1969-02-03 Regular Meeting~~; n ~ ~ •~c:~J Ninutes of the Meeting - February 3, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van. B. Netts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry P.. Williams; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden; County Attorney .lames C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. IIVVOCATION - Chairman Hall cailed the meeting to order and asked Rev. A. M. Blake, Pastor, A.M.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF NIINUTES - For the minutes of January 20, 1969, Mr. Marks requested that the following sentence be deleted from the last paragraph on Page 3: "Federal funds will increase from (}0 to L~,S percent if this is done." Following this correction, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried unanimously. CONTRCL OF AIRPORT - Vice-Chairman Harris's discussed control of the Airport and referred to the minutes of December 2, 1969 meeting at u~hich the Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee was present. At thattime the Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee requested time to make a study of the airport and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. The Commissioners advised them they would be glad to have their recommendations. Mr. Harriss wanted to establish the fact that the County Commissioners will remain in full control in overseeing the operation of the Airport. This was discussed at length and by common consent it was a.oreed that there was no objection to Mr. Harriss' personal views being made a part of the record. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. ROAD PETITION, CAROLINA POk~ER 8 LIGHT COMPANY Mr. L. J. Poisson, Attorney.. representing Carolina Power 8 Light Company, appeared in support of a request for approval of a road petition of the Carolina Power & Light Company. Carolina Power 8 Light Company owns property on both sides of a road extending from U. 5. Highway 1~.21 to its L.V. Sutton Steam Electric Generating Plant in New Hanover County and requests the State Highway Commission to.add to the Secondary Road System for maintenance that portion which extends from U. S. Highway 421 on and across the Company's lands approximately 5,925 feet to a point located 75 feet east of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad crossing. Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Metts, that approval of the petition be given, subject to its meeting at least the minimum of the State Highway requirements and that the Standard Resolution be adopted by the Board. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion that the State take over the road on condition that fifty :eet from both sides of the center line of the road be dedicated by the Carolina Power & Light Company. Substitute motion died for lack of a secor.d. Vote was called on original motion and it passed unanimously. A,B.C. PERN~IT REQUEST - An A.B.C. Permit Request from Snoopy's Pizza Parlor, 3996 Market Street, was presented to the Board. Mr. Netts moved, seconded by P~Ir. Marks, that the request be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. Motion carried unanimously. AUTHORITY TO ATTEND NACO 3RD ANNUAL NATIONAL LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON, D. C., MARCH 2-5, 1969 - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that all the Commissioners, County Administrator and County Attorney be authorized to attend the NACO 3rd Annual National Legislative Conference to be held on March 2-5, 1969 in Washington, D. C., funds to come from Commissioners~ Travel. Nr. Williams expressed the feeling that it would be well for as many of the Commissioner.s to attend as possible becavse of the many committees that would be meeting at the same time, ' thereby giving our Board an opportunity to have someone sit in on the different meetings. Motion carried unanimously. ~ AUTHORITY TO ATTEND NATIONAL RIVERS 8 HARBORS CONGRESS PRQ,IECTS COMMITTEE MEETING, WASHINGTON, D. C., FEBRUARY 18, 1969 - By common consent it was agreed that Col. George Gillette be advised that he is authori2ed by the Board to attend the National Rivers and Harbors Congress Projects Committee Neeting in Washington, D. C.; February 18, 1969: if he so desires. NACO INUOICE, NEMBERSHIP DUES - Invoice in the amount of $312.00 for County Member Service Fee was presented to the Board. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that the bill be paid, funds coming from Dues and Subscriptions. Motion carried unanimously. ENDORSEMENT OF GOV. SCOTT~S RECOMMENDATION, INCLUSION UlILMINGTON AND ASHEVILLE-BILTMORE COLLEGES INTO UNIVERSITY SYSTEM - Mr. Williams discussed recommendation of Gov. Scott that Wilmington and Asheville-Biltmore Colleges be included in the University System. Mr. Williams said he felt the recommendation of the Governor would be approved, but the Board cannot afford to assvme it will be passed without all possible effort being put forth. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this Board strongly endorse Governor Scott's recommendafion that Wilmington and Asheville- Biitmore Colleges be included in the University System, and the Chairman be authorized to write a letter to the Governor, representatives in the General Assembiy and any other in- dividuals or groups he feels would help in seeing that this recommendation is approved. Motion carried unanimously. LISTING OF PROPERTY BY ACREAGE OR LOT - Listing of property by acreage or lot was discussed at length. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts for discussion, that it be the poliety of this Board that as of February 3, 1969 all subdivisions, when sold down to ten (10) acres or less, be assessed as lots; that the Tax Supervisor be so advised and also advised it is the recommendation of this Board that .