1968-08-23 Special Meeting~ 230 SPECIAL MEETING' August 23, 1968 4:0o P.M. ASSEMBLY - The Board of New Hanover County Commissioners met in special session on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room. The following were present: Chairman Dr. Jo~seph W. Hooper, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., and M. H. Vaughan. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the three day notice for special meetings be waived and that the Board convene in special session. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIMG SALE OF BONDS, COURTHOUSE RENOVATION, JAMES WALKER NURSING HOME RENOVATION AND PURCHASE OF 58H GREEN STAMP BUILDING - The purpose of the meeting was to adopt resolution authorizing sale of bonds in connection with the renovation of the courthouse, renovation of the James Walker Nursing Home and the purchase of the S&H Green Stamp Building ad,jacent to the courthouse. Mr. Hall presented the resolution and moved it be adopted. Dr. Hooper seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution: "W1iEREAS, the bond orders hereinafter described have taken ef,fect, and the Board of Commissioners desires to borrow money for the purposes for which bonds are authori2ed to be issued by said orders, in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of said bonds, as hereinafter provided: NOW, THEREFORE "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Nanover as follows; (1) The sum of $120,000 will be borrowed by the County of New Hanover, pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina a's amended, for the purpose for which bonds are authorized to be issued by the bond order entitled ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $120,000 County Courthouse Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on July 26, 1968 in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds authorized to be issued by said bond order, and negotiable notes each designated ~Courthouse Improvement Bond Anticipation Note~ shall be issued for said sum so borrowed. (2) The sum of $45,000 will be borrcwed by the County of New Hanover pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina as amended, for the purp'ose for which bonds are authorized to be issued by the bond order entitled ~Bond Order authotizing the issuance of $1}5,000 County Courthouse Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on July 26, 1968, in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds authorized to be issued by said bond order, and negotiable notes each designated ~Courthouse Annex Bond Anticipation Note~ shail be issued for said sum so borrowed. (3) The sum of $100,000 will be borrowed by the County of New Hanover, pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina as amended, for the purpose for which bonds are authorized to be issued by the bond order entitled ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $100,000 County Office Building Bonds of the Covnty of New Hanover~, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on July 26, 1968 in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds authori2ed to be issued by said bond order, and negotiable notes each designated ~County Office Building Bond Anticipation Note~ shall be issued for said sum so borrowed. (4) Said notes shall be dated September 5, t968, and shall be payable December 5, 1968, and shall bear interest from their date at a rate which shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. Such interest shall be payable at the maturity of the notes. Each of said notes shall be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County, and the seal of said County sha11 be affixed to each of said notes. (5) The power to fix the rate of interest to be borne by said notes and to deteemine the denomination or denominations of the notes and the place of payment of the notes is hereby delegated to the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County, who are hereby authorized and directed to cause said notes to be prepared and to execute said notes when they shall have been sold by the Local Government Commission of North Carolina. Said Local Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby requested to sell said notes in the manner prescribed by the Local Government Act of North Carolina. Dr. Joseph U1. Hooper seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the motions were Messrs. J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, and Dr. Joseph W. Hooper. No one voted against it." Mr. Vaughan stated that aithough not in sympathy with all the objectives of the proposed issues, he voted for the resolution in order to facilitate the orderly process of county government as previously indicated to meet the desires of the Commission!'s ma~jority. ADJQURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr, Vaughan, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Hazel Savage. X .