1969-04-21 Regular MeetingI 3zo Minutes of the Meet3ng - Aprii 21, 1969 9:0a A. M. ASSEMBLY - The regutar semi~monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners- Room with the following present: Commissioners John Van B. Nletts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Mlilliams; County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hasel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - In the absence of Lhe Chafrman and Vice-Chairman, Commissioner John Van B. Metts calied the meeting to order and asked Rev. Wayne Barkley, Pastor, First Assembly of God, to give the invocation. At this ,juncture Vice-Chairman Harriss ,joined the meeting and assumed the chair. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The following corrections were made to the minutes: On Page 3-"Cost of Relocating Voting M17achines", next to last sentence shou2d read: "Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts; that the bills be paid, funds coming from Execu- tive Secretary's salary in the Board of Elections' budget." On Page 3-"Lower Cape Fear Council of Local Governments 1969-70 Budget", second paragraph should read: "Mr. Wood said it was possible for the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Director to be designated as the Regional 5upervisor which would be the least expensive method." On Page 5-'~Law Library", last sentence in first paragraph should read: "Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that past due bills be paid and continue funding services until June 30th, funds coming from Court Facilities Fees." On Page 9-"Sales Tax", second sentence should read: "Mr. Harriss said he would be perfectly willing, if it would make it more acceptable, to have some provision put in that an amount over $500 be exempt on single items." After making the above corrections, Mr. Metts maved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried. REPORTS - No reports were due by the County Commissioners. ., OPEMING OF PARKING LOT BIDS, WELFRRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING - The following bids were opened for paving the parking lot at the Welfare Department Office Building: L. R. Armstrong 8 Son, Inc. $ 9,480.00, Alt. Reagan Construction Co. 10,267.00, Alt. Hanover Company ~,L~09.50, Alt. 1 $405, Completion 95 Days 1 475 " i2o Days 1 399 " 60 Days OPENING OF PARKING LOT BIDS~ WELFARE DEPARTMENT BUILDING - Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, informed the Board that any bid over $~,500 could not be accepted unless a bid bond accompanied the bid. Therefore, this ruled out the bids of L. R. Armstong & Son, Inc. and Reagan Construction Company. Also, Mr. Fox informed the Board that the bid of Hanover Company could not be accepted unless it was accepted without the Alternate Ido. 1. Mr. Williams requested that the record show that he felt the Welfare Department could do without the six additional spaces covered by the Alternate No. 1 in Hanover Company~s bid. Mr. Marks was of the opinion that the six additional spaces were not essential at this time. Mr. Harriss suggested that in the future attention of bidders be called to the fact that when any bid is over $7,500, a bid bond is necessary. Mr. Nharks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the bid of Hanover Company be referred to our County Attorney for approval, and if approved, the bid of Hanover Company in the amount of $7,409.$0, withoat the Alternate, be accepted, funds coming from Unanticipated Revenue, General Fund. Motion carried unanimously. A.B,C. PERMIT REQUESTS - A. B. C. Permit Requests from Fish House, Carolina Beach Road, Just North of City Limits, Carolina Beach, N. C. and Sea Side Caf2, K Avenue, Kure Beach, N. C., were presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Metts moved, second~d by Mr. Marks, that these requests be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for their consideration. Motion carried. At this time Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. ,~oined the meeting. DENALITION OLD JAMES WALHER HOSPITAL BUILDINGS - Mr. Hall opened discnssion of demolition of the old James Walker Hospital buildings over which the County has Jurisdiction. He reminded the Board that sometime ago bids had been received for th¢ demolitionof two buildings at the old James Walker Hospital site, but the bids were too high and the County did not have fvnds at that time. Mr. Hall suggested it might be a good 3dea to readvertise for bids at this time. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that d¢molition of the old James Walker Hospital buildings be advertised for bids. Mr. Marks said he had talked to some New Hanover Memorial Hospital officials concerning the buildings over which they have ~urisdiction. He was told by them that they do not plan to tear down Lheir buildings; they couid be of value to the City of Wilmington during urban redevelopment and possibly save Wilmington from having to put up cash. The old Coast Line buildings had been used in this manner. It was sixggested they be deeded to the City. Mr. Metts discussed parking space when the Health Department and Mental Health Department are moved there, and asked whether ~ust the property c~ming up to the two buildings could be deeded, 2eaving the remainder for parking space for these two departments. Mr. Marks was of the opinion that the Health Department would not need as much parking space as the Welfare Department. Ms. Harriss raised the question as to whether the buildings were a fire hazard and also called attention to the fact that the buildings were not guarded. Mr. Metts suggested that the motion be tabled until the next meeting in order to give Mr. Marks an opportunity Lo investigate further. ~ ~ ~ . ~ 321 Minutes of the Meeting - April 21, 1969 ~Continued) DEMOLITION OLD JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL BUILDINGS (Continued) Mr. Timothy Wood, Planning Director, was present and was asked whether or not he thought this property would be affected by urban redevelopment. Mr. Wood informed the Board that the Planning Department expects to make recommendations td the Planning Com- mission w:ithin the next sixty days as to urban renewal, and he feels certain this property will be involved. " Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the motion made by Mr. Metts be tabled until the next meeting. Motion carried. MENTAL HEALTH EMPLOYEE.