1969-01-06 Regular Meeting~ ~ ~86 Minutes of the Meeting - December 16, 1968 (Continued) , REPORT ON SCHOOL HELD FOR COUNTY COMMISSIOPdERS BY THE INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT IN CHAPEL HILL ON DECENBER 9-11 - Chairman Hall reported on the school that he, Messrs. Harriss, Marks and Williams attended in Chapel Hill last week. He said it was well attended; more than 100 were there. Mr. Hall sai.d that by attending these schools it keeps a person's thinking up to date and expressed the feeling that any of these schools which the Institute of Government holds should be atten'ded by some member of the department to which they apply and that the department heads should be encouraged to send persons that they can spare from their personnel. Mr. Harriss commented on the discussion of salaries at the school and said he found that New Hanover County ranked quite well salary-wise with the other counties. The second session of the school will be held January 13-15'. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that any commissioner that can attend be authori2ed to do so. Motion carried. MFtS. JOHN DEE BAKER - Chairman Hall said that in view of the statement having been put on the air and in an out of town paper concerning mystery surrounding Mrs. John Dee Baker~s severance from employment in the Clerk of Court Office, he wanted to impress on everybody~s mind that there was no misappropriations of any funds whatsoever. He read a letter from the County Auditor to this effect. He also read letters of recommendation from the Clerk of Court, Attorney John J. Burney and District Court Prosecutor John M. Walker concerning Nrs. Baker. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the meeting ad~}ourn. Motion carried. Ha2e1 Savage County Clerk Minutes of the Meeting - January 6, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly on the above date and time in J. M, Hall, Jr., Commissioner Attorney James C. Fox; County Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chairman s John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Jr. was absent. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. James B. Tubbs, Executive Secretary, Wilmington Presbytery, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - For the minutes of December 16, 1968, the following corrections were made: On Page 2 under the heading "'Clerk of Court, Request For Overtime Pay For Employees ln His Office", the following sentence should be inserted after the first sentence: "This over- time work was necessary due to preparation for change over from previous court system to the present State Court System." On Page 8 under the heading "Request of Walter W, Sigman To Purchase Lot", the second sentence should read as follows: "After the Board was infocmed that a clear title could not be given to the property, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the lot be offered to Mr. Sigman for $3,000, subject to approval of the City". After making the above corrections, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - Ail reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, have been svbmitted at this time. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES TO MFt. E. M. BUTLER County Auditor Perry Shepard advised the Board that Mr. E. M. Butler had turned over to his office $735•50 which he, Mr. Butler, had received from the sale of fixtures and furniture at the o2d Community Hospital, and that in accordance with the action of the Board of Covnty Commissioners on November 18, 1968, Mr. Butler is due twenty (20~) percent of this amount, or $11.~7.10. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that $11~7.10 be paid Nr. Butler for his services in connection with the sale of these items, funds to come from Unanticipated Revenue Account - Community Hospital. Motion carried ~unanimously. ADDITIONAL HELP FOR JAIL Mr. J. E. .lohnson, Jailer, requested additional help for the jail due to increase in it~s operation. Reports were furnished the Board substantiating this. Mr. Johnson advised the Board that he could hire one man for six days per week for $50.00 per week, plus meals. This would require an additional appropriation of $1,300 for the remainder of the fiscal year. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr..Mr. Metts, that the additional help requested by Mr. Johnson, be hired and the sum of $1,300 come from the General Emergency Fund for this person~s salary. Motion carried unanimously. APPROPRIATION FOR PAYMEMT OF JAIL AND COUNTY FARM MEDICAL INVOICES - Mr. J. E. Johnson, Jailer, appeared before the Board with request that the Commissioners appropriate funds to pay medical bills incurred by the Jail and County Farm ($163.11) County Farm and $115•45 Jail). He requested that $500 for the County Jail and $500 for the County Farm be appropriated to pay the present bills with the remainder to take them through June 30, 1969. Mr. Johnson advised the Board that he was doing everything possible to keep the medicai y~ bills to a minimum, and Mr. Williams voiced the opinion that Mr. Johnson should be commended for keeping the costs down and the fine ratings he had been able to maintain for the jail. ~ 2 8'7~ Minutes of the Meeting - January 6, 1969 (Continued) APPROPRIATION FOR PAYMENT OF JAIL AND COUNTY FARM MEDICAL INVOICES (CONTINUED) - Mr. Metts inquired whether or not Mr. Johnson had given any thought to long range planning for the jail. Mr. Johnson advised the Board that he felt that the jail needed a "Drunk Tank". At present people arrested for being drunk sometimes have to be locked up with those arrested for more serious crimes, such as murder. He suggested the apartment he occupies at present be turned into a"Drunk Tank" and his apartment be relocated to a part of the space that will be vacated by the Welfare Department. Mr. Marks expressed the view that this recommendation is timely and suggested Mr. Hall take this into consideration when the space now occupied by the Welfare Department becomes available. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that $1,000 be appropriated to the Jail and County Prison Farm ($500 each) to pay the present medical bills and the balance used to carry them through June 30, 1969 for any additional medical expenses which might be incurred during this period, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION TO FORMER CONll~1IS5I0NERS - At this time Chairman .1. M. Hall, Jr. presented Certificates of Appreciation to Dr. Joseph W. Hooper, outgoing Chairman of the Board and outgoing Vice-Chairman Laurence O. Bowden. The gavel which was used by Dr. Hooper had been engraved and was presente'cl to him also. Outgoing Commissioner M. H. Vaughan was not able to be present. Mr. Nall expressed the County's appreciation to Dr. Hooper for the long hours of service rendered by him as , Chairman of the Board. Dr. Hooper wished the Board all success and told the Board if at any time he could be of help, please call him. Mft. HARDY WESSELL, INSURANCE ADVISORY CON~1ITTEE -. Mr. Hardy YJessell appeared at the meeti.ng to advise the Board that additional funds are necessary to take care of the insurance for the County. This is necessary due to the fact that at budget time anticipated premium for workmen~s compensation was based on 1966 figures rather than on audit figures for 1967-68 which reflected increase in'payroll, among other things. Also, Mr. Wessell pointed ouL there has been an increase in insurance costs because of addition of new vehicles by the County and the voting machines. Mr. Wessell said he feit an additional $5,000 would be adequate to take care of'these unforeseen costs, and felt that at next budget time a more accurate estimate could be made. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that $5,000 be appropriated for this additional cost in insurance, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund and to be placed in County Aid - Insurance Account. Motion carried unanimously. SCHOOL BQARD REQUEST, TRANSFER OF FUNDS - -. • Mr. Shepard presented request from the School Board for transfer of $2,095•30 from Capital Outlay-School Buses to Capital Outlay-Relocatable Class Rooms and Furniture and 3nstrument Apparatus. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this transfer within the School Budget be approved. Motion carried unanimously. , SOIL SUFtVEY - ' Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Planning; Mr. Neil Mallory, Staff Planner; Mr. W, A. McLeod, Area Conservationist; and Mr. Sam Cox, Work Unit Conservationist met with the Board to discuss a soils survey for New Hanover County. Mr. Wood began the discussion by citing several reasons why he felt strongly the need for a soils survey; namely, with the survey the County would be better able to indicate areas for industry and land fill projects. Also, the County would be better able to.determine whether land is suitable for septic tanks and sewer projects. Mr. Wood pointed out that this survey would be made with urban uses of land in mind and not to farming needs.• Mr. Wood advised he would assist in formulating what types of data would be needed for the study. He also pointed out that it would not be necessary to wait four or five years for the information; field sheets would be received by the County in 1969. Also, the•Soil Conservationists would be willing to begin their study anywhere in the County. Mr. McLeod advised the Board that the study could be completed in about two and one-half years during which time the County wouid.be receiving field sheets as work progressed. Mr. McLeod did say, however, that it would take from two to three years to receive the reporC in printed form after the work is completed. This is a cost sharing project with the Federal Government. New Hanover County will be charged fifty {50%) of the technical costs,.not to exceed $25,000. Nr. McLeod advised the Board that billing could be worked out either on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually basis. Funds will not be needed until•the next fiscal year. Mr. Wood pointed out that the need for the survey will be greater later; now land is being used that is developable. In the future land will be used that is more questionable. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Wiiliams, that a letter be furnished the Soil Con- servationist Service indicating the intent of New Hanover County to authorize such a survey at the beginning of the 1969-1970 fiscal year. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Fox was requested to write the letter of intent, and the County Auditor requested to confer with the Soil Conservationist Service officials to work out method of payment. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE Mr. Wood inquired as to when the Board would be ready to hold a public hearing on the subdivision ordinance. After a brief discussion, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Nm. Williams, that a public hearing be held , and so advertised, on Monday, February 3, 1969, at 2:00 P.M., in the Commissioners~ Room in the Courthouse. Motion carried unanimovsly, MENTAL HEALTH REQUEST, TRASFER OF FUNDS FOR DRUGS - Mr. John Wilson, Admini'strative Director, Mental Health Clinic, appeared before the• Board with request that $3,000 be transferred within his budget from Salary Account to Drug Account. He pointed out most of these drugs are sold but the money received from the sale cannot he used for about two or three months. It has to be placed in Anticipated Revenue Account which cannot be used vntil all funds are received. Mr. Hall inquired whether or not Pender or Brunswick Counties were paying anything to the Clinic. Mr. Wilson said they were not and the Clinic had stopped treating patients from Bruns~aick County. He informed the Board he was going to try and coilect from Pender County this week. Mr. . Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Wilson's request for transfer within the Mental Health Clinic Budget of $3,000 from the Salary Account be transferred to the Drug ~ x Account. Motion carried unanimously. • • I 28_8 Minutes of the Meeting - January 6, 1969 ~Continued) . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - A group of electrical contractors appeared at the meeting requesting that the County allow them credit for Electrical Permits instead of requiring them to come in the office with cash each time they required a permit. This practice had been in effect until it was changed by the Board of Commissioners at their last meeting on December 16, 1968, when they ruled all permits would be issued on a cash basis. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the action taken at the last meeting with reference to collection of charges for electrical permits be rescinded. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the old plan be reinstated, (that is the plan approved at the meeting of the Board on August 15, 1966), that the auditor set vp a suitable bookkeeping system for collection of bills, that no receipts be issued until cash has been received, and that the statements be sent out promptly by the Electrical In- spector~s Office by the first of the month. Motion carried unanimously. SCHOOL BQARD REQUEST FOR ELECTION - ~ A letter from Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy, Superintendent, New Hanover County Schools, in which he advised the Commissioners the Board of Education had met on December 20, 1968 and had agreed to ask the Board of Commissioners to call for vote on the supplementary tax of 15 cents for teachers+ salaries as early as possible, with the recommendation that the dates between March 1 and March 8, 1969 be considered, was discussed. Mr. Williams expressed the opinion that he felt the date the City holds Lheir election would be the proper time. Also, if the election were held early, there would be a chance of it not passing by reason of the fact:that the General Assembly will be discussing tax matters at that time, and folks will probabiy w~it to see what is done by them. He said he was inclined to b¢lieve that holding this election with the City~s might help passage. . Mr. Otto Pridgen, Chairman, Board of Elections, was asked to come to the meeting, and he advised the Board that a separate election would cost approximately $9,000. He also advised that if a separate election is held, it might cost less to use ballot boxes instead of the voting machines. The School Board had previously requested that the election be held on May 6, 1969 which is the date of the~City~s election. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the election on the 15 cents supplement to teachers~ salaries be held on the same day as the day of the City~s election. Motion carried. Mr. Fox was requested to prepare the . proper resolution for such an election. By common consent the Chairman was asked to negotiate with the City for share of cost, and Mr. Pridgen suggested aiso that Mr. Hall might mention to them the idea of the City con- tributing to the full time registration office. Mr. Pridgen returned later in the meeting and advised that he had done some checking into the feasibility of the time of the election on the 15 cents supplement to teacherst salaries, and he was of the opinion that the day of the City~s primary would be the best time rather than the City~s election day. This date has not been set by the City but he advised the Board it would.probably be about three weeks prior to