1968-06-03 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meeting - May 20, 1968 (Continued) , ~ ~. ~ ~ DRAGLINE - Mr. Metts said he would like to have money set aside in the next budget for another dragline. Dr. Hooper advised that he had talked with Mr. Cranford and Mr. Cranford had advised that he could not use another one due to st;ortage of help. ` ADJOURNP'~NT - There being no further business, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. J. E. Marshall, County Manager By: Hazel J. Savage MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING May 13, 1968 4:00 P.M. A special meeting of Lhe New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date at 4:00 P.M. in the Commi"ssioners' Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr „ M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the three day notice for special meetings be waived and that the Board convene in special session. Motion carried. This meeting was held to discuss the Personnel Plan. Mr. Vaughan requested $25,00 for the purpose of paying his secretary who had worked two days on preparation of the Personnel Plan. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that County Auditor Perry Shepard be instructed to pay this amount to Mr. Vaughan. Motion carried. Mr. Bowden abstained from voting. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Auditor be instructed that the salary figures furnished the Commissioners shall represent a three {3%) percent modification of the base scale for purposes of preparation of the 1968-69 budget and that Pages 23 and 24 be revised, pages 25 and 26 be replaced, and Page 27 be deleted in the Personnel Manual. Motion carried. The Personnel Manual was reviewed page by page and changes made on some pages. These pages will be retyped and copies distributed to persons now having a Personnel Manual. J. E. Marshall County Manager By: Hazel J. Savage , Minutes of the Meeting - June 3, 1968, 8:30 A,M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. was in Washington attending the National Rivers 8 Harbors Convention. Mr. .1. E. Marshall, County Manager, was not presenL because of illness. INVOCATION - In the absence of the Chairman the meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Laurence O, Bowden after which Rev. A. F. Hooper, Christ Cathedral A.M.E. 2ion Church, was asked to give the invocation. REPORTS - All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. AUDITOR~S REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - County Auditor Perry 5hepard requested the foliowfng appropriations from the General Emergency Fund: To Superior Court - Court Reporter Telephone $ 31~,66 Jury Fees 1,676.50 Witness Fees 124.00 Special Court Reporter . 21}7.22 County Aid - Reroofing Nurses~ Home 127.50 Commissioners - Stationery and Supplies 20.88 Coroner - Autopsy 342.00 CSC - Telephone 120.00 Elec. Inspector - Avto Allow. 100.00 Jail Inmates - Hosp. Bills 126.00 Museum - S. d S. 4.50 Recorder~s Court - Telephone 30.00 Tax Listing - Telephone 130.00 Election Board, 2nd Primary 3,123.33 ~ $6,206.59 ~ ~ ~.9 ~ Minutes of the Meeting - June 3, 1968 (Continued) AUDITOR~S REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS (CONTINUED) - County Auditor Perry Shepard requested the following intra-fund transfers: From Recorder~s Court Travel to Recorder~s Covrt 5. 8 S. $300.00 From Auditor Bonds to Auditor S, d 5. 150.00 Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that these appropriations and intra-fund transfers be approved. Motion carried. EMPLOYEES PAID BELOW BASE IN AUDITOR'S OFFICE - Mr. Shepard advised the Board that he was losing an employee this weelt. He expressed the fear that he might lose another employee and requested permission to raise her to the base pay retroactively since she had been promised this would be done when she had completed her probationary period which was completed around the first of October. The amount involved is $104.00. Mr. Bowden expressed the opinion that he thought the empioyee who is leaving should have the same consideratfon. Mr. Shepard advised the amount involved for this employee would be around $50.00. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that both these employees be paid retroactively to bring them up to the base pay. Motion carried. SCHOOL ADVANCE County Anditor Shepard advised that Dr. Wagoner had informed him of the need of $7,605 to pay the architect who designed Pine Valley School. Mr. Shepard said this could come from General Funds as they advance, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this be done, sub,ject to approval of the County Attorney. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The foilowing A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Commissioners: Swann~s Place, 320 Dawson Street and Woriey~s Store, Rt. 1, Box 293A, Castle Hayne. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that these requests be referred to Lhe Sheriff~s office for his investigation. Motion carried. FORMAL APPROVAL OF FUNDS, CAPE FEAR RIUER PROJECT - At the March 18, 1968 meeting approval was given to paying $2,900 toward development of the Cape Fear River Above Wilmington, but the source of funds was not decided at that time. The Commissioners were polled by telephone on May 23, 1968 and a ma,jority was obtained authori2ing the $2,900 come from Unanticipated Revenue. Mr. Uaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that formal approval be given at this meeting. Motion carried. Mr. Metts asked that efforts be made in the future to get in touch with all of the Commis- sioners when something like this arises. FORMAL APPROVAL OF FUNDS, PAVING AROUND SCHOOLS - At a,joint meeting of the City Council and County Commissioners on April 22, 1968 approval was given to paying $7,000 for paving around the schools, but the source of revenue was not decided at that time. The Commissioners were polled by telephone on May 23, 1968 and a majority was obtained authorizing the $7,000 be paid from Unanticipated Revenue. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that formal approval be given at this meeting. Motion carried. At this ~juncture Chairman Dr. Hooper ,joined the meeting. FORMAL APPROVAL OF FUNDS, DEMOLITION BUILDING, JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - Mr. Vaughan discussed the demolition and asked whether it was wise to have let the con- tract at this time. Mr. Bowden said it would cost more if it was done later. Dr. Hooper expressed the views that it should be done now because of the following reasons: (1) A new roof to preserve building to be used had been put on. To replace this building we have been told would cost approximately one million doilars, (2) Already have detailed architect drawings for renovation, and (3) two groups of buildings not serv;cable have been torn down to upgrade property. The demolition contract was let at the May 20, 1968 meeting, but the source of revenue was not determined. The Commissioners were polled on May 28, 1968 to determine source of funds for this and a ma;jority was obtained authorizing the $6,800 come from Certificate of Deposit Interest Income General Fund, Unanticipated Revenue. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that formal approval be given. Motion carried. Discussion was again held on the fact that all of the Commissioners had not been con- tacted with regards to the approval of the above three transactions. Mr. Bowden called attention to the fact that he knew nothing of the Seashore Park Meeting until he read about it in the paper. Mr, Vaughan said Mr. Hall had previously offered to go on such trips with the Seashore Park Committee,.and he saw no reason to bring it to the Commissioners~ attention. Mr. Bowden expressed the view that this was a five man Board and all Commissioners should be kept abreast of all business of the County. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes of May 20, 1968 on Page 5 under the heading "Dr. Hooper~s Report on Local Government Study Commission Hear3ng In Raleigh Friday, May 17, 1968", the last sentence of his statement should read: "We feel a partial answer is the 1% local option sales tax". On Page 5 under the heading "Sewage, Wrightsville Beach", the fourth sentence should read: ^Dr.'Hobper asked how 3ong and hok~ muCh would it._cost to run more water samplesl" Following these corrections, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried. B1DS, FUEL AND LUBRICATION OILS, AIRPORT - PurSuant to an advertisement placed in the local newspaper and also notices being mailed to the several different oil distributors in our area, bids were received and opened for the supplying of gasoline and oii to the County for the next fiscal year. Five bids were re- ceived and opened. They are as follows: (Prices for gasoline and #2 fuel oil are quoted per 100 gallons and for Motor Oil per gallon) ~\ ] ~3, Minutes of the Meeting - June 3, 1968 (Continued) BIDS, FUEL AND LUBRICATION OILS, AIRPORT (CONTINUED) CITGO GULF HUMBLE PURE OIL Gasoline $i~..43 $15.34 ~i6.oo $i8.3o #2 Fuel 031 12.20 Motor oil .57~ i4.4o i4.oo i~.3o .81 .70 .69 SINCLAIR ~i5.4o i3.3o .75 Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the lowest bid be accepted, sub,~ect to approval of County Attorney Fox. Motion carried. BOOHNIOB I LE - Dr. Hooper advised the Board that delivery of the Bookmobile would be in the middle of August. The reason for the delay is that General Motors was late in delivering the chassis. Gerstenslager has 90 days from the delivery of chassis to furnish bookmobile. COST OF RE-RUN ELECTION - "~'" Mr. Otto Pridgen appeared before the Board with the ffgure for the cost of the re-run election which was $3,123.33 which is required to pay the ,precinct workers. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this be paid for from the General Emergency Fund. (This is included in County Auditor Shepard~s requests above). It was pointed out that the voting machines were leased for one year, therefore they would be used in the November election. Mr. Pridgen advised the Board this was final bill for election. ADDITIONAL JURY FEES - County Auditor Shepard presented another bill for ,jury fees in the amount of $!}lF8.00. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this be paid from the Genera! Emergency Fund. Motion carried. (This was included in Mr. Shepard~s requests above) REVENUE BONDS - Discussion was held on renovation of nurses' quarters at the James Walker Hospital: Renovation of the nurses~ quarters cannot be considered as work done on courthouse annex. The oniy way the building can be renovated is through general funds or bonds. Mr. Fox advised the Commissioners bonds in the amount of two-thirds of what was retired last year could be issued. Mr. Fox said renovation of building is classified as a necessary expense,- therefore there is authority for revenue bonds. Mr. Vaughan questioned whether renovation is necessary or unnecessary. Dr. Hooper said he felt there are two needs in the County: (1) Welfare space and (2) upgrading of the Airport. Mr. Fox advised the Board maintenance of airport is not considered as a necessary expense, and any funds we get for use on the airport will require a vote of the people. Dr. Hooper expressed the view that this County needs to have a modern airport. Mr. Vaughan asked, "Can we set up a contingency fund for the airport from income of airport operations7" Mr. Fox advised this could be done. Dr. Hooper asked Mr. Fox to investigate and advise at next meeting how the Board can upgrade the airport and get renovation of nursest quarters in the 1968-69 budget. LANDFILLS By common consent it was agreed to include landfills in the 1q68-69 budget discussions. Detail work for the landfills, to be located in the areas of Castie Hayne, Wrightsville Beach and near Snow~s Cut, was done by Mr. J. E. Marshall, County Manager. Dr. Hooper advised the Board that it would require approximately $15,000 in capital outlay with $7,300 for the first year~s maintenance. Question was raised by Mr. Metts as to whether or not the landfills would raise any revenue for the County. Dr. Hooper said probably so from charges levied on private haulers. MERIT SYSTEM PERSONNEL - Dr. Hooper said he had received information having to do with the merit s.ystem personnel and requested that the Board be thinking about this in order to discuss it at budget time. BUDGET - County,Auditor Shepard advised the Board that he would like to present the budget on Monday, June 10, 1968. By common consent it was agreed that the budget be presented after the meeting with Lhe Forsyth County Attorney and the meeting with the State Forester. Mr. Bowden suggested that representatives from the Volunteer Fire Departments be invited to attend the meeting with the State Forester. Mrs. Savage was requested to extend invitation to them to attend this meeting. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMISSION - Letter was received from the Wilmington-New Hanover County Insurance Committee advising of the expiration of the term of Mr. Franklin Elmore on the Committee as of June B, 1968. Discussion was held as to whether or not the by-laws would permit reappointment of Mr. Elmore. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Elmore be reappointed for a term of three years if it is not in conflict with the by-laws. Motion carried. CIVIL DEFENSE Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Director of Civil Defense, appeared before the Board requesting transfers within the Civii Defense budget amounting to $2,H00.00 uncommitted funds to Radio Communications $1,500.00 and Personnel-Administration $1,300.00. He advised the Board this does not change $500.00 already inciuded in the budget for Radio Communications. Gen. Harriss said he expected to purchase s'ix radio sets and place them at New Hanover Memorial Hospital, the Sheriff's office, Weather Bureau and the remaining three at the beaches. This will make a total of eight radio stations, there already being one at Geddes and one at Civil Defense Headquarters. Mr. Fox advised that it would be necessary to obtain informal bids before making the purchase. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that these transfers be permitted, sub,Ject to Mr. Fox~s approval of the informal bids. Motion carried. ~ Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that all departments be advised not to acce2erate their expenses to use unexpended balances in their budgets. Motion carried. I 1~~~ Minutes of the Meeting - June 3, 1968 (Continued) CIVIL DEFENSE RESOLUTIONS - Prior to the meeting Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Director of Civil Defense, had presented three resolutions to the Commissioners with request that the County Attorney study and make recommendations. Mr. Fox recommended one change; under the heading "The Civil Defense Agency", first paragraph, first sentence should read: "1. The Director of Civil Defense, New Hanover County-Wilmington, North Carolina, is directly answerable only to the Board of County Commissioners, New Hanover County .. " Gen. Harriss said he would accept the change. Dr. Hooper advised Lhat a meeting had already been held with the City officials and officials of the beaches and by common consent it was agreed that the County be the coordinating body to take leadership. After the City Council of Wilmington, Town Councils of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach have concurred the resolutions will be recorded in the minutes. SUBDIVISION PLATS - Mrs. Lois LeRay, Register of Deeds, appeared before the Board at their request to discuss recording of subd;vision plats. She presented a staLement showing plats recorded from November 3, 1965 through May 17, 1968. This statement showed name, signature, date, book, and page of every plat filed during this period. After an examination of the statement it was determined that all the plats recorded were in order. Mr. Fox pointed out that tfie':Joint Planning Board are the only_.ones~that can advise:Mc's.: LeRay that p°lais~~re in_~order~-.