1968-09-16 Regular MeetingI 246 Minutes of the Meeting - September 3, 2968 (Continued) HOSPITALIZATION INSURATdCE - }tospitalization insurance in the amount of $6500 which was budgeted in Lhe 1968-69 budget for employees of the County was discnssed and Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Insurance Advisory Committee research and recommend what is the best graup hospital insurance with particular reference to Blue Cross-Blue Shield. After some d3scussion, Dr. Hooper withdrew his motion. Mr. Bowden move8, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that with the approval of the County Attorney, we authori2e the County Auditor to allow the $1}.00 for insurance per employee that was budgeted be paid to the Blue Cross Blue Shield for ail employees who are presently nnder this p.lan until such time as we can write the Insurance Advisory Committee and Life Underwriters Association and request them to furnish us bids. Motlon carried. ' ADJOURNMENT - There being no further busfness to come before the Board, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting ad,Journ. Motion carried. Hazel Savage. Minutes of the Meeting - September 16, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice- Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall,'Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCAI'ION - In the absence of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Ed Smith, Pastor, Trinity Methodist Church, to give the invocation. At this ~juncture of thc meeting Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper ~joined thc Commissioners. DISCUSSION CITY-COUNIY DOG POUND, CITY COUNCILMEN IN ATTENDANCE - The following City Councilmen met with the Board of County Commissioners to discuss ~joint operation of a City-County dog pound: Mayor 0. 0. Allsbrook, Councilmen C. M, Harrington, John C. Symmes, W. A. Fonville, and Luther Cromartie and City Attorney Cicero Yow. Dr. Hooper asked City Manager E. C. Brandon if he had anything he wished to say in regard to the dog pound. Mr. Brandon replied that insofar as he knew, everything in writing had been agreed to. Mr. Cromartie said he understood the County would operate the dog pound, and Dr.•Hooper said that had not been agreed upon as yet. Mr. Cromartie moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the dog pound agreement as outlined in Mr.~Brandon's memorandum of August 29, 1968, be adopted, inciuding fees, sub,ject to the County and City Attorney's approval. Mr. Vaughan pointed out the County was participating on a fifty-fifty operating expense basis even though the City has 70~ of the population. Mr. Hall voiced the opinion that the fees based on the Forsythe County system are in order. 1'he question of personnel was than discussed. Mr. Brandon said the City has had one man full time and another available for calls. Mr. Vaughan expressed the thought that probably one man full time and one part time would be sufficient for the operation. Dr. Hooper felt the operation shovld be reviewed at the end of one year to determine whether it should remain on a fifty-fifty basis. If more services are being required in the County, then the County might go up to sixty percent and vice versa. Mr. Cromartie, at Dr. Hooper~s request, restated his motion as follows: He moved that the City and County concur in the agreement set forth in memorandum from Mr. E. C. Brandon, dated August 29th, sub~ject to ruling of the City and County Attorneys, that it be reviewed once a year, and that one full time man be employed to begin with. Mr. Brandon advised the Commissioners and Councilmen that there would be a problem in having one man beeause it wovld be necessary to have someone to take calls. Mr. Vaughan felt sure something covld be worked out. Vote was called on the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Symmes suggested that Miss Camille Carroll be writt¢n a letter thanking her for her interest and suggestions concerning the dog pound. By common consent a letter will be written Miss Carroll expressing the thanks of both bodies. DISORDER IN THE SCHOOLS - Mr, Symmes brought up the sub,ject of racial trouble being experienced in the high schools and moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that a joint statement be issued advising the public that these governing bodies are concerned over the incidents at both Hoggard and New Hanover High Schools and they are going to provide the maximum protect3on necessary. Mr. Metts made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Cromartie, thaL the bodies are concerned over the problems in schools and the bodies wfll support the school authorities and law enforcement agencies. Dr. Hooper remarked on the original motion that one thing that concerned the public in this community is that some incidents have been covered up in the past and the pnblic is not aware of what is going on now. Mr. Metts said he had been concerned and had spent considerable time at the office of the School Board discussing it with them and that they are investigating every incident to determine who the trouble makers are. At this ,juncture Mr. J. V. Tomberlin, Menager, J d L Transport, Inc., appeared before the bodies and expressed his concern over the Situation. He informed the Board that a group of white boys had recently met at Hugh MacRae Park in order to work out some way of protecting themselves against trouble in the schools and that he was able to persuade them to go home. Dr. Hooper advised Mr. Tomberlin that if they can present cases and documentation of cases and they do not get proper action from the 5chool Board, they could get action from the Board of County Commissioners. Vote was called on Mr. Metts~ substitute motion and it carried. Nfayor 0. 