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~inutes of the Meeting - November 4, 1968 (Continued)
A letter, dated October 13, 1968, froro Mrs. Alice vonOesen, Secretary, Mental Health
Advisory Board, in which pe.rmission for Mr. John Wilson to teach at Wilmington College during
the next school quarter was requested. It was pointed out in her letter that teaching will
not interfere with Mr. Wilson~s work at the Clinic, He wili stiil work a full eight hours
per day. Also, the college vJill pay the county and Nr. Wilson will be reimbursed for the
same amount through his regular county pay check. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Hall,
that permission be granted for Mr. Y<<ilson to teach during the next school quarter at Wil-
mington College. Motion carried.
Attention was calied to the fact that November llth being Veteranst Day, the County
offices will be closed. ,
Mr. Shepard discussed outstanding bilis due the old Community Hospital and now being
coliected by the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. He pointed out that better results might be
obtained by using Y.he services of a Collection Agency. I~4r. Vaughan moved, seconded by ~r.
Netts, that~Mr. Shepard work out the detaiis with a collection agency. Motion carried.
Mr. Shepard requested appropriation for a bill from Mr. John Oxenfeld in the amount of
$5,000, his fee for the courtroom renovation, Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. P4etts, that
the bill be paid from Courtroom Surplus. Motion carried.
A letter dated November 1, 1968 from Mr. Horace D. Murray, Secretary, Wrightsboro Volunteer
Fire Department, requesting that the Commission reappoint Mr. J. D. Robinson for 2nother two
(2) year term as Trustee of their Relief Fund was read to the Board. A1r. Vaughan moved,
seconded by Mr. Metts, that this request be granted. Motion carried.
Mr. Vaughan recommended that the Board of County Commissioners consider requesting the
Legislature to increase the salary of the County Auditor in the amount of $3,000. •By common
consent the Commissioners agreed to do this. •
Mr. Vaughan requested the Chairman to write the State Highway and ascertain statvs of
progress of widening U. S. 117, Castle Hayne.
Dr. Hooper brought to the attention of the Board the Grand Jury Report of October•29,
19~8 wherein it was pointed out the Ne4~ Hanover County Jail was inspected and found in
excellent condition and the New Hanover County Farm ~aas also inspected and found to be in
excellent condition. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by ~r. Vaughan that h7r. Joe Johnson, Jailer,
and Nr. Lutha Mintz, Prison Farm Superintendent, be commended. Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Soard, P9r. Hall moved, seconded by
Mr. Vaughan, that the meeting adjourn.
Hazel Savage.
Minutes of the Meeting - November 18, 1968
The regular semi-monthly meetiny of the Neti•f Hanover County Board of Commissioners was
heid on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the follo~,~ing members present:
Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr.,
John Van B. Netts, Jr, and County Auditor Perry Shepard. County Attorney James C. Fox was
absent. M. H. Vaughan, Corr~missioner, was also present,
Chairman Dr. Joseph W. Hooper called the meeting to order and asked Rev. L. G. Williams,
Pastor, Holy Trinity Church, to give the invocation.
For the minutes of November l}, 1968 the following corrections v~ere made:
On Page 5 under the headiny ^Civil Service Commission",the last sentence of the paragraph
should read as follows: "He requested that a note be made to consider requesting the
Leyislature to approve abolishing the Civil Service Commission".
On Page 7 under the heading "Auditor~s Salary", the first sentence should read: "Mr.
Vaughan recommended that the Board of County Commissioners consider requesting the Legislature
to increase the salary of the County Auditor in the amount of $3,000".
On Page 7 the paragraph "Mental Health Request" was discussed. Nfr. Vaughan said it is
the intent of the County Commission that when salaried persons on the staff of P"ental Health
or other professional people of other county agencies work during county hours for outside
agencies, they be required to turn back such funds as are earned to the agency by whom they
are employed. He said he does not believe these people can maintain normal 4rork schedules •
with the County. He said he does not agree for the people to take time off during normal
hours for extra curriculum work and be paid for it. Mr. Bowden said Mr. Wilson was hired
with the understanding that he could do this. Dr. Hooper said it might have been clear with
the Ntental Health Board but not with the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Bowden felt the Commis-
sioners will have to recognize the commitment of the Mental Health °oard. A4r. Vaughan reminded
the Board that at a meeting of the Mental Health Board and the County Commissioners sometime
ago, it was agreed to that Mr. Wilson get the fastest acceleration in salary in the history of
the County. By common consent it was agreed that Mr, Vaughan~s remarks be placed in the
On Page 1~. the minutes should reflect Dr. Hooper left the meeting before request of
Waccamaw IIank 8 Trust Company was heard. Also, first sentence of paragraph, '~Waccamaw Bank '8
Trust Company Request" should read: "~r. Aubrey Johnston, along with Mr. Ralph Bot,rden and . "
, ... .
