1969-05-05 Regular Meeting~324 ~ Minutes of the Meeting - May 5, 1969 9:00 A. M. 1 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissloners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Vice- Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A, Marks, Berry A. Wiliiams; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. was out of town. INVOCATION - In the absence of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr. called the meeting to order and in the absence of the scheduled minister, asked Mrs. Maggie Jones, Mews Reporter, Lo give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Mr. Marks requested the following corrections to the minutes of April 21, 1969: 1. On Page !} - Under the heading "Community Consultant" - Every place where the words "Community Consultant" are used should be changed to read "Community Services Consultant". 2. On Page 6- Under the heading "Transfers and Appropriations (Continued)" second paragraph should be deleted and the following inserted: "Mr. Marks thanked Mr. Shepard for statements of income accounts which had been furnishcd the Commissioners. Mr. Marks said they were most helpful in evaluating current financial condition of the County." After making the above corrections, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the minutes be approved. Motion earried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW - There being no corrections to the minutes of the Board of Equalization and Review, sub- mitted by Mr. Peter H. Braak, Tax SuperSisor, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Wiltiams, Lhat the minutes of the three meetings held on April 8, 14 and 21, 1969, be approved as written. Motion carried. REPORTS - No reports were due by or through the County Commissioners. REPORT BY MR. SAM JOHNSON, TAX COLLECTOR - Mr. Sam Johnson appeared before the Board to give a report on collection of taxes. Follow- ing is statement which he presented: 1968 New Hanover Countv Tax Levy May 5, 1969 LEVY LATE LISTINGS TOTAL LEVY Collections thru 4/25/69 l~,003,333.21 10 ,lt02.1~1G 4,a13,735.65 3,63o,76i.3~ BACH TAX COLLECTIONS THRU L}/30/60 YEAR TOTAL COLLECTED 1967 _ 49,801.00 1966 18,928.64 1965 lo,i94•42 1964 1~, 780.07 1963 2,671.73 Prior 5,508.78 9i,6u4.64 Mr. Johnson mentioned that he felt it was going to be more advantageovs having the same cut-off date (June 30) for both City and County. Collections might be down the first year but next year the County should be better off. Mr. Johnson said that for the last five years taxes have been collected at a rate above 95 percent. Mr. Williams asked for a brief run down on procedures that are being followed in collection of taxes. Mr. Johnson said garnishment has not been tried this year because 50~ of garnishments in the courts have run into trouble in the new Court System. Mr. Williams inquired whether accounts in banks haue been attached. Mr. Johnson said it was difficult to determine whether people had accounts; the banks flo not give out bank balances over the phone, not even to ptrsons.having aCCOUnts. Mr. Harfiss was of the opinion that if notice were served on banks thaL accounLs would be attached, then the banks would have a legal obligation to furnish this information. Mr. Metts suggested that Mr. Johnson check into this matter in order to be aware of the situation. Mr. Johnson informed the Board that collection is made with the exception of about one- half percent of the levy. Mr. Williams expressed the fact that he is pleased with such a good percentage, but speaking of bank accounts thinks effort should be made to garnish account as well as salary. Mr. Williams said he did not understand question of insolvency. Mr. Johnson advised that it is not his duty to declare any one insolvent; that is the duty of the Board of County Commissloners. Mr. Williams inquired whether or not in the past a list had not been made up by Mr. Johnson. Mr, Johnson said it had until last year when he was ill and was unable to prepare the list fdr.1968. 'Mr. Williams said he would like for such a list to be prepared, and Mr. Johnson asked the question whether the Commissioners wanted him to stop collections f 32v ~ Minutes of the Meeting - May 5, 1969 (Continued) REPORT BY MR. SAM JOHNSON, TAX COLLECTOR (CONTINUED) - and prepare this instead. Mr. Marks Said Mr. Johnson was better able to determine which to do; that he knew the list was one of his responsibilities. Further, it was pointed out the tax rate is based on the amount collected. Mr. Harriss commended Mr. Johnson for his very fine report and assured him of the Board's cooperation. Mr. Williams requested Nfr. Johnson prepare a list of total back taxes due at this time for the last eight or ten years to see how they compare. Mr. Johnson said he was willing to do so, but calied attention to the fact that the levy differs from year to year. There is a fluctua- tion from year to year. It will not be possible to compare dollarwise because of tax increases from year to year. Mr. Johnson pointed out for the last five years there has been over 95~ collection of taxes. Mr. Harriss inquired of Mr. Johnson whether there was anything the Com- missioners could do, bearing in mind we are seeking a full time County Attorney, to further collection of back taxes. Mr. Johnson asked whether or not the Board feit the full time County Attorney would be hesitant in foreclosing on property in the City or Beaches. Mr. Harriss said he felt this could be handled and so did Mr. Marks. Mr. Harriss assured Mr. Johnson he would get full cooperation from the full time County Attorney. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Shepard presented request for the following appropriations: To - County Farm - Fuei $ 253.12 County Farm - Groceries 1,000.00 County Farm - Medicine 175.00 Superior Court Cost - Indigent 215.50 Fr.om - General Contingency Fund $1,643.62 Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the requests, as recommended by the County Auditor, be approved. Motion carried. JAIL REQUEST FOR STOUE A letter from Mr. Joe E. Johnson, Jailer, requesting a new stove for the Jail was presented to the Commissioners by County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden. Mr. Bowden recommended purchase of a new stove, inasmuch as the present one is more than ten years old and is in need of repairs. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that Mr. Johnson~s request for a new stove be approved in the amount of $568.56, funds coming from the General Contingency Fund. Motion carrled. SCHQOL BOARD REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS - , A letter from the School Board requesting the following transfers within their budget was discussed: From - Buildings 8 Grounds - Materials $6,000 To - Fuel $6,000 From - Heating, Lighting 8 Plumbing !}50 To - Insurance 450 Mr. Williams expressed the feeling that as the County comes to the end of a fiscal year, if a department sees they have money left over, Lhey are inclined to go ahead and buy, but if we ever get to the point we do not have a surplus at the end of a fiscal year, we will be in trouble. Also, Mr. Williams feels an oral or written explanation stating why the transfer is required should be submitted by each department with their request. Mr. NYarks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the requests for transfers within the School Budget be approved., Motion carried. , Mr. Williams said he was going along with approval of the requestseven though there is no written or oral explanation as to why these requests are necessary, but he would like it understood that in the future oral or written explanations will be required. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Bowden advise all depar~.ments of this requirement. Mr. Harriss said he agreed with Mr. Williams and suggested that budgets be scrutinized in light of transfers that have been made before seLting 1969-70 budgets. REPORT BY ARCHITECT ON HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT RELOCATING AT OLD JAfN~S WALKER HOSPITAL - Mr. Herbert P. McHim and Mr. John R. Jefferies, ArchiLects, from the firm of Ballard, McKim Sawyer, presented a feasibility outline of proposed renovations to James Walker Hospital for housing the Ncw Hanover County Health Department and New Hanover County Mental Health Center. Dr. Knox was present as an observer from the Health Department and Mr. Homer Davls as an observer from the Advisory Board of Mental Health. Mr. Marks had previously been asked by the Board of County Commissioners to engage an architect to make a study of the building at the old James Waiker Complex for use by the Health Department and the Mental Health Clinic. Mr. Marks.said,he was in hopes of getting the plans in shape prior to July 1 in order t.o let the contract as early thereafter as possible. ~ Mr. McKim presented the study. He said they did not have a detailed plan. The report was based on: I- Existing Conditions - James Walker Hospital - Men's Wing and X-Ray Building - Building is structurally sound, fireproof, and has adequate parking. Heating and Air Con- ditioning System w;ll be required; some vinyl floors will have to be replaced; complete paint ,job on interior is needed; wood windows should be repaired, although cheaper to replace with aluminum. Existing elevator is operable . There is a gross area per floor of 5,558 square feet or total of 16,671} square feet. The area occupied by the Health Department~now in Fourth Street Buiiding is 6,880 square feet and Lab in basement of Courthouse ~92 square feet, total 7,672. The area occupied now by the Mental Health Center is 1,625 square feet in a rented building on South 17th Street. ! 