in view of the fact County Manager Marshall, who also functions as Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, is ili and will be out for sometime, County Attorney Fox had recommended that Hazel J. Savage be appointed Acting Clerk. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that she be appointed Acting Clerk. Motion carried. - ~. ~! ~ STANAARZ2ED SCHOOL BUILDINGS - Dr., Hooper informed the Board that he had been advised by Dr: William Wagoner, Super3ntendent of Schools, that a meeting of the Commissioners and the Board of ~Education has be¢n set for the evening of April 23, 1968 to discuss standarized school buildings. ' A.B.C. PERMIT REQUEST - ~ A.B.C. Permit Request was presented to the Board from Yacht Basin Restaurant, Carollna Beach. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Me.tts, that this request be referred to the Sheriff's Department for his investigation. Motion carried. • < ROAD PETITION, SIERRA 8 MONTEREY DRIVES, SECTION 3, HARBOR VILLA - ROAD PETITION, KENNEDY DRIVE,'OFF ROCK HILL RQAD, CASTLE HAYNE, N. C. - Road Petitions were presented to the Board (1) Sierra & Monterey Drives, Section 3, Harbor Villa and (2) Kennedy Drive, Off Rock Hill Road, Castle Hayne, N. C. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the standard resolutions be adopted and that they, along with the road petitions, be referred to the Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion carried. MEMBER, WELFARE BQARD - Dr. Hooper informed the Board that a letter had been brought to his•attention by Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director P-ublic Welfare, concerning expiration of Mr. Bowden's term on the Welfare Board as of June 30, 1968. He said Mr. Bowden is eligible for reappointment. By common consent this will be on agenda of next meeting. CAPE FEAR RIVER ABOVE I~JILMINGTON PROJECT, APPROPRIATION $2,900 -.' Mr. Shepard requested appropriation be made for payment of New Hanover County's share of participation in the Cape Fear River Above Wilmington Pro,ject. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr..Hall, that funds for this come from Unanticipated Revenue. Motion carried.~ REQUEST, TOWN KURE BEACH, COLLECTION TAXES FOR TOWN OF KURE BEACH - A letter was read from Town of Kure Beach requesting City-County Tax Office collect taxes for the Town of Kure Beach. , ~ Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this letter be referred to Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Collector, with recommendation by the Board that request be concurred in at a cost to be arrived at by Mr. Johnson comparable with that charged other communities. Moti'on carried. COURTHOUSE RENOVATION - ~ Mr. Bowden reminded~the Board that time is growing short for completion of renovation of Courthouse. Work has to be completed by December i, 1968. • I ' 1~6 Minutes of the Neeting - April lb, 1968 (Continuedj COURTHOUSE RENOVATION (CONTINUED) - Dr. Hooper said he had discussed this with Mr. John Oxenfeld and was advised that.he (Mr. Oxenfeld) anticipates no reason why work will not be ready by December 1, 1968. By common consenL it was agreed to ask Mr, Oxenfeld to furnish schedule of work and make report at next meeting. RENTAL AIRPORT PROPERTY - The Board was advised that Filtors Relay Division was interested in renting a section of Airport property ad~acent to their plant, on the northside, for an employee parking lot. Mr. Westbrook, Airport Manager,. had recommended renting this property for $~0 per month, a five year lease, with a$5.00 increase each month after the first year for the next four years.• Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that we instruct our County Attorney, to pre- pare a lease, after consulting with Mr. Westbrook, for a period of five (5) years, sub~ect to ninety (90) days cancellation, with no expense to County for improvements. Motion carried. REQUEST FURNISH WATER AND SEWAGE BY AIRPORT TO NORTH CAROLINA NATIOTdAL GUARD - It was brought to the attentlon of the Board that the Airport is unable to furnish the National Guard with water and sewage especially in an emergency such as the recent one. By common consent Mr. Westbrook is to advise the North Carolina National Guard that they should give some consideration to the installation of a weil, if it is anticipated they will need a large supply of water in the future. MOBILE HOME PARKS, SIZE OF SPACES - S32e of spaces in Mobile Home Parks was discussed. County Attorney Fox advised that the former County Attorney, Mr. Bradford Tiilery, had changed the size from 4,500 square feet to 3,000 square feet in an effort to keep the County from being called into Court. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that steps be taken by the County Attorney to modify County Ordinance to ~,500 square feet, sub~ect to his investigation as to practicability. Motiion carried. CASTLE HAYNE ROAD, U. S. 117 - Discussion was held concerning traffic problem on U. S. 117, Castle Hayne Road. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Chairman of the Board be elected to write the Governor of North Carolina that we have a terrific amount of industrial traffic going out and coming into Wilmington on U. 5. 117, a major highway, and might an alternate road be constructed to relieve this situation." MBtion carried. ORGANIZATION OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION - At this ,juncture the Board of Equalization and Review was administered the oath of office and then recessed until Monday, April 22, 1968 at 8:30 A.M. DOG POUND - A letter from Mr. Fox was discussed concerning the dog pound. By common consent Lhis sub,ject will be put on Agenda for next meeting. LOCAL STUDY CONA7ISSION - • Mr. Hall was asked by Dr. Hooper to attend meeting of Local Study Commission in Raleigh on April 19, 1968. He was asked by Dr. Hooper to let it be known this Commission felt the two greatest needs of New Hanover County are (1) consolidated government and (2) additional sources of revenve. Dr. Hooper said government should be modified and streamlined. Mr. Hall said it might be good time to commence studies of this. Dr. Hooper said New Hanover County is the logical county to lead the way; New Hanover County has small area, and large population. Mr. Vaughan asked that Mr. Hall point out that ninety-seven (97) counties in North Carolina have auditors who are appointed and only Lhree (3) counties have auditors who are elected, and the County of New Hanover feels that our auditor should be appointed. COUNTY AUDITOR~S REQUESTS FOR APPROPRIATIONS - County Auditor Shepard requested the following appropriations: (1) $688.00 from General Emergency Fund To: Recorders Court, Stationary & Supplies $400.00 Clerk Superior Court, Fees, Insane & Inebriate 200.00 Commissioners Advertising 50.00 County Farm, Tools 8 Supplies 25.00 Sheriff, Bonds 13.00 ~688.00 (2) $1,220.60 from Unanticipated Revenue General Fund To: County Aid, Insurance $1,220.60 Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that these appropriations be approved. Motion carried. REGISTER OF DEEDS, DISCUSS RECORDING OF SUBDIVISION MAPS - P7rs. Lois LeRay appeared at the request of the Board to discuss the recording of sub- division maps. It had been brought to the attention of the Board that subdivision maps had been put on record that were in violation of the County Subdivision Ordinance. Mrs. LeRay advised the Board that all the subdivision maps recorded had been signed and met ali the other requirements necessary for recording. k Minutes of the Meeting - April 16, 1968 (Continued) REGISTER OF DEEDS, DISCU55 RECORDING OF SUBDIVISION MAPS (CONTINUED) -' It was pointed out that about nine-tenths of the maps as of October, 1967 were~exempted from.ordinances of City and County. These exemptions were based on the fact that surveyors had begun work before ordinance went into effect. By common consent it was agreed to ask the Wilmington-New Hanover Pianning Board to furnish list of those persons who filed their preliminary plat before February 1, 1966. • Mr. Howard Loughlin was present and was asked by Dr. Hooper if the reason these plats were filed in this manner was due to•effort to have these proposed subdivisions in acreage instead of subdivision. Nr. Loughlin said he dfd not think so because a person would not open up 1,000 acres at one time; it wou2d not be practical. • By common.consent it was agreed to ask Mr. John Tinga to appear at the next meeting and advise this Board what action the Planning Board has taken up to this time. Mr. Fox was asked to discuss this matter with Mr. John Tinga prior to the next meeting. Mrs. LeRay was thanked for appearing befdre the Board. COMPUTERIZATTON - • ' ' Mr. Hall read from an article which was published in•the Wall Street Journal; "Crooks Use Computers to Embezzle From Fir.ms". He wanted to know if the County is adequately protected from similar things happening to us. County Auditor.Shepard said the data machine prints . information, therefore does