1968-12-16 Regular Meeting! \ ~~1 Minutes of the Meeting - December 2, 1968 (Continued) , RADIO FOR NEWLY HIRED ASSISTANT ~LECTRICAL INSPECTOR - By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Wood place the radio previously ordered for the Building Inspector in the Assistant Electrical Inspector~s car due to the fact Mr. Register is out sick and r~ill not be using it at the present time. Another radio is to be ordered for PJr. Register, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. APPOINTMENT NT'NBER TO WELFARE BOARD - A letter from former Vice-Chairman Laurence 0. Bowden, dated November 5, 1968, addressed to Dr. Jos. 1J. Hooper, former Chairman of the Board, resigning from the Welfare Board, effective December 2, i968, was discussed. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Bowden's resignation be accepted and that he be reappointed by this Board to serve on the Welfare Board for the term he was originally appointed to serve. Ivotion carried. RESIGNATION OF LAURENCE O. BOWDEN FROM T~NTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD - The Board of County Commissioners, by common consent, accepted with recret the resignation of Mr. BoV~den from the Advisory Board of the Mental Health Center, effective December 2, 1968. A letter of appreciation will be written h?r. Bowden for having served en this Board. ADJOURNi~4ENT - There being no_,;further business to come before the, Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Chairman Hall, that'~he meeting adjourn. Motion carried. ~ Hazel Savage County Cler}c Minutes of the Meeting - December 16, 1968 ASSfiMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was - held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice=Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; Cdunty Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. W. A. Seawell, Pastor, Grace Methodist Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - r-• Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes for the meeting of December 2, 1968 be approved as written. Motion carried vnanimovsiy. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, have been submitted at this time. APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - Mr. Shepard, County Auditor, requested the following transfers and appropriations: To From Sheriff Dept.-Salary Grand Jury Officer $ 180.00 Sheriff Dept.-Salary A/C $ 180.00 School Capital Outlay 6,685.00 Schooi Capital Outlay-Surplus 6,685.00 Bldg. Inspector-S. & 5. 50.76 General Emerg. Fund 50.76 Aid to Blind-Refunds 1}.00 Aid to Blind-Surplus Ia.•00 Superior Court-Fees Jury 8.70 Superior Court-Fees Witness 8.7~ There was a discussion on Lhe item of School Outlay which was cleared up when Dr. Bellamy appeared at the meeting later on another matter. He advised the Board the $6,685.00 was a refund received last June and which was earmarked Capital Outlay - Wrightsboro School. This is for the new addition to Wrightsboro School. After this item was explained, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that all transfers and appropriations as requested by the County Auditor be approved. Motion carried. CORONER L. STARR McI~IILLAN, JR.'S REQUEST - Request from Mr. L. Starr McMillan, Jr., Coroner, for an addition of $150 to his budget in order to pay Mr. Lloyd Memory, Assistant Coroner, for approximately one week-end each month for the next five or six months due to Mr. McMillan having to be out of town on those week-ends on business was presented to the Board. By common consent this was deferred until the next ~ meeting of the Commissioners. TAX SUPERUISOR~S REQUEST FOR OVERTIME PAY FOR EMPLOYEES IlV TAX OFFICE - Mr, P: H. Braak appeared before the Board to request overtime pay in the amount of $94.71 for employees in his office. He stated this was brought about because the person he hired to operate the key punch machine for a month quit after two days. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that overtime pay be authorized as requested by Mr. Braak, funds coming from the same source as the month~s pay for the extra key punch operator which he was authorized to hire at the last meeting; namely, Office Supplies and Expense. Motion carried. X CLERK OF COURT, REQUEST FOR OVERTIME PAY FOR EMPLOYEES IN HIS OFFICE - Mr. James McKeithan, Clerk of Court, appeared before the Board and requested overtime _ pay in the amount of $1,362 to cover hours worked overtime in the Superior Court Office and the Recorder~s Covrt Office. This overtime work was necessary due to preparation for change , I ~ 2~z Minutes of the Meeting - December 16, 196g (Continued) CLERK OF COURT, REQUEST FOR OVERTIME PAY FOR EN[PLOYEES IN HIS OFFICE (CONTINUED) - over from previovs court system to the present State Court 5ystem. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that overtime as requested be paid, funds coming from Svperior and Recorder~s Courts Salary Accounts. Motion carried. Mr. Hall said the paying of this overtime does not set a precedent. INVENTORY OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF CLERK SUPERIOR COURT - Mr. James McKeithan presented inventory of public funds of his office as of December 1, 1968 for the Commissioners approval and signature. Question was raised as to whether the State or County is responsible for the expense of this report being published. Mr. Fox advised the Board the County would still pay for this, however this could be changed by Legislature. Mr. Hall voiced the opinion that the County has to furnish an auditor to audit these accounts which means that the County is auditing a State office. The Board was advised by Mr. McKeithan that the Register of Deeds Office has funds in its budget for publication of this report. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this report be approved. Motion carried. LETTING OF ALTERNATE CONTRACTS, THIRD FLOOR NURSES~ HO~E - Mr. Julian Altobellis appeared at the meetina to present informal of the Third Floor of the Nurses~ Quarters. These informal bids were as the alternate bids of the different contractors which were shown on They are as follows: Reagan Construction Co. - General Conrad Mechanical Contractors, Inc. - Electrical Sneeden, Inc. Conrad Mechanical Contractors, Inc - Plumbing - Heating and Air Cbnditioning Architect's Fees bids for the renovation for the same amounts their original bids. ~ 7,199.00 4,boo.oo 2,4i8.oo 6,890.00 $21,107.00 1,688.56 ~22,795.56 After discus,sing the Seasibil'ity of_proceed'ing now~with the renovation of the third floor and with the advice of the architect that if the work is deferred it will cost considerably more, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, for discussion, that the Commission approve these negoitated alternate bids. Mr. Metts asked Mr. Shepard what effect this would have on the tax rate next year. Mr. Shepard advised that this would raise the tax rate, but with the tax base he felt it would be all right. Question was then asked by Mr. Harriss if it were permissible to combine the separate bids since they would total over $7,500. Mr. Fox said "No"; he felt separate motions should be made. h9r. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Williams, that alternate bid of Reagan Construction Comp2ny, General Con- tractor, in the amount of $7,199 be accepted, funds coming from Unappropriated Surplus in General Fund. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that al~ernate bid of Conrad Mechanical Con- tractors, Inc., in the amount of $~,600 for the Electrical work, be accepted, funds coming from Unappropriated Surplus in Genera.l Fund. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that t.he alternate bid of Sneeden, Inc., in the amount of $2,418 for the plumbing work be accepted, funds coming from Unappropriated Surplus in General Fund. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that alternate bid of Conrad Mechanical Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $6,89o for the heating and air-conditioning be accepted, funds coming from Unappropriated Surplus in General Fund. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the architect~s fees of $1,688.56 be approved, funds to come from Unappropriated Surplus in General Fund. Motion carried. At this juncture of the meeting, 9:50 A.M, County Auditor Shep2rd left the meeting to go to Charlotte to enter the hospital for treatment. WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER PLANNING COMMISSION - Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Planning, advised the Board that Mr. James E. Parker, Planning Technician, had resigned, effective January 15, 1969, to accept a position with the City of Wilmington Public Works Department, and that he would like to hire an additional professionally trained planner which would require a salary appropriation of approximately $9,000 per annum. To hire a planner at this time, based on this salary, will require an addition of $1,400 being appropriated for the remainder of the fiscal year to pay the difference in salary of a planner and the salary that was budgeted for the position of Planning Technician which Mr. Parker held. This would be divided between the City and County, each paying $700. Mr. Wood advised the Board that Nr. Brandon was aware of him appearing before the Commissioners with this request. ~r. Williams moved, seconded by P~r. Metts, that the Board approve the hiring of a planner and the sum of $700 be appropriated to pay one-half the difference in the salary of a planner for theremaining fiscal year, sub~ect to concurrence of the City Council, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. MEETING OF LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS - Mr. Wood reminded the Board that the Lower Cape Fear Council of Governments will meet in Wilmington on January 16, 1968 and asked if the Commission would like to set up a program. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Wood be asked to work with Mr. Williams, who has been appointed to serve on the Lower Cape Fear Council of Governments, in setting up this meeting. Mr. Hall requested the other Commissioners to communicate with Mr. Williams if they have any possible items for the meeting. Mr. Williams said there would be some expense involved and Mr. Hall said this would be deferred until later in order to'get more in- formation. ~. ~ / ~ ~~~ Ninutes of the Meeting - December 16, 1968 (Continued) CHRISTMAS CONTRIBUTION TO CHILDREN IN INSTITUTIONS - Miss Hall requested the Board to authorize the contribution of $150 to homes that have children instead of Caswell Center only, as the minutes of the last meeting reflected. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this correction be made and that the contribution be distributed among institutions in which children reside. Motion carried. INSANE AND INEBRIATE FUNDS - Miss Hall advised the Board that prior to the State taking over the Courts, the Clerk of Superior Court's office took care of the expense of the insane and inebriate cases and now there is no source of funds for this. Only five months ($1,500) was budgeted for this item at budget time and that has been spent. Funds are needed for examination fees and transportation of patients to the State Hospital. Discussion was had as to whether or not the Welfare Department couid handle this. Mr. Fox advised the Board it could be done by appropriations from Welfare Department funds until they become exhausted. Miss Hall expressed the willingness to try to handle the situation, but said she might have to come back for additional hospital money. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Commission approve the Welfare Department as the agency responsible for doctors for the examination of insane and inebriate persons and that the funds required be chargeable to the existing county hospital fund, and should this fund be depteted, the Commission accept request for a supplement. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF MEDICAL BILLS, JAIL - This item was deferred until the committee appointed to study this could meet. Members of the committee are: Mr. Harriss, Miss Hall, Mr. Shepard, 5heriff Millis, Mr. Joe Johnson, and Mr. Lutha Mintz. Mr. Harriss will be the chairman. Meeting was set for 2:30 P.M., December 16, 1968. SUPPLEMENT, MEDICENTER - • Miss Hall advised the Board of the problem of high hospital bills for persons on welfare and New Hanover Memorial Hospital failing to bill the Welfare Department on a current monthly basis. Federal and State funds are billed on an average basis which has a stopping point of $90.00, therefore when the Welfare Department receives all its bills in one month the County loses money. The hospital has been requested to furnish the Welfare Department bills'on a current monthly basis, but to date they have not done so. Miss Hall advised that patients can be put in Medicenter, which qualifies for medicare, and the State and Federal will par- ticipate up to $230 per month towards their monthly expense which will require a supplement of $1~5 from the County to cover the monthly bill. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the County approve supplement in amount of $145 in order to send patients to homes that qualify for medicare, upon approval of the Welfare Department, funds to come from Welfare Hospital Fund. Motion carried. Towards the end of this meeting Mr. Marks mentioned this subject again and moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Chairman write a letter to the New Hanover Memorial Hospital and request billing of all Welfare recipients on a current monthly basis, otherwise bills may not be - approved for payment as required for Federal and State Participation. Motion carried. SCHOOL BOARD REQUEST FOR ELECTION - Dr. Heyward Bellamy and Mr. Dale Spencer from the Board of Education appeared at the request of the Board to discuss distribution of the present 20 cents supplement and also the proposed 15 cents supplement. Mr. 4Jilliams thanked Dr. Bellamy for the complete and under- standable information furnished the Commissioners by him prior to the meeting. Discussion was held on whether May 6, 1969 would be the proper time to hold the election. Mr. Wiiliams said there was a question in his mind whether this is the appropriate time, in- asmuch as the Legislature will be in session and that he preferred to see it with a covnty- wide election instead of just a city election. Mr. Harriss expressed the view that the School Board would have to know in time to make decision on how many teachers