Minutes of the Meeting - November 18, 1968 (Continued)
Following these corrections, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes
be approved, including the revised paragraph "Uniform Fee Bill for Register of Deeds", top
of Page 3, which had been submitted to the Commissioners prior to this meeting. Motion
carried unanimously.
Mr. Allan Strange and Mr. Hardy Wessell of the Insurance Advisory Committee appeared
before the Board to discuss hospital insurance for county employees. Mr. Strange had been
asked by the Board to investigate and prepare specifications for health insurance. He
advised the Commissioners the Advisory Committee did not think this insurance should be
farmed out in the way property insurance is, but felt the low bidder should be awarded the
insurance and that the committee should not share in the premiums. He said the committee
wanted to render this service to the Board even though it would not share in the premiums,
and they felt the low bidder, consistent with quality of converage, should be awarded
the insurance. Mr. Strange said the Advisory Committee planned to move ahead promptly;
that a committee had already been appointed to do this.
Dr. Hooper thanked Mr. Strange and Mr. Wessell for taking the time to appear at the
meeting and furnishing this information. `
All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted
at this time.
Discussion was held on the $4,015,000 County Bonds; their denominations and interest
rates. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by ~r. Metts, that the following resolution be adopted
approving denominations of bonds and the interest rates:
'"J. M. Hall, Jr. moved that.the following resolution be adopted:
"WHEREAS, the Local Government Commission of North Carolina has informed the
Board of Commissioners that it has sold in the manner prescribed_by law, the
$3,750,000 School Building Bonds, the $265,000 County Covrthouse and Office
Building of the County oi New Hanover, dated December 1, 1968, authorized to be
issued by a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on
Qctober 21, 1968, and that the contract of sale contemplates that said bonds
shall be of such denomination and shall bear interest as hereinafter provided:
• "BE IT RESOLVED that said bonds shall consist of 803 $5,000 coupon bonds,
and the bonds of each issue shall be numbered from 1 upwards in the order of
their maturity.
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said bonds shall bear interest as follows:
Bonds payable
Bonds payabie
Bonds payable
Bonds payable
Bonds payabie
Bonds payable
Bonds payable
each of the years 1970~to 1975 ^ incl., 6% p.a.^
the year 1976, 5-3/4~ P•a.~
each of the years 1977rto 1982 ^incl., 44% p.a.
each of the years 1983-~and 1984~, 3•80% ~.a.
each of the years 1985~and 1986, 4q%~p.a.
each of the years 1987~to 1994hincl., 44% p.a.
the year 1995,'~3%~p•a•
"John Van B. Metts, Jr. seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted,
Messrs. Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr„ John Van B. Metts, M. H. Vaughan,:
and Dr. Joseph W. Hooper voting for the resolution and no one voting against it."
A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented from the following: Butlers Cash Grocery, Rt. 3,
Box 5, Masonboro Loop Road and Upper Deck Beach Club, ~O5 S. Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville
Beach, N. C. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by ~r. Hall, that these requests be forwarded to
the Sheriff's Department for their investigation. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Peter Braak, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and presented a statement of
changes in the tax records since the scroils were delivered to Mr. Sam W. Johnson, City-County
Tax Coliector. Following is the statemenC:
"In view of the fact that certain changes have been made on our Tax Records
since the scrolls were delivered to Mr. Sam W. Johnson, City-County Tax Collector,
Oct. 7, 1968, I submit to you the following report:
Original Tax Value
Supplementary Listings
Corporate Excess
Additions (Properties Left Off
Or Miscalculated)
Abatements 8 Refunds Issued
From Oct. 11 Thru Nov. 15, 1968
Additional Revenue:
81~7 , z87 -
Tax Base $262,733,223 - Tax $3,94~,998.35
Tax Val. $263,295,832 - Tax $3,949,437.48
~ Dif. $8,439.15
~ ~i ~
(s) P. H. Braak
Tax Supervisor"
~inutes of the Meeting - November 18, 1968 (Continued)
A road petition from three people on Bayshore Drive was presented to the Commission. Mr.
Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the standard resolution be adopted and forwarded to
the State Highway along with this petition for their consideration. Motion carried unanimously.
When this subject was brouoht up, it was not clear to the Board just what was involved.
Mr. Bowden said the matter had been discussed at a meetino of the Mental Health Board from which
he was absent. Mr. Metts suggested Mrs. vonOesen be contacted to see if she could come before
the Board and explain her letter. ~r. Bowden made the call and Mrs. von0esen felt Mr. Wilson,
Administrative Director, could explain it better. ~r. Wilson was asked to come to this meeting
as soon as convenient for him.
