1968-12-02 Special Meeting/ \ 273 Minutes of the Neeting - November 18, 1968 (Continued) CLOSING STATEMENTS OF MEMBERS OF OUTGOING COMNfISSIOA~ERS - Also, additional sources have got to be obtained because of additional needs. He said he had been advised that the Nerchants Association are now in favor of the tax. Dr. Hooper expressed his thanks to Nirs. Savage for her services in the absence of a County Manager, and urged the new Board to get some administrative personnel in the Commissioners~ office as soon as possible. ~ Dr. Hooper a.lso expressed his appreciation to the news media for their fair coverage. ADJOURNMENT - . There being no further business to come before the Board, Nr. Ntetts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting adjourn. i~lotion carried. • Hazel Savage. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING December 2, 1968 8:30 A.M. • ASSEMBLY A special meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and John Van B. ~etts, Jr. Hazel Savage, Actino Clerk to ~he Board was also present. • ~ Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall that the three day notice for special meetings be waived and that the Board convene in special session. ~otion carried. INVOCATION - After caliing the meeting to order, Vice-Chairman Bowden gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MI~IUTES - • For the minutes of November 18, 1968 the following corrections were made: Under the heading Assembly, Mr. M. H. Vaughan's name should be included with those present. Under the heading Harbor Master, second sentence and third sentence should read: "He reported that he had conferred with five shippers in New Hanover County and persons in Florida, South Carolina and Georgia as well as some people employed in States Ports. The results of this investigation indicate the Harbor Master is selected by a Board,composed of five members, appointed by the Governor." ~ Following these corr~ections, Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, tYiat the minutes be approved as written. Notion carried. ADJOURNMER~T - There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. Hazel Savage. Minutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1~68 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meetin~ of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the followina members present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Meares Harriss, Jr., John Van B. Metts; Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Acting Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., the senior Commissioner present, called the meetino to order and asked Rev. T. 0. Todd, Pastor, First Pentecostal Holiness Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of the November 18, 1968 meeting had•been approved at a special meetino prior to this at which former Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden presided. REORGANIZATION - Mr. Hall said it was now time for the reoroanization of the Board and asked for nominations for the posit.ion of Chairman. Mr. Marks said he wanted to nominate "The man who is most ex- perienced and one who had given years of service to the County in the past and that man is ,1. M. Hall, .lr.° Nr. Metts seconded the motion and moved that the nominations be closed. Vote was called and Mr. Hall was elected Chairman of the Board unanimously. ~r. Williams nominated Mr. Meares Harri=s, Jr. as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Mr. N+arks. 1~fr. Harriss was elected Vice-Chairman unanimously. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Hazel Savage be appointed Clerk to the ~oard and that she continue.as Secretary in the Commissioners~ office also. Motion carried unanimously. , Mr. Netts moved, seconded by P~Ir. Williams, that Mr. James C. Fox be reappointed Cou~ty Attorney. Motion carried unanimovs'ly. y STATEMENT OF FORMER VICE-CHAIRMATd LAURENCE 0. BOWDEN - Mr. Hall calle,d attention to the fact one of the former Commissioners was present and asked if he had anything he wished to say to the new Board. Mr. Bo~~~den made the following statement: