1968-11-04 Regular Meetingr ~ ~~~ Minutes of the Neeting - November 4, 1968 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, John Van B. ~etts, Jr.; County Attorney James C. Fox; and County Board of Commissioners was the following members present: Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., Auditor Perry Shepard. INVOCATION - Chairman Dr. Joseph ~ni. Hooper called the meeting to order and asked Rev. E. E. Kirton, Rector, St. Marks Episcopal Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - There being no corrections to the minutes for the meeting of October 21, 1968, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved as ~~ritten. REPORTS - Ali reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. A.B.C. PERP4IT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented from the follo~:~ing: Brown's Inn, 1012 Orange Street and 7-Eleven Stores, 580 Castle Hayne Road. Mr. Metts moved; seconded by Mr. Hzll, that these requests be forwarded to the Sheriff's Department for their investigation. Motion carried. ROAD REQUEST, DIXON ACRES A letter ~,~as presented to the Board which had been received from Mr. Paul J. DuPre, Division Engir.eer, State Highway Commission, in which he informed the Commissioners his office had been requested to add to the State Maintained Road System, Dixon Acres for a distance of 0.48 miles. Mr. DuPre said the road had been investigated and found it meets the requirements for addition to the System. Mr. DuPre advised that if the Commissioners would forward a resolution requesting the addition of this road, his office vaould forward same, along with investigation report and recommendation for addition, to the Raleigh Office for action. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the standard resolution be adopted and forrrarded to Mr. DuAre~s office. Motion carried. At this juncture Mr. Vaughan joined the meeting. DOG POU?VD Dr. Hooper informed the Board that the Dog Pound Agreement had been signed by both the City and County and that he had asked Nr. Brandon to investigate with Mr. Mintz the site which ~~as formerly used as a hog pen at the County Prison Farm. A cement floor is already there and a tin rool also. Fencing it in and partitioning it u~ill be necvssary. Dr. Hooper voiced the opinion that he believed it could be made ready for less than the amount of $5,000 previously thought to be necessary. TRANSFER OF SCHOOL FUNDS -$41,000~'RO~ CAPITAL RESERVE TO CAPITAL OUTLAY - A letter, from Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy, dated October 23, ig68, requesting th2t $1~1,000 be transferred from the Capital Reserve Fund to the Capital Outlay Fund for the purpose of purchasing five relocatable classrooms, was brought to the attention of the Board. Mr. Shepard informed the Soard that an error was made during Budget Session; that this amount should have been put in Capital Outlay instead of the Capital Reserve Fund at that time. By common consent it was agreed that the Board of Education~s request be granted. Nr. Shepard advised the Board that the Board of Education had requested permission that they be allowed to request necessary transfers in their budget only once a year. After a discussion of this, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by i~lr. Bowden, that the Board of Education be advised that the Board of Commissioners prefer they request any transfers of funds on a monthly basis instead of yearly. Motion carried. SALE OF CHRISTMAS TREES AT HUGH MacRAE PARK Vice-Chairman Sowden discussed the request of the President of the Winter Park Optimist Club to sell Christmas trees at Hugh NacRae Park. Nembers of the Park Commission had been contacted about this and zll but Mr. Hugh Morton ~~~ere in favor of the sale of trees. Dr. Hooper said the proceeds derived from the sale of the trees wili be used for recreation in the park and he sees no objection. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the Optimist Club be allowed to sell Christmas trees along the highway rieht-of-way and not to extend over 50 feet into the park area, subject to approval of the Park Superintendent, Mr. Roberts, but this is not to be ronsidered as an annual thing; they are to let the Commissioners know early in the season if they would like to use the park in years to come. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF AIRPORT BONDS Dr. Hooper said everyone on the Board is in complete support of the airport bonds, and as a Commission he thought the Board should emphasi2e the import~nce of this to the people and endorse it again today. Mr. Vaughan said there are 30 sources of income at the airport. For instance, gas is sold to county departments. Mr. Bowden said that people feel that the Airport should pay for the improvements, but he feels everyone benefits and everyone should pay. The airport bonds in the approximate amount of $1}00,000, if approved, will cost between Iz to 2 cents per $100 valuation, and this will decrease when the tax base increases. Also, ~r. Vaughan pointed out that it is possible for the airport to pay this back in several years from the funds generated at the airport. This being the case, it wiil cost the taxpayers nothing. Dr. Hooper informed the Board that he had been reading and learned that the air passenger service is expected to increase 200% by 1975 and the amount of air freight is expected to in- crease even more, and if the County does not support the bonds, the County will be that much further behind. Dr. Hooper said this was non-partisan and one of the most important things facing the Commission today. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Commission go on record as favoring the airport bond order. Motion carried. UNIFORM FEE BILL FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS - Mrs. Lois LeRay, Register of Deeds, appeared before the Board to discuss the Uniform Fee Bill for Register of Deeds. After the Bill had been discussed, the Commissioners and Mrs. LeRay ~ agreed that the Bili is satisfactory with the following two execptions: (1) Section 1, G.S. 161-10, Paragraph 9. Comparing Copy for Certification - Instead of $1.00 per instrument, it is felt that $1.00 per page should be charged and (2) Section 5, G.S. 161-22.1 For Indexing and Cross-Indexing - It is suggested a minimum charge for six names and when over six names a ch2rge of ten (lOd) cents per name be charged. I 264 ~ Minutes of the Meeting - November 4, 1968 (Continued) UNIFORM FEE BILL FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS (CONTINUED) - Mr. Vaughan moved., seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Commissioners go on record as approving the Uniform Fee Bill ~~~ith the above exceptions and that the Chairman be asked to write a letter to Mrs. LeRay informing her of their action. Notion carried. COST OF COPYING TO COUN'1'Y OFFICES - Dr. Hooper inquired oi Mrs. LeRay how much it cost her office to make copies on the zerox machine in the Register of Deeds office. Mrs. LeRay said about 4z cents, but she thought lOd was a fair price to charge. In this ~aay the Register of Deeds office was able to take care of the mistakes made. Dr. Hooper said he was satisfied with the charge after receiving this information from Mrs. LeRay. BID OPENING,ELEUATOR, RENOVATION OF JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL NURSE51 HOME - Readvertisement for bids for the elevator was done because no bids were received when other bids were received. At this time three bids were received as follows: Otis Elevator Company $17,869 Dover Elevator Company 18,450 Southern Elevator Company 17,794 Discussion was held as to whether or not it v!ould be feasible to ~dait until funds are available before awarding the contract to purchase the elevator. Mr. Altobellis informed the Board if they anticipated using an elevator in the future, the shaft would have to be put in at this time. Question was brought up as to whether or not rent to be derived from the building could be used to defray part of the cost of this renovation. Mr. Shepard informed the Board the funds from rent would have to go in Welfare Surplus Account, and Mr. Fox aoreed with Nr. Shepard. Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Board approve base bids recommended by Mr. Altobellis and not the alternate bids, and any money needed in excess of $100,000 to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan abstained. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. BoUrden, that the Commissioners write the Bidders on the demolition and advise them bids will not be accepted at this time, but that the Commission will probably readvertise for bids within ninety (90) days. Motion carried. WELFARE REQUEST, PARKING - Miss Hall appeared before the Board to clarify her previous request that 24 parking spaces be reserved for her department in the Courthouse Parkino Lot. This request was mis- understood at the last meeting at which time the Welfare Department was granted their request to rent the Cape Fear ~otor Company Used Car Lot for a period of fovr months at a cost of $100 per month coming from the Welfare Surplus and which will be reimbursed by State and Federal funds. At this meeting the Welfare~s request for reserving 24 spaces in the Court- house Parking Lot was denied. WELFARE REQUEST, INCREASE IN SALARY OF EMPLOYEE - Miss Hall, in her letter of October 30th, requested that Harry Brooks~ salary be in- creased from $6,636.00 to $6,960 which was the salary of Philip S. Jones who has resigned. After a brief discussion Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this request be granted Motion carried. At this time Dr. Hooper excused himself from the meeting, and Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden took the chair. WACCAMAW BANK 8 TRUST COMPHNY REQUEST - Mr. Aubrey Johnston, along with Mr. Ralph Bowden and Mr. Long from Ulhiteville, appeared i~ before the Soard and requested that the Commissioners pass a resolution in order to make them a depository for the County. Mr. Johnston expressed his appreciation for the help the County ~ agencies had rendered the Waccamaw Bank 8 Trust Company in locating in Wilmington. Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that a resolution be passed accepting the Waccama~•~ Bank as a depository for the county. Motion carried. TAX SUPERVISOR;- Mr. Vaughan discussed combir.ing the Tax Supervisor position with the County Manager position. He expressed the opinion that the tax office was 4~ea}i in assessment. After a discussion by the Commissioners, by common consenL it was agreed that Nr. Shepard be asked to make a report at the next meeting as to whether or not it would be ~•leli to combine the Tax Supervisor position with the County Manager position with more emphasis on assessment. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF SCHOOL BUSES ON DAWSON STREET Mr. Vaughan discussed school buse,s on Dawson Street and the fact that traffic is held up for long periods of time vhile the buses load, and he expressed the feeling it might be weii for the buses to be routed one block off of Dawson Street. By commori consent the Chair- man was asked to write a letter to the School Board requesting they investigate to see if better traffic control can be worked out on Dawson Street. SALARIES, RECORDER~S COURT OrFICE - Mr. Vaughan presented his recommendations with regard to increases in salaries of the employees in the Recorder~s Court Office. After a brief discussfon, Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded •by Nr. Netts, that the increases be approved, funds coming from Unexpended Salary Fund, Recorder's Court office. Motion carried. ADDITIONAL HELP ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Mr. Hall discussed with the Board the need for help for Mr. John Wood, New Hanover County Electrical Inspector. He pointed out the increased work load Mr. Wood is experiencing and advised that Mr. Wood feels the time has come when he needs help on a permanent basis instead of part time help. It was pointed out that ~r. bJood makes three times as many electrical inspections as the City Inspectors. By common consent it was agreed to ask Mr. Wood to appear at the next meeting of the Board with facts, figures and any recommendations he might have in connection with his request. Also, he is requested to report on the radio which was authorized at Budget time. Mr. Wood is requested not to make any commitment to ~~ anyone about employment with the county. 265 Minutes of the Meeting - November 4, 1968 (Continued) CIVIL SERVIGE CONMISSION - Nr. Vaughan discussed the possibility of .eliminating the Civil Service Commission when someone is employed in the Commissioners+ Office. Mr. Vaughan feels the Executive Officer in the Com~issionerst Office should be able to handle hi.ring of personnel. He requested that a note be made to consider requesting the Legislature to approve abolishing the Commission. • NOTICE FRON CITY FOR COUNTY TO CLEFiN VACANT LOT NEXT TO 612 WOOSTER STREET - A notice from the City of Wilmington relative to cleaning of a vacant lot which is owned jointly by Lhe City and Covnty was discussed. Mr. Vaughan moved that the County ciean the lot and bill the City for half the charge of the job. Motion died for lack'of a second. Mr. Hali moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the City be asked to clean the lot and file a lien on the lot for the County~s share of the cost of cleaning. Motion carried. Mr. Vaughan voted "No". FORMAL APPROVAL OF ASSIGNh1~ENT OF EMPLOYEES~ LOUNGE TO COURT OFFICE - Due to the urgent need for additional space for the Recorder~s Court, a poll by telephone was taken of the Commissioners on October 25th as a follow-up to Dr. Hooper~s memo to them on October 22nd relative to allowing the Recorder~s Court office to use the Employees~ Lounge. The majority of the Commissioners voted in favor of this. At this meeting Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that formal approval be given on a temporary basis, pending availability of space later. P7otion carried. • DISCUSSION, VALIDATTNG MACHINE, CLERK RECORDER~S COURT.- Mr. Shepard advised the Board that Mr. McKeithan had informed him the State did not intend to use the Validating Machine which is in the Recorder~s Court office but intended to store it. Mr. ShepardTS recommendation was that the County try to retain it, if possible. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County request the State to release the Validating Machine to,the County, if they do not plan to use it. Motion carried. SHRUBBERY, OLD JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - Request of Mr. J. D. Causey, Director of Parks, City of Wilmington, that they be allowed to remove the shrubbery from the old James Walker Hospital and use it in the parks was,dis- cussed. Mr, Metts suggested it probably wovld be needed around the parkittg area for the Wel- fare Department. Mr. Hall•moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the City~s request be granted with provisions that they replant what is needed around the Welfare Department Building. Motion carried. At this time Dr. Hooper rejoined the meeting and took the chair. DEPUTY .IUDGE RECORDER'S COURT - Dr. Hooper advised the Board that Judge H. Winfield Smith had appointed David Barefoot, Esq. as Deputy Judgge Recorder~s Court, effective November 1, 1968, to take the piace of Johit T. Schiller who resigned, effective October 31, 1968. APPROPRIATION FOR ELECTION BOARD - . Request for appropriation of $214.80 to pay expenses of Mr. Victor Sneeden, incurred while attending a Voting Machine School in Canton, Ohio, was discussed. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this appropriation be approved, funds to come from the Generai Emergency Fund. ._.^ 'Mr.:.Pridgen..suggested to the Board that an investigation be made to see whether the City will contribute to operation of a full time Election Office. This was discussed.and Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that Mr. Pridgen be asked to give written recommendations of relationship he felt should be established with the various municipalities in connection with permanent registration and anything else pertaining to what the Commission needs to make a decision on relative to full time office and their use of voting machiries. Dr. Hooper asked Nr. Pridgen to research what other cities and counties are doing in this connectfon. Mr. Pridgen voiced the opinion that he did not think the beaches 410lliC1 want to use the voting machines. Vote 4~as called on the motion and it carried. HARBOR MASTER - Mr. Vaughan discussed the position of Harbor Master in this area and said he understood the present Harbor Master made a salary of from $20,000 to $25,000 annually for about six hours of work per month. Question of whether this is a state or federal position was:dis- cussed. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the chairman be requested to in- vestigate what the dvties of the Harbor ~aster are, salary and whether or not it is a State or Federal position. Motion carried. Mr. Metts voted "No'~. Mr. Vaughan suggested that an investigation be made to determine whether this money could be applied to the Ports Authority. SPACE FORNERLY OCCUPIED IN SASEMENT OF COURTHOUSE BY MILITARY POLICE - Dr. Hooper read a letter dated November 1, 1968 from Judge Rudolph I. Mintz requesting the space formerly occupied by the Military Police in the courthouse basement for use by the Magistrates toho will begin work on December 2nd. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Judge Mintz~s request be granted on a temporary basis and if renovation is needed that Mr. McKeithan submit the cost of the renovation needed at the next meeting. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT OUTSIDE AUDITOR FOR CLERK OF COURT AUDIT - Nr. Shepard requested that an outside auditor be appointed to audit the Clerk of Court Office before the State takes over. Mr. Vaughan suggested that some auditor be employed who had not worked in the courthouse previously and that the Commission authorize the Chair- man to make the selection. Dr. Hooper said he could go along with the intent of the motion, but he had just as soon not select an auditor. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that recommendations be made at the next meeting of the Commissioners. Motion carried. Dr. Hooper and Mr. Vaughan voted "No", ADVERTISEMEA1T, NORTH CAROLINA STATE PORTS AUTHORITY - Inquiry from the IVorth Carolina State Ports Authority as to whether or not the County desired any changes in the ad of New Hanover Industrial Site Commission was brought to the Board~s attention. By common consent it ~~~as agreed that no change in the present ad is desired. ~ I ' 266 ~inutes of the Meeting - November 4, 1968 (Continued) J ME~TAL HEALTH REQUEST - A letter, dated October 13, 1968, froro Mrs. Alice vonOesen, Secretary, Mental Health Advisory Board, in which pe.rmission for Mr. John Wilson to teach at Wilmington College during the next school quarter was requested. It was pointed out in her letter that teaching will not interfere with Mr. Wilson~s work at the Clinic, He wili stiil work a full eight hours per day. Also, the college vJill pay the county and Nr. Wilson will be reimbursed for the same amount through his regular county pay check. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that permission be granted for Mr. Y<<ilson to teach during the next school quarter at Wil- mington College. Motion carried. HOLIDAY - VETERANS~ DAY, NOVENiBER llth - Attention was calied to the fact that November llth being Veteranst Day, the County offices will be closed. , COLLECTIOIV OF COMh7UNITY HOSPITAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE BY NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL H05PITAL - Mr. Shepard discussed outstanding bilis due the old Community Hospital and now being coliected by the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. He pointed out that better results might be obtained by using Y.he services of a Collection Agency. I~4r. Vaughan moved, seconded by ~r. Netts, that~Mr. Shepard work out the detaiis with a collection agency. Motion carried. APPROPRIATION FOR ARCHITECT FEES, COURTROONS - Mr. Shepard requested appropriation for a bill from Mr. John Oxenfeld in the amount of $5,000, his fee for the courtroom renovation, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. P4etts, that the bill be paid from Courtroom Surplus. Motion carried. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUEST - A letter dated November 1, 1968 from Mr. Horace D. Murray, Secretary, Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department, requesting that the Commission reappoint Mr. J. D. Robinson for 2nother two (2) year term as Trustee of their Relief Fund was read to the Board. A1r. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this request be granted. Motion carried. ALiDITOR~S SALARY - Mr. Vaughan recommended that the Board of County Commissioners consider requesting the Legislature to increase the salary of the County Auditor in the amount of $3,000. •By common consent the Commissioners agreed to do this. • HIGHWAY 117 - Mr. Vaughan requested the Chairman to write the State Highway and ascertain statvs of progress of widening U. S. 117, Castle Hayne. GRAND JURY REPORT Dr. Hooper brought to the attention of the Board the Grand Jury Report of October•29, 19~8 wherein it was pointed out the Ne4~ Hanover County Jail was inspected and found in excellent condition and the New Hanover County Farm ~aas also inspected and found to be in excellent condition. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by ~r. Vaughan that h7r. Joe Johnson, Jailer, and Nr. Lutha Mintz, Prison Farm Superintendent, be commended. Motion carried. ADJOURNINENT - There being no further business to come before the Soard, P9r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting adjourn. Hazel Savage. Minutes of the Meeting - November 18, 1968 ASSEMBLY - • The regular semi-monthly meetiny of the Neti•f Hanover County Board of Commissioners was heid on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the follo~,~ing members present: Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr., John Van B. Netts, Jr, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. County Attorney James C. Fox was absent. M. H. Vaughan, Corr~missioner, was also present, INVOCP.TIOP1 - Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper called the meeting to order and asked Rev. L. G. Williams, Pastor, Holy Trinity Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF A~INUTES - For the minutes of November l}, 1968 the following corrections v~ere made: On Page 5 under the headiny ^Civil Service Commission",the last sentence of the paragraph should read as follows: "He requested that a note be made to consider requesting the Leyislature to approve abolishing the Civil Service Commission". On Page 7 under the heading "Auditor~s Salary", the first sentence should read: "Mr. Vaughan recommended that the Board of County Commissioners consider requesting the Legislature to increase the salary of the County Auditor in the amount of $3,000". On Page 7 the paragraph "Mental Health Request" was discussed. Nfr. Vaughan said it is the intent of the County Commission that when salaried persons on the staff of P"ental Health or other professional people of other county agencies work during county hours for outside agencies, they be required to turn back such funds as are earned to the agency by whom they are employed. He said he does not believe these people can maintain normal 4rork schedules • with the County. He said he does not agree for the people to take time off during normal hours for extra curriculum work and be paid for it. Mr. Bowden said Mr. Wilson was hired with the understanding that he could do this. Dr. Hooper said it might have been clear with the Ntental Health Board but not with the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Bowden felt the Commis- sioners will have to recognize the commitment of the Mental Health °oard. A4r. Vaughan reminded the Board that at a meeting of the Mental Health Board and the County Commissioners sometime ago, it was agreed to that Mr. Wilson get the fastest acceleration in salary in the history of the County. By common consent it was agreed that Mr, Vaughan~s remarks be placed in the minutes. On Page 1~. the minutes should reflect Dr. Hooper left the meeting before request of Waccamaw IIank 8 Trust Company was heard. Also, first sentence of paragraph, '~Waccamaw Bank '8 Trust Company Request" should read: "~r. Aubrey Johnston, along with Mr. Ralph Bot,rden and . " , ... . ~