Mr. Charles Johnson of the Blue-Cross, Blue Shield appeared before the Board requesting
that the $LE.00 per person per month for hospital insurance which was granted county employees,
by the Commissioners, effective July 1, 1968, who had hospital insurance as of June 30, 1968,
also be granted to county employees who have purchased hospital insurance or who will purchase
hospital insurance since June 30, 1968. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the
action by the Board on July 1, 1968 apply to any person that has purchased insurance since
June 30, 1968 or who will do so in the future. Motion carried. Upon recommendation of Mr.
Shepard, by common consent it was agreed that Mr. Shepard issue check in the amount of $1}.00
per month per person to all those who are due this for hospital insurance retroactive to July
1, 1968. .
Mr. Breck Pegram appeared at a previous meeting requesting that the Commissioners go on
record as endorsing the efforts of the Cape Fear Chapter of the National Railway Historical
Society in getting excursion trains po~7ered by a steam engine. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by
Dr. Hooper, that the following resolution be adopted in support of this organization~s efforts:
WI-IEREAS, New Hanover County has been a railroad center for over one hundred
years and
WHEREAS, the railroads serving New Hanover County have played an important
part in the development of North Carolina and
WHEREAS, the former Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, now part of the Seaboard
Coast Line Railroad had it's General Offices in New Hanover County for more than a
half century and
WHEREAS, many citi2ens of Ne4~ Hanover County are former railroad employees and
WHEREAS, a chapter of the National Railroad Historical Society known as Cape
Fear Chapter has been formed in the county to preserve railroad history for this and
future generations by educational means,
BE IT THEREFORE resolved by the Commissioners of New Hanover County that•the
Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company be uroed to cooperate with the Cape Fear Chapter-
of the National Railway Historical Society in it's efforts to preserve railroad
history and create interest in ra~ilroads through the running of excursion trains
powered by a steam engine and other educational means.
Done this lBth day of November, 1968 in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina.
(s) Jos. W. Hooper, Jr.
(s) Laurence O. Bowden
(s) J. ~. Hall, Jr.
(s) M. H. Vaughan
(s) J. Van B. Metts, Jr.
Mr. Gary Eyster appeared before the Board requesting the transfer of $450 from Exhibit
Rental to Capital Outlay Renovation to cover unforeseen costs in this account. Mr. Bowden
moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Eyster's request for the transfer of funds be granted and
also, his request for items from the old Community Hospital be granted. Motion carried
unanimously. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that the Board make available to Mr.
Eyster anything that can be used by the Museum from Community Hospital, subject to Mr. Butler~s
approval. Moti~on carried.
Discussion of the joint City-County Museum budget was discussed. It was the feeling of the
Board of Commissioners that after the joint budget meeting the City was to pay 50% of the movino
costs and 50% of the cost of the operation of the museum for one year. Rqr. Eyster said he had
been informed by the City to the contrary relative to moving costs. Mr. Shepard advised that
the City had budgeted only $8,800 for the museum. Also, the City had requested that the County
administer the funds and bill the City for their portion. By common consent the Chairman was
asked to write the Mayor'a letter in regard to this matter.
Mr. John Wilson, Administrative Director, Mental Health Clinic, appeared at this time, as
requested, to discuss inservice training for ESEA (Elementary Secondary Education Act) nurses.
The nurses involved are graduate nurses who work in schools with under-privileged children.
Dr. Fisscher felt if these nurses could get the training they could help children who come from
disturbed families. A committee was appointed by the Mental Health Board of New Hanover and
Pender Counties to make a study of this and they proposed that Dr. Fisscher be employed for one
hour per month to help in this training. Prior to July 1, 1968 the ESEA Nurses were able to
purchase consultation because of federal funds received for this purpose, but federal funds were
not appropriated for the fiscal year 1968-b9. Dr. Fisscher requests a fee of $30.00 per hour
which ds based on current private psychiatric charges in this area. Travel time would be $15.00
2~6 9
Minutes of the Meeting - November 18, 1968 (Continued)
extra, therefore total charge for each session each month would be ~45.00 (figuring one-half
hour for travel time and any discussion following the regular meeting). Nr. Wilson advised
the Board that $315 LJOLld be required for the remainder of the fiscal year and could come
from Psychiatric Retainer Fees Account. Dr. Hooper moved,•seconded by Nr. Hall, that the
Mental Health Clinic be permitted to pay $45•00 per hour to Dr. Fisscher for this service.
Nr. Vaughan expressed the feeling that he was not in favor of payi•ng travel expenses of
$15.00 in connection with this service. ~r. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by
Dr. Hooper for discussion, as follows: That Dr. Fisscher be allowed $30.OO~per hour.
