1968-09-03 Regular Meeting~ 240 Minutes of the Meeting - August 19, 1968 (Continued) USE OF COURT ROOM - Mr. Bradford Cantwell, Goodbody Company, had requested use of one of the court rooms for an education program for stock brokers. By common consent permission was granted. CAPE FEAR ABOVE WILMInGTON PROJECT - Dr. Hooper asked Nr. Fox to prepare deed or deeds conveying land which was donated by Mr. Richard Shew to the County to the United States Government for the Cape Fear Above Wilmington Project. RESCHEDULE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 2ND - Nonday, September 2nd, being Labor Day, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners be held on Tuesday, September 3rd. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, ~r. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting adjourn. Hazel Savage. :f - NINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF AUGUST 23, 1968 WILL BE FOUND ON PAGE 230. Minutes of the Meeting - SeptemDer 3, 1968 AS3EMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Comroissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners+ Room with the following memDers present: Vice Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissloners J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, .lohn 11an B. Metts, Jr.; and County Attorney Jaroes C. Fox. County Auditor Perry Shepard was absent. INV'JCATION - Vice-Chairman Lavrence 0. Bowden calied the meetdng to order in the absence of the Chairman and asked Rev. Edward G. Connette, Jr., Pastor, St. Andrews-Covenant Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, REGULAR MEETINGS OF AUGUST 5 and 19, 1968 AND SPECIAL MEETING AUGi1ST 23, 1968 - Therebeing no corrections to the minntes for the regular meeting of August 5, 1968, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that they be approved as written. , At thfs ,juncture Chairman Dr. J.oseph W. Hooper ,joined the meeting. For the minutes of the regular meeting of August 19, 1968, under the heading "Airport Land Use Study, Letter froro John Talbert & Associates, Inc.", the iast sentence should read "Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Board negotiate with Jahn Talbert & Associates, Inc. to perform this study on a time payment basfs not to exceed $6,000; this not to be entered into until approval by Mr. Hall and Mr. Metts is ob.tained." After making this correction, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the minutes be approved. There being no corrections to the minutes for the speciai meeting of August 23, 1968, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that they be approved as written. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been svbmitted at this time. SCHOOL BUS SERVICE REQUEST - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker and daughter appeared before the Board requesting that school bus service be furnished to the children on the road on which they live in Bayshore Estates. They advised the Board that the children on this road are required to walk one and three-tenths mile to where the school bus stops. This is througb a wooded area and they do not feel it is safe for their children. Mr. Vaughan expressed the opinfon that he did not feel it wes fair to refuse the chfldren on Lhis road service and then ~n the other hand, the School Soard furnish bus service to haul children cross town. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Chairman write the School Boar~ requesting sehool bus service to the nine grammer school children and two Juntor high school children that live on this road. Motion carried. A.B.C. PERNIIT REQUESTS - The following A.B.C. Permit Requests aere presented to Lhe Board: The Driftwood, Rt. 2, Box 1}21B, Wilmington; 7-Eleven Stores, 4714 College Dr., Wilmington; and Grady!s Grocery, 622 Harnett St., Wilroington. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff!'s Depart~uent for investigation. Motion carried. , PRESENTATION OF BOOKMOBILE TO LIBRARY - At this ,juncture the Commissioners went outside of Courthouse to present the new Book- mobile which was parked in front of the Courthouse to the Library Board and the Chief Librarian, M~ss Katherine How¢I1. BID OPENING, RECORDAK READER PRINTER, REGISTER QF DEEDS OFFICE ~ pnly one bid was received for the Recordak Reader Pr#nter advertised for in the Wilroington Morning Star on August 22, 1968. This bid was from the Eastman Kodak Company in the amount of $3,i50.00. Bid Bond in the form of a certified check accompanied the bid. Both were examined by the ~ounty Attorney and found in order. Mr. Bowden moved, seeonded by Mr. Metts, that the contract for the equipment be awarded the Eastman Kodak Company. Motion carried. CAMMUNITY HOSPITAL FI,~UIPMENT - Discnssion was held on the equipment at Community Hospital. Mr. Bowden advised the Board that Mr. Shepard had called him and told him that he had been at the hospital and there was some equipment there that should be cared for. Mr. Bowden informed the Board that he had lookefl X the hospital over on Sunday and found very few things of value there. Dr. Hooper said he thought \ 2 4.