1968-10-21 Regular Meeting~~ \ ~ . , NINUTES OF SPECIAL NEETING October 8, 1968 8:30 A.M. A special meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was he~ld on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following members present: Chair.man Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Commissioners M. H. Vaughan and John Van B. Metts, Jr. . The purpose of the meeting was to open bids for additional renovation work in the court- house. Mr. John Oxenfeld, Architect, was present and opened the followi,ng bids which had been submitted: General Contractors F. R. King Construction Co. $f}1,715.00 Miller Building Corp. 36,500.00 L. T. Rogers, Inc. 50,080.00 1r1. A..Simon Construction 3~,075.00 Electrical Contractors A. B. Blake Electric t},277.00 Graves Electric . 4,121.00 Miller Bvilding Corp. 4,933.00 P. T. Turner Elec. 3,350.00 Conrad Mechanical Contractors 6,366.00 Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the bids be awarded to the lowest bidders; namely, Miller Building Corporation, General Contractor, whose bid was $36,500 and P. T. Turner Electric whose bid was $3,350, subject to approval of architect and County Attorney, using the remaining part of the $120,000 bond money for renovation of the courthouse, the remaining part of the $45,000 bond money for the purchase of the S&H Green Stamp Building and the difference needed to come from Courtroom Surplus, General Emergency Fund or sources recommended by the County Auditor. Motion carried. There beS;ng no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. . . Hazel Savage Minutes of the Meeting - October 21, 1968 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Boiaden, Commissioners J.•M: Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr., County-Attorney James C. Fox; and County Auditor Perry Shepard. Commissioner M. H. Vaughan was absent. • • • INVOCATION - Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper called the meeting to order and asked Rev. Donnie G. Davis, Pastor, Devon Park Methodist Church, to give the invocation. • APPROVAL OF NINUTES REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 7, 1968 -• Dr. Hooper discussed the resolution adopted at the last meeting concerning Mr. C. McD. Davis. Dr. Hooper was not present at the last meeting. He advised the Board had he known this was to be placed on the agenda, he would have had something to say abovt it. He told the Board that a month or so ago he had been contacted by a government official in Raleigh asking him to introduce such a resolution, and he had refused saying he was going to have no part in whitewashing any fences for the State Highway Commission. Dr. Hooper also said that about two years ago he had been approached by a member of the Davis Foundation requesting help from the County in construction of a road. He informed them the County was not in the road building business. Dr. Hooper went on to say that he did not approve of the resolution and had he been present at the last meeting, he would not have voted for it. ~ There being no corrections to the minutes for the October 7th meeting, Mr. Metts~moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that they be approved as written. Motion carried. ' APPROVAL OF MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING, OCT.OBER 8, 1968 - There being no corrections to the minutes for the special meeting of October Bth, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that they be approved as written. Motion carried. REPORTS - • All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. COUNTY EMPLOYEES~ HOSPITAL INSURANCE - There was a discussion concerning hospitai insurance for covnty employees which was approved and provided for in the 1968-69 budget. $4.00 per month per person was the amount set up in the budget. At the regular meeting of September 3, 1968 a discussion was held on whether or not this could be paid to persons presently under the Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan until such time as the county could get bids and decide on a plan. Motion was made and passed to permit this. The effective date was not discussed or included in the motion. ~ The effective date for allowing the payment of the $4.00 per month per employee was brovgtit up today and discussed. Mr, Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the effec.tive date be, retroactive to July 1, 1968 and paid all persons covered by hospital insurance, evidence of hospital insurance to be furnished satisfactory to the Auditor. Motion carried. I 256 Minutes of the Meeting - October 21, 1968 (Continued) WELFARE REQUEST, USE OF M.P. QUARTERS IN COURTHOUSE BASEMENT - Miss Hall's request for the space now occupied by the M.P.s in the Courthouse Basement was discussed. By common consent it was agreed that nothing would be done unLil everything has been evaluated. WELFARE REQUEST, PARKING SPACE - Miss Hall's request for permission to rent the old Cape Fear Motor Company Used Car Lot for approximately $100 per month, for which the county will be reimbursed, and which wovld enable