1969-03-17 Regular Meeting' I 302 Minutes of the Neeting, March 17, 1969 ASSEMLILY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, ~r., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Mr. Perry Shepard, County Auditor, was out of town. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister asked Rev, E. T. Small, Rector, Church of the Good Shepherd, to give the invocation. APPROVAL Or MINUTES - The following corrections were made to the minutes of ineeting held on February 17, 1969: Page 1- Last paragraph on page headed, "Offer to Purchase Lena Bell .lohnson Property, 12th & Ann Streets", last sentence should end with word "given". Page 3- The first paragraph headed, "Soil Survey", first and second sentences should read as follo~as: "Mr. 'vJilliams advised the Board that he had learned the Soil & Water Conservation Committee had adopted a resolution at its recent annual meeting calling for State support for funding of County soii surveys. The resolution calls for the State to provide 25% of the cost of such studies, 2nd Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr, r7arks, that the Board of Commissioners go on record as approving the funding by the State in conjunetion with Federai and local governments and that our legislators be notified of the Board~s action. ' Page 4- Under heading, "Request of American Legion", next to last sentence after word '~Attorney" add "after he has read the policy." Page 5- Paragraph on page headed, "Discussion of Sale of Airport Bonds'r should read as follows: "After a brief discussion, ~r. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the ai.rport bonds be sold as soon as practicable, sub~ject to approval of the County Attorney. Motion carriied.'~ Page 2- Under first paragraph headed, "Report on Sale of Used Equipment at Count,y Farm"', second sentence should read as foilows: "Mr. Narks informed tlie Board there is ~riother piece of equipment which snould be di'spo'secl of;"aameIy, one ensilage blower commonly used on dairy farms which he will endeavor to dispose of later." Mr. Harriss stated that changes in the minutes has resulted in different interpretations of actions and would like to point out very stronaly any action taken by the Board should be clearly worded, and changes should be taken up at subsequent meeting. After making the above corrections, Mr. Netts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved. Ntotion carried unanimously. REPORTS - All reports, either due by or through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. A.B,C. PERNIT REQUESTS A.B.C. Permit Requests from Carolina Cafe, 55 Myrtle Ave., Carolina Seach; Italian Village Restaurant, Rt. 2, Box l}21B, Wilminoton; and Joanna Enterprises, Inc., 1;1~.15 Market Street ~,~ere presented to the Commissioners, Mr. Metts moved, se.conded by Mr. Wiliiams, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff~s office for investigation. Motion carried unanimously. ASATEMEIVT OF TAX PENALTY, THE SANDM~AN, INC. A letter from ~r. Nils O. A~ielsen, President, The Sandman, Inc., was brought to the attention of the Board. Mr. Nielsen requested waiving penalty for late listing of taxes. Mr. Nielsen stated in his letter that he had mailed the return himself before the expira- tion of date for listing. Inasmuch as Nr. Nielsen~s records showed he had not been late listing in the past, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the tax penalty be waived. I~7otion carried unanimously.,_ SITE FOR T]EW HANOVER COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY ANIP~,P.L SHELTER - Discussion was had on a site to be leased to the New Hanover County Humane Society to be used as an animal shelter. Vice-Chairman Harriss informed the Board that he and County Administrator Bowden had a lengthy discussion and inspection of several sites, and he and Mr. Bowden felt that the site about 1200 yards past the military instal]ation near property that is being rented as farm land ~aould be a very good location. He pointed out that it is very accessible, dry, has trees, and is drained. P1r, Fox was asked by Nr. MetCs if it is permissible to let the Humane Society have this land. Mr. Fox replied that it is, provided it is done on a lease basis. Mr. Mark.s suggested a recapture clause be included in the lease in case the airport should need another runway. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that the area adjacent to the Juncture of State Roads 1175 and 1353, now ov,med by the County, be made availabe to the New Hanover 7, County Hurr~ane Society for construction of an animal shelter, and further moved that one and one-half acres beginning immediately with the H. W. Williams property and extending to both roads being the exact property offered, and that the County Attorney prepare necessary instruments for conveying this property, and also, that the lease include a recapture clause. Notion carried unanimously. ADVERTISING DATE FOR UNPAID AD VALOREM TAXES - Tax Collector Sam Johnson appeared before the Commission requesting that the advertise- ment date for ur,paid ad~valorem taxes be moved up from July i to June 1. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by ~r. Marks, that the date be moved up as requested by Mr. Johnson. Motion c2rried unanimously. DOG POUND - Vicc-Chairman Harriss discussed the need for a dog pound to replace the very unsatis- factory dog pound now in existence. The proposed nevi dog pound will have a gas chamber for , Minutes of the Meeting, March 17, 1969 -(Continued) DOG POUND - (Continued use iii disposing of animals that cannot be placed, will contain separate chambers for very sick and diseased and dogs with puppies. Do~an the center ~.~ill be a drain into which the runs may be fiushed. There will be a small office in the building. The center will be open and two sides will be roofed. In the 1968-69 budget the County budgeted $1},600 to build this facility. It has now developed that it will cost $5,979 to get the shelter which will sufficiently meet the needs of the County and City. This amount contemplates building facility on the existing slab. Mr. Harriss voiced the opinion he does not feel the County will be able to get the shelter for less, and he recommended the Commissioners appropriate additional funds and proceed. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, the County go ahead, with concurrence of the City, as outlined, additional funds to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSIOIV QUALITY OF MOVIES BY GROUP OF CLERGYMEN - A delegation appeared before the Board requesting the County Commissioners go on record as opposing the vulgar and immorzl movies being shown too frequently'in our City. The spokesman for the group was Rev. A. L. McGee, Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. Rev. McGee told the Board Wilmington is one of the most church-minded cities he has ever been in. He informed the Board the young people are very concerned and have made him more aware of the immoral movies and that was why he was here today. The delegation was composed of a large number of young people and Mr. Phil Anderson, one of the young men present, spoke to the point of the young peopie opposing the showing of such films. Nr. McGee presented a petition from members of Calvary Baptist Church with more than 206 names protesting the movies. There were other petitions presented also. Rev. Edwin G. Thomas, Pastor of Oakgrove and Delgado Presbyterian Churches, Rev. D. Douglas Farmer, Pastor of Winter Park Baptist Church, and Mr. O. K. Pridgen, Sr., a layman, spoke in protest of the movies, Mr. Pridgen was of the opinion that the newspapers should not` publish ads for such movies and also voiced his disapproval of liquor ads, Mr. Harriss told the delegation he vras glad they had come because he recognized the problem as a parent and also, thought there were magazines which should not be sold. He thought this was a good start and said he would personally support the move to do what- ever is legal in the way of stopping the showing of these movies. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nr. Marks, that the Chairman appoint a committee to work toti~ard a solution of this problem, and that the Commission be represented on the committee in ex officio capacity by Mr. Bowden and anyone member of the Commission that wants to sit in, and the Commissioners go on re~ord as opposing nude, vulgar movies in the local theaters. Mr. Marks told the delegation he was concerned as a father but does not know what legal action can be taken and what legal censorship can be enforced and suggested that the movie people be invited to a meeting to present their side. Rev. McGee said he was in sympathy and was willing to discuss the problem with the theater people. Vote r~as called on the motion and it carried unanimously. DISCUSSION NORTHEAST RIVER BRIDGE, MFt. SHEW AND DELEGATION - Mr. Richard A. Shew appeared before the Board protesting the closing of the Northeast River Bridge for repairs by the State Highway tiahen the new bridge is completed. He offered the following reasons: it would cause a traffic jam and bottleneck traffic in the southern part of the City and would force business men on the north side of town to go out of business. He suggested that only one lane be closed at a time. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, for discussion, that the Board write the State Highway Commission and request the bridge be closed for a minimum of time and only the time necessary for improvement of it. Mr. Harriss said he would like the authority of the Commissioners to consuit with the State Engineers in order to minimize inconvenience to the people of Wilmington and others and bring back to the Board recommendations for any other measures that might be necessary. Several members of the Board pointed out that Mr. Harriss has this authority, inasmuch as he is on the committee having to do with the State Highway, Vote was called on the motion and~it passed unanimously. DRAINAGE, WRIGHTSBORO AREA - A group of people frorr~ Wrightsboro appeared requesting drainage. Mr. Robert Moore, Rt. 1, Box 120, Phone 179a, was the spokesman. The property is near Acorn Branch. Nr. Harriss suggested Mr. Bowden check into this with Mr. Cranford and "see whether it is a County or State problem. By common consent this was agreed to. COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT PLAN - . Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Planning; Mr. Neil Mallory, Staff Planner; and ~r. Ose2r Edwards, Staff Planner; appeared at the meetino in connection with the Land Development Plan which they had prepared. Mr. Ydood pointed out there had been some comments on the arbitrary line; that is industriai line should be extended to include land down to the Fort Fisher Club instead of leaving a buffer zone. Nr. Wood said it was not necessary that the Commissioners adopt the plan today but approve it in some form. tir, Wood said they were going to try to reproduce the Land De~elopment Map in a smalier form and that the Planning Department 'is about three-fourths throuoh with the zoning now. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the principie of the Pianning Board be approved and that they proceed with the formation of specific recommendations for consideration. Also, particular use be put to the dimensions of the buffer zone for re- sidential development on the Cape Fear River immediate north of the Fort Fisher Gold Course. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION, POSITIVE ACTION PROGRAM, 'uJILMINGTON AREA ECONOMIC GROWTH CENTER - Mr. 4Jilliams discussed the Positive Act'ion Program and told the Board that this is an inventory of what the County is doing and moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that resolution be adopted approving the program. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA : . RESOLUTIOAJ COUNTY OF NEIa~ HANOVER . "WHEREAS, the Overall Economic Development Program of the Southeastern Ec- onomic Development Commission contemplates the establishment of the 4lilmington Area Economic Gror~th Center, and; r ~ ,JO3 ~ I 304 Minutes of the Meeting, March 17, 1969-~Continued) RESOLUTION, POSITIVE ACTIOPI PRC~GFLaM, WILNINGTON AREA ~CONOMIC GROl~TH CENTER -(Con~t) "WHEREAS, it is necessary that the Positive Action Program be established to insure the proper growth of said Economic Growth Center, and; "WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Netia Hanover County has appointed representatives to participate in the development of said Positive Action Pro- gram; "NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved that the IIoard of Commissioners of New Hanover County dDes hereby endorse the Positive Action Program for the ~rJilmington Area Economic Growth Center. "Done this 17th day of March, 1969 at Wilmington, N. C. (s) Hazel Savage Clerk (s) J. M. Hall. Jr, Chairman (s) P/~eares Harriss Vice-Chairman (s) John Van B. Metts, Jr. Commissioner (s} H. A. Marks Commissioner ( s) Berry A. !~ti 11 iams " Commissioner r APPOIPdTN~ENT ~F ALTERIQATE NEMBER TO SOUTHEASTERN ECOIQOMIC DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - Mr. Williams informed the Board that he w2s resigning from the Executive Committee of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission and asked that Mr. Timothy Wood, Director of Planning, be appointed to servz the unexpired portion of his term. The Board expressed the desire that Mr. Williams remain on the committee. Mr. Williams then moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Wood be elected an alternate on the committee to attend any Commission meeting or Executive meeting 4~hich he, Mr. Williams, cannot attend, subject to approval of the South- eastern Economic Development Commission. Notion carried. P LANN I NG CON?MI S S ION COM~'fENDED - Mr. INetts told Mr. Wood he was delighted that the Planning Commission is moving along so rapidly with their programs. SALE OF FORECLOSED PROPERTY, 1218 N. 7TH ST., BLK. 541, LOT 5- Dr. Wheeler appeared before the Board requesting permission to purchase vacant lot at 1218 N. 7th Street and that the money which he had invested in the property be considered. Mr. Williams said he understood it had been the practice of the County to sell foreclosed property at the appraised value. The appraised value is $1,060, and Mr. Fox recommended th2t Dr. !~lheeler~s bid be accepted. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the property be sold to Dr. Wheeler for $1,060, plus expenses. Notion carried. REQUEST OF REPUBLICATd WOMEN~S CLUB At this juncture of the meeting a member of the Republican Women~s Club asked that the Commissioners mail them a copy of the Agenda for each meeting. The Commissioners told her it was public record but would prefer that one of them come by the office and obtain a copy, as the news media does. RESOLUTIOPd, CAROLINA BEACH INLET - Ivr. Harriss introduced a resolution ~ahich he had prepared endorsing the Town of Carolina Beach~s request to have the federal government erect a jetty in the Carolina IIeach Inlet. Mr. Harriss told the Board there is an erosion problem at Carolina Beach and that the inlet would have to be closed or ,jettyied. To close the inlet would tremendously inconvenience the people in the area. Mr. I-Iarriss said it was obvious the solution is to jetty the inlet as recommended by the Corps of Engineers, He had discussed the matter with Congressman Lennon and was told that a resolution would be helpful in getting the desired action. Mr. }[arriss moved, seconded by Nr. Wiiliams, that resolution be adopted by the Commissioners endorsing the request of the Town of Carolina Beach. Motion carried unanimously. Following is the resolution: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA RESOLUTION COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . "WHEREAS, the Carolina Beach Iniet represents an economic convenience and necessity both for residents and visitors to Carolina Beach, and "WHEREAS, this important inlet should be stabilized in order to prevent erosion of Carolina Beach south of the inlet, and 'rWHERrAS, study of the inlet by the Corps of Engineers has disclosed the need for jettying of said inlet to prevent the aforementioned erosion, "I'HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners strongly endorse the request of the Town of Carolina Beach that jettying of this inlet be planned and executed as soon as possible, and '"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Senator B. Everett Jordan, Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Congressman Alton A. Lennon, U. S. Corps of Engineers, and the Toian Council of Carolina Beach. / , ~OJ Minutes of the Meeting, March 17, 1969 -(Continued) RESOLUTION, CAROLINA BEACH INLET - (Continued) "Done at Wilmington, New Hanover County, P?orth Carolina this 17th day of Narch, 1969• (s) J. M. Ha11,,Jr. Chairman (s) Meares Harriss ~ Vice-Chairman (s) John Van B. Metts Commissioner ( s ) H. A. Ntarks Commissioner (s) Serry A. k~illiams" Commissioner (s)Hazel Savage Clerk SPACE FOR IVORTH CAROLINA TUBERCULOSIS AREA OFrICE - ~ Nr. Harriss said the County had been requested to locate space for an area office of the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association to staff six people. 1he County would not be required to contribute anything toward salaries or office expense. The County has a building 30 x 70 feet, which is connected to the Agriculture Office. Heat is available by connecting the radiators, etc. The Association would pay the County rent in the amount of $75 to $100 per month. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, for discussion, that the buiiding be made available on the basis stated and Mr. Bowden be instructed to initiate lease on a yearly basis with a q0 day recapture clause, Mr. Metts expressed the feeling that none of the County space should be rented until the committee which was appointed sometime back has made a study of the County~s need for office space . After a discussion, in which it was pointed out the County needs a juvenile detention home, detention for females, place for the insane, and the cost of getting the building into condition for renting, Mr. Harriss withdrew his motion. Mr. Harriss then moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr, Bowden be authorized to inves- tigate the cost of renovating this facility in line with the desires of the Commissioners, and that this be communicated as soon as possible and upon approval of expenses that Mr. Bowden be authorized to negotiate the rent of the facilities, including water and heat, for a mon•thly rent in the neighborhood of $100 to $125, and that any lease that m~i~ght be signed with them contain the proviso that facilities can be returned by 90 days notice and upon provisions of other substitute facilities. Notion carried. ST. NARH~S EPISCOPAL CHURCH CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - A letter from The Rev. Edwin E. l(irton, Rector, St. P~fark~s Episcopal Church, calling attention to St. Mark~s'celebration of their 100th Anniversary was brought before the Board. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the following resolution be adopted recog- nizing and commending St. Mark~s Episcopal Church for their service to the community. STATE OF IVORTH CAROLINA . COUNTY OF NEW HANOUER . RESOLUTION '°WHEREAS, St. N~ark~s Episcopal church wili this year observe its 100th Anniversary beginning on Easter Day, Aprii 6, 1969, and '~WHEREAS, IIishop Thomas H. Wright, Diocese of East North Carolina, Rev, Oscar Holder of Philadelphia, Pa., the Rev. Alexander Milier of 4lilmington, N. C., and Bishop Hunley A. Elebash of Kinston, N. C, will be participating, and "WHEREAS, a banquet will be held to honor members of th2 Church along with the Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, and the NFayor of the City of Wilmington attending, and "WHEREAS, we recognize the wonderful