~ Minutes of the Meeting - September 3, 1968 (Continued) CONAAUNITY HOS~PITAL Fl~UEPMENT (CON'tINUED) - the air should be cleared; that the public had been led to believe there is a lot of equip- ment there. He said there were only about 30 beds that would not bring $3.00 a piece and that it was not feasible to rehabilitate the mattresses. Dr. Hooper said there is some value in the fixed installations such as a walk-in freezer and a ~ange. The check writing machine, Dr. Hooper said, roust be archaic, and the back-up accounting machine Mr. Shepard had requested must be at least 15 years old. Dr. Hooper was of the opinion that if there had been anything of value left at the Community Hospital, Mr. Butler, former Administrator of the hospital, wouid have brought it to the Commission~s attention. Mr. Bowden maved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, Lhat Mr. Butler be requested to accept appointroent to dispose of all the furnishings and minor ltems of equipment not attached to the building, giving him authority for such disposal after he has received written notice from a21 County Department Heads that they find nothing of value for their departments, and that Mr. Batler be pafd for his services. Motion carried. Mr. Bowden Drought to the attention of the Board the fact Lhat Mr. Butler had worked in the office out there checking and rechecking records by which the County will benefit in the amount of $5,000 Lo $6,000 through his efforts, and that Mr. Butler had done all this without any thought of being paid for his time. BID OPENING, DICTATING EQUIPMENT, WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Mr. Carl Liles, Branch Manager, The Lanier Company, Inc., was present for the bid opening on this equipment. There was only one bid offered and it was from The Lanier Company in the amount of $1L~,600.45. Bid bond in the form of a check was attached to this bid. Mr. Fox, Coanty Attorney, reviewed the bid and bond and found them to be in order. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. AAetts, that the bid be accepted from The Lanier Company.. Motion carried. Discussion was then offered about the difference in the a~ount budgeted and the amount of the bid which amounted to something like $300.00. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vanghan~ that the difference be absorbed in Lhe Welfare Budget. Motion carried. , The Board was informed that Mr. Julian Altobellis advises bids will be ready fo r the nursing home the last of September, 1968. DOG SHELTER - A letter from Mr. E. C. Brandon, Jr., City Manager, dated August 29, 1968 was discussed. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the plan outlined in Mr. Brandon~s letter be adopted, but that the system of fees be studied. The motion was mofified to include one full time person:7 days per week aRd on a fifty-fifty Dasis.on capital and operating expenses. Motion passed unanlmously. , AIRPORT BOND ORDER HEARING - - The'hearing on the Airport Bond Order was called at this time as advertised. No one appeared to discuss the Bond Order. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the following resolutions be adopted adopting the bond order and,motion carried: "The Acting Clerk reported to the Board that the bond order entitled 9Bon.d Order authorizing the issuance of $395,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, which had been introduced on August 5, 1968, had been published in Lhe Wflmington Morning Star on August 8, 1968, with notice that the Board of Commis- sioners would hold a public hearing Lhereon on September 3, 1968, a4 10:00 o+cloek, A.M. "M. H. Vaughan moved that the Board proceed to hold a public hearing on the bond order. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was unanimously adopted. "At 10:00 o~clock, A.M., the Chairman announced that the Board would hear any citizen or taxpayer who desired to be heard with respect to the bond order. At the direction of the Chairman the Acting Clerk read the bond order and the pub- lished notice of hearing. "After the Board had heard all persons who requested to be heard, M. H. Vaughan moved Lhat the public hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by J. M. Hall, Jr. and was vnanimously adopted. "Thereupon M. H. Vaughan introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption; "WHEREAS, the County Accountant has, by direction of the Board of Commissioners, filed in the office of the Acting Clerk of the Board oP Commissioners a statement of debt incurred and to be incurred for other than school purposes nnder pond orders either introduced or passed, complying with the provisions of the County Finance Act, and such statement so filed shows that the net indebtedness of the County for such purposes is 2.68% of the assessed val~3ation of property in said County as last fixed for County taxation: NOW, THEREFORE, "BE IT RESOLUED BY the Board of Commissioners of the County of Mew Hanover as foltows: "(1) The bond order entitled ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of ~$395,000 Airport Bonds of New Hanover~, introdueed at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on August 5, 1968, is hereby adopted without change or amendment. "(2) The Acting Clerk of ihe Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause copies of said bond order to be published with the statement as ta its adoption prescribed by The County Finanee Act in the Wilmington Morning News, a newspaper published tn the City of Wiimington, North Carolina, in said County, and such publication shall be made in the manner prescribed by the County Finance Act. "The motion having been duiy seconded by J..M. HaII, Jr. was unanimously • x adopted. ~ , "M. H. Vaughan moved that the following resolution be adopted: . I 242 Mfnutes of the Meeting - September 3, 1968 (Continued) AIRPORT BOND ORDER HEARING (CONTINUED} - "WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has adopted on September 3, 1968, a bond order entit2ed ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $395,000 Airport Bonds of the County of New Nanover~, and such bond order and the indebtedness to be in- curred by the issuance of such honds, should be submitted to the voters of the County of New Hanover for their approval or disapproval, in order to comply with the Constitution and Laws of North Carolina: NOW, THEREFORE, "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: "(i) At tfie General Election to be heid in the County of New Hanover on November 5, 1968, there shall be submitted to the qualifiefl voters of said County, for their approval or disapproval, the bond order described in the notice of sub- mission hereinafter set forth and also the indebtedness Lo be incurred by the issuance of the bonds authorized by su'ch bond order. "(2) The Acting Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of submission in snbstantially the following form: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SUBMISSION OF QUESTION TO VOTERS AT GENERAL ELECTION "MOTICE I5 HEREBY GIVEN that at the General Election to be held in the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, on November 5,.1968, there shail be submitted to the qualified voters of said County the question whether they shall approve or disapprove the indebtedness to be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said County of the maximum principal amount of $395,000, the levy of a tax for the payment of such bonds, and the bond order entftled ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $395,000 Airport Aonds of the County of New Hanover~ adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 3, 1968, to authorize the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax. The $395,000 bonds are to be authorized to finance improvements to the New Hanover County Airport. "The ballots to be used aE said electton shall contain the words -For the bond order authorizing $395,000 bonds to finance Lhe cost of improving the New Hanover County Airport, maintained and operated by the County for use of airplanes or other sircraft, including terminai building expansion arsd the improvement of runways, taxiways and aprons, together with Lhe acquisition of the necessary lands, and a tax therefor~ and the words ~Against the bond order authorizing $395,000 bonds to finance the eost of improving the New Hanover County Airport, maintained and operated by the County for use of airplanes or other aircraft, including terminal building expansion and the improvement of runways, taximays and aprons, together with the acquisition of the necessary lands, and a tax therefor~, with squares opposite the affirmative and negative forms in one of which squares the voter may make a mark (X) to indicate his choice. - '"3n..the.event that a ma3ority;.:of the•qaaldfied'rvoier§~voitng ~t such election shall approve such bond order and the indebtedness to be incurred Dy Lhe issuance of the bond~ thereby authorized, bonds of the maximum amount suthorized Dy such bond order shall be issued for the purpose described in such bond order, and a tax will be levied for the payment thereof. "The polis for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o~clock, A.M., and will c~lase at the honr of 7:30 o~clock, P.M. The election will be held at the following polling places: Precinct WRIGHTSBORO PRECINCT CASTLE HAYIVE PRECINCT OGDEN PRECINCT WINTER PARK PRECINCT SEAGATE PRECINCT WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH PRECINCT MASONBORQ PRECINCT FEDERAL POINT PRECINCT #1 FEDERAL POINT PRECINCT #2 WILMINGTON PRECINCT: #i #2 Address Wrightsboro School 6I~0 Cast2e Hayne Road SL. Stanisiaus School Castle Hayne Road Ogden Elementary School Middle Sound Loop Road Winter Park School 20!} South McMitlan Avenue Bradley Creek School 6206 Oleander Drive Wrightsville Beach School Harbor Island Cape Fear Aeademy 4002 South College Road Burnett Motor Sales Carolina Beach Road Carolina Beach Town Hall Carolina Beach Dudley School 920 North Sixth Tileston School l~12 Ann Street ~ , ~ ~43 Minutes of the Meeting - September 3, 1968 (Continued) AIRPORT BOND ORDER HEARING (CONTINUED) - Precinct : Address WILMINGTON PRECYNCT: #3 ~ wtiiia~ Hooper School 410 Meares street '. ~~} Sunset Park Jr. High 206:W. Tennessee Avenue ~5 Vanee Building Rutledge Drive Entrance ~`6 New Hanover High (Gym) Princess Street Entrance . ~ ~ #7 Williston Sr. High 401 South Tenth Street ~98 Lake Forest, Ine. 250 Pinecrest Parkway ~/q Chestnut Street Sehool 2150 Chestnut 5treet y, _ #IO Catlett 5chool ' ' 811~ Coiwell Avenue ~11 Fire Station 3403 Park Avenue • #12 . Forest Hills School 1~10 Colonial Drive #13 Winter Park Presbyterian Church . (Educational Building) 3~3 1}5th Street . ,~lla. John_'f. Hoggard High 4305:Shipyard Blvd. "?he registration books shall be opened for the registration of voters at 9:00 o+clock, A.M., on S~aturday, Qctober 12,~1968, and shall be cFosed at 6:30 o~clock, P.M. on Saturday, Oetober 26, 1968.~ on each day (Sundays excepted) during such period, the Registrar for each election precinct in the Connty will keep his book open between the hours of 9:00 o~clock, A.M., and 6:30 o~clock, P.M.•for the registration of voters in such election precinct. On each . Saturday during such period each Registrar~wilt attend at the polling place in his election precinet between the hours of 9:00 o~clock A.M. and 6:30 o+clock, F.M. for the registration of voters in such election .precinct. . "Any qualified voter of the County who expects to be absent from.the County during all of safd election day or who, beeause of sickn.ess or other physical disability will be unable to De present at the polls to vote in person on said day may appiy for an absentee ballot to be used in voting at said~election riot earlier than forty-five days prior to said election and not later than 6:00 o~clock, P.M.'on October 30, 1968. •• ~ "By order of the Board of Commissioners of Lhe County of New Hanover. "Dated: September 3, 1968. (S) Hazel Savage Acting Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover, North Carolina. "Said notice of special election shali be published five times and there shall be an interval of at least one week between said pnbiications and the first of said publications shall be not later than forty-five days prior to the date of suCh election. "(3) The poll.s for said election shall be opened and closed at the times and at the places stated in said notice and etectors shall be reglstered for said election in the roanner stated in said notice. ., ' - "(!