~or;recording:c Mrs..LeR2y ~dL`ised~ the Board; that everyth3ng~-was.__3a order 3nsofar_ as,'she coudd. determine. and 'as shown on the~'statemenL. Mrs. LeRay was thanked for appearing before the Board. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that a copy of Mrs. LeRay's statement be for- warded to the Joint Planning Board with request that we be advised .if, in their opinion, there was any improper recording by the County during the period covered. Motion carried. DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY, BERM AND DUNE - Dr. Hooper advised the Board that Mr. C. M. Shigley of Dow Chemical Company would be in Wilmington this week and would contact Col. Snow who would explain the berm and dune pro,ject to him. MOBILE HOME SPACE - Mr. Vaughan asked County Attorney Fox had he made any progress to increase space for trailers. Mr. Fox advised it was up to the County Commissioners to advise steps they desire taken with regard to this. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for discussion, that steps be taken to have the 3,000 square feet requirement changed to (},500 square feet. After a very lengthy discussion in which it was pointed out that the 3,000 square feet had been put in the ordinance to avoid court action and the Commissioners felt it was better to have this ordinance than none at all, Mr. Vaughan's mo,tion died by a two to one vote, with the Chairman abstaining. Commissioner Metts expressed the opinion that he felt the Commissioners should live up to their agreement they made to have the 4,500 square feet reduced to 3,000 square feet. Mr. Vaughan was of the opinion that the County's s~bdivisiott ordinance could be applied to the mobile homes and asked Covnty Attorney Fox to investigate and advise at next meeting. MOBILE HOME PARKS Mr. Parker of the Planning Board was asked to come over for a discussion of mobile home parks. He adv;sed the Board there were over 75 trailer parks in the County now. He said he did not know the answer to the problem and thought a study was in order at this time. It was pointed out the County cannot do anything more to regulate trailer parks unless they can get a bill through the legislature giving the County authority to do so. Mr. Parker said the Planning Department cannot do anything more than they are doing until they have more to go on. Mr. Parker was thanked for coming. HOSPITAL - A letter had been received from Mr. Alan Marshall, Attorney for the New Hanover Memorial Hospital, requesting a meeting with the Board of Trustees of the Hospital and the County Commissioners concerning revision of the lease agreement. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. MetLs, that the chairman ask that proposed copy of lease be presented to the Commissioners and also request what would happen to accumulated funds should hospital not be operated by trustees. Motion carried. SALE OF PROPERTY FOR TAXES BEING PAID FOR ON TIME - Dr. Hooper advised that he had been told about a sale of a piece of property in 1964 for taxes which was being paid for on time. By common consent it was agreed this property be paid for in full by the purchaser and money turned over to Mr. Shepard. Mr. Bowden suggested Mr. Braak be advised Lhere is no need to bring anyone else in to discuss tax problems since the Board of Equalization and Review had been ad,journed for this year. By common consent Dr. Hooper will advise Mr. Braak. RENT, COURTROOM IN CUSTOM HOUSE - Mr. James McKeithan, Clerk Superior Court, presented bill in the amount of $100 for rent of courtroom in the Custom House. This was necessary because two sessions of court were held during same week. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this be paid ovt of the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. OVERTIME PAY, EMPLOYEES RECORDER'S COURT Mr. McKeithan presenied letter from Col. W. D. Gnau, Clerk Recorder's Court, requesting overtime pay for the employees in his office. The request was for overtime of 3 hovrs per' week for twenty-four weeks for each employee which was brought about by heavy work load of the Court which began the first of November, 196~. The amount of funds involved is $638.64. The Chairman advised Mr. McKeithan this would be taken under consideration and decision rendered at next meeting of the Commissioners. DRAGLINE - Mr. Metts asked that Mr. Cranford advise if he can operate two draglines and what the cost of the purchase of another one would be in order to be able to discuss it at budget time. By common consent the chairman wili write Mr. Cranford. ~ . , ~ ]. 