1969-02-17 Regular Meeting298 Minutes of the Meeting - February 3, 1969 (Continued) ADJOURNMEIVT - There being no further bvsiness to come before the Board, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage County Clerk Minu.te's of the Meeting - February 17, 1969 ASSE~BLY - The regular semi-monthiy meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. ~arks~ Berry A. Williams; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr.. County Attorney James C. Fox, and County Auditor Perry Shepard vaere absent. Mrs. Elizabeth Edens sat in for Mr. 5hepard. 1NVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. C. W. Jennings, Pastor, Cape Fear Presbyterian Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES.- For the minutes of February 3, i9b9, attention was called to the omission of County Auditor Perry Shepard's name from the list of those present. On Page 1 under the heading of "Control of Airport", the last sentence shovld read as follows: "This was discussed at length, and by common consent it was agreed that there r~as no objection to Mr. Harriss' personal views being made a part of the record". Foilowing these corrections; Ntr. 1~Jilliams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. TAX LEVY - I~!r. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that fifty (50%) percent of the value o£ property be the portion taxable. Motion carried, OFFER TO PURCNASE LENA BELL JOHNSON PROPERTY, 12TH & ANI~ STREETS - Letter from Nr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, was presented to the Board advising that offer had been received from a Nr. George DeVane in an amount of $1,000 to purchase property of a welfare recipient named Lena Bell Johnson. This property is located at 12TH and Ann Streets. This is a piece of property purchased by New Hanover County because when it was advertised for sale to recover a welfare lien bids were too low to accept. Mr. Marks raised the question of whether or not there r~ould be a 2S~ legal fee. Mr. Williams reminded the Board that sometime ago the County Attorney explained that after the County has purchased property, then all proceeds, derived from the sale of the property by the County, go to the County; that the original sale takes care of the. 25% legal fee in connec- tion with r~elfare liens. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that approval of the sale be given. Motion carried. REPORT 03~1 SRLE OF USED EQUIPMENT AT COUNTY FARM - Nr. Marks reported to the Board that Brorm-Herring Truck 8 Tractor Company had pur- chased obsolete equipment which was lying around the Prison Farm in the amount of $300 and check had been turned over to the Auditor's office. ~r. Narks informed the Board there is another piece of equipment which should be disposed of; namely, one ensilage blower commonly used on dairy farms which he wili endeavor to dispose of later. PAC MEETING, FEBRUARY 19, 1969 - ~r. Marks discussed the Political Action Meeting to be held on February 19, 1969• He said he intended to attend and would like for someone to oo with him. Mr. Williams expressed the feeling that the Commissioners should not have i.o wonder between Board meetings whether or not they have authority to attend various meetings that come up from time to time. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that approval be given for Mr. Marks to attend this meeting and any other Commissioner, or County Administrator, ~,~ho can do so. Motion carried. _ REQUEST OF DR. W. J. WHEELER, M.D., PURCHASE PROPERTY OF HEIRS OF LUCY McCLEARY - Dr. W. H. Wheeler appeared before the Board arith request to purchase Lot #5 in fllock #5~{-1 which has a Welfare lien against it and which has been advertised for sale. He advised the Board th~t he is wiiling to pay a fair market price for the property. Dr. Wheeler was advised that the sale would have to be heid inasmuch as it had already been advertised, and it was suggested that he go by the Tax Office and request them to give him the appraised value of the lot in order for him to get some idea of how much would be involved. .Later in the meeting Mr. Braak furnished the Board an appraisal in the amount of $1,060.00. On the Appraisal Slip, notation was made that the salvaoe value of the house, which had been demolished by Dr. Wheeler, couid not have been much greater than the cost of having it demolished which was $125.00 BUDGET ESTIMP.TE FOR ELECTION ON TEACHERS~ SUPPLEMc.NT - Budget estimate which had been furnished by Mr. 0. H. Pridgen was discussed by the Commissioners and it ~,~as noted that the cost of the election, if held with the City of Wilmington's Primary, would be approximately $3,boo. Ir the City does not hold a primary, the County viill have to bear the entire cost of the election. , . ~~~~ MIIQU'TES OF THE MEETING - FEBRUARY 17, 1969 (Continued) DISCUSSION OF ARCHITECT, JAMES WALHER HOSPITAL, HEALTH DEPARTMEnT QUARTERS - Mr. Marks informed the Board he had looked at the old building at James Walker Hospital (formerly building used for X-Ray Department) and thought perhaps the first and second floors would be sufficient for the Health Department. leaving the Third Floor for the Mental Health Clinic. He informed the Board that Mr. T. 0. Mullins, Jr., Consulting Engineer, State of North Carolina Insurance Department, Raleigh, N. C.; had been contacted about the renovation of this building and that ~r. P9ullins had suggested that the County employ an Architect to prepare preliminary plans and then he, Mr. A4uilins, would meet r~ith the Architect and the County Administrator at the site for discussion. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by ~r. Williams~ that Ballard, McKim and Sawyer be empioyed to iaork with Mr. Narks and the State of North Carolina on use of the building. Motion carried. SOIL SURVEY Mr. Williams advised the Board that he had learned the Soil & Water Conservation Committee had adopted a resolution at its recent annual meeting calling for State support for funding of County soil surveys. The resolution calls for the State to provide 25% of the cost of such studies, and Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that the Board of Commissioners go on record as approving the fundine by the State in con,junction with Federal and Local governments and that our legislators be notified of the Board~s action. Motion carried. The Board was advised that Mr. Snead had advised that request for authority by our County to conduct a soil survey would be taken up in Raleigh this week. ~ DISCUSSION OF NEW SANITARIAN I POSITION IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Dr. .1. C. Knox, Health Director, appeared before the Board and discussed the need for a new position of a Sanitarian i versus a Sanitarian Aide. He pointed out that there is onSy $81}0 difference annualiy in salary and that a Sanitarian I u~ould be able and qualified to do much more than an Aide. Also, he pointed out that the Health Department had the same number of sanitarians now as they had five years ago even though the population of the County had increa§ed tremendously during that time. Dr. Knox informed the Board that he was not asking for an appropriation, that there are sufficient funds in the Health Department budget to cover this salary from now untii budcet time. Mr. Wiiliams expressed the feeling that in order to protect those buying and building hom'es in low lying areas, inspections should be made by the Health Department and that installation of septic tanks should be prohibited where there is not sufficient drainage. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Nr. Netts for discussion, that the Board of Commissioners approve this new position as rec~mmended by Dr. Hnox and the County Administrator. Mr. Metts said he felt strongly that Department Heads should anticipate their needs at budget time. Dr. Knox said he felt that unless Title 19 is enacted, or something else comes up; this will hold for a year. Vote was called on the motion and it carried unanimously. DISCUSSIOAr OF NEI~~ NURSE POSITION - Dr. J. C. Knox informed the Bo2rd that there is a need for another nurse in the ]-Iealth Department and requested that a new position be established. He cited the need for this additional nurse being due to the care being given the aged at home. He informed the Board that home visits require much more time. The Board was advised that if Title 19 is enacted, the Health Department will be required to increase their staff of nurses approximately 50%. Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that a Public Health Nurse I position be approved, funds to come from within the Health Department budget. Motion carried. DISCUSSIOP~ Or NEW QUARTERS FOR HEALTH DEPARTI~IETdT - New quarters for the Health Department was discussed with Dr. I{nox. It was pointed out that the buildino in which they are now located is deteriorating rapidly and something will have to be dor.e soon. Prior to the meeting, Dr. Knox had.inspected the oid X-Ray Building at the old James k~alker complex and expressed the desire that the Health Department be allovred to have the entire three floors which wouid allow spac2 for future expansion. Mr. Marks inquired whether or not the laboratory could not be done away i,~ith and facilities in Raleigh be used for testing. Dr. Knox said he felt the laboratory served a great need and rrithout it the Heaith Department could not aive services required by the State. Mr. Marks suggested that Dr. Knox visit other areas iaho do not have a laboratory in order to determine how handicapped we would be without it. Mr. Metts brought out the fact that not only did the laboratory cost the County personnel-wise but housing it was aiso an expense. Dr. Knox said he was goin~ to Raleigh and would discuss the matter up there, and would advise the Board at a future date. Mr. Marks suggested the third floor be reserved for the Mental Health Clinic. Mr. Nletts suggested that Mr. Marks and Dr. Knox get tocether and look the building over. At this juncture, 10:30 A. M., the meeting recessed. Meeting reconvened at 10:!}5 A. M. REQUEST OF A~ERICAN LEGION - Nr. Nichols H. Modinos appeared before the Board requesting permission to use land at the airport for a circus on April 7, 1969. He presented a Certificate of Insurance and Mr. Netts requested that a copy of the policy be furnished instead of a certificate. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. P4arks that approval be.given; subject to approval of the County Attorney, after he has read the policy, and the County Administrator. ~otion carried. SUBDIVISION REGULSTION ORDINANCE - Mr. Wood discussed comments which ~~rere received from Mr. Ben ivy, Vice-President, Peoples Savings & Loan Association, and presented an addendum to the ordinance as result of these comments. Mr. Hall said the Pianning Commission has had many conferences with various interested parties and citizens and that the County has complied with the law insofar as holding a public hearing and the laying on the table of the ordinance and related papers for viewing by the public, and that motion was in order for the adoption of the ordinance. Mr. Narks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of Commissioners enact the ordinance presented by the Planning Commission, including the suggested amendments thereto, effective as of this date, February 17, 1g69. Motion carried. Mr. Hall expressed appreciation for the manner in which Mr. Wood and his staff had handled the preparation of the ordinance. Mr. Wood said he felt it was a good compromise between what the County has now and what it is striving for. J ~ 300 Nlinutes of the Neeting - February 17, 1969 (Continued) COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Mr. Wood presented a map of the land development plan and explained it in detail. The map shows Residential Element (urban areas, low density residential, and shoreline develop- ment), Commercial Element, Industrial Element, Recreational Element, Conservation Element (i~~etlands and Forestery and Agriculture), and Government, A different color was used to show each of these elements. The Land Development Pian was discussed at length and by common consent the Commissioners, after inquiring whether it would hoid up the Planning Commission if it were not approved tRday, decided to put it on the Agenda for the next meeting in order to give them a chance, and interested persons, time to study the map and the plan itself. Mr. Wood advised the Board that preparation of the Zoning Document will begin this week, and it is anticipated i.t will be presented for approval during the mon.th of June. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Wood, Mr. Mallory and the Planning Commission be commended for the dedication they have shown and the ~,rork they have done in connection with the County Land Development Plan. Nr. Wood advised that the Planning Commission plans to have 250 copies of the Sub- division Ordinance printed and suggested a charge of $1.00 be made per copy to cover cost of printing. Mr. Wiliiams moved, seconded by Mr. P9arks, that copies be made available to interested persons for $1.00 per copy after printing and made available to anyone to study in the office of either the County Commissioners or the Planning Commission and to the news media and the commissioners without charge. Motion carried. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTI,ON, ON-VIBUS CRINiE CON3'ROL AND SAFE STREETS ACT OF 1968 - Discussion of applying for matching funds to permit planning for the future of law enforcement and the criminal justice system was discussed and Mr. Wood pointed out that it would be necessary to adopt a resolution and file it by April 15, 1969. He also felt that if New Hanover County failed to apply for this now, it would be difficult to apply for any future funds of this nature. Mr. Hall advised the Board that this had been discussed with the Sheriff and he r~~as not in favor of it at that time and he, Mr. Hall, wished to know the feeling of Sheriff Millis at this time. Mr. Wood informed the Board that Mr. Nillis had attended a meeting since then and he, Mr. Wood, had discussed the matter with the Sheriff and the Sheriff is now ready to go along with it. Mr. Bowden also}ad discussed the matter with the 5heriff and he advised the Board that Sheriff Nillis at first had reservations about the matching funds, but now he has no objections; that what has to be signed actually means to uphold law and order. Relinquishing local authority was the phase concerning Sheriff Millis. Mr. Williams informed the Board that at an executive meeting of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission recently this was discussed at length and he understands nearly every County in this district is applying for the matching funds, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authori,zed to sign the reso2ution and to appoint Sheriff Marion Millis and Mr. Berry A. Williams to serve on the Law Enforcement Planning Board of the 5th Judicial District Law Enforcement Planning Unit. Motion carried. Following is the resolution adopted: "WHEREAS, the County of A~ew Hanover recognizes the value of planning for the improvement of law enforcement and the criminal justice system in North Carolina; and ., "WHEREAS, the Omnibus Crime Con4.ro1 and Safe Streets Act of i968 provides matching funds to permit planning for the future of law enforcement and the criminal justice system; and "Wt-IEREAS, these planning funds are available to local government planning units through the Governor~s Committee on Law and Order in North Carolina; "BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLUED THAT the County of New Hanover does agree to participate in joint law enforcement and criminal justice planning efforts in cooperation with other units of local government in this area of North