1969-05-19 Regular Meetingt ` ~f,~:~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MAY 19, 1969 9:OOA.M. ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Nhrks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOGATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting t'o order and asked Dr. A. J. Blake, Pastor, St. Luke A.M.E. Zion Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - On Page tS, under the heading "Authorization For 5-County Community Services Consultant", second sentence should read: "Mr. Bowden said Miss Lela Moore Hall, Mr. Marks, and Mr. Joe Nedlin endorsed a full time Commuriity Services Consultant and that Mr. Timothy Wood and he did not concur because they felt there was a tremendous amount of duplication." After making the above correction, Mr. Marks, moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR SERVIA1G ON COMMITTEES - Mr. Hall informed the Board Mr. Bowden had discussed with him about he being appointed to serve on committees which establish policy. Mr. Marks said he fully agreed as to policy, but felt Mr. Bowden should be included as a resource person to committees. Mr. Williams said he thought Mr. Bowden should feel free to make recommendations to committees. JWENILE DETENTION HOME COMMITTEE - Chairman Hall informed the Board that Mr. Fred Willetts, Jr. had agreed to be head of the committee making a study of a Juvettile Detention Home. °Also, that there is to be a meeting this afternoon of this committee. Mr. Harriss asked that Mr. Bowden attend this meeting, if possible, because of his knowledge of the County Farm. Mr. Williams felt Mr. Bowden should be added to the cOmmittee as an adviser. REPORTS - No reports were due by or through the County Commissioners. At this time, Mr. James C. Fox,~ County Attorney, ,joined the meeting. REQUESTS FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - County Auditor Perry Shepard presented the following requests for transfers and appro- priations: FROM TO Election Precinct Personal Service $ $ $85.00 Election Printing Ballots 85.61 Election Wiring 16.60 Jail Repairs Bldg. & Equipment 100.00 Tax Collector - Refund Taxes 95.67 Sheriff - Bonds 33•00 County Farm - Repairs & Maintenance 50.00 County Farm - Lights 8 Power 175.00 Court House - Lights ~650.00 Sales Tax 1,000.00 Clerk Superior Court Transporting Insane 8 Inebriate 848.75 Recommended From Unanticipated Revenue General Fund - C. D. Interest $3,639.63 $3,639.63 INTER-DEPT. Bonded Debt $ $22,000.00 Bonded Debt Unanticipated Revenue C. D. Interest 22,000.00 School Regional Driver Ed. 1,050.63 Unanticipated Revenue School Regional Driver Ed. 1,050.63 Commissioners Stationery & Supplies 200.00 Commissioners Salaries 200.00 Airport - Repairs Maintenance 8 Equip. 250.00; Airport - Bldg. Repairs 250.00 Salaries - Tax Listing Office 2,500.00 General Contingency Fund 2,500.00 Cape Fear Tech. Water 112.79 Cape Fear Tech. Entertainment 100.00 Cape Fear Tech. FICA 12.79 Mental Health Drugs 500.00 Mental Health Salaries 500.00 I s3z MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MAY 19, 1969 (con't) From To Sheriff Capital Outlay $ $ 150.00 Sheriff Salaries 150.00 NOTE: General Contingency Fund Balance - r~y 5, 1969 - $4,474•61 Request of the Election Board for additional funds in the amount of $585.00 for precinct personnel service was deferred until fvrther information can be obtained as to reason for request. Request for additional funds for salaries in Tax Listing Department was also deferred until such time as a more accurate amount required can be determined. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the transfers and appropriations requested by the County Auditor be approved 4~ith the exception of additional funds in the amount of $585 for election precinct personnel service and salaries in the Tax Listing Offices in amount of $2,500, funds coming from Unanticipated Revenue General Fund and C. D. Interest. Motion carried. WELFARE DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS TO PURCHASE FLOOR MACHINE - Discussion was held on additional funds requested by the Welfare Department in amount of $48q to purchase a floor machine.. There seemed to have been some misunderstanding as to price of machine needed. The Weifare Department had been quoted a price of $725 which had been approved by the Commissioners at their May 5 meeting. Miss Hall appeared before the Board and discussed the machine needed for her department. The machine she feels would do the work, buffing, waxing, removing wax, etc, will cost $1214, requiring an additional $489. Miss Hall said with this machine the Welfare Department will require the services df. a maid only, eliminating the need for a janitor or custodian. Also, the additional funds necessary to purchase this machine can be transferred within the Welfare Budoet from Sanitarium Account. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Nr. Hall, that in view of cleaning need that the low bid received on the floor machine be accepted and request for additional funds in the amount of $489 be approved, funds coming from Sanitarium Accovnt within the Welfare Budget. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion that in view of higher cost of machine than was estimated, new bids be called for on formal basis and consideration be given to buffer, wax machine, and other attachments being handled by some other form of machine. Substitute motion died for lack of a second. Vote was called on original motion. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Harriss voted "No" REQUEST FOR DOG LEASH LAW~ MRS, xENNETH WILKIE Mrs Henneth Wilkie, Mrs. Jack Smith, and Mrs. Herb Hollington of Pine Valley appeared before the Board requesting that the County enact a Dog Leash Law. Mr. Wilkie said her son had been attacked and bitten by a dog and that she and her husband had been chased by dogs. She, as well as the other ladies with her, said the dogs run in packs in Pine Valley and it is becoming very dangerous for children and also adults. Also, the owners of these dogs are not very cooperative. Mrs. Wilkie said several persons had been bitten hy dogs, and they would like very much to have a leash law enacted for the safety of children. Mr. Fox, County Attorney, told the ladies that New Hanover County does not have power at this time to enact any laws but will have ordinance making authority after July 1, 1969. He pointed out, however, that any wild, bad or abandoned dogs can be picked up by the Dog Warden. Mr. Harriss told the ladies that if a dog injures a person the dog~s owner can be indicted. The ladies were informed•that they have the right to appear before the Board again after July 1, 1969 With their request, if they so desire. The Board will have ordinance making authority at that time. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS - A.B.C. Permit Requests in the name of Black Beard's Galley, 2nd 8 K Streets, Kure Beach and the Peddler Steak House, 5538 Market Street were presented to the Board. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the requests be referred to the Sheriff's Department for investigation. Motion carried. ROAD PETITION, LANSDOWN ESTATES. SECTION C A road petition requesting parts of Brookshire Lane, Coventry, Yorkshire, Dover and Devon- shire Roads in Section C of Lansdown Estates be added to the State Highway Secondary Road System was presented to the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Standard Resolution be adopted and forwarded, along with the petition, to the Stete Highway Commission requesting these roads be added to the Secondary Road System. Motion carried. CARGO BUILDING, PIEDMONT AIRLINES - ~ Discussion was held on immediate needs at the airport. Mr. Harriss said Mr. Metts and he had talked with officials of Piedmont about their need. Piedmont Airlines say they need 1,600 square feet additional space at this time. Messrs. Metts, Harriss, and Bowden feel this additional space can be provided by using a prefab building ad~acent and sovth of present terminal building. The cost of building would be at a minimum for amount of floor space involved. The building could be dissembled and moved in the future if necessary, or desired. It was pointed out there is not a need for water or sewage in this building, but lights and some heat will be necessary. A covered baggage clearing area plus walkway is also needed which would relieve traffic. Mr. Harriss pointed out the rent would be sufficient to amortize building. Mr. Harriss said Piedmont also needs additional ticket counter space which would be subject to rental. It is proposed that the north end of the counter be extended out into lohby and one of the advertisemenLs be removed. Mr. Metts pointed out the Airport Committee had looked at the needs of the Airport both from a short range and long range view point. Also, Piedmont has been working with them. Mr. Williams asked whether or not a decision had been.reached to move the present terminal building and Mr. Metts said, no decision had'been reached. i MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MAY 19, 1969 CON~T Chairman Hall said he felt like the building that is propos'ed to be added might downgrade the present building. 