1969-06-16 Regular Meeting~ 34U MINUTES OF MEETING - JTJNE 3, 1969 (cont.) S& A Gtt~~;lv STAMP BUIZDING -(Continued) Mr. Marks again brought up discussion of Health Department. He said under General Statute the County would pay 100% and he suggested that the auditor t,ake over books of Health Department. Mr. Hall said that the Health Department Board would .meet Wednesday and he would discuss it with the.m then. At this point, 1:25 P. M., the meeting was recessed for lunch. Meeting reconvened at 2:40 P. M. FARM EQUIPMENT, CUI~TIVATED FRAME AT RRISON FARM- Mr. Bowden said he had been approached by Mr. Willetts, employee at the Prison Farm to purchase a cultivator frame. Mr. Marks suggested it would be worth $50 and by common consent it was agreed that Mr. Bowden advise Mr. Will'etts of this. E2EQIIEST FOR TRANSFERS OF FUNDS IN REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE- Mrs. Lois LeRay requested $325 for Stationery and Supplies and $100 for her staff to attend a portion of the North Carolina Register of Deeds Association Convention to be held at Atlantic Beach, Morehead; N. C.; June 8-11. She requested this be transferred from Accounts 11.']21 binders and record books, 11.']25 repair to maps and record books, and 11.726 repair and main= tenance equipment. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the transfers be approved. Motion carried. RESIGNATION OF HAZEZ SAVAGE, CLERK TO BOARD- Mr. Laurence Bowden requested vacation pay to be paid Hazel Savage for two weeks she did not take iast year and two due her this year. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that Hazel Savage be paid for vacation as requested and her resignation be accepted with regrets. Motion carried. PERSONNEL PLAN- Personnel Plan which Mr. Bowden had drafted was presented to the Board for their review. After several chan~es, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the plan be adopted. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT- There being no further bus3ness to come before the Board, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted Hazel Savage County Clerk ' MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JUNE 16, 1969 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Net,~ Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners' Room ~+rith the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Nezres Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Narks, Berry A. Williams, County Auditor, Perry Shepard, County Administrator and Acting Clerk to the Board, Laurence O. Bowden, and members of the press. INVOCATION Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and in the absence of a scheduled minister, asked Mr. Bowden to give the invocation. REPGRTS No reports were due by or through the County Commissioners. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams; that the minutes be approved. Notion carried. ACTING CLERK TO THE BOARD Nr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, th2t Mr. Bowden be made Acting Clerk to the Board. Motion carried. MAIL Mr. Harriss requested any mailings be made before Friday. Things mailed to hiro on Friday do not reach him in time. He has to pick mail up on Suriday twenty miles a~aay. Mr. Hall said they would try. RENOVATION OF OFFICE OF C013NTY SOLICITOR Mr. Narks asked for a report on the status of renovation of office of Mr. Johnny Walker, County Solici'tor. Mr. Hall asked if rent on Mr. Walker~s office should be paid. Mr. Metts said it should not, if space is available in the courthouse. Mr. Harriss concvrred with Mr. Metts. Mr. Waiker will be advised i•rhen the quarters are available. ~'~~, MINUTES OF THE t~ETING - JUNE 15, 1969 ~CONT~d) REQUESTS FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS County Auditor Perry Shepard presented the following requests for transfers and appropriations. TO FROM Jail - Medical $2~.00 Refund of Taxes 116.17 County Farm Repairs 8 Naintenance 28.94 Sheriff - Prison Box Attendent 96.00 Jail - Elevator Contract Price Increase 11Q.26 Courthouse = Power & Lights 500.00(1) Tax Listing - Stationary 8 Supplies 72.00 Tax Collector - Repairs & Naintenance 19.21 Courthouse- Niscellar.eous - Johnny Waiker Rent for three months 105.00 General Contingency Fund 1,050.72 Unanticipated Revenue - C. D. Interest 256.86 School Lunchroom 36,967.57 Unanticipated Revenue 3h;967•57 Ar. C. State Funds (1) Estimated to be sufficient for the remainder of the Fiscal year. All of the above are necessary and normal