1968-10-07 Regular Meeting250 Minutes of the Meeting - October 7, i968 - ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room ~,rith the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, Commissioners J, M. Hall, Jr., M. H. Vaughan, John Van B. Metts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper was absent. , INVOCATION - Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden called the meeting to order and asked Rev. C. A. McCombs, Pastor, St. Matthews Lutheran Church, to give the invocation. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented from the following: 7-Eleven Food Stores, 162a Nedical Center Dr.; Piver~s Sea Food Market, 3958 Market Street; Live Oak Motel Tap Room, 1}301 Market Street Road; Cork and Sinker Cafe, 54 Canal Dr.; Carolina Beach; and Fastway Food Stores, Inc., 2830 Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that these requests be forwarded to the Sheriff's Department for their investigation. TAX SCROLLS - Tax Supervisor Peter H. Braak appeared with Tax Collector Sam Johnson relative to the presentation of the tax scrolls for the calendar year 1968. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Vice-Chairman be authorized to sign the tax scrolls. The scrolls were signed by the Vice-Chairman, Acting Clerk of the Board, and the Tax Collector. They were then turned over to the Tax Collector. STATEMENT OF SETTLEMENT 1967 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAXES - Mr. Sam Johnson, City-County Tax Collector, appeared before the Board and presented his statement of Settlement of 1967 New Hanover County Taxes which he stated would be~isub,ject to audit presently conducted by his office. Following is the statement presented by Mr. Johnson: "SETTLEMENT 1967 NEbd HANOVER COUNTY TAXES Correction to Scroll ~ Real ,~ ~, ,~ Pers. ~r Listed per n ,i ~~ ~~ Page 94 + 15.50 " 139 + .02 " 169 + .02 " 318 + .03 " 24 - .93 " 319 + 2.00 abstract Real 8 Personal " Not Listed '~ Late List Personal Added by Tax Supv. 8 Collector Less Abatements Penalty or Interest Collected Advertising Cost Collected Reai Estate Sold for Taxes 102,201.80 Not Listed Sold for Taxes 26,251.92 Delinquent Personal Property 50,552•78 Prepayments 806,!}18.08 Discount Al lowed by Collector 6,312.92 Deposited - Wachovia Bank 2,826,1115.76 Short Known Overpayments City Owes County - Remitted September 3a, 1968 Over • Respectfully Submitted (s) Sam W. Johnson City-County Tax Collector" + 16.61~ 3,639,578.68 i~.o, 044 • 75 16,751.68 3,796,375•il 20,388.2~. 3,ts16,763.35 L~, 825. 5i 3,ti11,93'7.64 7,321.55 188.50 3,ts19,447•~9 3,818,153.26 1,294.63 160.26 1,454•~9 i,h57.o9 2.20 Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the settlement of 1967 taxes be accepted sub~ject to approval by their CPA audit. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - . On Page 3 of the minutes of September 16, 1968, under the heading "A.B.C. Board", the third sentence from the bottom of the paragraph should read as follows: "Mr. Bowden seid Composite Board sets salary and appoints the Board." On Page !} under the heading "Court Room Renovation - Mr. Oxenfeld", the last sentence of last paragraph should read ".... bids be opened on Tuesday morning, October 8, 1968 at 8:30 A.M." On Page 5 under the heading of "Subdivision Ordinance", first sentence of last paragraph should read: "Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Health Department be advised that this Board has been informed of free services of the Soil Conservation Department and suggest they take advantage o£ it." On Page 7, under the heading of "Board of Elections' Request", the first sentence should show address of Jackson 8 Bell Building as being 107 N. Second Street. Following these corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the minutes be ~ approved. Motion carried unanimously. / \ ~51 Minutes of the Meeting - October 7, 1968 (Continued) TRANSFER OF FUNDS, MENT.4L HEALTH CLINIC - Mr. John D. Wilson, ACSW, Administrative Director, Mental Health Clinic, appeared before the Board at the request of Dr. Hooper to meet the Commissioners and 9n support of his request for transfer of funds within the Mental Health Clinic budget. Mr. Wilson requested transEer of $2,500 from their Salary Account to their Stationery, Supplies and Postage AccounL. In his letter he had advised the Board that ail charges for office equipment, con- tracts and repairs to buildino equipment come from Stationery, 5upplies and Postage Account and that only $600 had heen allocated in the budget for this account. He explained they had recently had a bill for $623 covering repairs to their central air conditioner. Mr. Vaughan asked whether or not the owners of the building should pay for repairs to the air conditioner, and Mr. Wilson advised that he had written a letter to Dr. Hall, who owns the building, and was told that the contract held the Mental Health Clinic responsible for repairs such as this in view of the low rent charged the clinic. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this transfer be permitted. Motion carried unanimously. SALARY OF NENTAL HEALTH CLINIC EMPLOYEE- Letter from Mr. Wilson, dated September 27, 1968, relative to salary of Mrs. Johnnie Cromartie was discussed by the Board. Mrs. Cromartie failed to pass the State Merit Examination for Mental Health Nurse II making it necessary thaL her salary be reduced from $7,656 to $6,960 annually. Mrs. Cromartie was hired on August lst thus bringing up the problem whether or not to require her to pay the difference back to the county which she had received for August and September. The Advisory Board requested that Mrs. Cromartie not be required to do this but that her salary be reduced as of SepLember 23rd. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr, Hall, that Mrs. Cromartie noL be required to pay the difference to the County, but that her salary be reduced as of September 23rd as requested by the Advisory Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr, Wilson had also requested in his 2etter that the remainder of Mrs. Cromartie~s salary~remain in their budget. Mr. Wilson was advised that it would remain in the Nental Health Budget until the end of the fiscal year. EXTRA CURRICULUM WORK, COUNTY EMPLOYEES Discussion was held on county empioyees doing outside work. Mr. Wilson expressed the feeling that such employees might identify with such work instead of the agency work, Mr. _.-- Metts felt if the work is done during the day, any pay for such work should come to the county, hut if it were clone at night it should go to the person performing such work. Mr. Hall asked Mr. Wilson to advise the Mental Health Advisory Board that the Commissioners had discussed the subject. Mr. Metts added that he did not know whether it was a good practice or not; that since the County was trying to build up a Mental Health staff it did not make sense to take part of the staff and use it somewhere else. Mr. Bowden said it was too in- volved to resolve at this meeting. Mr. Wilson informed the Board that the Mental Health Clinic was bvilding a good foundation; it now has six professional people. He then discussed method of supplying drugs to patients. Prior to August lst, the patients purchased their drugs from Dorthea Dix individually by money order. Now, medical supplies come in bulk purchased by the Clinic and are dispettsed. Mr. Metts inquired whether or not the Clinic broke even on the sale of the drugs to patients, and Mr. Wilson said since he had only been with the Clinic for about three months, he had not figured it out yet. Suggestion was made that a ten (10%) percent charge be piaced on the drugs. Mr. Wilson was thanked for coming to the meeting. INSPECTION OF VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS - Mr. Metts advised the Board that he had been contacted by Mr. J. P. Munroe of the Volunteer Fire Departments and advised that it was time to make the yearly inspect'ions. By common consent it was agreed to set Thursday evening, October 17, 1968, sub,ject to approvai of Mr. Munroe. The Commissioners will meet at the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Station at 7:30 P.M. on that date. Mrs. Savage was requested to check with Mr. Munroe concerning the date and advise the Commissioners. SINKS AND WALK-IN ICE BOX, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - Mr. Butler and Mr. Mintz appeared before the Board relative to the sinks and walk-in refrigerator at the Community Hospital. Mr. Mintz advised the Soard that the refrigerator he is now using is too large and he felt the one at Community Nospital would be more economical to operate. Mr. Butler said he had advised Mr. Mintz that ali he had to do was to come and get it. Mr. Metts inquired whether or not it would cost more to move it than he would save, Mr. Metts said he would like to know exactly what was involved. Mr. Bowden said he did not want to do away with a newer box and substitute an older one. Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. ~int2 be allowed to move the ice box and sinks if the expense is not over $50.OQ, funds to come from the County Farm Maintenance Budget. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan suggested that Mr. Butler contact the Bowden Nursing Home to see if they could use anything left at Community Hospital. By common consent the Board of Commissioners aoain expressed to Mr. Butler their appreciation for his continuing efforts for the benefit of the County. The quality of food served the pr3soners at the County Prison was discussed and by common consent the CommisSioners agreed that the meals are good. Mr. Bowden pointed out that Nir. Mintz spends more per meal than the Jail. TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING The North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development has requested funds to accomplish topographic mapping throughout the State totaling about $500,000 for the two-year period of fiscal years 1969-7o and 1970-71. Matching funds have been and will be available from the Uni~ted States Geologicai Survey, and this agency wiil match 50-5o the funds provided by the State to begin an accelerated mapping program. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this Board support this endeavor and that a letter be written the State Budget Advisory Commission advising them. Motion carried unanimously. CREDIT CARD SERVICE, PAYMENT OF AD VALOREM TAXES - Credit Card Service for the payment of ad valorem taxes was again discussed. Letters ~ had been received from banks in reply to inquiry of this Board as to the kind of service they could offer. These letters were discussed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hail, that no offer from any bank be considered that charges the County over $10.00 per year for this service. Motion carried unanimously. , ! 25z Minutes of the Meeting - October 7, 1968 (Continued) ROAD PETITION, SPRING VIEW SUBDIVISION) R~AD PETITION, BAYSHORE ESTATES ) ROAD PETITION, SOUND VIEW ROAD )- Road petitions were received to include roads in the above subdivisions in the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the standard resolution be addpted and the road petitions be referred to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT #~ tib.:F.A.A. GRANT AGREEMENT - By common consent it was aoreed that copies of the correspondence concerning this amend- ment be sent the Commissioners for them to study and the sub,ject to be placed on agenda for next meeting. FORtNAL APPROVAL REQUEST OF CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR FOR NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL H05PITAL TO STORE CIVIL DEFENSE SUPPLIES AT COMNNNITY HOSPITAL - A poll by telephone of the Commissioners had previously been taken for permission for New Hanover Memorial Hospital to be allowed to use Community Hospital to store Civil Defense supplies. Gen. Harriss, Civil Defense Director, had requested th3s. Approval was given over the telephone, and Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that formal approval be given now. Motion carried unanimously. BUILDING CONTRACTORS, BONDS Mr. Frank R. lCing, President, Wilmington Contractors Association, Inc., appeared before the Board as a follow up to his letter which requested an extension of time for the contractors to decide whether or not they approved the bond requirement under the Building Code Ordinance. By common consent it was agreed that a sixty day extension be granted them. At~this time Mr. Blake appeared on behalf of the Electrical Contractors in protest of the bond requirement and cited the following reasons: 1. It in effect puts the county into the business of each contractor. 2. The countyis protected as well as the customer by North Carolina Licensing Laws, • which covld and have caused revocation of licenses for improper wiring or bad business practices. Refer to Chapter 87, Section 66-26, Laws Applicable to Electric Contracting and Inspection in the State of North Carolina. 3. Nearly every ,job of any si2e is bonded anyway. It is the option of each customer regardless of the ,job size to require a performance bond. !}. The Federal government has encroached on private enterprise. We feel if this bonding ordinance is adopted it wiil be a further encroachment by the covnty. Mr. Vaughan expressed the idea he thoaght that Mr. Blake should come back when a hearing of all contractors will be held sixty days from now. Mr. Blake agreed to do this. CHERRY-BEKAERT 8 HOLLAND BILL, 1968 AUDIT - County AudiLor Perry Shepard presented bili from Cherry, Bekaert & Holland in the amount of $~,9~7.75 for audit for the year ended June 30, 1q68. After a short discussion, P7r. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nir. Hall, that the bill be paid. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST OF GARRY McLIANIEL TO TAHE PART TIME JOB - A letter was presented to the Board from Mr. Garry McDaniel, employee in the Tax Office, requesting permission to take a part time joh to supplement his income. After a discvssion, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. McDaniel be allowed to take a part time job provided it does not interfere with his job in the Tax Office and if at anytime the Depart- ment Head feels this outside empioyment is in conflict with his job, it will be brought up again. Motion carried unanimously. FORMAL APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL WORH, RENOVATION COURTHOUSE - A letter dated September 23, 1968 had been received from Oxenfeld 8 Newkirk, Architects, ad~ising that they had received a reply from Smith Construction company and that the additional work required in partitioning the courtroom would cost an additional amount of $3,728.00. Inasmuch as Mr. Ozenfeld had advised it would take several weeks for the contractor to acquire the materials, a poli was taken of the Commissioners by telephone ~rior to this meeting and approval was given at that time by a majority. Mr. Vaughan voted 'No". ~r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that formal approval be given at this time to authori2e the work at an additional cost of $3,728.00, funds coming from the Courthouse Bond order. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "No". DISPOSITION OF USED MOTOR VEHICLES, MR. WESTBROOK~S REQUEST FOR ONE USED CAR FROM SHERIFF~S DEPARTMENT - The Board was informed that there are used motor vehicles to be disposed of; namely, two cars from the Sheriff~s Department, one truck from the Airport and the bookmobile from the Library. A letter was read from Mr. Westbrook in which he requested one of the used 5heriff~s cars to be used at the Airport to transport FAA, Airline and other officiais who visit the Airport around the facility. Mr. Vaughan expressed the opinion that he felt.this a~justifiable request. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that one of these cars be furnished the Airport. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent it was then agreed that the other used motor vehicles be advertised, sub,~ect to the approval of the County Attorney and Mr. Westbrook. CONTRACTORS~ BILLS FOR RENOVATION WORK IN COURTHOUSE - A letter from Oxenfeld & Newkirk, Architects, enclosing approved Contractors~ Requests for Payment as follows was considered by the Board: Smith Construction Company $1l~,738,00 Goodyear Plumbing Company 3,168.00 Temperature Control Company 1,350.00 Conrad Mechanical Contractors 5,256.90 Mr. Hali moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that these bills be paid. Motion carried ~/ unanimously. \ `` ~53 Minutes of the Meeting - October 7, 1968 (Continued) DEP70LITION OLD JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL BUILDINGS - Discussion was held on demolition of the Marion Sprunt Annex and the old central James Walker Building and whether or not to have supervision of the work. The Board was informed that Mr. Julina Altobellis, Architect, would furnish a drawing and supervise the work for a fee of $600.00. ~r. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr, Bowden confer with Mr. Altobellis about this, and make sure his fee does not exceed $600.00. Motion carried. Mr. Bowden abstained from voting. SALARY OF HEALTH DIRECTOR - Discussion was held on the salary of Dr. Joseph C. Knox, recently appointed Health Director. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the Board of Commissioners approve salary of $22,140 per year, and that Dr. Knox be g3ven the freedoro to attend the Academy of Pediatrics each year, at his expense, time not to count against vacation time, as unanimously recommended by the Board of Health. An additional amount of $1,833 will be needed for this salary, and the source from which it will come will be determined at first meeting in November. Motion carried unanimously. COMMUNITY COUNCIL Nr. Metts advised the Board of Commissioners that the Community Council wished to employ a Community Consvltant to replace Mr. Asa Blount who resigned sometime ago. They feel that he did a great deal of good with handicapped children. Mr. Vaughan felt it should be determined what the duties of a Consultant would be and compare with duties of other agencies of this kind. By common consent it was agreed to ask the Community Council to furnish a~job description of this