1Nr. Harriss said it was a building that is badiy needed at this time and would be seif-liquidating. Mr. Harriss said he would like permission of the Board to ask for bids for this parti- cular building and also on the other facilities which are contemplated (covered baggage area, etc.). Mr. Harriss said location of proposed building seems to be agreeable to Piedmont.. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Commissioners proceed with necessary plans and specifications to put out for bids for the proposed cargo bvilding. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts for discussion. that they proceed with con- struction of covered baggage area and ticket counter as worked out with Piedmont. After discussion, N~r. Harriss withdrew his motion. , Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that the Board have specifications for adding covered baggage area, walkway, blast fence, and proceed with addition to counter; that the , Board engage firm of Ballard, McKim and Sawyer to prepare specifications for these additions and the cargo building. Motion carried. ,; :3,~ 3 Mr. Harriss presented recommendations for improvement at the Airport prepared by the firm of John Talbert and Associates. The Commissioners accepted the report for study and decision. REPORT FROM CHAMBER OF CONiT1ERCE AIRPORT COMMITTEE - Mr. Herb McKim appeared before the Board relative to study made of Airport by the Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee. Mr. McKim told the Board the Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee had promised to furnish the report in February, but the study has become so involved that it has developed into a . project of five instead of one committee. Mr. McKim said there is a possibility of receiving a grant and serious consideration was being given as to whether to relocate the terminal building or not. Aiso, possibility of maintenance building is being looked into which Piedmont needs more than anything else. Mr. McKim said the Personnel Committee looked into personnel arrangements of several airports. The report is in two parts. The general report shows what New Hanover County now has. Mr. McKim said the Airport is large enovgh to have more personnel. Mr. McKim said the greatest need is the establishment of position of Director of Aviation who..would work in public relations in promoting the airport. This person would be responsible for increasing activities at the airport. Mr. McKim asked the Board to consider the report seriously, and he would be back with other reports. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the report he accepted anii that Mr. McKim and other members of the Chamber of Commerce Airport Committee be thanked for their efforts. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss said he felt sure Mr. Westbrook and Mr. Metts would bear him out, they ail have gotten excited over the Airport because of the opportunity of a tunn to prodvcing revenue there. They have worked with Piedmont to see what the future looks like, have seen bvildings can be constructed and amorti2ed. DISCUSSION EMPLOYMENT OF PSYCHIATRIST, MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC - Mr. John Wilson, Administrative Director, Nental Health Center, appeared before the Board relative to the hiring of a female psychiatrist forthe Mental Health Clinic. Mr. Wilson said this person had requested salary of $28,000 per year, but Mr. Wilson had checked with State Personnel in Raleigh and was told that she did not qualify for more than $25,236 under the State Merit System at this time with increase to $26,496 in six months. Mr. Wilson said she had been told this and was willing to take the position at this salary,, however she requested that she be allowed to work three or four hours per week after hours in therapy in order to keep her skills up in this field. Also, she requested one month~s vacation, two weeks with pay and two without. The person also wanted an answer by May 20 as to whether she wovld be hired or not. It was the consensus of the Board that they would like to meet the person before com- mitting themselves. Also, the Board was reluctant in approving request for permission to do outside work. Mr. Hall said he saw no urgent need to h3re anyone so quickly; that August 1 would be soon enough. Mr. Marks said he had talked with a psychiatrist in Raleigh with many years of,service and his salary now is only $25,000. This psychiatrist said the state strts them with $18,500. Nr. Harriss moved that the Board defer action on this matter pending further information. Motion died for lack of a second. Chairman Hall asked Mr. Wilson to get in touch with the person seeking the position and teli her that a decision cannot be made by May 20, and if she is still interested, the Board will be in