them to remove from the Courthouse Parking Lot 27 cars, was discussed. Mr. Bowden pointed out that the Courthouse Parking Lot is overcrowded and there is qvite a problem with people blocking each other in order to park in the lot, thus making it necessary for people to be moving cars to let each other out. Also, he pointed out he thought it was a fire hazard and he would like to see the Courthouse Parking Lot relieved. The question of the probability of unauthorized people using the lot was aiso discussed, and the difficulty in seeing the tag furnished the personnel in the Courthouse was mentioned, The tag is so small it does not show up enough to readily determine whether the car has authority to be in the lot. Dr. Hooper advised the Board that sometime back decais on windows had been dis- cussed, and it might be a good idea to follow this up. Then Dr. Hooper expressed the view that the lot is no more crowded now than it was six months ago, and he suggested waiting until the Welfare Department moves before anything is done. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chairman inform the Welfare Director that the County will pay up to $100.00 per month for the additional parking lot to accomodate at least 27 cars from the Welfare Depart- ment, the source of funds to come from the Welfare Surplus Account, which will be reimbursed, and not to exceed four months. Motion carried, Dr. Hooper voted "No". By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Guthrie be advised that the Commissioners wish to have the parking re- strictions stricLly enforced. BID OPENING, DEMOLITION OLD JAMES WALKER HOSPITP.L BUILDING - At this time the Chairman opened hids for the demolition of the oid Marion Sprunt Annex and the old main central James Walker Building at the old James Walker Memorial Hospital com= plex. The following bids ti~ere received: Rike Wrecking Company, Inc., Winston-Salem, N. C. $12,260 Wadsworth Wrecking Company, Raleigh, N. C. 21,475 5. E. Cooper Company, wilmington, N. C. 15,580 Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the bids be accepted for consideration. Motion carried, REQUEST OF MR. GILBERT BURNETT, PAYMENT OF OFFICE RENT - Request for payment of office rent by Mr. Gilbert H. Burnett who will be one of the ,judges under the Court System was discussed. Nr. Metts suggested that a survey be made of what space is available in the Courthouse to see if Mr. Burnett could not be furnished something on a temporary basis. Mr. Hall expressed the opinion that he thought it would cost more to make alterations on a temporary basis than it would to pay the rent as requested by Mr. Burnett. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the Chairman write a letter to Mr. Burnett advising him that the Board would work out this matter ~,rhen he takes office. Motion carried. ACCEPTANCE OF AUDIT REPORT, CHERRY-BEI{AERT & HOLLAND - On September 16, 1968 audit report for year ended Board by Mr. Dewey Wright of Cherry-Bekaert 8 Holland. audit report for study. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by at this time. Motion carried. Mr. Bowden moved, seco be congratulated for the fine job he had done. Notion June 30, 1968 was presented to the The Board at that time accepted the P~lr. Metts, that the report be accepted lded by Dr. Hooper, that Mr. Shepard carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT #2 to F.A.A. GRANT AGREEMENT - AmendmenG No. 2 to Grant Agreement for Federal P.id - Airport Program Pro,ject 9-31-020- 6103 at New Hanover County Airport, Wilmington, North Carolina was discussed and Dr. Hooper informed the Board of letter from Mr. ,lohn Westbrook, Airport Manager, to the effect that Lhe Amendment was in order. Mr. Bowden, moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that resolution be adopted approving the execution of Amendment No. 2 to the Grant Agreement. Motion•carried. Following is the resolution: "RESOLUTION ADOPTED AND APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF AMENDh'~NT N0. 2 TO GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT NO. 9-31-020-6103 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA "BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina: "SECTION 1. That said Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the execution of Amend- ment No. 2 Lo Grant Agreement between the Federal Aviation Administration on behalf of the United States of America and the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, . "SECTION 2. That the Chairman, Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, is hereby avthorized and directed to execute said Amendment to Grant Agreement in quadruplicate on behalf of said New Hanover County, N. C., and the Acting Clerk of the Board, Hazel Savage, is.hereby authorized and directed to impress the official seal of the County of New Hanover, N. C, and to attest said execution. "SECTION 3. That a true copy of the Amendment to the Grant Agreement referred to here- inabove is hereto attached and made a part of this resolution as though it were fully copied