progress St. Narkos Episcopal Church has made in its 1C0 years of dedicated service to its parishoners and the community; "BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County board of Commissioners thank St. Mark!s Episcopal Church for its contribution to our society and com- mend them for their service to the community. "Done this l~th day of March, 1969 at wilmington, N. C. (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman (s) Meares'Harriss Vice-Chairman (s) John Van B. Metts, Jr. Commissioner {s) H. A. Marks Commissioner (s) Berry A, i~Jill.iams" Commissioner l (s)Hazel Savage C1erk I 306 , Minutes of the Meeting, March 17, 1969 -(Continued) ST NWRK~S EPISCOPAL CHURCH CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION -(Cott~t) Motion carried. CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR REQUEST - Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Defense Director, appeared at the meeting requestino that he be permitted to hire a Typist II to replace the Typist I who has resigned to accept employment with the City of Wilmington. He said it ~~as impossible to find a Typist I. Uporading the position from Typist I($31}20) to Typist II {~3588), Grade 50, State Merit System Scale, results in a difference of $168 per annum, divided one-half State, $81}.00, City $f}2, County $42.00. Gen. Harriss requested permission to transfer $21.00 from his Postage Account to Salaries to take care of trie difference in the salaries for the'remainder of this budget year. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, subject to approval of the City, the Board comply with Gen. Harriss~ requests. Motion carried unanimously. Gen. Harriss called later during the meeting and aslced that above action be rescinded. The Board complied with his request. DISCUSSION STUDY OF LOPdG RANGE P]EEDS OF THE COUNTY ADP^INISTRATIVE OFFICE, JAIL AND COURT FACILITIES - P>ir. Williams s~id he thought a long range study should be made to determine the needs for office space from four to five years or even from fifteen to twenty years from now to avoid spending large sums of money and still have chopped up renovation and inadequate faci- lities. He said the way the County is growing, new facilities will be needed in the not too distant future. He feels now is the time to begin and look at the situation realistically. Mr. Hall suggested that the Board keep this in an informal stage of discussion until 3t can develop some ideas and then proceed. Mr. Metts reminded the Board that Legislature is trying to get another Judge for our District which, if successful, will require another courtroom. Renovation of the 5&H Green Stamp Building was discussed as possible offices for the Commissioners thereby vacating their present office to be used for a courtroom. Mr. Metts suggested the County Administrator discuss the potential of using the Com- missioners~ room as a courtroom with court officials and report back. By common consent the County Administrator was directed to work on ideas to present to the Board for consideration. DISCUSSIOA~ STUDY OF COUNTY PRISON FARM - Mr. Williams discussed the possibility of closing the Prison Farm. ~Ie pointed out that the State wili take prisoners at no cost to the County. He a].so pointed out that $1.E7,000 was budgeted for the prison farm for the 1968-69 fiscal year. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Ivarks, that the County Administrator make a Chorough study of the Prison Farm as soon as possible and report back with his recommendations. Motion carried. NATIONAL CAR RENTAL SPACE AT AIRPORT - Request from Arationai Car Rental to rent space in the Airport Terminai was discussed. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nr. Metts, that space be rented to the National Car Rental at the same rate as the other two car rental firms and with no other favorable terms allowed them than allowed the present operators. Motion carried. INr. Metts suggested trying to arrange all,such space on one wall. COMMISSIONERS~ SALARIES - Mr. Y,all discussed the salaries of the County Commissioners and said he felt a Com- missioner should be paid sufficiently so that he is not necessarily out-of-pocket even though he is not fully compensated for his time. He said he felt some consideration should be given, h7r. Metts said he felt like salaries should be in line with those in other similar size counties. Mr. Williams said he felt the Commissioners are under paid and would like to have it corrected. Mr. Harriss said he did not feel that public service is something to be compensated for in same context as private business, and felt hesitant in voting salary increases. Mr. Harriss expressed the feeling that he would like to refrain from expressing any comments on the subject. The other four Commissioners, by common consent, agreed to ask the legislators to consider increasing the Commissioners~ salaries. SALE OF CITY - COUNTY PROPERTY, LOVE STREET AND NIXON STREET - On January 20, 1969 appraisal, which Nr. E. C. Brandon, City Manager, had requested, in amount of $300 vaas approved by the Board on property on Love and Nixon Streets, The City agreed to sell the property for $300 and presented a deed to the County for th¢ Chairman~s signatur¢. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Rietts, that Lhe County concur in the sale of the property and the Chairman be authorized to sign the deed. Motion carried unanimously. SALE OF CITY-COlINTY PROPERTY, STROUD ALLEY A letter from City Manager Brandon stating the City had approved the sale of four 33 ft. lots on Stroud Alley in Block ~41 which had been appraised at $390 each, was brought to the Board~s attention. Mr. Brandon requested approval of the County. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County concur in the Cityts request. Motion carried unan- imously. PARKING LOT PAVING, WELFARE DEPARTMENT Mr. Marks informed the Board the Welfare Board had received notice from the architect calling for semi-final inspection of the renovated nurses~ home to be used as office building for the Welfare llepartment. He reminded the Board that the Welfare Department will probably move around May lst and that it would be necessary to have the parkinq lot ready by then. ~ V 0'7 Minutes of the Meeting, March 17, 1969 -~Continued) PARKING LOT PAVING, WELFARE DEPARTNENT -(Con't) He said in order to get help from the State, it will have to be in usable condition. Mr. I~iarks moved, seconded by Mr. 4dilliams, that the County Administrator be 2uthorized to get bids on grading, paving and draining of the parking lot, subject to approval of the County Attorney, and when this information is received a poll of the Commissioners be taken; if approved, contract aa~arded, funds coming from General Emergency Fvnd. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL ITEMS TO COMPLETE RENOVATION OF WELFARE QUARTERS - Mr. Marks presente'd a list of items needed to complete renovation of the Welfare Building which amounted to $!},609. Mr. Marks said there was a possibility otheritems might be needed. AFter a discussion, it was suggested that venetian blinds, costing $2200, be eliminated from the list. They can be purchased at a later date. ~ Mr, Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that $3,000 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund for use as outlined by Mr. Narks, excluding venetian blinds,' Notion carried unanimously. TEACHERS~ RETIREMENT Mr. Dale Spencer appeared before the Board with a resolution which the School Board had prepared resolving that any increases given in the future by the Teachers~ and State Employees~ Retirement System wili not be deducted by the County from the present retired teachers or future teachers who retire. In the discussion it was brought out the County supplements ail retired teachers~ retirement pay to bring it up to one-half of what their salary was before retiring. This is based on age 60 with 20 years service with New Hanover County and on the last five years of their salary. Mr. lJilliams was of the opinion that two steps should be taken by the Board; namely, 1. not to deduct the cost of living increases given retired teachers and 2. to freeze the pension plan. Mr. Hall thought it might be valuable to keep the plan in order to secure good teachers in the future. Mr. Williams moved that the County Attorney be instructed to draw legislation to amend present act to assure that the County pension willnot' be reduced when the State grants cost ~ of living_increases and also, present plan be limited to those who are now under the plan. iNr. Narks seconded the first portion of Mr. Wiliiams~ motion. Mr. Spencer said it would have a serious affect on New Hanover County~s School System when this rumor got around. Mr. Williams withdrew his motion. ~r. Marks moved, seconded by I~Ir. Williams, that action be postponed until next meeting. Motion carried. RESOLUTIOIV, STATE HIGHYJAY, DELETE PdON-EXISTING PORTION OF SR 1115 FROM COUNTY MAP Request from Mr. J, R. Robinson, Assistant District Engineer, State Highway Commission, for a resolution approving deletion from the counCy map 0.43 mile of SR 111~ Road. By common consent this was referred to Mr. Harriss who will determine whethe r the State Highway is closing the road or only removing it from the map. TRANSFERS ATdD_APPROPRIATIONS - In the absence of the County Auditor, Mr. Bowden presented th e following requests for transfers and appropriations: To From Schooi - Regional Drivers Ed, $ 9z3•54 Unanticipated Revenue - School Regional Drivers Ed. $ 9a3.54 Airport - 5. & S. 100.00 Airport - Bldg. Repairs 100.00 Tax Listing - Salaries 1,000.00 Tax Listing - City-County Tax Listers~ Salaries 630.00 Gen. Contingency Fund 370.00 Tax Listing - 5. & 5. (Auto 8 Boat Reg.) 560.0o Gen, Contingency Fund 560.00 Tax Listing - Advertising 5•90 Gun Contingency Fund 5•90 Elec. Inspector - Auto A1lowance 650.00 Gen. Contingency Fund 650.00 Community Hosp. 1,14(}.88 Community