Motion failed. . ,
Dr. }looper then amended his motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Mental Health Clinic
be permitted to engage Dr. Fisscher as of December 1, 1,968 for one hour per month and dis-
cussion period thereafter for $45.00 per month. Motion carried unanimously. Nr. Vaughan
requested that the minutes reflect that although he voted "Yes", he felt the fee is too•high.
Mr. Wilson informed the Board that he was writing a letter to the Board requesting '
transfer of $2,000 from Mental Health Salary Account to the Drug Account. Mr. Vaughan moved,
seconded by Nr. Metts, that the transfe.r be made from the Salary Account. Motion carried
Nr. Butler appeared before the County Commissioners to give a report on his progress
of disposing of, items at the Community Hospital. He reported that to date he had disposed
of items totaling $627.00. Dr. Hooper thanked him for his efforts and for appearing before
the Board. .
After Mr. Butler Yiad left the meeting,~Dr. Hooper reminded the Board that when Mr.
Butler was asked to help dispose of these items, it was wi.th the distinct understanding that
he would be compensated for his services. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that
Mr. Butler be reimbursed in the amount of 20% of all monies he has recovered for the County
when the money is received by the County, and that a letter of appreciation be written Mr.
Butler_for his services. Motion ¢arried unanimously. •
Mr. John LJood, Electrical Inspector, appeared before.the Board to give a report on the
radio that was authorized aL budget sesSion . A representative who sold the equipment was
~present to inform the Board why the equipment is so late in being received. The delay has
been caused by failure to receive frequency. The representative says he feels sure the
equipment will be in operation by January 1, 1969• Cost of the equipment for both the
Electrical Inspector and Building Inspector is ~3,939•1}1. The representative said he is
asking for an extension of time from the Board even though he knows he is in default by not
delivering the equipment when promised. By common consent extension of time was granted.
Mr. Wood advised the Board that he needs help on a permanent basis. He pointed out
that he inspects for the Welfare and schools as well as his regular inspections, which in-
cludes mobile homes and home requests. He advised the Board that the City has doubled their
inspection fees and he felt that the Co~tnty should be exempt from fees and inspections of
the proposed Welfare Office Building. N1r. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the
Chairman write the City Electrical Inspector advising him the County wishes to handle all •
inspections of their buildings inside and outside of the City. Motion carried.
Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Nr. Wood be permitted to~go ahead and
aet help beginning December 1, 1968. Motion carried..
Mr. Wood requested permission to attend an Electrical Inspectors' meeting in Greens-
boro on November 26th. He advised the Commission that he would not spend the night but
would get up early and go. Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by ~r. Vaughan, that Mr. Wood be
authorized to attend this meeting, spending the night if necessary.- Motion carried.
Judge-Elect L. Bradford Tillery~s request that he be allowed to move into one of the
Judges Chambers adjacent to the new Court Rooms on a temporary basis and that the County pay
his moving expenses in lieu of paying his office rent where he is now was discussed. Mr.
Vavghan moved that the request be denied. Motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Bowden
moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that the moving expenses of Judge Tillery be paid, funds coming
from the General Emergency Fund. Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall,
that if one Judge's moving expenses be paid, all be paid. Motion failed to carry. Vote
was called on the original motion and it carried four to one. Mr. Vaughan voted "No".
Mr. Vaughan said he felt since the Judges were not part of the Count,y, the County should
not pay these expenses. Mr. Tillery requested that the minutes reflect that he made Lhis
request with the thought in mind this would be a very modest amount for the County to pay
compared to the cost the County would pay.for office rent where he is now.
Judge-Elect L. Bradford Tillery and Mr. John Oxenfeld, Architect, appeared before the
Board with a bid from Jackson 8 Bell Company to furnish courtroom furnishings. After a
discussion of having only one bid, it was agreed it was legal to accept the bid, which was
in the amount of $10,027.10, subject to approval of the courtroom committee, funds•to
come from funds appropriated for this. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Oxenfeld advised the Board that the Judges chairs will cost $387.00 more than
allowed in the general contract and that a change order is necessary at this time. Mr.
Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the change order be approved, funds to come from
courtroom fund surplus. Motion carried four to one. Nr. Vaughan voted "No".
Judge-Elect Tillery remarked that quite a few lawyers ~~ere dissatisfied with the new
courtrooms, complaining of lack of room and poor lighting, but he felt this would be
corrected after the new Court System goes into effect on December 3, 1968. .
Judge-Elect Tillery also told the Commissioners that he considered it a privilege to
have served this Board in the past and no one knew better than he how little credit the
~ Commissioners receive for the work they do.
