1969-01-20 Regular Meetingr 29U Minutes of the Meeting -.lanuary 6, 1969 (Continued) ADJOURNP~NT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Hazel Savage County Clerk Minutes of the Meeting - January 20, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners vras held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chair- man J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr.; H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. John Todd, Assistant Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF I~fINUTES - There being no corrections to the minutes of January 6, 1969 meeting, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - Ail reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, have been submitted at this time. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS Two A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Board; Butler~s Cash Grocery, Rt. 3, Box 5, Masonboro Loop Road and Cottle~s Drive-In, 352~ Carolina Beach Road. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. Motion carried unanimously. ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEFS Vice-Chairman Harriss advised the Board that he had recently received a telephone call from Col. R. .1. B. Page, Department of Water and Air Resources, Raleigh, assuring him of his interest and cooperation in the establishment of artificial fishing reefs in this area. Copy of our complete file has been forwarded to Col. Page. JAIL NiEDICAL BILLS - Vice-Chairman Harriss informed the Board that he had met with Health Director Dr. J. C. Knox, Sheriff Marion Millis, and County Attorney James C. Fox during the past week and initiated steps to formulate plan as required by the new statute for medical treatment of jail patients. This plan will be forthcoming shortly. Also, some people are held in jail that should not be, and this will be corrected. AIRPORT - Vice-Chairman Harriss reported that Mr. Metts and he have talked extensively with Mr. John Westbrook, Airport Manager, and are meeting with the Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee this afternoon. Mr. Talbert will also be at the meeting and will give preliminary plan on airport terminal location and improvements under bond improvement plan. OrFICE SPACE, MR. JOHN WALKER - Mr. John Walker, Solicitor, District Court; was present at the meeting to discuss obtaining office space in the courthouse for his office which the County is required to furnish vnder the new Court System. Mr. Walker informed the Board that he is now subletting ofFice space for $35.00 per month. He informed the Board that the State will pay his telephone bill. Mr. Hall suggested that Nr. Walker~s request be honored. Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Walker~s rent be paid untii such ti•me as the Board is able to provide suitable quarters, funds to come from Courtroom Facilities Income. Also; th'at the State be billed,for Mr. Walkerts telephone. Motion carried unanimously. STATEMENT FOR AUDIT OF TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE County Auditor Shepard presented a Tax Collector~s Office for period Octob The Board was reminded that only $1,200 priation of $570 will have to be made. bill be paid with the additional sum of Fund. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR AIRPORT EXPANSION statement from W. Earle Beale. C.P.A., for audit of zr 2, 1967 to July 29, 1968 in the amount of $1,770. had been budgeted for this item, therefore an appro- Mr. [~7et.ts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the $570 beino appropriated from the General Emergency Mr. Timothy Wood, Pianning Director, was invited to the meeting by Mr. Williams. Mr. ldilliams expressed the feeling that the Board could benefit greatly by utilizing the services of the Planning Department to the fullest extent in such ways as expansion of the airport or any expansion program or new facility. Mr. Williams advised that at a meeting of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission held recently in Elizabethtorrn, which he attended, it was announced by federal officials that Wilmington and Fayetteville had been designated as growth centers and would be eligible to apply for ten (10%) percent of expansion projects. Mr. Wiiliams said he discussed this with Mr. Wood who advised that he thought there is a possibility that an EDA supplement may be available to New Hanover County for improving the New Hanover County Airport facilities. If so, this would mean that Nem~ Hanover County will receive between $30,~00 and $L~.0,000. Mr. Wood suggested that the Southeastern Economic Development Commission be notified of New Hanover County~s intention to file application for a supplement grant for airport improvements by vittue of the County~s designation as a growth center in an economic development district, and that they be asked to assist in the preparation of the proper form. Mr. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board proceed as outlined by Mr. ~rlood to determine whether additional funds can be obtained and the County's representatives on this Commission (Messrs. Williams, Reid, Latham and Jervay) be requested to follow through. Also, that a letter be written to the Southeastern Economic Development Commission by the Chairman requesting that they,approve the County~s request, copies of the correspondence to.go to the CoUnty~s repre- sentatives on this Commission. Motion carried unanimously. ~ .. ~:2~, Minutes of the Meeting - ~anuary 20, 1969 ~Continued) COASTAL PLAINS REGIONAL CON~N1I55ION - A discussion was had on the Coastal Piains Regional Commission; its purpose and re- presentatives serving it. It was pointed out that it involves three states, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. No represeritatives have been appointed from the various counties. Mr. Metts suggested that the Chairman write Dr. E. Walton .lones, Field Director, Coastal Plains Regional Commission, and advise him that New Hanover County is a member of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission and is very interested in the Coastal Plains Regional Commission, and if there is anything this county can do at present, to advise us. Mr. Wood reminded the Board of a meeting of the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission to be heid on Wednesday, January 22, 1969 at 8:00 P.M, to discuss proposed New Hanover County County Sketch Development Pian. Mr. Wood advised the Board that another Planner had been employed to begin on February 1, 1969• This person is coming from the State Highway Commission. APPROVAL OF SUBDIVISION MAP, HANOVER LAND DEVELOPERS, INC., LANDSDOWN ESTATES, SECTION C- A subdivision map of Section C, Landsdown Estates, developed by Hanover Land Developers, Inc. was presented to the Board for its approval. This map had been approved by the Planning Department with their recommendation that the Board of Commissioners approve it also. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the subdivision map be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign same. Motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONAL RADIO FOR ELECTRICAL AND BUILDING INSPECTORS~ OFFICE - Mr. John Wood, Electrical Inspector, appeared at the meeting requesting permission to purchase a radio for Mr. Register~s car. Sometime back permission was given for the radio originally purchased for Mr. Register to be installed in the Assistant Electrical Inspector~s car, since Mr. Register was ill and would not be using the radio. Mr. Williams suggested waiting until Mr. Register returns to work, but Mr. Wood advised the cost of the radio would go up ten (10%) percent on February 1, 1969. Mr. Marits moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that approval be given to purchase the radio requested, cost not exceeding $800, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. WELFARE PROFE55IONAL SALARIES - Mr. Marks spoke on behalf of the Welfare Department and asked permission to hire one non-professional person to replace a professional person who had resigned. Salary of a pro- fessional worker is $6,639, salary of a non-professional worker $4,980 or a savings of $1,656, which would amount to a savings by the county of $1,200. The non-professional worker will do the paper work for professionals. Mr. ~arks informed the Board that under Tit.le 19 there will be an impact of about SOio increase in cost to the County during next year. He pointed out, however, that recipients on Welfare rolls have decreased 3.5% statewise and la.6~ county- wise. He advised there are 77 less active cases on New Hanover County Welfare rolls as of January 1, 1969 compared to a year ago, due to upgrading of structure, and he hoped they would be able to minimize impact of Title 19. Question of adjustments in welfare salaries was discussed next. Mr. Marks advised they were two steps below state recommended minimum. At last budget time one step raises were given, but not the 3% cost of living. Mr. Marks said they were not asking for the 3% at this time but in lieu thereof were asking for 5% for professional workers as of January 1, 1969. This will cost the County $2,668 to upgrade professional employees from Janvary to July. 32 people would be affected by this adjustment. Mr. Williams expressed the feeling that raises in salaries should be handled at budget time. ~r. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hallz that this matter be tabled, along with the Health Department~s request for salary adjustments, until the next meeting so that the Commissioners can study the requests. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Marks voted '~No", Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Wiiliams, that the Welfare Department be authorized to hire a sub-professional person as requested. Motion carried unanimously. SALARY ADJUSTMENTS, BOARD OF HEALTH - This subject was tabled until next meeting of the County Commissioners. WELFARE BOARD REQUEST, POSTAGE EQUIPMENT - The Board was advised that when the Welfare Department moves, it will be necessary that they have postage equipment which will cost approximately $1,272.05 plus $21}.00 per quarter rental on the meter. They are requesting permission at this time due to the fact there will be a rise in price of ten (10%) percent on February lst. Funds for the purchase of this equipment wili come from Salary Account~within the Welfare Budget. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that request be granted, funds to come from the Salary Account of the 1~Jelfare Department. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks advised the Board that the Welfare Department will need furniture when it moves and had on hand some chairs they had gotten from Community Hospitai which they can use. Mr. Marks requested that the courthouse custodians be instructed to refinish them. By c,ommon ~ consent it was agreed that the Chairman will instruct Mr. Guthrie and Mr. Mintz to do this. DISPOSITION OF USED BALCONY SEATS - Attention was brought to the Board's attention of used balcony seats which are no longer needed for the courtroom. By common consent it was agreed to get in touch with all departments of the county to ascertain whether or not any of them have use for the seats. POOL FUND - Miss Hall brought to the attention of the Board that on January 1, 1969 there had been an increase in cost of what they call "Pool Fund" in an amount of $3g,~00. This had been anticipated at the last budget time and money budgetecl therefor. This is insurance with Blue Cross on people who receive welfare assistance. COLUN-VS AT OLD JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL - Mr. Marks presented a request he had received from someone to purchase the old columns at the old James Walker Hospital. An offer of $5.00 each or $15.00 had been offered. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Mr. Marks accept the best bid on the old columns at the hospital and also on the plumbing equipment that is there. Motion carried unanimously. s J ~ z9z Minutes of the Neeting - January 20, 1969 (Continued) APPOINTMENT OF MENiBERS TO WELFARE BOARD - Mr. Marks advised the Commissioners that the Welfare Board had been considering for some- time to increase its membership from three to five and he recommended doing so at this time. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that membershtp on the Welfare Board be increased from three to five as recommended by the Chairman of the Welfare Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks then moved, seconded by Mr. ~etts, that Mr. Reese Smith be appointed to s'erve'as the_Goun.fy's'.appointee:unt.i.l July 1, 19.69. Mot'ion'carried"unan-imou"sly. The fifth member'has been appointed by the State Board of Welfare and is Nrs. George Alper who will serve for the next one and one-half years. APPOINTMENT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR - Vice-Chairman Harriss read the following statement citing the need for a person who can give supervision to County business and reporting that such a person had consented to mal~e himself available for the position: "The necessity for closer coordination and more detailed supervision of the County~s many activities has been apparent to us all for sometime. Under present law, we cannot turn over to a manager complete responsibility for management of these activities such as in a council-manager plan of government; and in our case this may not be desirable. "What is reaily needed is a person r~ho can give daily supervision, under direction of the Board of Commissioners, to County business; a person who can seek out avenues of financial support for our locality which both Federal and State funds provide under many programs; who can report quickiy and fully to the Commis- sioners and establish and maintain a more efficient over211 operation. Improve- ment wouid result in ways toonumerous to list here. "We have had to delay choice of such a person because, by its very nature, the post requires a person having intimate knowledge of county oovernment in oeneral and IVew Hanover County and the problems peculiar to it in particular. It requires a person of demonstrated ability in this field and of recognized administrative capacity. "It is the pleasant task of Chairman Hall and myself to report to you that a person fully meeting these exacting qualifications has consented to make him- self available for this position. He is Mr. Laurence 0. Bowden, native Wil- mingtonian and former County Commissioner." Nr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the post of County Administrator be created with a salary of $9,950 per annum with an automobile allowance of $1,500 per annum and a payment of 9d per mile for use of the automobile on trips outside of the County on County business. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Harriss further moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Laurence O. Boi/den be appointed to this post to serve at the pleasure of the Commissioners, his official duties to begin on acceptance of his resignation from his present position. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that any reference to County Manager be deleted from the Personnel Manual and County Administrator be substituted where applicable. Motion carried unanimously. MENTAL HEALTH, PROPOSED MOVE - Mr. Homer Davis, Vice-Chairman, Mental Health Advisory Board; Mrs. Alice von Oesen, Secretary, Mental Health Advisory Board; and Mr. John Wilson; Executive Director, Mental Health Clinic, appeared at the meeting to discuss proposed move from their present location to a bvilding owned by New Hanover Memorial Hospital; known as the "Dosher Building'~. The Board was informed that the Mental Health Clinic would have to spend between $2,626 and $3,676 to renovate the building in order to make it suitabie for their needs. In addition, New Hanover Nemorial Hospital is charging $200 per month rental for the building. After discussing the matter, the Commissioners came to the conclusion that they did not think spending money on property belonging to someone else was feasible unless it could be deducted from the rent. The possibility that one of the County owned buildings at James Walker Hospital can be used by the clinic was discussed. Mr. Wilson said the Clinic could continUe operation at its present site for a few months lonoer. The group from the clinic was requested to investigate whether or not one of the bvildings at James Walker Hospital can be used. Also, they were requested to negotiate with the New Hanover Memorial Hospital with the thought of deducting the money required to be spent renovating the Dosher Building from the rent charged by the hospital: MEMBERSHIP, MENTAL HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD Membership on the Advisory Board was discussed and Mrs. von Oesen said they would like to increase the membership to sixteen. A list of persons recommended by the Mentai Health Advisory Board was given to the Commissioners and by common consent will be studied and dis- cussed at a later date. RECORDING PLATS Discussion of whether plats should be recorded as acreage or lots was discussed. Mr. Williams suggested that this be placed on the agenda for the next meeting