1969-04-08 Regular Meeting3Qy ;, Minutes of the Meeting, Narch 17, 1969 -(Continued) COIVTRACT TO AUDIT NEW HAAiOVER COUNTY - Copy of letter was received from the Local Government Commission addressed to Mr. William C. Barfield, C.P.A, in response to Mr. Barfield~s letter to them giving reasons why the Audit was not deliverd on January 15, 1969. The Local Government Commission said they would consider it fair if the Board of Commissioners extended the completion date to March 31, 196g. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by ~r. Hall, that the extensior of time be granted. ~otion carried. ' - DISCUSSION OF BGILER IN COURTh0U5E - Mr. Bowden discussed condition Department. The boiler is coal fed carloads of coal per year, depending last t~.~eek and Nr. Bowden recommended fired boiler or converting this one. item for discussion at budget time.- of the boiler used to heat the Courthouse and Health and was installed about 1946 and burns from three to five on the weather. It was out of order for about Y,4J0 days that the Board consider replacing it with an oil or gas Mr. Netts suggested that Nr. Bou~den investigate this ADDITIONAL HELP IN COMMISSIONERS~ OFFICE - Mr. Bowden discussed need for additional secretarial help in the Commissioners~ office. This position will come under Classification 9, beginning salary $3,547. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by h9r. Hall, that the help recommended by Mr. Bowden be approved. Motion carried. WATER AUTHORITY - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the chair proceed with all haste with recommendations on the Water Authority. Motion carried. LEGISLATION NEEDED FOR PUBLIC WELFARE - Mr. Marks brought to the attention of the Board several items concerning welfare that would affect New Hanover County. (Copy of these items were mailed you on March 19, 1969), particularly the item concerning program to make vendor payments to State institutions. He informed the Board that the 5tate law is continuous so ]ong as federal law is in effect. Mr. ~etts moved, seconded by Mr. Narks, that the Soard go on record as trying to get the State to pick up over and beyond the federal aid to State institutions. Motion carried. Mr. Metts requested that the North Carolina Association of Commissioners go on record as endorsing this also, asking Mr. I~farks to help get letter written. By common consent it was agreed to do this. SALES TAX - The question of sales tax was briefly touched on and Nr. Marks informed the Board that he had a conversation with Mr. ~orrisey of the N. C. Association of Counties recently and he, Mr. Marks, had told Mr. Morrisey that New Hanover County wanted the sales tax that , brought the most money to our County. CIVIL SERVICE CONMISSION - Mr. Williams discussed merit of the present Nei~i Hanover County Civil Service Commission. After a brief discussion, Mr. Fox was requested to give his opinion on the Civii Service Act and the enactment of a personnel plan. ADJOURNMEArT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr, Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Notion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage County Clerk Minutes of the Meeting -~April 8, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, .1r., ViCB-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners ,lohn Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Mar,ks, Berry R. Williams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Mr. Laurence O. Bowden, County Administrator, was absent dve to an emergency, and Mr. Perry Shepard, County Auditor, was excused ~after dlscussion of Transfers and Appropriations due to the fact he was not feeling well. 1ANOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. A. F. Hooper, Pastor, Price Cathedral, A.M.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - There being no corrections to the minutes of ineeting of March 17, 1969, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. NYarks, that the minutes be approved as written. •Motion carried. AIRLIE ROAD - Mr. Harriss called attention to the fact that recently there was an article in one of the local papers commenting on the littered condition of Airlfe Road. He informed the Board , that the next day a group of young girla kno4m as Future Homemakers of Rmerica walked from St. Andrews Church to Airlie Road and cleaned up the litter, and he thought the girls deserved a letter of thanks. He said the girls did a great iob of cleaning up the road and wanted to thank them as a resident of the road. CHAMBER OF CONMERCE ADVERTISING COMMITTEE - Mr. Burks Hamner and Ntr. Ed Menke, representing the Chamber of Commerce, appeared before 310 ~ Minutes of the Meeting - April 8, 1969 (Continued) CHAMBER OF CONMERCE ADVERTISING CONIh1ITTEE -(Continued} the Board requesting additional funds for advertising in an amount of $l}50. Mr. Hamner said they were now $200 over the budget due to the fact they did not budget enought for postage. Mr. Metts, President of the Chamber of Commerce, said they are now receiving three time5 as many inquiries as in previous years. Mr. Hamner said 25 newspaper writers are coming to Wilinington and will be the guests of the Chamber. The Chamber would like to give them a~kit to carry back with them consisting of pictures of our area, etc. Mr. Hamner said the Chamber was asking for $l~50 to take care of these items. Mr. Harriss pointed out that actually it is the budget of New Hanover County and the Board was being asked to increase New Hanover County~s ~ budget. The County has asked the Chamber to spend this money advertising for the County and none of this money goes to the Chamber for its emplcyees. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the budget for Advertising for New Hanover County be increased by $450, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund.• Motlon carried. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS•- ~ • • County Auditor Shepard reminded the Board that when furnishingsuere authorized for the courtrooms, due to shortage of funds the purchase of air conditioners for the Judges~ chambers,,etc. was deferred until such time as funds were av~ilable from Court Facility Fees. He says the money is available now and ten air conditioners are needed which will cost approximately $3;000.• Discussion was had on the possibility of needing more electric power if~these sir conditioners are installed•which wouid increase the cost. Mr. Williams moved that the courtroom committee be allowed to purchase the air conditioners, sub,ject to concurrence of the Electrical Inspector as to installation, and if the expense is unduly large the Chairman be requested to contact the Board before proceeding further. Mr. Marks expressed the feeling that he was in favor of authorizirig the purchase if it•did not exceed $3,000. Mr. Williams withdrew his motion. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. N~rks, that the Chairman be authorized to secure bids on cost of air conditioners as recommended for the ,judges~ chambers. Motion carried. • Mr. Shepard presented the following requests for appropriations from the General Contingency Fund to the following accounts: County Farm Laundry $400.00 Drainage Reps. d Nlaintenance 100.00 Tax Collector Refund 343.88 Jail Laundry 1j0.00 Nir. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Wiliiams that the appropriations be made as listed in the minutes and as requested by Mr. Shepard. Motion carried. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE REQUEST - A letter from Mr. Durwood Baggett, County Extension Ghairman, Agricultural Extension Service, requesting that $198.2$ be transferred within his budget from Salary Account for repairing the lights in the County Extension office was brought before the Board. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that approval of this transfer be given. Motion carried. PURCHASE OF TYPEWRITER FOR CON~NIISSIONERS~ OFFICE - Request was presented to the Board for permission•to purchase a new typewriter for•the Commissioners~ office. The need for a second typewriter is due to the fact that another stenographer-clerk has been employed in the office. Three bids were presented as follows: ~ , Jackson 6 Bell Com~any Smith-Corona 13' Carriage $329.00 Coastal Office Equipment Olympia 15" Carriage 380.00 Harrison Typewriter Company Olivetti-Underwood 17" Carriage 376•55 It was pointed out that the Olympia had features more suitable for the work in the Commissioners~ office. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Olympia Typewriter be purchased, funds being transferred from Salary Account to Capital Outlay. Motion carried. COST OF RELOCATING VOTING MACHIN~S Statements from Springer Coal Compan in the amount of $30, for use of their truck for two days, and Manpower in the amount of $~2, for salary of driver of the truck for 12 hours, total $72 was presented to the Board. These bills were incurred by moving the voting machines from old James Walker Hospital to the Community Hospital. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the bills be paid, funds:coming from Executive Secretary~s salary in the Board of Elections~ budget. Motion carried. ADOPT:lON OF RESOLUTION GALLING FOR U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS TO PERFORM PRELIMINARY TILIAL ~ FLOOD STUDY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY - Mr. Timothy Wood and Mr. Neil Mallory of the Planning Commission appeared before the Board~ina~nnection with a letter that Mr. Wood had written the County Administrator on March 13 concerning a preliminary tidal flood study of New Hanover County. The Planning Commis- sion recommended that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County adopt a resolution calling upon the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers to perform a preliminary tidal flood study of New Hanover County. Further, that the preliminary study should indicate the 50 year flood . line and the 100 year flood line. The resolution should indicate that the study will be used to enact flood plain ordinances which will promote the pubiic interest by encouraging sound land use by minimizing exposure of property,to flood damage. The study will also provide lnformation that can be utilized by other agencies of local, state and federal governments in connection with Public Law 9o-L~l~B, Title XII, National Flood Insurance. Mr. Wood~s letter said that it.was his understanding that the study described above can be performed by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers at no cost to New Hanover County. Mr. f~rks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the study be made at no cost to the County. Motion carried. e 3•~.~1 Mlnutes of the Meeting - April 8, 1969 ~(~Continued) NAMING OF STREETS - ' ~ ~ ~r Mr. Wood brought up the question of naming of streets and cited the fact that there are now duplications and suggested that a policy for naming streets be adopted. Heretofore people living on the streets have presented.their requests for names, and if there was no other street by that name, the people were permitted to name the street as requested. No action was taken on this. SILVER TERRA SUBDIVISION P1AT - rv[r. Wood pres¢nted Silver Terra Subdivision Plat for the Chairman~s signature. Mr. Wood recommended that the plat be approved and Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Chairman be suthorized to sign the plat. Motion carried. LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 1969-'j0 BUDGET - Budget of the Lower Cape Fear Council of Local Governments for 1969-70 !n the amount of $18,000 was discussed. Of the $18,000, $6,000 is anticipated from Member Units and the other $12,000 from Federal 701 Grant. New Hanover Countyt-s share is $3500. Mr. E. C. Brandon, Jr., who is Secretary of the Lower Cape Fear Council of Local Governments, advised in his memorandum of April 1, that in order for this budget to become effective, it will be necessary'to apply to the Federal Government for a grant of $12,000 and requested that each unit of Local Govern- ment mail to the writer a letter of intent indicating that they expect to obtain approval of their allotment in their budget for fiscal year 1969-~0, in order to do this. Mr. Wood said it was possible for the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning•Director to be d¢signated as the Regional Supervisor which wonld be the least expensive method. Mr. Hall.said letter of intent would not cost us with what a delay might cost, and a letter was needed to process application. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that based on information we have at this.point, letter of intent should be written by the Chairman indicating that New Hanover County expects to obtain approval of the allotment of $3,500 in its 1969-70 budget. Motion carried. PARHS IN SUBDIVISIONS - • Mr. Ntarks inquired of Mr. Wood whether or not it was possible to encourage people to include parks and recreation facilities in their subdivision plats by exempting them (parks and recreation facilities) from taxes. Mr. Fox said this could be done without the owners dedi- cating the land to the County. Mr. Fox said a park would be like a street;' county would.not own it but would control it. . STA~'E AND FIRE WARDEN SERVICE - Mr. Harriss discussed letter and information he had received from Mr, Se1by,Hawk, District Forester, relative to possibility of New Hanover County becoming a member of the Division of Forestry of the Department of Conservation and Development. Mr. Murray of Lhe Wrightsboro Fire Departme.nt was present for the discussion. To become a member it would cost the County $is,l}75•20 for the first year and $11,827.20 for the second year. Also it would require a 1oca.1 bill to approved by the .State'Legislature appropriating Siate funds if the County~decided ib partici- pate. Mr. Harriss said that after some consideration, he had come to the conclusion that New Hanover County is urban in nature and is served by Volunteer Fire Departments,,-ahd he would rather se¢ any money that might be spent for such a program 'be spent on purchasing a grader for use by the Volunteer Fire Departments and County in clitching and grading in our next budget. Mr. Harriss pointed out that New Hanover County does not have large stands of timber; much'of the county is covered by subdivisions and the Volunteer.Fire Departments''efficiency can be improved by this action. Mr. Murray said most of the fires in New Hanover County are brush fire and the Volunteer Fire Departments wouid have them ont by the time the Forestry could get there. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Hall appoint a committee from the Volunteer Fire Departments to work on a program of control of forest fires that might be presented at a later date. Mr. Metts informed the Board there is an Inspection Committee in the Volunteer Fire Departments and the head of the Inspection Committee should be written such a request. AUDIT REPORT= SUPERIOR AND RECORDER~S COURT OFFICES - ' Mr. William C. Barfield, CPA,}resented Report of Independent Auditor for New Hanover' County Clerk of Superior Court and New Hanover County Clerk of Recorder~s Court for the five months ended November 30, 1968. Mr. Barfield reported~that $1,800~of unidentified fvnds were on hand and-he had written Mr. J. D. Chappel, Accounting and Budget Officer, Office of Court Administration, Raleigh, North Carolina as to the final close out of these funds. ~ Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Mr. Barfield~s audits be accepted and payment of his bill in the amount of $1600 be paid, and that the County relinquish all claim to the $1800 unidentified funds. Motion carried. LAW LIBRARY - ~ ~Mr. George Sperry, LiDrarfan of the~Law Library, appeared along with a delegatfon of Attorneys and advised the Board that no bills have been paid since the new Court System had been in effect (December 1, 1968) and that qui~e a few bills were outstanding covering sub- scriptions, etc. H¢ informed the Board the Library needed $2,000 to pay off•the bills on hand and $500 per month to keep the bills paid vp. Mr. Metts was of the opinion that the past due bills should be paid but before $500 per month is approved, a check should be made to determine what is required. He asked whether or not the Bar Association would want to make a contribution. Mr. Sperry poinLe~ ouL the Library was more or less for visiting.,Judges~ benefit. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that past due bi2ts be paid and continue funding services until June 30th, funds coming from Court Facilities Fees." Mr. Williams made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board avthorize payment of all due and past due bills at this date, and a report be presented showing break- down of all expenses. Motion carrled four to one. Mr,. Harriss voted "No". •~ - At this point, Mr. Williams asked that the County Attorney furnish a statement of what Court Facilities Fees can be used for. SCHOOL FUND TRANSFERS - ` Dr. Bellamy requested the following transfers of funds within ttie School Budget:' $4,000 from Wages of Drivers to Gas, Oil, 8 Grease and $352.12 from Tort Claims to Insurance. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the transfers be approved. Motion carried. . 312 Mittutes of the Meeting April--8, 1969 SCHOOL FUND TRANSFERS - (Continued) Dr. Bellamy was requested that in the future requests for changes in the budget be submitted early enough to give the Commissioners a chance to study them. PROPOSED PENSION BILL FOR RETIRED TFACHERS - Dr. Bellamy appeared before the Board to discuss the proposed pension bill for reLired New Hanover County Teachers. This was discussed with Mr. Spencer at the last meeting and action postponed until this meeting. A rather lengthy discussion followed in which Dr. Bellamy requested that measures be taken to prevent rednction of teachers~ salaries when- ever the State grants a cost of living increase. Also, he urged the Commissioners to keep the pension plan; that it is a great help in getting teachers to come to the New Hanover County School System. He also said usually a teacher does not retire until he or she is 65, therefore they will come entirely under the State Retirement Plan instead of the County Pension Pian. Mr. Wiiliams said he felt the proposed changes suggested at the last meeting were good; namely not to deduct the cost of living increases given retired teachers and to freeze the plan. Mr. Harriss said he felt an actuary should he hired to look into the plan and advise the county of the cost~involved; that he wanted to know what it was going to cost to keep the pension plan before he voted for it. He insisted that the Board obtain the:opinion of an actuary. Dr. Bellamy said he could get someone to proJect and predict, and he felt he had a personal commitment to present teachers and felt the County should retain the system. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that we ask our legislators to present a bill permitting the present Board of Commissioners to amend the present law and upon receipt' of such authority we study the matter from an actuary~s viewpoint and proceed on basis of advice received. Motion carried. WILMINGTON COLLEGE UNIVERSITY STATUS - Mr. William Hill, Attorney, at the request of the Commissioners prepared a resolution whereby the New Hanover County Commissioners expressed their approval of the pending legislation to establish Wilmington College and Asheville-Biltmore Co2lege as branches of the University of North Carolina and urging the members of the General Assembly to support the proposal. Hearing was to be held on Wednesday, April 9, in Raleigh, and some of the Commissioners planned to attend. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimovsly.• RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA "WHEREAS, there is now pending before the North.Carolina General Assembly legislation which would establish Wilmington College and Asheville-Biltmore College as campuses of the University of North Carolina; and "WHEREAS, this proposal has been initiated by the Trustees of both Wilmington College and Asheville-Biltmore College; and the Board of Trustees of the University~ of North Carolina, after a careful study and formal written report has recommended that these colleges be establisned as additionai campuses of the University of North Carolina; and "WHEREAS, the State Board of Higher Education has also approved this proposal;, and "WHEREAS, legislation implementing this proposal is now pending before the House and Senate Higher Education Committees of the Morth Carolina Generai Assembly; and "WHEREAS, passage of this legislation would be of great benefit to the people of Southeastern North Carolina in that it would bring to the area the resources of the University of North Carolina; would truly bring quality higher education closer to the people in the ten or tweive counties surrounding each of these colleges; and would~be of great benefit to ali of the people of the State of North Carolina. THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED BY THE BOARD OF CONA7ISSIQNER5 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY that it does express its approval of the pending legisiation to establish these colleyes as branches of the Univer~ity of North Carolina and vrges the members of the Gener'al Assembiy to support this proposal. Done this 8th day of April, 1969. (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman, Board of Commissfoners ~S~ Meares Harriss Commissioner ~S~ H. A. Marks Commissioner ~5~ Berry A. Williams Commissioner ~S~ John Van B. Metts, Jr. - Commissioner At this ,juncture, 12:20 P.M., the meeting recessed for lunch in order to meet at 1:00 P.M. as Board of Equalization and Review and after a very short session to recon- vene its regular meeting. Meeting reconvened at 1:25 P.M. with all the Commissioners and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board, present. The Covnty Attorney was excused from the afternoon session because he w95 ill. X \ 1~1~ Minutes of the Meeting - April 8, 1969 (Continued) DISCUSSION OF MONTHLY REPORT BY TAX COLLECTOR AS PROUIDED IN G. 5. lOS-375 -' After a brief discussion of required monthly report from the Tax Collector, by common consent it was agreed that Mr. Johnson be notified the report will be required on a monthly basis and would like to have him appear at the next first meeting in May (May 5) to answer any_questions the Commissioners have. • ~_ ' REPORTS - A1l reports, either due by or~through the County Commissioners, had been submitted at this time. AUDITOR TO FURNISH REPORT ON ALL 1NCOME ACCOUNTS - By common consent it was agreed to request Mr. Perry Shepard, County Auditor, to fur- nish monthly reports of all income to the County. ~ ' FULL TIME COMMUNITY CONSULTANT - ' A letter from Mr. J. B. Medlin, Execut3ve Director,'Community Council, requesting that New Hanover County wholeheartediy endors¢ the movement to acquire the services'of a full time community services consultant was discussed. In the past it Was pointed out that the County provided office space and telephone expense: The duties of the Community Consultant entails co-ordinating.activities of related agencies and to know what each one-s scope of authority is. By common consent, it was agreed, at Nr. Mark~s suggestion, that Mr. Metts i~nvestigate and report at the next meeting. Mr. Metts will discuss this position with Miss Lela Moore Hali, Director Public Welfare. ~' ~ F.A.A. BUILDING AT AIRPORT Discussion was held on proposed FAA Buiiding at the Airport and Mr. Westbrook~s letter of March 19 to Mr. Bowden relative to amount to be charged the FAA. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion that $2.50 per square foot was low. Mr. Hall moved that~the A'irport Committee establish a rate after conversation with Mr. Westbrook and Mr. Bowden. Mr. Hall i.rithdrew his motion and by common consent it was agreed that;the Airport Committee discuss the matter and furnish more information to the Board. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUEST - . ~ ~ ~ Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that A.B.C. Permit Request received from The Golf Center, 5525 ~leander Drive, be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for their investigation. "' -• --- - -• - ~ " O.K. MERCNANT, TAX ABATEMENT - Mr. O. K. Merchant had requested abatement of interest, penalty and advertising cost which had been charged him for failing to list taxes. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Nfr. Williams, that the chairman be authorized to write Mr. Merchant and advise him that under Lhe law this is not permissible, therefore the Board of.County Commissloners are unabie to waive these charges. - LEGISLATION NEEDED FOR PUBLIC 4~'ELFARE - ~ • • • ' Mr. Marks informed the Board that he had discussed legis2ation needed for publlc welfare with Mr. Morrisey and that Mr. Snead hed been written to by the Weifare Department. Mr. Morrisey informed Mr. Marks that proposed legislation is in the mill and was bei,ng fully considered. DECORATING COURTHOUSE FOR AZALFA FESTIUAL - ~ 'if ~ • ~ Contract with Fred W. Everett, il N. Warren Street, Mobile, Ala. in the amount of $50 to decorate the courthouse for the Azalea Festival had been authorized by the Chairman prior to the meeting and he.requested approval of the Board. Mr.`•Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that approval be given; funds for this was set up in 1968-69 budget. Motion carried. CAPE FEAR COMPOSITE SQUADRON REQUEST - TAX BE WAIVED ON RIDES AT THEIR ANNUAL CARNIVAL - A letter from:Mr. Bernard E. King, Jr. of the Cape Fear Composite Squadron was brought before the Board which requested waiving the tax per ride during their annual carnival fund raising pro,Ject. Mr.,Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Widliams, that their request be granted. Motion carried. CIVIL DEFENSE EMPLOYEE Mr. Hail mentioned Gen Harriss~ request for employing a Typist II in piace of a'Iypist I who had resigned. This had been approved by Lhe Commissioners by telephone and Mr. Hall thought it should be confirmed at this meeting. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Director of Civil Defense, General Andrew H. Harriss, be given permission to hir¢ the Typist II and to reallocate the $88.50 in his budget neeessary,to,do this , sub,ject to the City~s approval and the.Merit System, as outlined in his letter of March 22, 1964. Motlon carried. OXENFELD 8 NEWKIRK PROJECT IdO. 6608 STATEMENT Mr. Hall discussed Mr. Bowden~s memo,to him concerning the bili of Oxenfeld & Newkirk Pro,ject No. 6608 Statement regarding the western addition to the airport. Mr. Bowden had pointed out that Mr. Oxenfeld had indicated a lot of time had gone into it and that most of t~he.preliminaries had been investigated, and it would be a very simple matter to take what we have, enlarge and draw the elevations from the sketch. Mr. Bowden recommended in his memo that the County conc2ude the proposal with Mr. Oxenfeld by paying him the amount requested of $1700 thereby releasing the County from any further commitments to him on the ~ro,jeCt. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the bill be paid from trie General Contingency Fund or CD Funds. DOG POUND - Mr. Harriss discussed construction of the Dog Pound. He said he was of the opinion that money had been budgeted in the 1968-6q budget in an amount of $I},600, but it was ttot. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that $6,000 be appropriated from Unanticipated Reve- nue in order to get this badly needed facility construct¢d. Motion carried. ' PLANNING CONFERENCE MEETING - ~ By common consent it was agreed that any commissioner or member of the Planning De- partment be authorized to attend the meeting which wiil be he2d on Apr£1 16 and 17 in Chapel Hill. ' 314 Mlnutes of the Meeting - April 8, 1969 (Continued) - WILMINGTON HARBOR; PORTION F.ROM GASTLE STREET TO HILTON BRIDGE - ~A letter from Col. Paul 5. Denison, District Engineer, Corps of Engineers requesting assurance the requirements of local cooperation established for the Wilmington Harbor, portion from Castle Street to Hilton Bridge, 32-foot-depth prosect will be met was discusse3. This assurance is needed so as to permit the pro~ect to continue to be evaluated at ~the previous interest rate of 3-1/4% instead of the 4-5/8% current rate which has been estab- lished. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman be authorized to furnish such assurance to Col. Denison. Motion carried. KELLWOOD COMPANY - Request from Kellwood Company to amend Agreement between the County and Hellwood, dated June 6, 1966, which was an option to purchase a parcel of land containing 8.0 acres, more or less, for the purchase price of $2150 per acre, with the expiration date of the option Avgust 1, 1969 was discussed. Kellwood requested that the stipulation contained in the option that the Kellwood Company would begin construction within 6 months of the conveyance of the lands be amended to 18 months from August 1, 1969. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the stipulation be amended to 18 months instead of 6 months, providing Kellwood executed the option. Motion carried. NEW HANOVER COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY ANIMAL SHELTER - Mr. Hall called attention to Lhe fact that one of the local papers had a headiine in their paper saying New Hanover County Commissioners had renege on agreement concerning Animal 5helter. Mr. Hall explained that the site chosen was within the one-mile zoning ~ area which prohibits the construction of an animal shelter. It was not a matter of reneging but a matter of being unable to furnish this land du¢ to zoning. Mr. Hall said the Board ~ will find another place that will be suitable for the proposed animal shelter. DELETION OF SR 155'j AND O.lt3 MILE OF SR 1115 FROM COUNTY MAP - Request from the State Highway Commission for the Board of New Hanover County Commis- sioners to adopt resolutions permitting the deletion of SR 2557 and 0.43 mile of SR 1i15 from the County map was discussed. The State Highway Commission is requesting this due to the fact that SR 1557 and 0.43 mile of SR 1115 does not exist. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the resolutions be adopted. Motion carried. LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA TRAFFIC LEAGUE - A letter.addressed to Mr. D. M. Faircloth, Chairman, North Carolina Highway Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina from the North Carolina Traffic League concerning highway needs and some of the means by which these needs may be met was discussed by the Commissioners. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by INr. Metts, that the Chairman be suthorized to write all chairmen of all Boards of County Commissioners in North Carolina, with copy to Mr. Faircloth, Senator Burney, Repre~sentatives Snead and Penton, requesting Lhem to urge their representatives, senator and State Highway Commissioner in their respective district to svpport the recom- mendations of this letter. Motion carried. FAA COMPLAINT - GAR9AGE DUMP NEAR AIRPORT Mr.