}) The County Board of Elections is hereby requested to print and distribute the necessary ballots and to provide the registr'ation books,'booths, ballot boxes, and other equipment rEquired for the holdittg of said election and Lo conduc,L and supervise said eleetion. "Commissioner J. M. Hall, Jr. seconded Lhe.motion and the motion was unanimously adopted." SCHODL BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES - ' Mr. Fox, County Attorney, presented formal resolution suthorizing sale of anticipation notes for the schoo2s, in the amount of $850,000. Mr: riall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden., that the resoiution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution: "J. M. Hall, Jr. presented the following resolution and moved that it be adopted: '~WHEREAS, the bond order hereinafter deseriDed~ha5_taken effect, and the Board of Commissioners desires to borrow money for the purpose for whdch bonds ~ are suthorized to be issued by said order, in anticipation of Lhe receipt of the proceeds of Lhe sale of said bonds, as hereinafter provided: NOW, THEREFORE ~ ~ ~44 Minutes of the Meeting - September 3, 1968 (Continued) SCHOOL BOND ANTICIPAIION NO?ES (CONTINUED) - "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: "(1) The sum of $850,000 will be borrowed by Lhe County of Nevn Hanover, pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina as amended, for the purpose for which bonds are authorized to be issued by the bond order entitled ~Bond Orfler authori2ing the issuance of $3,?50,000 School Bonds of the County of New Hanover,~ adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on March !}, 1968 in anticipation of the receipt of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds suthorized Lo be issued by said bond order, and negotiable notes each designated ~School Building Bond Anticipa- tion Note~ shall be issu~d for said sum so borrowed. "(2) Each of said notes shall be dated Septemher 19, 1968, and shall be payable December 5, 1968, and shall bear interest from their date at a rate which shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. Such interest shall be payable at the maturity of the notes. Each of said notea shall be signed by the Chairman and Acting Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County, and the seal of said County shall be affixed to eaeh of said notes. "(3) The power to fix the rate of interest to be borne by said notes and to determine the denomination or denominations of the notes and Lhe place of payment of the notes is herehy delegated to the Chairman and the Acting Clerk of Lhe Board of Commfssioners of said County, who are hereby aathorized and directed to cause Sata notes to be prepared and to execute said notes when they shall have been sold by, the Loeal Government Commission of North Carolina. Said Loeal Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby requested to sell said notes in the manner prescribed by the Loeal Government Act of North Carolina. . "Laurence O. Bowden seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the motions were Messrs. Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van 8. Metts, Jr., and Dr. Joseph W. Hooper. No one voted against it." FORN,AL AUTHORI2A?ION TO EXECUTE CONTRACTS, COURTHOUSE RIIVOVATION - Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that forroal suthorization be given to the Chairman to sign the contracts authori2ing work on the renovation of the courthouse. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO PLANNING OaM~AIS5I0N COMI~AITTEE - No action was taken on appointment of a memDer to the Planning Commission. This was deferred until next meeting in order to determine who serves on this committee. APPOINTMENT PERSONS TO BOARD QF BUILDING REVIEW - This was deferred until next meeting when, by common consent, it was agreed Mr. Vaughan would check willingness of persons to serve.on this Board and furnish a slate. TRIBUTE TO MR. EASTERLING - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that a resolution be prepared by Mr. Fox commendtng Mr. W. Ewart Easterling, Secretary, Local Government Commission, for his services and advice Lo New Haaover County. Mr. Easterling wiil have completed forty (44) years service as Secretary of the North Carolina Local Government Commission on October 1, 1968. .Motion passed unanimously. Following is the resolution: "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ; R E S O L U T I O N OOUNTY QF NEW HANOVER ; "WHEREAS, on October 1, 1968, W. E. ~Bi11~.Easterling will have completed forty (!