9 5 Minutes of the P7eeting - June 3, 1968 (Continued) SALARY OF HAZEL J. SAVAGE - Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts and Mr. Vaughan, that the salary of Hazel J. Savage be set at $4,029 which comes under Classification 9, 3 steps above, effective N~y 1, 1q68, while serving as Acting Clerk to Board of County Commissioners. Motion carried: REPORT ON LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS - Mr. Metts reported on meeting of t~he Lower Cape Fear Council of Governments which met at City Hall on May 16, 1968. Mr. Metts said Mr. Fout, Chairman of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission, was present and explained the organization and purpose of the Commission. Mr. Metts advised that Mr. Charles Boney of Leslie Boney Architects, placed a request for review and approval of an application for government loan in amount of $248,000 under Housing Act of 1950, As Amended. This was for construction of 22 intern's quarters for New Hanover Nemorial Hospital. This was received by the Lower Cape Fear Council with favorahle comment and a letter so stating was authoriZed. • HUGH MACRAE PARH HORSE RINK - Nr. Bowden discussed the horse rink at Hugh MacRae Park. He advised the Board that the Cape Fear Saddle Club had been the only ones to spend money or time on the rink and they are reluctant in letting other clubs use it. The Twin Saddle Club has requested permission to use the rink for a show during the month of June. After discusSing this at length, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board of Commissioners disallow use of the horse rink by any group in order to establish a policy on future use of all park facilities. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion to a21ow saddle clubs to use the rink until the Park Commission comes up with regulations suitable to this Commission. Motion died for lack of a second. Vote was called on Mr. Bowden~s motion and it carried. Mr. Metts then moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Park Commission be requested to come up with some regulations for the use of the horse rink at Hugh MacRae Park by any group for adoption at the Commissioners' meeting on June 17, 1968 and that the Commissioners be advised as to the Park CommissionTs preferences of ailocation of its use. COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY - ' Material recently received relative to the Commissioners designating a Community Action Agency to conduct a community action program in New Hanover County was discussed. No action was Laken on this. MINUTES, BOND ELBCTION RETURNS - The Clerk presented the returns showing the result of the voting on the proposition to approve the Bond Order authorizing $3,750,000 School Bonds, the Bond Order authorizing $2,000,000 Technical Institute Bonds, the Bond Order authoriZing $364,000 Airport Bonds, the Bond Order Authorizing $225,000 Public Hospital Bonds, all adopted on March 1~, 1968, and the Supplementai Tax Rate incr~ease for the School District, at the Special Election held in the County of New Hanover on May !}, 1968, made by the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold the election. The returns were read and considered. Dr. Joseph Hooper moved the adoption of the following resoi°ution: WHEREAS, the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold the Special Election held in the County of New Hanover on May 1}, 1968, have held said election and have made returns showing the result of the voting on the propositim to approve the bond order authorizing $3,750,000 School Bonds, the Bond Order authori2ing $2,000,000 Technical Institute Bonds, the Bond Order authorizing $364,000 Airport Bonds, the Bond Order authorizing $225,000 Public Hospitai Bonds, all adopted on March 4, 1968, and the Supplemental Tax Rate increase for the School District, and the Board of Commissioners has considered said returns and has duly canvassed the returns and ascertained the result of said election, and WHEREAS, it appears from said opened on May 1}, 1968, in each pre at the hour of 6:30 o~clock, A.M., o'clock, P.M., and that the voters ballots in the form prescribed for Hoard of Commissioners on N,arch 4, returns that the polls for said election were ~inct, at the poliing place prescribed therefor and were continuously kept open until 6:30 voting at said election were required to use said election by the resolution adopted by the 1968, and WHEREAS, said returns show that said election was held.in every voting precinct in said County, and that the total number of voters who were registered and qualified to vote at said election in said voting precincts and the totai number of votes cast for the propositions submitted at said election in said precincts, and the total number of votes cast against such propositions in such precincts were as hereinafter stated: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: 1. It is hereby determined and declared that the number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said election was 25,086. 2. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR"the bond order avthorizing $3,750,000 bonds to finance the cost of erecting in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit several new buildings to be used as school houses, school garages, physical education and vocational edvcation buildings, lunchrooms and other school plant facilities, and of reconstructing and enlarging by erection of additions, several existing buililings located in such unit and used for such purposes, and of acquiring land, furnishings and equipment necessary for such new or reconstructed or enlarged buildings in order to enable the County of New Hanover, as an administrative agency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina to maintain public schoois in said school administrative unit for the nine months~ school term prescribed by law, and a tax:therefor", was 8,833. The number of voters who voted "AGAINST" said bond T order and tax was 7,853, and a ma,jority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted to approve said bond order and said proposed indebtedness. ~96 Minutes of the Meeting - June 3, 1968 (Continued) MINUTES, BOND ELECTION RETURNS (CONTINUED) 3. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR' the bond order authorizing $2,000,000 bonds to finance the cost of enlarging and equipping buildings used • as a Technical Institute operated under the provisions of Chapter 115-A of the General Statutes of North Carolina offering vocational~trade and technical specialty covrses and programs to the inhabitants of New Hanover County, and a tax therefor", was 6,~79. The number of voters who voted "AGAINST" said bond order and tax was 9,044, and a ma~ority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted against said bond order and said proposed indebtedness. ~. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR' the bond order authori2ing $364,000 bonds to finance the cost of improving the New Hanover County Airport, maintained and operated by the County for use of airplanes or other aircraft, in- cluding terminal building expansion and the improvement of runways, taxi~ays and aprons, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands, and a tax therefor", was ~,149. The number of voters who voted "AGAINST" said bond order and tax was 8,55i, and a ma~ority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted against said bond order and said proposed indebtedness. 5. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR the bond order authorizing $225,000 bonds to finance the cost of remodeling and reconstructing the Community Hospital Building of the County, including the equipment of said hospital facility for use as a nursing or convalescent facility, and a tax therefor", was 6,882, The number of voters who voted "AGAINST" said bond order and tax was 9,0~0, and a majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted against said bond order and said proposed indebtedness. 6. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR the current Suppiementa2 Tax Rate for the New Hanover County School District being increased from twenty cents per hundred dollars of valuation to a maximum of thirty-five cents per hundred dollars of valuation", was 6,925• The number of voters who voted "AGAINST" said Supplemental Tax Rate increase was 9,329, and a ma3ority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted against said Supplemental Tax Rate increase. i 7. A statement showing the number of votes cast for and against said propositions, the number of voters qualified to vote at said election and declaring the result of said election, shall be prepared and signed by at least a majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners and delivered to the Clerk so that such statement may be filed and recorded in accordance with law. Mr. John Van B. Metts seconded the motion and the motion was unanimovsly adopted. The members of the Board voting for the adoption of the last mentioned resolution there- upon signed a statement of the result of the election and delivered the statement so signed to the Clerk. For the purpose of recording the statement so signed it is inserted in the Minutes: STATEMENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ON MAY LG. 1968 WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, in the state of North Carolina, the following questions were submitted to the qualified voters of said County at a special election held in said County on May 1}, 1968: (1) "FOR/AGAINST bond order authorizing $j,750,000 bonds to finance the cost of erecting in the New Hanover County School Administrative Unit several new buildings to be used as school houses, schooi garages, physical education and vocational education buildings, lunchrooms and other school plant facilities, and of reconstructing and enlarging by erection of additions, several existing buildings located in such unit and used for such purposes, and of acquiring land, furnishings and equipment necessary for such new or recon- structed or enlarged buildings in order to enable the County of New Hanover, as an administrative agency of the