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Minutes of the Nieeting - May 20, 1968
The regvlar semi-monthly meeting of the New tianover County Board of Commissioners was held
or. the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present:
Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., J. M. Hall, ,lr.;
County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Mr. J. E. N~rshall, County
Manager, was not present because of illness.
Due to the absence of the Chairman the meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman
Laurence O. Bowden 2fter which Rev. W. D. Barkley, Pastor, First Assembly of God, was asked
to give the invocation.
At this juncture the Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, joined the meeting.
For.the minutes of May 6, 1968 on Page 2, the Paragraph headed "Ladies~ Lounge" should
be chanoed to read "Employees~ Lounge" and any reference in this paragraph to "Ladies~ Lovnge"
should be changed to read "Employees~ Lounge".
Following this correction, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be
approved. Motion carried.
All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted at this
Request from the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee to change
Item "F" of the By-Laws from "All commissions shall be deposited in an operating account and
the net premiums shall be deposited in a separate account tn a bank." to "All receipts shall
be deposited in an account in a bank to be selected by the Committee and proper accounting
shall be made of commissions, net premiums and Committee expenses." The reason for this
request is the Insurance Advisory Committee nou~ is required to have two separate bank accounts
tahereas if the By-Laws are changed they a~ill have only one. The Insurance Advisory Committee
advised that this change had been recommended by their Auditor. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded
by Mr. Netts, that the Insurance Advisory Committee be permitted to change Item "F" of the
By-Laws as set out in their request. Motion carried.
A letter from the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Advisory
which asked that they be informed of future plans For the Community Hos
time in order that they couid intelligently recommend coverage for this
consent it was agreed to advise the Advisory Committee that the Nurses'
Hospital may be used in the future, but the property will be unoccupied
Committee h~as read
~ital property at this
property. By common
Home at Community
for the next six months.
The follovring A,B.C. Permit Requests ~aere presented to the Commissioners: 5noopy~s Pizza
Parlor, #5 Carolina Avenue, Carolina Beach; Unique Gift 8 Groc., 465 Lake Park Blvd., Carolina
Beach; Junction Snack Shop, ~.21 Carolina Beach Road; Maogie~s, 11~} Old Cavseway Drive, Wrights-
ville Beach; and The Svrf Club, Inc., 1 E. Mallard St.. Wrightsville Beach.
Mr. Vzughan moved, seconded by ~r. Netts, that these requests be referred to the Sheriff~s
office for his investigation. ~otion carried.
By letter of May 13, 1968, Mr. James G. Mclieithan, Clerk Superior Court, reques#.ed over-
time pay in the amount of $568.32 for Deputy Clerks writing warrants for New Hanover County
citizens charged with breaking the law. A?r. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the
overtime pay be paid, funds to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried.
In a previous communication Miss Lela ~9oore Hail had advised that a committee had been
appointed to study the feasibility of a Naternity home in the Wilmington area supported by
the Carolinas United, and the Welfare 3oard went on record requesting the Commissioners
• consider the possibility of allowing the nurses~ quarters at Community Hospital to be used
for this purpose. By common consent it was agreed to ~..~ait for the committee~s report before
taking any action. ,
In their letter of April 29, 1968 the Office of Economic Opportunity requested the Commis-
sioners to set up a community action agency. By common consent it was agreed to tvrn all the
data over to Mr. James C. Fox, County Attcrney, for his recommendations.
A letter was presented to the Board from Mr. R. W. Barker, Assistant to the General Counsei,
The Dow Chemical Company, in reply to letter ~.,rritten them fnquiring ~.thether or not they would
be agreeable to paying their share for a berm to be built in front of their property between
Carolina and Kure Beaches. P~r. Barker advised that Dr. C. M. Shigiey ~dould be in the Wil-
mington area the first week in June and it would be very helpful if he could be filled in on
what was planned. By common consent iL was agreed that Dr. Hooper pursue the matter m~ith
Dr, Shigley at that time.
County Attorney Fox advised the Board that the draft of a building code ordinance previously
submitted to the Commissioners was being typed in final form. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by
Mr. Hall, that the ordinance as previously submitted be approved and the codes adopted. Motion
Mr. Hall suggested the Building Inspector advise Board of any changes and that they be
put in the codes. Mr. Fox advised changes have to be approved by the North Carolina Building
Code Council. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mrs. Savage inform the Building
Inspector as changes are made by the State Building Code Council this Board be made aware
~ of them. Motion carried.