touch later. Also, get a definite commitment of how long she would be willing to remain in the position. Mr. Marks said other centers were using services of participating psychiatrists and are getting the„~ob done, and he suggested Nr. Wilson's Board explore the possibility of our center doing likewise. Chairman Hall asked Mr. Wilson to take this up with the Board. By common consent, action on this was deferred pending further clarification and meeting with the Nental Health Advisory Board. At this time, Representative Snead came in for informal discnssion with the Board con- cerning bills passed and pending in Legislature concernfng New Hanover County. WATERWAY TRAFFIC - Mr. Harriss said waterway traffic by marinas in uncontrolled; at the present time no "slow no wake" signs are placed anywhere by anyone, and over a million dollars worth of boats are in danger of damage by wakes of speeding vessels. ~ i ( 334 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - MAY 1969 CON~T Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. N~etts, thatan expression of the Board's sentiment be sent to the proper authority such as: Corp of Engineers, Coast Guard, Wrightsville Beach Authorities, Wildlife and the Sheriff after checking with County Attorney, asking that signs be put in this and similar locations and action be taken to enforce laws that exist. Motion carried. Mr. Metts suggested the County Attorney be asked as to who is responsible. At this time, 12:15 P.M., meeting recessed for lunch. Meeting reconvened at 2:OOP.M. with all Board members present, County Administrator and Clerk to the Board. SURPLUS FUNDS, HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Chairman Hall asked how the question of surplus funds in the Health Department came up. Mr. Harriss said statement was made by Mr. Marks at the last meeting. Mr. Marks said he got his information from the March 31, 1969 Financial Statement Mr. Shepard furnished the County Commissioners. Mr. Marks said the Auditor did not have any record of Health Department funds. Mr. Hall said if Mr. Shepard needed any information, all he has to do is to call the Health Department and they ~,,o uld furnish it to him. Mr. Harriss said he would prefer a tighter control. Mr. Marks said Mr. Shepard had indicated that since his office had been relieved of keeping records for the court offices, his office could handle records of the Health Department with- out additionai personnel, and Mr, Marks was of the opinion it might be possible to use several less persons in the Heaith Department. Mr. Willfams was of the opinion that as long as the Health Department operates under the 1913 Act, the records will have to be handled in this manner. Mr. Williams reminded the Board that the County Attorney is to investigate the Act and advise the Commissioners as to possi- bility of the Heaith Department operating under the General Statutes. Mr. Hall was of the opinion that the Health Board could vote the Health Department under the General Statutes, if it so desired. Mr. Metts suggested the County Administrator check with the County Attorney on this matter. DISCU55ION POSSIBILITY OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUILDINGi NEW CONSTRUCTION - Mr. Hall advised the Board that it has come to his attention there is a possibility under the Hill-Burton Act the County may receive funds to help build a new building for the Health Department and Mental Health Clinic. Question was raised as to whether or not Hill-Burton Funds would be availabie in renovating a building. Mr. Harriss said that such funds were not available for renovation of James Walker Hospital. Mr. Williams suggested possibility af receiving such fvnds be expiored for both new construction and renovation. Mr. Marks presented copy of a report on laboratory tests to the Commissioners, pointing out comparison of'New Hanover County with other counties. Mr. Narks plans to visit other labs accompanied by Dr. Knox, if Dr. Rnox has the time. Mr. Henry Bost and a representative from Shoup Voting Machine Company appeared briefly at the meeting. Mr. Bost, when asked by the Chairman how the County could save the expense of transporting the voting machines at election time, suggested they be left at the schools from one election to another as other counties are doing. WELFARE DEPARTMENT MOVING -- Mr. Marks requested that Mr. Bowden ~arite a letter to the contractor requesting that work on the Welfare Building be completed within two weeks. DISCU55ION REVISBD PERSONNEL PLAN - By common consent discuss3on of the Personnel Plan was deferred until a later date. REAPPOINTMENT REESE SMITH TO WELFARE BOARD - Mr. i~rks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Reese Smith be reappointed to the Welfare Board for a term of three years. Motion carried. INSURANCE ON DRAGLINE - Discussion was held on question of whether or not to insure the dragline owned by the County. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, for discussion, that if insurance can be obtained for 1~ percent, or less, that Mr. Bowden be authorized to have the dragline insured. Mr. Williams made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the County Administrator be requested to secure insurance proposal on the dragline and report back at the next meeting. Motion carried four to one. Mr. Harriss vo•ted "No". DEUTSCH FILTORS, INC. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL PARHING SPACE - Mr. Bowden discussed with the Board Filtors~ request for additional parking space of appox- imately two acres. Mr. Hall said the Board would need permission from the F.A,A, to lease the space. By common consent Mr. Bok~den was requested to advise Mr. Rowe, Attorney for Filtors, that the County is receptive to the idea. COMMITTEE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ON APPOINTP7ENT OF FULL TIME COUNTY ATTORNEY - Mr. Hall advised the Board that he would appoint persons to serve on this committee immediately. DOG POUND AND ANINIAL SHELTER - Mr. Bowden advised the Board he planned to look at another site back oS the City Sewer Disposal to determine whether it would be suitable for a dog pound and animal shelter. ~ 335 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - I~AY 19, 1969 CON~T AIR CONDITIONERS IN JUDGES~ CHAMBERS - Mr. Bowden informed the Board that Mr. Wood is to get with Mr. Jim Cheatham to determine question of voltage for the air conditioners. , Mr. Harriss informed the Board thatthe NCNB had used a supplementary air conditioning unit in their quarters in the Carolina Power 8 Light Company Building, and it was possible this unit might be for sale. Mr. Bowden will look into this matter. COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR - Mr. Bowdgn told the Board that Mr. John Wood is handling matter of elevator in the Courthouse. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr.,Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfuliy submitted, Ha2e1 Savage Clerk to Board of Commissioners Mi1VtiT~S OF THE MEETING - JUNE 3, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the foc~lowing present: G~'~airman J.M. Hall, Jr., Uice-Chairman Meares Harris, Jr., Commissioners .lohn Van B. Metts, Jr., H,A, Marks, Berry A. Williams; Attorney James C. Fox; County Anditor Perry Sh~pard; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - G Chairman Hall called the maet•ing to order and asked Rev. A. F. Hooper, Pastor, Price Cathedral, A.M.E. Church, to give the invocation.' APPROVAL OF MINUTES - On Page 6 under heading, "Waterway Traffic," first sentence sh ould read: "Mr. Harriss said waterway traffic by marinas is uncantrolled; at the present time no ~slow-no wake' signs are placed anywhere by anyone, and over a million dollars worth of boaCs are in danger of damage by wakes of speeding vessels." Second paragraph should read:~'"Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that an expression of the Board~s sentiment be sent to the proper authorities such as Corps of Engineers, Coast Guard, Wrightsville Beach'Authorities, Wildlife and the Sheriff (after checking with the County Attorney) askingt~itaat signs be put in this, and similar locations, and action be taken to enforce laws that exist. Motion carried. ~ On Page l} under heading, "Cargo Bvilding Piedmont Air Lines," fourtn paragraph should read: '~Chairman Hall said he felt like the building that is proposed to be added might downgrade the present building and wanted assurence it would not. Mr. Harriss said it was a building ~hat is badly needed at this time and would be self-liquidating." After making the above corrections, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Shepard presented the follou~ing requests for transfers and appropriations: ;' - ;.' , - , . _ ' _ . .. . '. ' " _ . FRO6? TO To - Airport - Tractor 8 Replace 1943 Tractor `~~' .; $ 5~.00 From - General Fund $ 50.00 To - County Aid Community Hospital Expd. . 71.76 Airport Labor From Farm 521.00 Tax Listing Salaries ( Overtime) 2,500.00 Count House Electrical Supplies 22,3g Tax Collector Refund f}2•92 Museum Telephone 25.00 Sheriff Telephone 10~.8~ Board of Elections 585.00 ~ To - Airport Cap. Outlay 50.00 From - General Contingency Fund 3,925•94 To b- Drive Education 110,!}49.26 From - Unanticipated Revenue 40,449.26 To - Wilmington College 579.80 ' From -Unappropriated Surplus 579.80