1968-12-02 Regular Meeting/ \ 273 Minutes of the Neeting - November 18, 1968 (Continued) CLOSING STATEMENTS OF MEMBERS OF OUTGOING COMNfISSIOA~ERS - Also, additional sources have got to be obtained because of additional needs. He said he had been advised that the Nerchants Association are now in favor of the tax. Dr. Hooper expressed his thanks to Nirs. Savage for her services in the absence of a County Manager, and urged the new Board to get some administrative personnel in the Commissioners~ office as soon as possible. ~ Dr. Hooper a.lso expressed his appreciation to the news media for their fair coverage. ADJOURNMENT - . There being no further business to come before the Board, Nr. Ntetts moved, seconded by Mr. Bowden, that the meeting adjourn. i~lotion carried. • Hazel Savage. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING December 2, 1968 8:30 A.M. • ASSEMBLY A special meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden, J. M. Hall, Jr. and John Van B. ~etts, Jr. Hazel Savage, Actino Clerk to ~he Board was also present. • ~ Mr. Bowden moved, seconded by Mr. Hall that the three day notice for special meetings be waived and that the Board convene in special session. ~otion carried. INVOCATION - After caliing the meeting to order, Vice-Chairman Bowden gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MI~IUTES - • For the minutes of November 18, 1968 the following corrections were made: Under the heading Assembly, Mr. M. H. Vaughan's name should be included with those present. Under the heading Harbor Master, second sentence and third sentence should read: "He reported that he had conferred with five shippers in New Hanover County and persons in Florida, South Carolina and Georgia as well as some people employed in States Ports. The results of this investigation indicate the Harbor Master is selected by a Board,composed of five members, appointed by the Governor." ~ Following these corr~ections, Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, tYiat the minutes be approved as written. Notion carried. ADJOURNMER~T - There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned. Hazel Savage. Minutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1~68 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meetin~ of the New Hanover County Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the followina members present: J. M. Hall, Jr., Meares Harriss, Jr., John Van B. Metts; Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Acting Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr., the senior Commissioner present, called the meetino to order and asked Rev. T. 0. Todd, Pastor, First Pentecostal Holiness Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of the November 18, 1968 meeting had•been approved at a special meetino prior to this at which former Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden presided. REORGANIZATION - Mr. Hall said it was now time for the reoroanization of the Board and asked for nominations for the posit.ion of Chairman. Mr. Marks said he wanted to nominate "The man who is most ex- perienced and one who had given years of service to the County in the past and that man is ,1. M. Hall, .lr.° Nr. Metts seconded the motion and moved that the nominations be closed. Vote was called and Mr. Hall was elected Chairman of the Board unanimously. ~r. Williams nominated Mr. Meares Harri=s, Jr. as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Mr. N+arks. 1~fr. Harriss was elected Vice-Chairman unanimously. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Hazel Savage be appointed Clerk to the ~oard and that she continue.as Secretary in the Commissioners~ office also. Motion carried unanimously. , Mr. Netts moved, seconded by P~Ir. Williams, that Mr. James C. Fox be reappointed Cou~ty Attorney. Motion carried unanimovs'ly. y STATEMENT OF FORMER VICE-CHAIRMATd LAURENCE 0. BOWDEN - Mr. Hall calle,d attention to the fact one of the former Commissioners was present and asked if he had anything he wished to say to the new Board. Mr. Bo~~~den made the following statement: , 2'7 4 Ninutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1968 (Continued) STATENENT OF FORMER VICE-CHAIRMAN LAURENCE O. BOWDEN (C~NTINUED) - "I take liberty of this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you for making my public service possible. "First, to the voting public of New Hanover County and to those that supported me for election. Next, to all those that have supported or assisted me since then. The willinoness to cooperate expressed by the County Departments, various committees and Boards, all have been most helpful and have made my tasks the more pleasant and satisfying. Mrs. Savage has been most helpful to me, as weil as the other Commissioners, for which I am most appreciative. "There are two thoughts I leave with you, the new Board, for your consideration: If I have contributed to the growth and betterment of our County, much credit is due the many people, dedicated, working together with a common goal - to move New Hanover County forward. I am forever grateful to them and the fact that I had a chance to serve. Finally, a reminder to you, the ne~,~ Board; you have won an awesome responsibility - that of serving our County and it~s people for the years to come. "Your decisions will materially affect both. Use all the wealth of resovrces and assistance people here and elsewhere can offer you in understznding your problems, and their several solutions. Once you have grasped the problem and have started a course of action, make your own decisions, and let it be for the best interest for our County. Obtain a copy of your 'Oath of Office' and read it as often as necessary. In this manner of conduct you guarantee New Hanover County the best in County Govern- ment." STATEMENT OF NEWLY ELECTED CHAIRNilaN, MR. J. N. HALL, JR. - P7r. Hall made the followino statement: "Gentlemen, I appreciate the confidence you have shown in me by allowing me to be the chairman of this Board for the ensuing year. I promise you and the people of New Hanover County that I will at all times try my level best to conduct the affairs of this office in a manner which will be a credit to this Board and the people of Nek~ Hanover County. "It behooves each cf us to remember our oath of office and to conduct the business of this County with the County's interest at heart and without