Minutes of the N;eeting - May 20, 1968 (Continued)
Bids were received to demolish southern portion of existing James Walker Hospital Nurses'
Home Building. They were as follows:
S. E. Cooper Company $10,860.00
Horton Iron 8~etal Co. 13,500.00
Hooks Salvage Co. ~,200.98
Rike Wrecking Co. 6,800.00
Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the low bid be accepted, sub,ject to approval
of the County Attorney. There was a discussion as to whether or not this work could be
classified as work to Courthouse annex. Dr. Hooper advised the Board that he takes the position
it is part of the CourLhouse operatior. essential to operation of business of this County. Mr.
Fox advised the Soard they had thirty (30) days to accept or re,ject bids and he suggested they
put off awarding contract until after investigation. Mr. Metts amended his motion that the
low bid be accepted and work done subject to the County Attorney and County Auditor working out
the financing of the work. Motion carried.
Question was raised relative to paying Mr. Altobellis, the architect. Mr. Bowden moved,
seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the bill be paid sub,ject to approval of the County Attorney as to
where funds will come from.
Dr. Hooper gave a brief report on the Local Government Study Commission Hearing in Raleigh
on Friday, May 17, 1968. One of the chief topics of discussion at the meeting was City-Covnty
Government consolidation. Dr. Hooper advised that under present state laws New Hanover County
and the City are as consoiidated as we can get, however local governments and interested bodies
should proceed to try and get the North Carolina General Assembly to enact more enabling
legislation to eliminate surviving dualism in city and county governments. Dr. Hooper advised
the Board that the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Committee presented a well organi2ed plan with charts
giving a definite time schedule on consolidation efforts for the next five years. Dr. Hooper
pointed out that City Manager E. C. Brandon, Jr. and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow were at the
meeting and he felt they were very inclined wi.th the line of thought expressed by the committee
representing Charlotte and Mecklenburg County.
By common consent the Commissioners agreed, at Dr. Hooper~s suggestion, to proceed with
plans for a study on a long-range basis for the consolidation of City-County Governments and
r.eport back to the Commissioners. F~lso, by common consent it was agreed that the Chairman
write the Chamber of Commerce asking that they help in any way they can with this study.
Also, at this meeLing; the Local Option 1% Sales Tax and the Statewide tu` Sales Tax were
discussed.~ Following:is_a statem2nt made.by.Dr; Hooper at this meeting: ..
"Gentlemen, I asked to appear before you today representing New Hanover County
to discuss tax sources availabie to County Governments. I will be brief. The
County, beiny a political sub-division of the State, is bound by State Law. At the
present time, State law allows counties to tax property and limits via the con-
stitution, Article 5, Section 6, the amount that may be levied for general County
purposes. The constitution was written in the 19th century, and the general statute
relative to taxing property, which provides 95% of all revenve available to covnties,
was written decades ago. The theory was that the property base grew with the county
and satisfied the local tax needs. Anyone who has studied the subject including
the Institute of Government~s Authority on the property tax, Mr, Henry Lewis, knows
this isn't so. This approach is an archaic and 19th century approach to county
needs in the late 20th century. Modernization is mandatory, via other sources of
"Roughly, 40% of the States population is represented by those counties here
today. We all know the needs current and future as to hospitals, airports, mental
health centers, water and sewage needs, health needs, school needs, ~~elfare needs,
all of which we share in common. These needs can't be met by a sky rocketing
property tax. Some other source of revenue must be provided so that the pay as you
go approach can be utilized. In 1966 Tdew Hanover County Commission endorsed a
local option sales tax. This position was reaffirmed in 1967 and aoain in 1968.
The Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce as Board of Directors in 1967 unanimously
endorsed 2 1~ local option sales tax. The President of the Chamber at that time
was the head of the largest retail outlet in Southeastern North Carolina. The
Merchants Association failed to endorse the i% local option tax, due to a laclt of
knowledge of the mechanism of the tax, a fear of loss of business; such fears are
unfounded as based on previous experience any~ahere else in the Country,
"The Governors Tax Study Commission recommended to the Legislature the 1%
1'ocal option sales tax. The levying of this tax should be the responsibility of
the voters in each County, as to how they finance their local needs. The Citizens
in Necklenburg County have accepted their obligation to move forward. I ask you,
on behalf of the IVew Hanover County Commissioners, consistinc~ of both Democrats
and Republicans, that the other counties in the State be allowed the same privileges.
"Under the present setup, we have only three variables as outlined by this
chart, relative to Revenues in New Hanover County and any other county in the
State. These are the tax base, the local tax needs and tY~e tax rate. The needs
in the past twelve years in New Hanover County have gone up 19K~, The base has
increased 12$% and the rate 30%. As the base hasn't kept pace with the needs,
despite efficient administrations, computerizations, etc., the, only answer is to
bring the tax on property up to satisfy the needs. At the present time, the rate
on a resident in the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County is a few dollars
short of the National average of $118.00 per capita.
"New Hanover County is growing as fast as any county in the State with a healthy,
~ progressive high level, economic industrial type growth. Revised figures of three
months ago indicate population increase in the State~s second smallest county, of 13%
from 1965 to 1970 and an increase of 16% from 1970 to 1980. The source of these •
figures is the n'ations Business Mayazine. The needs must be met for the exploding
population by a modern approach to tax monies available to local government. We feel
, a partial answer is the 1% local option sales tax."
Minutes of the Meeting - May 20, 1968 (Continued)
Mr. Cranford of the Health Department and Mr. Ivey McGee of Castle Hayne appeared before
' the Board relative to complaint about a trash dump Mr. McGee has at Castle Hayne. Mr, McGee
advised the Board that no trash had been dumped there since last November and he is getting
it covered over this week. There is no dumping or burning going on, and Mr. Cranford advised
the sanitary problem will be solved to his (Mr. Cranford's) satisfaction.
Mr. McGee then brought up the problem of drainage and it was agreed that Mr. Cranford
will get with him at a later date this week.
Dr. Hooper asked Mr. Cranford what had been done about sewage at Harbor Island. Mr.
Cranford advised that he had talked with Nr. Allan Cobb who advised he will get in touch
with the Mayor of Wrightsville Beach. Mr. Cranford advised that it was a problem of seepage
and not dumpting. Dr. Hooper asked how long and how much would it cost to run more water
samples? Mr. Cranford said it would take about two weeks to get this information. Mr. Bowden
requested that water sampies be tested as soon as possible since people are swimming in the
water now.
Nr. Cranford was asked to give a follow-up on this problem as soon as he could. Mr.
Cranford was thanked for appearing before the Board.
Mr. J. H. Robertson, Mr. Braak, and Mr. Blake appeared before the Board relative to
protest by Mr. Robertson of the value placed on his property at Kure Beach. A rather lengthy
discussion was held during which time Mr. Robertson said he felt the valuation was too high
since he had built it himself. He felt the valuation shouid be $Z6,1}80.95 instead of $33,040.00
which would result in a savings to him of $197.07 in taxes. Mr. Blake pointed out he used
valuations on existing motels in placing valuation on Mr. Robertson's Motel, Kure Key. Under
the statute, checked by Mr, Fox, it was not lawful for the Board to act on this protest due
to the fact the Soard of Equalization and Revie~,~ had adjourned for this year. Mr. Robertson
was told he could present his complaint next year to the Board of Equalization and Review.
Mr. Peter Braak, Tax Supervisor, presented letter he had received from Mr. R. W. Shoffner
relative to property of North Carol,ina State University at Wrightsville Beach in which he
requested that the property be exempt from taxes. Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall,
that Mr. Shoffner be advised that at the present time the Board does noL feel tax exemption
is justifiable and there will be no change in the tax structure. Motion carried.
Mr. Fox advised the Board that the City and County Attorneys couid not do anything about
the dog pound until the County Commissioners and City Council work out a program. Mr. Uaughan
requested Mr. Fox to furnish a letter outlining what steps should be taken. Mr. Fox will
write the Commissioners a letter to this effect.