~ he comply. Mr. Fox reminded the Board that the General Statu'te~requires that the property be revalued when streets are opened in subdivisions. J ~ 296" ` Minutes of the Meeting - February 3, 1969 (Continued) LISTING OF PROPERTY BY ACREAGE OR LOT (CONTINUE-) - Mr. Hall was of the opinion that if five acres limit is used some persons mioht feel they have been discriminated against, and Mr. Metts was of the opinion that if a person purchased 12 acreas they wouid not put it on as lots. Mr. Metts suggested that when sub- divisions are sold down to seven and one-half (7L) acres, the remaining portion be listed by lots. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Tax Super- visor be informed that it is the recommendation of the IIoard that subdivision property be taxed as lots when the unsold lots total seven and one-half (7~) acres or less, and that the T2x Supervisor be advised that it is suggested he comply with this recommendation. Motion carried. WELFARE DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PARKING FUNDS - Miss Hall advised the Board that funds for outside parking would be exhausted on March bth, and that the department will not move before May lst. Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that $200 be transferred from salaries within the Welfare Budget for outside parking to carry this contract to May 6, 1969. Notion carried unanimously. CONTRACT FOR ELECTRICAL SERVICES, WELFARE DEPARTMENT - Miss Hall appeared before the Board and requested authority to sign contract with the Carolina Por~er and Light ~ompany for electrical services to be furnished to t.he Welfare's new_locati'on.i Mr." H8r'r.iss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Miss Hall be aiven authority to sign the contract. Motion carried unanimously. RESIGNATION OF Mft. LAURENCE 0. BOWDEN FRO~ WELFARE BOARD - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by ~r. I~ietts, that the resignation of Mr. Laurence O. Bowden from the Welfare Board be accepted with regret and that the Board welcome him as the County Administrator. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO WELFARE BOARD - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by hir. 4Jilliams, that Nr. J. W. Walton, President of Murray Transfer, be appointed to serve on the Welfare Board for the remaining portion of the term of Mr. Bowden which will expire June 30, 1971. Motion carried unanimously. REPORT ON FARM TRACTOR - Mr. Marks reported that the farm tractor discussed at a previous rrieeting had been in- spected by Orrell Farro Equipment Company who advise that it will cost approximately $500 to put it in condition to sell and that possibly it then could be sold for from $700 to $750. Orrell Farm Equipment Company made an offer of $200 to purchase it as it is now. P7r. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. H2rriss, that the offer of $200 be accepted. Motion carried unanimousiy. At Mr. Orrell's request he will be furnished a bill in the amount of $200 for this tractor. Mr. Marks informed the Board there are other items at the farm and he had asked Mr. Orrell tc make an offer for them. f~ir. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that they be disposed of at Mr. Marks~ discretion. Motion carried. HEALTH DEPARTMENT SALARY REQUEST Chairman Hall advised the Board that the salary adjustments now requested by the Health Department had been considered at the 1968-69 budget sessions and $4,554 Was appropriated at that tirne. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that raises be authorized retroactiQe to January 1, 1969, subject to approval of the City of Wilmington. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL SP.NITARIAN I FOR HEALTH DEPARINENT - ~ Mr. Hall informed the Board that the Health Department has requested an additional man to perform percolation tests. The Health Department feels it is necessary to have a man in their department to perform these tests instead of approving lots where percolation tests have been made by registered surveyors. The Heaith Department has been receiving many complaints by residents who are experiencino problems with septic tanks overflowing after six months on such 1ots. Question was raised as to whether a Sanitarian I is required or whether an aide would do just as well. Mr. Hall tiaill discuss this with the Health Board at their next meeting. At this juncture of the meeting, 10:50 A.M., the meeting was recessed. Meeting reconvened at 11:05 A.N, WELFARE DEPARTNENT SALARY REQUESTS Question of increasing professional salaries, other than the Director's, in the Welfare Department was tabled at the last meeting. tNr. ~arks now moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the professional salaries, other than the Director's; be adjusted one step upward; retroactive to January 1, 1969, which will amount to approximately $2,568, Appropriation of funds is not necessary. Funds are available within the Welfare Budget. Motion carried unanimously. Copy of these salaries will be furnished to the Auditor and the Board of Commissioners. MEN?BERS MEN'TAL..H~LTH ADVISORY BOARD - Mr. Marks, Liaison member on the Mental Health Advisory Board advised that he had recentiy rret with them, and he moved, seconded by hir. ~etts, that Mr. Lonnie 4Jiliiams, Attorney, and Mrs. Ethel Booth, Director of Guidance-Schools, be appointed to serve on this Board, their terms expiring in 1971 and 1972, respectively. Motion carried unanimously. 