1968-08-19 Regular Meeting\ ~35 Minutes of the Meeting - August 5, 1968 (Continued) RENOVATION OF COURT ROOMS - At this juncture ~r. John J. Burney, Jr. appeared before the Board and expressed his concern over partitioning off the Recorder~s Court Room. He advised the Board that even now it is terribly crowded and if partitioned off would be even worse. Dr. Hooper advised Mr. Burney that this had already been passed on by the Board. VOTING MACHINE CONTRACT - Mr. Henry Bost presented a contract from the Shoup Voting Machine Corporation covering sixty (60) voting machines which the County is leasing for one year. Upon advice of Mr. Fox that the contract was in order, ~r. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the contract be signed by the Chairman. Motion carried. 5&H GREEN STAMP BUILDING - By common consent it was agreed to ask Mr. Fox to ascertain the terms of the lease which the 5&H Green Stamp people have on the building r~hich the County has taken option on to purchase. NIETHOD OF SIGNiNG COUNTY CHECKS - Inasmuch as the County does not have a Clerk to the Board at the present time, question Uras raised as to the method of signing checks. Heretofore there were three signatures, Chairman of the Board, Auditor and Clerk to the Board. It was pointed out that the bank will accept tti~o signatures. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that only two signatures be used at the present time (Chairman of the Board and Auditor) and this will be discussed again at the first meeting in October. Motion carried. SOUTHERN APPRAISAL COMPANY BILL - A bill in the amount of $1,160.00 was presented to the Board from the Southern Appraisal Company which represents the balance due them by the County. The reason why the bili had not been paid was due to suits before the State Board. Mr. Braak, Tax Supervisor, advises that all suits have been settled and there is no reason why the biil should not be paid. By common consent it was agreed that the bill be paid. ROAD SIGNS Mr. Metts advised the Board that Mr. Jim Wilson had requested that the Board of County Commissioners request the State Highway Department to erect a sign on the Greenville Loop Road, No. 1421 intersection, designating No. 1602 as the Old Military Road. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this be done. Notion carried. LOUJER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS - Mr. Hall, who had recently attended a meeting of the Lower Cape Fear Council of Local Governments, brought to the attention of the Board a request for a small sum to be deposited with the Secretary of this council to cover incidental office supplies and postage. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that $25.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund for this purpose. Motion carried. ~ ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Haii moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Hazel Savage, Minutes of the Neeting - August 19, 1968 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. ~oseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioner M. H. Vaughan; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - After calling the meeting to order, Chairman Dr. Hooper asked Rev. A. L. NcGee, Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, AUGUST 5, 1968 - Due to the absence of Mr. Hall and Mr. Metts, approval of the August 5th minutes was deferred until the next meeting. FORMAL APPROVAL OF MINUTES, JULY 15TH MEETING - FORMAL APPROVAL OF BUDGET MIIVUTES - Prior to this meeting approval of the minutes of July 15, 1968 and the Budget Minutes was given by the Commissioners by telephone to the Commissioners~ office. At this time Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by ~r. Vaughan, that these minutes be approved formally. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. FORMAL APPROVAL OF REALLOCATION OF SCHOOL BOND FUNDS - Pursuant to County Attorney Fox's letter of July 17, 1968, the Board of County Commis- sioners investigated the facts on which the School Board~s request of July 9, 1968 was made for reallocation of school bond funds, and by a poil of the Commissioners by telephone on August 6, 1968 it was voted four to one to agree to the School Board~s request. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". '" . q`s' The Commissioners took under consideration, the petition of the New Hanover County Board of Education, to re-allocate a minor portion of the proceeds of the school bonds approved by ~ the electorate of New Hanover County on Nay (}, 1968. The Commissioners reviewed the petition filed with the Board of Commissioners by the New Hanover County Board of Education, and after reviewing the same carefully and investigating fully all the matters referred to therein, the y~ Board of Commissioners made the following finding of facts: ~ 236 Minutes of the Meeting - August 19, 1968 (Continued) FORMAL APPROVAL OF REALLOCATION OF SCHOOL BOND FUNDS -(CONTINUED) 1. On October 3, 1967, the New Hanover County Board of Education requested the Board of County Commissioners to submit a$3,750,000.00 school bond issue to the New Hanover County electorate, at the May 4, 1968 election. Among items to be financed with the proceeds of the said school bonds were the foilowing: Pro.iect a. Six room addition - Wrightsboro School b. Gregory School Building 1. Renovate second floor halls and first floor corridors 2. Expand the cafeteria 3. Purchase cafeteria furniture !