not handle money. Mr. Shepard pointed out the County's machines are not handling checks; the payroll is made by Wachovia Bank in Winston-Salem. County Auditor Shepard advised the Soard the County is on schedule with "Part 1" of the data proces5ing which includes the Court House base tax listing and assessing office. He said he is experiencing some difficulty with the City-County Tax Col'lecting office, and to go into "Part 2", the tax collection phase, the City of Wiimington will have to participate since taxes for Wilmington and New Hanover County are coilected together. He said he had approached the City Manager but to no avail. ' Mr. Vaughan suggested the Chairman be asked to write the City Councilmen arid invite them to meet with the Commissioners at a convenient time to discuss all joint problems. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the City Couttcil be invited to meet with th3s Board at the conclusion of their meeting on next Nonday, April 22, 1968, at their convenience to discuss (1) financing museum, :(2j putting the City County Tax Collector~s office on.computer, and (3) City-County Dog Pound, if we have facts to present. Notion carried. M[JTUAL AGREEMENT - ~ Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that a mutual law enforcement agreement between the County and the various municipalities be adopted in accordance with the authority contained in the General Statutes. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be ad~ourned. Motion carried. . • ' J. E. Marshall, County Manager Sy: Hazel J. Savage MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW April 22, 1968 ~.e`71 The Board of Equalization and Review met on April 22., 1968 in the office of the Board of County Commissioners at 8:!}5 A.M. with the foliowing members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Mr. M. H. Vaughan..Mr.. Leurence 0. Bowden, Mr. J. M. Hall, .lr., Mr. John Van B. Metts, Mr. James C: Fox,:'County Attorney Mr. P. H. Braak, Tax Supervisor, and Mr. R. E. Blake, Appraiser. The entire Board was sworn in previous to the meeting by Verneli Devane, at 11:00 A.M. on April 16, 1968. The Chairman called the meeting to order and Nr. Braak was asked to review the approximately 5(} complaints. Before the scheduled complaints were heard, at 8th and Harnett appeared before the Board. D was burned and considered a complete loss by the taxes would have to be paid on this property for legal matter, Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, notify Mr. Clardy and his son of their decision. The following complaints were reviewed: Mr. Clardy and his son, who own a business uring the riot on April 6, 1968 their building insurance company. They wish to know if the full year of 1968. Since this was a will advise the Boar~d and they in turn will Shell Island Corp. - P. 0. Box 1328 Was not present, will be heard at a later date. Mrs. Morris Campbell - 4 LagoonPlace Block 1 Lot L~.lE Pt 1+3 Pt 1}5 Shore Acres. Lot size was 105~ at $9525 Now lot is 80' by 86.7' at $9525• check value of house and advise since house is over valued. Township Wriqhtsville Beach Wriqhtsville Beach value. Appriser will ~ ~l.'7 8 Minutes of Board of Equalization and Review - April 22, 1968 (Continued) Townshio Mr. Henry E. Hough - 216 Victoria. Dr., City Cape Fear Marsh land value too much. 63 acres Ad,j. Kerr Fms. $200 an acre, one acre ~1000. No tillable land except around house. 50 acres sub,ject to flooding. Appraisers will check to see if in line with adjoining properties, and advise Mr. Hough later. Nr. & Mrs. Jacobus Jozef Vink - P. O. Box 188 Cape Fear Lot 6 Pt Fms !}3/1~1F Marathon Trailer park behind property has devalued property. Trash dump and burning of trash an annoyance. Notified Health Dept. bui no action taken. Health Dept. was calied by Board and Mr. Cranford, Director of Sanitation, will inspect and notify Board of action taken and Board wili notify Mr. Vink later. Mr. C. L. Wolff -(representing his mother Mrs. Estelle G. Wolff) 328 Castle Hayne Rd. -!}~ acres Pt Cromwell Cape Fear Valuation went up from $4,575 to $8,050 with no improvements made. Property valued at $1500 an acre. Board decided value now on property could not be changed. Mrs. Estelle Wolff will be so informed by letter. Mr. Charles S. Lowrimore - P. O. Box 661 Wriqhtsville Beach Block 1 Lot !~6 Shore Acres Mr. Lowrimore was not present, but property frontage was incorrect and should be 70' by 80' on shore acres, also, valuation from 1925 to 1750 was changed and corrected. Mr. Lowrimore will be notified by letter. Mr. 8 Mrs. Henry Smith - 18!} Arlington Dr. All lot 17 Arlington Drive. Cape Fear Value of property too high. Trailer park on other side of road causes a drop in price and value of two homes. Our appraiser will check on Lhis and Mr. Smith will be so advised by letter of the Board~s decision. ' Mr. C. W. Mishoe - Castle Hayne, N. C. Pt. Lot 2 Hermitage Cane Fear P7r. Mishoe has the Post Office building at Castle Hayne which is the same type_and con- struction as the Mello Ice Cream building of Mr. Suggs. The value of Mr. Mishoe~s land is $5 per foot while Mr. Sugg~s is $7.50. The only difference is an air conditioning central unit in the Post Office. Our Appraiser will check on this and Mr. Mishoe will be advised as to the decision of the Board by a letter. Mrs. Emmett Crow - Route 3, Box 61} Masonboro 41 Acres Williams Tract Value of property too high, at $L}8,100. One acre $6000 where home is and $1700 per acre for remaining 40 acres. The property of $L}8,100 was arrived at after taking a 35% deduction for developers depreciation. Our appraiser will check on this and Mrs. Crow wili be informed by letter of the Board~s decision. The Board of Equalization and Review set the time and dates for their next two meetings which are as follows: Thursday, April 25, 1968 at 9:00 A.M. and Monday, April 29, 1968 at 8:30 A.M. The shut off time for property owners meeting before the Board was set for May 6, 1968. Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor By: B. Ayala, Clerk MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW APRIL 25, 1968 Pvrsuant to the recess of the meet3ng of April 22, 1968, the Board of Equalization and Review met in the Commissioners' Room at 9:00 A.M. with the following members present: Vice- Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor; and Appraiser Raymond Blake. The Vice-Chairman reconvened the meeting at which time the Board thoroughly went into all complaints which had been made and before reviewing some of the complaints (Mr. Braak and Mr. Blake went into the field and reviewed the property complaints) the Board had a good insight into some of the compiaints made by property owners. The following complaints were reviewed: TownshiD Mr. Herbert Fisher - 2808 Princess Place Dr. Wilminqton Building value is good but surrounding area is going down in land value. Board will decide and Mr. Fisher will be notified by letter of their decision. Carolina Beach The Varsity Grill is owned by Mr. Fisher. Land value is twice the amount (1950) of what ~r. Fisher thinks is fair. Not much business traffic at location. Board will decide and notify by letter of their decision: Mrs. E. M. Shepherd - P. O. Box 521 Wriqhtsville Beach Value on bullding too much, basement is not fully finished as shown on real estate card. Decision will be made by Board after another field trip is made. Mrs. Shepherd will be notified by letter of their decision. Mr. Carlton S. Newton - 160 Brentwood Drive Cave Fear Mr. Carlton contends he is charged with too much land. The Board asked that a map be brought to the Appraiserrs office showing total land area owned. Aiso, Mr. Carlton was charged with a garage he didn't have. The Board will pass on this when a map is brought in and will notify by letter of their decision. Y. f /' ` ~. i 9 Minutes of the Board of Equalization and Review - April 25, 1968 (Continued) Township Mr. John Ormsby - Rt. 1 Box 601-C Harnett Nfr. Ormsby contends house is valved too much, House is figured wrong on real estate card, an $1800. Correction will be made. Board wiil decide and advise by letter to Mr. Ormsby of their decision. Mr..William J. Bennett - 132 Hinton Ave. Harnett Not present. Property listed as an acre but is less. Should be 23/100 of an acre, and has been changed. Mr. Bennett will be notified by letter of decision of Board. Mrs. Mamie Lea - 120 No. 13th St. l~Jilminqton Not present. Contends tax value too high with no improvements made. House was checked by our appraiser and found to be in line with surrounding houses in area. Mrs. Lea will be notified by letter of the Board's decision. Nrs. H. P. Canady - 2538 Burnett Blvd. Wilmington Has two-story duplex apartment valved too high. Has been checked and no change recommended. Board will notify Mrs. Canady by letter of their decision. Mr. J. G. Veazey - 3516 Bow Creek Blvd. Wriqhtsville Seach Not present. Contends lot (only) valued too much. Board was advised by our appraiser no change be