1% SALES TAX - Mr. Hall discussed the l~ Sales Tax and advised the Board that 89 counties would benefit from it, whereas only 11 would benefit from the 1% option. It ~oas pointed out that it might be useless to hold ovt for the 1% option when Lhere is no possibility of it passing. Mr. Williams felt that the 1% Sales Tax would be given at this Session of the Legislature and said he was inclined to feel that it is equitable. Mr. Williams expressed the feeling that vew Hanover County's image has improved and that all eyes and ears of North Carolina are on New Hanover County. He felt New Hanover County should now favor the 1% Sales tax, since a majority of counties would benefit from it. Nr. Metts felt this should be discussed with the legislators before any action is taken. By common consent it was agreed this matter would be discussed with the legislators. BEACH EROSION - Col. George Pickett, Director, State Department of Water and Air Resources; appeared at the meeting to discuss laith the Commissioners the problem of beach erosion at the local beaches. He reminded them of the fact that last year federal funds were lost for berms and dunes between ~, Carolina Beach and Fort Fisher because Kure Seacki was unable to raise their share. and the Commission was unable to levy a tax sufficient to take care of the amount needed, 102 per $100 ~~~, Minutes of the Meeting - February 3, 1969 (Continued) BEACH EROSION (CONTINUED) - valuation being the maximum amount permissible to levy at this time. He said the 10~ limitation figured in abandonment of the project before, and unless the ceiline is removed will again prevent the project from being accomplished. Col. Pickett furnished the Board with proposed bill for the General Assembly of North Carolina to enact law authorizing coastal cities to levy special assessments for beach erosion control and flood and hurricane pro- tection projects and to enlarge the discretion of county commissioners with respect to the levying of special assessments for the same purpose. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Ccu~ty go on record as approving removal of limit of lOd per $100 valuation and so advise our representatives in the General Assembly. Motion carried unanimously. TREE TRIMMING AT AIRPORT - Mr. Harriss discussed the necessity of funds for tree trimming at the airport which is required by the F.A.A. Nr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that funds in the amount of $1,000 be appropriated from the General Emeroency Fund to Easements Account for this purpose. Motion carried unanimously. , DRAINAGE REQUEST - Mr. A. Schiegal, a farmer at Castle Hayne , N. C., appeared before the Board and re- quested that ditches draining his land be cleaned. He advised the Board that it had been about 12 or 15 years since this had been done. ~r. Harriss suggested that Mr. Cranford be contacted to determine whether he can use the drag line up there. APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - Mr. Shepard presented the following requests for Appropriations and Transfers: From - General Emergency Fund $!}112.00 To - Jail Capital Outlay $442.00 From - General Emergency Fund 40.00 To - Electrical Insp. Stat. & Supplies 40.00 From - General Emergency Fund 34•09 To - Reg. of Deeds - Advertising 31}.09 From - General Emergency Fund 22.72 To - Election~ Office Telephone 22.72 ~538.81 ~538.81 The Board of Education requests transfer of $1,178 from Capital Outlay, Library Books to Capital Outlay, Renovations-College Park School. Statement from Shoup Voting Machine Corporation in the amount of $562.50 was presented to the Board. Nr. Shepard advised funds for this could be taken from the Executive Secretary's Salary-Election Board. Additional furnishings for District Judges in an amount of $500 had been reque5ted; and i~^r. Shepard advised this could come from Court Facilities Fees. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by ~r. Hall, that these appropriations and transfers be approved as recommended by the County Auditor. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF CHECKING OF ABSTRACTS, REAL PROPERTY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY VALUES - Nr. Braak, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and advised that $3o9,b80 valuations, resulting in taxes of approximately $7,000 had been removed from the books and $192,191 added which would result in additional taxes. This was brought about by errors. He advised that he was going to put three employees in the Tax Office checking and rechecking abstract, listing book and assessment card before they are key punched. Mr. Braak advised the Board that he did not think the boats at the marinas were all listed, and that he intended to mak'e a check of them. RECESS - Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting recess for one hour for lunch at this time (1:00 P.M.) Notion carried. MEETING RECONUENED - ~eeting reconvened at 2:U0 P.M. for the purpose of holding public hearing on Subdivision Ordinance. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - Mr. Hall asked if anyone wished to be heard. Prior to the meeting the Commissioners had been presented a list of comments from Mr. B. C. Ivy, Vice-President; Peoples Building 8 Loan Association and at this time Mr. Ivy presented the comments in person. Other persons present had not seen Mr. Ivy~s comments and expressed desire to have time to look them over. After a short discussion, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that for the rest of the week, until Friday at 5:00 P.N., the subdivision ordinance, comments of Nr. Ivy and Mr. Timothy Wood, Planning Director, be allowed to lie on the table in the Commissioners' Room for anyone to view, and that anyone wishing to make comments or recommendations do so in writing to the Commissioners through Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board, by that time. All the material wili then be referred back to the Planning Commission for their recommendations. Motion carried. Naming of streets was discussed, and ~r. Hall advised that it has been the policy in the past not to tell people what to name their streets but to ask them to give the Commissioners names after which they were screened with the Post Office and State Highway to see if there was any duplication. If so, they were referred back to the developer. Mr. Mallory suggested that County~s list be combined with the list in the Planning Office. Mr. Hall said the Board had complied with the legal requirement and insofar as this par- ticular meeting is concerned, and unless the Board received further comments by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, February 7, 1969, the subdivision ordinance would be referred back to the Planning Commission as is for its further recommendations. 298 Minutes of the Meeting - February 3, 1969 (Continued) ADJOURNMEIVT - There being no further bvsiness to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage County Clerk Minu.te's of the Meeting - February 17, 1969 ASSE~BLY - The regular semi-monthiy meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. ~arks~ Berry A. Williams; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr.. County Attorney James C. Fox, and County Auditor Perry Shepard vaere absent. Mrs. Elizabeth Edens sat in for Mr. 5hepard. 1NVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. C. W. Jennings, Pastor, Cape Fear Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES.- For the minutes of February 3, i9b9, attention was called to the omission of County Auditor Perry Shepard's name from the list of those present. On Page 1 under the heading of "Control of Airport", the last sentence shovld read as follows: "This was discussed at length, and by common consent it was agreed that there r~as no objection to Mr. Harriss' personal views being made a part of the record". Foilowing these corrections; Ntr. 1~Jilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. TAX LEVY - I~!r. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that fifty (50%) percent of the value o£ property be the portion taxable. Motion carried, OFFER TO PURCNASE LENA BELL JOHNSON PROPERTY, 12TH & ANI~ STREETS - Letter from Nr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, was presented to the Board advising that offer had been received from a Nr. George DeVane in an amount of $1,000 to purchase property of a welfare recipient named Lena Bell Johnson. This property is located at 12TH and Ann Streets. This is a piece of property purchased by New Hanover County because when it was advertised for sale to recover a welfare lien bids were too low to accept. Mr. Marks raised the question of whether or not there r~ould be a 2S~ legal fee. Mr. Williams reminded the Board that sometime ago the County Attorney explained that after the County has purchased property, then all proceeds, derived from the sale of the property by the County, go to the County; that the original sale takes care of the. 25% legal fee in connec- tion with r~elfare liens. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that approval of the sale be given. Motion carried. REPORT 03~1 SRLE OF USED EQUIPMENT AT COUNTY FARM - Nr. Marks reported to the Board that Brorm-Herring Truck 8 Tractor Company had pur- chased obsolete equipment which was lying around the Prison Farm in the amount of $300 and check had been turned over to the Auditor's office. ~r. Narks informed the Board there is another piece of equipment which should be disposed of; namely, one ensilage blower commonly used on dairy farms which he wili endeavor to dispose of later. PAC MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1969 - ~r. Marks discussed the Political Action Meeting to be held on February 19, 1969• He said he intended to attend and would like for someone to oo with him. Mr. Williams expressed the feeling that the Commissioners should not have i.o wonder between Board meetings whether or not they have authority to attend various meetings that come up from time to time. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that approval be given for Mr. Marks to attend this meeting and any other Commissioner, or County Administrator, ~,~ho can do so. Motion carried. _ REQUEST OF DR. W. J. WHEELER, M.D., PURCHASE PROPERTY OF HEIRS OF LUCY McCLEARY - Dr. W. H. Wheeler appeared before the Board arith request to purchase Lot #5 in fllock #5~{-1 which has a Welfare lien against it and which has been advertised for sale. He advised the Board th~t he is wiiling to pay a fair market price for the property. Dr. Wheeler was advised that the sale would have to be heid inasmuch as it had already been advertised, and it was suggested that he go by the Tax Office and request them to give him the appraised value of the lot in order for him to get some idea of how much would be involved. .Later in the meeting Mr. Braak furnished the Board an appraisal in the amount of $1,060.00. On the Appraisal Slip, notation was made that the salvaoe value of the house, which had been demolished by Dr. Wheeler, couid not have been much greater than the cost of having it demolished which was $125.00 BUDGET ESTIMP.TE FOR ELECTION ON TEACHERS~ SUPPLEMc.NT - Budget estimate which had been furnished by Mr. 0. H. Pridgen was discussed by the Commissioners and it ~,~as noted that the cost of the election, if held with the City of Wilmington's Primary, would be approximately $3,boo. Ir the City does not hold a primary, the County viill have to bear the entire cost of the election. ,