~0) years of outstanding public service as Secretary of the North Carolina Local Government Commission, said service constituting an invaluable contribution to good, sound fiscal management on hehalf of North Carolina counties and municipalities; . "IT IS NOW, THEREFORE, unanimously resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Alew Hanover County that said Board by this resolution expresses genu3ne and deep appreciat•ion Lo Mr. Easterling for his public service and his advice and counsei over the years to the public officials of New Hanover County. "Done at Wilmington, North Carolina, the 26th day of 5ep4ember, 1968. (Sigr-ed) Jos. W. Hooper L. O. Bowden J. M. Hall, Jr. M. H. Vaughan J. Van B. Metts, Jr. (5igned) Hazel Savage Acting Clerk" ROBT,. G. GOFF, REQUEST HELP OF CUMMISSIONERS IN EFFORT TO GET STATE Tt~ TAKE OVER RUAD, CASTLE NAYNE AREA - Mr. Robt. Goff appeared before the Board requesting the he.lp of the Commissioners in getting the State to take over Gladilous Road in the Castle Hayne area. He advised the Commissioners that when Lhe State was first requested to take the road over, it met Lhe State specifications but now it does not due to the fact that the state had changed its specifications. Mr. Goff said the road was about 7/10 of a mile in length and that efght families live on Lhe road. It was pointed out that Mr. Goff has a number of trailers on this road and the ma,jority of the faroilies residing there are his tenants. By common consent it was agreed that Chairman Dr. Hooper write the State Highway Commission regarding this. ~ SALARIES, RECORDER~S OOURT - ~ After a short discussion of this, Chairman Dr. Hooper appointed Mr. Vaughan to investi- gate the sa2aries in the Recorder~s Court office with respect to the mid-point range. /\ r Minutes of the Meeting - September 3, 1968 (Continued) SALE OF SURPLUS CARS, SHERIFF~S DEPARTMENT - Shertff Millis appeared before the Board and advised the Commissioners that his depart- ment has.two cars which should be sold. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that these cars be advertised in line with instrucLions from the County Attorney and funds from the sale be placed in the General Fvnd. Shertff FAillis brought to the attention of the Commissioners the need for an exhibit room near the court rooms. Dr. Hooper asked him to check with Mr. Oxenfe2d. DISCUSSION OF DENALITION OF MARION SPRUNT BUILDING - • Dr. Hooper asked the Board to consider the Marion Sprunt Building and if they feel it is not servicabie, con53der having it demo.lished which would open the way for more parking for the Welfare Department when they move to the Nurses Home. Mr. Metts voiced the opinion Lhat this would save havi;-g it patrolled, and he suggested that it be checked to see whether there is anything usable there before demolishing it, if it is decided to do so. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Commissfoners roeet at the building on the mornfng of the next reguiar meeting, September. lbth, at 8:30 A.M., and go over Lhe bnilding to determine what to do about it. Motian carried. COUNTY MANAGER POSITION - / ~ ~~J • Dr. Hooper discussed filling the position of County Manager, citing the need for a competent administrative person in the Commissioners~ office. Mr. Vaughan expressed the opinion that the Comroissioners~ office needs help now and clted items on the Agenda that needed the attention of an executive. An application was submitted from Col. William D. Gnau who is now Deputy of Recorder~s Court. Mr. Vaughan moved, seeonded by Dr. Hooper for discussion, that Col. ,~'inau be employed as County Manager at a starting salary of $10,000 per year. Mr. Metts made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Boauden, that hiring of anyone be delayed and that the Board advertise and revtew some additional applications for the position of administrator to the County Commissioners. Mr. Metts said this was not to be detrimental to Col. Gnau, but he felt like other applicants should be given consideration. Mr. Bowden said there was nothing personal in his secvnding Mr. Mett~s motion. At one time he was interested in the position but when he asked Dr. Hooper to discuss the positton with him, he chose not to. Mr. Bowden said he was no longer interested !n the posltion, Dr. Hooper expressed the feeiing that he was puzzied that some of the members.wanted to seek applicants now when they refused to do so six weeks ago when he requested thero to do so. Dr. Hooper said he feit Col. Gnau was eminently qualified for the position, and Mr. Vaughan said with his background he felt Col. Gmau would make a good man. Dr. Hooper said it had not been possible to fill this position before August lst and everyone is in agreement that an administrative person shouid be in the office. He said the business of the office has been conducted by "Mickey Mouse" hand to mouth, and this is no way to conduct the affairs of the County. He reminded the Board there had been no administrative person in this office since March 21, 1968, and the full charge has fallen on the shoulders of the Board of Caunty Commissioners. Vote was called on Mr. Mett~s substitute