}. Renovate twenty-three classrooms c. Williston .)unior High School Building 1. Convert classroom to Shower room 2. Upgrade three science rooms 3. Wiring in home economics rooms d. Williston Senior High School Building 1. Building rifle range Estimated Cost $ 120,000.00 z,z5o.oo 2,500.00 1,900.00 28,750.00 i5,ooo.oo 9,000.00 500.00 12,000.00 2. On May 4, 1968, the electorate.of New Hanover County approved the school bonds re- ferred to above. 3. On June 26, 1968, the New Hanover County Board of Education adopted a plan of organization for the school year 1968-69. Pursuant to this plan, the following changes with regard to the school buiidings referred to above were made. a. Gregory School was abandoned, except for the use of twelve classrooms, which would continue to be used as part of the Elementary School 5ystem. As a result of this abandonment, the need for projects (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3), as described in Paragraph 1 above, was completely eliminated. The need for pro,ject (b)(4) was greatly reduced, so that the renovation of only six classrooms, at a cost of $7,500.00, would be required. The Board of Commissioners finds as a fact that since the subject school bonds were authorized, that $27,900.00 is no longer necessary to finance the renovation of Gregory School building as originally contemplated. b. The Williston Jr. High School building was removed from the junior high school program, and in lieu thereof was designated as an integral part of the elementary schooi program, housing grades 1 through 6. As projects (c)(1), (c)(2), and (c)(3), as described in paragraph 1 above, are not pertinent to an elementary school program, these pro,jects are no longer needed. The Board of Commissioners find as a fact that since the subject school bonds were authorized, conditions have so changed that school bond proceeds in the amount of $24,500.00 are no longer needed to finance the renovation of the Williston Jr. High School building as originally contemplated. c. The Williston Sr. High School Building was removed from the high school program, and in lieu thereof was designated as an integral part of the ,junior high school program, housing grades 7, 8 and 9. As project (d)(1), described in Paragraph 1 above, is not pertinent to a junior high school program, the need therefor has been eliminated. The Board of Commissioners finds as a fact that since the sub,ject school bonds were authorized, conditions have so changed, the scho,ol bond proceeds in the amount of $12,000.00 are no longer needed for the renovation of the Williston Sr. High School building as originally contemplated. i}. On or about June l}, 1968, the New Hanover Covnty Board of Education obtained a loan in the amount of $110,000.00 from the State Literary Fund. Due to the urgent need for school expansion, these funds were immediately applied to the construction of a six classroom addition to the Wrightsboro School. By reason of such application, the need for bond proceeds of an equal amount for this purpose has been eliminated. The Board of Commissioners finds as a fact that since the sub,ject school bonds were authorized that conditions have so changed that bond proceeds in the amount of $110,000.00 are no longer needed to finance the construction of a six classroom addition to the Wrightsboro School. 5. By reason of the changes in the school program for the 1968-69 school year, as outlined above, it is necessary, in order to maintain the constitutional school term, to make the following renovations: GREGORY SCHOOL BUILDING (1) Construct sufficient and adequate facilities to provide proper incorporation of the Gregory School building into the Williston Sr. High School building to assure proper access by faculty and students. (2) To construct the proper facilities to tie in the existing heating plant of the Williston Sr. High School building with the portion of the Gregory School building which will continue to be used. ~ (3) To renovate the auditorium existing in the Gregory School building so that the same may be used as a library by the new ,junior high school to be housed therein. WILLISTON SR. HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING (1) To renovate and convert the present library into classroom space to be used in connection with