fear or favor. "In the course of the next year, in all good conscience, we will probably ha~e on this Board many honest and sincere differencies of opinions. This Board pledges to the people of New Hanover County that it wili resolve it's problems along lines of honest thinkino of ~What is right and best for New Hanover County' and without fear of political expediency. "We will treat all people who come before this Board with courtesy. We will not look with disdain on anyone who comes to us with their covnty problems. "There are many things which come before this Board which cannot legally be handled as a citizen wishes - even our ~Nos" will be courteously rendered. "It will be our responsibility to again become neighbors to the other counties in Southeastern North Carolina, and to aoain become a part of the State of North Carolina and to cooperate in area enterprises. "We do not have a crystal ba11 to be able to see everything that will be needed in the next twenty years, but we do hope to make plans promptly for an orderly growth and econor~ic expansion of this most bountifully endowed area. "True growth in education, physical and cultural welfare is a result of effective- ness. We want growth - growth means more people from more places to enrich our lives and to enjoy what we have to share with them. "We welcome people. We like people and hope you do." REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the Covnty Commissioners, have been submitted at this time. CI-iE\MBER OF COI~iERCE AIRPORT CONMITTEE - Mr. Herb McHim and Mr. Hardy Wessell appeared on behalf of the Airport Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. h7cKim advised the Board the purpose of their appearance was that they were not sure what plans the Commissioners have for appointing an Airport Committee and re- quested the Board do notning or appoint a temporary committee for eight weeks so the Airport Committee of the Chamber of Commerce can make a study of the airport and come back in February with recommendations on how they feel the airport can be operated. Nr. Hall said he appreciated the opinions of their committee. He advised them the Board of Commissioners will not rush into expenditure of the Airport funds. Nir. ~cKim said they were not basically concerned with funds, but interested in the overall operation of the airport. Mr. Hall advised Mr. McKim that it was the intention of the Chairman to appoint two members who v~ill fully cooperate. Mr. h!arks sugcested that the Commission assure them now the Board woulci give them the length of time to make the study. Nr. Harriss expressed his thanks to Nr. McKim and the Chamber of Commerce on the passage of the Airport Borid issue and felt the County owed them a vote of thanks. Secondly, Nr. Harris said he felt sure the Chamber of Commerce realized any change in the method of running the airport wouid require considerable study and this Board is delighted with the re- quest made by them. Mr. Hall thanked them for appearing and for their offer of studying the airport operations. ~~ NiR. I. JOHN TINGA, CHAIRI~IAN, !~JILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER PLANAtING CON;MISSIOPI - Nir. Tinga appeared before the Commission and advised the Board the Planning Commission would like very much for them to attend meetings of the Wilminoton-l~tew Hanover Planning Commis- sion; that the Planning Commission is a group of citizens appointed by the City Council and Commissioners. Mr. Hall advised Mr. Tinga that it would be the purpose of this Board to have someone attend so as to keep the Board of Commissioners aware of the discussions and business of the Planning Board. ~ / ~ ~~J Minutes of the N9eeting - December 2, 1968 (Continued) SOIL SURVEY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Timothy Wood, Planning Director, appeared before the Board with regard to his letter of October llth relative to a soil survey in Neu! Hanover County. His letter had been deferred until the new Board took office. ~ Mr. Wood said a county wide soil survey is recommended for the following reasons: 1. To guide orderly development of land. 2. To shoti:~ areas where land should not be developed because of unsatisfactory soil conditions. 3. To show where future sewerage trunk lines should be placed. 4. To shom~rahere land can be developed for residential, commercial use usina septic tanks. $. Deliniations to one acre plots. Useful for industry, developers, planners, and property owners. Mr. ?aood recommended to the Commissioners that Soil Conservation 5upervisor be invited to attend a Board of Commissionerst meeting in the very near future to fuliy discuss what is involved and the cost of such a survey. By common consent this was agreed to. WATERSHED DR.4INAGE PROGRAb7S - Watershed drainage programs in Duplin, Pender, and New Hanover Counties were discussed and Mr. Wood urged cooperation with Duplin and Pender Counties. Mr. kJood advised the Board _ there is a need for enactment of more local legislation in the Generai Assembly to release more money for such a program. ~r. Hall said tax monies could not be used for this, and Mr. Williams suggested permission might be granted by an amendment to the statute instead of a ~. new law. Wir. Hall felt this should be up to the leaislators. FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR COUNTY WIDE SEWERAGE SYSTEM - Mr. Wood discussed a feasibility study of county wide sewerage collection and treatment system. He said this should be a long term approach and would entail considerable expenditure of funds. Mr. bJood thought the information Alexander-Potter is preparing could be utilized for the sewerage study. He said the Planning Department does not have in mind running sewerage - lines all over the county but was thinking in terms of a main trunk line that developers could join on to. Mr. Wood expressed the feeling that City-County Consolidation could be tied around t17is need since it is the most serious problem facing the Covnty today. COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - Mr. Wood presented draft of 2 subdivision ordinance which he said had been prepared after quite a bit of study and discussion iaith lend developers, realtors and other intere5ted persons. Mr. Ylood said these reoulations have been approved by the Planning Commission and are presented to the Board of County Corr~missioners for their consideration