1969-06-03 Regular Meeting~ 335 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - I~AY 19, 1969 CON~T AIR CONDITIONERS IN JUDGES~ CHAMBERS - Mr. Bowden informed the Board that Mr. Wood is to get with Mr. Jim Cheatham to determine question of voltage for the air conditioners. , Mr. Harriss informed the Board thatthe NCNB had used a supplementary air conditioning unit in their quarters in the Carolina Power 8 Light Company Building, and it was possible this unit might be for sale. Mr. Bowden will look into this matter. COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR - Mr. Bowdgn told the Board that Mr. John Wood is handling matter of elevator in the Courthouse. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr.,Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfuliy submitted, Ha2e1 Savage Clerk to Board of Commissioners Mi1VtiT~S OF THE MEETING - JUNE 3, 1969 ASSEMBLY - The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room with the foc~lowing present: G~'~airman J.M. Hall, Jr., Uice-Chairman Meares Harris, Jr., Commissioners .lohn Van B. Metts, Jr., H,A, Marks, Berry A. Williams; Attorney James C. Fox; County Anditor Perry Sh~pard; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. INVOCATION - G Chairman Hall called the maet•ing to order and asked Rev. A. F. Hooper, Pastor, Price Cathedral, A.M.E. Church, to give the invocation.' APPROVAL OF MINUTES - On Page 6 under heading, "Waterway Traffic," first sentence sh ould read: "Mr. Harriss said waterway traffic by marinas is uncantrolled; at the present time no ~slow-no wake' signs are placed anywhere by anyone, and over a million dollars worth of boaCs are in danger of damage by wakes of speeding vessels." Second paragraph should read:~'"Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Netts, that an expression of the Board~s sentiment be sent to the proper authorities such as Corps of Engineers, Coast Guard, Wrightsville Beach'Authorities, Wildlife and the Sheriff (after checking with the County Attorney) askingt~itaat signs be put in this, and similar locations, and action be taken to enforce laws that exist. Motion carried. ~ On Page l} under heading, "Cargo Bvilding Piedmont Air Lines," fourtn paragraph should read: '~Chairman Hall said he felt like the building that is proposed to be added might downgrade the present building and wanted assurence it would not. Mr. Harriss said it was a building ~hat is badly needed at this time and would be self-liquidating." After making the above corrections, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS - Mr. Shepard presented the follou~ing requests for transfers and appropriations: ;' - ;.' , - , . _ ' _ . .. . '. ' " _ . FRO6? TO To - Airport - Tractor 8 Replace 1943 Tractor `~~' .; $ 5~.00 From - General Fund $ 50.00 To - County Aid Community Hospital Expd. . 71.76 Airport Labor From Farm 521.00 Tax Listing Salaries ( Overtime) 2,500.00 Count House Electrical Supplies 22,3g Tax Collector Refund f}2•92 Museum Telephone 25.00 Sheriff Telephone 10~.8~ Board of Elections 585.00 ~ To - Airport Cap. Outlay 50.00 From - General Contingency Fund 3,925•94 To b- Drive Education 110,!}49.26 From - Unanticipated Revenue 40,449.26 To - Wilmington College 579.80 ' From -Unappropriated Surplus 579.80 336 MINUTES OF MEETING - JUNE 3, 1969 REQUEST FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS (Continued) - To - Mentai Health Capital Outlay From- Mental Health Salaries To - C.F.T.I. Bldg. Approp. From- Unanticipated Rev. C.F.'T.I. Bldg. FROP1 TO , '~" 7 : c~5 ~".05 - - 4,939.41 4:939.f~i Mr. Marks moved, secbnded by Mr. Metts, that the transfers and appropriations be approved, funds to come from sources recommended by Mr. Shepard. LETTER CONGRATt3LA11~lAti~r NEW NiP.YOR OF WItMINGTON AND OUTGOItQG MAYOR - Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that a let~er be written to Mr, L.M. Cromartie congratulating him on becoming Mayor of ldilmington and a letter be ~aritten Mr. O.O. Allsbrook, outgoing mayor, expressing the Gommissioners' appreciation for his past services and cooperation. Mbf~nn carried. REPBr~TS - Mr. Sam Johnson, Tax Coliector, appeared before the Board and presented the following statement: 1968 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX LEVY TAX LEUY 1968 LATE LISTIYdGS TOTAL COLLECTIONS THRU 5~21/69 UN-COLLECTED MAY 22, 1969 ~ 4,003.333.21 10 , L~02 . lili 4,013,735.b5 3,670,897•49 34z, ~3ts . 16 There were no further reports due by or through the County Commissioners, l~PPORTUNITIES INCORPORATED Col T.A. Price, Director of Opportunities Incorporated along with Harry Forden,, appeared before the Board requesting permission to use Community Hospital for headquarters of Opportunities Inc. Col. Price said Opportunitiesm Incorporated had problems and one of them was their present location, which had beefl one o£ the main reasons why they were being defunded. Gmmmunity Hospital could be su~ed as a location for all activit~~es which would put the operation ~n a low rent area and would have adequate room for office space with room for expansion. Alsor,~ they would have space for year round head start program. Col Prfice said Community Hospital had been closed for quite sometime and he did not know what condition it is in, but if all needed to be done was to paint the walls, Opportunities could furnish the painL and labor to do this, There was.-s~'a question as to whether or not the plumbing and heating are in usable condition. He felt that Opportun3ties Incorporated "~ can put the:abuilding back in good condition. Mr. Hall asked Col. Price what agencies are still alive and Col, Price `said Summer Head Start and present staff is still on until middle of June. At that time some of the staff will be terminated and if they are not defended, they will be recruiting,new personnel. He mentioned federal credit union of 105 to 160 members and community groups with day care facilities, and said they hoped to support SEGAP employment program (unemployables due to lack of education). He saad~they were still endeavoring to continue programs with ehlp fr!~m Washington in making changes. He said OEO objected to present location. Mr. Harriss asked what is City contributing and was told 1,000 square feet or $3 per square feet or a total of $3,000.00. Mr. Metts thought it would be a good idea for Opportunities, Inc. to investigaue~:_and ascertain what the cost of heat would be and how much it would cost to put the buiiding in condition. .. Mr. Hall said they could assume that the Board of Commissioners is not hos;bile to the idea, but the Board wants to know certain things. Mr. Hall felt it wouid be good for preservation of the building to have it used. Mr. Metts suggested that it determined whether or not the building can be used as a school under safety rules. Col. Price felt it could be usAd for the Head Start program. Mr. Marks svggested they check with Mr. Mullins'office in Raleigh. (5tate Insurance De{~3rtment ). The Nurses Home At Community Hospital was also discussed. Mr. Hall felt it might save time be allowing them access to the buildings and getting them to check insurance, etc. as correlated to their needs. Mr, Harriss proposed that City Manager Brandon be approached to find out what our relationship is with them. Also request for this Commission's co-sponsorship with Cfi_ty. Mr. Harriss sugges4ed that because of the impprtant nature of this request it be s~ud3ed by the CountyAdministrator with the City and he be furnished ; with an early report,. Mr. Forden said he wanted to emphasize that the position of the Board of Commissioners will be a great impact on future of Opportunities, Inc. and he felt the City will help this program. He felt that OEO is hesitant on refunding this agency due to its present location. Mr, Nietts suggested giving 0pportunities, Inc, authority to check into the building. Col. Price informed the Board that he would not be with the agency much longer and wanted to thank the Board forc, the courtesies extended to h7~m as an indfvidual and also as a represena tative ~f the program even though the County had not been in sponsorahip. ~ 33~~ MINUTES OF MEETING - JUNE 3, 1969 RENOVATION BUILDING AT JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL FOR USE BY HEALTH AND MENiTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS _ Mr. Herb McKim and Mr. John Jeffries, Architects, Firm of Ballard, McKim, and Sawyer appeared before the Board with more detailed plan of the proposed renovation of a building at James Walker Hospital for use by the Health and Mental Health Departments. The gound floor for Health Department facilities and third floor for sanitarians and Mental Health Center. The Health Department will have approximately 13,000 square feet of space and the Mental Health Department approsimately 3,200 square feet. ~uestion of whether or not Hill-Burton funds can be obtained for renovation was discussed. Mr. McKim informed the Board that renovation the present building would be far less exp¢nsive than building a new building. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board receive plans worked out by , architects and defer action until Board can determine status .o~ Medical Care Commission. Mr. Marks felt it should be pursued pronptly. Mr. Hall said he would call them after meeting. Mr. Jeffries advised the board that the contractor who had b¢en working wiht them suggested the Board not advertise for bids before,September because most contractors are busy at this time of year, and therefore, would not get good results. Mr. Hall questioned whether or not demolition of the other building would interfere with renovation of this building and the architect said it would not. SERVICES FOR AGING Mrs. Louise W. Love, Director, Services for Aging, appeared before the Board as a follow= up to her request that the County include $7,500.00 in their budget to assist this agency. Mrs. Love cited the needs for this agency along the same lines as she pointed out in her letter of April 30, 196g; namely, counseling, health maintenance, clinics, transportation, recreation and many more. At the end of the discussion, she emphasized the need for assistance of the County in the amount of $7,500 and requested that a committee be appointed to studyethe problems of the aging. Nr. Hall told Mrs. Love her request had been placed in the budget file and would be considered during bugdet study. Mr. Marks suggested to Mrs. Love that she read Title 19; there might be some way whereby the Welfard Department can help with some of the needs of the aging. NORTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR"5 COMMITTEE ON LAW AND ORDER - REPORT ON MEETING BY COMMISSIONERS BERRY A. WILLIAA7S 5 Nir. Wiliiams reported on a meeting which was recently held in Raleigh which he, Harvey Jones of the Pender County Commissioners, Pender County Sheriff J.K. Pewers, Judge Gilbert ' Burnett, of sth District Court, Police Ch3ef H.S. Williamson, T}imothy Wood, and New Hanover Deputy William Dixon attended. Mr. Williams said this hearing was held on application of New Hanover and Pender Counties had filed requesting funding of a l~w enforcement planning area of the two counties. Mr. Williams said his delegation was politely but firmly excused fr..m the room for vote to be taken and after vo.te was taken they were advised their application had been re,jected because area did not meet the standard population of 100,000. Mr. Williams said they had furnished estimated population to qualify. Population fugures of 120,000 to 130,000 during summer were used. Mr. Wiliiams said sia~teen local criminal justice planning units have been formed in North Carolina and approved by thr Governor's Committee to be eligible for federal funds under the Omnibus Crime Control Act. Mr. Williams said this made have serious reservation concerning block grants. Mr. Hall was of the opinion that since our area had been designated as a growth center, further consideraton sd~ould have been given to federal funding a law enforcement planning area for New Hanover and Pender Counties. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Williams and the committee from New Hanover and Pender counties will investigate what can be done and make a further report to the County Commissioners. COMMISSIONERS ATTENDING N~ETINGS HELD LONG DISTANCES AWAY - Mr. Hal1 mentioned the fact that there had been some criticism of delegates attending National organization meetings because of the distance involved. Block funds wi11 be discussed at the National~Association of County Commissioners meeting soon to be held, and if New Hanover County is to get legislature passed which affects this county, the Board should look favorably upon attendance of inembers at these meetings of NACO. Mr. Williams will be in Washington this week working on legislation dealing with block~ grants. Mr. Hall thanked Mr. Williams for the report on the Law and Order Committee meeting. At this time,. 11:00 A. M., the .meeting recessed. Meeting reconvened at 11:15 A. M. A.B.C. PERMIT RE9UESTS- The following A.B.C. Permit Requests were presented to the Commissioners: Red and. White Super Market,,, 5550 Market Street; Seaside Cafe, K Street, Kure Beach; Brown's Grocery, 601 Red Cross Street; Polynesian Cafe, 16 S. Tenth Street;, and Alphie's Pizza Fub of Wrightsville Beach, Inc., 32 N. Zumina Ave., Wrightsville. Mr. Metts'moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the requests be forwarded to the Sheriff's office for their investigation. Motion carried. , ROAD PETITION, COLLEGE ACRES- Road petition from residents in College Park requesting the State Highway Commission add Rill,i Trowbridge and Teal Streets to the Secondary Road System for maintenance was presented to the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the standard resolution be adopted and forwarded to the State Highway Co.mmission along with the petition with request that they add these streets to the Secondary Road System for maintenance. Motion carried. 338 MINUTES OF MEETING - JUNE 3, 1969 (cont.) ADVERTISING WATER TIPSi LIFF AROUND WILMINGTON MAGAZINE- Request from Mr. Floyd W. Cox, Jr., Life Around Wilmington, for annual renewal of printing of Water Safety Rules for summer 1959 in amount of 9G100 was presented to the Board. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that we inform the publication we will not run the ad this year. Motion carried. RESOLUTION, SALE OF PROP~RTY PURCHASED BY COUNTY AT WELFARE LIEN FORECLOSURE SAI,E- Resolution of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to sell property to Henry Mishoe which had been foreclosed at a Welfare Zien Foreclosure Sale for $109.08 was presented by Mr. Fox. The property is appraised at $1,']80 with tax lien o£ $301.10. The appraised value of ~1,780 less the taxes due on property of $301.10 reduces the fair market vaTue to $1,4']8.