326" Minutes of the Meeting, May 5, 1969 II - Anticipated Needs: An estimated increase of 2$% of existing space is needed to handle present situation in the Heaith Department now which would amount to 2,000 square feet and it is the opinion of the staff that the Department will have a normal five year growth of as much as 50% which will be another 4,000 square feet. This results in estimated need for the Health Department of 13,672 square feet. The staff also anticipates additional Health Department responsibilities which will require more space and this should be kept in mind. The Mental Health Center staff indicates a need for approximately ten additional personnel. Space requirements include offices, conference room, and group therapy room. These needs pro~ject an estimated 100% increase in space due to natural growth, total requirement 3,250 square feet. The architect's report said the cost of renovation and possibly adding to the hospital will be considerably less cost to the County than a new building, and, at the same time, make use of property and structure already owned by the County. Renovation of the present 16,671} square feet (gross area) $10.00/sq. ft. will cost $166,750.00. To add 3,000 square feet of new con- struction to existing building would cost $25.00/sq. ft. or $75,000, grand totai of $21}1,750.00. The architect recommended that New Hanover County proceed with renovation of wing under consideration, move the Health Department and the Mental Health Center into the existing building, begin a"Master Plan" of the building and surrounding areas for future expansion. This should include the entire two block area on which these buildings are located; determine parking require- ments and renovate parking facilities as required. The architect recommended that for future action the master plan be re-evaluated as county policy and thinking requires. It is possible for this two block area to house many of the county offices. Dr. Knox discussed reason for additional space needed by the Health Department now and in the future. He said home care of the aged had been "thrown in our laps" and to meet standards now wnuld require an additional 15 registered nurses plus two additional sanitarians and two clerks, and he was afraid they would need a Nutritionist also. A discussion was held on whether or not the laboratory is needed at this time. Dr. Knox said he has enough material to justify the laboratory. He said it is the second largest test- wise in the State. Mr. Marks referred to a report recently Purnished by the Health Department wherein a list of counties was furnished who have laboratories. Mr. Marks pointed out that several of these counties do not have labs now. Mr. Marks said he had visited several counties attd expected to visit more and invited Dr. Knox to got~dth him. Mr. Marks said he had reason to question whether operating this lab is a necessity or a convenience, but said he had an open mind on the laboratory. Mr. Williams suggested that the Board get on with the proposal before it now before taking up study of the lab. Mr. McKim informed the Board that the additional space to be provided the Health Department wouid amonnt to about an 80% increase in their space. Mr. N~rks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board accept the preliminary report and authorize the architect to proceed with the development of detailed plans for renovation, con- sulting with each department, and to prepare cost estimateS for consideration. Motion carried. Mr. McKim was asked how much a new building of this size would cost. Mr. McKim replied about one-half million dollars plus the land. Mr. Marks suggested the lab be left where it is now. RENOVATION OF 58H GREEN STAMP BUILDING - Mr. Herbert Mc}(im and Mr. John Jefferies from the firm of Ballard McKim and Sawyer presented report on their study of renovating the S&H Green Stamp Building to be used for the County Commissioners~ Meeting Room, Office for County Administrator, Office for County Attorney,Confe- rence Room for ten to twelve persons, Storage Room Suitable for Future Office, File Room, Space for four Secretaries, Public 8 Employee Toilets, Work Area for Board of Elections, Conference Room for Board of Elections, Storage Room for Board of Elections. Mr. McKim said there is absolutely nothing left inside the building in the way of partitions, suspended ceilings, electrical fixtures, heating and air conditioning. It was pointed out that the main entrance as shown by the architect would be on the south side of the building. Mr. Wiiliams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the architect be avthorized to go ahead with detailed plans with provisions for alternates as to entrances. Mr. Metts inquired whether it had been determined that there will be space for another courtroom in the Commissioners~ Room. Mr. Harriss said it had been determined that the room is adequaie; that Judge Mintz said it could be used. Mr. Metts felt something definite should be decided before going ahead with present plans for use of the S&H Green Stamp Building. Mr. Metts expr.essed the desire to delay decision on plans for the S&H Green Stamp Building for two weeks. Mr. Harriss said the Commissioners~ Room was accessible to the Sheriff~s Office, Jail, and Records which makes it desirable for a courtroom. Mr. Metts said the Board had not had a report from the committee appointed to make a study of space in the courthouse. Mr. Marks said he had the privilege to talk with Judge Mintz recently and that Judge Mintz had raised the question