~ ~
Ninutes of the Meeting - November 18, 1968 (Continued)
Dr. Hooper informed the Board of Commissioners that the instrument setting up the Board
of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital provided that when a member of the Board of
Trustees is elected to public office, he ceases at that time to be a member of the Hospital
Board. He went on to say that Mr. Victor Taylor had been a valuable member on that Board,
but despite the fact that he does not take office until next April, he is no longer a member
of the Hospital Board. Dr. Hooper advised the Board that the County Commissioners can change
this ru2e in the instrument at any time they wish, and he suggested that the new Board con-
sider doing this. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Bowden, that Mr. Taylor~s resignation
be accepted and a letter of appreciation written to Mr, Taylor. Motion carried,
Mr. Vaughan said that at the time the instrument was approved, he called attention to
Lhe fact that at any time anything came up that would cause the County to take over the
hospital nothing was said in the instrument about funds which the hospital might have on
hand. Mr. Vaughan expressed the feeling that the incoming Commission should direct the
County Attormey to go into this subject and investigate from all angles. Mr. Vaughan suggested
that this be put on the agenda for December 2, 1968. He reminded the Board of a letter which
was written six or eioht months ago to the Hospital Board, and that their Hospital Attorney
was to write the Commissioners relative to the matter,
Dr. Hooper discussed with the Board the disposition of James Walker Hospital property.
He reminded the Board that sometime back Mr. Alan Marshall, Hospital Attorney, had furnished
the Board of Commissioners his opinion as to the disposition of this property. Mr. Marshall
advised that everything north of Gwynn Street belonged to New Hanover County and everything
south reverted to New Hanover Memorial Hospital. Dr. Hooper advised that when a dedicated
street is closed, property owners bordering on this street take title to the street from
either side to the center. This places the women~s bvilding and kitchen in the middle of
the formerly dedicated street. Dr. Hooper said this would have to be worked out between the
New Hanover Memorial Hospitai and the Board of County Commissioners.
A request from Mr. Durwood Baggett was brought to the attention of the Board. Mr. baggett
reported theft of the following items on the weekend of September 21-22: 1 Kodak Slide Pro~ector
with case, 1 Wallensak Tape Recorder, 1 Portable Singer Sewing Machine, 1 Clock, approximately
$5.00 in cash and approximately $10.0~ in postage stamps. All of the items were the property
of New Hanover County with the exception of the Singer Sewing Machine which belonged to Mrs.
Rebecca L. Hall, one of the Home Demonstration Agents, The theft was reported to the Sheriff~s
Department and a recent check with the Sheriff reveals there is no indication these items
will be recovered. Mr. Baggett said the only item of equipment that would need replacing at
this time is the slide projector which he said could be replaced for $158.~8 and an additional
appropriation was requested to his budget. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr.
Baggett be permitted to replace the projector using funds within his budget. Motion carried,
At the meeting on November ~, i968 discussion was had on appointment of an outside
auditor to audit the Clerk of Court offices prior to the State taking over these offices
December 1, 19b8. At that time appointment was postponed until this meeting. Nr. Bowden
moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. William C. Barfield, CPA, be appointed for this audit.
Mr. Vaughan made a substitute motion that the firm of Platt, Warren and Swinson be appointed.
He said he would lilce this firm appointed instead of Mr. Barfield because in the past Mr.
Barfield had charged more and also, he felt Mr. Barfield should have had a better system set
up in the Auditor~s office than was in operation before the present Board took office. Sub-
stitute motion died for lack of a second. Vote was called on the original motion. It
carried 3 to one. Mr. Vaughan voted "No". Dr. Hooper abstained.
Mr. Vaughan discussed,present status of the airport, especially the proposed 100~ x 100~
maintenance building. Mr. Vaughan said representatives from Piedmont have not been down as
requested to decide where building should go. He said the baggage building could be handled
quickly but the Airport Committee has been waiting'on decision concerning the maintenance
building. Mr. Vavghan expressed the feeling that the.airport terminal drawings should be
done immediately by the architect. He advised that if Piedmont does not have enough office
space in the terminal building, there will be trouble, Dr. Hooper said the Commission is
waiting on Mr. Talbert~s report. Mr. Vaughan expressed the opinion that Mr. Talbert wovld
probably recommend relocation of the terminal building. Mr. Vaughan felt the Commission is
in a position to go ahead with the terminal building and the F.A,A. Building and suggested
the new Board pursue this.