and public hearing process. Mr. Hall advised Mr. Wood the Board ti~ould look it over as promptly as possible and decide whether or not they desired to make any changes, I~Ir. Wood presented a booklet "An Introduction To County Planning", a recent publication of The Institute of Government, for the Commissioners' Information. Nr. Wood advised the Board the Planning Department is working on County Development Plan and target date is January, 1969. SYMPOSIUN ON BETTER WATER AND SEWER SERVICES FOR SNWLL CONR7lJNITIES IN NORTH CAROLINA, DECENiBER LFTH Mr. k`illiams sucgested Mr. Timothy l~Jood attend the symposium on better water and sewer services for small communities in TQorth Carolina to be held on December ~th. Mr. Wood advised the Board it would be impossible for him to attend due to a meetino of the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission being scheduled for that date. Mr. Harriss suggested that it might be well to try and obtain material concernino this meeting and Mr. Wood said he would try to do this. MOBILE HONIE DEALERS - A delegation of mobile home dealers and ommers of mobile home parks appeared before the Commission protesting that laws affecting mobile homes were being changed from week to week and that it was hard to tell from day to day what to expect. They were advised that the law they are concerned with now is strictly a health lam~ and the Board of County Commis- sioners have no jurisdiction over it. P7r. Fox discussed the mobile home.ordinance with the deleoation. He said mobile homes are no lonaer transient homes but large fixed homes and that ordinances applying to residences should be applicable to mobile homes. He said mobile home parks are really subdivisions, only more compact. The Board of Health has taken a stand that where a mobile home is on a permanent base, they will require the same standards that are required of any home unless in a park served by central water and sewer. Mr. Crisp spoke and said it boils down to discrimination. Mr. Crisp said he would like to know what the law is goino to be. Mr. Hall advised the delegation they would be notified and be heard before the Board of Commissioners make any chanoe that comes within the jurisdiction of the 8oard. P~Ir. Hall thanked the delegation for appearing at the meeting. REQUEST OF THE CASWELL CENTER - Request of the Caswell Center, Kinston, N. C. for a Christmas contribution to help out with their Christmas Santa Claus was discussed. Mr. N,etts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the County contribute as it had done in the past and from the same source of funds. h9otion carried unanimously. ROAD PETITION, ROBT. E. LE£ DRIVE EXTENSION, PINE VALLEY) - ROAD PETITION, STONEWALL JACKSON DRIVE, PINE VALLEY )- Road petitions outlined above were presented to the Board. They were found to be in order. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, th2t the standard resolutions be adopted and forwarded to the State Hiohway along with the petitions for their consideration. Motion carried unanimousiy. APPROVAL OF A"aENBERS, GOOD NEIGHBOR COUNCIL - By common consent approval of inembers to the Good Neiohbor Council, as requested by Nr. Kelly Jewell, Chairman, Good Neighbor Covncil, was deferred until next meeting in order ~ to determine reason for name of a person in Southport being presented instaad of all local persons. Nr. Jewell will be requested to furnish this information. ~ ~2'76 Minutes of the h9eeting - December 2, 1968 (Continued) APPOINTMENT P~MBER TO BOARD OF TKUSTEES, NEW fiANOVER MENfORIAL HOSPITAL - By common consent appointment of a member to fill the place of Mr. Victor G. Taylor who recently resigned fcom.the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital was deferred ' until the next meeting. A list of inembers and terms of office of those now serving will be furnished the Board prior to the next meeting. REQUEST OF SCHOOL BOARD FOR ELECTION ON SUPPLEMENT TO TEACHERS~ SALARIES - ~r. ~rJiiliams suogested this subject be deferred until next meeting and the Superintendent of Schools be aslced to give breakdown on ho~~ supplement now being levied is being expended percentage-wise and dollar-rrise toward average classroom teachers' salaries. Also, how the proposed 15d supplement will be spent. Nr. Hall said Dr. IIellamy will be asked to appear at the next meeting, and ~r. P~fetts suggested that Dr. Bellamy be informed of the questions he will be asked; namely how much of the supplement goes to teachers' salaries and how much to administration of school system. SALARIES, WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Niss Lela ~oore Hall's letter of November ?_5, 1968 relative to salary of Niss Carol Silsby being increased from $6,036.0o to ~6,321}.00 as she had been promoted to a position vacated by Leila Henderson which pays a salary of $6,b36.00 and Schuyler Giles~ salary be in- creased from $5,7!}8.00 to $6,036.00, as he will be a probation officer on call 2!} hours a day, seven days a weelt, was discussed. Nr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that these adjustments in salaries in the Welfare Department be approved. I~lotion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER, ADDITIONAL EXPENSr,S, JUDGES CHF+IRS On November 18, 1968 Mr. John Oxenfeld, Architect, appeared before the Board and requested a change order under contract dated July 26, 1968 with Smith Construction of Whiteville, General Contractor, in the amount of $38~. Tnis was appreved, funds to come from courtroom surplus funds. l~Jhen the change order ~1ras received, it ~aas in the amount of $l~49.l~2. Mr. Oxenfeld advised the Commissioners' office that he did not have his file with him at the November 18th meeting and misquoted the figures. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. T`:arks, that the sum of ~449.42 be approved in lieu of $387 previously approved, funds to come from courtroom surplus funds. CHANGE ORDER, ADDITIONAL EXPENSES, FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT, COURTROONS - Change Order in the amount of $679•80, received from I~r. Oxenfeld, to cover courtroom furnishings, was presented to the Board. This is'included within the total $16,000 furnishings allowance authorized by tne Board sometime ago. Tsr. Netts moved, seconded by ATr. ln~illiams, that this chanoe order be approved, if it stays within the funds allocated for this. Motion carried unanimously. It was pointed out to the Board that the original bid for courtroom furnishings accepted from Jackson 8 Bell in the amount of $10,027.10 on November'13, 1968 has been reduced in an amount of $292.05 due to sales tax having been charged twice. The correct original bid is ~9,735.05. TAX SUPERVISOR, REQUEST FOR HELP - T;r. Peter Braak, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board requesting additional help for his office. He advised the Board ttiat his office has gotten behind; that one person has been operating the key punch and also doing valuations. I-ie said he needed someone for a month to operate the }tey punch. The person doing both now ~•~ould be free for doinq valuation work only. He informed the Board that the tax abstracts have to be ready by the last week in December. N,r. Marks moved, seconded by Nr. Metts that Mr. Braak be authori2ed to hire someone on a temporary basis, funds coming from Office Supplies and Expenses. Motion carried unanimously. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, REQUEST FOR HELP Mr. Wood appezred be£ore the Board and Nr. Hail informed the Board that Mr. Wood feels it would be eas3er to break someone in on the job in his office than it would in the Tax Office. P~Ir. Braak had requested that P7rs, bdallace be assigned to his office on a full time basis instead of one-half day she works now. Nr. Netts questioned need for additional in- spector and full time person in office. It uias pointed out that this person would work for both the Electrical and Building Inspector. Pfr. Wood feels there is a need for full time office help to operate radio. Mr. Harriss inquired ~.ahether or not all departments have rush periods at.some time. If not, a pool might be set up. iNr. Hall said this had been done in the past between Tax Office and Auditor~s office. By common consent this vaas deferred until later during.the meetino. DiSPOSITION OF USED TRACTOR AT COUNTY FARM Nr. Hall discussed selling one of the used tractors at the,~ounty Farm. Two bids had been received, one for $75.00 and the other for $50.00. Mr. Hall advised the Board that Mr. Roberts, Park Superintendent, had talked with him about the possibility of having the tractor repaired for use at Huoh P9acRae Park. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. P7arks take a look at the tractor and set a value on it. OFFICE SPACE FOR PERMANENT VOTER REGISTRATION GFFICE - Space for the permanent voter registration office was discussed, and Nr. Hall said it was very likely nothing could be done until the Welfare Department moves to it~s new location. P7r. Narks said it would not be able to move for at least sixty to ninety days. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Hall discuss office space requirements for the permanent voter registration and personnel vaith Mr. Pridgen. By common consent Chairman Hall and Mr. Harriss will make a study of the other requests for space in the Courthouse. DISPOSITION OF PLUMBING FIXTURES AT THE OLD DEMOLITION.SITE AT JAMES WALKER N:EN.iORIAL HOSPITAL - Mr. Narks advised the Board that he had an offer frorr~ Ludlum to purchase the old bath tubs; commodes, etc. at the old demolition site at James Walker Memorial Hospital for the sum of $75.00. After a discussion, Mr. ~arks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the offer be accepted and that the old tubs~ etc. be moved as promptly as possible from the premises. Notion carried unanimously. RENOVATION OF NURSES~ HONIE FOR WELFARE DEPARTMENT Mr. Marks advised the Board that through some misunderstanding the interior of the building was not in accordance with the desire or need of the Y!elfare Department. To make the correction would cost approximately $375,G0. Mr.. Prarks said this could be saved if it were possible to ~ renovate the third floor of the buildino now instead of later. Also, if renovation of the third , '.,~ _ I ` 2~~ Minutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1968 (Continued) RENOVATION OF NURSES~ HONE FOR WELFARE DEPARTM~NT (CONTINUED) - floor is done now, the County will save approximately fifty percent. Mr. Marks informed the Board that renovation of the third floor will cost between $23,000 and $2~,000 and the County will save between $12,000 and $15,000 if the work is done now. Nr. Harriss moved, seconded by ~r. Marks, that the Board advertise for bids in time to have them opened at the next meeting and that a search for additional funds be made in order to discuss the matter at the next meeting.. Notion carried unanimously. FISYING REEF - Mr. Harriss discussed a fishing reef being reconstructed ir~ our area and cited information on one that is expected to be constructed at Fripp Island, 5. C. at a cost of $30,000, half of which will be paid for by the Federal Government. The reef must be within 3-mile limit and constructed of tires fastened together, three tires to a unit, with holes punctured in the top and sides and cement poured in the bottom of each tire. These reefs are attractive to small boats. Now it is necessary for boats to go from twenty to 30 miles off shore to get oood bottom fishing. From information Mr. Harriss had obtained it is believed the Federal Government will bear one-half the cost of such a project and Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that this matter be pursued in the name of the Commission without committing any funds at the present time. ~otion carried unanimously. Mr. Wayne Corpening, Director, . State Planning Task Force, 127 Halifax Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601, ~aill be con- tacted,in regard to this matter. CIVIL DEFENSE - General Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Defense Director, appeared at the meeting and re- quested that the Board pass motion to continue disaster pian and that resolution be signed by the new chairman. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. ~rJilliams, that the chairman be authorized to sion resolution continuing the disaster plan. Motion carried unanimously. ' Prior to the meeting General Harriss brouoht to the Commissioners' office booklets entitled "'vJilmingten New Hanover County Beaches Disaster Operations Plan" to be distributed to the new Board of Commissioners and also the outgoing Commissioners. He requested the minutes of this meeting reflect this. DISCUSSION OF TIME OF FUTURE MEETINGS - Time of future meetings was discussed and the members of the Commission voiced the opinion that 9:00 A.M. would be a oood time. This would alloti~r time for them to go their offices and check the mail. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that future meetings be held at 9:00 A.M. instead of 8:30 A.~. Motion carried unanimously. At this juncture of the meeting, 1:00 P.M., Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting recess for lunch and reconvene at 2:30 P.M. Motion carried. The meeting was reconvened at 2:30 P.M. with all the Commissioners present. County Attorney Fox, County Auditor Shepard and Hazel Savage, County Clerk, were also present. REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS, COUNTY AUDITOR - Nr. Shepard requested the followin"g transfers and appropriations: To From N.H.M.H. $22,91B.b~ $ N.H.Nt.H. Sales Tax Refund, Unanticip. Rev. 22,918.64 Election Travel 350.00 Board Members Personal 350.00 School Cap. O/L Renov. College Park 303.56 School Cap. O/L Furn. 8 Inst. 303.56 County Aid-Medicare Report Audit Fee E347.13 Comm. Hosp. Rev. Unanticipated G/F 847.13 Jury Fees 1,383.00 Gen. Emerg. Fund 1,383.00 Petty Cash Rec. Ct. 25.00 Petty Cash Refunds Unantic. Rev. 25.00 Aid to Biind Refunds 1,0?_0.24 Aid to Blind-Refunds Unantic. Rev. 562.00 Aid to Blind-Surplus 458.24 CSC Fees Insane 205.72 G~E Fund 205.72 Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. A9arks; that the requests of Mr. Shepard be approved and from the funds recommended by him. N,otion carried.unanimously. tiPPROVAL OF PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION, DECEMBER 23, 1968, COUNTY AUDITOR - County Auditor Shepard stated to the Board that past practice indicated the payroll for the period ending December 30th had been distributed several days prior to Christmas but the Board had always authorized this distribution. P9r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. P7etts, that the payroll for the period ending December 30th be authori2ed for distribution on December 23~ 1968. Motion carried unanimously. CONSTABLE BONDS - Mr. Shepard presented bills covering bonds for the Constables. It was pointed out that there i5 now no need for constables.and they will receive no funds; they will act only as peace officers. Mr. Fox advi~ed the Board the County is not obligated to pay for bonds but has anthority to do so, if it so desires. Mr. Hall recommended that the bonds be paid for by the County. ~r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County pay $10.00 for each Constable's ~ bond, funds coming from County Aid. Motion carried unanimously. f = 6~ 'P' • ~:. ' p.~ ~ 2'7 8 j~~'• .. Minutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1q68 (Continued) ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR, REQUEST FOR HELP - Mr. Wood aG2in appeared at the meeting to discuss fu11 time help in his office and a third radio. Since an Assistant Electrical Inspector has been hired Mr. Wood said it was necessary that his car be furnished a radio also. Mr. Metts questioned ~r. 4lood as to why this fuil time help k~as not requested at Budget Time. P~Ir. Wood said it was requested but was deleted before the budget reached the Commissioners. Mr. Wood said Mrs. Wallace no~~ ~aorks one-fourth day for him, one-fourth day for the Building Inspector, and one-half day in the Tax Office. Mr. Wood said he wbuid like to see Mrs. lv'allace in his office full time. Nr. Metts asked if Mrs. Wallace could monitor the radio. Mr. Wood said she could if she were in tkie office full time. Mr. Marks pointed out that Mr. Braak needs Mrs. Wallace fu11 time. Mr. Harriss discussed the radio for the car and asked why telephone would not answer the same purpose. It rras pointed out the radio was to save wear and tear on the automobiles and time. ~r. ~etts suogested the Commissioners review the Tax Office after the meetinq. Mr. i~Jilliams said he feels keenly when a person pays an inspection fee, they should get inspection. and he feit the trailer situation will be worse in 1969. He also suagested if someone is goinq to be hired that they be hired through the proper channels. He feels all offices should be notified that the correct procedvre, is to be followed in hiring personnel. Mr. Wood said he never would have asked for help if Mr. Braak had not asked for Nrs. l~Jallace to be placed in his office on a permanent basis. This was deferred until later in the meeting in order to give the Commissioners an opportunity to review the Tax Office. .IUDGE MINTZ, DISCUSSION OF COURT SYSTEM - Judge Rudolph Mintz appeared at the meeting to discuss uaith the new Board of Commissioners the courts in the County. Judge Nintz advised the Board that New Hanover County had lagged behind with its court work in the county for three or four years. He said last year a very large number of civil cases were postponed. l~lhile it is quite true many of the cases will never be heard they have to be put on the calendar. He hopes most of them u~ill ao out within the next sixty days. He said that one and one-half years ago a speciai study committee, of which he was a member, submitted to the commissioners a report with minimum recommendations which were not adopted by the commissioners at that time. He says he does not recommend that the Board start today, tomorro~e or next month to provide another courtroom, but suggests that the Board re-read the recommendations made at that time and make a continuing study as to whether to rebuild this facility or go to another location. Judge Mintz said it was extremely difficult to say vihat the ansufer is. He said he would tiate to see a bond issue at this time, but the County may have to have one to increase the court facilities. He said it was possible the present facilities wiil be sufficient from two to fove years, but thinks a continuing stUdy should be made of the situation. Chairman Hall asked Judge Mintz if he was thinltina about a new Superior Courtroom. Judge Mintz said that he was not thinking of a room to be used exclusively by the Superior Court but an additional room for the Superior Court and District Court as well. If such a room were available to Superior Court, New Hanover County could schedule 80 weeks of court a year in- stead of !