Hosp. Unantp. Rev. 1,11~..88 J. W. Hosp. County Share of Light Bill 90.00 Gen. Fund Misc. - Refunds & Sal. 90.40 County Farm - Medicine 500.00 Gen. Contingency Fund ' S00.00 Ccurt House Misc. 60.'00 Gen. Fund Misc, Sals. 6o.on Recorders Court - 5. & S. 70,02 Recorders Court - Telephone 29.15 Superior Court - Conveying Prisoners 75.00 Tr2ve1 - Recorders Court 135•~3 Salaries - Recorders Court 39,14 ~ I 308 Ninutes of the Meeting - I~"arch 17, 1969 (Continued) TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS (CONTINUED) - Register of Register of N. C. Sales N. C. Sales Airport - 5 Misc. Sales Court House Misc. Sales Deeds - Refunds Deeds - Unanticp. Rev. Tax Tax Refund - Unanticip. slaries & Refunds - Gen. Misc. 8 Refunds $ 50.00 $ 900.00 900.00 618.49 618.49 140.00 140.00 50.00 Mr. Bowden pointed out.that radios in Mr. Woodts office had failed to cut down on the cost of ~their mileage. Mr, Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that the transfers and appropriations as r.ecom- mended by Mr. Bowden be approved. MUSEUM REQUEST - ~ Mr. Gary E. Eyster, Museum Director, requested transfer of funds as follo~as to Capital Outlay in order to permit the museum to drop the ceiling thus enhancing the appearance of the display areas as wall as saving on heating of the building: From - Janitorial 5upplies $ 140.00 County Farm Labor 135.00 Electricity 150.00 Heat 300.00 Insurance 800.00 Capital Outlay 620.00 , $~,145.00 To - Capital Outlay Renovating $2, 1!}5.00 Nr. Bowden recommended the request be granted. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the request be granted, subject to approvai of the City. Motion carried. ROAD PETITION, ROGERS AVENUE - ' A road petition signed by the people living on Rogers Avenue requesting th2t the State take over their road was presented to the Commission. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the standard resolution be adopted requesting the State Highway to add this road to the Secondary Road System and impress on them the urgent need for some relief on this road. Motion carried. REQUEST OF TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH CONCERNING PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1!}O1~ and 11~.04z PRINCESS STREET - Letter from the Trinity Methodist Church requesting that property they had purchased at 1404 and i4o4£ Princess Street be listed as Church property effective January 1, 1969, even though the sale was not completed until February 27, 1969, was brouoht to the Board~s atten- tion. Mr. Meets moved, seconded by Mr, Marks, that Mr. Bo~aden~s recommendation be approved; namely, that the taxes be prorated, subject to approval of the County Attorney. Motion carried. FIREWORKS DISPLAY AT LEGION STADIUM DURING AZALEA FESTIVAL PROGRAM - Letter from Mr. E. C. Brandon, Jr., City Manager, was read wherein he requested approval of a fireworks display at Legion Stadium at approximately 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, April 10, 19b9 during the Azalea Festival Program. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by P'[r. Metts, that approval be oiven, subject to having sufficient insurance and in compliance with ali safety rules. Motion carried. COMMITTEE ON STUDY OF JWE1l~ILE DETEDITION HOME - Mr. Narks reminded the Chairman that a committee was to be appointed by him to make a study for a juvenile detention home and related homes and the committee is to be made up from Welfare Department, Sheriff Department, District Judges and County CommisSioners. EI'dVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TASK FORCE MEETING - Mr. Marks informed the Board that he and Nr. Bowden were planning to attend a meeting in Raleigh on March 26 of the Environmental Health Task Force for the discussion on solid wastes disposal. ~ REGISTRATION OF B0.4T5 AND AUTOS - Mr. Marks informed the Board that it was possible to obtain a book from the Wildlife for $60 which would give a list of registered boats from 10 H.P., and above, with exception of charter boats which are registered with the Coast Guard. Mr. B,owden 'informed the Board that he had a letter from the Tax Direct•or of Rocki~ngham County who advised there is a move underway by Guilford County to have enacted a State law to facilitate collecting taxes on automobiles. The first proposal is for the covnties to contract with the State to seli license plates so the County could list or collect taxes on the vehicles at the time of the purchase of the plates. Mr. 4~~illiams suggested that the Board recommend to the representative on the Political Action Committee to suggest this at the next meeting and that it might be a Statewide Act. By common consent this was• referred to Mr. ~arks. SRLARY INCREASES AT AIRPORT - Mr; Bot,rden discussed with the Board the~question of increasing salaries at the P.irport in order to keep the help the Airport now has. He suggested Mr. Anson A. Grady, .)r.:~s salary be increased from Classification 17, Step 5, $6,489 to Step 7, $6,983. Also, Mr. Bowden requested that salary of Mr. Charlie Nixon be increased from $1.60 per hour to '$1.85 which is what the County is going to pay a new employee•. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nir. Marks, that the recommendations of Mr. Bowden be approved, necessary funds to come from the General Emergency Fund. Motion carried. 3Qy ;, Minutes of the Meeting, Narch 17, 1969 -(Continued) COIVTRACT TO AUDIT NEW HAAiOVER COUNTY - Copy of letter was received from the Local Government Commission addressed to Mr. William C. Barfield, C.P.A, in response to Mr. Barfield~s letter to them giving reasons why the Audit was not deliverd on January 15, 1969. The Local Government Commission said they would consider it fair if the Board of Commissioners extended the completion date to March 31, 196g. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by ~r. Hall, that the extensior of time be granted. ~otion carried. ' - DISCUSSION OF BGILER IN COURTh0U5E - Mr. Bowden discussed condition Department. The boiler is coal fed carloads of coal per year, depending last t~.~eek and Nr. Bowden recommended fired boiler or converting this one. item for discussion at budget time.- of the boiler used to heat the Courthouse and Health and was installed about 1946 and burns from three to five on the weather. It was out of order for about Y,4J0 days that the Board consider replacing it with an oil or gas Mr. Netts suggested that Nr. Bou~den investigate this ADDITIONAL HELP IN COMMISSIONERS~ OFFICE - Mr. Bowden discussed need for additional secretarial help in the Commissioners~ office. This position will come under Classification 9, beginning salary $3,547. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by h9r. Hall, that the help recommended by Mr. Bowden be approved. Motion carried. WATER AUTHORITY - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the chair proceed with all haste with recommendations on the Water Authority. Motion carried. LEGISLATION NEEDED FOR PUBLIC WELFARE - Mr. Marks brought to the attention of the Board several items concerning welfare that would affect New Hanover County. (Copy of these items were mailed you on March 19, 1969), particularly the item concerning program to make vendor payments to State institutions. He informed the Board that the 5tate law is continuous so ]ong as federal law is in effect. Mr. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that the Soard go on record as trying to get the State to pick up over and beyond the federal aid to State institutions. Motion carried. Mr. Metts requested that the North Carolina Association of Commissioners go on record as endorsing this also, asking Mr. I~farks to help get letter written. By common consent it was agreed to do this. SALES TAX - The question of sales tax was briefly touched on and Nr. Marks informed the Board that he had a conversation with Mr. ~orrisey of the N. C. Association of Counties recently and he, Mr. Marks, had told Mr. Morrisey that New Hanover County wanted the sales tax that , brought the most money to our County. CIVIL SERVICE CONMISSION - Mr. Williams discussed merit of the present Nei~i Hanover County Civil Service Commission. After a brief discussion, Mr. Fox was requested to give his opinion on the Civii Service Act and the enactment of a personnel plan. ADJOURNMEArT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr, Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Notion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage County Clerk Minutes of the Meeting -~April 8, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, .1r., ViCB-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners ,lohn Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Mar,ks, Berry R. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Mr. Laurence O. Bowden, County Administrator, was absent dve to an emergency, and Mr. Perry Shepard, County Auditor, was excused ~after dlscussion of Transfers and Appropriations due to the fact he was not feeling well. 1ANOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. A. F. Hooper, Pastor, Price Cathedral, A.M.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - There being no corrections to the minutes of ineeting of March 17, 1969, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. NYarks, that the minutes be approved as written. •Motion carried. AIRLIE ROAD - Mr. Harriss called attention to the fact that recently there was an article in one of the local papers commenting on the littered condition of Airlfe Road. He informed the Board , that the next day a group of young girla kno4m as Future Homemakers of Rmerica walked from St. Andrews Church to Airlie Road and cleaned up the litter, and he thought the girls deserved a letter of thanks. He said the girls did a great iob of cleaning up the road and wanted to thank them as a resident of the road. CHAMBER OF CONMERCE ADVERTISING COMMITTEE - Mr. Burks Hamner and Ntr. Ed Menke, representing the Chamber of Commerce, appeared before