Nr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that
to make a careful study of the budget next year with
reducing the tax rate from ten to twelve cents. Mr.
the County Auditor make a careful study. Dr. Hooper
the figures of ten to twelve cents to come from. Mr.
derived from spending less on schools next year, and
the tax base. Dr. Hooper said the Board was already
in the tax base. Neither of the motions carried. B
the new Board instruct the County AUditor
the objective in mind, if possible, of
Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that
asked Mr. Vaughan where he anticipated
Vaughan said he felt savings could be
also, large industries would increase
sure of a 20 million dollar increase
~th were tied two to two with Mr. Bowden
Dr. Hooper had been requested at the last meeting ta"develop information on the position
of Harbor Master in this area. He reported that he had conferred with five shippers in New
Hanover County and persons in Florida, South Carolina and Georgia as well as some people em-
ployed in States Ports.~ The results of this investigation indicate the Harbor Master is
selected by a Board composed of five members, appoinLed by the Governor. This Board is
supported by the Cape Fear Pilots Association who contribut one-half of one percent from
each fee they receive. Nembers of this Board are paid $30.00 per month with the exception
of the Chairman who receives $60.00 per month. This Board in turn selects the Harbor Master
who is more or less appointed by the Governor thr.ough this committee. Harbor Masters in the
5tates of South Carolina and Georgia are primarily under State Ports Authority and revenue
in these states go to the State Ports. In the State of Florida, because of the enormous ~
~inutes of the Meeting - November 18, 1968 (Continued)
number of ports, this is primarily within the province of the counties who have their own
Port Authorities, and the counties receive the funds. Harbor Masters a number of years
ago made from $7,000 to $8,000 per year. At the present time their salary is in excess of
$15,000. Each shipper advises that the Harbor Master in the Wilmington area works no more
that three to seven days per year. Nr. Williamson was in the process of preparing a bill
transferring the position of the Harbor ~aster to the State Ports whereby funds would come
into the State Ports. This biii never reached the Legisiature, and when Mr. Williamson
died, so did the bill. Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the Chairman write
a letter and furnish a copy of his report to each member of the Legislature and advise them
that this Commission is of the opinion that this money should be directed to the State
Ports Authority or any other State Agency. Mr. Bowden asked what is the mission of the
Harbor Masterl Dr. Hooper said the Harbor Master receives $15.00 for each ship which comes
up the river, and the only thing he does is probably to order one ship to move from one
berth to another. ~r. Metts felt this should be left up to the States Ports to handle if
they felt it necessary. Mr. Bowden expressed the feeling that he was not qualified to vote
because he knew so little about the position, and also, he felt this subject was brought
up on account of the individual holding the position. Vote was calied. It was a tie vote.
Mr. Bowden abstained.
Mr. Vaughan then moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that this Board advise the legislators
of Dr. Hooper~s remarks to the Commission and advise them the Board feels here is an area
where a study should be made and funds be reallocated if the legislaturets investigation
should disclose it advisable to do so, and that this Board be advised of their decision.
Motion carried three to one. Mr. Hall and Mr. Metts voted "No'0.
~ "~1
Dr. Hooper brought up the discussfon of alcohol being sold in New Hanover County by the
drink. He expressed the feeling that this areais known as a recreation area and tourist
attraction and he fe.lt this wouid be a great boost to our area. He reminded the Commission
that the Board had gone on record as favoring the Convention facility proposed at Wrights-
ville Beach; also that conventions are going out of the state because of the inability of
persons being able to purchase alcohol by the drink. He also reminded the Board that in
Virginia alcohol is available by the drink, especially in areas such as Richmond and all
resort areas. Mr. Vaughan said he was opposed to alcohol by the drink in our area, and it
was his opinion that this was not needed to boost tourist in our area; that motels are booked
up for almost ten days in advance now. Dr. Hooper asked Mr. Vaughan if he were opposed to
ailowing people to speak on it in a referendum. Mr. Vaughan replied he was never opposed to
people speaking their mind as he was speaking his mind now, Mr, Vaughan said this area does
not need any more people; the County is too crowded now. He said the County was growing too
fast and needed more orderly growth in the next seven to eight years. He said the schools
were overcrowded now and also the highways and the County did not need any more industry at
this time. Dr. Hooper said alcbhol by the drink wouid be a great convenience and would
eliminate the necessity of brown bagging. Mr. Hall said he had supported the Committee of
100 since its inception, and it has been the purpose of this Committee to build up the
community, and he cannot go along with not having more people here. He said he did not know
what we would do without people. Industries provide jobs for our own people as well as bring
in more people. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that this Board request the Legislature
at the next General Assembly to make every effort te give the people of this community an
opportunity to vote on this. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Vaughan voted ~~No".
Request was presented from Mr. C. P. Edge, President, SENCland Development Association
for $100 in support of promoting the well-being of Southeastern North Carolina and its people.
Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that this be granted, funds coming from the
Advertising Account. Notion carried.