}2. Judge Mintz also discussed space in the courthouse for the different court offices. He expressed the feeling that a committee should be appointed, ~dhich would include the court and County Attorney, to make a study of the many requests that will be received. Mr. Metts advised the Judoe that earlier in this meeting Chairman Hall and Vice-Chairman Harriss had been appointed to make a study of space in the Courthouse. He asked the. Commissioners to consider carefully each request from county departments for space to become available at the courthouse when the I~elfare Department moves out. Judge Nintz advised the Board that the County will be receiving rental fees which may not be sufficient to meet the many requests but feels the fees wiil be sufficient to meet the pressing needs. The Law Library was discussed next. Judge Mintz said that under the retirino court. system, a part of the costs of court was used for the maintenance of the La~a Library on the second floor of the courthouse. This will cease under the new court system and funds will have to come from some other source. Judge Mint2 said the Library will now become the responsibility of the county and it is estimated that it will cost approximately $6,000 per year to maintain. Judge Mintz said it is a fine library and a great help to the many la~,ryers. County Attorney Fox said the library contains many volumes that cannot be found in any private libraries in town. Judge Mintz said it is now necessary to spend more hours in the library researching than in the courts. Judge Mintz advised that he felt a long term committee should be appointed to submit a report in from one to one and one-half years from now relative to an additional courtroom and space for the Clerk of Court. He suggested another committee should be appointed which would be available for reporting to the Board at least every other meeting the progress being made. Judge Mintz advised the Board that it is necessary for the Jury Commission to come in before the first of the year for a day to examine the Jury List. Chairman Hall thanked the Judae for appearing and giving his time to discussing these important matters witti the new Board of Commissioners. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE TOWER - Notice of request by Southern Bell Telephone 8 Teleoraph Company to Department of Trans- portation, Federai Aviation Administration to erect a temporary microwave tower in Wilmington was discussed. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this be investigated by A!r. Harriss, P7r. INetts and A7r. Westbrook and the chairman be authorized to either approve or disapprove based on this investigation. I~totion carried. DEAD LINE FOR AGENDA - By common consent it was aareed the agenda be prepared and mailed on Thursdays before the meeting to be held on the following Monday. LAYd AND ORDER FUNDS A memorandum from the Governor's Committee on Law and Order advising of federal grant for the prevention, detection and control of civii disorders under Section 307 (b) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets l~ct of 1968 was discussed. This memorandum stated that at least 75% will be made available to local units of government. To obtain a part of these funds, local units of government must prov~ide 25~ of the cost of the project proposed, either through cash"or in-kind contributions of services, facilities or goods. The Commissioners were advised that forms for applying for these funds had been ordered. Mr. Harriss expressed the idea that these funds might be used in CFTI training. By common consent it was agreed thzt the chairman consult with all people who might be able to use the funds. \ 2'79 Minutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1968 (Continued) SALE OF CITY-COUNTY PROPERTY TO EUGENE DUNHAM - Correspondence concerninc sale of City-County property to Eugene Dunham was discussed. At one time the County agreed to sell this lot to Eueene Dunham for $890.00. At that time, the City would not go along with that sale. Mr. Dunham went ahead and moved his house onto the lot and had been occupying it since that time whereupon the City and County sued Mr. Dunham to evict him from the lot. The County Attorney advised the County Commissioners that the suit of the City of Wil- mington and the County of New Hanover against Eugene Dunham, presently pending in Superior Court, had been the subject of an offer of compromise. The defendant agreed to pay for the City-Ccunty property the sum of $1,200, provided the City and County would take a nonsuit in the action. After full discussion, it was determined that a compromise eaas in the best interest of New Hanover County. Thereupon, it was unanimously resolved that tYie City and County take a nonsuit in the pending action upon receipt of the sum of $1,200, and that upon receipt of the County's portion of said sum the Chairman of the County Commissioners and the Clerk to the Board be empowered and directed to execute a deed to Eugene Dunham for the property particularly described in the complaint filed in said adction. SCHOOL FOR COUNTY CON~7ISSIOIVERS, FIRST SESSION, DECEMBER 9-11, 1968 - Mr. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Wiiliams, that any Commissioner desiring to attend the school for commissioners, first session being held on D2cember 9-11, be authorized to do so at the expense of the County. Motion carried unanimously. MEETING OF NORTH CAROLINA SEASHORE COA'~'iTSSION - Chairman Hall advised the Commission that there would be a meeting of the North Carolina Seashore Commission on January 9 and 10, 1969, at Atlantic Beach. The Oceanana Motel will be headquarters and meetings vrill be held in the Cruise Roero at the Oceanana. Mr. Metts informed the Board that the State pays a certain portion of expenses of anyone who is a member of the Advisory Committee. P~Ir. Hall is a member of the Advisory Committee. Tfr. 4Jilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Chairman Hall attend, if possible. If he is unable to do so, that the expenses of the person attending. representing Mr. Hall; be paid either by the State or County. Motion carried. NOTICE OF PER~IT REQUEST TO WILMINGTON CORPS ENGINEERS, BETWEEN U. S. HIGI:~rdAY 76 and NfOTTE CHANNEL AT WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. - After discussion of this permit request, by common consent it was agreed there are no objections to construct piers, bulkheads, dredge,and make a fill between U. S. Highway No. 76 Causeway and Motte Channel at l~Jrightsville Beach, N. C. requested by Mr. M. J. Weeks on behalf of Barrett 6~Jeeks and Doxey, Fayetteville, N. C. CLERK OF SUPERIOR CGURT - Nr. James McKeithan, Clerk Superior Court, appeared before the Board advising that every year his off'ice tias to advertise public funds. This will be ready for sionature at the next meeting. Chairman Hall. expressed the view that it seemed like this should be an expense of the Court System. Nr. Fox is going to checlt into this and advise. Mr. McKeithan was really asking for an extension of time for the presentation of this report. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that extension of 15 days be allowed Mr. McKeithan. Motion carried. OVERTINIE PAY POR EI~PLOYEES IN COURT OFFICES - Mr. NcKeithan brought to the attention of the new Board the many hours of overtime the employees in the court offices had put in getting ready for the change over. The last Board had taken no action on this matter. N;r. McKeithan had the number of hours but not the amounts due the employees. By common consent it ~~as agreed that Mr. McKeithan work up a list and present it at the next meeting for consideration. FURNITURE FOR COURT OFFICES - Mr. McKeithan said the court offices were in need of furnishings and Mr. Williams suggested that he present his request at the next meeting. RESOLUTION ADOPTING ELECTION RcTUFtNS ON AIRPORT BONDS - The Clerk presented the returns showing the result of the voting on the proposition to approve the bond order authorizing $395~000 Airport Bonds; adopted on September 3, i968, at the Special Election held in the County of New Hanover on November 5, 1968, made by the Registrars and Judces of Election appointed to hold the election. The returns were read and considered. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the followino resolution be adopted: "WHEREAS, the Reaistrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold the Special Election heid in ttie County of New Hanover on November 5, 1965, have held said election and have made returns showing the result of the voting on the proposition to approve the bond order authori2ing $395,000 Airport gonds, adopted on September 3, 1968, and the Board of Commissioners has considered said returns and has duly canvassed the returns and ascertained the result of said election, and "IaHEREAS, it appears from said returns that the opened on November 5, 19h8, in each precinct, at the therefor at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A.~,, and ~aere 7:30 o'clock, P.N., and that the voters voting at sa use ballots in the form prescribed for said election the Board of Commissioners on September 3, 1968, and polis for said election were polling place prescribed continuously kept open until id election were required to by the resolution adopted by "WHEREAS, said returns show that said election was held in every voting precinct in said County, and that the total number of voters who were registered and qualified to vote at said election in said voting precincts and the total number of votes cast for the proposition submitted at said election in said precincts, and the total number of votes cast against such proposition in such precincts were as hereinafter stated: "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: "1. It is hereby determined and declared that the number of voters registered and qualified to vote at said election was 3i,z38. ~ , 280 hiinutes of tne Meeting - December 2, 1968 (Continued) RESOLUTION ADOPTING ELECTION RETURNS ON AIRPORT BONDS (CONTINUED) - "2. The number of votes cast at said election "FOR the bond order authori2ino $395,000 bonds to finance the cost of improving the Nel~~ Hanover County Airport, maintained and operated by the County fer use of airplanes or other aircraft, in- cluding terminal building expansion and the improvement of runways, taxiways and aprons, together with the acquisition of the necessary land, and a tax therefor", was 12,332. The number of voters who voted ''AGAINST' said bond order and tax was 8,7~9, and a majority of the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted to approve said bond order and said proposed indebtedness. "3. R statement showing the number of votes cast for and against said pro- position, the number of voters qualified to vote at said election and declaring the result of said election, shall be prepared and signed by at least a majority of the members of the Board of Commissioners and delivered to the Clerk so that such statement may be filed and recorded in accordance with law. "H. A. Marks seconded the motion and the motion was unanimously adopted. "The members of the Board voting for the adoption of the last mentiioned resolution thereupon signed a statement of the result of the election and delivered the statement so signed to the Clerk. For the purpose of recording the statement so siened it is inserted in the Minutes: 'STATEA9ENT OF RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ON Ncvember 5, 1968 ~WHEREAS, by direction of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover; in the State of North Carolina, the following question r.~as submitted to the qualified voters of said County at a Special Election held in said County on November 5, 1968: ~(1) "FOR~AGAINST bond order autnorizing $395,000 bonds Lo finance the cost of improvina the iVew Hanover County Airport, maintained and operated by the County for use of airplanes or other aircraft, including terminai building expansion and the improvement of runways, taxiways and aprons, toaether with the acquisition of the necessary land, and a tax therefor~, and said 3oard of Commissioners has duly canvassed the returns of the Registrars and Judges of Election appointed to hold said election and has determined the result of said election to be as hereinafter stated, NO}rl, THEREFORE, ~Said Board of Commissioners hereby makes the following statement of the result of said election, pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina. '(1) The number of voters registered and Qualified to vote at said election was 31,238. '(2) The number of votes cast at said election for the bond order authorizing $395,000 Airport Bonds and for the indebtedness proposed to be incurred by the issuance of the bonds authori2ed by said bond order was 12,332. The number of votes cast at said election aaainst said bond order and against said in- debtedness was 