public school system of the State of North Carolina to maintain public schools in said school administrative unit for the nine months' school term prescribed by law, and a tax therefor". (2) "FOR/AGAINST bond order authorizing $2,000,000 bonds to finance the cost of enlarging and eqvipping buiidings used as a Technical In- stitute operated under the provisions of Chapter 115-A of the General Statutes of North Carolina offering vocational trade and technical specialty courses and programs to the inhabitants of New Hanover County, and a tax therefor". (3) "FOR/AGAINST bond order authorizing $364,000 bonds to finance the cosL of improving the Hanover Covnty Airport, maintained and operated by the Covnty for use of airpianes or other aircraft, inclriding terminal building expansion and the improvement of runways, taxiways and aprons, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands, and a tax therefor". (!}) "FOR/AGAINST bond order authorizing $225,000 bonds to finance the cost of remodeling and reconstructing the Community Hospital Building of the Connty, including the equipment of said Hospital facility for use as a nursing or copvalescent facility, and a tax therefor". (5) "FOR/AGAIAIST the current Supplemental Tax Rate for the New Hanover County School District being increased from t~eenty cents per riundred dollars of valuation to a maximum of thirty-five cents per hundred dollars of valuation", A f ]. 9'~ Minutes of the Meeting - June 3, 1968 (Continued) MINUTES, BOND ELECTION RETURNS (CONTINUED) - and said Board of Commissioners has duly canvassed the returns of the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold said election and has determined the result of said election to be as hereinafter stated, NOW, THEREFORE, Said Board of Commissioners hereby makes the following statement of the result of said election, pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina. (1) The number of voters registered and qvalified to vote at said election was 25,086. (2) The number of votes cast at said election for the $3,750,000 School Bonds and for the indebtedness curred by the issuance of the bonds authorized by 8,833. The number of votes cast at said election order and against said indebtedness was 7,853. A qualified voters of said County who voted at said approve said bond.order and said indebtedness. bond order authori2ing proposed to be in- saia bond order was against said bond majority of the election voted to (3) The number of votes cast at said election for the bond order authorizing $2,000,000 Technical Institute Bonds and for the indebtedness proposed to be incurred by the issuance of the honds authorized by said bond order was 6,779. The number of votes cast at said election against said bond order and against said indebtedness was 9,01E1~. A ma~jority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted against said bond order and said indebtedness. {4) The number of votes cast at said election for the $36!},000 Airport Bonds and for the indebtedness p curred by the issuance of the bonds authorized by 7,149• The number of votes cast at said election order and against said indebtedness was 8,55i. A qualified voters of said County who voted at said said bond order and said indebtedness. bond order authorizing roposed to be in- said bond order was against said bond ma~jority of the election voted against (5) The number of votes cast at said election for the bond order authori2ing $225,000 Public Hospital Bonds and for the indebtedness proposed to be incurred by the issvance of the borids authorized by said bond order was 6,882, The number of votes cast at said election against said bond order and aga;nst said indebtedness was 9,040. A ma~jority of the qualified voters of said Covnty who voted at said election voted against said bond order and said indebtedness. (6) The number of votes cast at Tax Rate increase for the S votes cast at said election for the School District was of said County who voted at mental Tax Rate increase. said election for the current 5upplemental ~hool District was 6,925• The number of against.said Supplemental Tax Rate increase 9,329. A ma,jority of the qualified voters said election voted against said Supple- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, have hereunto set our hands this thfrd day of June, 1968. (Signed) Jos. W. Hooper L. 0. Bowden J. Van B. Metts, Jr. M. H. Vaughan TYPIST, AUDITOR~S OFFICE County Auditor Shepard asked permission to hire a temporary typist immediately in his office to type the budget. This request was made due to the fact one of his employees is leaving at the end of this week. Mr, Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the request be granted. Motion carried. SCHEDULING OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS - Mr. Vaughan asked that the budget discussion meetings be scheduled two weeks in advance. He said he would work something out and get it to the other Commissioners for approvai. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, Mr. Uaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. .1. E. Marshall, County Manager By: Hazei J. Savage ~