A letter from Sheriff Marion Millis, dated November 15, 1968, was brought before the
Board requesting that Mr. William B. Dixon remain on the payroll until such time as he is
able to return to work which is anticipated sometime the last of December. Mr. Dixon was in-
jured while working at a Horse Show in the Castle Hayne area when a rider was thrown from
his horse knocking Deputy Dixon up against a fence breaking his left arm and right leg on
September 29, 1968. Mr. Dixon had 58 days of sick leave, f}9 holidays, 14 days vacation for
the year of 1968, 15 days of overtime, for a total of 136 days. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by
Mr. Vaughan, that Mr. Dixon remain on the payroll untii such time as he has recovered sufficiently
to return to work which is anticipated during the last of December. Motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Hooper informed the Board that the Commissioners~ office is in receipt of report en-
titled, "Geology and Ground-Water Resources of New Hanover Covnty, north Carolina", by George
L. Bain. By common consent it was agreed that six additional copies be ordered so that the
Commissioners might have a copy and also the Planning Board.
Dr. Hooper brought to the atterition of the Board that a North Carolina Navigation Study,
recently completed by, the Commonwealth Transportation Consultants, Inc. under contract with
the North Carolina Department of Water and Air Resources, had been received from Mr. George
E. Pickett, Director, Department of Water and Air Resources. By common consent it was agreed
that six additional copies be ordered so that each Commissioner might have a copy.
Mr. Perry Shepard, County Auditor, requested the following transfers:
Health Fund Surplus
Health Fund Salaries (Additional
required for Dr. Knox~s salary)
County Farm, Repairs & Maintenance
County Farm, Travel (Attending School)
From To
~2,033.33 ~
C.S.C. Lodge. 8 ry~eals, Jury 52.80
~ C.S.C. Transcripts Sup. Ct. 52.80
2'7 2
Minutes of the Meeting - November 18, 196f~ (Continued)
From To
General Emerg. Fund
Courb House Annex (Tax UpChurch Property)
General Emerg. Fund
Election Bd. Precinct Personnel
Election Bd. Printing Ballots
~ 57 . 61+ $
General Emerc. Fund b73.75
Ineb. & Insane, c.s.c. 450.00
Equip. Repairs, C.S.C. 10.35
Record. Transcripts, S.C. 213.40
h7r. Vaughan requested that Nr. Pridgen furnish the Board a letter advising why the cost
of Precinct Personnel exceeded the budget.
Dr. Hooper expressed the vie~a that the votina machines were set up very tidell; that most
folk.s who went to the polls voted within ten to twenty minutes.
Dr. Hooper said he felt it was incumbent upon the new Soard to move at once to have the
permanent registration office set up in the Courthouse as soon as possible.
Dr. Hooper moved, seconded by Mr. Vaughan, that the transfers and appropriations as re-
quested by Mr. Shepard be approved. Notion carried.
Mr. Vaughan questioned the assessrient placed on the Hercules Plant. He stressed the fact
that industry is willing to pay and should pay their fair share. Mr. Vaughan did not feel
Hercules had been assessed enough since it is public knowiedge that it is a!~3 million dollar
plant. Mr. Metts suggested that as soon as any futiare plants are completed the.y should be put
on the tax book for full assessed value.
Mr. Vaughan suggested the Commission should ask the legislators to introduce legislature
to ma!ce it permissible to derive revenue from CATB as is being done all over North Carolina.
Mr. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper that it be put in the leoislat~ive file for con-
sideration. Motion carried.
Mr. Vaughan discussed pay for County Commissioners. He suggested the Commis§ioners should
the paid $250.00 per month across the board. Mr. Bou.~den did not agree. He said ti~hen he ran
for the job, he did not do so for the remuneration and that had he been doing the job for
money, he would consider it an insult to be offered an increase of this amount. He said he
cannot see anyone running for Commissioner doino so for the salary and is opposed to the in-
crease. Mr. Vaughan asked Mr. Bowden if he were to be reimbursed, what did he think would be
a fare increase for the time he had put in. Mr. Bo~dden said from $5,000 to $7,500. Dr. Hooper
reminded the Board that there has just been an arnendment to permit legislature to set salaries
other than their own. .~r. Vaughan moved, seconded by Dr. Hooper, that the leoislature be
requested to authorize the Commission to set the salaries of the Commissioners iahich follow
it and not their own. Notion failed.
By common consent it was agreed to request the Chairman to ask the Board of Trustees of
the Niuseum whether or not they have taken any action to set up a trust fund for the museum.
i~7r. Vaughan mentioned tnat the personnei in the Recorder's Court were having to work quite
a bit of overtime without pay gettino things in order for the ne~r Court System. No action
was taken on this.