~Hall mentioned the fact that Lhe FAA had written a letter complaining of the ' garbage dump near the airport attracting birds. It was brought out that the dump had.been moved about two years ago and~that the FAA had,been notified of th.is at that time and again upon receipt of their letter by Mr,. Westbrook. BREAK-PROOF GLF15S FOR SCHOOL WINDOWS -. Mr. Harriss mentioned Lhat he had learned of a break-proof glass which might solve the problem of broken windows in the schools and suggested that it might be mentioned to.the School Authorities. • SALES TAX - Mr. Harriss told the Soard that they would recall that he had expressed his fear before that too many bills concerning general application of a sales tax were being introduced, and the Governor has expressed himself against statewide appIication. Mr. Harriss said he believed the Governor has a great deal of influence and does not think the one percent tax will be passed at this time. Mr. Harriss then moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Chair- man request our representatives to introduce a local sales tax bill applicable to New Hanover County only which would return 1~ collected to New Hanover County. Mr. Williams said he did not want to see New Hanover County get into a fight with other counLies and he was opposed to this action. Mr, Harriss said he would be perfectly willing if it would make it more acceptable to have some provision put in that an amount over $500 be exempt on single items. The amount of sales tax paid by an individual would be very low, but between $700,000 and $1,000,000 wouid be made available to_the City and County, and he would feel the Board had been remiss if it did not provide for this revenue. Vote was called on the motion and it carried four to one. Mr. Williams voted "No". Mr. Harriss pointed out that some merchants who were opposed to it at one time are now in favor of it.` Also, all the sales tax bills were going to one committee and this com- mittee will come up with one bill that they can sponsor, RENOVATION OF BUILDING FOR TUBERCULOSIS HEADQUARTERS - DisCUSSion was had on renovation of one of the buildings at the County Home for leasing to the Tuberculosis Assaciation for their headquarters. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of Commissioners go along with the renovations with a limit oP $900 to be spent and make the space available to the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association with a 90-day recapture clause and for not less than $125 per month, the county to provide steam heat, janitorial service, water and sewerage as set out in Mr. Bowden+s letter of March 21, 1969 to Mr. James F. 8yrne, Chairman Steering Committee, SENC Tuberculosis Association, Ine, Motion carried. REQUEST OF SOUTHEASTERN MENTAL HEALTH CENTER TO HIRE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY - A letter from Mr. John D. Wiison, Adm3nistrative Director, Southeastern Mental Health Center, was discussed. Mr. Wilson is requesting permission to employ an Administrative Secretary at the Mental Health Center. The person Mr. Wilson has in mind has been approved ~ ~31S~ Minutes of the Meeting - April 8, 1969 (Continued) - REQUEST OF SOUTHEAS'fERN MENTAL HEALTH CENT~R TO H.IRE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY -(Continued) bj~ the Department of Mental Health Personnel Department and the State Merit 5ystem as Typist lII, Step 3 to be advanced to Step !} in siz months. Salary under Step 3 is $4,980.annually- Step 4 is $5,232. Mr. Marks said he would like to take a second look at thi's before dec!- ding. Mr. Metts thought salaries of other employees should be reviewed beforg thls is done. By common consent i,t was agreed that Mr. Bowden check this salary i.rith other salaries and make recommendation. . FLORIST BILLt FLOWERS FOR MRS. GEORGE COOPER= FORMER EMPLOYEE OF COUNTY - A bill from Will Rehder Florist, Inc., in the amount of $10.30 ~ras submitted to the Board for approval of payment. This bill covers flowers "sent to the funeral of Mrs George Cooper, a former part-time County Farm Prison Matron. By common consent !t was agreed that the bill be paid, funds coming from General Contingency Fund. , CONDEMNATION HOUSE AT 101 HENRY STREET Condemnation Motice from 5. G. Adams, Deputy Inspector for Minimum Housing, City of Wllmington, North Carolina was brought to the Board~s attent~ion. Mr. Metts moved that the BoarQ have the building demolished. Mr. Metts withdrew his motion and by common consent it was agreed to refer this notice to the County Attorney for his recommendations. PLACEMENT OF BLEACHERS IN FRONT OF COURTHOUSE - Mr. Williams sai'd the A2alea Festival Committee had requested permission to erect bleachers in front of the Courthouse. Mr. Marks moved; seconded by Mr. Metts, that permis- sion be given. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR - After a brief discussion, by common consent it was agreed to request the legislators to introduce a bill repealing the law whereby the County Auditor has to be elected and instead permitting it to be appointive. - CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ACT - Discussion was had on repeal of the,Civil Service Commission Act and by common consent it was agreed that our legislators be requested to present a bill to repeal the'Civil Service Act. HEALTH DEPARTMENT IABORATORY - Mr. Marks discussed copy of a letter he had received from Dr. Knox, concerning questions he had raised concerning the effectiveness of the leboratory now operated'by the Health Department. Mr. Marks said he had talked with Dr. Mabry of the StaLe Htalth Department in Raleigh and was advised that the State Laboratory had requested additional funds to operate the State Laboratory and that every test was returned on the same day as received. Mr. N~rks said he had visited laboratories in Whiteville and Smithfield.' Whiteville is equipped for limited testing. Their milk is sent to Wilmington for testing. 5mithfield has , discontinued its laboratory. Their tests are done in Raleigh. ' Mr. Hall advised the Board of Commissioners that as Chairman of the Board• of Health, hc had appointed Drs. Tidler, Reynolds and Smith to look into the Health Board~s view poiat and shovld have it in hand by the time the Board of Hea2th~s budget is submitted. Mr. Metts wanted to know what does the space cost, supplies and personnel and what income does the Board of Health receive. Mr. Marks asked for a look at the audit of thc Health Department and was told it is public record. • ~ Mr. Marks said the services of an architect'had been secured to look over the building to be occupied by the Health Department at the old James Walker Memorial Hospital site with the idea of planning only two floors for the Health Department and using the third for the Mental Health Clinic. Mr. N~rks said he understands the H¢alth Department is planning on using the thlyd floor and wanted to know what to do about the situation. Mr. Hall pointed out that Dr. Knox is anticipating that Title 19 will call for more personnel and that he thinks the Health Department will need the space. Mr. Marks said the two floors would provlde one-half more space than they have now. Mr. Harriss asked that an investigation be made as to the feeS charged by the Health Department and those charged by the hospitals for tests. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Nr. N~rks proceed as originally planned on ' fnrnishing two floors to the Health Department arid the third to Mental Health. Motion carried. COtINTY OFFICE SPACE - Mr. Williams said that in connection with-suggestion made sometime ago concerning the overall long rang~ needs of county facilities, it has come to his attention that the Planning Department could provide services for this study., By common consent it was agreed that they do this, if it would not delay the work on the Zoning Plan. ADJOURNMENT - ~ There being no further busfness to come before the Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconfled by Nr. Marks, that the meeting ad,~ourn. Motion carried. Respeetfully submitted, Hazel Savage • Clerk to Board of New Hanover County Commissioners , ' ~?~~a MINUTES OF THE BQARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Aoril 8, 1969 The Board of Equalization and Review met on Aprii 8, 1q69 in the office of the Board of County Commissioners at 1:00 P. M. with the following members present: Chairman Nr. J. M. Hall Jr., Mr. Meares Harriss, Mr. John Van B. Metts, Mr. H. A. Marks, Mr. Berry A. Williams, Mr. P. H. Braak, Tax Supervisor and Nfr. Raymond Blake, Appraiser. The entire Board was sworn in previous to the meeting by Vernell Devane, at 1.:00 P. M. There were no property owners scheduled Lo appear before the Board at,this meeting. It was suggested by the Chairman for the Tax Supervisor to review complaints of property valuation and schedule persons requesting to appear b2fore the Board of Commissioners at fifteen minute intervals. This motion was seconded by Mr. Berry Williams and passed by the Board. - The Board of Equalization and Review set the time and date for their next meeting to be held on Monday, Apr11 14, 1969 at 9:00 A. M, in the office of the Board of County Commissioners. Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor By: B. Ayala, Clerk MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW Apr i 1 11~. 1969 The Board of Equalization and Review met on April if{, 1969 for their second meeting in the office of the Board of Covniy Commissioners at 9:00 A. M: to review property complaints with the following members present: Chairman Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr.,- Mr. Meares Harriss, Mr. John Van B. Metts, Mr. L. Bowden, County Adm., Mr. P. H. Braak, Tax Sup¢rv3sor and Mr. Raymond Blake, Appraiser. There were only three property owners present to appear before the Board from the ten property owners scheduled to appear at this meeting. Townshin , Mrs. J. E. Southerland - 19 Keaton Avenue ~~ ~~1Jilminqton Block l} E End 2 Pt 2 Lot 9 Pt. 8 Brookwood, Contends value too high on property and both houses. Property is run down and wiring bad. Land is in line with surrounding property but Mr. Braak and Mr. Blake will inspect inside of both hovses and report to the Board. Dr. H. A. Eaton - 1406 Orange Street Wilminqton Block l}95 M EM WM 1-2 W} 3 Contends value too high on pool, tennis court and house for the surrounding neighborhood. Property,will be reviewed by the Board. Mr. John E. Farmer - 1901 Perry Avenue Wilminqton B1ock 171 Sw 2 NW 3 Contends value placed on bvilding too high. Land is in line with surrounding property. Mr. Braak and Mr. Biake will review building inside and report to the Board. The following were revlewed without the property owners being present. Mr. O. K. Merchant - P. 0. Box 247 Carolina Beach, N. C. Federal Point Did not pay 1967 Taxes, but wouid like to pay them now without interest or cost. Request denied, will have to pay all taxes plus interest. Miss Dorothy Owen - 322 South 17th Street Wilminqton Block 505 Pt. Lot 21 Contends value on property too high, run down and have not maintained it. Board recommends a 35 % additional functional depreciation on the bvilding, property will be reviewed. ' Mr. Morriss Kramer - 2003 Barker Street Lumberton, N. C. Carolina Beach Contends building was torn down and does not wish to pay taxes on it. Permit issued to demolish building on February 3, 1969. Buiiding was not torn down by the first of the year so will have to pay all taxes. Mr. E. M. Meyland - Route 1, Box 114 Cape Fear ~ 3•99 Acres Pt Lot 3/1} Herr Div. Contends part of property so2d to Government in 191}2, but was never deducted from taxes. Property will be corrected for 1969 and County will go back two years on difference in taxes. Mr. R. D. McCall - Box Drawer 2067 Wilminqton• Block A Lots 39~~}0 Pinehurst Contends value too h3gh on property. Building not being used. Mr. Braak and Mr. Blake will inspect building inside. No functional depreciation was allowed. Was used as a residence snd business both. At this point Mr. Hali suggested the appraiser make a list of all properties coming before the Board that will.need a functional or a physical depreciation. Mr. B. A. Blake - 116 North 42nd Street ' - Wilminoton Lots 120/212 Pt. Winter Park Hei,ghts . ' Conte~nds~value on land and building too high. Will not be passed on by the Board until Mr. Blake can speak to Mr. Blake and also check to see 1f a double charge. , . '~~~ MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIE41 April 14. 1969, Continued • • Township Mr. Robert H. Bowden - 25 Kenwood Avenue ' Wilminqton Block 198 NW 9 Lot 63 Spofford Contends over market value. Land in line with other surrounding property but bui.lding will be changed to a 45~ Physical depreciation and an E grade. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown - 21~11 Oleander Drive Biock 219 w ~ 2 , Contends value too high on vacant lot. Wiiminqton Property in line no change to be made. Mr. Avgerinos V. Saffo - 1304 5outh lbth Street Masonboro 39.24 Acres Ad~j. Biddle Contends we (tax listing office) have his property listed for more than he has in acreage and tbo high a value. Will be corrected when a land surveyor can check property. It was suggested by Mr. Hall to review valuations of the County at the end of .four years to check increase or decrease as needed in property valuation. Mr. Edna Fussell - 110 No. 13th Street Wilmington a~o~k 47a rrw 2 Pt. ~ Contends valuation is too high. No change recommended, property owner needs to keep up property. Mr. Hughes Wilminaton Leases filling station from H. MacMillan. Contends value too high for location. A 15% functionai depreciation recommended for location. Passed on by the Board and a request to check with property owner to see what kind of contract he has with Mr. Hughes. Also a meeting with Jim Fox needed concerning who is liab2e for tax payment on this property. Mr. Lawrence Sprunt - Sprunt Interprises, Box 3625 Wilminqton Block 194 Pt EM 6 Block 191~ W end 6 Pt 5 WM & Pt W 6 Contends valuation too high, not fa;r market valve. Mr. Metts suggested a check be made on other three corners near Mr. Sprunt~s property to see if property.value is.in line with surrounding properties. . Mr. F. L. Traister - Box 34~ Harnett Lots 1 d 2 Bishop Property Contends valuation too high and no access to property. Has not paid back taxes until an adjustment can be made. Board passed to ad,just valuat.ion due to error made by_appraisal Co. and also to confer witri Mr. Fox concerning penalty and interest. There were no further property owners to come before the Board at this time. A motion was made by the chairman, Mr. Hall and seconded by Mr. Metts to recess at 12:05 and all present of the Board to cover by car the property in question of ail pro'perty owners complaints whose property was brought before the Board at this.meeting. The next meeting of the Board of Equalization and Review will be on April 21., 1969. No time set. Board will adjourn for the year 1969 at their next meeting. Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor ~ By: B. Ayala, Clerk MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW . April 21, 1969 The Board of Equalization and Review met on April 21, 1969 in the office of the Board of County Commissioners at 12:00 A. M. with the following members present: Chairman Mr. J. M. Hall Jr., Mr. Meares Harriss, Mr.-John Van B. Metts, Mr. }i. A. Marks, Mr. Berry A. Williams, Mr. Lavrence Bowden, County Administrator, Mr. P. H. Braak, Tax Supervisor and Mr. Raymond Blake, Appraiser. y . There were only two property owners to be heard before the Board at this time.: Townshin~ Mr. Stanley Rehder - Country Club Road Wilminqton B1ock 301 8~ 287 Contends valuation too high on some of his greenhouses, some were built in 1907. Recom- mended a 30% functional depreciation on building 1 thru 6 d 8 thru 12. Board passed on a 50% functional depreciation., y Mr. Albert Axler - Rep. by Mr. Dudley Humphrey Wilminpton Block 292 and 306 Conten.ds property is valued higher than he paid for it. 918 checked out and not in line with surrounding area. Mr. B2ake recommended an ad,justment needed to bring in line. Property in Block 306 - t024 No. I}th St. not being used but Mr. Braak and Mr. Blake contend it is in line with ad,j. property. Board will view property and decide. The Board recessed at 1:00 P. M. for lunch and will reconvene at 2:00 P. M. • The Board reconvened at 2:00 P. M. with the following members present: Chairman Mr. J. M. Hali, Jr., Mr. Berry A. Williams, Mr. Meares Harriss, ~Ir. H. A. Marks, Mr. Laurence 0. Bowden, County Administrator, Mr. P. H. Braak, Tax Supervisor and Mr. Raymond Blake, Appraiser. At this time the final decision was made on the complaints of property own¢rs°; in.New Hanover County as f.ollows: ~ , ~~ ~ 318 MIfdUTES OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW April 21, 1969 Con't Mr. John E. Farmer: property in Block 171 SW 2 NW 3 was reduced in assessment from $7400 to $']025. Property in Block 1}E end 1 Pt 2 was reduced in assessment from $3175 to $2775. Mrs. Dorothy Owen: property in Block 505 Pt lot 21 was reduced in assessment from $j875 to $2625• Mr. Robert H. Bowden: property Sn Block 198 NE 9 was reduced in assessment from $2300 to $1q25. Property on lot 63 Spofford was reduced in assessmenL from $2175 to $1875. Mr. Lawrence Sprunt: property in Block 194 W end of $ 8 6 was reduced in assessment from $22,1$0 to $20,050. Mr. G. H. Peterson: property in Block 18 SE 8 NE 2 NE 3 was reduced in assessment from ~4850 '" to $3900. Property in Block 18 EM !~ Pt. 5& Pt 3 remained the same and was combined with another tract of land in 1962, Mr. B. A.. Blake: property on Lots 120/121 Winter Park Gardens reduced in assessment frosn $23$0 to $2100. Mr. F. L. Traister Jr.: property on lots 1& 2 Bishop property reduced in assessment from $3~00 to $l}00 and abate difference in taxes for 1967 and 1968. Mr. Avgerinos V. Saffo: property of 39.24 acres ad~j. Biddle was reduCe in assessment from $10,000 to $l~050 and abate difference of taxes for 1967 arid 1968. Mr. Henry MacMiilan: lessee of property Pt lot 31 Summer Hiil was reduced in assessment from $15,125 to $1l}, 125. Mr. R. D. McCall: property in Block A Lots 39/1}0 Pinehurst was reduced in assessment from $4725 to ~3775. Mr. E. M. Meyland: property of !}.2 acres Pt lot 3/!~/5 Kerr Div. was corrected in acreage for 1969 to 3.99 acres. Also an abatement to be issued for difference in taxes. Dr. H. A. Eaton: properLy in Block l~95 M EM WM 1-2 W~ 3 was reduced in assessment from ~15,525 to $13,875- Mr. George S. Rehder: property in Block 301 all 1 thru 6 was approved by the Board to give a 503~ FuncLional Depreciation to Building 1-6 and 8-12. Mr. Albert Axler: property in Block 292 NW~ 2 was reduced in assessment from $1925 to $925• Property in Block 292 W~ 3 reduced in assessment from $12,525 to $11,325• property in Block 306 w~ 1 was reduced in assessment from $1}!}25 to $l~000. In the following property owners there was no change made in valuation: (approved by the Board) Mr. O. K. Merchant, no change. Mr. Edna L. Fussell, Block 4~8 NW 2 Pt 1 no change. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Brown, Block 219 W~Z 2 no change. Mr. Morris Kramer, Block F Lots i/2/3 Pt. !} no change. It was understood by the Board that each property owner piacing a complaint before the Board would be sent a letter informing them of the Board's decision concerning their property in question that was reviewed. The Board of Equalization and Review having reviewed and passed on all property owners complaints brought and heard Defore it, accegted arid gassed a motion made by the Chairman Mr. J. M. Hall to ad,journ the Board of Equalization.arid Review for the year 1969 and was seconded by Mr. Meares Harriss. 'I'he Board of Equalization and Review adjourned for the year 1969 at 3~45 P• M• - Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor By: B. Ayala, Clerk ~