of whether the Board had an overall pian for space in the courthouse. Judge MinLz said he though 3t would be wise for the Board to go slow until it has a complete plan. Mr. Williams pointed out there was a question about the need for an additional courtroom, space for jail, etc „ but there is no question that there is a need for an office for a full time County Attorney, space for elections~ office and an office which would be more svitahle for the County AdministraLor. Mr. Williams said with these things in mind the Board might go ahead and approve these plans. ~ , •32'7 Minutes of the Meeting, May 5, 1969 Continued Mr. Metts made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Marks, that proceeding with plan on renovation of the S8H Green Stamp Building be deferred until such time as the Board has the results of an overall study of space in the covrthouse. Motion carried. Mr. Williams abstained from voting. REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN AIRPORT BUDGET - A letter From Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Manager, requesting transfer of $$00 from Suilding Repairs to Salaries in order to hire an extra man to drive a tractor-mower was discussed. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that request be approved. Motfon carried. REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN PRISON FARM BUDGET FOR THREE MENIDERS OF PERSONNEL TO ATTEND JAIL AND DETENTION SCHOOL WHICH IS REQUIRED BY G. 5. 153-53.5 Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the personnel at the Prison Farm who have not attended a Jail and Detention School be authorized to do so, funds coming from General Contingency Fund. Motion carried. REOUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET TO PURCHASE ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER Request from Civil Defense Director, Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., for permission to purchase a second-hand Underk~ood Olivetti 13" carriage typewriter from Harrison Typewriter Company for $225 was discussed. Upon recommendation of Mr. Botirden, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this request be approved, subject to approval of the City, the $225 being transferred within the Civil Defense Budget. Motion carried unanimously. WELFARE DEPARTMENT REQUESTS FOR TRANSFERS - Nr. ('~ rks presented the following Welfare Board Requests for Transfers: May 5, 1969 WELFARE BOARD REQUEST TRANSFER FROM SALARIES ~1% $ 1000.00 to Stationery 8 Suppl3es $ 510.00 1000.00 to Travel 510.00 2l~00.00 to Equipment (Carpeting, tables 8 chairs for offices 8 conference rooms 122 .00 $ 1}LE00.00 $ 22 .00 TRANSFER FROM OUT-PATIENT BUDGET 100% Transporting Indi~ent $ 1000.00 General Assistance 500.00 Building Items 32!}0.00 Floor Machine 725.00 ~ 5465.00 x#ib##i'e#s`S~:F#-..'~#ic:: i'c ~~c?t#i.'-#iY° :;-:cii~iHHF #',F## ~~'.ri'. ~ iP##iY.: #irXib$P##iF9i.n. ~(-~ ~#u####~5#i: 3Ykitu#iHFi: ##i£-k' #####~'.v#o~####iHF# BUILDING Door Closures $ 205.00 Brick Work {Ends of Steps) 1000.00 Tile (Record Room) 180.00 51gns (Welfare Bldg., Food Stamps & Visitors Parking) 150.00 Additional Electric Outlets 15$.00 Venetian Blinds 1550.00 Total $ 3240.00 Mr. Williams suggested that all requests for, transfers or appropriations be in prior to the CommissionersT meetings. Mr. Metts mnved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board approve the requests as set forth on the Welfare Board's Memo of May 5, sub,ject to meeting all legal requirements and without the brick work under Building item; that attempt be made to get brick work done through some industrial program. Motion carried. AUTHORIZATION FOR 5-COUNTY CONiP7[lNITY SERVICES CONSULTANT - Mr. Bowden, County Administrator, reported on results of ineeting of committee appointed to make study of needs for a Community,Services Consultant. Mr. Bowden said Miss Lela Moore Hall, Mr. Marks, and Mr. Joe Medlin endorsed a fuli time Community Services Consul- tant and that Mr. Timothy Wood and he did not concvr because they felt there was a tremendous amount of duplication. Mr. Bowden felt the Southeastern Economic Development Commission and other agencies could handle this service. Mr. Williams said the Southeastern Economic Development Commission is not as involved at this time as it will be within the next year. At the executive meeting in Burgaw it was stressed the Commission should get involved more strongly than ever in health problems. Mr. Williams felt there is an overlap of such services. ~328 ~ . ° Minutes of the Meet3ng, May 5, 1969 Continued Mr. Metts suggested possibility that the Board get together with Mr. Joe B. Medlin, Executive Director, Community Council, and the committee appointed to make the study. Mr. Harriss said the Board had the recommendations from the committee appointed to make a study, and he felt there were three courses to take; 1. To accept, 2. Ask them to continue their study with additional factors in mind, and 3. To reject. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the study be continued with additional factors being considered and help from Mr. Auerbach, State Pianning Director of North Carolina United, and Mr. Berry A. Williams. Motion carried. WELFARE REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL RENT FOR PRESENT PARKING LOT - Mr. Marks informed the Board that the Welfare Department will not be able to move until June 1, therefore an additional $100 is needed for rent of the parking lot on Market Street for the month of May. The Weifare Department requests that they be permitted to transfer this from their Salary Account. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. N~rks, that request to transfer $100 from the Salary Account to Parking within the Welfare Budget be approved. Notion carried. FUNDS FOR UNDERWRITING BANQUET HONORING MESSRS. JOE HUNT AND ASHLEY NNRPHY WHO ARE RETIRING FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION - Informal approval had previously been given to help underwrite a banquet which the Chamber of Commerce is planning in honor of Messrs. Joe Hunt and Ashley Murphy who are retiring from the State Highway Commission up to an amount of $150.00. Mr. Marks moved that formal approval be given for the County to help underwrite expense of banquet to honor these men not to exceed $150, funds coming from the Contingency Fund. Motion carried. By common consent Mr. Bowden will make reservations for members of the Commission wishing to attend. ROAD PETITIONt CHANNEL HAVEN SUBDIVISION - Road petition requesting the State Highway Department to add roads in Channel Haven Subdivision to the 5econdary Road System was presented to the Board for resolution requesting the State Highway to do this. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the standard reso2ution be adopted and the State Highway be requested to add these roads to the Secondary Road System. Motion carried.-- ROAD PETITIONz KINGS GRANT Road petition requesting the State Highway Department to add roads in Kings Grant Subdivision to the Secondary Road System was presented to the Board for adoption of resolution to this effect. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the standard resolution be adopted and the petition and resolution be forwarded to the State Highway Commission for their Consideration. Motion carried. REQUEST PREPARATION OF LOCAL BILL, WATERSHED ACT - Mr. Bowden, County Administrator, reported that the office was in on an application to the 5oi1 Conservation Service for A Watershed Stu talked with Mr. Samuel Cox, District Conservationist. and Mr. Cox said Service wanted to be certain that the County had legislative authority the project. After a discussion of this, Mr. Williams moved, seconded Board request the County Attorney to proceed with legislation enabling pate in a Watershed Program. Motion carried. the process of working ~y. Mr. Fox said he had the Soil Conservation to get involved with by Mr. Metts, that the the County to partici- Mr. Bowden said the Soil Conservation Service would not be inclined to do a study for the County if we do not have legislation that will allow us to utilize the study. DISCUSSIONt COLLECTION OF TAXES ON VEHICLES - A letter addressed to Tax Supervisors and Collectors of North Carolina from Mr. Henry E. Sands, President, A!. C. Assessors Association, was discussed. Mr. Sands~ letter says the Legislative Committee of the North Carolina Assessors Association is opposed to a House Bill that gives people over 65 years of age a$2,000 exemption and to the Senate Billto reclassify farm land. The Committee is also opposed to the deletion of poll tax, dog tax, and intangible tax. The Committee is opposed to anything that would erode the tax base because any tax deleted would be added to the real estate. The Committee recommended that the Legislature raise the price of the farm census from $.20 to $.$0 per name because the counties are losing money at the present rate. In regard to vehicles the Committee recommended that the State Board of Assessment set the tax, uniform, state-wide and let the State include this County tax on each registration card, thus removing the vehicles from the abstract. The owner could then buy his license only after paying his State, County, and City tax. The State would return the County money to them along with a list of the people so they could be sure of getting all the vehicles listed. After a brief discussion of this, by common consent it was agreed that Mr. Marks shovld discuss this letter with the Association of County Commissioners. REGISTER OF DEEDS. SENATE BILL ~389 - PROPOSED AMENDI'~NTS TO U.C,C. - Mr. Harriss mentioned the fact that informal approval had been given to the Association of Register of Deeds and the New Hanover County Register of Deeds in their efforts in opposing the proposed amendments of the Bar Association to the U.C.C, Approval was confirmed at the meeting. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TO ASSURE THAT THE EXAMINATIONS GIVEN TO EACH PROSPECTIVE COUNTY EMPLOYEE FOR EACH JOB CLASSIFICATION SHALL BE UNIFORM AND EQUI'TABLY APPLIED. AL50, THAT THE PROVISIONS OF SPEC:IAL ACT, CHAPTER 578. PASSED BY THE 1.939 SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, ARE COMPLIED WITH - Mr. Williams said he had asked that this item be placed on the agenda and without any discussion, he would like to refer this to the County Administrator for his recommendations at the next meeting. Mr. Willfams feels every person who makes application for employment with the County should receive the same type of examination and considered on basis established. By common consent it was agreed that this be done. ~ 32J~ Minutes of the Meetinq - May 5, 1969 Continued H881 BILL - Mr. Marks said he felt the Board of Commissioners should oppose x881. Under present law, the County Treasurer is also the treasurer of County School Funds. Under H881, a school "fiscal officer", appointed by County and City Boards of Education, would assume ail authorlty of County Treasurer relative to County School Funds. H881 would also change present disbursement procedures by providing that school funds be paid out only on warrants signed by the Chairman and 5ecretary of the Board of Education and countersigned by school "fiscal officer". x881 wouid also repeal G.S. 155-s to remove County Treasurer as ex officio treasurer of County Board of Education. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board of New Hanover County , Commissioners go on record as opposing this legislation and the Chairman be requested to notify Mr. Morrisey and the representatives in the General Assembly, including the Se- nator from Sampson County, with copy to the Political Action Committee. Motion carried. HEALTH DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTING Mr. Marks discussed Health Department Accounting and suggested it be under the County Auditor. Mr. Marks said he had discussed this with Mr. Shepard and Mr. Shepard had informed him that he couid handle the accounting of the Health Department without any additional help in his office. Mr. Marks said that at the first of each month 1/12 of the money budgeted for the Health Department was turned over to the Health Department and that the Health Department has now around $35,000 to $1}0,000 in surplus tahich the County cannot touch. Discussion of the Health Department operating under a charter ~instead of the General Statutes was discussed and by common consent Mr. Fox, County Attorney, was requested to make recommendations as to the operation of the Health Department under the General Statute. At this time, 1.:00 P.M., the meeting recessed for lunch, At 2:15 P.M. the meeting reconvened with the same persons being present as were earlier in the meeting. SALES TAX - -iscussion was held concerning local sales tax bills pending in legislature. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Administrator be directed to request our legislators to introduce a bill for collection of a lr~ sales tax returnable to New Hanover County after a referendum or attachment of the County to a similar bill. Further, to inform them that in the event of the introduction of a statewide bill as a substitute for all local bills, we urge their support os such a bill. Further, we direct the Administrator to send a copy.of this request to Mr. John Morrisey and the members of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners. Mr. Williams said the Board had endorsed a statewide bill about three months ago. The Board asked for a separate Act and the onl.y thing this does differently is to allow tiie County to attach onto another bill. Vote was called on.motion. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Williams voted "IVo". BILL 5269 Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. N~rks, that the Board advise its legislators that it opposes 5269 Bill which would, if passed, limit the valuation of bona fide farms to their value for agricultural use regardless of location or other normal elements of true market value. Motion carried. BILL H900 - Discussion of H900 Bill under which a municipality wanting to annex•territory lying in another county would have to have permission of the other county~s board of comtnissioners in order to annex was discussed. Action was deferred on this. OPPORTUNITIE52 IIVC. - Mr. Harriss presented the following resolution concerning funding of Opportunities, Inc.: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: . RESOLUTION COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER . WHEREAS, the County Commissioners supports objectives of elimination of poverty in this communi,ty, and WHEREAS, curtailment of funding by the Office of Economic Opportunity will threaten continuance of this work; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners respectfully requests that the Office of Economic Opportunity give thorough consideration to the adverse effects of discontinuance of this work. Done this $th day of May, 1Q69. (s) J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman ~ (s) Meares Harriss= Jr. Vice-Chairman (s) John Van B. Metts, Jr. Commissioner (s} H. A. Marks Commissioner (s) BerrV A, Williams Commissioner 33U Ninutes of the Neeking - May 5, 1969 Continved Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr..Marks, that the resoiution be adopted. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss was called from the meet;ng at this time. COMMITTEE ON SEEHING APPLICANTS FOR P05ITION OF COUNTY ATTORNEY - Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nir. Williams, that the existing committee tA interview and recommend to the Commissioners a fuli time County Attorney be dissolved in view of changed circumstances , and that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a new committee. Motion carried. COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR - Mr. Bowden gave a report on condition of the Courthovse elevator. The elevator needs a lot of repair and Mr. Bowden suggested that the Board negotiate with the New Hanover Memo- rial Hospital for one of the elevators at the old James Walker Hospital, have the cab rebuilt and install in the courthouse. It was pointed out that this work would have to be put out for bids. Mr. Metts suggested it would be wise to talk with an insurance man and see if he will assist with the study of cost and check into the specifications required. By common consent it was agreed to request the Chairman to start negotiations for one of the elevators. . AIR CONDITIONERS IN JUDGES C}IAMBERS Mr. Bowden discussed installing air condition units in the Judges chambers. Mr. John 4Jood said it would cost quite a bit to install the air conditioners, and Mr. Marks suggested that Mr. Bowden investigate the feasibili.ty of using a central unit. Mr. Bowden asked that he be given permission to get services of an engineer to advise him on this. Mr. Marks said he felt Mr. Bowden needed the services of an engineer and by common corisent it was agreed that Mr. Bowden seek the services of an engineer. At this time, County Auditor Shepard informed the Board that department heads had been asking him what the Commissioners' thinking was on salaries for the fiscal year 1969-70. Mr. Metts said he did not think any action should be taken on this with only three commis- sioners present. He felt the full Board should be present before a policy was set. No action was taken on this. Mr. Shepard was excused from the meeting to attend another meeting. DOG POUND. ANIMAL SHELTER - Mr. Bowden recommended that the dog pound and animal shelter be located on North Twenty- Third 5treet next to the City Disposal Plant and requested permission to have a survey made of the property. Mr. Williams moved that the area recommended by Mr. Bowden be set aside for this pvrpose and that a proper insert be made setting the installations back for parking. Motion died for lack of a second. N There was quite a bit of discussion whether or not to use this property for this purpose. Mr. Metts was of the opinion that the property was too valuable. Then the question of zoning was discussed relative to other locations. Mr. Bowden said to locate these faci2lties in some other locations would require spot zoning. Mr. Fox when questioned said, in his opinion, it was not legal to have spot zoning. Location of these two installations was deferred until Mr. Fox can investigate the question of zoning and make recommendations to the Board. CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY EASEMENT Mr. Bowden presented an easement which the Carolina Power and Light Company had prepared for a right-of-way over county land to erect poles, wires, etc. in order to provide service to Timme Corporation who is expanding its operation. Nr. Bowden pointed out that the easement had a provision providing that the power company will relocate the poles, etc. should they interfere with the future development of the above described land. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the easement be signed. Motion carried. DEATH OF MR. BAGGETT'S N~THER Mr. Bowden informed the Commissioners of the death of Mr. Saggett's mother during the pas.t weekend. Mrs. Baggett lived in Dunn and the funeral was to be on Monday. By common consent it was agreed to express the Board~s sympathy be sending flowers to Mr. Baggett when he returns, funds coming from the Contingency Fund. MEMBERSHIP IN LEAGUE OF CITY MANAGERS Mr. Bowden tald the Board that he had ,joined the League of County Managers at his own expense and advised them that a meeting will be held this month and requested permission to attend. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by N~r. Marks, that since Mr. Bowden will represent New Hanover at this meeting he be authori2ed to attend at Covnty expense and that his membership be paid for by the County. Motion carried. EXPIRATION OF MFt. MARHS~ TERM ON WELFARE BOARD Mr, Marks informed the Board that his term of bffice on the Welfare Board will expire on June 30. Mr. Metts expressed the feeling that he would like for him to continue if at all possible. Mr. Williams said he was in agreement to this. Mr. Marks said he was hesitant about leaving, because he was the only experienced one now on the committee. ADJWRNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to Board of Commissioners