expenditures. Nr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams that items listed for transfer by the Auditor be approved, funds to come from Unanticipated Revenue. Motion carried. Nr. Bowden made the following requests for transfers: 1. Request for $50.00 to be transferred from salaries to electricity within the Mental Health Fund. Mr. Hall requested $200.00 for roof repairs transferred from salaries of Mental Health Fund. 2. County Aid-Mr. Hall moved, seconded by h1r. Harriss, that we pay $1,256.50 for land agreed upon with the Department of Water and Air Resources. The agreement was finally determined in a letter from Mr. R. J. B. Page of the Department of Water and Air Resources dated June 11. These monies paid by the county are to come from County Aid and Unanticipated C. D. interest. Motion carried. 3.. Request for $500.00 for air conditioner in the office of Judge Nintz. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that this be approved, funds to come from Court Facilities Fees. Motion carried. l}. Request for authorization for establishrr;ent of reserve.for use of Sheriff for discretionary fund in amount of $300.00. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, for this amount to be set up .in~'a discretionary fund, monies to come from Unantici- pated Revenue. Motion carried. 5. Request for $100.00 to entertain area jailers who will be at Cape Fear Technical Institute June 2l~. and 25. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by P7r. Netts that the $100.00 requested be approved, funds to come from Unanticipated Revenue. Motion carried. 6. Request for $600.00 for 2 temporary clerks to work one additional month in the tax office. Clerks are to be assigned to the chekcing of automobile registration. Mr. Williams questioned if this had been appropriated before. Mr. Bowden confirmed ii, had been, but the clerks had not been specifically assigned to do the ~aork. Mr. Williams wanted his views recorded -- when the 2ppropriations are made for special purposes, they should be used for them. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the $600.00 be authorized for th¢ additional help. Notion carried. PLANNIArG AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT - MR. WILLIAMS Nr. Williams said it is time to make reservations for NACO Convention. ~r. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that Mr. Williams be authori2ed to attend the NACO Convention. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss asked how much it would cost. It has been customary in the past to pay out of pocket expenses on business trips and conventions of this type. Mr. Williams recommended that everyone who can do so should attend. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, to authorize and encourage any, Commissioner who can do so to attend the convention and the ovt of poclcet expenses be paid by the County. Motion carried. Mr. Harriss abstained. Mr. Williams attended the National Association of Counties Planning and Development Steering Committee meeting June 6, 1969 in ln~ashington: D. C. and outlined for the Commission Legialative Priorities and Goals for County Planning and Development adopted by the NACO Committee. A copy of the adopted plans was given to each Commissioner. CHANGE OF DATE OF THE JULY BOARD MEETING The annual convention of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners is scheduled July 5-8. An ammendment to G. S. 153-8 avthorizes the Board of Commissioners to reschedule the first meeting after proper notification from July 7 to July 11}, and proper notification be made thru the news media. Motion carried. ~ 342 NINUTES OF THE MEETING - JLJNE 16, 1969 (CONT'D) FUNDS FOR RADIO NET - CIVIL DEFEDISE Generai Harriss appeared to justify his request for 6 transceivers. He had requested transfer of funds previously to allow for the purchase. After discussion on the need of transceivers and the possibilities of alternates for these purchases, it ~,ras decided the County Administrator in co-operation raith General Harriss wovld investigabe the possibil3ty of purchasing additional crystals to be used in existing radio sets throughout the county in lieu of additional sets requested by General Harriss. If the investigation proves it is necessary to purchase the radios, the Board will consider the proposal at the next meeting. Mr. Williams is of tQne opinion that the request of General Harriss is justified. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board defer action for further exploration. Motion carried. Mr, Marks said this matter could be okeyed at a budget meeting. General Harriss requested a date be set for the certification of inerit awards. He was advised that July 11+ would be all right. SUBDIVISION PLATS, RENAMING STREETS - PLAPINING DEPARTMENT Mr. Nallory and Mr. Wood presented a plat of Foxcroft Subdivision for approval. The motion was made by Mr. Metts, seconded by Mr. Williasm, for the ch~~rman be authorized to sign this plat for the Board. Motion carried. At this time, 10:30 a.m., the meeting recessed for a Corps of Engineers Ceremony. The meeting reconvened at 11:30 a.m. with all Board members present, with the exce.ption of ~r. Williams.:. SCHOOL PAVING COPdTRACT School paving bids were received and recapitulated by the Engineering Department, City of Wilmington. The apparent low bidder was L. R. Armstrong with a total bid of $66,l~87.50. The County's portion of the amount is $33,243•75•• Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the bid of L. R. Armstrong be accepted, funds to come from incumbered, budgeted, and C. D. sources, as recommerided by the Auditor. Notion carried. Mr. Harriss requested that Item 10 be checked with the city requesting it be deleted. Mr. Bowden is to confer with Mr. Brandon and if both agree, delete Item 10 in the amount of $3,21}0.00 DEUTSCH FILTORS The County Administrator was requested to check the ~progress of the request to F.A.A, for the sale of the Deutsch Filtor property at the Airport. FILLING 4-H AGENT VACANCY Mr. Saggett ealled Mr. Hall and said he did not fill vacaney. Person hechad in mind accepted another position. Mr. Baggett requested the Board to keep this position in mind for future reference and the 1970 budget. OPPORTUNITIES INCORPOR.4TED Col. Price reqvested consideration be given to the use of the Nursing Home since Opportunities, incorporated abandoned the thought of using Comm~nity hospital building. Mr. Bowden will survey the Nurses' home and report to the Board. UIQIVERSITY DAY PJr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that July 1 be recognized as University Day upon the recommendation of the President of Wilmington College. CORONER-N'iEDICAL EXAMINER SYSTEM . The subject of Coroner was brought up by Mr. Marks to remind the Chairman it was scheduled for this meeting. A general discussion developed. Th~ primary purpose of the discussion was to allow the Nek~ Hanover Commissioners to understand the Medical Examiner System and, if possible, aboid paying both a Medical Examiner and a Coroner. The Commission reaolved that the office of Coroner be abolished effective upon the expiration of the term of the present Coroner. The.action tak~n by the Board should be in accordance with G. S. 152-A which is hereby adopted by New Hanover County. Mr. Hall made a motion that a letter be written to Mr. MacMillan, Coroner, informing him of their decision and advising him that the action taken was because of statutory, not personal reasons. Mr. MacMillan is to be commended for'his services to New Hanover County as Coroner. COIQFI.ICT IN NAMING STREETS- The ~oard of Commissioners were advised of instances where street names were duplicated. The City-County Planning Department has been given the responsibility of resolving this and also the renumbering of lots in the county. DISTRICT SOLICITORS CONFERENCE Mr. Napoleon Barefoot, Assistant District Solicitor, appeared before the Board to request permission and funds to attend the District Solicitor's Conference. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. ~etts that Mr. Barefoot~s reqvest be accepted and he be authori2ed to attend this meeting in Asheville and out of pocket expenses be covered by the county. Mr. Hall asked Mr. Barefoot to find out why l~~ew Hanover County 4~as excluded from the Law and'Order Fund. Mr. Barefoot said there will be a meeging on June 17 concerning this matter. AIRPORT BONDS Nr. Bowden advised the Board that he had talked ~~ith Mr. Barnes of the Local Government Commission concerning the sale of bonds. Mr. Sarnes~ advice is to submit plans and specifications to the contractors, receive bids, and sell enough bonds to cover the sucessfui bid. Mr. Williams recommended the Board refer the sale of bonds to the Airport Committee. 