the new junior high school program.to be housed in this building. (2) To renovate and convert one classroom presently used as a library to a classroom suitable for general classes. (3) To renovate and convert the present classroom used as a chemistry classroom to 2 general purpose science classroom. This will require the removal, transfer and reinstallation of cettain laboratory desks. ((}} To renovate and convert appropriate space to provide for ,junior high school industrial arts and instrumental music programs and to provide adequate storage for the new junior high ~ school programs. n \ ~ 3'7 Minutes of the Meeting - August 19, 1968 (Continued) FORMAL APPROVAL OF REALLOCATION OF SCHOOL BOND FUNDS (CONTINUED) - WILLISTON JR. HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING (1) To renovate, convert, and upgrade classrooms, (These classrooms are the three science classrooms referred to in Project (c)(2) in Paragraph 1 above) (2) Convert the former home economics area into general classroom space. 6. .The Board of Commissioners finds as a fact that since the sub,ject school bonds were authorized, conditions have so changed that the renovations referred to in Paragraph 5 above will best serve the educational needs of the New Hanover County Public School System. The projected cost of such renovations amounts to $17~.,!}00.00, which sum is not excessive. After finding facts set forth as above, it was moved by Mr. Bowden and seconded by Dr. Hooper that $17I},400.00 of school bond proceeds be re-allocated for the purposes set forth in Paragraph 5 abo~e. The motion carried with Mr. Bowden and Dr. Hooper voting in the affirmative and Mr. Uaughan voting in the negative. Mr. Vaughan also voiced his dissent tc the findings of the facts recited above. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - Two A.B.C. Permit Requests, Sunset Strip Club, Rockhill Road, 1/4 mile N. Highway 117, Castle Hayne and Friendly Cafe, 802 S. 3rd Street were presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that these requests be forwarded to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO ADUISORY COMMITTEE, SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONQvISSION - Mr. ~etts recommended Mr. Beecher Adkins be appointed to serve on the Advisory Committee of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission. Mr. Uaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that Mr. Adkins be appointed to serve on this Committee. Motion carried. APPROPRIATION FOR COAST GUARD CADETS Dr. Hooper presented request for a$100 donation to the enterLainment of the Coast Guard Cadets who jus~visited in Wilmington recently. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden that the $100 e appropriated for this cause to the Military Affairs Committee Fund of the Chamber of Commerce, funds coming from A.B.C. Surplus Account. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". SUBDIUISION MAP, GREEN NEADOWS, SECTION 4 A subdivision map of Green Meadows, Section 4, was presented to the Board for the Chairman's signature. The map had been approved by the Planning Board and by the Division Engineer. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper; that the map be approved and the Chair- man authorized to sign same. Motion carried. AIRPORT LAND USE STUDY, LETTER FROM JOHN TALBERT & ASSOCIATES, INC. - A letter was presented to the Board from John Talbert 8 Associates, Inc. which was in reply to the Chairman~s letter which he had been instructed to write requesting this firm's recommendations and propositfon regarding a land use study of the New Hanover County Airport, and the approximate cost of such a study. A discussion was held in which it was pointed out that Mr. Talbert had advised that he estimated the cost of the study to be approximately $7,000. Only $6,000 has been budgeted for this study. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Nr. V2ughan, that the Board negotiate with John Talbert 8 Associates, Inc, to perform this stndy on time payment basis not to exceed $6,000; this not to be entered into until approval by Mr. Hall and Mr. Metts is obtained. Motion carried. REPRESENTATIVES FRO~ 50S, REALLOCATION OF SCHOOL BOND FUIVDS - At this juncture Mrs. Evelyn Pratt and Mrs. Ellen Williams of the SOS appeared protesting the reallocation of school bond funds and questioning the legality of this. They were advised by Dr. Hooper that the Commissioners were polled by telephone and four voted in favor of the reallocation and one opposed, after studying the situation and formai approval t,~as given at this meeting. They inquired as to how much of the funds could be reallocated, and Mr. Fox said there was no limit. On lady asked if the Court did not rule if the intent was not changed it could be reallocated. Mr. Vaughan replied it would change the purpose. Mrs. Williams and N,rs. Pratt said the people should