at the morning session and that it be decided then whether plats should be sold down to 7Z or 10 acres before placing on the books as lots. The status now is when a plat is put on the record it is by lot. Mr. Fox advised it would have to be effective January 1, 1970 and might be an inducement for many to put piats on record in December knowing it would be as acreage instead of lots. By common consent it was agreed this matter be placed on the agenda for the next meeting, and Nr. Marks was requested to ask the Planning Commission the number of acres they thought should be recorded as such. RESOLUTIOA OF ADMISSION TO SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMiC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - Resolution furnished by the S~utheastern Economic Development Commission which they requested be signed providing for New Hanover County~s participation in the Commission was presented to the Board. Following is the resolution: X ~s~ Minutes of the Meeting - January 20, 196~ (Continued) RESOLUTION OF ADMISSION TO SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPI~NT COMMTSSION (CONTINUED) - "A RESOLUTION CREATING JOINTLY WITH OTHER COUNTIES AN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION "WHEREAS, while the Coastal Plains Region of the State of North Carolina is abundant in natural resources and rich in potential, its people lag behind certain other regions of the State of North Carolina and the Nation and have not shared properly in the Nation~s prosperity; and "WHEREAS, the people of the region understand their problems and have worked and will continue to work purposefully toward the solution of their economic problems; "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER County in conjunction with Boards of County Commissioners in other counties presently proposed and/or subsequently determined as comprising an Economic Develop- ment District THAT there is hereby created a regional Economic Development Commis- sion, the purpose of which is to assist the region in meeting its special problems, to promote economic development, and to establish a framework for joint Federal and State efforts toward providing the basic facilities essential to its growth and attacking its common problems and meeting its common needs on a coordinated and concerted basis; "RESOLVED FURTHER that the membership of the Economic Development Commission shall be appointed as follows: Four members shall be appointed by each of the several Boards of County Commissioners. The original four members appointed by each Board of County Commissioners shall serve terms of one year, two years, three years, and four years respectively. All subsequent appointments shall be for four years. It shall be permissible for the Board of County Commissioners to reappoint present members to succeed themselves. "RESOLVED FURTHER that compensation for the members shall be established by the Rules and Regulations of the Economic Development Commission which shali hereafter be promulgated; . "RESOLVED FURTHER that the formula for financial support shall be det~ermined on the basis of population, computed with respect to the latest decennial census, and shall be set forth specifically in the Rules and Regulations of~the Economic Development Commission which shall hereafter be promulgated; "RESOLVED FURTHER that this Economic Development Commission is created pursuant to Article 2 of Chapter 158 of the North Carolina General Statutes. r~THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED THIS THE 20TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1969• ATTEST: (s) Hazel Savage Clerk, Board of County Commissioners (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners" Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Chairman and Clerk to the Board be authorized to sign the resolution. Motion carried unanimously. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION CALLING FOR ELECTION ON 15~ SUPPLEMENT TO SCHOOL TEACHERS' SALARIES - The foilowing resolution; which County P.ttorney Fox had been requested to prepare, calling for election to be held on April 22, 1969 for the lse` school supplement to teachers' salaries was presented to the Board: "WHEREAS the New Hanover County Board of Education has filed a Petition requesting the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County to call an election and fix the date thereof and cause such election to be held in the New Hanover County School District; and "WI-IEREAS it appears from this Petition that the purpose of the election is to ascertain the will of the voters on a proposal to increase the current Supplemental Tax Rate in the New Hanover County School District from twenty cents per hundred dollars of valuation to a maximum of thirty-five cents per hundred dollars of valuation in said school district, said district being comprised of that land known and designated as New Ha~over County, Plorth Carolina; "It is therefore ordered as follows: "(1) An election is hereby called to be held in the New Hanover Covnty School District for the purpose set forth above. "(Z) The date on which the election shall be held is Tuesday, April 22, 1969, between 6:30 A.M. and 6:3o P.M. "(3) The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to certify immediately a copy of this Resolution to the Chairman of the County Board of Elections of New Hanover County which shall give public notice and conduct said election according to law. "Passed and adopted this 20th day of .lanuary, 1969." Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. ~ ~294 Minutes of the i~7eeting - January 20, 1969 (Continued) DISCUSSION OF FULL TIME COUNTY ATTORNEY - County Attorney Fox outlined the reasons he felt the need for a full time County Attorney; namely, complete loyalty, no conflict of time, available all day by everyone, spec- ialized service, and available at inception of any county planning. He said it should not be a political position but a professional one. Mr. Fox said New Hanover County has a budoet of $12,300,000 and position of County Attorney is too large to handle on a part time basis. He called attention to the fact that he is being paid $6,000, plus $500 office expense, Cape Fear Tech is spending $2$0, Health Department $1,000 and the County also pays 25~ additional fee for collectlon of welfare liens which was considerable last year. Mr. Harriss expressed the opinion that it would be foolish not to go along with Mr. Fox's recommendation; that he had shomm sources whereby the salary of County Attorney could be provided. Mr. Williams expressed the feeling that he would prefer that the County Commissioners receive the applications for the position and to seek out the services of a full time attorney. Mr. Fox said it would be splendid for the Commissioners to take it over. Mr. Marks said he felt that the present method is the proper procedure; that is; the committee that was appointed to do this should continue interviewing and bring their re- commendations to the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Attorney be authori2ed to contact his committee and proceed to interview persons interested in being empioyed as full time attorney as to qvalifications, and other per±inent facts and bring back to the Board recommendations in their order of preference for the Board~s consid`eration; that it is the Board's present intent to employ a full time County Attorney at the earliest possible date. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent it was agreed that any expense incurred be paid at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board. PROPOSAL TO INVITE N. C. COMMISSIONERS' ASSOCIATION CONVENTION TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY FOR YEAR 1970 - Mr. Williams suggested that the 1970 North Carolina Commissioners~ Convention be invited to New Hanover County; that he had assurance that facilities to accomodate 600 people would be available by that time. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by hir. Williams, that the Chairman be re- quested to write a letter to the Association inviting them to New Hanover County for the 1970 meeting. Moti'on carried unanimously. PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES - By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman of the Board write a letter to the President of the United States congratulating him and assuring him of this Board~s help in every way possible. CITY-COUNTY OWNED LOT, LOVE ALLEY - The Tax Department submitted appraisal of a lot on the east side of Loye Al1ey in the amount of $300. The City Manager had requested this appraisal. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the appraisal of $300 be approved by the Commissioners and submitted to the City Manager. Motion carried. SOIL SURVEY Correspondence from Mr. Samuel Cox, District Conservationist, addressed to Mr. Fox, in which he advised the Commissioners do not have authority to appropriate either tax or non-tax funds for conservation purposes was reviewed. He outlined method of obtaining authority which is by getting New Hanover County~s legislators to introduce a bill. Mr. Fox had requested this by letter dated January 13, 1969 to the legislators. • OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT, EMPLOYEE IN TAX OFFICE - Reqaest of Mr. Garry McDaniel to enter into outside employment with a real estate firm was denied. The Commissioners by common consent feel this is not in the best interest of the County. SALARY OF CIVIL DEFEIVSE DIRECTOR INCREASE - At request of Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr.., Civil Defense Director, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the salary of the Director be increased from $300 to $405 in the budget for the 1969-70 fiscal year, subject to approval of the City of Wilmington. Motion carried unanimously. TRANSFER OF FUNDS, CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE - Letter from Nr. M. J. McLeod. President, Cape Fear Technical Institute, requesting transfer of $308 froro Surplus Funds to Line Item 607, Repairs Building, Under Maintenance of Plant, was brought to the attention of the Board. Thi's expense is due to carpet having to be removed in order to put in new terraz2o covering on the hallway floors. Nr. ~cLeod advised that architects had advised the carpet should be replaced with a darker color due to it being stained and frayed along the edges. They did not recommend trying to reinstall the old carpet. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the request be granted. Motion carried unanimously. By common consent it was agreed a letter be written, that in.view of possible fault of installer, that they give con- sideration to any possible recovery for damages. POSTAGE, TAX DEPARTMENT - County Auditor Shepard advised that the Tax Department was overdrawn $250 for postage brought 2bout by the large number of abstracts being mailed. Mr. Narks moved, seconded by ~r. Harriss, that $300 be appropriated for postage to take care of the amount overdrawn and any additional that may be needed, funds coming from the Emergency Fund. Motion carried. CITY-COUNTY JOINT BUDGET STUDY COPM'fITTEE - The Board was informed that at City Council Meetino on January 13, 1969, Counciimen C. M. Harrington and John C. Symmes agreed to continue to serve as the City's representatives on the City-County Joint Budget Study Committee. AD.IOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. ~otion carried. Hazel Savage County Clerk ~ ;~