0. Alisbrook abstained. ~ \ 24~ Minutes of the Meeting - September 16, 1968 (Continued) APPROVAL OF MINUTES - . On Page 4 of the minutes of September 3, 1968, under the heading "Robt. G. Goff, Reqvest Help of Commissioners in Effort to Get State to Take Over Road, Castle Hayne Area", the following sentence should be inserted before the last one: "It was pointed out that Mr. Goff has a number of trailers on this road and the ma~}ority of the families residing there are his tenants'~. On Page l}, under the heading "County Manager Position", the last sentence on the page should read: "Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper for discussion, that Col. Gnau be employed as County Manager at a starCing salary of $10,000." Following these corrections, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or though the County Commissioners, had been svbmitted at this time. REPORT OF CHERRY, BEHAERT & HOLLAND Mr. -ewey Wright of Cherry, Bekaert 8 Holland presented the Report of Cherry, Bekaert 8 Holland for the annual audit of the County. He pointed out there was an error on Exhibit A. It should have reflected First Citizens Bank d Trust Company. Dr. Hooper asked Mr. Adright if there was anything specific he wished to point ovt and Mr. Uaughan asked Mr. Wright whether he had any suggestions as to improvements in the AuditorTs office, and Mr. Wright said he knew of none. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the report be accepted for study. Motion carried. TRANSFER OF TRUCK FROM HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Dr. Hooper brought to the attention of the Commissioners that the Heaith Department has a truck which is seventeen years old and which they no longer need. They would like to turn it over to the County. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the truck be accepted and turned over to the ~jurisdiction of the Airport Manager. Motion carried. A.B,C. BOARD - Mr. Vaughan brought up the sub,ject that execution~of long term leases for A.B.C. Stores is done by three A.B.C. employees without being brought to the attention of the County Commissioners. P7r. Vaughan said he would like for the Chairman to write and determine what arrangements are followed when they lease property and for what term the leases are on the four A.B.C. stores recently opened. Mr. Hall advised the Commissioners the A.B.C. Board does have authority'to buy, sell and lease and does have to make the intent known, at least thirty days prior to opening, of places and has to get approval of State A.B.C. Board as far as site is concerned. The Composite B.oard has no ,jurisdiction to in~ect tts disappro'val or force its will on the Board. Mr. Bowden said Composite Board sets salary and agpoirits Lhe Board, Mr. Vaughan said he wovld like for the A.B.C. Board to furnish a resume of their procedures in this connection. Dr. Hooper asked Mr. Hali to furnigh this information. HEW WELFARE DEPARTP7ENT - Miss Lela Moore Hail, Director Public Welfare, and Mr. H. A. Marks, Chairman of Board of Welfare, appeared before the Board to discuss new Federal requirements which the Welfare Department must meet. The State wanted to put off and phase 3nto reorganization of Aid to Families with Dependent Children, but the Federal Government said it had to be done by July 1, 1969. The plan has to be in effect September 30, 1968. Miss Hall advised the Commissioners she already had one unit in effect as of August 1, 1968 and to put this into effect as reqvired ' would require some shifting of funds. The Federal Government will pay 85% which wiil meet Group III. $9,488 of Covnty money will be replaced by federal funds. The requirement for personnel is that they either have three years of college or three years experience in Welfare Work. Miss Hall wf12 be able to promote workers in her department to the four new positions due to their experience and in one case colle e training which one has had. The beginning salary of the new Eligibility Workers is $4,9~0. The foilowing will be promoted to the new positions: Vandergrift, Lawson, Viser and Mclntosh. Mr. Bowden expressed the opinion that instead of going out and hiring new workers, they would be promoting workers who have experience. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hail, for discussion, that this be done but wanted the minutes to reflect that he is severely chagrined the Board has to go along with it. The question was asked whether this was Federal or State directed. Miss Hall advised the Board that it was passed by Congress in 1q67. Dr. Hooper asked Miss Hall did she contempiate these tremendous salary boosts when the budget was presented. Miss Hall told him she did not. Mr. Vaughan expressed the opinion that the salaries were not too high, but needed more leeway in brdnging them up. Vote was called on the motion and it carr3ed four to one. Dr. Hooper voted "Mo" . ' TELEPHONE SYSTEM, JAMES WALKER NURSES~ QUARTERS - MR. HUTCHINSON, SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY - ~ Mr. Hvtchinson from the Southern Bell Telephone Company appeared to discuss telephone system for the Welfare Department when their offices are moved. The cost of telephone service far the Welfare Department now is $248.00 per month and with the ne~r system the cost will be $568.00 per month. There will be an installation charge of $341},00. The Board was advised it would take 32 weeks to install and it was important to have approval of the Board now in order to prevent any longer delay than necessary for this system to be installed. Mr. Hutchinson pointed out the advantages of the new system over the old. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that authority be given to sign contract immediately for the installation of the telephone system in the Welfare Department. Motion carried unanimously. COURT ROOM RENOVATION - MR. OXENFELD - Mr. John Oxenfeld appeared before court rooms. He advised the Board the extension of two weeks for the work in completion to October 4th thereby also Court Room to November lbth. Mr. Hall request be granted and that the County court during this period, Motion carr the Board to discuss work going on in renovating the work was running behind schedule and requested an the Superior Court Room which would extend the time of extending completion of the work in the Recorder~s moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the architect~s Attorney work out arrangements as to where to hold ied unanimously. Dr, Hooper advised the Board that Thalian Hall would be available and also a school auditorium. ~ 248 Minutes of the Meeting - September 16, 1968 (Continued) COURT ROOM RENOVATION - MR. OXENFELD (CONTINUED) - Mr. Oxenfeld reported that some additional plumbing will be necessary which was not in- cluded in the draa~ings and specifications. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this be done, funds for same to come from Surplus Court Room Account. Motion carried. Mr. Oxenfeld advised that the bids would be ready to go out sometime next week for the second phase of the renovation work. Discussion was held as to day to open bids and being advised by Mr. Oxenfeld that it was hard to yet the bids in on Friday for opening on Monday morning, by common consent it was agreed that the bids be opened on Tuesday morning, October 8, 1968. PIEDN~NT AIRLINES NEEDS - Mr. Oxenfeld, at the request of the Board advised that from the sketches furnished by Piedmont it appeared that between 17,000 and 1~,000 square feet are involved which would cost in the neighborhood of $200,000. By common consent it was agreed to refer this back to the Airport Committee for further study and determination of ~ust what Piedmont needs. SOIL SURUEY - Mr. Maliory and Mr. Tinga of the Planning Commission appeared before the Board along with Mr. Cox of the 5oi1 Conservation Department and Mr. McCarley, to discuss need for soil survey in North Carolina, cost estimated to be in the range of $60,000 to $65,000 with cost to County of between $20,000 and $25,000. It was pointed out that it would be a great help to the Planning Department to have this done. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Planning Department write the Board a letter giving amount of funds needed. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Cox will furnish the Planning Department the exact cost. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - Mr. Mallory advised the Board that he has in draft form the subdivision ordinance and will submit it within two weeks. He has planned a meeting with land developers for sometime in October to get their views. It was brought out that Mr. Cox is working with the Health Department with the drainage in the County; that he works with any land use planning. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Health Department be advised that the Board has been informed of free services of the 5oi1 Conservation Department and suggest they take advantage of it. Motion passed unanimously. RIVER ROAD - Mr. McCarley brought to the attention of the Board the deplorable condition on River Road brought about by people dumping trash there. By common consent the Board agreed to ask the Sheriff's Department to pay particular attention to this road and if necessary and evidence can be obtained as to who is doing this., aciion be taken. APPOINTMENT N~MBER PLANNING COPM~IISSION - Upon recommendation of Mr. John Tinga, Chairman, Planning Commission, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. French I. Davis be reappoined to serve on the Planning Commission for a three year term beg3nning August 1, 1968. Motion carried unanimously. BUILDING REVIEW BOARD - Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the following be appointed to serve on the Board of Building Review which was established in the Building Code Ordinance: Henry Miller, Builder Willia m Boney, Architect Julian Altobellis, Architect Robert Williams, Engineer Chas. E. Davis Engineer Motion carried unanimously. COUNTY MANAGER POSITION The Board was advised by Dr. Hooper that he and Mr. Hall had discussed the position of County Manager with Col. Gnau but that Col. Gnau had decided to take a position with the Town of Wrightsville Beach instead. By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman advertise for a County Administrator. DEUTSCH FILTORS REQUEST FOR PARKING SPACE - ' Mr. Ronald Rowe, Attorney, representing Deutsch Filtors, appeared requesting that they be allowed to lease space for parking. He pointed out that Deutsch Filtors would clean the space. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this property be leased to Deutsch Filtors with a 90 day recapture clause to vacate and at a charge in line with what other people are charged. Mr. Fox suggested that Mr. Rowe and he draft a lease and submit at next meeting. By common consent this was agreed to. At this ~Juncture Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, for discussion, Lhat the meeting recess for an hour. Dr. Hooper said there still were quite a few things left on the Agenda and that he thought they should be finished. Mr. Vaughan then withdrew his motion. FORMAL APPROVAL TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO SCHOOL BOARD - Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the $5,000 which the Commissioners had given permission by telephone on September 6, 1968 be borrowed from the Bond Debt Fund and the $38,592 which Mr. 5hepard had borrowed from the Bond Debt Fund for the School be approved Motion carried. HERTZ-U-DRIVE-IT LEASE, AIRPORT The Hurt2-U-Drive-It lease heretofore was based on a guaranteed payment of $500 plus 10~ of all that Hert2 made over $6,000. A guaranteed payment of $750 and 10% of a21 over $9,000 was discussed by the Board. Mr. Vavghan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that $750 plus 10% of all over $8,500 be charged. Motion carried. k , \ 24~ Minutes of the Meeting - September 16, 1968 (Continued) RECORDER'S COURT OFFICE - Mr. James McKeithan, Clerk Superior Court, appeared before the Board to discuss replacing Col. Gnau who has resigned. He advised the Board he has someone in mind and would like to classify him in ClasSification 12. By common consent the Board agreed to take this under consideration and advise Mr. Mc}{eithan the salary to be paid later. RESOLUTION, U. S. SUPREME COURT - ~ RESOL:UTION, U. 5. DISTRICT JUDGE - Mr. Vaughan read a resolution which he had prepared to be sent to Judge Algernon Butler, U. S. District Judge and to the Supreme Court. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried four to zero. ~r. Metts abstained. Following is the resolution: "Be it resolved that the Commissioners of New Hanover County decry what seems to be in our opinion arbitrary decisions of Federal Judge Algernon Butler which have brought chaos to the school system of New Hanover County to the detriment of . the s'tudent body, the faculty andthe parents of the community. "Be it further resolved that the Commissioners believe it to be not only un- American but unconstitutional io force long distance cross-haulirig..of school children from one geographical area to another." A.B.C. PERMIT REQUEST - An A.B.C. Permit Request from Hanover Heights 66, 321}0 Carolina Beach Road, was presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the reqvest be forwarded to the Sheriffts Department for their investigation. Motion carried. ROAD PETITION, PINEY WOODS SECTION H Road petitions from property owners in Piney Woods, Section H, living on Brook Forest Road, Arbor Way Road and Green Wood Road were presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall., that the standard resolution be adopted and the road petitions referred to ~.he State Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion carried. ROAD PETITION, BATTLE PARK Road petition from property owners in Battle Park on Appomattox, Shiloh and Antietam Drives, was presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the standard resolution be adopted and the road petition referred to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion carried. MR. JOHN WOOD, REQUEST TO ATTEND CITY-COUNTY ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS' MEETING - Mr. John Wood's request to attend the City-County Electrical Inspector~s Meeting in Greensboro, N. C. on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17 and 18, 1968 was presented to the Board. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that permission be given Mr. Wood to attend this meeting. Motion carried. AUTO ALLOtdANCE FOR FORMER COUNTY MANAGER - Request from Mr. J. E. Marshall, former County Manager, for the payment of additional auto allowance in the amovnt of $180.72 for the period November, 1966 through June, 1967 was presented to the Board. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that if documentary evidence in the minutes reflect that more than $100 per month be paid for car allowance during this period, it be paid. If a search of the minutes does not reveal this, then the Chairman write Mr. Marshall that the Commissioners disapprove. Motion carried three to one. Dr. ' Hooper voted "No". The Commissioners also requested that it be pointed out to Mr. Marshail that he had been paid from the middle of P7arch to July lst car allowance for which time the car had not been used for County purposes. BOARD OF ELECTIONST REQUEST - Mr. 5hepard presented a letter he had received from Mr. Pridgen requesting $200 be appropriated for rent of the ,lackson 8 Bell Building, 107 N, 2nd Street, until December 31st and also for utilities. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the $200'~requested and $100~or utilities De appropriated from the General Emergency Fund for this purpose. Motion carri d. ~ MATRON, COUNTY HOME - Mr. Hali brought to the attention of the Board that Mrs. Cooper had been hired as a matron at the County Home and he moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that she be paid $10.00 per day, plus two meals,funds to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. DEMOLITION OF BUILDINGS, JAN~S WALKER H03PITAL - Prior to the meeting today, the Board of Commissioners visited the old James Walker Hospital to determine condition of present buildings and to determine which ones should be demolished. After a short discussion, by common consent it was agreed that the Marion Sprunt Building and original James Walker Hospital Building be demolished. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that demolition of these buildings be advertised. Motion carried. USE OF CREDIT CARDS - Dr. Hooper mentioned, as information, the use of Credit Cards. He advised the Board that the cost is $10.00 per year and that four banks will have credit card serv;ce in the future. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the meeting ad,journ. Motion carried. Hazel Savage ~