the election date of May 6th. Also, he estimated the cost of the election, if held at this time, to be $2,500. Mr. Williams amended his motion to hold the election on the day of the City~s primary which was agreeable to the other members of the Board. APPOINTMENT MEMBER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, NEW HANOUER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Herbert McKim be appointed~to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Victor Taylor on the Board of Trustees of New Hanover Memorial Hospital._ Mr. Victor Taylor~s term will expire on December 31, 1970. Motion carried unanimously. TAX SUPERUISOR~S REQUEST, PAY OF TAX LiSTERS Mr. P, H. Braak, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and requested an increase in the pay of the tax listers. As of this time they are paid $13.75 per day and Mr. Braak requested they be raised to $15.00 per day. Mr. Braak felt no appropriation would be required, inasmuch as fewer listers have been hired than budgeted for. Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that approval of $15.00 per day be paid the tax listers without making any appro- priation at this time. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION OF SALARIES IN TAX DEPARTMENT, MR. BRAAK - Mr. Braak requested that the salaries of Mrs. Mae Stuart and Mr, Garry McDaniel be in- creased one step based on their present classification retroactive to July 1, 1968. Last July these persons were not recommended for the increment raise and did not receive same. Mr. Braak now feels they should be raised and so recommends. Mr, Hall said he felt motion was in osder in line with Mr. Braak+s request but effective January 1, 1969 rather than retroactive to July 1, 1968, Mr. Wiiliams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that one step increase based on their present classification be granted Mrs. Mae Stuart and Mr. Garry McDaniel, effective January 1, 1969, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund, Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSIOA~ OF INDUSTRIAL APPRAISER - Mr. Braak discussed bringing in a person experienced with industrial appraising to appraise New Hanover County industries, and said he felt some arrangement could be worked out with surrounding counties to use such a man for appraising their industries, thereby making it less expensive to our county. Mr. Marks said he felt the suggestion had merit. No action was taken on this. At this juncture of the meeting, 12:15 P.M., the meeting was recessed for lunch. Meeting was reconvened at 1:15 P.M, with same commissioners and others present as before. A.B,C. PERMIT REQUEST - , ~ An A.B.C. Permit Request in the name of T.he G~lf Center, 5525 oleander Drive, Wilmington, \ N. C., was presented to the Board for it~s consideration. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. `' Williams, that the request be referred to the Slaeriff~s Department for the3r investigation. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION NON-LISTING PENALTY, L. R. CLEMMER A letter from Mr. L. R. Clemmer, P. 0. Sox 2097, Ch~rlotte, N. C., dated December 23, 1968, wherein he advised the Board that he was paying a tax penalty under protest, was discussed. Mr. Clemmer contends that he mailed his listing during January, 1968 to the Courthouse in Wil- mington. The Board requested that a check of Mr. Clemmer+s record of past listing be made to determine whether this was the first time failure to list had occurred. The Board was advised by the Tax Office this was the only instance found wherein Mr. Clemmer had failed to list taxes. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the tax penalty of $101.38 which Mr. Clemmer had ~ paid be refunded to Mr, Clemmer. Motion carried unanimously. : ~89 Minutes of the Meeting - January 6, 1969 (Continued) WELFARE LIEN FORECLOSURES - Mr. Fox brought to the attention of the Commissioners that in several instances recently, when sales have been held on ;Ldelfare Lien foreclosures, bids have been very low.compared to the value placed on the property by the Tax Office, and that he hesitated to accept them with- out authority from the Commission. He advised the Board that he was inclined to feel it would be better that report be filed that upset bids ~aill be filed. He reminded the Board that $1,000 had previously been set up in a litigation fund for buying in property for this reason, and that he had used some of this. Now, there is a possibility,that he might need additional funds for this purpose. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Me,tts, that an additional $500 be added to the Litigation Account, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Fox advised the Board that if the property can be sold for the appraised value, the county will be making a profit. Question was raised as to whether or not there is a list anywhere of the property the County owns. Mr. Braak will be asked if he has such a list. APPROVAL OF BONDS FOR CORONER AND CONSTABLES - Mr. Fox presented the following bonds to the Board for their approval: L. Starr McMillan, Coroner B. B. Christmas, Constable Richard Raymond Loeper, " Joseph M. Shingleton, " Wingate J. Baldwin, " Lawrence F. Duke, " The bonds were in order and by common consent the Chairman and Mr. Fox were authorized to sign them. Mr. H~illiams moved, seconded by Mr. ~arks, that the office of ~eputy Constable, formerly held by Lawrence D. Nelson, be declared vacated because of lack of bond being filed. Notion carried. BUILDING CODE, BOND REQUIREMENT - Mr. Fox brought to the attention of the Board that he feltthe minutes-should reflect that Section 3-2 of Article III, Enforcement, and the second paragraph of Section 3-3 of the Building Ordinance is deleted permanentiy from the Building Code. This was done on a tem'porary basis, as the minutes of August 5, 1968 reflect, so that the Wilmington Contractors Association could have an opportunity to decide ~ahether or not they wished to continue the bond requirement of the Code. In letter dated November 30, 1968, Mr. Frank R. King, President of the Wilmington Contractors Association, advised that they had voted against the enforce- ment of the bond reqvirement. By common consent it was agreed that Section 3-2 of Article III, Enforcement, and the second paragraph of Section 3-3 of the Building Ordinance be deleted from the Building Code. REQUEST OF L. STARR McNILLAN, JR. - At the last meeting of the Board request of Coroner L. Starr McMillan for $150 to be added to his budget to pay an Assistant Coroner for one week-end each month for the next five or six months because ~r. NicNillan had to be out of town was deferred. The statute was checked by Nr. Fox and he advised the Board there is no provision therein authori2ing an Assistant Coroner in the County of New Hanover. Also, it was pointed out by the Auditor that Mr. McMillan had over used the $200 appropriated for extra help in the i968-1969 budget by $72.OG. By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman request a written report from Mr. NicMillan of his work. STATEMENT FROM OXENFELD 8 NEWKIRK, SERVICES RENDERED FOR AIRPORT ADDITION - By common consent payment of this statement was deferred until the Chairman discusses it m~ith Mr. Oxenfeld. USE OF VALIDATING MACHINE Letter from the Administrative Office of the Courts giving permission for the use of the Validating Machine previously used by the Court offices was discussed. Mr. Shepard advised the Board that the Register of'Deeds Office is making a feasibility study to determine whether or not they can use it. By common consent Mr. Shepard was requested to write a letter declining to enter into the maintenance contract which is up for renewal. POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE Mr. Shepard presented to the Chairman a special bulletin he had received from the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners requesting that a member of this Board be designated as a representative on the Association's Political Action Committee. Mr. Williams expressed the thought that this committee should have a member on it. By common consent Mr. Marks was appointed to serve on this committee. STATEMENT FROM BONDING ATTORNEYS, SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION WITH SCHOOL BUILDING, COURTHOUSE AND OFFICE BUILDING BONDS - A statement from the Bonding Attorneys covering service rendered in connection with the School Building, Courthouse and Office Building Bonds was presented to the Board in the amount of $5>305.47• Mr. Fox expressed the opinion that he thought this was very reasonable for the services this firm had rendered. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the bill be approved and payment be made, funds coming from Bond Interest Expense Account. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTN~ENT OF ASSISTANT DISTRICT SOLICITOR OF SUPERIOR COURT - A letter from District Solicitor W. Allen Cobb of December 31, 1968 was presented to the Commissioners wherein he requested reappointment ef Mr. Napoleon B. Barefoot as Asslstant . District Solicitor of Superior Court for New Hanover County for a one year period beginning on January 1, 1969 and at present salary of $6„OOO.per year. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that Mr. Barefoot be reappointed to this office for a one year period beginnina January 1, 1969 at salary of $6,000 per year, and that the Chairman request legislators to ask the State to assume the responsibility of this office. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST OF REV. JEROME C. JONES, CHAIRMAN, MENT/4L HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE - x A letter from Rev. Jerome C. Jones, Chair.man,Ntental Health Advisory Committee, requesting a leave of absence from his active duties on the Mental Health Advisory Board for a period of time beginning January 1 and extending through August 15, 1969 was presented to the Board. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that Mr. Jones~ request be granted. Motion carried unanimously. r 29U Minutes of the Meeting -.lanuary 6, 1969 (Continued) ADJOURNP~NT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Hazel Savage County Clerk Minutes of the Meeting - January 20, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners vras held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chair- man J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr.; H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. John Todd, Assistant Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF I~fINUTES - There being no corrections to the minutes of January 6, 1969 meeting, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - Ail reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, have been submitted at this time. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS Two A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board; Butler~s Cash Grocery, Rt. 3, Box 5, Masonboro Loop Road and Cottle~s Drive-In, 352~ Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. Motion carried unanimously. ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEFS Vice-Chairman Harriss advised the Board that he had recently received a telephone call from Col. R. .1. B. Page, Department of Water and Air Resources, Raleigh, assuring him of his interest and cooperation in the establishment of artificial fishing reefs in this area. Copy of our complete file has been forwarded to Col. Page. JAIL NiEDICAL BILLS - Vice-Chairman Harriss informed the Board that he had met with Health Director Dr. J. C. Knox, Sheriff Marion Millis, and County Attorney James C. Fox during the past week and initiated steps to formulate plan as required by the new statute for medical treatment of jail patients. This plan will be forthcoming shortly. Also, some people are held in jail that should not be, and this will be corrected. AIRPORT - Vice-Chairman Harriss reported that Mr. Metts and he have talked extensively with Mr. John Westbrook, Airport Manager, and are meeting with the Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee this afternoon. Mr. Talbert will also be at the meeting and will give preliminary plan on airport terminal location and improvements under bond improvement plan. OrFICE SPACE, MR. JOHN WALKER - Mr. John Walker, Solicitor, District Court; was present at the meeting to discuss obtaining office space in the courthouse for his office which the County is required to furnish vnder the new Court System. Mr. Walker informed the Board that he is now subletting ofFice space for $35.00 per month. He informed the Board that the State will pay his telephone bill. Mr. Hall suggested that Nr. Walker~s request be honored. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Walker~s rent be paid untii such ti•me as the Board is able to provide suitable quarters, funds to come from Courtroom Facilities Income. Also; th'at the State be billed,for Mr. Walkerts telephone. Motion carried unanimously. STATEMENT FOR AUDIT OF TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE County Auditor Shepard presented a Tax Collector~s Office for period Octob The Board was reminded that only $1,200 priation of $570 will have to be made. bill be paid with the additional sum of Fund. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR AIRPORT EXPANSION statement from W. Earle Beale. C.P.A., for audit of zr 2, 1967 to July 29, 1968 in the amount of $1,770. had been budgeted for this item, therefore an appro- Mr. [~7et.ts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the $570 beino appropriated from the General Emergency Mr. Timothy Wood, Pianning Director, was invited to the meeting by Mr. Williams. Mr. ldilliams expressed the feeling that the Board could benefit greatly by utilizing the services of the Planning Department to the fullest extent in such ways as expansion of the airport or any expansion program or new facility. Mr. Williams advised that at a meeting of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission held recently in Elizabethtorrn, which he attended, it was announced by federal officials that Wilmington and Fayetteville had been designated as growth centers and would be eligible to apply for ten (10%) percent of expansion projects. Mr. Wiiliams said he discussed this with Mr. Wood who advised that he thought there is a possibility that an EDA supplement may be available to New Hanover County for improving the New Hanover County Airport facilities. If so, this would mean that Nem~ Hanover County will receive between $30,~00 and $L~.0,000. Mr. Wood suggested that the Southeastern Economic Development Commission be notified of New Hanover County~s intention to file application for a supplement grant for airport improvements by vittue of the County~s designation as a growth center in an economic development district, and that they be asked to assist in the preparation of the proper form. Mr. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board proceed as outlined by Mr. ~rlood to determine whether additional funds can be obtained and the County's representatives on this Commission (Messrs. Williams, Reid, Latham and Jervay) be requested to follow through. Also, that a letter be written to the Southeastern Economic Development Commission by the Chairman requesting that they,approve the County~s request, copies of the correspondence to.go to the CoUnty~s repre- sentatives on this Commission. Motion carried unanimously. ~