herein. ~ "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Contract No. FA-2-2277 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO GR.4NT-AGREEMENT FOR PROJECT NO, 9-31-020-6103 "WHEREAS, the Federal Aviation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the ~FAA~) has de- termined it to be in the intgrest of the United States that the Grant Agreement between the y ~ I \ 257 Minutes of the Meeting - October 21, 1968 (Continued) ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT #2 to F.A.A. GRANT AGREEMENT (CONTIMJED) - FAA, acting for and on behalf of the United States, and New Hanover County, North Carolina (thereinafter referred to as the ~Sponsor~), accepted by said Sponsor on the 22 day of May 1961, as amended by Amendment No. 1, be further amended as hereinafter provided. "NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH: "That, in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the parties hereto, the FAA on behaif of the United States, on the one part, and the Sponsor, on the other part, do hereby mutuaily agree that the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement between the United States and the Sponsor, accepted by said Sponsor on the 22 day of May, 1961, as amended by Amendment No. 1, be further amended as follows: ~ i °1. Delete parceis C1, F, I, M1, N1, S, S1, U1, V, U1 and W from the Grant Agreement. The revised Grant description in the'second WHEREAS clause on Page 1 of the Grant Agreement is hereby revised to read: ~ . ~Acqvire land (easements in part of Tracts 5 and 6, more specifically .' deSCribed aS Parcels A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, U, all as shown on Exhibit tAl~).~ "2. Exhibit ~A1~ dated July 28, 1967: which identifies the land acquired under this Grant Agreement, is hereby included as a part of the Grant and is attached to Pro,ject Application dated January 31, 1961. "It is understood and agreed that all the other terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement, ~s amended; remain in full force and effect and are not changed or altered except as herein- above provided. 1EThe United States shall not be obligated under any provision hereof unless this Amendment has been executed by the Sponsor on or before November 18, 1968, or such subsequent date as may be prescribed in writing by the Administrator. '"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to the Grant Agreement to be duly executed as of.the 21st day of October, 1968. , UNITED STATES OF A~ERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION By (s) Chester W. Wells Title Area Nfanager NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (Sponsor) By (s) Jos. W. Hooper Title Chairman, Board of Commissioners Attest: Ha2e1 Savage Title : Acting Clerk "CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR~S ATTORNEY "I, James C. Fox., acting as Attorney for New Hanover County, North Carolina (hereinafter re- ferred to as ~Sponsor~), do hereby certify: ~'That I have examined the foregoing Amendment to Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken by said Sponsor relatin.g thereto, and find that the execution thereof by said Sponsor has been duly authorized and is in all respects due and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, and further that, itt my opinion, said Amendment to Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligaLion of the Sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated at Wilmington, N. C., this 29th day of October, 1968. ( s ) .)ames C. Fox Title County Attorney'~ A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented from the following: Fisherman~s Steel Pier, Board Waik, Carolina Beach and Henry~s Drive in Restaurant, Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that these requests be forwarded to the Sheriff~s Department for'their investigation. Motion carried. RQAD PETITION, WEAVER ACRES Road Petition was presented to the Board to include Rogers Drive, Hargrove Drive, Avant Drive and Shaw Drive of Weaver Acres Subdivision, in the State Maintained Secondary Road System. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the standard resolution be adopted and the road petition be referred to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF DOG POUND AGREEMENT Dr. Hooper presented the Dog Pound Agreement which the City and County Attorneys had prepared according to the agreement between the City Council and County Commissioners. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the agreement be approved and the Chairman authorized to sign it. Motion carried. ADOPTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF SONDS FOR SCHOOLS, COURTHOUSE RENOVATION, COURTHOUSE ANNEX, AND COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING - Mr. Fox, County Attorney, presented resolution for adoption by the Commission authorizing ~ sale of bonds for schools, courthouse renovation, courthouse annex, and county office building which had previously been authorized. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried. Following is the resolution: 25g. Ninutes of the Meeting - October 21, 1968 (Continued) ADOPTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF BONDS FOR SCHOOLS, COURTHOUSE RENOVATION, COURTHOUSE ANNEX, AND COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING (CONTINUED) - "Laurence O. Bowden moved that the following resolution be adopted: !!WHEREAS, the bond orders hereinafter described have been duly adopted and the Board of Commissioners desire to make further provision for the issuance of the bonds to be issued pvrsuant to such bond orders: NOW, THEREFORE, "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: "(1) The County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as ~County~) shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of $3,750,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of•$3,750,000 School Building Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on March 4, 1968. Said bonds shall be designated ~School Building Bonds~, Acting pursuant to Section i53-8o of the County Finance Act the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that each of the existing school buildings described in said bond order and each of the new bvildings and additions to be financed by the issuance of the bonds is of either fireproof construction o.r non-fireproof construction as defined in said Section 1~3-80, and that the life of each of the improvements described in said bond order is thirty years, computed from June 1, 1968, "(2) The County shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of $120,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled ~Borid Order authorizing Lhe issuance of $120,000 County Courthouse Bonds of the County of New Hanover~, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on July 26, 1968, Acting pursuant to Section 153-80, of the County Finance Act the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that each of the existing buildings described in said bond order and each of the new buildings and additions to be financed by the issuance of the bonds is of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction as defined in said Section 153-80, and that the life of each of the improvements described in said bond order is thirty years, computed from June 1, 1969. "(3) The County shail issue its bonds of the aggregate principai amount of $45,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitied ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $45,004 County Courthouse Bonds of the County of New HanoverT, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on July 26, 1968. Acting pursuant to Section 153-8~ of the County Finance Act the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that each of the existing bvildings described in said bond order and each of the new buildirtgs and additions to be financed by the issuance of the bonds is of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction as defined in said Section i53-8o, and that the life of each of the improvements described in said bond order is thirty years, computed from June 1, 1969. ^(!}) The County shali issue its bonds of the aggregate pr3ncipa2 amount of $100,000 pursuant to and in accordance with the bond order entitled ~Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $100,000 County Office Building Bonds of the Covnty df New Hanover~, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on July 26, 1968. Acting pursvant to Section 153-80 of the County Finance Act the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that each of the existing buildings descrihed in said bond order and each of the new buildings and additions to be financed by the issuance of the bonds is of either fireproof construction or non-fireproof construction as defined in said Section i53-8o, and that the life of each of the improvements described in said bond order is thirty years, computed from June 1, 1969. ~ "(5) The bonds to be issued pursuant to the bond orders described in paragraphs 2 through 4 of this resolution shall be issued as one consolidated bond issue of the aggregate principal amount of $265,000, and shall be designated 1County Courthovse and Office Building Bonds~. Acting pursuant to Section 153-82 of the County Finance Act of North Carolina, the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that the average of the probable periods of usefulness determined and declared in paragraphs 2 through 4 of this resolutfon, taking into consideration the amount of bonds to be issued on account of each purpose described in the bond orders referred to in said paragraphs, is thirty years computed from June 1, 1969. "(6) Said School Building Bonds.shall be of the denomination of $1,000 each or $5,000 each as shall hereafter be determined by the $oard of Commissioners and shall be numbered from 1 upwards in the order of their maturity, and shall be payab"le in annua2 installments on June 1 in each year as foilows, viz.: $100,000 in each ' of the years 1970 to 1977, inc2usive, $130,000 each of the years 1978 to 1986, in- clusive, $140,000 in the year 198'], $150,000 in each of the years.1988 to 1990, in- clusive, $250,000 in each of the years 1991 to 1994, inclusive, and $190,000 in the year 1995. "(7) Said County Cour.thouse and Office Building Bonds shali be of the denomination of $1,000 each or $5,000 each as shall hereafter be determined by the Board of Commis- sioners and shall be numbered from 1 upwards in the order of their maturity, and shall be payable in annual installments on June 1 in each year as follows, viz.: $10,000 in each of the years 1970 to 1978, inclusive, $20,000 in each of the years 1979 to 1981, inclusive, $25,000 in the year 1982, $20,000 in each of the years 1983 to 1986, inclusive, and $10,000 in the year 1987. "(8) All of said bonds shall be dated December 1, 1968. Each bond shall bear interest from its date at a rate which sha21 be hereafter determined and which shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. Such interest shall be payable semi- annually on June 1 and December 1. ~ ~ ~ 259 Minutes of the Meeting - October 21, 1968 (Continued) ADOPTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF BOP1D5 FOR SCHOOLS, COURTHOUSE RENOVATION, COURTHOUSE ANNEX, AND COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING (CONTINUED) - fh~~[]~ Said honds shall be coupon bonds, registrable as to principal only, and 7 shall be signed by the Chairman and Acting Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County. The corporate seal of the County shall be affixed to each of the bonds. Each of the interest coupons to be attached to the bonds shali be authenticated by the facsimile signature of said Acting Clerk. Both principal and interest on the bonds shail be payable at the principal office of the Chemica2 Bank New York Trust Company, 3n the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. 'P(10) ~Each of the bonds and the interest coupons representing the interest payab2e thereon and the provisions for the registration of the bonds and for the approval of the bonds by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission to be endorsed thereon, shall be in substantially the following form: . (Form of Bond} No. No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BOND $ $ "The County of New Hanover ,.(hereinafter referred to as 1County~), a county of the State of North Carolina, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer of this bond, or, if it be registered, to the registered holder, the principal sum of THOUSAND DOLLARS ($ ) on June 1, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from the date of this bond until it shall mature at the rate of per centum ( %) per annum, payable semi-annually on .lune 1 and December 1 of each year, upon presentation and surrender of the coupons therefor attached hereto, as they severally matvre. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable at the principal office of the Chemical Bank New York Trust Company, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. "This bond may be registered as to principal only by the holder in his name on the bond register of the County kept in the office of the Bond Registrar of the County, and such registration shall be noted hereon by said Bond Registrar. If so registered, this bond may be transferred on said bond register by the registered holder in person or by attorney upon presentation of this bond to the Bond Registrar with a written instrument of transfer in a form approved by said Bond Registrar and executed by said registered holder. If this bond be so registered, the principal shall there- after: be payable only to the person in whose name it is registered, unless this bond shall be discharged from registry by being registered as payable to bearer. Such registration shall not affect the negotiability of the coupons, which shall continue to pass by delivery, (Paragraph to appear only in School Building Bonds) 'TThis bond is issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina, and a bond order duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on March 4, 1968, in accor.dance with said Act, to provide facilities necessary for the main- tenance of public schools in the County for the nine monthst school term prescribed by law.~ ' , , , (Paragraph to appear only in County Courthouse and Office Building Bonds) tOThis bond is issued pursuant ~to The County Finance Act of North Carolina, and a bond order duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on July 26, 1968, in accordance with said Act, to finance the construction of additionai courtrooms and offices for the County government. ~ "It is hereby certified and rec~ited that all conditions, acts and.:things re- quired by the Constitution or statutes of the State of North Carolina to exist, be performed or happen precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been performed and have happened, and that the amount of this bond together with all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by said Constitution or statutes. '^The faith and credit of the County are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond according to its terms. '"IN WITNESS 4lHEREOF, the County has caused this bond to be signed by the Cha3rman ~and Acting Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County, and the corporate seal of the County to be hereunto affixed, and the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile signature of saiii Acting Clerk, and this bond to be dated December 1, 1968. . Chairman of Board of Commissioners ~ Acting Clerk of Board of Commissioners (Form of Coupon) No. $ ~2sa DOLLARS ($ at the principal office of the Chemical Bank New York Trust Company, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which is then legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, being the semi-annual interest then due on its Bond, dated December 1, 1968. No. , Acting Clerk of Board of Commissioners (Endorsements on Bonds) The within bond has been registered as to principal only, as follows: Date of . Name of Registered . Signature of Repistration . Owner.:• . Bond Reqistrar The issue hereof has been approved ~ under the provisions of the Local Government Act. H. E. Boyles Secretary of the Local Governroent Commission "On the first day of June, 19 , the County of New Hanover a county of the State of North Carolina, will pay to bearer Minutes of the Meeting - October 21, 1968 (Continued) ADOPTION RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF BONDS FOR SCHOOLS, COURTHOUSE RENOVATION, COURTHOU5E ANNEX, AND COUNIY OFFICE BUILDING (CONTINUED) - B~~ Designated Assistant °(11) The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to provide a suitable bond register for the registration of said bonds and to act as Bond Registrar in registering the bonds and to carry out the provisions set forth in the bonds for the conversion of the bonds into registered bonds and for the transfer thereof. "`(12) The Local Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby requested to sell the bonds in the manner prescribed by the Local Government Act of North Carolina, and to state in the notice of the sale of said bonds given pursuant to Section 17 of said Act, that bidders may name one rate of interest for part of said bonds and another rate or rates for the balance of said bonds. Said bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be named in the proposal to purchase said bonds which shall be accepted by said Local Government Commission in accordance with said Act, and shall be in the denomination of $5,000 unless request is made pursuant to the notice of sale for bonds in the denomination of $1,000. "(13) The Chairman and Acting Clerk of the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to cause the bonds to be prepared and, when they shall have been duly sold by said Local Government Commission, to execute the bonds and to turn the bonds over to the State Treasurer of North Carolina, for delivery to the purchaser or purchasers to whom they may be sold by said Commission. "J. M. Hall, Jr. seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted. Those voting for the motion were Nessrs. Laurence 0. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Metts, Jr, and Dr. Joseph W. Hooper. No one voting against it. " RENOVATION OF LEGION STADIUM - A letter the Commissioners had received from Mr. George Rountree, III, requesting that the County assist in the renovation of Legion Stadium, was discussed. By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman write Nr. Rountree that the Commissioners think it is a good thing to do, but since the property belongs to the City of Wilmington, they feel that it is primarily the City~s responsibility. N~otion carried. SCHOOL BQARD REQUEST FOR CALL OF ELECTION, TFACHERS~ SALARIES - Request from the Board of Education for a fifteen (15d) cents supplement to teachers~ salaries be placed on the Nmy, 1969 Ballot was discussed. By common consent it was agreed to write Mr. Otto Pridgen, Chairman, Board of Elections, and ascertain approximate cost of having this put on the May, 1969 Bailot. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowdett, that Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy be written a letter advising that action on the request will be deferred until December 2, 1968 at which time the new Board of County Commissioners wiil take office. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO COMMANDER JOSEPH C. FOX - Mr. Bowden suggested to the Board that a resolution be adopted expressing the Board~s appreciation for the services Commander Joseph C. Fox, USCG Commanding Officer of U. S. Coast Guard Cutter McCulloch, had rendered this area while on duty here. After a discussion, Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the following resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution adopted: ~ Minutes of the Meeting - October 21, 1968 (Continued) RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO COMMANDER JOSEPH C. FOX (CONTINUED) - `nRESOLUTION OF APPRECIATIOIV TO COMMANDER JOSEPH C. FOX ~261~ ."WHEREAS, Commander Joseph C. Fox, USCG, Commanding Officer