- Mr. Marks discussed request of Mr. John D. Wilson, Admin3strative Director, Mental Health, for an Administrative Secretary at the Mental Health Center. Mr. Marks said he had been told by Mr. Wilson that this position had been approved by the State Personnel Department and Local Merit System. Mr. Marks said he took the liberty of calling Mr. Caldwell in Raleigh and discussing the ~ob description. Mr. Caldwell told Mr. Marks the position is not in keeping with other positions. The State Department in Raleigh does not have such a position. As to double entry bookkeeping, Mr. Marks had been advised by the Auditor that all records are kept in his office. Mr. N~rks said he did not feel the ,Job description is in keeping with the responsibilities involved. Mr. Marks requested Mr. Caldwell to send someone down from Raleigh to evaluate the positions and salaries at the Mental Health Clinic which Mr. Caldwell said he would do. Mr. Bowden said he would like to give Mr. Wilson permission to hire a Typist I1 on a temporary basis :until this can be resolved. Mr. Marks said Mr. Wilson already has a person employed on a temporary basis . Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Mr. Wilson's request be tabled until the positions and salaries are evaluated at the Mental Health Center. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Marks asked whether or not permission practice with Dr. Fisscher. Mr. Metts wanted side work when they are short of personnel. Mr. Harriss said he would like to and give his opinion of what is need'ed guard against overstaffing any agency. and did not want his remarks taken tha practice for Dr. Fisscher looked into. days off per month to work on his PHD. had heen given for Dr. Mesberg to go into to know how permission could be given for out- have Mr. Bowden look into staffing of Mental Health in staffing. Mr. Harriss felt that the Board should He said he was not saying this agency is overstaffed ~ way. He wanted the matter of Dr. Mesberg going into Mr. Nharks pointed out that Dr. Mesberg is,given two STATEMENT - SHOUP COMPANY - }3AND TRUCK - Mr. Bowden presented a statement which had been~received from the Shoup Voting Machine Corporation in the amount of $225 for a hand truck which had been received by the County with shipment of ,vo'tiag machines. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that this bill be paid, funds coming from within the Board of Elections Budget. Motion carried. CONA+IUNITY SERVECES C~ISULTANT Mr. Metts reported on the need for a Community Services Consultant which the Community Council had requested. He had talked with Mr. Joe B. Medlin, Executive Director, and Miss Lela Moore Hall, Director of Public Welfare. Miss Hall suggested that perhaps.New Hanover County could obtain the services of a Community Services Consultant from another county for a period of three months and then the Commissioners would be in a position to determine whether the need for a Consultant warrants securing one on a permanent basis. Mr. Harriss said that one trouble with County Government is that very few people know what the various agencies are for and how to use them and that coordination could be of valuable assistance. . Mr. Timothy Wood informed the Board that there is a Technical Action Panel under the Agricultural Department which meets every morith to discuss problems such as come under this agency. By common consent it was agreed, at Nlr. Harriss' suggestion, that a committee be appointed to study the need for a Community Services Consultant consisting of Mr. Timothy Wood, M;ss Lela Moore Hail, Mr. Joe Medlin, Mr. H. A. Marks, and Mr. Laurence O. Bowden, Mr. Bowden to be Chairman of the Committee. WATERSHED PROGRAM - • Mr. Sam Cox of the Soil Conservation and Development Department appeared at+the meeting to discuss a Watershed Program for New Hanover County. Mr. Cox felt this could lead to pro- tection from flood and drainage erosion damage. Mr. Harriss asked what the Soii and Conservation Service can do for New Hanover County and how it wo~ld fit in with work of other agencies. Mr. Cox said it could assist in working up an overall master plan and investigate what part of this the other agencies are doing. Mr. Harriss then asked how would the County establish a master plan. Mr. Cox said by the County spelling out what it wanted in an application Lo the Soil and Conservation Service. Then, the staff of Soil and Conservation Service would come down. . . At this time Mr. Hall was called from the meeting. Mr. Metts asked Mr. Timothy Wood if a study was made, would it be of help to him. Mr. Wood said one of New Hanover County~s greatest_problems is drainage, and he is convinced that we have to plan for better residential d`evelopment in the way of drainage. Mr..Wood said if. the study can be made without going through law and increasing taxes, he is for it. . Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr.'Metts,,that an application'be made for entering into an agreement with Soil Conservation Service for making a study without commitment on the part of the County. Motion carried. MISS LELA MOORE HALL, DIRECTOR PUBLIC WELFARE - Miss Hall had been called earlier during the meeting in connection with discussion of position of Community ConsultanC. At this time Miss Hall came to the meeting and was, informed by Mr. Harriss of the appointment of a committee to make a study of this position. ~ At this time Miss Ha21 requested she2ving which is in a building the County plans to demolish at the old James Walke'r Complex. Miss Hall requested this shelv3ng for use by the Welfare Department. By common consent it.was agreed that Mr. Bowden investigate and do what is best in this situation. . i i 322 Minutes of the Meeting - April 21, 1969 CIVIL DEFENSE OFFICE REQUEST FOR TYPEWRITER - Request from Gen. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., C1vii Defense Director, for the purchase of a used electric 13" carriage Underwo6d typewriter was discussed. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Bowden make an investigation of the need for this typewriter and make recommendation. AUTHORIZATION FOR DISPOSITION OF OLD RECORDS IN REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE - Correspondence from Mrs. Lois LeRay relative to disposition of old records in the Reglster of Deeds Office was discussed. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that upon recommend- ation of Mr. Bowden, approval be given, and disposition be made of only the records that the State Archivest approved destroying in his letter of April 11 to Mrs. Lois LeRay. Motion carried. DISCUSSION OF NEW AIRLINE SCHEDULES - Vice-Chairman Harriss informed the Board that it had been his experience that new indus- tries which have come into our City are most interested in airline service, and that this is the only method of reasonable transportation in and out of our City. Mr. Harriss said he . wanted to thank Piedmont Airlines on behalf of New Hanover County for their efforts on ovr behalf in giving service to and from New York and to and from Washington which will make connections necessary for these industries, and hoped we will get connections in the midwest as proposed by Piedmont. Mr. Harriss said he wanted to thank Piedmont for providing us good transportation. By common consent it was agreed that the Chairman be authorized to write a letter to Piedmont Airlines thanking them for their effort. At this time Mr. Hali returned to the me2ting. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - County Auditor Perry Shepard requested the following reqvests for transfers and appropriations: To - Auditor - Travel $ 50.00 From - Within Auditorts Budget- Computer Service 50.00 To - Commissioners~ Postage 50.00 Register of Deeds~ " 50.00 Sheriff's ." 50.00 From - Unantic. Rev., G/F 150.00 To - Bldg. Insp. Tel. 35.00 Commissioners~ Trav. 1,000.00 Com Hosp. Expenditures 100.00 County Farm Jan. Sup. 350.00 Drainage Rep, 8 M. Equip. 100.00 Courthouse Fuel 569.97 Museum Labor from Farm !}2.00 Superior Court Jury Fees ~5.00 Sales Tax 750.00 Tax Listing 8 Assessing Advertising 150.00 From = Unantic. Rev., Interest Income $3,171.97 Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the transfers and appropriations, as recommended by Mr. Shepard, be approved. Motion carried. "Mr. Marks thanked Mr. Shepard for statements of income accounts which had been furnished the Commissioners. Mr. Marks said they were most helpful in evaluating current financial condition of the County." COMMISSION ARCHITECT TO DESIGN OFFICES S&~H GREEN STAMP BUILDING - There was a discussion on engaging an architect to make a study of the SgH Green Stamp Building to provide office space for the Commissioners~ Meeting Room, offices for its staff, County Attorney and the full time Elections Office. Also, it was discussed that the Archi- tect look at the present Commissioners~ Room with the idea of converting it into a courtroom. Mr. Netts was of the opinion that an Architect should not be hired ,just to look at the Commissioners' Room but that the Board should wait until the Welfare Department moves and then take a look at the whole situation and also determine the requirements of the courts before anything is done. Mr. Harriss felt the Commissloners had the authority to say where the courtroom would be, and Mr. Hall felt the recommendations of Mr. Bowden to use the S$H Green Stamp Building for the Commissioners, County Attorney and Board of Elections was a good idea. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Chairman be authorized to hire an architect at such time as the committee, who was appointed to study the overall picture of space, feel that an architect~s service is needed. Motion carried. DISPOSITION OF WOMEN~S WARD, OLD JAMES WALKER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Mr. Marks discussed the building formerly used as the Women~s Ward at James Walker Hospitai which is now owned jointly by the New Hanover Memorial Hospital and New Hanover County due to closing of Gwynn Street. Mr. Marks said he had discussed this building with Mr. Mike Brown, a member of the Hospital Board, and Mr. Brown felt that the hospital has no need for it, and that it should be deeded to the City for Urban Redevelopment. The City Attorney was not certain as to the ownershlp, according to Mr. Marks. Mr. Fox informed the Board that Mr. Alan Marshall, Hospital Attorney, and he were in agreement as to the ownership. Mr. Marks suggested that representatives from the Board of Covnty Commissioners and representatives from the New Hanover Memorial Hospital Board be appointed to determine future use of the building. Sy common consent it was agreed to ask Mr. Hall to represent the Board of Commissioners in determining disposition of this building. CONGRATULATIONS TO PEOPLE WHO MADE THE AZALEA FESTIVAL AND AZALEA GOLF TOURNAMENT SUCH A SUCCESS - P7r. Harriss suggested that Mr. Pete Fensel and Mr. J. B, Hines and all those connected with the work that went into making the Azalea Festival and Golf Tournament such a success be thanked for their effort. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the gratitude of this Board be expressed in a letter to Mr. Fensel and Mr. Hines for the fine work they and all the other people involved did in this connection. Motion carried. ,~ " 323~ Minutes of the Meeting - April 21, 1969 Continued CONDEMNATION NOTICE, 101 HENRY STREET - At the last meeting, by common consent, it was agreed that the Condemnation Notice, 101 Henry Street, be referred to Mr. James C. Fox, County Attorney, for his recommendations. This was done and by letter, dated April 17, 1969, Mr. Fox advised that the Board of County Commissioners should take no action; that when the house on the property is demolished, the demolition costs will constitute a lien against the same which will ultimately have to be borne by a purchaser from the County. This letter was presented as information. ~ NATIONAL RIVERS & HARBORS CONVENTION, MAY 13-16~ 1q69 - The National Rivers & Harbors Convention which is scheduled for May 13-16, 1969 was mentioned. Mr. Hall suggested that any Commissioner that can attend will be permitted to do so at County expense. Mr. Williatns said he did not know whether or not he would be able to attend this Convention but would like to attend a Steering Committee Meeting in connection with NACO of which he is a member and a~hich will be held sometime during May or :Tune. He wanted to know if the Commissioners have permisSion to attend various meetings without having to get permission each time one comes up. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion that t.he authority to attend the National Rivers and Harbors Convention would not cover meetingsof this kind and and felt that a separate motion should.be made for this particular meeting. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. Williams be authorized, at County expense, to attend the next meeting of the Steering Committee of NACO which will be held in Washington. Motion carried. Mr. Marks raised the question of whether or not NACO had a traveiing fund for members required to attend such meetings. Mr. Williams said it did not. THE LOWER CAPE FEAR COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS - Mr. Bowden informed the Board that he had received a letter from Mr. Brandon saying the Lower Cape Fear Council of Governments has two items in the budget completely paid for ,joSntly by the City and County. These items are the salary of the Pianning Director and the office space which amount to $3,050. This wouid result in both the City and County having a $1,525 "in kind" credit against the overall budget appropriation. This was presented for information. R. C. CANTWELL, III - BILL FOR APPRAISAL A statement in the amount of $600 was presented to the Board for payment for services of R. C. Cantwell, III who appraised the old Y.M.C.A. property and vacant lot at the corner of Third and N~rket Streets. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the bill be paid, funds coming fron Unanticipated Revenue, General Fund. Motion carried. Mr. Marks requested that an effort be made to contact all Commissioners in the future before action is taken on matters of this nature. SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BUDGET - Mr. Berry Williams presented the budget of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission for fiscal year 1969-7- which totals $54,270. Of this amount $39,577.50 will be furnished from Federal funds and $1!},692.50 from the ten county members. New Hanover County's share for the fiscai year 1969-70 is $1,91~1~.57. By common consent it was agreed that this will be considered at Budget Session. INCREASES IN SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1969-70 - Mr. Sowden informed the Board that Mr. Perry Shepard, County Auditor, had requested that he ask the Commissioners to be thinking of what they desired in the way of increasing salaries of the County employees for the fiscal year 1969-70. PRISON FARM REPORT - Mr. Bowden said he was working on a study of the Prison Farm and should have it completely worked up by budget time. ' APPOINTMENT OF OUTSIDE RUDITOR TO AUDIT COUNTY BOOHS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1968-69 -' N[r. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that Mr. William C. Barfield be appointed to audit the County books for the fSscal year 1968-69. Motion carried. CIVIL DEFENSE RESOLUTION - Mr. Hall had received a resolution to be adopted in connection with Civil Defense and suggested that before it is adopted each of the Commissioners read it. Mr. Williams suggested th2t each member be allowed to take it out and by common consent this was agreed to. BOARD OF EDUCATION REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS - NIr. Perry Shepard presented a request from the Board of Education which he had received requesting that $150,000 be transferred from the CapftalReserve Fund to the Capital Outlay Fund. These funds are to be used to suppiement the Bond Construction Fund for the John T. Hoggard addition. This was the purpose for which this amount was originally allocated. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this transfer be permitted. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried.• Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to Board of Commissioners