1968-07-11 Special MeetingI 21g SPECIAL MEETING JULY 11, 1968 9:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - The Board of County Commissioners met in speciai session on the above date and time for the opening of bids on the renovation work to be. done at the Courthouse. The following were present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr. P9r. Oxenfeld was present and presented the bids. For the plumbing work two bids were received as follows: Goodyear Plumbing Co. $8,800.00 Ideal Plumbing Co. 8,905.00 For the Heating and Air Conditioning two bids were received as follows: Sneeden, Inc. $4,649.00 Temperature Control Co. 2,795.00 Dr. Hooper said if the Board decided today on bids, they could not be awarded becavse it will be two weeks before money is available. Mr. Oxenfeld said the Board could not enter into contract until money is in hand. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Board accept these bids for study and ask architect to advise us which ones to be accepted. Motion carried. Discussion was held on the feasibility of purchasing the Pickard Building and Mr. Oxenfeld agreed to look at this building and advise the Board as to the cost of partitioning it off and other work which would be necessary. Meeting was recessed until 5:00 P.M., July 11, 1968 for further consideration of the 1968- 69 Budget. Hazei Savage. BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July 11, 1968 5:00 P.M. ASSEMBLY - The Board of County Commissioners reconvened meeting which was recessed on July 11, 1968 on the above date and time to resume reviewing the 1968-69 budget and other subjects. The following were present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Charirman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. GREEN STAMP BUILDING - Judge Winfield Smith, Mr. Gil Burnett and Nr. Jeffords, part owner of the Pickard Building located on the corner of Third and Market Streets, were present. BOND ORDERS, RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE AND JAMES WALI{ER NURSING HOME AND PURCHASE OF 58H Dr. Hooper advised the group that he had contacted the Courthouse Committee on Renovation, and they will meet on Saturday morning at 9:00 A.M. and will notify Mr. Burnett and Judge Smith to obtain their opinion. Dr. Hooper also said that an architect wentover the Pickard building thfs' morning and estimated it would cost a great deal of money to put it in shape. Judge 5mith spoke in favor of the County purchasing the Pickard Building. He said it was fireproof and of sound construction and that the first floor would be large enough for the courts. He told the Board he had asked Mr. Jeffords to come before the Board and discuss the building before it is placed on the market. Dr. Hooper assured the group that anything the Commission does will be well thought out and he was tired of being pressured. He said the plans for renovation of the Courthouse have been under study and involves an overall approach on New Hanover County's needs. He told the group appearing he appreciated their views. Mr. Jeffords said the PicY.ard Bvilding is valued on the tax books for $74,500 and plus the taxes this year it would cost the County $75,000. He expressed the opinion that if the County would then spend between $20,000 and $25,000 they could make a good court. Dr. Hooper reminded the Board that the bond orders are drawn specificaily for the pur- chase of the S&H Green Stamp Building. Dr. Hooper said the issuance of the bonds will hold up school bonds, but that this was something that had been studied for over a year and to change something at the last minute did not make^sense. Mr. Metts said the architect estt- mated it would cost in the neighborhood of $200,000 to remodel the Pickard Building. The following three bond orders were introduced: Commissioner Dr. Joseph W. Hooper introdviced the Following bond order which was read at length: "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $120,000 COUNTY COURTHOUSE BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable that the County provide additional space for courtrooms 1n the existing County Courthouse, and the Board of Commissioners desires to provide for the financing of the reconstruction of the existing County Courthouse to provide such additional space for County court rooms and the acquisition of the equip- ment necessary for such improvement; NOW, THEREFORE, ~ ~ 219 Budget Discussion Meeting Meeting - July 11, 1968 (Continued) BOND ORDERS, RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE AND JAMES WALKER NURSING HOME AND PURCHASE OF SRH GREEN STAMP BUILAING (CONTINUED) - ~ BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: 5ection 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New.Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to reconstruct the existing County Courthouse and to acquire and install the equipment suitable for the use of such improvement, and that it will be necessary to expend for such purpose not less than $120,000, in addition to any funds which may be made availabie for such purpose from any other source, Section 2. In order to raise the money required to finance the reconstruction of the existing County Courthouse, and the acquisition and installation of the equipment necessary for the use of such improvement, bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall'be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds ' authorized by this bond order shall be One hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000). Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A statement of the County debt of the County of New Hanover has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is open to public inspection. Section 5. No debt shall be contracted during any fiscal year by the issuance of bonds pursuant to this bond order if the amount of such debt and of all other deht contracted during such fiscal year shall exceed two-thirds of the amount by which the outstanding indebtedness of said County shall have been reduced during the next preceding fiscal year, unless the incurring of such debt shall be sub- mitted to a vote of the people of said County and shall be approved by a ma~ority of those who vote thereon. Section 6. This bond order shall take effect thirty days after its first publication after final passage, unless, in the meantime, a petition for its sub- mission to the voters is filed under the County Finance Act, and in such event, it shall take effect when approved by the voters of said County at an election as provided in said Act. Commissioner Dr. Joseph W. Hooper introduced the following bond order which was read at length: ' "BOND ORDER AUTHORI2ING THE ISSUANCE OF $45,000 COUNTY COURTHOUSE BONDS OF THE.COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable that the County provide additional space for the Courts of said County: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to acquire the building situated south of and ad~acent to the present Court house, for use as Courtrooms, and to install the equipment suitable for the use of such improvement, and that it will be necessary to expend for such purpose not less than $~5,000 in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purpose from any other source. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to finance the acquisition of the building situated south of and adjacent to the present Court house, for use as Court rooms, and the installation of equipment suitable for the use of such im- provement, bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($~5,000). Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A statement of the County debt of the County of New Hanover has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is open to public inspection. 5ection 5. No debt shall be contracted during any fiscal year by the issuance of bonds pursuant to this bond order if the amount of such debt and of all other debt contracted during such fiscal year shall exceed two-thirds of the amount by which the outstanding indebtedness of said County shall have been re- duced during the next preceding fiscal year, unless the incurring of such debt shall be submitted to a vote of the people of said County and shaii be approved by a majority of those who vote thereon. Section 6. This bond order shall take effect thirty days after its first publication after final passage, unless, in the meantime, a petition for its sub- mission to the voters is filed under the County Finance Act, and in such event, it shall take effect when approved by the voters of sa;d County at an election as provided in said Act. x J ~22U ~ Budget Discussion Meeting - July 11, 1968 (Continued) BOND ORDERS, RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE AND JAMES WALKER NURSING HOME AND PURCHASE OF 58H GREEN STAMP BUILDING (CONTINUED) - Commissioner Dr. Joseph W. Hooper introduced the following bond order which was read at length: "BOND ORDFR AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $100,000 COUNTY OFFICE BUILDINGS BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable that the County provide additionai space for County offices: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to reconstruct the James Walker Nursing Home presently owned by the County and to acquire and install the equipment suitable for the use of such improvement, as a County office buiiding, and that it will be necessary to expend for such purpose not less than $100,000, in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purpose from any other source. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to finance the recon- struction of the James Walker Nursing Home presently owned by the County and the acquisition and installation of the equipment necessary for the use of such 3mprovement, as a County office building, bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amounL of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be One~Hundred Thousand Dollars (100,000). Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and co2lected. Section 1}. A statement of the County debt of the County of New Hanover has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is open to public inspection. Section 5. No debt shall be contracted dvring any fiscal year by the issuance of bonds pursuant to this bond order if the amount of such debt and of all other debt contracted during such fiscal year shall exceed two-thirds of the amount by which the outstanding indebtedness of said County shall have been reduced during the next preceding fiscal year, unless the incurring of such debt shall be svbmitted to a vote of the people of said County and shall be approved by a ma,jority of those who vote thereon. Section 6. This bond order shall take effect thirty days after its first publication after finai passage, unless, in the meantime, a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under the County Finance Act, and in such event, it shall take effect when approved~by the voters of said County at.an election as provided in said Act. Laurence Bowden moved that the following resolution be adopLed: WHEREAS, bond orders entitled "Bond Order Authorizing the issuance of $120,000 County Courthouse Bonds of the CounLy of New Hanover", "Bond Order Authorizing the issuance of $f}5,000 County Courthouse Bonds of the Covnty of New Hanover", and "Bond Order Authorizing the issvance of $100,000 County Office Building Bonds of the County of New Hanover" have been introduced at the neeting of the Board of Commissioners held on July 11, 1968, and the Board of Commissioners desires to provide for the holding of a public hearing thereon as required by the County Finance Act: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The public hearing upon said bond order shall be held on July 26, 1968, at 10:00 A.M. o'clock in the forenoon at the regular meeting room of the Board of Commissioners at the Court House in Wilmington, North Carolina. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of said bond order to be published with a notice of such hearing in the form prescribed by law, in the Wilmington Morning Star, a newspaper published in Wilmington, North Carolina, at least ten days prior to such hearing. (3) The County Auditor is hereby requested to fi~le with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, at least ten days prior to such hearing, a statement of the debt incurred or to be incurred by the County for purposes other than school purposes, in the form prescribed by the County Finance Act. The motion having been seconded by John Van B. Metts it was unanimously adopted. M. H. Vaughan moved that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the County of New Hanover intends to apply to the Local Government Commission for approval of the issuance of $265,000 Bonds of the County authorized by the bond orders introduced at a meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on July 11, 1968, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as foilows: x ` '' 221 ~ Budget Discussion Meeting - July 11, 1968 (Continued) BOND ORDERS, RENOVATION OF COURTHOUSE AND JAMES WALKER NURSING HOME AND PURCHASE OF S8H GREEN STAMP BUILDING (CONTINUED) - (1) The Chairman and Cierk of the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to file with the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application for its approval of said bonds, on the form prescribed by said Commis- sion, and to state in such application such facts and to attach thereto such exhibits in regard to such bonds and to the County and its financial condition, as may be required by said Commission. Laurence Bowden seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the resolution were Messrs. Joseph W. Hooper, Laurence Bowden and John Van B. Metts. No one voted against it. Mr. M. H. Vaughan abstained. At this point the Board of Commissioners resumed discussion of the budget. ,AIRPORT - Electrical Supplies was increased from $1,500 to $2,500. AUDITOR - The item of Bonds was left blank originally - now $$00 was budgeted. AZALEA FESTIVAL - $2,500 was budgeted for the Azalea Festival CHAMBER OF CONQNERCE - Mr. Vaughan moved that the Chamber of Commerce budget be set at $15,000. Motion died for lack of a second. By common consent $22,000 was budgeted. SALARY INCREASES - By common consent it was agreed thai it be the policy of Lhe Board to allow for three (3~) percent rise in cost of iiving plus one step in salaries of employees except where people have been overlooked in the past or where merit raises are ,justified. Also, any oversigMs in going through will be adjusted automatically. DECORATING COURT HOUSE - $50.00 was budgeted for this item. BUILDING INSPECTOR - Capital Outlay was increased from $375, as recommended by the Auditor, to $2,375 in order to allow for the purchase of radio equipment. CAR ALLOWANCE - By common consent it was agreed that nine (9d) cents per mile will be allowed for all vehicles used in County business. TAX LISTING - A letter was presented to the Board dated July 10, 1968, from Tax Supervisor Braak requesting permission to hire additional help. Mr. Braak~s request for hiring additional help in his office was denied. . CIVIL DEFENSE - Letter was presented to the Board from Gen. Harriss, Civii Defense Director, requesting funds to purchase a car for his use in carrying on his work for the County. By common consent this was denied based on the fact that the County does not buy vehicles but allows nine (9a') cents per car mile for travel. . CLERK OF COURT Mr. N1cKeithan was present for this discussion. Travel which had been reduced at budget discussion on June 18, 1968 was increased back to the original figure of $700 as recommended by the Auditor. Capital Outlay had been deleted on June 18, 1968 and at this meeting $200 was placed in it for purchase of an air conditioner. Mr. McKeithan discussed salaries and overtime pay. Overt~ime pay was eliminated and Mr. 5hepard was asked by Dr. Hooper to figure salaries for the Clerk of Court~s office on the same basis as other employees in the Courthouse, based on three (3~) percent increase for cost of living and one step above present salary. Mr. McKeithan was then asked if he cared to mention any employees who should have merit raises. Mr. McKeithan mentioned Mrs. Betty Balch, Miss Vernell DeUane, and Miss Lois Ward. As to additional help, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. McKeithan be allowed to hire one person for two months and one for four months. Motion carried. RECESS - Meeting was recessed for dinner. N~ETING RECONVENED - Meeting was reconvened with the following present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. CITY PARKS 8 RECREATION PROGRAM - At this time Dr. Hooper presented a letter from City Manager Brandon requesting that the County participate with the City in their Parks and Recreation Program; to the extent of thirty-five (35%) percent. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County dec2ine and Mr. Brandon will be so advised. FULL TIP~ WORKER, RACE RELATIONS - Dr. Hooper discussed a letter from Mr. D. S. Coltrane, Chairman, Good Neighbor Council, requesting the County share with the City in financing cost of a full-time employee working the area of race relations. By common consent it was agreed to decline to participate. COURTHOUSE - Budget for the Courthouse, as recommended by Mr. Shepard, was approved with the ~ exception of lights and power which was increased from $!},000 to $4,100. Also, hiring of two ,~anitors, as recommended by the auditor, was reduced to one. ' ~ 2zz Budget Discussion Meeting - July 11, 1968 (Continued) MlJSEUM - Discussion was held on the Museum Budget. An increase in this budget is necessary due to electrical work required by the City Electrical Inspector, and Dr. Hooper expressed the feeling that the C1ty is morally obligated to meet their share of the budget. A total of ~83i.00 was budgeted for social security and retirement. REGISTER OF DEEDS BILL - Mr. Shepard presented an old bill from Hall McChesney dated May, 1965 in the amount of $975•65. By common consent it was agreed to ask Mr. Shepard to write this company for an explanation of why they waited so long to present this bill. COUNIY AID - Southeastern Economic Development Commission -$1,751.67 was budgeted for this. Cape Fear River Ab.ove Wilmington -$1,200 was budgeted for this item. BOARD OF ELECTIONS - The Covnty Auditor advised the Commissioners he had had a call from the Chairman of the Board of Elections saying he found he would need $400.00 for printing of ballots as originally requested. By common consent this was budgeted for $400.00 instead of $100.00. ELEC~RICAL INSPECTOR - . Capital Outlay in the amount of $~,090 was budgeted to allow for purchase of radio equip- ment and $3,000 Contingency Fund was set up should it become necessary to hire another Electrical Inspector. RECESS - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall,.that the meeting recess until Monday, June 15, 1968, at 2:00 P.M. Motion carried. Ha2e1 Savage Minutes of the Meeting - July 15, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - In the absence of Lhe Chairman, after calling the meeting to order the Vice-Chairman, Laurence 0. Bowden, asked Rev. Frank E. Toothe, Pastor, Fourth Street Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES~- For the minutes of July 1, 1968 there were no corrections and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that they be approved as written. Motfon carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, JOINT CITY-COUNTY MEETING - • For the minutes of Joint City-County Meeting held on July 8, 1968 there were no corrections and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that they be approved as written. REPORTS - All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper ~}oined the meeting at this time. APPOINTMENT THREE MEMBERS TO MUSEUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS - A letter was presented to the Commissioners from Mrs. E. M. McEachern, Secretary, Museum Board of Directors, requestirtg that the Board appoint Mr. Hargrove Bellamy, Mr. W. P. McIntosh and Mrs. Henry von Oesen to serve on the Museum Board for a three year term, July 1968-71. Mr. Addison Hewlett is the retiring member and the Nn~seum Board requested two additional persons to serve. Mr. Hail moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the request be granted. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT P~NBER TO MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BQARD - Request from Mr. Homer N. Davis, Vice-Chairman, Mental Health Advisory Board, for a re- placement for Mr. Hardie Ferguson who is resigning was brought to the Commissioners~ attention. Discussion was held on this and by common cottsent it was agreed to contact the Nental Health Advisory Board and ask.for their recommendations. This will be put on the Agenda for August 5, 1968 meeting. ~APPROVAL OF MAPS, KINGS GRANT, SECTIONS 4 and 5- Two maps were presented to the Board which had previously been approved by the Planning Board. These maps were of Kings Grant, Sections 4 and 5. By common consent it was agreed that Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper sign these maps. APPROVAL OF A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Commissioners: New Bridge Gr.ill, 820 So. 3rd Street; Bryan~s Grocery, 1501 Wiilard Street, and Swann~s Grocery & Service 5tation, Rt. 1, Box L}92, Wilmington. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these requests be forwarded to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. Motion carried. ~