of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter P~CULLCCH., United States Coast Guard, has exemplified the highest echelon of service to his fellow man and friends of.New }ianover County, and "WHEREAS, Commander Fox has accepted leadership responsibilities and challenges that required many hours of his time and effort which he unselfishly contributed ~to various civic and community pro~jects, and • "WHEREAS, through his untiring efforts and devotion to duty Commander Fox has given the people of our community a legacy of service, therefore "BE IT R£SOLUED that.the Board of County Commissioners, New Hanover Covnty, North Carolina issue this statement of appreciation to Commander Joseph C. Fox, USCG, in recognition of his acceptance of civic responsibility and demonstration of active leadership in many vital county projects, and "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the sincere best wishes of all our people go with him on his new tour of duty. "Dated at Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina on the 21st day of October, 1968. • (s) Jos. W, Hooper, Chairman (s) Laurence O. Boarden, Vice-Chairman (s) J. Van B. Metts, Jr., Commissioner (s) M. H. Vaughan, Commissioner (s) J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioner^ BID OPENING, RENOVATION OLD JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL NUR5E5~ QUARTERS - Mr. Julian Altobellis, Architect, opened bids for the renovation of the Old James Walker Hospital Nurses~ Quarters to be used by the Welfare Department for their offices. The following bids were received: ~ . . General Contractors Miller Bldg. Corp. Reagan Construction Co. W. A. Simon Construction Co. Simon Construction Co. Luther T. Rogers Const. Co. Electrical Contractors Conrad Mechanical Contrs. Graves Electric Co. Miller Bldg. Corp., Plumbinq Contractors Ideal ~ Conrad Mechanical Contrs. Plus Alt. No. I $18,977 7,199 8, 3 il~. 8,900 12,300 4,600 5,735 5,675 5,330 3,795 z,4i8 5,000 6,890 6,75a 6,794 Total Bid $92, 1(~2 . 56;904 . 75~388 . 86,874 • 80,300 21,200 25,646 23~976 • 18,030 13,291 • ii,z4z 20,000 25,785 25,935 26,693 Sneeden, Inc. Burton-Edwards Base Bid ~73,165 49,705 b~,o74. 77,974 68,OO0 16,600 19,911 18,301 12,700 9,496 8,824 15,000 Heatinq 8 Air Conditioninq Contrs. Conrad Mechanical Contrs. 18,895 Temperature Control Co. 19,185 Sneeden, Inc. 19,899 Inasmuch as no bids were received for the elevator, Mr. Aitobellis said he would re- advertise for the elevator, bids to be'opened at the next meeting of the Commissioners on November (}, 1968. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the other bids be accepted for consideration and awards made at the November 4, 1968 meeting of the Commissioners. Motion carried. ' DISCUSSION OF OUTSIDE WORK BY COUNTY EMPLOYEES - ' There was much discussion concerning outside work by county employees, correspondence about ~ which had been received from Rev. Jerome C. Jones, Chairman, Nental Health Advisory Committee. Mr. Bowden was of the opinion that outside work should be permitted if colleges cannot get help from other sources. Mr. ~etts was of the opinion that if the County needs the personnel worse, the county should use them. Mr. Metts also quest3oned, where does profesSional help begin and end. Dr. Hooper expressed the view that the question could be resolved by approving outside work for the semester which has already begun. Nr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr, Bowden, that the re- ~ commendations outlined by Rev. Jones be accepted for this school term but that this not be con- ,sidered a precedent for other departments or the Mental Health Center, and that it be reconsidered at the end of this school semester by this Board. Motion carried. J ' I • 262 Minutes of the Meeting - October 21, 1968 (Continued) COURTROOM FURNISHINGS - Mr. L. Bradford Tillery and Mr. Gilbert H. Burnett, Judges Elec~, and Mr. John Oxenfe2d, Architect, appeared before the Commissioners relative to furnishings for the new courtrooms, jury rooms, and ~udges chambers. Mr. Tillery asked that these rooms be decorated with decorum and dignity in order to create a proper atmosphere for the courts. Mr. Fox spoke in their behalf and said if at all possible he would not like to see any cuts in their requests. He felt the rooms should be properly, adequately and nicely furnished. The amount requested was $19,850, pius 10% for architect~s fee. Mr. Tiliery said it was possible a few items could be trimmed:. Mr. Metts moved that the County Attorney and Mr. Shepard review this list. He was advised that Mr. Shepard had been working with this committee on courtroom furnishings and he, Mr. Metts, withdrew his motion. Mr. Shepard was asked whether or not funds were available for this, and he advised that the entire amount requested was not available. He advised there is $5,800 in the budget for this and $10,592 in Courtroom Surplus Fund which could be used, making a total of $16,39~. ~r. Shepard suggested the air conditioning be left off until April or May. Mr. Tillery suggested the list be pared after bids are received. Architect~s fee was discussed and Mr. Oxenfeld said his charge would be ten (10%) percent. ~r. Tillery said he and Mr. Burnett felt the services of an architect advisable in the furnishing of these rooms. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that $16,000 be made available and that pro- fessional fees be included in this amount. Motion carried unanimously. LEASE TO DEUTSCH FILTORS - Dr. Hooper informed the Commissioners of the parking lease.between the County and Deutsch Filtors which the County Attorney and Mr. Ronald D. Rowe, Attorney for Deutsch Filtors, had worked out. The lease is for a term of one year, rent payable at $30.00 per monLh, property to be used only for parking purposes. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the lease be approved and the chairman authorized to sign lease. Motion carried. STORAGE OF CIVIL DEFENSE SUPPLIES AT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - A letter from Mr. LeGwin requesting storage of a 200 bed portable hospital at Community Hospital was presented to the Commissioners. Dr. Hooper said he would discuss this with Mr, LeGwin and furnish more information a.t the next meeting. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, Nfft. JAMES McKEITHAN - Mr. James G. McKeithan, Clerk of Superior Court, appeared before the Board and advised that his office is overdrawn on certain items~ namely, Repairs and Maintenance to Equipment, Records Binders, Evidence, Transcripts, Witness Fees, and Telephone Bills, and that his office.needs $1,000 to take care of these items. Mr. Shepard was asked for his views, and he recommended that $1,000 be appropriated to cover these accounts that are overdrawn, funds to come from General Emergency Fund. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that upon Mr. Shepard~s recommendation the $1,000 be approved, funds to come from General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. Mr. McHeithan requested that salary for the Clerk of Recorder~s Court be set. He recommended a salary of $5,475, Step 2 under Classification 16, be set. Mr, Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that approval of a salary of $5,475, as requested by Mr. McKeithan, be approved. Motion carried. Mr. McKeithan requested the space now used by the M.P.s in the Basement for Warrant Writing. Also, he again requested use of the Employees~ Lounge for additional office space. Mr. McKeithan advised the Commissioners that he now has two employees who do not have desks. Mr. Sowden moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, that the Auditor be authorized to order two desks for the clerks in Mr. McKeithan~s office, both desks not to exceed $400.00, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Notion carried. DISCUSSION SOIL SURVEY IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY )- FEASIBILITY STUDY OF COUNTY-~JIDE SEWERAGE COLLECTION AND TREATMENT SYSTEM) - A letter was brought to the Commissioners+ attention from Mr. Timothy Wood, Planning Director, relative to cost of a soil survey for New Hanover. It fs estimated to cost this county around $25,000. A letter from Mr. I. John Tinga, Chairman, Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission, relative to county-wide sewerage collection and treatment system was also brovght to the Board~s attention. Dr. Hooper said he felt sure part of the survey by Alexander Potter 8 Associates would cover sewerage but probably not in detail. Dr, Hooper said it was brought out in discussing the survey with Alexander Potter 8 Associates as well as the bonding people in New York that water and ~ewerage had to go together, so if the county is gofng to issue bonds they should be done together. ~ Mr. Bowden expressed the feeling that he would like for this Board to endorse both for the new Board. By common consent it was agreed to advise Mr, Wood and Mr. Tinga that this Board is to b¢ replaced in a short time, and this Board of Commissioners feel the new Board should take it up at the next budget time. REQUEST FOR DEPARTMENT HEADS TO REPORT TO COMNiISSIONERS~ OFFICE WHEN TAKING TIME OUT OF THEIR OFFICES - . At. Mr. Hall~s request, Mr. Bowden brought to the attention of the Board that the Commis- sionerst Office was not being informed when department heads take vacation or other time off. By common consent it was agreed the Chairman write a letter to the Department heads requesting they notify the Commissioners~ Office when they are going to be out of the office. BOOKLETS ISSUED BY OTHER COUNTIES LISTING COUNTY OFFICIALS, ETC. - Mr. Bowden brought to the attention of the Board a booklet published by Union County which listed its County Officials and suggested it would be nice if New Hanover CounLy could do some- thing like this. Mr. Metts suggested that the Chamber of Commerce be asked if they could have something like it made up. . . ADJOURNMENT - - , There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. M,etts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting ad,journ. Motion carried. ~ Hazel Savage