1968-07-01 Regular Meeting~ 2 ~.0 SPECTAL MEETTNG June 28, 1968 2:00 P.M. ASSENBLY The Board of County Commissioners reconvened the recessed meeting of June 27, 1968 on the above date and time. The following we re present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, and Jo hn Van B. Me tts, Jr. The purpose of the meeting was t o open bids for the court house renovation. Nr. John Oxenfeld, Architect, was present and the followin g bids were o pened: General Contractors B id Bond Base Bid Alternate #G-1 Niller Building Corp. $ 5% $76,000.00 -$1,000.00 Reagan Const. Co. 5% 87,770.00 - 2,!}00.00 L. T, Rogers, Inc. C% 69,779.00 - 779.00 W. A. Simon Const. Co. ~% 71,301}.00 - 2,100.00 Smith Const. Co. 5% 71},139.00 = 8,052•00 Electrical Contractors A. B. Blake Elec. Co. 5% 6,377.00 +$4,577.00 Conrad T~Iechanical Cont. 5% 5,330.00 + 2,Ei00.00 Graves Electric Co. 5~ 5,907.00 + 4,075.00 Hodges Electric Co. 5% 6,490.00 + 4,990.00 Miller Building Corp. 5% 6,957•00 + 4,502.00 P. T. Turner Elec. Co. 5% 6,377.00 + 2,71}0.00 Only one bid was received for the Plumbing an d only one b id received for the Heating and Air Conditioning. Mr. Oxenfeld will re-advertise for bids for this work. Awarding of the contracts was not done at thi s meeting. Mr. Oxenfeld will st udy bids and advise later. RECESS - Neeting was recessed until July 1, 1968 at 8 :30 A.~. when regular meeting of the Board will be held. Hazel Savage Minutes of the Meeting - July 1, 1968 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.~, in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Lavrence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, ,Ir., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - In the absence of the Chairman, after calling the meeting to order the Vice-Chairman, Laurence O. Bowden, asked Rev. J. Ray Butler, Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church, to give the in- vocation. Chairman Dr. Joseph ld. Hooper joined the meeting at this time. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, LAST REGULAR MEETING For the minutes of June 1~, 1968 there were no corrections and Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that they be approved as written. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF h9INUTES, SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 14, 1968 - For the minutes of special meeting held on June 14, 1968 there were no corrections and Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that they be approved as written. Motion carried. A,B.C. PERNIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were received: Price~s Hi-Tane & Groc., Rt. 1, Box 43L~A, Wilmington; Seven Seas Restaurant, K Ave. 8 Second St., Kure Beach; Nlullins Live Bait & Tackle, 5~ Miles N. Highway 117A; and Flowers Grocery and Produce, 2806 Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that these requests be forwarded to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. Motion carried. REPORTS All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. ROAD PETITIONS, BROOKFIELD SUBDIVISION, CASTLEWOOD DRIVE, AND HYACINTH DRIVE - Road petitions from property owners in Brookfield Subdivision, Castlewood Drive, and Hyacinth Drive were presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by ~r. Hall, that the standard resolutions be adopted and the road petitions referred to the 5tate High- way Commission for their consideration. Motion carried. COUNTY ATTORNEY - The position of a full time County Attorney was discussed. 1/r. Vaughan voiced his approval if legal services for New Hanover Memorial Hospitai and the School Board can be com- bined and a full time County Attorney will serve all. ~r, Metts suggested that the Board ascertain , ~ 2g1 Minutes of the Meeting - July 1, 1968 (Continued) COUNTY ATTORNEY (CONTINUED) - ~ if it can get definite commitments from these agencies in order to be able to determine what the exact cost of a full time Attorney would be to the County. Dr. Hooper said he would like to budget for a full time County Attorney in the current year for six months in order to have time to decide, and he believes the figures suggested by Nr. Ligon and Nr. Fox of $15,000 for a full time County Attorney and $5,000 for a legal secretary annually wovld be in order. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the chairman write a letter to the School Board and New Hanover Memorial Hospital to ascertain if they would like to be included and then proceed. Also, $10,000 be budgeted in the 1968-69 budget for one-half year. Notion carried. HOWARD LOUGHLIN, MAP, MAPLE WOODS, SECTION 2- Nr. Howard Loughlin appeared with a map of Maple Woods, Section 2. He said he knew a road would have to be changed, but he wanted to get the Commissioners approval. Mr. Vavghan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the map after the correction is made. Notion carried. CAPE FEAR RIVER ABOVE WILMINGTON Chairman Dr. Joseph Hooper reported on the meeting which he and A7r. Metts attended in the District Engineers Office Friday, June 28, 1968. Dr, Hooper had been authorized previously by the Board of Commissioners to attend this meeting and use his best judgment in voting for the County~s commitment to this cause. Dr. Hooper advised the Board that the amount to be appropriated by June 30, i969 Would be $5,0I~.6 and divided three ways, each County would pay approximately $1,700. Bladen County does not have any funds, and it is dovbtful that Columbus County will be able to participate. If Columbus County does come in, each County's share will be $1,200, but not more than $1,700 will have to be included in New Hanover County's 1968-69 budget. Mr. Vaughan said he did not think New Hanover County should participate unless Columbus County does. He pointed out that Allied Chemical Company will benefit greatly from the project and is in Columbus County. Dr. Hooper reminded P7r. Vaughan that an agreement had been made. Also, International Paper Company was contributing $4,000 and Riegel $1,000. Nr. Netts moved; seconded by Nr. Hall, that the Commissioners back up the Chairman in his commitment of the County of $1,700 in support o#' this project. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion that Columbus County and Allied Chemical Company be contacted to ascertain if they have contributed, and if not, our contribution not be made. Motion died for lack of a second. Vote was cailed on original motion and it carried. RENOVATION OF NURSING HOME - RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE - Mr. Fox advised the Commissioners that no action had been tzken in obtaining funds for renovatiori-of th~ nUrsing:home. Mr. Bowden asked if the County could get bonds to cover both the courthouse and nursing home renovation. Nr. Fox said bonds in the amount of $I~00,000 could be obtained. Dr. Hooper expressed the opinion that renovation of the courthouse could be tied in. Mr. Metts suggested getting figures together and getting the County Attorney to check into situation. Dr. Hooper expressed the opinion that he thought this was long range planning and should not be what County needs in the next six to eight months, and he was in- clined to proceed with all three projects and he felt it could be done cheaper now than by piecemeal. Mr. Vaughan said he goes along with getting building next door and moving Welfare Department there. The City has been contacted relative to the use of 4Joodrow Wilson Building by Mr. Metts. The City advised it is presently occupied. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that New Hanover County get on with this and the County Attorney be requested to issue bonds in the amount permitted by the retirement of bonds last year to finance the renovation of the courthouse based on bids received last Friday and authorize Mr. Oxenfeld to go ahead and comply with the safety features outlined in the State Fire Insurance Department~s requests. The renovation of James i~Jalker Nurses~ Home is also to be included. The S&H Green Stamp Building on Third Street is also to be purchased from the proceeds. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". MRS. JACK YARBORO AND DELEGATION PROTESTING $150,000 APPROPRIATION TO SCHOOL BOARD - Mrs. Jack Yarboro and a rather large delegation appeared in protest of the $150,000, which the Commissioners had appropriated last week, to the Schooi Board in an effort to meet the demands of the Department of Health, Education and 6Jelfare. Nrs. Yarboro requested that the Commissioners rescind their action because they felt like this ~aouid help perpetuate Federal Control of Schools. Mrs. Yarboro spoke at length for the group and said they had voted for the bond issue to build more schools, and she did not think it was fair to transfer young children from Tileston School clear across tovm and not even furnish bus service. She said bJashington takes tax money and we have no way of saying what to do with it. Now, the County Commissioners are doing the same thino. Dr. Hooper thanked Mrs. Yarboro and told her it was one of the best presentations ever made before the Board and he personally was in ageement with her. He toid the group the County Commissioners were told Thursday night that HEW was not satisfied and probably the School Board would be carried into Court. He also told Mrs. Yarboro that the Board of CommisSioners did not.approve the appropriation of $150,000 to the School Board unanimously; three voted for and two aoainst. Nr. Vaughan commented the Board was asked to go into closed session U~ith the School Board, and the plight of the younger children at Tileston was not fully brought out. He said no federal court in the land has ever ordered anyone to bus children. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the $150,000 that 4~as appropriated last week be withdravm from the School Board. Dr. Hooper advised the delegation that the funds appropriated tidere specified to be spent at the Hoggard complex. He also pointed out that the Bond Issue provided for $770,000 to be spent at Hoggard. Also, that back in February the Board of Education were advised ~ that HEW was going to make a study of the New Hanover County Schools. ~ ' 2 ~.z ' Ninutes of the Neetino - July 1, 1968 (Continu~d) MRS. JACK YARBORO AND DELEGATION PROTESTING $150,000 APPROPRIATION TO SCHOOL BOARD (CONTINUED) - Mr. Hall told the deleoation that the Hoggard High School was filled to capacity and the appropriation was made in order to enlarae it. He said appropriating this money was bvying some time for the County before any Federal action is put in motion. He said closing Williston High School was necessary to correct a bad situation. He pointed out there were 2800 school children in one block consisting of Williston High School, Williston Junior High and Gregory. Mr. Hall said if the HEI~J guide lines were refused and the Federal money was lost, the County still has to obey the law of the land. He said the Federal Courts are independent of HEW and have demanded total integration regardless of whether or not the County refuses federal aid. Mrs. Yarboro asked whether the law is made by Congress or by the Supreme Court. County Attorney Fox said the Supreme Court made the ruling striking down freedom of choice plans when they do not achieve a single integrated unitary school system. He said the Supreme Court merely interprets laws set forth in the Constitution. Mrs. Yarboro pointed out that in the recent budoetary sessions in the House of Repre- sentatives an appropriation bill was passed with a riderrequirino the appropriation be made only on the basis freedom of choice is used. She said this would be a law by the Congress. Mr. Hall said this had not passed in the Senate yet. Mr. Netts said he understood the Federal Court suit would be coming up within thirty days and if the County did not turn up some plan of integration, the Federal Judge may well draw zoning lines. Mrs. Yarboro asked, if the Court's decision goes against the County, could the County appeal. County Attorney Fox said an appeal could be made, but while appeal is periding the Judge could still demand compliance with the ruling. A7rs. Gerald Bowman expressed the opinion that the money should not have been appropriated since no formal communication had been received that the HE1~J would go along with these plans. She questioned the legality of the Commissioners appropriating money on anticipation. Mr. Bowden said he was one of the three that voted for the appropriation. He said the entire law had to be obeyed, not just the part a person likes. Mr. Bowden said despite any objections to school costs the responsibility of the School Board remains to provide the.best schools possible for the children of New Hanover County. He•said he reaffirms his faith in the School Board because they must pay same taxes as everyone else. Mr. Peyton Pitts called for resistance of the ruling. Mr. Homer Davis said the County should get one step ahead of HEW and provide the best schools in the state. Vote was called on Mr. Vaughan's motion in which he moved that the $150,000 previously appropriated to the Board of Education be withdrawn. Mr. Vaughan and Chairman Dr. Hooper voted for the motion. Commissioners Bowden, Hall, and Metts voted against motion. Motion failed. MENTAL HEALTH REQUEST - Letter was presented to the Board from Nr. Homer N. Davis, Vice-Chairman, Executive Board of Mental Health, requestine that Dr. Rolf Fisscher be empioyed for an additional afternoon each week during the month of July in order to catch up on the baclt log of patients existing at the present time. Nm. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, if this could be done and stay within the budget, the request be granted. Notion carried. MENTAL HEALTH REQUEST - Vice-Chairman Homer N. Davis also requested, in the same letter above referred to, that a replacement for the Nental Health Advisory Board be made due to resignation of Mr. Hardie Ferguson. By common consent this will be on Agenda for next meeting and discussed then. BOARD OF ELECTIONS BILL - County Auditor Perry Shepard presented bill from the Board of Elections. After a discussion, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded.by Mr. Hall, that no more bills be paid Board of Elections until Board of Commissioners confer with them at a budget session coming up very soon. MEDICAL BILLS, JAIL INMATES - Dr. Nooper advised the Board that he had conferred with Judge Winfield Smith relative to collecting charges from prisoners brought into his court for medical attention, and that Judge Smith is goina to advise him later what he can do. AUDITOR~S REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS - County Auditor Shepard requested the following transfers: Sheriff: From - Sch. Crossing Guards Sal. $ 1}0.08 To - Telephone $ 1}0.08 From - Dues & Sub. 20.00 To - Prison Box Attendant 20.00 From - Crossing Guards Sal. 20.18 To - Prison Box Attendant 20.18 From - Pistol Ranoe 72.00 To - Prison Box Attendant 72.00 Elec. Insp.: From - Travel 5•93 To - Telephone 5•93 Rec. Ct.: From - Capital Outlay 40.00 To - S. 8 S. l~0.00 From - R. 8 ME 22.00 To - S. 8 S. 22.00 Men. Health: ~ From - Contingency 2.30 To - Noise Control 2.30 From - Contingency 51.68 ~ To - Electricity 5i.68 ` 2.~ 3 ` Minutes of the~Meetina - July 1, 1968 (Continued) AUDITOR~S REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS (CONTINUED) - Auditor From - R. & ME $ 11.12 To - Telephone CSC: From - Capital Cutlay 3.76 To - Telephone Comm.: From - Personnel Study 39.12 To - Budget Expense From - Personnel Study 1!}.50 To - R . 8 ME From - Personnel Study 3~.99 To - Telephone From - Personnel Study 103.14 To - S. & S. Co..Aid: From - Public Audit 180.17 To - Nat'1 Rivers & Harbors Co. DrGinage: From - Ciothing & Boots 26.73 To - R. & ME Co. Farm: From - Lights 8 Power 1.50 To - Travel Elec. Insp.: From - Travel 62.72 To - Auto Allow Sup. Ct.: From - Evidence .61 To - Telephone Tax. Coll. From - Bonds 103.i9 To - Refund Taxes T/L: From - City Co. Tax Listing Sal. 1.91• To - Telephone A&E: From - Travei 11.04 To - Telephone YJe2fare : From - 5. 8 S. 28.68 To - Aid to Blind Sup. Ct.: From - Evidence 820.15 To - Jury Fees Rec. Ct.: From - MacRae Park Lights 5.28 To - Recorder~s Telephone Reg. Deeds: From - Dues 8 Sub. 5.00 To - Telephone From - Documentary Stamps 260.00 To - Record Bookd From - Tax Machine 20.00 To - Record Books Jail: From - Co. Farm Lights 3•75 To - Jail Bedding & Linen From - Co. Farm Lights 55•13 To - Jail Reps. to Bldo. From - Co. Farm Lights 10.00 To - Jail Telephone Elections: From - Elec. Personal Service 180.00 Precinct Personal Service 111}.00 Travel 135•45 Rent 150.00 Wiring 47.67 Second Primary i12.33 From - General Emergency 547•49 To - Permanent Registration 1'0 - Supplies County Aid: From - Public Audit 33.71 To - Junior Officers Outing x $ 11.1.2 3.76 39.2i 14•50 38•99 io3.i4 180.17 26.73 i.5o 62.72 61 103.19 1.91 11.04 28.68 820.15 5.28 5.00 260.00 20.00 3•75 55.i3 10.00 1,165•73 121.21 33.71 ~ 214 Minutes of the Meeting, July 1, 1968 (Continued) AUDITOR~S REQUEST FOR TRtiNSFERS (CONTINUED) Co. Farm: From - 6eneral Emergency $376.50 To - Co. Farm Medical $ 376.50 From - General Emergency 118.20 To - Jail Nedical 11f3.20 Airport: From - Travel 2,pp To - Tools 8 Supplies 2.00 Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that these transfers be approved. Motion carried. AUDITOR'S REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS (CONTINUED) County Auditor Perry Shepard presented Comptroller, New Hanover Nemoriat Hospital, Power 8 Light Company for services used at of the bills is ~649.4o and Mr. Ballard sug Memorial Hospital $367.88. These bills are 21, 1968. letter he had received from Mr. Fred C. Ballard, relative to ttiao outstanding bills from the Carolina James Ylaiker Memorial Hospital. The total amount ?ested that the County pay $281.52 and New Hanover for service from September 21, ~967 through May Mr. Netts moved that we pay our share and in the future that the New Hanover Memorial Hospital be billed for lights they use and the County for their share. After a discussion, in which it was brought out that Carolina Power & Light Company cannot split the bill, Mr. Netts withdrew his motion. Nr. Vaughan then moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that we pay the $281.52 recommended by Mr. Ballard from the General Emergency Fund and that in the future the bill be prorated on number of bulbs used by the County and the number used by New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Motion carried. VANDALISM REWARD - Mr. Vaughan discussed vandalism at the various schools to $1,000 be offered for arrest and conviction of vandalism would assume the Board of Education has vandalism insurance time to look into the law. Mr. Vaughan withdrew his mbtion the Agenda for the next meeting. and sugoested a reward of $100 at schools. ~r. Metts said he County Attorney Fox asked for and this subject will be put on STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION REQUEST - Letter was presented to the Board from ~r. Paul J. DuPre, Division Engineer, State Highway Commission dated ,lune 28, 1968 requesting that he be furnished with a list of building permit applications and electrical permit applications in order that they may contact the owner or builder and assi9L them in the layout of their buildings and driveways in order that they could get the maximum use out of their property and at the same time conform to Highway Commission regulations regarding entrances to commercial establishments. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Building and Electrical Inspectors he requested to furnish such a list to Mr. DuPre. Motion carried. STATE HIGHWAY CONIl"fISSION RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEh1ENT, HALL DRIVE - Letter dated June 28, 1968, from Mr. Carl D. Parker, Jr., Right-of-Way Agent, State Highway Commission, requesting that right-of-way be granted to the State Highway Commission for future maintenance of the Airport Terminal Driveway known as Hall Drive was presented to the Board. Ntr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the agreement be signed by the Chairman, subject to the approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried. AIRPORT REQUEST - Request was presented from Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, to raise the water and sei,~age rates of both the Nationai Guard and Piedmont Airlines $5.00 per month each and charge Aeronautics, Inc. $10.00 per month for water and sewage. Mr. Hall moved; seconded by Dr. Hooper that if Mr. 1~:estbrook feels that this is proper, then he be authorized to set rates for this service. Motion carried. HORSE RINK, HUGH MACRAE PARK Question of whether to allow saddle clubs other than the Cape Fear Saddle Club to use the horse rink at Huyh MacRae Park was again discussed. Mr. Hall expressed the opinion that the Board could not refuse others the use of the rink, but felt that when arrangements are made, it be brought out that the Cape Fear Saddle Club has put all the money in the rink and that it should be left in as good shape after it is used. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that a policy be set to schedule use of the horse rink in order to avoid conflict and that the various clubs be advised that the rink, grounds and equipment must be left in just as good, or better, condition after its use. Motion carried. JOINT CITY-COUPJTY BUDGET DISCUSSION - By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman write Mr. Brandon and request a joint meeting for the purpose of discusSing joint budgets with the City Council after their regular meeting on Nonday, July 8, 196n. RECESS - Mr. Vauohan moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the meeting be recessed until next budget discussion meeting, date and time to be determined later. Motion carried. Hazel Savage k