position. RESOLUTION, Mr. C. McD. DAVIS - Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board of County Commissioners adopt a resolution similar to the one the City Council adopted recognizing the fine efforts of Mr. C. McD. Davis for the benefit of the County. Nr. Vaughan made a substitute motion that a road be named Champ Davis Road as he requested about six weeks ago. Substitute motion died for lack of a second. Vote was called on the original motion and it passed. Mr. Vaughan abstained because he said he felt naming a road for Mr. Davis would be the proper way to pay tribute to him. The foliowing resolution was adopted: "RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WITH RESPECT TO MR. CHAMPION McDOI~JELL DAVIS "W}iEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County are cognizant of the many valuable contributions our esteemed and distinguished citizen, Mr. Champion McDowell Davis, has made to New Hanover County, the City of Wilmington and to Eastern North Carolina, and "WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Covnty are desirous of publicly recognizing these contributions as a small tribute to a truly out- standing citizen, who made possible a non-denominational and non-profit nursing home for the aged in our area, "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VICE-CHAIRMAN AND BQARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ASSENIDLED IN A MEETING ON THIS 7TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1968, AS FOLLOWS: "That the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be recorded as recognizing the long years of service of Mr. Champion McDowell Davis to Eastern North Carolina and its citizenry and his many outstanding contributions to our churches, educat:ional facilities and the poor and needy. "That the non-denominationai and non-profit nursing home is now an indispensable asset of which our community can be proud and a facility that is a credit to any area. "The foregoing resolution adopted as aforesaid. (s) Laurence 0. Bowden Vice-Chairman (s.);J. M. Hall, Jr. Commissioner (s) J. Van B. Metts, Jr. Commissioner" CAPE FEAR CHAPTER RAILROAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, MR. C. B. PEGRAM - Mr. C. B. Pegram appeared before the Board and requested support of the Commissicners in the Cape Fear Chapter Railroad Historical Society~s endeavor to get a steam engine here and obtaining lease of unused railroad tracks from the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad for excursion trips. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Board render its suppOrt to them after making a study of this organization~s resolution. Motion carried. Mr. Pegram was not asking for financial support. He, more or less, wanted endorsement of their proSect. COMPACTION MP.CHINE USED IN DISPOSAL OF TRASH - Mr. Hall brought to the attention of the Board an article in the September 23, 1968 County Letter concerning a machine designed by the Sanitation Department of King County, Wash. called the "Mole" which receives refuse from a truck, compacts it under 1.4 million pounds of thrust to one-tenth its original volume, and pushes the squeezed refUSe out the rear into a trench. A bulldozer follows behind covering the refuse in the trench. Developed at a cost of $315,000, the "Mole" can receive two 10-ton trailer loads of refuse, compact it, e,Ject it out the rear, and have the earth back in place in six to seven minutes. By common consent it was agreed to investigate this equipment further. WATTS L1NE BETWEEN LOCAL LIBRARY AND STATE LIBRARY - ~ Mr. Hall brought up the availability of an open line from local libraries to the State Library at no cost to local libraries for obtaining information needed. It was pointed out that our library has this service. ~ 254 Minutes of the Meeting - October 7, 1968 (Continued) FEASIBILITY STUDY OF CONVENTION FACILITY - Mr. A1 Moffitt appeared before the Board re2ative to the feasibility study of a convention facility in our county. He pointed out the need for $2,500 in order to make this study and requested support from the Commission. He advised the Commission that the Committee had in mind a 60 acre tract of land, for expansion in later years. Now, they are thinking in terms of an exhibition room and a room large enough for 3,000 persons. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Board of County Commissioners approve the sum of $200, to come from the Advertisement and Industrial Development Account, when this committee has raised the halance needed. Motion carried.: Mr. Vaughan requested that the minutes reflect that he voted "Yes", but that he does not necessarily approve_`due to uncertainty of location, etc. USE OF DRAGLINE, PINE VALLEY SCHOOL SITE - Discussion was held on use of dragline for Pine Valley 5chool site and by common consent it was agreed that Mr. Hall get in touch with Mr. Cranford and investigate the drainage required. CLASSROOMS ORIGINALLY PLANNED IN NEW SCHOOLS - Discussion was held on classrooms that were deleted from the new schools to be constructed, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the classrooms be included if they can find funds in their budget, advising this Board where the funds come from. Motion carried. LETTER FROM CALDWELL COUNTY - A letter from Mr. E. M. Dudley,Chairman, Board of Commissioners, County of Caldwell, was discussed briefly and Mr. Hail moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that he be advised that this Board agrees with their feeling on the loss of rights to the Court System. SALE OF ADDRE550GRAPH EQUIPMENT - Mr. Peter Braak, Tax Supervisor, came before the Board relative to the sale of the addresso- graph equipment in his office which is no longer needed. After a discussion, Mr. Hall moved, _ seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Braak, if he oets an offer of between $650 and $800, have the Commissioners polled and get authoriLy to dispose of it. Motion carried. CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT - Mr. James McKeithan appeared before the Board to discuss salaries of the employees in the Recorder~s Court office. Mr. Vaughan said he had not had time to work on this as requested by the Commission, but would do so immediately, and if there are any changes, they would be retroactive to July lst. Mr. Vaughan said he would have the information in the hands of the Commissioners before the next meeting. Mr. McKeithan then brought up the question of paying Col. Gnau for vacation which he had not received this year. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Col. Gnau be paid for whatever vacation he is entitled to. Motion carried. Mr. McHeithan advised the Board of the service Mr. Hall Foster had rendered the County in getting lights working properly at Thalian Hall during the week court was held there. He inquired whether or not the Board would like to pay him something. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that Mr. Foster be pafd $P5.00 for his electricai work, Motion carried. Mr. Ncl{eithan advised the Board that in a very short time the Recorder~s Court office will need the room now being used for the Lounge Room, Mr. Metts asked Mr. McKeithan for an overall picture on space, personnei, etc. which will be required under the Court System. Mr. McKeithan advised the Board that he did not need to hire any one now, and when the Court System goes into effect he will need only two additionai people which have been authorized. SPACE REQUIRED BY PIEDMONT AT AIRPORT - Mr. Vaughan discussed requirements of Piedmont for cargo space at the Airport. Mr. Metts suggested that John Talbert & Associates be consulted in order not to damage the master plan for the Airport. Mr. Uaughan suggested that the Chamber of Commerce be requested to lvok into this and advise us with regard to lease arrangements, recapture clauses, etc. Mr. Hall suggested Mr. Westbrook write other Airports who have experienced the same sitvation for the same in- formation. Sy common consent it was agreed that both the Chamber of Commerce and other airports be written for this information. RESIGNATION OF JOHN T. SCHILLER, DEPUTY JUDGE, RECORDER~S COURT - Letter of resignation from Mr. John T. Schiller, Deputy Judge, Recorder~s Court was read. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that a letter be written Mr. Schiller expressing this Board~s appreciation for the services he has rendered the County while serving as Deputy Judge of Recorder's Court. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR STORAGE OF CIUIL DEFENSE SUPPLIES AT COMNNNITY HOSPITAL - Copy of a letter Gen. Andrew H. Harriss had written Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman, Board of Education, in which he requested Mr. Laney to request permission of this Board for Lake Forest, New Hanover High, Tileston and Williston High Schools to store civil defense supplies at the old Community Hospi,tal was discussed. By common consent it was agreed that permission be given to do this. ADJOURNNiENT - There being no further bvsiness to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting be ad~journed. Motion carried unanimously. Hazel Savage x