343~ MINUTES OF THE MEETIPdG - JUNE 16 (CONT'D) DELINQUENT TAX LIST The 1967 list of tax delinquents was presented to the Hoard for their information. CANADIAN MINE SWEEPERS The Chamber of Commerce is to entertzin personnel from 4 Canadian Mine S~,reepers. P^r. Harriss; Vice-chairman, was appointed to meet the floatilla at Southport and Nr. Hall is to make welcoming remarks in a ceremony at the Coast Guard Doc}c at the foot of Princess Street, MSilmington. PERSONAL AND REAL PROPERTIES The County Commission ~das advised by the Tax 5upervisor that the estimated total Personal and Real Properties for New Hanover County for 1969 is $293.(}08,096.00. The 1968 Corporate Excess was $7,166,753•OC1 giving an estimated total tax base for New Hanover County in 1969 of $300,574,g49.o0. At this time, 12:(}s p.m. the meeting recessed for lunch. The meeting reconvened at 2:(}0 p.m. with all Board members present v~ith the ex~eption of Mr. Wiiliams. There being no further business to come before the Soard; that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. P~INUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 18, 1969 ASSEMBLY Mr. N:etts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, Respectfully "su~bmitted, Laurence O. Sowden Acting Clerk to the Board A special meeting of the Nevr Hanover County Commissioners v,~as held on the above date and time in the Commissioner's Room with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice- chairman P9eares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, and County Administrator and Acting Clerk to the Bo2rd, Laurence O. Bowden, and a-lso Commissioner Serry A.~Jilliams. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the three day notice for special meetings be waived and that the Board convene in special session. Motion carried. PURPOSE OF MEETING , This meeting was called for purpose of receiving the Budget f~rom the Auditor, Mr. Perry Shepard, and for setting,up various items in the Budget. Mr. Shepard presented the 1969-1970 Budget~with a letter of transmittal of Anticipated 12evenue comments. INFORMATION FOR REQUESTS FOR CHANGES IiQ SALARY Mr. Harriss said there had been requests for changes of salary structvres and were they taken account of in this Budget. Mr. Shepard said there were certain salary adjustments; in cases where personnel came under the County Personnel Plan, a 3% cost of living inerease, base used was step one of the prior year's personnel plan, plus a one step minirc~um increase was used. In departments not under the County Personnel Plan an approximate 10% increase had been used. • Mr. Williams asked if, in.the first column in the Budget under Appro~riations, does this include the amount which was originally appropriated. ~r. Shepard said, 'Yes," • RECOMP4ENDATIONS FOR BUDGET DISCUSSIONS h1r. Williams svggested salaries be considered as first order of business in order of Budget discussions. In the past, salaries had been discussed af4.er al1 other Budget matters. It is Mr. Williams opinion the empIoyees would have a better attitude with the salaries discussed first. Mr. Hall stated he feels it should remain last because many times more consideration can be given to all the employees than if they had been discussed first. INCREASED PERSONNEL Mr. Harriss referred to the second paragraph under General Comments in the Budget, which said in part: "All requests for increased personnel within the General Fund by any Department were deleted by the Auditor. It is my~,opinion that this decision is one for the Commission." • Mr. Harriss then said that he agreed with Mr. Shepard on the paragraph, but some parts of the Budget did not take into consideration some basic facts. Mr. Harriss questioned why Mr. 5hepard recommended raises for personnel in all Departments and not the additional personnel requested by the Department Head. Mr. Shepard repiied he was dealing in the area of the General Fund and if the Commissioners•approved additional person~el with the surplus on hand, it would not necessitate an additional increase. BUDGET STUDY Mr. Hall suggested the Commissioners take the Budget home over the weekend, study it, #ake notes on it, with the meeting to resume Monday. He aiso reminded the Commissioners that three membes represent a quorum, and if they have a 2 to 1 thinking along certain 1=ines when only 3 are present, they will have to wait and poll the Commissioners to represent a majority. MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Mr. Marks asked that the Mental Health Budget be considered early as they have 3 persons available for Mental Hea4th Center now, but the Mental Health Board is deferring employment, awaiting approval of the Budget by the Commissioners. Mr. Hall asked for the Ment21 Health Board to meet with the Board Monday morning. ~