Mr. Vaughan voiced the opinion that the County needs two more parks like Hugh MacRae and
that it might be well for the Commission to appoint a committee that might try to get gifts from
peopie to do this. .
Mr. Vaughan brought up the subject of leases on A.B.C. Stores. He felt leases shou7.d be
awarded on bid proposals and not by the three member board. The A.B.C. Store on Castle..Street
was discussed. ~r. Vaughan mentioned the rent that is being paid each month for this store;
namely $300.00. Mr. Hall did not feel the method of bid proposals would be satisfactory. He
said the Board chose the store sites from the standpoint of needed location and convenience to
the pubiic. Before a lease is signed, the Board advertises in the paper and posts a notice on
the property to be leased for 30 days in advance stating that it is the intent of the A.B.C.
Board to set up a store. Mr. Hall said this allo4as plenty of time for persons to protest if
they care to do so. Nr. Hali said this was no undercover proposition. .
Dr. Hooper said this brings to a close the business of the outgoing Commissioners and
asked ti~hether anyone wished to make a statement.
Mr. Bowden said he had enjoyed every minute of it and he had learned quite a bit concerning
County Government and would like to enter into some similar duty at some future date.
Dr. Hooper said he could not say he had enjoyed every minute of it, but the four years had
gone by very rapidly and he felt New Hanover County was better off structurally since the Commis-
sion on which Mr. Braak had served for tv.~o years and this five member Comroission had been in
office. He said the neta Commission is going to face a lot of problems, but the main one is need
for additional sources of revenue. He said he hated to keep harping on the subject, but he felt
the L.ocal Option 1% Sales Tax ti-rould solve part of the problem. If this is not done, New Hanover
County is going to price property owners completely out of New Hanover County, Dr. Hooper said.
/ \
Minutes of the Neeting - November 18, 1968 (Continued)
Also, additional sources have got to be obtained because of additional needs. He said he had
been advised that the Nerchants Association are now in favor of the tax. Dr. Hooper expressed
his thanks to Nirs. Savage for her services in the absence of a County Manager, and urged the
new Board to get some administrative personnel in the Commissioners~ office as soon as possible.
~ Dr. Hooper a.lso expressed his appreciation to the news media for their fair coverage.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Nr. Ntetts moved, seconded by
Mr. Bowden, that the meeting adjourn. i~lotion carried. •
Hazel Savage.
December 2, 1968 8:30 A.M. •
A special meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and
time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O.
Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and John Van B. ~etts, Jr. Hazel Savage, Actino Clerk to ~he Board
was also present. • ~
Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall that the three day notice for special meetings be
waived and that the Board convene in special session. ~otion carried.
After caliing the meeting to order, Vice-Chairman Bowden gave the invocation.
For the minutes of November 18, 1968 the following corrections were made:
Under the heading Assembly, Mr. M. H. Vaughan's name should be included with those present.
Under the heading Harbor Master, second sentence and third sentence should read: "He
reported that he had conferred with five shippers in New Hanover County and persons in Florida,
South Carolina and Georgia as well as some people employed in States Ports. The results of
this investigation indicate the Harbor Master is selected by a Board,composed of five members,
appointed by the Governor." ~
Following these corr~ections, Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, tYiat the minutes be
approved as written. Notion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
Hazel Savage.
Minutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1~68
The regular semi-monthly meetin~ of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the
above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the followina members present: J. M. Hall,
Jr., Meares Harriss, Jr., John Van B. Metts; Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County
Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Acting Clerk to the Board.
Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., the senior Commissioner present, called the meetino to order and
asked Rev. T. 0. Todd, Pastor, First Pentecostal Holiness Church, to give the invocation.
Minutes of the November 18, 1968 meeting had•been approved at a special meetino prior to
this at which former Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden presided.
Mr. Hall said it was now time for the reoroanization of the Board and asked for nominations
for the posit.ion of Chairman. Mr. Marks said he wanted to nominate "The man who is most ex-
perienced and one who had given years of service to the County in the past and that man is
,1. M. Hall, .lr.° Nr. Metts seconded the motion and moved that the nominations be closed. Vote
was called and Mr. Hall was elected Chairman of the Board unanimously.
~r. Williams nominated Mr. Meares Harri=s, Jr. as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Mr. N+arks.
1~fr. Harriss was elected Vice-Chairman unanimously.
Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Hazel Savage be appointed Clerk to the
~oard and that she continue.as Secretary in the Commissioners~ office also. Motion carried
, Mr. Netts moved, seconded by P~Ir. Williams, that Mr. James C. Fox be reappointed Cou~ty
Attorney. Motion carried unanimovs'ly.
Mr. Hall calle,d attention to the fact one of the former Commissioners was present and asked
if he had anything he wished to say to the new Board. Mr. Bo~~~den made the following statement: