1968-05-06 Regular Meeting' I ~~z Minutes Of Board Of Equalization And Review - May 6, 1968 (Continued) Township Mrs. Molly Adams Leete - Rt. 3, Box 319, Apex, N. C. Wilminpton Contends value on house two:. high. The house on Rankin Street was checked and an additional 5% depreciation was allowed for the poor condition of walls. Mrs. Leete will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mrs. E. M. Shepherd -.Box 521 Wriqhtsville Beach Contends charged with full basement, when is only 1/2 basement. Mr. Blake recommended a$1.00 per foot taken off of basement footage to bring in line. Mrs. Shepherd will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mr, R. Mooney - 510 So. Front St. W12minqton Contends property value too high. Inside of house was checked and a 10~o additional physical depreciation was recommended to bring property and house in line. Board passed on this. Mr. Mooney will be notified by letter, of the Board's decision. Mr. E. B. Bugg - 1217 5. Live Oak Parkway Wilminqton Contends could tax value (1968) be lowered some as the hotel is out of business. Mr. Blake recommended a 50~ additional functional depreciation on Western Union building. Hotel should be torn down if not used for business. Mr. Bugg will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. Mr. Herbert Fisher - 2808 Princess P1. Dr. Wilminqton Contends house on Princess Street is over built and value is too high. House is in line from 4lest, no change. Property at Carolina Beach (Varsity Grill) bad location, low traffic. Board was advised and passed to value the property from.$300 per square foot to $250 per square foot. Mr. Fisher will be notified by letter of the Board~s decision. ~ Mr. J. H. Bowden - 210 No. 9th St. Wilminqton Contends value too high. Mr. Blake recommended an additional 20% functional depreciation to bring old house in line. The Board wi12 notify by letter of their decision. The Board of Equalization and Review, having performed its duty as required by law and there being no further business to come before the Board, Dr. Hooper offered a motion for adjournment. It was seconded by Mr. Bowden and unanimously carried.. Therefore, the Board adjoutried foc'the.year 1968.. . Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor By: B. Ayala, Clerk Minutes of the Meeting - May 6, 1968 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A,M, in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Mr, J. E. Marshall, County Manager,was not present because of illness. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order, Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, asked Dr. W. D. Morris, Pastor, Temple Baptist Church, to give the invocation. REPORTS - All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted with exception of two which Miss Hall, Director Public Welfare, submitted for signature this date. FULL TIME LEGAL STAFF Dr. Hooper advised the Board that both County Attorney Fox and former County Attorney Tillery feel that New Hanover County needs a full time legal staff. Forsyth County has a full time legal staff, and County Attorney Fox has been communicating with Mr. Roddy M. Ligon, Jr., their County Attorney, to determine the feasibility of a full-time legal staff for New Hanover County. By common consent it was agreed that the Attorney of Forsyth County be invited to meet with the County Commissioners to discuss the advantages of havina full time legal assistance. The time is Monday, June 10, 1968 at 10:00 A.M. if it svits Mr. Ligon~s schedule. At this juncture Mr. Hall joined the meeting. A,B,C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Commissioners: Garner~s Winter Park Amoco, !}5'13 Oleander Dr.; Skinny Williams, 821 South 8th Street; Price~s Hi-Tane SLa. fl Groc., Rt. 1, Box 343A; and East Coast Co., Inc „ d/b/a Mis-O-Pool and Grill, 18 South Front Street. Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these requests be referred to the Sheriff~s office for his investigation. Notion carried. ROAD PETITION, OAHLEY CIRCLE - A road petition from property owners on Oakley Circle was presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the standard resolution be adopted and that it, along with the road petition, be referred to the Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion carried. RE50LUTION REGARDING FLAGS AT COURTHOUSE Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners authorize flying the flags at the Courthouse at half-mast every time a citizen of the County is kilied in action. Dr. Hooper said this would remind the public war is going on and would be honoring our men who gave their lives for our country. N,otion carried. x Mr. Bowden suggested having a plaque or scroll recordinq the names of the men from New Hanover County who are killed in action. By common consent Plr. Bowden and Mr. Hall were asked to study this and make recommendations concerning recording of the names. / Minutes of the Meeting - May 6, 1968 (Continued) / ~. V f./ APPOINTMENT TO WELFARE BOARD - Dr. Hooper advised the Board that the term of Mr. Laurence O. Bowden, who is serving as Commissioners~ Appointee on.Welfare Board, will expire June 30, 1968. He also advised the Board that Nr. Bowden was eligible for reappointment. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Bowden be reappointed to serve on Welfare Board for a three year term. Motion carried. LADIES~ PUBLIC REST ROOM - Mr. Hall reported he had been advised that the Ladies~ Rest Room back of the Superior Court Room is in rather bad condition even eariy in the mornings and wanted to know if there was any possibility of getting someone to clean it more often. Dr. Hooper advised that the old lavatory had been replaced with one from the James Walker Hospital, and he has taken steps to correct the situation. By common consent it was agreed to further discuss the matter with Mr. Guthrie. EMPLOYEES~ LOUNGE - Mr. Bowden discussed fixing up a room to provide a place for employees to eat who bring their lunches. By common consent it was agreed to ask Nr. Guthrie to fix up the room where the addressograph machine is now for this purpose. SUBDIUISION PLATS, CLIFF SIDE AND SECTION 2, WINDEMERE - Plats of the above subdivisions were presented for the approval of the Commissioners. The plats had been approved by the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that these plats be approved by the County Commissioners and signed by the Chairman. Motion carried. NATIONAL RIVERS 8 HARBORS CONGRESS CONVENTION, JUNE 1}-7, WASHINGTON, D. C. - Dr. Hooper reminded the Commissioners of change in schedule of National Rivers & Harbors Congress Convention. The dinner for the North Carolina Congressional Delegation, has been changed to same time and place but one day earlier, June 4th. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Sowden, that any Commissioner who is able to find time attend. Dr. Hooper said he was planning to attend and so is Col. Gillette. MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD~S RULES OF ORDER - Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. NTetts, that the Mental Health Advisory Board be advised that Lhe Board of County Commissioners approve the rules of order recently adopted by them. Motion carried. COUNTY AUDITOR'S REQUESTS - - County Auditor Shepard requested the following appropriations: From General Emergency Fund $3,L~51.00 To Salaries, Sheriff Department $2,248.00 Social Sec.-County Aid 112.~0 N. C. Retirement Fund-County Aid 190.00 Museum-Travel 125.00 County Drainage-R, & M. 50.00 Superior Court-Convey Prisoners 25.00 To Commissioners-S. R S. 25.00 Recorders Court-Convey Prisoners 25.00 Tax Collector-Refund Taxes 75.00 Adv, d Indus. Dev. Adv., N. C. States Parks 56.00 Advertising-County Aid 500.00 Sheriff Dept.-Bond 10.00 Tax Listing-Bond 10.00 $3,i~5i.oo The following transfers were also requested: From Court House Repairs to Bldg. $ 50.00 To Court House Elec. Supplies 50.00 From Airport Bldg. Repairs 300.00 To Airport Cap. Outlay 300.00 From Airport Bldg. Repairs 30.00 To Airport Field Repairs 30.00 Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these appropriations and transfers be approved. Motion carried. OVERTIME PAY IN SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - Following discussion on overtime pay in the Sheriff~s Department due to recent disorders, Mr. Nietts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that overtime be paid and the money, in the amount of $2,550, to come from General Emergency Fund. (This was included in County Auditor's Requests above) Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this does not constitute setting a precedent in any department for overtime. ~otion carried. Mr. Vaughan noted that the'irresponsibility of a minority is costing a ma~jority money. REQUEST OF NUSEUM DIRECTOR - Dr. Hooper presented request of Mr. Gary Eyster, Museum Director, for $125.00 to cover cost of rooms and various programs while attending the 63rd Annual Conference of The American Association of Museums in New Orleans, La., May 21-25. Mr. Eyster is taking his vacation time to attend this conference and is paying for transportation and meals. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this request be granted with funds coming from General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. (This was included in County Auditor~s Requests above) x ' ~ i ~C)Y Ninutes of the Meeting - May 6, 1968 (Continued) PALM TREES, AIRPORT - Mr. Shepard had request from Airport to pay for palm trees planted at Airport in amount of $300.00 from Airport Building Repairs to Airport Capital Outlay. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that this request be granted. A".otion carried. (This was included in County Auditor's Requests above) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - Following discussion of minutes of Joint Meeting of City-Council and County Commissioners regarding paving around schools question was raised as to whether or not the estimates of cost include construction and excavation at intersections. By common consent it was agreed that Dr. Hooper would get this information and if the estimates of cost include this item minutes be approved. BIDS, DEMOLISH SOUTH WING NURSES' QUARTERS, JAI~iES WALKER HOSPITAL - Only one bid was received on demolishing South Wing of Nurses~ Quarters at James Walker Hospital. This was from S. E. Cooper Company. After discussion, Nr. Fox advised the Board that this bid could not be held in escrow, but would have to be opened. The bid from S. E. Cooper Company was opened and the amount was $9,11}0.00. The required bid bond was fnrnished and was found to be in order. 5ince only one bid was received, the Board of Commissioners, by common consent, agreed to readvertise for bids. Bids will be received and opened at the next meeting, Nay 20, 1968 at 9:00 A.N. APPROVAL OF NINUTES For the minutes of April 16, 1968 under the heading "Approval of Budget Minutes", Mr. Vaughan asked that the following sentence be inserted: "Mr. Vaughan stated that it had Deen almost one year since the budget meetings, and it was almost impossible, in his opinion, for anyone to make corrections at this time". Under the heading "Rental Airport Property", Mr. Vaughan asked that the last paragraph be deleted. Following these corrections, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved. REPORT ON RENOVATION OF COURT HOUSE - Mr. John Oxenfeld was asked to appear before the Board and give report on progress being made in the renovation of Courthouse. Mr. Oxenfeid presented preliminary plans and advised the Board that he had had a meeting two weeks ago with Judge Mintz, Attorneys Fox, Goldberg and Marshall and found most of the Court Room areas do not have toilet facilities which necessitated revising original plans changing the three offices formerly occupied by hospital. Jurors locked up will be in another area. He advised the probation officers had requested they be as near Court Rooms as possible. The balcony will be used for the Probation Officers instead of for storage as originally planned The third floor behind the Superior Court Room will be used for jury rooms, judges rooms and conference rooms. Mr. Oxenfeld advised the Board the work will be finished by December 1, 1968. Plans will be ready June 1, 1968 with receipt of contractors' proposals on June 17, 1968. The estimated cost will be from $90,000 to $95,000. l~Jhen asked how long it would take to complete work, he replied four to five months. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board approve the drawings, subject to the approval of the Court Committee, in order to advertise for bids. Discussion was held on awarding bids and County Attorney Fox will advise as to law on this at later time. Discussion was held about payment of contractors who could not finish their work in jail due to number of people in jail. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that all contractors engaged in the repair work be paid for work accomplished to the satisfaction of the architects. MONTHLY DRAGLINE REPORT, HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Discussion was held on report of dragline operation of Heaith Department. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Cranford be asked to furnish Commissioners schedule of work for several months in advance and then each month advise how much of this work has been accomplished. LETTERS PRESENTED FOR INFORMATION - At this time Dr. Hooper presented the following letters for information: 1. Health Department (4-17-68) - Advising dragline paid for in full. 2. Health Department (4-24-68) - Trash Dump of Ivey McGee. 3. Mrs. E. M. McEachern (4-22-68) - Thanking Board for efforts in relocatfon of Museum. 4. T. C. Jervay (4-19-68) - Regarding recent disorders. 5. Corning Glass Works ((}-25-68) - Complimenting employees of County and City on handling of recent disorders. 6. F.A.A. (4-18-68) - Advising General Electric Company proposes to erect water tank. 7. F.A.A. (4-25-68) - Refusal of Federal Aid to Airport. 8. Draft of Wilmington Thoroughfare Planning Study, Consultant's Agreement. 9. Institute of Government (4-23-68) - Meeting Local Government Study Commission, May 17, 1968, Raleigh, N. C. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Miss Lela Moore Hali and Mr. H. A. Marks appeared requesting transfers of funds in the Welfare Department. Mr. Marks said at beginning of year some funds were reduced and now they needed to be restored. The following transfers from Boarding Home Care, Medical were requested: Telephone $ 350 Travel 1,000 Sanitarium Care 350 Convalescent Indigent 500 $2,200 By common consent these transfers were approved by the Commissioners. ~ Minutes of the Meeting - May 6, 1968 (Continued) TRANSFER OF FUNDS, WELFARE DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) - ' Mr. Marks requested permission to purchase postage equipment out of this year~s budget to use when the Welfare Department is moved. Approval was not granted for this. It was pointed out that any funds left in Welfare Budget at end of year will go into Surplus Welfare Fund. , ~ -~.~~ ~iss Hall presented a form - New Hanover County 1968-69 Public Assistance Estimates to be signed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the form be approved and signed. Miss Hall discussed the reports she had furnished Commissioners prior to this meeting. These consisted of changes that will go into effect with the recent laws passed in legislature. MATERNITY HOME IN WiLMINGTON AREA Dr. Hooper read a letter from Miss Hall advising the New Hanover Community Council has appointed committee to study the feasibility of a Naternity Home in the Wilmington area supported by the Carolinas United. Miss Hall reported in her letter the New Hanover County Welfare Board goes on record in requesting that the Nurses~ Quarters at Community Hospital be considered to house such a home. By common consent it was agreed to discuss this at next meeting. IVEY McGEE TRASH DUMP - Mr. Cranford was asked to appear before Board and report on status of Ivey McGee~s Trash Dump. Mr. Cranford advised Board Mr. McGee was supposed to have dump covered by May 3, 1968. He was asked to check on this and report at next meeting. At this ,juncture the regular Board meeting was recessed in order to reconvene the Board of Equalization and Review. At 12:15 P.M. the Board of Equalization and Review was adjourned and the regular Board Meeting was reconvened, BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE Mr. Fox discussed with the Board the adoption of a North Carolina State Building Code and a North Carolina Uniform Residential Building Code, with the provision which establishes a Board of Building Review consisting of two registered architects, two registered engineers, a licensed general contractor and three public members having no connection with the building industry. The members of the Board of Building Review shali be elected by a majority vote of the Board of Commissioners. ~ Mr. Register had severa~l things he wanted incorporated in the Building Code. Mr. Fox will submit recommendations at next meeting. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF E. C. BALDWIN, CASTLE HAYNE, N. C. - • After discussing Mr. Baidwin's development, Mr. Hali moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Mr. Baldwin be advised that his development does come under the New Hanover County Subdivision Ordinance and that his plans must be submitted to the City-County Planning Board for approval. LETTER FROM ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS, RECOMMENDATIONS BY Nfft. McKEITHAN - Mr. McKeithan appeared before Board as requested and presented list of proposed salaries for his staff when his office is taken over by State. By common consent it was agreed the Commissioners rrould study these salaries and advise later. HELP IN RECORDER~S COURT OFFICE - Col. Gnau appeared in behalf of his staff. He advised Board that the work load had become so heavy in his office it was necessary that he and his staff work overtime. He said his staff sometimes worksas much as 50 hours per week and he works around 60 hours per week. He re- quested_increases in salaries for his staff. The Commissioners advised him salaries would be reviewed at budget time. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that one person be hired now at bottom of scale and another be considered at budget time. It was agreed this person would be hired through regular Civil Service procedure: COURT ORDER, JUDGE HUBBARD - Mr. McY.eithan presented Court Order, signed by Judge Hubbard, ordering $300.00 paid in Court in January be refunded to C. R. Williams due to fact he returned his prisoner. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this be paid, funds coming from General ~ Emergency Fund, and that refund be requested from Board of Education. APPOINTMENT COPM~fITTEE, SOt7THEA5TERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden that the following persons be appointed to the ~ Southeastern Economic Development Commission and a letter be written each of them informing ` them of their appointment. Motion carried. , T. C. Jervay ~ - Robt. Chestnut - A. D. Cox, Jr. _.Geo. Chadwick - Richard Kepley - Harry Berman - Horace King - John Hing - Lester Newell GIVIL DISORDERS - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Sheriff~s request for equipment be granted, • funds for this coming from General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. Discussion was held on Sheriff Millis' recommendations for strengthening the Law and it was agreed these would be turned over to our legislators. ~ ~~ 8 6 Ninutes of the Meeting - May 6, 1968 (Continued) CIVIL DI50RDER5 (CONTINUED) - By common consent it was agreed to write Sheriff Millis and advise him he has the whole- hearted support of the Commissioners in law enforcement within New Hanover County and he has one hundred percent backing of this Commission in enforcing law and order in New Hanover County for protection of livelihood and property of all citizens of all races. Further, the Commission commends Sheriff Millis for the efficient manner in which he handled recent disorders. LAND CONTRIBUTION, Nfft. SHEW - By common consent it was agreed Mr. Vaughan write Mr. Richard Shew thanking him for land he contributed in connection with the Cape Fear River Project. MOBILE HOME PARKS - Mr. Vaughan stated he would like to have the 4500 square feet requirement put back in the Mobile Home Park Ordinance. Mr. Fox suggested this be done when county-wide zoning ordinance is adopted. By common consent Dr. Hooper will contact Mr. Parker about this. BERM, CAROLINA BEACH - Dr. Hooper presented copy of letter Col. Snow wrote Col. Pickett regarding erosion at Carolina Beach. Col. Snow pointed out that inasmuch as funds the Federal Government had allotted south of Carolina Beach could not he used for that purpose due to lack of local participation, it was possible the funds can be used for Carolina Beach and the County~s share (8%) will be approximately $21,380. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr Bowden, that letter be written agreeing to this. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". STATE-WIDE ONE CENT SALES TAX - Dr. Hooper pointed out that 75 counties in District Meetings had indicated their desire for a state-wide one-cent sales tax for per capita distribution to counties and cities. This Board was in favor of the one-percent local option sales tax. OFFICE OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY, COMP'1lJNITY ACTION - By common consent it was agreed to discuss this at next meeting. Application blanks are to be requested. PERSOIVRtEL MEETING - By common consent it was agreed to hold meeting Monday, May 13, 1968 at 4:00 P.P",. to discuss personnel plan. By common consent it was agreed to advise Mr. Shepard to set base three percent higher to adjust to rise in cost of living. Mr, Vaughan suggested more fringe benefits such as hospital insurance. Mr. Bowden advised he is investigating this now and should have something definite in a short time. CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR - N;r. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this Board approve Brigadier General Andrew H. Harriss, Jr. as Civil Defense Director for a term of two years and that we recommend this appointment to the Ctty Council so that they might act upon this at their next meeting. The appointment is to be effective immediately upon approval by the Council of the City of wii- mington. Motion carried, SCHOOL BOARD - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that some form of correspondence be sent School Board advising them we are delighted Bond Issue passed and urge them to consider standarized construction. Motion carried. OFFICES Mr. and Miss use them Military request. ~F NILITARY POLICE IN B Bowden advise,d that he Hall had requested use for juvenile detention Police were moving.and 45EMENT - understood the INilitary Police were moving out of the Courthouse of these C410 offices in the event they do. She would like to quarters. The Board said they had not been advised that the if and when they do, consideration will be given to Miss Hall~s SEWAGE, BANHS CHANNEL - Mr. Bowden said he understood two or three people are still dumping sewage in Banks Channel. Dr. Hooper said he would investigate this with Board of Health and report on this. COURTHOUSE PERSONNEL SEEKIPJG PUBLIC OFFICE - Nr. Bowden said he understood some employees in the Courthouse were allowed to run for office without any question, but others were told they would have to take leave of absence. He felt that a policy should be established that would cover all persons. ADJOURNNiENT - There being no further business, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. 1. E. Marshall, County Manager By: Hazel J. Savage x