made. Mr. Veazey will be advised of the Board~s decision by letter. Mr. John McCartney - Rt. 1, Box 306 Harnett Valued too high on land and building. Property is in 11ne with surrounding property, so no change is advised. Mr. McCartney will be notified by letter of Board~s decision. Mr. C. L. Bowden - Rt. 2, Box 205A • Federal Point Contends value of $800 for 1/4 acre is too high. Property is in line with other surround3ng properties, and no change be made. Property of ,3 acres Pt. Bowen valued too high at $500. Board passed on the .3 acres to be valued at $240. Mr. Bowden wili be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mr. Bugg - 318 No. Front St. Wilminqton Value too high on building now since ovt of business since February 3, 1967 and property around area is going down. Board will decide and advise Mr. Bugg by letter of their decision. Mr. Broadfoot (S. Bryan) - 135 Forest Hills Wilminqton Claims value too high. Property in line with other surrouttding property, no change made. Board will consider and notify Mr. Broadfoot of their decision by letter. Mr. C. R. Williams - 510 Sweet Ave. Wilminqton Contends value too high. Property near Hoggard High and is in line with property area, no change made. Mr. Williams will be notified by letter of Board~s decision. Mr. Donald Baldwin - Route 1, Box 140 F, Leland WilminGton Contends property in declining area not worth value. Appraisers recommend a 10~ depreciation {1800) off of ~6300. For an unsound basement and an bld broken furnace. Mr. Baldwin will be advised of the Board's decision by Ietter. Mr. John Woodruff - 2183 Woodland Ave., Burlington, N.'C. Wrightsville Beach Declares lot is over valued. Property is in line. No change made. Mr. Woodruff not present. Wili be notified by letter of Board~s decision. Mr. L. H. Waters, Jr. - Rt. 1, Box 99 Cape Fear Contends value too high. Property in line. No change made. Mr. Waters will be notified of Board~s decisfon by letter. Mr. Harold May - 3834 Syivan Dr. Wilminqton Contends 3 lots on Castle Street are valued too high. Appraiser stated property is in line (land). Building is wrong value. The Board moved to allow 20% more depreciation on building in Block 93 PT ME 6(2(}00). Board will notify Mr. May by letter of their decision. Mr. Horace Ud. Blanton - Box 3, Holland Dr. Wilminqton Contends location and structure of house does not make it a profitable rental property. (Block 156} - 1!} So. 6th St. The Board passed on a 10% depreciation to bring in line with other property. Property at 211 North llth Street was recommended a 10% plus depreciation to bring in line with other property. The Board will advise Mr. Blanton by letter of'.their decision. The Board passed on the foliowing complaints from the first meeting of the Board on April 22, 1968: Mrs. C. L. Wolff - 328 Castie Nayne Rd. t}z Acres Pt Cromwell - No Change. Caoe Fear Mr. Charles S. Lowrimore - P. 0. Box 661 Wriqhtsville Beach Block 1 Lot 46 Shore Acres - No change. Mr. 8 Mrs. Henry Smith - 184 Arlington Dr. Cave Fear All Lot 17 Arlington Drive - No change. Mr. & Mrs. Jacobus Vink - P. 0. Box 188 Cane Fear Lot 6 Pt FMS 1}3/LG!} Marathon - No change. Trash and dump to be corrected. Mrs. Morris Campbeil - 4 Lagoon Place Wriqhtsville Beach Block 1 Lot L~1~ Pt 43 Pt 45 Shore Acres. Lot si2e correct rec, a lOl depreciation additional. Mr. C. W. Mishoe - Castle Hayne, N. C. Pt Lot 2 Hermitage - No change. Cape Fear Mrs. Emmett Crow - Route 3, Box 64. 41 Acres Williams Tract - No change. Masonboro Mr. Henry E. Hough - 216 Victoria Dr., 63 Acres Ad,j. Kerr Fms. Board Cape Fear passed to charge $1000 for one acre (house), three acres at $!}00 and fifty-nine acres at $50. I` There was no further business to come before the Board, and Mr. Hall offered a motion for recess until the next meeting of the Board of Equali2ation and Review on April 29, 1968. Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor , By: B. Ayala, Clerk. , ~ ~~ MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW APRIL 29, 1968 Pursuant to the recess of the meeting of April 25, 1968, the Board of Equali2ation and Review met in the Commissioners' Room at 8:30 A.M. with the following members present: Vice Chair- man Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan; Peter H, Braak, Tax Supervisor and Raymond Blake „Appraiser. The Vice-Chairman reconvened the meeting at which time the Board thoroughly went into all complaints which had been scheduled for review at this meeting. The following complaints were reviewed: " Township Mr. Walter Bethea - 901 No. Kerr Ave. Wilminqton Contends lot is valued too much. Mr. Blake will increase land footage and ad,just land price due to triangular shape. Board will advise Mr. Bethea by letter of their decision. Mr. H. A. h+~rks - Rt. 3, Box 80 Wilminqton Contends land value not appraised in keeping with practical values. A field trip will be made and property will be compared with surrounding properties. Mr. Marks will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mr. George Rehder - Box 484 Wilminqton Contends price or value placed on green houses two much. Buildings built in 1907, no floors, no roads into property. Board will notify by letter of their decision. Mrs. Molly Leete - Rt. 3, Box 319, Apex, N. C., Wiiminqton Contends house value too high. Another fieid trip will be made to see inside of house at Rankin Street before Board passes on this piece of property. Contends 3 houses on Glenn Street and Castle Street too high, Property is in line. No change to be made. Board will notify by letter to Mrs. Leete of their decision. Mr. Andrew J. Hurst - 28 No. 25th Street Harnett , Contends lot value too high. Property is in line with other surrounding properties. No change. Board will notify by letter of their decision. Mr. william Godley - 1305 Simon Street Wilmington Contends location bad and house and lot too h;gh a value. Property is in line and no change recommended. Board will notify by letter of their decision. Mrs. Mar,jorie Penton - 2232 Oleander Dr. Wilminqton Contends house value too high. Board passes to add a 20~ additional, functional depreciation to bring in line with other property. Board will notify Mrs. Penton by letter of their dec3sion. Mr. L. H. Wolfe - 2230 Carolina Beach Rd. Wilminqton Contends garage apartment value too high used only for storage. Property is in line, no change recommended. Board will notify by letter, of their decision. Ftealty Investors, Inc. - Box 30 Wilminqton Contends that maybe increased valuation was brought about by permit for repairs. Mr. Hall recommended to view property again. Nr. Blake said property could use an additional 5% depreciation. Board will notify Mr. Harrington, by letter of their decision. Mr. R. D. Mooney - 510 So. Front St. Wilminqton Contends house value too high. Old property card will be checked to see if value too high when converted from a two story to a one story dwelling. Another field trip wiil be made. Board will notify by letter, of their decision. Goldstein Realty Co. - 1902 Princess St. Wilminqton Contends value too high on land and building. Appraiser will compare with Rolfs Bullding since Mr. Goldstein suggested it. But property is in line. Board will notify by letter, of their decision. Mr. Nathan Schwartz - 125 Forest Hill Dr. Wilminqton Not present but contends value too high, area going down. Property in line, no change recommended. Board will notify by letter of their decision. Mr. Shoffner (Director of Foundation 8 Development of North Carolina College) would like property donated to the College on Harbor Island to be changed to tax free. Mr. Bowden requested a letter be sent to the Board informing them of Mr. Shoffner~s request, since this is a legal matter. Board wfll notify, by letter, of their decision. Mrs. John Cole - 246 Raleigh Ave., Car. Beach Caro"lina Seach Contends building value too high and taxes too high. Property will be compared with list of near by properties INrs. Cole will furnish our appraiser. Board will notify by letter of their decision. Mrs. Scarlette Crawley - t}618 Springview Dr. Carolina Beach ~ Contends lot value too high. Property is in line, no change. Board wili notify, by letter, of their decision. Mr. George Canoutas - Kure Beach Kure Beach Contends value on two houses too high. Our appraiser recommends a 10~ physfcal depreciation on both houses. Board will notify, by letter, of their decision. , Mr. George Piner - Rt. 2, Box 331 A(not present) Masonboro Contends the per acre value too hic~h. Lot size corrected, one acre $500 (home) and other acre $1}00. Board will notify, by letter, of their decision. A Mr. Tanker of Champion Nraps, appeared before the Board to request a verba2 commitment to make new maps and bring old maps up to date in the county. The Board passed and ordered seven.maps to be made for county use at a cost of $27.50 each. ` I ~ ~.' ~ ~ Minutes of Board of Equalization and Review - April 29, 1968 (Continued) The Board having finished reviewing the complaints that were present began to pass on the complaints already heard. The following complaints were passed on: Mr. George Rehder - Box 484, Wilmington, No change. Mrs. Molly Leete - Rt. 3, Box 319 Apex, N. C. Wilmington ~ House at Rankin St. to be viewed. Houses on Glenn St. and Castle St. No change. Mr. Andrew Hurst - 28 No. 25th St. Harnett No change. Mr. Godley - 1305 Simon St., Wilmington No change, Mr. Wolfe - 2210 Carolina Beach Rd., Wilmington No change. Mr. & Mrs. John Cole - 246 Raleigh Ave. Car. Beach No change. Mr. S. Crawley - 4816 Springview Dr. Car. Beach No change. There being no further business, Mr. Bowden offered a motion for recess until the next meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review on May 6, 1968 at 11:00 A.M. Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor By: B. Ayala, Clerk MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Mav 6, 1968 Pursuant to the recess of the meeting of April 29, 1968, the Board of Equalization and Review met in the Commissioners~ Room at 11:00 A.M, with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hali, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr.; James C. Fox, County Attorney; Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor; and R. E. Blake, Appraiser. The Chairman reconvened the meeting at which time the Board heard the following com- plaints: Township Mr. Rermit G. Phillips II - Box 1116 Greensboro, N. C. Wilminqton Owner of Co2lege Mannor Apts. contends price of $9.31 per square foot too high in com- parison with other apartments. Mr. Blake recommended a$q.00 per square foot charge to bring in line.with other apartment developments. Board passed on this and Mr. Phillips will be notified by letter of their decision. Mr. R. C. Cantwell, III - Box 3371 Wilminqton Contends land value too high. Mr. Blake stated property was in line with other commercial property and no change was recommended. Board will notify by letter of their decision. Mrs. Frances M. All - 5004 Wrightsville Ave. Harnett Contends value too high on property. Footage was changed from 15 front foot to 15 cear foot, changing assessment to $25. Board will notify by letter, of their decision. Mr. Joseph Piner - Route 2 Box 167-E ' Masonboro Contends house is too far from road, has not road frontage. Mr. Blake recommended a 10% functiona~l depreciation to bring in line. Board passed on this and Mr. Piner will be notified hy letter of their decision. Mr. Mangels Von Oesen - 1211 Grace St. Wilminqton Contends building value too high. No change is recommended as property is in line. Mr. Von Oesen will be notified by letter of the Board~s.:decision. Wilmington Iron Works - Water 8 Orange Streets Wilminqton Contends value too high. Mr. Blake recommended no change. Wilmington Iron Works will be notified by le'tter, of the Board~s decision. Mr. Ydilliam F. Tomz - 2215 Camellia Dr. Wilmin~ton Contends property not worth valve. No change, property is in line. Board wili notify by letter of their decision. Mr. E. L. Oliver - Box 567 Southport Carolina Beach Contends property is low and value too high. A 35% topo. consideration was made to bring in line with other property. Mr. Oliver will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mr. Fred G. Harkey - 11 West Fayetteville St. Wriclhtsville Beach Contends house value too high.. Was charged with full basement and house has 1/2 basement, Will be checked and ad,justed. Board will notify by letter, of their decision. Mr. Julien Taylor - 1806 Grace St. Contends land value too high. line. Mr. Taylor-.wi11 be noti Mr. C. C. King - 503 South 17th St. Contends house value too high. with other property. Mr. King Wilminqton Mr. Blake recommended no change be made. Property is in fied by letter, of the Board~s decision. Wilminqton A 5% additional physical depreciation to bring in line wili be notified by letter of the Board~s decision, Goldstein Realty Co. - 1902 Princess Street Wilminqton ~ Contends assessment value too high. Property checked and is in line. No change be made. Mr. Abraham Goldstein will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. < ' I ~~z Minutes Of Board Of Equalization And Review - May 6, 1968 (Continued) Township Mrs. Molly Adams Leete - Rt. 3, Box 319, Apex, N. C. Wilminpton Contends value on house two:. high. The house on Rankin Street was checked and an additional 5% depreciation was allowed for the poor condition of walls. Mrs. Leete will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mrs. E. M. Shepherd -.Box 521 Wriqhtsville Beach Contends charged with full basement, when is only 1/2 basement. Mr. Blake recommended a$1.00 per foot taken off of basement footage to bring in line. Mrs. Shepherd will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mr, R. Mooney - 510 So. Front St. W12minqton Contends property value too high. Inside of house was checked and a 10~o additional physical depreciation was recommended to bring property and house in line. Board passed on this. Mr. Mooney will be notified by letter, of the Board's decision. Mr. E. B. Bugg - 1217 5. Live Oak Parkway Wilminqton Contends could tax value (1968) be lowered some as the hotel is out of business. Mr. Blake recommended a 50~ additional functional depreciation on Western Union building. Hotel should be torn down if not used for business. Mr. Bugg will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mr. Herbert Fisher - 2808 Princess P1. Dr. Wilminqton Contends house on Princess Street is over built and value is too high. House is in line from 4lest, no change. Property at Carolina Beach (Varsity Grill) bad location, low traffic. Board was advised and passed to value the property from.$300 per square foot to $250 per square foot. Mr. Fisher will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. ~ Mr. J. H. Bowden - 210 No. 9th St. Wilminqton Contends value too high. Mr. Blake recommended an additional 20% functional depreciation to bring old house in line. The Board wi12 notify by letter of their decision. The Board of Equalization and Review, having performed its duty as required by law and there being no further business to come before the Board, Dr. Hooper offered a motion for adjournment. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried.. Therefore, the Board adjoutried foc'the.year 1968.. . Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor By: B. Ayala, Clerk Minutes of the Meeting - May 6, 1968 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A,M, in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Mr, J. E. Marshall, County Manager,was not present because of illness. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order, Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, asked Dr. W. D. Morris, Pastor, Temple Baptist Church, to give the invocation. REPORTS - All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted with exception of two which Miss Hall, Director Public Welfare, submitted for signature this date. FULL TIME LEGAL STAFF Dr. Hooper advised the Board that both County Attorney Fox and former County Attorney Tillery feel that New Hanover County needs a full time legal staff. Forsyth County has a full time legal staff, and County Attorney Fox has been communicating with Mr. Roddy M. Ligon, Jr., their County Attorney, to determine the feasibility of a full-time legal staff for New Hanover County. By common consent it was agreed that the Attorney of Forsyth County be invited to meet with the County Commissioners to discuss the advantages of havina full time legal assistance. The time is Monday, June 10, 1968 at 10:00 A.M. if it svits Mr. Ligon~s schedule. At this juncture Mr. Hall joined the meeting. A,B,C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Commissioners: Garner~s Winter Park Amoco, !}5'13 Oleander Dr.; Skinny Williams, 821 South 8th Street; Price~s Hi-Tane SLa. fl Groc., Rt. 1, Box 343A; and East Coast Co., Inc „ d/b/a Mis-O-Pool and Grill, 18 South Front Street. Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these requests be referred to the Sheriff~s office for his investigation. Notion carried. ROAD PETITION, OAHLEY CIRCLE - A road petition from property owners on Oakley Circle was presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the standard resolution be adopted and that it, along with the road petition, be referred to the Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion carried. RE50LUTION REGARDING FLAGS AT COURTHOUSE Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners authorize flying the flags at the Courthouse at half-mast every time a citizen of the County is kilied in action. Dr. Hooper said this would remind the public war is going on and would be honoring our men who gave their lives for our country. N,otion carried. x Mr. Bowden suggested having a plaque or scroll recordinq the names of the men from New Hanover County who are killed in action. By common consent Plr. Bowden and Mr. Hall were asked to study this and make recommendations concerning recording of the names.