Carolina through the ~h Judicial District Law Enforcement Planning Unit. "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we hereby appoint Sheriff Marion W. Millis and Berry A. Williams, County Commissioner to serve on the Law Enforcement Planning Board of the sth Judicial District Law Enforcement Planning Unit. Adopted this 17th day of February, 1969. (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. ~ Chairman ~" Board of County Commissioners DISCUSSION OF^SALE OF AIRPORT BONDS - After a brief discussion, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the airport bonds be sold as soon as practicable, subject to approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried. APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS - Mr. Shepard requested the following appropriations: From - General Emergency Fund $ 8.8g To - Bldg. Insp. S. & 5. $ 8.89 From - General Emergency Fund 65.31 To - Tax Collector S. £. 5. 65.31 ~74.zo ~ 74.zo From - Recorders Court Sal. $11CS.70 To - Jury Fees S. Court $118.70 , 301 Minutes of the Meeting, February 17, 1969 {Continued) Mr. Shepard suggested that total amount of $25.Q0 be appropriated for Building Inspector S. 8 S. from the General Emergency Fund and total amount of $100.0o be appropriated for Tax Collector S. & 5. from the General Emergency Fund in order to take care of future requests, as well as the above requests. Mr. Shepard requested appropriation of $140.00 from the General Emergency Fund to Board of Elections Telephone. He has estimated this amount to be sufficient for the remainder of ! th;s budget year. Mr, Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the appropriations and transfers as recommended by the County Auditor be approved with the exception of the Board of Elections Telephone request, funds for this to come from Executive Secretary+s salary within the Board of Elections budget instead of the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. TAX LISTING OrFICE REQUEST Request of Mr. P. H. Braak, Tax Supervisor, for funds to provide additional help in his office was discussed. Mr. Braalc had overspent for salaries the amount of $58~ as of February 21st. The total amount of funds he is requesting if $1,500. He is requesting additional heip for approximately 7 weeks (2employees). Mr. BowdPn recommended the hiring of three college boys, and suggested that anything above this will have to be done on compensatory time basis by regular employees. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board approve recommendation of the County Administrator insofar as employing people for the tax office is concerned, and the $1,500 come from the General Emergency Fund, and in addition ask the County Administrator to review the operation of the Tax Office to effect efficiency in this office. Mr. Williams suggested that closer attention be made to overspending funds which had not been appropriated. Motion carried. TF.7C COLLECTOR~S REQUEST Request from Mr. Sam W. Johnson, .City-County Tax Collector, for .payment of overt3me for some of the employees in his office in the amount of $265.78, which is one-half of the amount involved, was discussed. He advised that the City of Wilmington had agreed to pay their share. Mr'. Johnson pointed out that in previous years there had been an item in the budget of $300 to cover extra help, but this item ~aas omitted from this year~s budget. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the overtime be paid, funds coming from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. At this juncture, Mr. Hall called attention to the fact that Mr. A1 Moffett who has been as~ciated with Channel 3 Television is leavine Wiimington in the very near future. By common consent the Board expressed appreciation for the exceilent job Mr. Noffett had done in reporting news of the Commissioners~ meetings and wished him well in his new undertaking. HOME RULE BY COUNTIES - The bili on Home Rule for Counties which is before the House was discussed. It was pointed out that cities have had such'authority for over 100 years. Also,,it would eliminate a flood of bills from individual counties, which affects probably only one county, going to the House, Nr. Williams was of the opinion that the bill would pass ~aith some amendments. Mr. Williams felt that it would give strength to the bill if this Board would go on record as officially endorsing the proposed legislation. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board go on record favoring the home rule principle recommended by the Local Government Study Commission, and that the Board contact our legislators advising them of the action taken by the Board. Motion carried. HUMAIVE SaCIETY REQUEST FOR 11~.ND FOR ANIMAL SHELTER TO MEET REQUIREMENT OF A BEQUEST THEY HAD RF,CIEVED - A short discussion on the availability of land for a dog shelter to be built by the Humane Society was discussed. By common consent the idea W8S endorsed, subject to approval of the County Attorney and the County Administrator and the locatino of some land suitable for this purpose. ADJOURNMENT - There being no by Mr, Marks, that further business to come before the Board, Mr, Metts moved, seconded the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfuliy submitted, Hazel Savage County Clerk J