to hire for the year 1969-70, but questioned whether it was good timing before knowing what is going to be in- cluded on the ballot. Dr. Bellamy advised the Board the supplement is more than necessary, it is critical. At this point Mr. Emsley Laney, Chairman, School Board, was asked to come to the meeting and give his views. He said May 6, 1969 was the date requested because the School Board thought it would be more economical. Mr. Hall expressed the feeling that economy was not worth endangerino the passing of the issue. Ntr. Harriss said the Tax Study Committee has come up with several kinds of taxes which will require elections. If these coincided with the election on the supplement it might be hurt. Mr. Metts said one other thing had to be con- sidered; how would this affect setting the tax rate at budget time. Mr. Laney said the School Board feels the election should be held during this fiscal year. Mr. Fox advised the Board that a minimum of 60 days would be required to get ready for the election. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that action be deferred until the Commissioners receive another report from the 5chool Board concerning this. Motion carried. RELOCATION OF MENTAL NEALTH CENTER - Nr. John Wilson, Administrative Director, Mental Health Clinic, appeared and withdrew request of the Mental Health Clinic to relocate.at this time. TRANFERS OF FUNDS R~QUESTED BY MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC - Mr. Wilson requested $500 be transferred from Salaries to Water and Sewerage and $100 from Mental Health Contingency Fund to Expense for Meetings. Mr. Wilson advised the Board that sometimes it was necessary to rent a room to hold meetings when they have speakers. The Commissioners expressed the feeling that the water and sewerage bills were high, and Mr. Williams suggested he call the Water Department and have the pipes checlted. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Wiiliams, that both of these transfers be approved with the understanding that the water bill be investigated. Motion carried. TELEPHONES, COURTHOUSE - Mr. Harriss reported that the telephones in the courthouse were expensive and inefficient and that the Telephone Company is conducting a survey to determine~:whether or not it would be feasible to have a switchboard in the courthouse. ~ I 284 Minutes of the Meeting - December 16, 1968 (Continued) JUDGE GILBERT H. BURNETT~S REQUEST - A letter from Judge Gilbert H. Burnett was presented to the Commissioners in which he requested two parking places in the courthouse parking lot to be assigned to Judge L. Brad- ford Tillery and himself. Also, he requested permission to use the office on the second floor of the courthouse which adjoins JudgeTillery's office until such time as a permanent place is furnished. He pointed out that if permission is granted, the County will only have to pay $60.00 rent for the month of December for his office space which he is occupying now. Parking space was discussed and it was agreed that no parking spaces would be assigned at this time. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that a letter be written to Judge Burnett advising him that $60.00 for his December rent will be paid and he is authorized to move to the office he requested on a temporary basis r~ith the help of courthouse labor and with the understanding that the County assumes no liability. Also, the Commissioners are not assigning any parking spaces at this time pending study of the parking problem. Funds for the rent will come from Court Facilities Fees. Motion carried. CONMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - Chairman Hall made the following Committee appointments with request that letter be written each person advising him of his appointment. Also, a letter is to be written City advising them of the appointment of inembers to serve on joint City-County Committees. STANDING COMMITTEES WDVEATISING COMMITTEE Chamber of Commerce, Etc. AIRPORT AZALEA FESTIVAL CITY-COUNTY JOINT BUDGET STUDY PARKS-FARM PRISON-CEMETERY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE BOARD OF HEALTH NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL NOSPITAL NEId HANOVER MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE RURAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS Also Serves on Firemen~s Relief Fund ' WILMINGTON PORT 8 WATERWAY DEVELOPMENT CO~I TTEE OF 100 LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS OPPORTUNITIES, INCORPORATED PLANNING 8 ZONIn~G BOARD - LIAISON WELFARE BOARD Mr. Williams Mr. Harriss Mr. Metts Mr. Williams Mr. Marks Mr. N,etts Mr. Harriss Mr. Harriss ~r. Hali - Ex Officio (Chairman) Mr. Hall - Ex Officio Mr. Marks Mr. Metts Mr. Hall Mr. Metts Mr. Hall Mr. Williams Mr. ln~illiams Mr. Marks Mr. Marks NEMBERSHIP, INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT - Mr. Hall presented a bill for membership in the ;nstitute of Government and reminded the Board of the many advantages in belonging to it. N,r. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the bill in the amount of $358•71 will be paid from the funds set up in the budget for this item. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT MEMBER TO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Request of Nr. N. L. Foy, Chairman, Board of Ad,justments, that Mr. David N. A7urre1l be reappointed to a three year term on the Board of Adjustments and that the term of Mr. George Sloan, Jr. be shown to expire on June 5, 1970 was presented to the Board. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Nurrell be reappointed for three years, his term expiring November 5, 1971, and that the minutes reflect that Mr. Sloan's term will expire on June 5, 1970. Motion carried. POLICY ON CREDIT FOR PERMITS IN ELECTRICAL & BUILDING INSPECTOR' OFFICE - Discussion was held on whether or not to continue to permit credit for building and electricai permits. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that in the future permits be issued upon payment therefor in the Building and Electrical Inspectors' Office, so long as it is in our ~jurisdiction. Motion carried. Chairman Hall suggested that this be done with the thought of reconsidering it at some future date. APPOINT TAX SUPERVISOR TO FED.-STATE CROP REPORT SURVEY - ~ Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Tax Supervisor be appointed to Federal- State Crop Report Survey. Motion carried. A.B,C. PERMIT REQUEST - A.B.C. Permit Request from McMillan~s Place, 1422 Orange 5treet was presented to the Board and Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Harriss, that this be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for consideration. Motion carried. REQUEST OF 1~JALTER W. SIGMAN TO PURCHASE LOT A letter addressed to the Tax Supervisor from Walter W. Sioman, Real Estate Broker, offering to purchase a 33 foot lot at the corner of Kidder Street and 16th Street in the amount of the appraised price of $2,800 was presented to the Board. The Board discussed whether or not this was a fair price since it is commercial property, and Mr. Raymond Blake was re- quested to check it out. X ' ~~r~ ,G U J Ninutes of the Meeting - December 16, 1968 (Continued) R£QUEST OF WALTER W. SIGMAN TO PURCHASE LOT (CONTINUED) - Mr. Blake and Mr. Braak appeared later in the meeting at which time Mr. Blake said by taking the prevailing price in that location, plus twenty percent, the property would be appraised at $3,200. After the Board was informed that a clear title could not be given to the property, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the lot be offered to Mr. Sigman for $3,000, subject to approval of the City. Motion carried.~ APPROVAL OF REGISTRAR OF DEEDS BOND - A bond in the amount of $10,000 was presented to the Board with Mrs. LeRay's request that it be increased to $25,0~0. Mr. Fox advised the Board that $10,000 is the amount permitted by the Statute. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the bond in the amount of $1~,000 be approved, subject to approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE TOWER - Mr. Harriss advised the Board that he had discussed the Temporary Microwave Tower which the Southern Bell Telephorie Company proposed to erect in the County with Mr. John Westbrook, Airport Manager. He was advised by Mr. Westbrook that the F.A.A, had no objections. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the notice of such erection be signed by the Chairman offering no object'fons. Motion carried. LAW AND ORDER MEETING - A memorandum from the Governor~s Committee on Law and Order was brought before the Board. This memorandum contained information concerning conferences on law and order to be held on December 18 at Chapel Hill; December 19 at Charlotte; and December 20 at Greenville. It was felt by the Commissioners that someone from the County should attend one of these conferences, especially someone in law enforcement work. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Sheriff be requested to attend or that he send his Chief Deputy, and that all the Commissioners be authorized to attend any one of the meetings they are able to. Motion carried. SECTION 3-2 BOND REQUIREMENT OF CONTRACTORS Discussion of bond requirement by contractors when obtaining building or electrical permits was discussed. A letter from the Wilmington Contractors Association was presented to the Board wherein they advised the majority of their membership voted against the bond require- ment. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that requirements in the ordinance requiring bonds for contractors; namely Section 3-2 of Article III, Enforcement, and the second , Paragraph of Section 3-3, be eliminated. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss abstained from voting. CODIFYIn~G ORDINANCES - Mr. Fox discussed with the Board the advantages of having codification of county ordinances. Mr. Fox feels that since the covnty is growing so rapidly, there are now so many ordinances, from a legai standpoint it would be very heipful, and helpful to the Commissioners in referring to ordinances of.other counties, it would be very worthwhile to explore. Mr. Metts suggested this be done by budget time. By common consent it was agreed a letter be written investigating t.he feasibility of this service for New Hanover County. FULL TIME COUNTY ATTORNEY - Mr. Fox discussed with the Board the hiring of a full time County Attorney that had been authorized by the outgoing Board. He advised the Board that several peopie had been inter- viewed and he is talking with one now that seems to be interested. Mr. Fox said his opinion had not changed any and that he still feels that since New Hanover County has grown so rapidly, increased litigation, sources of revenue from Welfare liens which have been recovered this year in an amount of $25,000 a full time attorney is ~justifiable and he feels it would be one of the greatest steps forward for the County. He pointed out that Forsyth County had found out that a full time attorney had worked out very weli for them. Mr. Fox inquired whether or not this Board wished him to proceed with his efforts in locating a full time man for the job. He expressed the view that a fuil time attorney would mean a tremendous savings to the County. Mr. Harriss said he felt the Board should endorse Mr. Fox~s suggestions. Mr. Hall inquired of Mr. Fox whether or not he thought the Hospitai and School Board would eventually use the County Attorney if one were hired, and Mr. Fox said he thought they would. Mr. Fox suggested that in the next budget part of the County Attorney Salary could be budgeted in the Welfare Budget. Nir. Williams said he was not sure at this time whether the County needed a full time attorney or not. By common consent it was aoreed that Mr. Fox relax his efforts in acquiring a fuil time man until the second meeting in January at which time some decision will be made by the Board. APPROVAL OF MEMBERS TO GOOD NEIGHBOR COUNCIL - At the last meeting a letter from Mr. Kelly Jewell, Chairman, Good Neighbor Council was presented to the fioard wherein he had requested approval of appointment of four persons to the Good Neighbor Council, one of which resided in Southport. The Commission requested Mr. Jeweli to advise why this person~s name was submitted instead of a local person. Another letter dated December 13th was received from Mr. Jewell wherein he requested that the person's name from Southport be deleted and that the other three be approved. They are as follows: Rev. Pegram Johnson, St. James Episcopal Church; Mrs. Sam Warshaver; and Mr. D. G. Curlee, General Electric. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that these three persons be approved to serve on the Good Neighbor Council. Motion carried. CORPS OF ENGINEERS NOTICE - Notice of application from Mr. Homer H. Ward, 2914 Lake Shore Drive, Wilmington, N. C. for a permit to construct a bulkhead, boat ramp and a pier in Myrtle Grove Sound about opposite Navigation i55-a in the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway near Carolina Beach in New Hanover County was brought to the attention of the Board by the Chairman. By common consent it was agreed there is no objection to this. TRACTOR AND OTHER EQUIPMENT AT THE PRISON FARM - Mr. Marks reported on the tractor at the Prison Farm on which bids had been received. Mr. Marks advised the Board that these offers are too low and should be declined. Mr. Marks said that he had Mr. Orrell to look at,the tractor with him and he was of the same opinion. Also, he had discussed the tractor rrith Mr. James Roberts, Park Superintendent, who had requested the tractor for use in his work at Hugh MacRae Park and both he and /~ Mr. Roberts agreed it was not the proper tractor for this purpose. Mr. A4arks said Mr. Orrell would pick the tractor up for possibly five or ten dollars and examine it for a more complete appraisal of the value, if the Board so desired. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Mr. Marks be permitted to sell the tractor for what he thinks it is worth. Motion carried. Mr. Marks reminded the Board that there is other equipment at the farm which is rusting and should be disposed of. J ~ ~ ~86 Minutes of the Meeting - December 16, 1968 (Continued) , REPORT ON SCHOOL HELD FOR COUNTY COMMISSIOPdERS BY THE INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT IN CHAPEL HILL ON DECENBER 9-11 - Chairman Hall reported on the school that he, Messrs. Harriss, Marks and Williams attended in Chapel Hill last week. He said it was well attended; more than 100 were there. Mr. Hall sai.d that by attending these schools it keeps a person's thinking up to date and expressed the feeling that any of these schools which the Institute of Government holds should be atten'ded by some member of the department to which they apply and that the department heads should be encouraged to send persons that they can spare from their personnel. Mr. Harriss commented on the discussion of salaries at the school and said he found that New Hanover County ranked quite well salary-wise with the other counties. The second session of the school will be held January 13-15'. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that any commissioner that can attend be authori2ed to do so. Motion carried. MFtS. JOHN DEE BAKER - Chairman Hall said that in view of the statement having been put on the air and in an out of town paper concerning mystery surrounding Mrs. John Dee Baker~s severance from employment in the Clerk of Court Office, he wanted to impress on everybody~s mind that there was no misappropriations of any funds whatsoever. He read a letter from the County Auditor to this effect. He also read letters of recommendation from the Clerk of Court, Attorney John J. Burney and District Court Prosecutor John M. Walker concerning Nrs. Baker. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting ad~}ourn. Motion carried. Ha2e1 Savage County Clerk Minutes of the Meeting - January 6, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly on the above date and time in J. M, Hall, Jr., Commissioner Attorney James C. Fox; County Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chairman s John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Jr. was absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. James B. Tubbs, Executive Secretary, Wilmington Presbytery, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes of December 16, 1968, the following corrections were made: On Page 2 under the heading "'Clerk of Court, Request For Overtime Pay For Employees ln His Office", the following sentence should be inserted after the first sentence: "This over- time work was necessary due to preparation for change over from previous court system to the present State Court System." On Page 8 under the heading "Request of Walter W, Sigman To Purchase Lot", the second sentence should read as follows: "After the Board was infocmed that a clear title could not be given to the property, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the lot be offered to Mr. Sigman for $3,000, subject to approval of the City". After making the above corrections, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - Ail reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, have been svbmitted at this time. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES TO MFt. E. M. BUTLER County Auditor Perry Shepard advised the Board that Mr. E. M. Butler had turned over to his office $735•50 which he, Mr. Butler, had received from the sale of fixtures and furniture at the o2d Community Hospital, and that in accordance with the action of the Board of Covnty Commissioners on November 18, 1968, Mr. Butler is due twenty (20~) percent of this amount, or $11.~7.10. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that $11~7.10 be paid Nr. Butler for his services in connection with the sale of these items, funds to come from Unanticipated Revenue Account - Community Hospital. Motion carried ~unanimously. ADDITIONAL HELP FOR JAIL Mr. J. E. .lohnson, Jailer, requested additional help for the jail due to increase in it~s operation. Reports were furnished the Board substantiating this. Mr. Johnson advised the Board that he could hire one man for six days per week for $50.00 per week, plus meals. This would require an additional appropriation of $1,300 for the remainder of the fiscal year. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr..Mr. Metts, that the additional help requested by Mr. Johnson, be hired and the sum of $1,300 come from the General Emergency Fund for this person~s salary. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION FOR PAYMEMT OF JAIL AND COUNTY FARM MEDICAL INVOICES - Mr. J. E. Johnson, Jailer, appeared before the Board with request that the Commissioners appropriate funds to pay medical bills incurred by the Jail and County Farm ($163.11) County Farm and $115•45 Jail). He requested that $500 for the County Jail and $500 for the County Farm be appropriated to pay the present bills with the remainder to take them through June 30, 1969. Mr. Johnson advised the Board that he was doing everything possible to keep the medicai y~ bills to a minimum, and Mr. Williams voiced the opinion that Mr. Johnson should be commended for keeping the costs down and the fine ratings he had been able to maintain for the jail.