Mr. John Wood, Electrical Inspector, appeared before the Board and advised the Commis-
s3oners that the present permit fees are not proper to be used for Hercules Plant. M.r. Hall
moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that Mr. Wood negotiate with Hercules and advise what he is
able to work out. Motion carried.
Mr. Vaughan advised the Board that he was desirous of being furnished with the minutes
of the Board Meetings of the New Hanover Memoriai Hospital and a financial report each month.
He said he would like for the hospitai to know that this Board is aware of the poor billing
system of the hospital; that several months elapse before people receive their bills. He
suggested that the County Auditor be sent out there to find out the trouble and to help them
set up a good bookkeeping system. Dr. Hooper reminded Mr. Uaughan that Mr. Shepard had his
hands full with the County's operation.
By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman rarite the Board of Trustees of the
hospital that the County Commissioners are very interested and concerned that bookkeeping
processes be efficient to meet the needs of the community and the importance of keeping a
proper financial reserve. ,
Commissioner Vaughan, expressing dismay at the actions of what he called "blackmailing
carpetbaggers" from the Health, Education and Welfare Department in presenting demands to
the School Board last week offered the following resolution for adoption:
"The CommisSion is distressed that a team of inspectors of the Health,
Education and Welfare Department presented what the Commission considers arbitrary
and capricious demands for school children assignments to the New Hanover Board
of Education last week.
"The Commission believes the.Board of Education has made honest and con-
tinuing efforts to accomplish and has accomplished the intent of the law._ The
Commission questions the 2egality of the demands presented to the Board by the
~ inspection team.
"The Commis'sion believes that to rush precipitately into an attempt to
accomplish the commands of the inspection team could lead to severe damage to the
racial progress already achie'ved in the New Hanover Schools and in the community.
"It is the desire of the Commission that each and every child in New Hanover
County, regardless of race, creed or color have an opportunity for an excellent
"Accordingly, the Commission urges the Board of Education to firmly resist
these orders and assures the Board of financial and other backing as may be
needed to seek relief in Lhe courts of our land."
The resolution was adopted unanimously.
Minutes of the Meeting - May 20, 1968 (Continued)
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Mr. Peter Braak attend the National Rivers
8 Harbors Congress Convention in l~~ashington, D. C., June 4-7, 1968 at the expense of the
County. Motion carried.
Alexander Potter Associates on May 14, 1968 requested that the City and County designate
a representative whom they could contact in matters relating to accumulation of basic data
and in regard to fieid examinations. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Cranford,
Sanitation Director, be designated until such time as a Director of PuAlic Health is appointed
County Auditor Perry Shepard requested the following appropriations from the General
Emergency Fund:
1. Tax Listing Telephone $ 20.00
2. Court Reporter Telephone 20.00
3• Jail Elevator Contract 76.29
4. CSC - Insane 8 Inebriate 33I},71
$. County Prison Farm Gas 90.00
6. SC - Conveying Prisoners 25.00
7. Sheriff - Bonds (Hobbs) 1~.00
8. Jail - Bedding d Linen 319.00
9. SC - Jury Fees 1•,000.00
~ 10. SC - Witness Fees 100.00
11. Co. Drainage - Reps. & Mant. 75.00
County Auditor Perry Shepard requested the following intra-fund transfers:
From Unanticipated Revenue to Cape Fear Tech. Building $13,744•58
From Airport Bldg. Reps. to Airport Janitor Sups. 50.00
Intra-fund Transfers in the Register of Deeds Office:
From Revenue Stamps $1,_~00.00
Hall 8 McChesney, Inc. $ 800.00
Capital Outlay 200.00
Books 8 Binders 300.00
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by P7r. Metts, that these appropriations and intra-fund transfers
be approved. Motion carried.
Mr. Bowden expressed the desire that the Commissioners be advised by Mr. Shepard at each
meeting the balance of the General Emergency Fund.
Mr. Metts reported on the first meeting of the Advisory Committee of Nevr Hanover County
~ who were appointed to the Southeastern Economic Development Commission. The Advisory Committee
met on Wednesday, May 15, 1968 and elected N,r. George Chadwick as Chairman and Mr. John King
as Vice-Chairman. The Committee elected Mr. T. C. Jervay to serve as the fourth Commissioner
from New Hanover County to this Commission. By common consent Mr. Jervay~s appointment was
approved by the Commissioners.