motion and it passed four to one Mr. Vaughan voted "NO". ~ Mr. Vaughan then moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for discussion, that the Chairman be suthorized to obtain leave of absence for Col. Gnau to act as Assistant Administrator in this office. Dr. Hooper pointed out that Col. Gnau~s services to the County are invaluable and he would hate for the County to lose him, but if this route was followed it might ,jeopardize Col. Gnau~s chance of another position that he understands he has Deen offered. Mr. Vaughan then withdrew his motion and moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, Lhat the Chairman and Mr. Hall confer mith Col. Gnau and decide, if practical, that Col. Gnau take a leave of absence to serve as Administrator Assistant untifl such time as 2he position of County Administrator be filled and diseuss it at the next meeting. Motion carried unanimously. ASSISTANT COUNTY EXTENSION AGEN? Mr. Vavghan requested the Chairman to read a!}-H Club Pamphlet on the activities of this group and then have a discassion with Mr. Baggett with:the thought of convincing Mr. Baggett that these activities cauld be spread out ln a manner elimtnating the need for an assistant to Mr. Baggett. RESOLUTION, U. S. DISTRICT JUDGE - RESOLUTION, SUPREME COURT - These two subJects, having to do wlth the recent ruling of the U. S. District Judge relative to integration of schools in New Hanover County, were discussed, and Mr. Vaughan was requested to prepare resolutions and present them at the next me¢ting. County Attorney Fox advised he would not prepare such resolutians but would advise whether he thought they were in order. RESOLUTION SCHOOL BOARU Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper for discussion, that none of the school buses that the Commissioners appropriated money for be used for cross-town transportation of school children. Dr. Hooper said that the School Board would do what they wanted ta with the buses anyway. Mr. Vaughan withdrew moCion. Mr. Vaughan then moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that a letter be written to.the School Board calling their attention to the fact that the Board of Commissioners refused to appropriate any money for buses to integrate schools and that the Commissioners feel the School Board is circumventing the purpose for which buses were intended. 1Notion was defeated by a two to two vote. Mr. Bowden ahstained from voting. COUNTY ATTORNEY SERVICES AT HOSPITAL - Dr. Hooper advised the Board that he had received a letter from the Board of 'frustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital saying they are not interested in using services of a full time County Attorney for the reason their attorney is familiar with hospital proeedures and they are happy with their setup. By coromon consent, the Chafrman was asked to write and request they reconsider in the event Lhey should have occasion Lo hire a new attorney in the future. NAMING O~ NEW RECENTLY PAVED SriORT COUNTY ROAD - Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for discussion that Lhe new road at Porters Neck be named the "Champ Davis Road". Dr. Hooper advised the Board that the County Commis- sioners only endorsed the access road Co the Nursing Home; the other road was never brought before the Board for endorsement. By common consent, Mr. Vaughan~s motion was tabled. 1. I 246 Minutes of the Meeting - September 3, 2968 (Continued) HOSPITALIZATION INSURATdCE - }tospitalization insurance in the amount of $6500 which was budgeted in Lhe 1968-69 budget for employees of the County was discnssed and Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Insurance Advisory Committee research and recommend what is the best graup hospital insurance with particular reference to Blue Cross-Blue Shield. After some d3scussion, Dr. Hooper withdrew his motion. Mr. Bowden move8, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that with the approval of the County Attorney, we authori2e the County Auditor to allow the $1}.00 for insurance per employee that was budgeted be paid to the Blue Cross Blue Shield for ail employees who are presently nnder this p.lan until such time as we can write the Insurance Advisory Committee and Life Underwriters Association and request them to furnish us bids. Motlon carried. ' ADJOURNMENT - There being no further busfness to come before the Board, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting ad,Journ. Motion carried. Hazel Savage. Minutes of the Meeting - September 16, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice- Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall,'Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCAI'ION - In the absence of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Ed Smith, Pastor, Trinity Methodist Church, to give the invocation. At this ~juncture of thc meeting Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper ~joined thc Commissioners. DISCUSSION CITY-COUNIY DOG POUND, CITY COUNCILMEN IN ATTENDANCE - The following City Councilmen met with the Board of County Commissioners to discuss ~joint operation of a City-County dog pound: Mayor 0. 