1968-07-15 Regular Meeting2zz Budget Discussion Meeting - July 11, 1968 (Continued) MlJSEUM - Discussion was held on the Museum Budget. An increase in this budget is necessary due to electrical work required by the City Electrical Inspector, and Dr. Hooper expressed the feeling that the C1ty is morally obligated to meet their share of the budget. A total of ~83i.00 was budgeted for social security and retirement. REGISTER OF DEEDS BILL - Mr. Shepard presented an old bill from Hall McChesney dated May, 1965 in the amount of $975•65. By common consent it was agreed to ask Mr. Shepard to write this company for an explanation of why they waited so long to present this bill. COUNIY AID - Southeastern Economic Development Commission -$1,751.67 was budgeted for this. Cape Fear River Ab.ove Wilmington -$1,200 was budgeted for this item. BOARD OF ELECTIONS - The Covnty Auditor advised the Commissioners he had had a call from the Chairman of the Board of Elections saying he found he would need $400.00 for printing of ballots as originally requested. By common consent this was budgeted for $400.00 instead of $100.00. ELEC~RICAL INSPECTOR - . Capital Outlay in the amount of $~,090 was budgeted to allow for purchase of radio equip- ment and $3,000 Contingency Fund was set up should it become necessary to hire another Electrical Inspector. RECESS - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall,.that the meeting recess until Monday, June 15, 1968, at 2:00 P.M. Motion carried. Ha2e1 Savage Minutes of the Meeting - July 15, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date at 8:30 A.M. in the Commissioners' Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - In the absence of Lhe Chairman, after calling the meeting to order the Vice-Chairman, Laurence 0. Bowden, asked Rev. Frank E. Toothe, Pastor, Fourth Street Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES~- For the minutes of July 1, 1968 there were no corrections and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that they be approved as written. Motfon carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, JOINT CITY-COUNTY MEETING - • For the minutes of Joint City-County Meeting held on July 8, 1968 there were no corrections and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that they be approved as written. REPORTS - All reports either due by or through the County Commissioners had been submitted at this time. Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper ~}oined the meeting at this time. APPOINTMENT THREE MEMBERS TO MUSEUM BOARD OF DIRECTORS - A letter was presented to the Commissioners from Mrs. E. M. McEachern, Secretary, Museum Board of Directors, requestirtg that the Board appoint Mr. Hargrove Bellamy, Mr. W. P. McIntosh and Mrs. Henry von Oesen to serve on the Museum Board for a three year term, July 1968-71. Mr. Addison Hewlett is the retiring member and the Nn~seum Board requested two additional persons to serve. Mr. Hail moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the request be granted. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT P~NBER TO MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BQARD - Request from Mr. Homer N. Davis, Vice-Chairman, Mental Health Advisory Board, for a re- placement for Mr. Hardie Ferguson who is resigning was brought to the Commissioners~ attention. Discussion was held on this and by common cottsent it was agreed to contact the Nental Health Advisory Board and ask.for their recommendations. This will be put on the Agenda for August 5, 1968 meeting. ~APPROVAL OF MAPS, KINGS GRANT, SECTIONS 4 and 5- Two maps were presented to the Board which had previously been approved by the Planning Board. These maps were of Kings Grant, Sections 4 and 5. By common consent it was agreed that Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper sign these maps. APPROVAL OF A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Commissioners: New Bridge Gr.ill, 820 So. 3rd Street; Bryan~s Grocery, 1501 Wiilard Street, and Swann~s Grocery & Service 5tation, Rt. 1, Box L}92, Wilmington. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these requests be forwarded to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. Motion carried. ~ d ` 2?_3 Minutes of the Meeting - July 15, 1968 (Continued) RESIGNATION OF COUNTY MANAGER J. E. MARSHALL - Mr. J. E. Marshail, County Manager, read a letter from his Physician stating that he wou2d shortly be recovered from his illness and ready to resume his work. He then read his letter of resignation g3ving personai and political reasons for resigning. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that Mr. Marshall's resignation be accepted and that -the Board express to Mr. Marshall its thanks for his service. Motion carried. Chairman Dr. Hooper told Mr. Marshall that the Board was delighted that he had recovered from what he had been through for the past four months and that they hoped his recovery would be complete. REALLOCATION OF SCHOOL BOND FUNDS - Communication was presented from the School Board requesting reallocation of bond funds. There was some discussion as to whether a hearing would have to be heid in order to do this. County Attorney Fox will check on this and advise the Board later. ~ DISCUSSION OF BONDS - There was a short discussion of the bonds for renovation of the Courthouse, renovation of the James Walker Murses' Home, and for purchase of the 58H Green Stamp Building. Dr. Hooper advised the Board that the bonds had been advertised and hearing on them is set for July 26, 1968. AIRPORT RUNWAYS - Mr. John A. Westbrook~s letter relative to violation of the Electrical Code when working on runway and taxiway lights was discussed. By common consent, it was agreed that Mr. West- brook be asked to keep the Board advised on what is being done to eliminate this problem. AIRPORT SPACE REQUEST, PIEDMONT AIRLINES - Copy of a letter from Mr. W. A. Blackmon, Assistant to Senior Vice-President, Piedmont Air~lines, to Mr. Westbrook was brought to the Comm3ssioner~s attention. Mr. Blackmon is requesting approximately 500 square feet of office space formerly occupied by National Airlines. By common consent it was agreed to write Piedmont and ask that one of their officials come before the Commissioners on August 5, 1968 for discussion of the need for additional space. COURTHOUSE RENOVATION - Chairman Dr. Hooper read a letter dated July 14, 1968 from Mr. L. Bradford Tillery who is a member of the committee on courtroom facilities. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the letter be made a part of these minutes. The letter rea ~ as follows: "Pursuant to your request of Thursday morning, your committee on court room facilities met at lunch, Present were committee members Alan Marshall, Aaron Goldberg and Bradford Tillery. Also present were .ludge Winfield Smith and Mr. Gilbert Burnett. At the request of the committee, architect John Oxenfeld also attended. The presence of Judge Rudolph Mintz was prevented by a previous scheduling of a meeting in Raleigh. The committee heard from Judge Smith who expressed concern that the con- templated division of the present Recorders Court room would over crowd the criminal court division after renovation. Judge Smith also expressed his belief that the Eickard Building on the north west corner of Third and Market St.reLt could be r.enovated and purchased at a modest cost and in a reasonable period of time. . "Your committee agrees that the Pickard building is sound of structure and sufficiently spacious to be converted into courtroom spaces. Your committee also agrees that the revised criminal division space will sometimes be subject to over crowding. "It is, however, the feeling of the committee that the present plans should be followed. There are a number of factors which enter into this recommendation. Mr. Oxenfeld estimates that it would take from $75,000 to $100,000 to renovate one floor of the Pickard building to accomodate a civil courtroom. This means that the modifications of the other spaces in the courthouse would still be necessary, excepting those for Lhe civil court room. He also estimates thaL work on the Pickard property could not begin until late Fall. "Your committee wishes to respectfully remind the Commissioners again that our initial report contemplated that the facilities proposed by this committee are only pro~jected to be adequate for three to five years. The difficulties anticipated by Judge Smith can only be met by careful attention to scheduling, and the time will come when a new courtroom complex will be essential, either at the present site or at a completely new location. '~This letter is being signed by the writer individually for the reason that the other members of the committee will not have seen it at the time it is delivered. Time did not permit it to be circulated. It is felt, however, that the thoughts expressed are those of a ma~jority of those present at the Friday meeting. "I am sure that all members of the cominittee would again like to express to the Commfssioners their appreciation for being asked to serve in this capacity. Very truly yours, (s) L. Bradford Tillery" VANDALISM - The offering of rewards to curb vandalism at the schools was again discussed along with the letter which Mr. Fox had received from Mr. James F. Bullock, Deputy Attorney General, State of North Carolina, in which he advised Mr. Fox his office had previously held that there is no statutory or case avthority for county commissioners to offer rewards. Mr. ~ Fox advised the Commissioners the School Board could offer rewards. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Ha,ll, that the Board of County Commissioners advise the School Board they could offer rewards for vandalism if they so desired. Motion carried. ~ I 224 Minutes of the Meeting, July 15, 1968 (Gontinued) COMMUNICATION FROM SCHOOLS - Dr. Hooper advised the Board of copies of two letters he had received from the School Board, one from Eloise Severinson, Ph.D., Regional Civil Rights Dir.ector, HEW, Charlottes- ville, Virginia and the other from Chief Judge Algernon L. Butler, United States District Court, Clinton, N. C. Chief Judge Butier's letter was written in response to Mr, William Hill's letter of July 8th request3ng that the hearing of Eaton, et al v. New Hanover Board of Education, be held ;n Wilmington instead of Clinton. This was denied. Mrs. Severinson~s letter was written advising the School Board that their plan, dated .lune 28, 1968, did not meet with HEW approval relative to desegregation. AUDITOR~S REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - County Auditor Perry Shepard requested the following transfers and appropriations within the School Budget: Reqular Budqet Transfer From Clerical $ q80.36 Per Diem . 80.00 Attendance Officers 89.00 Instructional Supplies 5,092.76 Janitor Supplies 900.1~ Repairs to Bldgs. d Grounds 11},~58.61} Repair & Rpl. - Furn. 8 Inst. App. 13.05 Salaries - Maintenance Personnel 10,612.39 Retirement 8 Social Security 3,694•58 - Tort Claims 500.00 Wages of Drivers 15,0~6.8g Repair Parts 81t.76 $51,552.60 Transfer To Office Supplies $ 82.31 Administrative Expense 20.05 Board of Education Expense 57.34 Commencement Expenses ' 10.39 Wages of Janitors 15,401.!}0 Fuel 1,409.5b Water, Lights 8 Power 23,085.26 Telephone 1,030.99 Heating, Lighting 8 Plumbing 8,345.20 Insurance 1,061.03 Gas, Oil & Grease 1,0l19.07 $5i,552.60 Supplementary Budqet Transfer From Salaries 8 Exp. of Elem. 8 H.S. Teachers $ 2.336.14 Transfer To Secretaries in Schools $ 2,336.1lt From: Lunchroom Surplus $5,68g.00 Unanticipated Revenue 2,932.30 ~8,621.30 To: Lunchroom Program $ 8,621.30 County Auditor Perry Shepard also requested the following transfers within fund: CountV Aid From - Public Avdit $ 767,52 ~ To - Social Security $ 767.52 ~ Auditor From - Travel 43•65r~ To - S. & S. (~3,65 ~ Commissioners • From - Dues & Sub. 23.76r~ To - s. a s. 23.76,~ Countv Aid From - Public Audit ii5.57 ~ To - Junior Officers Outing 23 g7 " Security Guards , 91.70 ~ Countv Drainage From - Tools R Supplies 49.16r~ To - Clothing 8 Boots ' Z3,4g ~ Repairs & Main. Equip, 26.68r~ Countv Prison From - Bedding 8 Linen 67.21}, To - Gas ~ 67.24,~ Court House ~,~ From - Ice 9.0~- To - Fuel q.08,~ ~ I ~~` Minutes of the Meeting, July 15, 1968 (Continued) AUDITOR'S REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) Jaii From - 5. d S. $ 8.121 Water 16.88~ Salaries 20.50n Elec. Supplies 13•53~ Cra s 13 • 34~ Janitor Supplies 32.09~ General Emergency 94.61+~ To - Groceries Kitchen Supplies L'avndry Medical Recorders Court From - Office Telephone To - Office Expense Sheriff From - Special Deputies To -Auto Expense Radio Maint. Su~erior Court From - Fees - Witness To - Telephone Tax Collector From - Advertising To - Refund Taxes S. d S. AdE From - Fuel & Lights To - -imo Supplier Welfare Adm. From - Retirement T o- s. a s. School Cap. Outiav From - One Truck' Furniture Voc. Ed. Equip. To - One Bus 5.00 /~ 191.39 ^ 61~ 18.60 ~ 2.97~ 269.64 ~ 79.86n 64o.5i~ 297.17~ $2,780.80 $ i28.561 1. 001 27 . 89'~ 4i.62~ 5.00 ~ i63.42 ~ 27.97~ . 6 i,~ i5.891 2.71,~ 2.97,~ 269.64 ~ i:oi7.51~1 $2,780.80 Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that these transfers and appropriations be approved. Motion carried. WATER POLLUTION - Dr. Hooper advised the Board of a meeting in County Courthouse at 9:00 A.M. on water pollution ment of Water and Air Resources, was appointed by and by common consent it was agreed to write Col. Board at the meeting and ask that the Clean Water New Bern, N. C. on July 26, 1968, at the Mr. George Pickett, Director, N. C. Depart- the Governor to represent Morth Carol3na Pickett and request him to represent this Restoration Act apply to in2and water. POLICE INFORMATION NETWORK - 4 Dr. Hooper advised the Board that he was in receipt of a letter from Mr. Laeron R. Roberts, Director, Data Processing Division, Department of Motor Vehicles, advising that he wou2d be able to come before the Board to discuss the Police Information Network on August 5, 1968. This was in reply to letter the Chairman had been asked to write inviting someone to discuss this with the Board. By common consent it was agreed to write Mr. Roberts and advise him August 5, 1968 would be agreeable. OPTION, 58H GREEN STAMP BUILDING - The Board was advised that an option agreement had been prepared by Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney„ concerning the SdH Green Stamp Building. The option was sent to Mr. M. T. Craig, Wilder-Cooper Realty Company, on July 11, 1968 for execution by the ormers. NAMING OF ROAD A petition was presented to the Commissioners from people living on a section of road beyond Sunnyvale Drive with request that it be named Bryan Drive. After checking the map it was found that this had already been named Bryan Road. Mrs. Bryant Severt, Rt. 2, Box 515, who brought the petition in, will be so advised. INSURANCE, MR. HOMER 1lAVIS - ' Mr. Homer Davis appeared before the Board to discuss the Insurance Advisory Committee. He advised the Board that he had been excluded from the Committee. He was also protesting having to make his proposal on2y through the Committee to write insurance for the County. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Insurance Advisory Committee be asked to advise the Commissioners why the articles restrict certain full time professional insurance men from bidding on county insurance. Motion carried. Mr. Metts abstained from voting. RECESS - Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting be recessed and then reconvened as a budget meeting. Motion carried. Hazel Savage ~l. ., ~26 BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING July .15, 1968 10:30 A:M. ASSE~BLY - The Board of County Commissioners reconvened meeting which was recessed early in the day on the ahove date to resume reviewing the 196B-69 budget. The following were present: Chair- man Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O, Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr,; and County Auditor Perry Shepard, The following budgets were discussed: GENERAL EMERGENCY FUND - Mr. Metts voiced the opinion he felt the Emergency Fund should be rafsed to 5% of the General Fund. Mr. Vaughan was of the opinion it should be left at $50,,000. Mr. Bowden felt it shovld be left open at this time. By common consent it was agreed that the Auditor would advise on this later, AGRICULTURE 8 ECONOMICS - Question was raised as to whether or not to replace Mr. Lemons who has resigned from this department. Dr, Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that on the County portion of salaries for this department an eight (8%) raise be budgeted with exceptions of new employees who will only receive three (3~) and Miss Brown a twelve (12%) percent increase, and that Mr. Baggett come in to ,justify replacing Mr. Lemons. Motion carried. AUDITOR - Mr. Hall brovght up bhe question of whether or not Mr. Shepard had tried to hire an employee from another department. Mr, Shepard said he was only joking. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that if there is any hiring of any personnel from other departments, department heads must consult with one another. Motion carried. COURT OF JUSTICE - $6,000 was budgeted for Furniture and Fixtures and $1,000 was budgeted for rent. Mr. Netts expressed the feeling there should be a contingency fund for courthouse renovation. Mr. Metts said he wished to go on record that he thought the Board should budget ettough money to do as much work as possible. The $125,000 budgeted for the court room renovation will be out of budget if bonds are approved. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Salaries of Mr. Meshaw and Mr. Shepard and Mr, McCormick were increased by eight (8~). EROSION CONTROL Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper that the Board only budget for Wrightsville Beach. Dr. Hooper explained plans for use of funds at Carolina Beach had been turned down, therefore County shovld not budget for this. Motion failed by a vote of two for and three against. By common consent $12,000 was budgeted. Mr. Vaughan said that Carolina Beach has made no effort to pursue this matter. Mr. Hall said he did not know Lhat Mr. Vaughan~s statement is correct. WELFARE - Clinics - Gr. Hooper discussed an O.S. Clinic. He said the County paid for 84 cases last year.in the hospital. The County would assume these in a clinic. After citing figures, Dr. Hooger said there is an advantage in having a clinic. He will write the hospital and Welfare Board regarding this. In a clinic New Hanover County would be responsible for people having welfare cards only. COMMISSIONERS - Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that $13,500 be budgeted for a County Manager and proceed to advertise for applicant for this position and for a full time attorney. Vote was tied two to two. Mr. Bowden abstained from voting. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board proceed insofar as the County Attorney is concerned with advertisement. Motion carried. Mr. Hall expressed the feeling thaL the County Manager position should not be filled until the new members of the Bcard of County Commissioners take office. After further discussion, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that $12,000 be budgeted for the position of County Manager. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Board express their thanks to Chairman Dr. Joseph W, Hooper for the hard work and effort he had put forth in carrying on the duties of Lhe Commissioners' office for the past several months. Motion carried. CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - It was definitely decided to delete Capita2 Outlay in this budget thereby denying the reqnest for a parking lot. BONDED DEBT - This will be subject to change later. JAIL Mr. Joe Johnson, Jailer, appeared to discuss a new requirement for the ,jail which was that the prisoners have to be furnished milk at least once a day, Mr. Johnson requested $2,000 additional be budgeted for groceries. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board increase the budget for groceries in an amaunt of $2,000, and Mr. Johnson do every- thing he can within the law to use reconstituted or powdered milk. Motion failed. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that $1,000 be added to the Jail Budget for furnishing powdered milk. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. HaZel Savage. x ~