8,779. A majority ef the qualified voters of said County who voted at said election voted to approve said bond order and said indebtedness. ~IN WITNE55 4JHEREOF, we, the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, have hereunto set our hands this 2nd day of December, 196J. (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. (s) Meares Harriss, Jr. (s) J. Van B. Metts, ,Ir. (s) Berry A. lailliams (s) H. A. Marks Nembers of Board of Commissioners~ "Neares Harriss, Jr. moved that the statement so signed be approved by the Board of Commissioners and that the Clerk be directed to file the original statement in his office and to publish a copy of the st2tement in the manner provided by law. "John Van B. I~fetts, Jr. seconded tne motion and the motion was unanimously adopted". LAW 130~KS - Mr. YJilliams moved, seconded by fJr. Hall, for the Commissioners~ office. I~7otion carried. that Session Laws for 1965 and 1q67 be ordered APPOIA~T~ENT MEN;BER TO SOUTHEASTERN ECONO~IC DEVELOPMENT CONiMISSION - Mr. Metts announced that he found it necessary to resign from the Southeastern Economic Development Commission. Mr. P~9etts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Mr. Berry a Williams be appointed to serve on this Commission. Niotion carried. At this juncture of the meeting, 4:20 P.M., the meetino was recessed in order to give the Commissioners an opportunity to visit the Tax Office. Nieeting reconvened at 4~45 P•M• ADDITIOA~AL HELP rOR TAX OFFICE AND ELECTRICAL A?VD BUILDING WSPECTORS - After looking over the situation in the Tax Office, hir. Ulilliams moved, seconded by Mr. M:etts, tYiat M,rs. Wallace be assigned to the Tax Office on a full time basis and that someone be hired on a full time basis for the Electrical and Building Inspectors, preferably a person / already certified. Motion carried. ! \ ~~1 Minutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1968 (Continued) , RADIO FOR NEWLY HIRED ASSISTANT ~LECTRICAL INSPECTOR - By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Wood place the radio previously ordered for the Building Inspector in the Assistant Electrical Inspector~s car due to the fact Mr. Register is out sick and r~ill not be using it at the present time. Another radio is to be ordered for PJr. Register, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. APPOINTMENT NT'NBER TO WELFARE BOARD - A letter from former Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, dated November 5, 1968, addressed to Dr. Jos. 1J. Hooper, former Chairman of the Board, resigning from the Welfare Board, effective December 2, i968, was discussed. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Bowden's resignation be accepted and that he be reappointed by this Board to serve on the Welfare Board for the term he was originally appointed to serve. Ivotion carried. RESIGNATION OF LAURENCE O. BOWDEN FROM T~NTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD - The Board of County Commissioners, by common consent, accepted with recret the resignation of Mr. BoV~den from the Advisory Board of the Mental Health Center, effective December 2, 1968. A letter of appreciation will be written h?r. Bowden for having served en this Board. ADJOURNi~4ENT - There being no_,;further business to come before the, Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Chairman Hall, that'~he meeting adjourn. Motion carried. ~ Hazel Savage County Cler}c Minutes of the Meeting - December 16, 1968 ASSfiMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was - held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice=Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; Cdunty Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. W. A. Seawell, Pastor, Grace Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - r-• Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes for the meeting of December 2, 1968 be approved as written. Motion carried vnanimovsiy. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, have been submitted at this time. APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - Mr. Shepard, County Auditor, requested the following transfers and appropriations: To From Sheriff Dept.-Salary Grand Jury Officer $ 180.00 Sheriff Dept.-Salary A/C $ 180.00 School Capital Outlay 6,685.00 Schooi Capital Outlay-Surplus 6,685.00 Bldg. Inspector-S. & 5. 50.76 General Emerg. Fund 50.76 Aid to Blind-Refunds 1}.00 Aid to Blind-Surplus Ia.•00 Superior Court-Fees Jury 8.70 Superior Court-Fees Witness 8.7~ There was a discussion on Lhe item of School Outlay which was cleared up when Dr. Bellamy appeared at the meeting later on another matter. He advised the Board the $6,685.00 was a refund received last June and which was earmarked Capital Outlay - Wrightsboro School. This is for the new addition to Wrightsboro School. After this item was explained, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that all transfers and appropriations as requested by the County Auditor be approved. Motion carried. CORONER L. STARR McI~IILLAN, JR.'S REQUEST - Request from Mr. L. Starr McMillan, Jr., Coroner, for an addition of $150 to his budget in order to pay Mr. Lloyd Memory, Assistant Coroner, for approximately one week-end each month for the next five or six months due to Mr. McMillan having to be out of town on those week-ends on business was presented to the Board. By common consent this was deferred until the next ~ meeting of the Commissioners. TAX SUPERUISOR~S REQUEST FOR OVERTIME PAY FOR EMPLOYEES IlV TAX OFFICE - Mr, P: H. Braak appeared before the Board to request overtime pay in the amount of $94.71 for employees in his office. He stated this was brought about because the person he hired to operate the key punch machine for a month quit after two days. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that overtime pay be authorized as requested by Mr. Braak, funds coming from the same source as the month~s pay for the extra key punch operator which he was authorized to hire at the last meeting; namely, Office Supplies and Expense. Motion carried. X CLERK OF COURT, REQUEST FOR OVERTIME PAY FOR EMPLOYEES IN HIS OFFICE - Mr. James McKeithan, Clerk of Court, appeared before the Board and requested overtime _ pay in the amount of $1,362 to cover hours worked overtime in the Superior Court Office and the Recorder~s Covrt Office. This overtime work was necessary due to preparation for change , I