0. Allsbrook, Councilmen C. M, Harrington, John C. Symmes, W. A. Fonville, and Luther Cromartie and City Attorney Cicero Yow. Dr. Hooper asked City Manager E. C. Brandon if he had anything he wished to say in regard to the dog pound. Mr. Brandon replied that insofar as he knew, everything in writing had been agreed to. Mr. Cromartie said he understood the County would operate the dog pound, and Dr.•Hooper said that had not been agreed upon as yet. Mr. Cromartie moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the dog pound agreement as outlined in Mr.~Brandon's memorandum of August 29, 1968, be adopted, inciuding fees, sub,ject to the County and City Attorney's approval. Mr. Vaughan pointed out the County was participating on a fifty-fifty operating expense basis even though the City has 70~ of the population. Mr. Hall voiced the opinion that the fees based on the Forsythe County system are in order. 1'he question of personnel was than discussed. Mr. Brandon said the City has had one man full time and another available for calls. Mr. Vaughan expressed the thought that probably one man full time and one part time would be sufficient for the operation. Dr. Hooper felt the operation shovld be reviewed at the end of one year to determine whether it should remain on a fifty-fifty basis. If more services are being required in the County, then the County might go up to sixty percent and vice versa. Mr. Cromartie, at Dr. Hooper~s request, restated his motion as follows: He moved that the City and County concur in the agreement set forth in memorandum from Mr. E. C. Brandon, dated August 29th, sub~ject to ruling of the City and County Attorneys, that it be reviewed once a year, and that one full time man be employed to begin with. Mr. Brandon advised the Commissioners and Councilmen that there would be a problem in having one man beeause it wovld be necessary to have someone to take calls. Mr. Vaughan felt sure something covld be worked out. Vote was called on the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Symmes suggested that Miss Camille Carroll be writt¢n a letter thanking her for her interest and suggestions concerning the dog pound. By common consent a letter will be written Miss Carroll expressing the thanks of both bodies. DISORDER IN THE SCHOOLS - Mr, Symmes brought up the sub,ject of racial trouble being experienced in the high schools and moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that a joint statement be issued advising the public that these governing bodies are concerned over the incidents at both Hoggard and New Hanover High Schools and they are going to provide the maximum protect3on necessary. Mr. Metts made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Cromartie, thaL the bodies are concerned over the problems in schools and the bodies wfll support the school authorities and law enforcement agencies. Dr. Hooper remarked on the original motion that one thing that concerned the public in this community is that some incidents have been covered up in the past and the pnblic is not aware of what is going on now. Mr. Metts said he had been concerned and had spent considerable time at the office of the School Board discussing it with them and that they are investigating every incident to determine who the trouble makers are. At this ,juncture Mr. J. V. Tomberlin, Menager, J d L Transport, Inc., appeared before the bodies and expressed his concern over the Situation. He informed the Board that a group of white boys had recently met at Hugh MacRae Park in order to work out some way of protecting themselves against trouble in the schools and that he was able to persuade them to go home. Dr. Hooper advised Mr. Tomberlin that if they can present cases and documentation of cases and they do not get proper action from the 5chool Board, they could get action from the Board of County Commissioners. Vote was called on Mr. Metts~ substitute motion and it carried. Nfayor 0. 0. Alisbrook abstained. ~