have had the facts before voting for the bond issue and Dr. Hooper agreed. Dr. Hooper advised them that they would be furnished copy of the School Board's request for reallocation. Also, he told them they could stop the reallocation by getting a restraining order. COURT REPORTER REQUEST - Request was presented from Mr. Leonard W. Watts, Court Reporter, asking for reimbursement for $15 spent on filing cabinets and $45 which represented one-half he spent for a desk. Mr. Botidden moved, seconded by Mr. Vauohan, that Mr. Watts be reimbursed the full $90~ spent for the desk and $151for the filing cabinets, funds to come from Court Room Fund, and t`hat Mr. Watts be informed that in the future any purchasing required by his office should be done through the Purchasing Agent's office. Motion carried. REQUEST MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD - A letter from Rev. Jerome C. Jones, Chairman, Mental Health Advisory Board, was presented to the Board relative to a misunderstanding relative to salaries at the Mental Health Clinic. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the salaries budgeted for the Mental Health Board be paid, when these positions are filled, based on the annual rate rather than the appropriation in the budget. They should be on a prorata basis. Motion carried. By common consent it was agreed that Harold W. Mesberg, Jr. be employed as Psychologist as outlined in Rev. Jones~ letter; beginning salary to be $9,288 annually and when he receives his doctorate degree $10,22!} annually. DOG SHELTER - A letter relative to a,Joint City-County dog pound from Mayor A12sbrook was discussed. Dr. Hooper advised the Board that he attempted to contact Mr. Brandon but found he was on vacation, however he did talk with two Covncilmen concerning this question. By common consent it was agreed to wait untii Mr. Brandon returns before pursuing the subject further. ~~ ~238 Minutes of the Meeting - August 19, 1968 (Continued) RESOLUTION OF CONSERVATiON AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTN~NT - Mr. Vaughan called attention to a resolution which the Conservation and Development Department adopted on August 5, 1968 at their meeting at Wrightsville Beach concerning develop- ment of parks and recreation areas. They resolved that the Department of Administrat:ion be requested to investigate and acquire, if feasible, Masonboro Island together with adjacent marshes. This was presented as information to the Board. LETTER OF APPRECIATION TO STATE REPRESENTATIVE SAM JOHNSON FOR INTEREST SHOWN IN A CONVENTION FACILITY FOR THIS AREA - By common consent it was agreed to write Representative Sam Johnson expressing the County~s appreciation for the interest he has shown in a convention facility for this area, furnishing the Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Burk Hamner a copy of this letter. ~ INSURAA~CE ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Dr. Hooper read a letter he had received from New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee, in which Committee he would request the Insurance Advisory certain agents who are now excluded, who hold full time to the insurance business. By common consent a copy of this letter. Mr. Allan T. Strange, Chairman, Wilmington- he advised that at the next meeting of the ~ommittee to amend the plan to include fire-casualty licenses and who devote full it was agreed to furnish Mr. Homer Davis AUXILIARY COURT ROOMS - Dr. Heyward Bellamy, Mr. Dale Spencer and Mr. Wallace West from the School Board were in attendance at this meeting and one of the items discussed by them was their willingness to work with the Board in providing space to hold court while the courthouse is being renovated. VANDALISM IN SCHOOLS Vandalism in the schools was discussed and a letter which Dr. Bellamy had written advising the Commissioners that the School Board had acted on this Board~s request and would institute such a reward system to take effect as soon as the Commissioners make funds available, as a line item, for this purpose. Mr. Vaughan was of the opinion that funds within the school budget could be made available for this item. Dr. Hooper expressed the opinion that this was an administrative matter within the Schooi Board to be decided upon by them. BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES, BOARD OF EllUCATiON - Letter was discussed from Dr. Bellamy in which he had requested an advancement on the Bond Anticipation notes in the amount of $36,391.53. Scnool bonds were delayed due to necessity of issuino courthouse bonds first. Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this amount be advanced to the Board of Education from the Bond Debi Fund. SCHOOL BOARD REQUEST, CLERICAL EMPLOYEES~ SALARIES - Dr. Bellamy requesLed $16,919.00 which was cut from their budget at budget time be restored in order that they may be in position to keep their clerical help. He said oniy enough funds were allowed at budget time to allow $230 beginning salary for these empldyees. Mr. Bowden expressed the opinion that this i•~as a bad situation, but the budget had been set and he was not in favor of taking funds from the Emergency Fund; that if Mr. Shepard could find another source, he would be in favor of it. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for discussion, that the money be appropriated from the General Fund Surplus beginning September lst instead of July lst. Dr. Hooper said this points up the need for a person in the Commissioner's office to. study personnel over which the Board has control and the sooner a person is obtained the better. Mr. Bowden said the question of clerical salaries of the School Board was pointed out during Budget Discussions. Mr, Vaughan expressed the opinion that if the Board had a competent executive to advise the Board and go over the budget with the department heads before budget time it would save time and a lot of confusion. Nr. Shepard advised the funds could come from the General Fund Surplus, but Dr. Hooper said he was opposed to take surplus from one department to use in another. Dr. Hooper asked P/Ir.. Bowden if he would amend his motion to use the School Board's Surplus Fund. Mr. Shepard advised that not more than $12,000~should be used from this fund. Mr. Vaughan made a svbstitute motion that this Board authori3e the School Board to adjusL their salaries not to exceed $15,000 presently budgeted by this Board for School purposes. Dr. Bellamy said he did not know where they couid find $12,000 in the School Budget. Ntr. Vaughan's substitute motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Bowden then changed his motion that $12,OOQ^be trans- ferred from the School Surplus Fund to School Board to be used specifically for sal~aries beginning September 1, 1968. Dr. Hooper seconded "this motion. D7otion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". BILL FROM MR. L. BRADFORD TILLERY, FEE FOR WELFARE LIEN - A bill in the amount of $I}75 was presented from Mr. Tillery which represented a fee due Mr. Tillery for instituting a~YJelfare Lien of an estate while he was County Attorney, Mr. Fox advised that the bill was in order. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, this bill be paid, funds coming from Surplus O.O.A. Funds. Motion carried. EDUGATION LEAVE APPLIED TO RETIREMENT TIME Mr. Shepard presented a request from a Health Department Nurse that education leave which was granted her !n 1947 be applied ~.o her retirement time with the Local Government Retirement System which will give credit if approved by employer. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this request be submitted to the Board of Health for their consideration. Motion carried. BOOKNOBILE - Miss Katherine Howell appeared before the Board advising that the Bookmobile was on its way and asking whether or not the Commissioners would like to have some sort of presentation on Tuesday, September 3, 1968 which is a regular meeting. She was advised this would be p2aced on the agenda for that date at 8:!}5 A.M. COURTHOUSE RENOVATION (STAIRWAYS) - MFt. OXENFELD - Mr. Oxenfeld appeared before the Board and presented preliminary working drawings of this additional work required by the State of North Carolina Insurance Department. Mr. Oxenfeld presented the contracts for signing, work to begin on August 26th. He advised that Mr. Edward D. Owens, Consulting Engineer, State of North Carolina Insurance Department, had advised him by telephone that the drawings looked fine and he would call the City Building Inspector in order that a permit to do this wprk could be issued. ' X \ ~ 3 :~ Minutes of the Meeting - August 19, 1968 (Continued) COURTHOUSE RENOVATION (STAIRWAYS) - MR. OXENFELD - (CONTINUED) Judge Winfield Smith was asked to come in. He said he was very much opposed to dividing the recorder~s courtroom, that they were crowded now. He invited the Commissioners to view the situation at this time which they did. Dr. Hooper reminded Judge Smith that every one was aware that this is just for three to five years. Also, that the contract had been signed. Judge Smith was asked where he wouid like to go to hold court, and he said he would go any- where the Commissioners said. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Oxenfeld advertise for bids and that they be accepted sometime during the first twelve days of October. Motion carried. Mr. Oxenfeld suggested a change order be issued contractor to install partition while work is going on in court room which would cost between $3,000 and $4,000. This would avoid having to close the court again. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the change order be issued. Motion carried. NEEDS OF PIEDMONT AIRLINES - Mr. Vaughan requested that copy of a letter from Piedmont Airlines, setting out the changes needed at the Airport, be sent to Mr. Oxenfeld and that he furnish a briefing at our next meeting. Mr. Vaughan also requested that Mr. Fox investigate Items 1 and 4 out- lined in this letter and advise. SPACE IN COURTHOUSE FOR DISTRICT SOLICITOR A lett'er dated August 9, 1968, from Mr. Allen Cobb, District Solicitor, was brought to the Board~s attention. This letter requested space be furnished Mr. Cobb on or about December 1, 1968. Mr. Fox will investigate and advise whether the Board has an obligation to furnish the space requested. ' Dr. Hooper broug t to t tt n e Board a letter he had received from Dr. Bellamy requesting transfer of funds from his salary (Dr. Bellamy~s) to that of the Assistant Superintendent who had received a decrease when he was promoted to this position. He was a School Prfncipal before taking this position. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. West's salary be brought up to the same level as when he was principal of a school, funds to come from School Surplus. Motion carried unanimously. SCHOOL ASSISTAIVT SUPERINTENDENT~S SALARY ~ h he a e tion of th TAX ABSTRACT FORM - Copy of the proposed tax abstract to be used for listing taxes which Nlr. Braak had furnished was discussed by the Board. By common consent the abstract was approved, sub,ject to Mr. Bowden and Mr. Shepard agreeing on it. SALARIES WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Miss Hall appeared before the Board and advised the Board that there was a misunder- standing when Dr. Hooper wrote Mr. Caldwell on July 16, 1968 concerning salaries of Pro- fessional Workers in the Welfare Department. They should be two below instead of one. By common consent Dr. Hooper will write Dr. Caldwell and bring this to his attention. DICTATING EQUIPMEiJT, WELFARE DEPART~ENT - Previously it was decided by the Board that the dictating equipment not be purchased until the Welfare Department moved. By. common consent it was agreed~today that the equip- ment be purchased with the understanding that if there is any charge for moving it when the Welfare Department moves, the 4lelfare Department bears the cost. HOSPITAL Mr. Vaughan discussed the operation of the hospit2l, whether or not its billing and bookkeeping systems are working. Dr. Hooper advised that about two weeks ago in a special meeting the Board of Trustees were advised that these would be in operation about September lst. Mr. Vaughan requested Dr. Hooper write the hospital a letter asking for an informal report on the progress they are making with the biiling and remind them this Board would like copies of their minutes as promptly as possible as well as their financial statements. COUNTY MANAGER POSITION - Dr. Hooper advised that in the absence of Mr. Hall and Mr. Metts and since they are opposed to the County Manager Position, this subject will be deferred until the next meeting. MEETING ON BERMS IN ASHEVILLE TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1968 - Dr. Hooper advised that he would be attending this meeting at the request of Col. George Pickett and asked if the Commissioners present had any thoughts on the subject. Dr. Hooper advised that it is the feeling in Raleigh that if any tax relief is granted some of it may be earmarked for this. Dr. Hooper said he was not in favor of this and Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Bowden agreed they were not either. Dr. Hooper was requested to find out progress made in re-coding the laws governing submerged lands. BUILDING INSPECTOR - The Building Inspector had advised that the Board of Building Review which was estab- lished in the Building Code Ordinance had never been appointed. By common consent letter will be sent the Commissioners relative to this before the next meeting in order that they study and make appointments at the next meeting. ' COUNTY LINE, FIGURE 8 BEACH - Question of establishment of a county line at Figure 8 Beach was discussed at the request of ~r. Braak, and ~r. Fox will investigate and report at the next meeting. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Braak confer with the Tax Supervisor in Pender County after he (Mr. Braak) has talked with our County Attorney. Motion carried. INTANGIBLE TAX - . Mr. Shepard reported that the State Department• of Revenue had advised that the County would receive $330,229.1~9^from intanoible taxes instead of $317,000 which he had anticipated. At this juncture Judge Smith came back to the meeting and requested use of the Commis- sioners~ Room while the Recorder~s Court Room is being renovated. Dr. Hooper requested Mrs. ~ Savage to investigate possible space in which to move the Commissioners' office. ~ 240 Minutes of the Meeting - August 19, 1968 (Continued) USE OF COURT ROOM - Mr. Bradford Cantwell, Goodbody Company, had requested use of one of the court rooms for an education program for stock brokers. By common consent permission was granted. CAPE FEAR ABOVE WILMInGTON PROJECT - Dr. Hooper asked Nr. Fox to prepare deed or deeds conveying land which was donated by Mr. Richard Shew to the County to the United States Government for the Cape Fear Above Wilmington Project. RESCHEDULE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2ND - Nonday, September 2nd, being Labor Day, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners be held on Tuesday, September 3rd. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, ~r. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting adjourn. Hazel Savage. :f - NINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1968 WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE 230. Minutes of the Meeting - SeptemDer 3, 1968 AS3EMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Comroissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners+ Room with the following memDers present: Vice Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissloners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, .lohn 11an B. Metts, Jr.; and County Attorney Jaroes C. Fox. County Auditor Perry Shepard was absent. INV'JCATION - Vice-Chairman Lavrence 0. Bowden calied the meetdng to order in the absence of the Chairman and asked Rev. Edward G. Connette, Jr., Pastor, St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR MEETINGS OF AUGUST 5 and 19, 1968 AND SPECIAL MEETING AUGi1ST 23, 1968 - Therebeing no corrections to the minntes for the regular meeting of August 5, 1968, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that they be approved as written. , At thfs ,juncture Chairman Dr. J.oseph W. Hooper ,joined the meeting. For the minutes of the regular meeting of August 19, 1968, under the heading "Airport Land Use Study, Letter froro John Talbert & Associates, Inc.", the iast sentence should read "Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Board negotiate with Jahn Talbert & Associates, Inc. to perform this study on a time payment basfs not to exceed $6,000; this not to be entered into until approval by Mr. Hall and Mr. Metts is ob.tained." After making this correction, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved. There being no corrections to the minutes for the speciai meeting of August 23, 1968, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that they be approved as written. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been svbmitted at this time. SCHOOL BUS SERVICE REQUEST - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker and daughter appeared before the Board requesting that school bus service be furnished to the children on the road on which they live in Bayshore Estates. They advised the Board that the children on this road are required to walk one and three-tenths mile to where the school bus stops. This is througb a wooded area and they do not feel it is safe for their children. Mr. Vaughan expressed the opinfon that he did not feel it wes fair to refuse the chfldren on Lhis road service and then ~n the other hand, the School Soard furnish bus service to haul children cross town. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Chairman write the School Boar~ requesting sehool bus service to the nine grammer school children and two Juntor high school children that live on this road. Motion carried. A.B.C. PERNIIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests aere presented to Lhe Board: The Driftwood, Rt. 2, Box 1}21B, Wilmington; 7-Eleven Stores, 4714 College Dr., Wilmington; and Grady!s Grocery, 622 Harnett St., Wilroington. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff!'s Depart~uent for investigation. Motion carried. , PRESENTATION OF BOOKMOBILE TO LIBRARY - At this ,juncture the Commissioners went outside of Courthouse to present the new Book- mobile which was parked in front of the Courthouse to the Library Board and the Chief Librarian, M~ss Katherine How¢I1. BID OPENING, RECORDAK READER PRINTER, REGISTER QF DEEDS OFFICE ~ pnly one bid was received for the Recordak Reader Pr#nter advertised for in the Wilroington Morning Star on August 22, 1968. This bid was from the Eastman Kodak Company in the amount of $3,i50.00. Bid Bond in the form of a certified check accompanied the bid. Both were examined by the ~ounty Attorney and found in order. Mr. Bowden moved, seeonded by Mr. Metts, that the contract for the equipment be awarded the Eastman Kodak Company. Motion carried. CAMMUNITY HOSPITAL FI,~UIPMENT - Discnssion was held on the equipment at Community Hospital. Mr. Bowden advised the Board that Mr. Shepard had called him and told him that he had been at the hospital and there was some equipment there that should be cared for. Mr. Bowden informed the Board that he had lookefl X the hospital over on Sunday and found very few things of value there. Dr. Hooper said he thought