°0 at which price the Board agreed to sell with the purchaser assuming all taxes due. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the property be sold and tlie resolution prepared by Mr. Fox be adopted. Motion carried., COMMUIQITY SERVICES CONSULTANT- Mr. Bowden reported on meeting the committee appointed to study needs for a Community Services Consultant had had recently. Mr. Bowden said the committee still voted three for and two a~ainst hiring a Community Services Consultant. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts for discussion, that we not go into this program at this time. Mr. Marks said he felt a Community Services Consultant was needed for the well being of our community, that this is a function that if properly organized could do well. Mr. Marks felt the minimum amount expended wo.uld be an asset to the community. Mr. Metts said there were a few things that disturbed him; when the question of obtaining a Community Consultant was first dis- cussed, it was for a period of three .months but when discussed again with the gentleman fro.m Raleigh, one year, together with office, telephone and a secretary. It was also suggested by Mr. Auebach that afterwards a study might be made.that work be continued and bill would be taken up by New Hanover County. It was pointed out that some work in areas of health might become regional in scope, and there are now two agencies, Council of Governments and 'IO-County South- eastern Economic Development Commission. Mr. Williams said he saw no need for other groups, State and Federal Agencies are overlapping. Mr. Harriss made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board authorize this program for three months and provide one office and telephone, not including a secretary, and assess the value of the Community Services Consultant. Mr. Metts said the Board should point out that it is for three months, they should set up what is to be dcne and have him on "go" when he starts. Vote was called on substitute motion. Motion carried. Mr. Williams was asked to mention t'hat New Hanover County had agreed to avail themselves of a Community Services Consultant for a three month period. . TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT OF ELEVATOR MECHANIC- Mr. Bowden advised the Board that the elevator in the Courthouse had to be replaced and the State Elevator Inspector has agreed that the Board get one from the hospital which will enable the County to save a considerable amount of money. Hiring an elevator mechanic to work under Mr. John Wood will save the County a considerable amount of money. It was pointed out that the elevator replacing the old one would not require an operator. Mr. Bowden was asked to discuss this with the Sheriff. Mr. Bowden said the cost of this project would be fro.m $7,000 to $8,000 versus ~18,000 to $20,000 to purchase a new elevator. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss,that the Board proceed with plan as outlined by the County Administrator provided that the study indicates we will save considerable .money. Motion carried. JOINT OWNED BUII,DING AT JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL COMPLEX- Mr. Marks asked Mr. Hall about building at the old James Walker Hospital site that is owned jointly now by them and New Hanover County. Mr. Hall said he had discussed this with Mr. Longley, and Mr. Longley advised he was going to get finance committee to have conference with group from this Board. If Mr. Hall does not hear soon from Mr. Zongley, he will remind him again. APPROVAL EMPLOYMENT SUNII"IER INTERDT- Mr. Bowden requested permission to hire an intern from the Institute oS Government for the months of June, July and August. Mr. Bowden said he had an opportunity to hire a Morehead Scholar at $325 per month. Mr. Harriss moved., seconded by Mr. Williams that approval be given to hire this person. Motion carried. INSURANCE ON DRAGLINE- Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the dragline be insured for $15,000 if the pre.mium will not run over $1.50 per ~100 per year. Motion carried. REPAIRS TO RUNWAY 1634 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT- Mr. Harriss discussed immediate necessity to repair Runway 1634 even though the Federal Government will not participate in the repairs and will reduce amount they will give New Hanover County on strengthening and smoothing the runways. Mr. Harriss said it will cost ~G'7,p00 or $8,000 additional funds to do this work, but this can be considered as a breakdown and an emergency situation exists. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Talbert be requested to prepare specifications and to call for bids for this project, funds coming from Unanticipated Revenue. Motion carried. Mr. Marks su~gested that specifications be shown to Piedmont Air Lines to determine if they are satisfactory to the.m. Mr. Harriss said the bond situation is not getting any better. It seems to him to be in order to sell bonds and deposit money and recoup what we can in interest even though he hated to sell bonds on the uncertain market today. By common consent it was agreed to explore with the Local Government Commission to determine whether they concur that we sell these bonds and put the money out on interest. 339, MINUTES OF MEETING - JI7NE 3, 1969 (cont.) REPAIRS TO RUNWAY 1634 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT -(Continued) Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the County Administrator check with the Local Government Commission and upon approval, institute steps f'or selling. Also, Mr. Bowden will check with bank about this. Motion carried. Mr. Bowd'en added hg would co-ordinate with Auditor on bond sale. - Tax exempt status of State and Local Bonds was also discussed concerning effect proposed legislation would have. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams,that the Board send a telegram to President Richa~d Nixon and Vice-President Agnew opposing this legislation and the Senators and all Congressional delegates of~North Carolina, with copy to NACO. Motion carried. REPLACING OFFICE OF CORONER WITH MEDICAL EXAMINER- - Mr. Hall discussed question of whether or not to replace the office of Coroner of New Hanover County with a Medical Examiner. Mr. Hall said weighing all pros and cons it might be a better system but would be more expensive. ~ Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that New Hanover County co.me under the Medical Examiner System at the expiration of the term of the present coroner. Mr. Williams thought action on this should be deferred until next meeting. Mr. Hall suggested it be put on Agenda for the next meeting. Mr. Harriss withdrew his motion. PARKING SPACE FOR FILTORS- ~ Discussion was held on whether to rent parking space and sell property to Filtors. If price is right and FAA is agreeable subject will be discussed. By common consent it was agreed Mr. Rowe will be informed the Board's approval of idea and suggest that committee meet this week and have recommendations by next meeting. NORTH CAROLINA SYP'IPHONY- Mr. Hall informed the Board that the County has be,en requested to give aid to the North Carolina Symphonyc. By common consent it was agreed to consider this item at budget time. RE6~UEST GOVERNOR SCOTT TO APPOINT RYE PAGE TO STATE PORT AUTHORITY- Mr. Hall iniormed the Board that he had received copy of' request from Col. George W. Gillette, Chairman, Wilmington Port and Waterway Commission, addressed to Governor Scott, saying that the Commission unanimously recommends appointment of Rye Page as a member of the North Carolina State Ports Authority, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, ~hat a letter be written to Governor Scott requesting that he appoint Rye Page to the first vacancy on the State,Ports Authority. Motion carried. ZITTERING OF HIGHWAYS- Mr. Hall suggested that during the next budget discussions, consideration be given to include .two or three persons to watch for peogle~that litter property of others. Mr. Metts suggested if additional men are going to be hired, they be put in the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Williams informed the members of the Board that the Board has authority to appoint rural policemen and by doing this the Board :can tell them where to go, whereas if they worked under the Sheriff he would have jurisdiction and could use them as he saw fit. Mr. Marks asked that the Sherii'f furnish a personnel breakdown showing dollarwise the service, how many and what they are assigned to do. Also it was suggested that letters be written to the Highway Commission and Jud.ges about punishing people who are "litterbugs." RESIGNATION OF PETER H. BRAAK, TAX SUr~xJISOR- I,etter of resignation from Peter H. Braak, Tax Supervisor, was presented to the Board. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts; that the resignation be accepted with regret, and since he has not had his vacation for this year that he be paid through the month of June. Motion carried. STATUS OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT- Mr. Williams said question of whether or not the Health Department should be under General Statues or under its present charter came up some time ago, and since it would require the Health Department voting itself to come under the General.;Statues or by an act of legislation, something would have to be done right away. Mr. Hall pointed out that the surplus funds the Health Department was said to have had a few meetings ago were in Mr. Shepard's office. The City pays 1/6 and Mr. Williams said it is his feeling that any service available to the City is available to the County, and he feels it is not fair for City to pay 1/6. Mr. Williams feels that the General Statute is adequate and sees no reason for the Health Department not being under it. ' It was pointed out that under the General Statute the County would do away with appointing plumbing inspectors and there might be some change in the retir.ement system. Mr. Hall does not feel there is any advantage in making a change. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Marks, Mr. Hall, the County Administrator, and City take a look and report at next meeting their views on taking Health Department out of present laws and putting it under General Statute basis. Mr. Metts suggested other agencies be considered with City also. S& H Gtt~,~;lv STAMP BUILDING- Discussion was held on use of S& H Green Stamp Building. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts for discussion„ that the Board ask the architect to co.mplete specifications to proceed with securing bids for renovation o£ the S& H Green Stamp Building. Mr. Metts questioned whethes• or not the Committee had done anything,on study of space. Mr. Metts was told that they had studied the situation. Vote was called on motion. It carried four to one. Mr. Metts voted "No." ~ ~ 34U MINUTES OF MEETING - JTJNE 3, 1969 (cont.) S& A Gtt~~;lv STAMP BUIZDING -(Continued) Mr. Marks again brought up discussion of Health Department. He said under General Statute the County would pay 100% and he suggested that the auditor t,ake over books of Health Department. Mr. Hall said that the Health Department Board would .meet Wednesday and he would discuss it with the.m then. At this point, 1:25 P. M., the meeting was recessed for lunch. Meeting reconvened at 2:40 P. M. FARM EQUIPMENT, CUI~TIVATED FRAME AT RRISON FARM- Mr. Bowden said he had been approached by Mr. Willetts, employee at the Prison Farm to purchase a cultivator frame. Mr. Marks suggested it would be worth $50 and by common consent it was agreed that Mr. Bowden advise Mr. Will'etts of this. E2EQIIEST FOR TRANSFERS OF FUNDS IN REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE- Mrs. Lois LeRay requested $325 for Stationery and Supplies and $100 for her staff to attend a portion of the North Carolina Register of Deeds Association Convention to be held at Atlantic Beach, Morehead; N. C.; June 8-11. She requested this be transferred from Accounts 11.']21 binders and record books, 11.']25 repair to maps and record books, and 11.726 repair and main= tenance equipment. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the transfers be approved. Motion carried. RESIGNATION OF HAZEZ SAVAGE, CLERK TO BOARD- Mr. Laurence Bowden requested vacation pay to be paid Hazel Savage for two weeks she did not take iast year and two due her this year. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that Hazel Savage be paid for vacation as requested and her resignation be accepted with regrets. Motion carried. PERSONNEL PLAN- Personnel Plan which Mr. Bowden had drafted was presented to the Board for their review. After several chan~es, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the plan be adopted. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT- There being no further bus3ness to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted Hazel Savage County Clerk ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 16, 1969 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Net,~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room ~+rith the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Nezres Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Narks, Berry A. Williams, County Auditor, Perry Shepard, County Administrator and Acting Clerk to the Board, Laurence O. Bowden, and members of the press. INVOCATION Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and in the absence of a scheduled minister, asked Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. REPGRTS No reports were due by or through the County Commissioners. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams; that the minutes be approved. Notion carried. ACTING CLERK TO THE BOARD Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, th2t Mr. Bowden be made Acting Clerk to the Board. Motion carried. MAIL Mr. Harriss requested any mailings be made before Friday. Things mailed to hiro on Friday do not reach him in time. He has to pick mail up on Suriday twenty miles a~aay. Mr. Hall said they would try. RENOVATION OF OFFICE OF C013NTY SOLICITOR Mr. Narks asked for a report on the status of renovation of office of Mr. Johnny Walker, County Solici'tor. Mr. Hall asked if rent on Mr. Walker~s office should be paid. Mr. Metts said it should not, if space is available in the courthouse. Mr. Harriss concvrred with Mr. Metts. Mr. Waiker will be advised i•rhen the quarters are available.