Nr. George Talley~s naroe was presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their
approval to serve on the Advisory Committee. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the
appointment be approved. Motion carried.
Nir. Hall discussed the need for a relief ferry to be used between Fort Fisher and Southport.
He said the present ferry has been out quite a number of days for repair and this was a drawback
to attracting tourists to our area. Dr. Hooper felt a statistical study rrovld not ,justify the
need for another ferry at this time. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Hall
write a letter to the State outlining statistics and information and ask that the State do
what it can to relieve the present situation. Motion carried.
The request of Mr. Glenn Tucker, President, North Carolina Coastal Historyland Association,
for New Hanover County to invest $100 and become a member of this Association was brought to
the attention of the Board. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Tucker~s letter be re-
ferred to the Chamber of Commerce.
The County Auditor presented bills which he had received from Mr. Ballard which consisted
of a Final Water Bill for James Walker Hospital in the amount of $767.00 and two light bills
for James Walker Hospital, one for $536.00 and one for $52.50. By common consent it r.~as agreed
that Mr. Shepard check these bills to determine just ~ahat they covered and for what perio@.
Mr. Bowden informed the Board that he has information on the hospitali2ation insurance
for employees which he will take up at the next Personnel Meeting. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded
by Mr. Hail, that $6,000 be put in the 1963-69 Budget for this. Motion carried.
Minutes of the Meeting - May 20, 1968 (Continued)
, ~
~. ~ ~
Mr. Metts said he would like to have money set aside in the next budget for another
dragline. Dr. Hooper advised that he had talked with Mr. Cranford and Mr. Cranford had advised
that he could not use another one due to st;ortage of help. `
There being no further business, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting
be adjourned. Motion carried.
J. E. Marshall, County Manager
By: Hazel J. Savage
May 13, 1968 4:00 P.M.
A special meeting of Lhe New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date at
4:00 P.M. in the Commi"ssioners' Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph
W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr „ M. H. Vaughan, John Van B.
Metts; and County Auditor Perry Shepard.
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the three day notice for special meetings be
waived and that the Board convene in special session. Motion carried.
This meeting was held to discuss the Personnel Plan.
Mr. Vaughan requested $25,00 for the purpose of paying his secretary who had worked two
days on preparation of the Personnel Plan. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that County
Auditor Perry Shepard be instructed to pay this amount to Mr. Vaughan. Motion carried. Mr.
Bowden abstained from voting.
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Auditor be instructed that the
salary figures furnished the Commissioners shall represent a three {3%) percent modification
of the base scale for purposes of preparation of the 1968-69 budget and that Pages 23 and 24
be revised, pages 25 and 26 be replaced, and Page 27 be deleted in the Personnel Manual. Motion
The Personnel Manual was reviewed page by page and changes made on some pages. These
pages will be retyped and copies distributed to persons now having a Personnel Manual.
J. E. Marshall
County Manager
By: Hazel J. Savage
Minutes of the Meeting - June 3, 1968, 8:30 A,M.
The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held
with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, M. H. Vaughan, John Van
B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Commissioner
J. M. Hall, Jr. was in Washington attending the National Rivers 8 Harbors Convention. Mr.
.1. E. Marshall, County Manager, was not presenL because of illness.
In the absence of the Chairman the meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Laurence
O, Bowden after which Rev. A. F. Hooper, Christ Cathedral A.M.E. 2ion Church, was asked to
give the invocation.
All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted at this
County Auditor Perry 5hepard requested the foliowfng appropriations from the General
Emergency Fund:
Superior Court - Court Reporter Telephone $ 31~,66
Jury Fees 1,676.50
Witness Fees 124.00
Special Court Reporter . 21}7.22
County Aid - Reroofing Nurses~ Home 127.50
Commissioners - Stationery and Supplies 20.88
Coroner - Autopsy 342.00
CSC - Telephone 120.00
Elec. Inspector - Avto Allow. 100.00
Jail Inmates - Hosp. Bills 126.00
Museum - S. d S. 4.50
Recorder~s Court - Telephone 30.00
Tax Listing - Telephone 130.00
Election Board, 2nd Primary 3,123.33
~ $6,206.59