1969-06-18 Special Meeting343~ MINUTES OF THE MEETIPdG - JUNE 16 (CONT'D) DELINQUENT TAX LIST The 1967 list of tax delinquents was presented to the Hoard for their information. CANADIAN MINE SWEEPERS The Chamber of Commerce is to entertzin personnel from 4 Canadian Mine S~,reepers. P^r. Harriss; Vice-chairman, was appointed to meet the floatilla at Southport and Nr. Hall is to make welcoming remarks in a ceremony at the Coast Guard Doc}c at the foot of Princess Street, MSilmington. PERSONAL AND REAL PROPERTIES The County Commission ~das advised by the Tax 5upervisor that the estimated total Personal and Real Properties for New Hanover County for 1969 is $293.(}08,096.00. The 1968 Corporate Excess was $7,166,753•OC1 giving an estimated total tax base for New Hanover County in 1969 of $300,574,g49.o0. At this time, 12:(}s p.m. the meeting recessed for lunch. The meeting reconvened at 2:(}0 p.m. with all Board members present v~ith the ex~eption of Mr. Wiiliams. There being no further business to come before the Soard; that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. P~INUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING - JUNE 18, 1969 ASSEMBLY Mr. N:etts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, Respectfully "su~bmitted, Laurence O. Sowden Acting Clerk to the Board A special meeting of the Nevr Hanover County Commissioners v,~as held on the above date and time in the Commissioner's Room with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice- chairman P9eares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, and County Administrator and Acting Clerk to the Bo2rd, Laurence O. Bowden, and a-lso Commissioner Serry A.~Jilliams. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the three day notice for special meetings be waived and that the Board convene in special session. Motion carried. PURPOSE OF MEETING , This meeting was called for purpose of receiving the Budget f~rom the Auditor, Mr. Perry Shepard, and for setting,up various items in the Budget. Mr. Shepard presented the 1969-1970 Budget~with a letter of transmittal of Anticipated 12evenue comments. INFORMATION FOR REQUESTS FOR CHANGES IiQ SALARY Mr. Harriss said there had been requests for changes of salary structvres and were they taken account of in this Budget. Mr. Shepard said there were certain salary adjustments; in cases where personnel came under the County Personnel Plan, a 3% cost of living inerease, base used was step one of the prior year's personnel plan, plus a one step minirc~um increase was used. In departments not under the County Personnel Plan an approximate 10% increase had been used. • Mr. Williams asked if, in.the first column in the Budget under Appro~riations, does this include the amount which was originally appropriated. ~r. Shepard said, 'Yes," • RECOMP4ENDATIONS FOR BUDGET DISCUSSIONS h1r. Williams svggested salaries be considered as first order of business in order of Budget discussions. In the past, salaries had been discussed af4.er al1 other Budget matters. It is Mr. Williams opinion the empIoyees would have a better attitude with the salaries discussed first. Mr. Hall stated he feels it should remain last because many times more consideration can be given to all the employees than if they had been discussed first. INCREASED PERSONNEL Mr. Harriss referred to the second paragraph under General Comments in the Budget, which said in part: "All requests for increased personnel within the General Fund by any Department were deleted by the Auditor. It is my~,opinion that this decision is one for the Commission." • Mr. Harriss then said that he agreed with Mr. Shepard on the paragraph, but some parts of the Budget did not take into consideration some basic facts. Mr. Harriss questioned why Mr. 5hepard recommended raises for personnel in all Departments and not the additional personnel requested by the Department Head. Mr. Shepard repiied he was dealing in the area of the General Fund and if the Commissioners•approved additional person~el with the surplus on hand, it would not necessitate an additional increase. BUDGET STUDY Mr. Hall suggested the Commissioners take the Budget home over the weekend, study it, #ake notes on it, with the meeting to resume Monday. He aiso reminded the Commissioners that three membes represent a quorum, and if they have a 2 to 1 thinking along certain 1=ines when only 3 are present, they will have to wait and poll the Commissioners to represent a majority. MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Mr. Marks asked that the Mental Health Budget be considered early as they have 3 persons available for Mental Hea4th Center now, but the Mental Health Board is deferring employment, awaiting approval of the Budget by the Commissioners. Mr. Hall asked for the Ment21 Health Board to meet with the Board Monday morning. ~ ~344 MINUTES OF THE MEETIIVG - JUNE 18 (CONT'D) DECISION ON DATE OF NEXT MEETING Mr. Hall asked when the Commission would be available for the next session. Mr. Ulilliams feels we should wait until over the weekend to study the Budget. Mr. Hall said that by common consent, the next meeting would be set at Monday, June 7_3, 1969 at 9:00 a.m. ORDER OF BUDGET Mr. Narks asked to decide what order to take the Budget in. It 4ias decided that Mr. Bowden ~~~ould schedule several meetings at one time and call everyone when it is set up. Mr, la~illiams suggested "recess" rather than adjournment each Budget session. Nir. Hall said that such is the usual procedure and will be followed during these sessions. Mr. Marks was excused at 9:20 a.m. for another meeting. GENERAL EMERGENCY FUI~ID A1QD UNANTICIPATED REVCNUE FtJND Mr. Harriss asked the Auditor if the General Emergency Fund had been exhausted and if transfers were not to be made from Unanticipated Revenue. He would like to know how much remains in the Fund. Mr. Shepard said it is recorded in the Budget. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting recessed until. M~nday, June 23, 1969 at 9:00 a.m. Resp¢ctfully submitted, Laurence O. Bowden Acting Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS N~ETING - JUNE 23, 1969 ASSEMBLY In accordance with the recessed meeting of June 18, 1969, the following members of the Board convened for the purpose of reviewing and considering •the budget estimate for the fiscal year 1969-70: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; Covnty Administrator Laurence, O. Bowden; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. APPOINTMENT OF CLERK TO BOARD OF CONN7ISSIONERS Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Hazel Savage be re-appointed to serve as Clerk to the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners. Motion carried. . The following Budget estimates were discussed: MEA~TAL HEALTH Mr. John Wilson, Adminlstrative Director of the Mentai Health Center, Mr. Homer Davis, Vice-Chairman of the Advisory Board, and Mrs. Alice von Oesen, Secretary of the Advisory Board, appeared to present budget estimate for the Mental Health Clinic. Mr..Davis presented the budget estimate. Mr. Davis pointed ovt the budget estimate was not complicated; it was more or less for the staffing the center. Drups Mr, liall discussed feasibility of drugs heing sold by drug stores instead of being dispensed at the Menial Health Center. The Clinic would give prescriptions with notification of whether a charge should be made, and the drug stores wouid handle and charge a fee of $1.00 per prescription. The drugs wovld be furnished the drug stores by the CIinic. Mr, Hall said this would legali2e the sale of drugs, and he felt enough drug stores would ~articipate: The Mental Health Center would get the money for any charge for the prescriptions. Mr. Metts questioned how much time this would save in the Mental Health Clinic. Mr. Hall said it was not a question of time but of legality. Mr. Metts felt t11e Mental Health Board should comment on this. Mr. Harriss felt decision on this should wait until a better solution can be worked out. Mr. Wiiliams suggested the $15,000 requested for drugs be approved. Mr. Marks suggested the Board investigate this matter and wait until the Psychiatrist assumes her duties, and suggested deferring it. Mrs. von Oesen said it had already been investigated and they had reports from other centers and the situation was recognized as being illegal. By common consent it was agreed that the $15,000 requested remain in the budget estimate. Rent - This item, which had been recommended by the Auditor Lo be reduced to $~50 due to possibility of the clinic moving, was put in the budget estimate in the amount of $1,500. Renairs and Maintenance- This item was broken dow Repairs to Building in amount of $1,500 and Repairs to suggested the contract for leasing present building be lessor keeping the building repaired. Mr, Bowden felt more, if this were done, and suggested Lhe County keep renegotiating the lease. z to reflect amounts budgeted for Equigment in amount of $200. Mr. Hall renegotiated with the idea of the it might cost the County considerably. the building repaired instead of ;; . J 'i J MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JUNE 23, 1969 ~CONT~D) Movinq Exv~nses - This item was deleted. Salaries - By common consent the Janitor~s (Vereen) pay was increased to $1.75 per hour. Mr.•Wilson requested that funds for Dr, Mesberg's salary (who has resigned) be used for consultation. This will be considered. By common consent Mr. Wilson was requested to furnish cost of services of consultant. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that recommendation be accepted for Psychologde~l A§sistant at salary of $6,708 and Social Worker at salary of $8,412. Motion carried. Receptionist-Typist I position was referred to Mr. Bowden for investigation. Mr. Marks felt this positfon should not be filled until the Psychiatrist.takes over her duties. Discussion was held on Mental said when Dr. Knox was interviewed prefer doing some outside work and said her salary would not be reduc to the County. By common consent, facilities for her outside work. Health Employees doing outside work after hours. Mr. P~rks for the position of Psychiatrist, 'she said she would asked how much her salary would be .reduced. Mr. Hall ed, but if she collected fees; they should be turned over it was agreed she would be permitted to use County Mr. Metts moved, Seconded by Mr, Williams, that based on salary of $25,236, we authori2e the Mental Health Advisory Board to make this offer with the understanding it is a full time salary, and any fees for any private work done will come back to the County. Mr. Harriss said he would prefer action on this be deferred. Mr. Marks said it was urgent that action be taken at this time. Vote was called. Motion carried four to one.. Mr. Harriss voted "No." Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the two persons applying for the vacant positions of Psychological Assistant and Social Worker be offered these positions, if recommended by Mental Health Advisory Board. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wilson asked if his status should change anytime during fiscal year, would the Board consider increasing his salary. Mr. Williams sald he would be reluctant to.do so. Mr. Hall said he felt the~Board would look at it with open minds. After making the above changes, the budget estimate for Mental Health Clinic was approved as recommended by the County Auditor with exception of salaries which wRll be considered along with other salaries. , REGISTER OF DEEDS BUDGET • Mrs. Lois LeRay, Registrar of Deeds, presented budget estimate for the'Register of Deeds office. Capital Oultlav -$2,637 was requested for funds to purchase an electric typewriter, work table, adding machine, file cabinet, Bates numbering machine, copying machine, and a iadder. Telephone - Mrs. LeRay expressed the need for another ltne. By common consent the amount of $400 requested was increased to $600 for rotary t~lephone service. Repairs and Maintenance Equinment - By common consent amouht of $650 requested was reduced to $550. ' ' Capital Outlay - Kodak - Mrs. LeRay requested $2q,000 to purchase a machine for filming records. Mr. Shepard recommended $3,000 for renting a machine. Mrs. LeRay informed the Board there was a need for going to film or of acquiring more office space. She said some lawyers are in favor of film and some are not. She has written the.Bar Association a~letter concerning this which they are considering at this time. Mr. Hall requested Mrs. LeRay to find out what a machine would cost on a rental basis. Mrs. LeRay said that such a machine is being used in the office of a Register of Deeds in Maryland and Mr. Hall suggested that she call this office to determine whether it is satisfactory or not and let this Board of Commission2rs know what this office thinks of ~ the machine. Mrs. LeRay informed the Board there is no protection for the Register of Deeds- Index from the year 1961, and it would require a long time to reiridex should a fire occur. Mr. Metts suggested she contact Mr. Hardy Wessell about securing insurance which would cover , labor in case of fire, etc. Salaries - Mrs. LeRay discussed salaries and pointed out she had investigated and been told that the Register of Deeds offices in other counties had reciassified their employees, After reviewing the budget estimate, the Commissioners approved it with exceptiott of salaries and changes mentioned above in Repairs and Maintenance Equipment, T~iephone, and Capital Ob.tlay-Kodak. AGRICULTURE & ECONOMICS . Mr. Baggett, County Extension Agent, presented budget estimate for the Agriculture & Economics Office. - , Tele~hone - Mr. Baggett ~discussed telephones in his office and said they needed~seven and that one number would be bettzr than the present three. He said he had talked wfth Mr. Bowden about this and that it was estimated it would cost $1,100 to put in th'e desired service. Action was deferred on approval of telephone; item in budget unti2 a figure can be pbtained from the telephone company. ~ Sunnlies - By common consent this item in amount of $250 was reduced to $150. ~ 346 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JUNE 23, 1969 ~CONT~D) AGRICULTURE & ECONOMICS BUDGET (CONTINUED) Caoital Outlay- By common consent this item in amount of $275 was increased to $375. All other items, with the exception of salaries, were~approved as requested and~recommended by the County Auditor. ' Salaries - There was a discussion on filling the vacant~Associate County Agriculture~Agent~s X position and the Secretary~s position which will soon be Nacant. It was pointed out there are now three secretaries for th~ree people. Mr. Metts suggested fil2ing the.Associate County Agri- sulture Agentts position and eliminating one of the Secretarial positions. By common consent it was agreed replacing Mrs. Hale will be held in abeyance. At this time, 1:25 P.M „ the meeting recessed for lunch. Meeting recnnvened at 3:15 P.M, with same persons present as were present earlier. REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATIONS ~ Mr. Shepard requested the foilowing appropriations: Tax Collector - Refund Taxes $ 12,25 Building Inspector - Telephone 3.85~ County Farm P'rison - Laundry 7.67 Register of Deeds, Zerox Copy Rental 2l~.7l~ Election Telephone - Election Executive Secretary 1.08 Auditor~s Telephone 2.01 Tax Listing - Telephone 53.64 Community Hospital Telephone 4.98 Electrieal Inspector Telephone 12.14 Jr. Officer~s Outing - County Aid 55.08 Jail - Repr. 8 Maint. 83.75 County Farm - Groceries 163.85 Jail - Telephone ll.lt2 $436.~.6 Mr, Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the appropriations be approved as requested, funds coming from Unanticipated Revenue. Motion carried. REQUESTING LEGISIATORS TO BACK H.B. 331 AND THE 1% SALES TAX BILL Mr. Harriss suggested that Senator Burney be requested to put forth special effort in getting H.B. 331,(Removal of 20% General Fund Limitation and the repeal of the Poll Tax). Mr. Metts said he thought the 1% Sales Tax Bill shorild be included also, and that a telegram should be sent requesting the legislators~and the Political Action Committee to do this. By common consent it was agreed this be done. _ FISHING REEFS Mr. I3arriss informed the Board that Col. Page had forwarded him proper papers to file with the Corps of Engineers making application for matching funds from State and Federal Govern- ments for two fishing reefs, one to be eight miles off of Wrightsvil¢e Beach and the other one and one-half miles off of Carolina Beach. By common consent it was agreed to authorize the Chairman to sign the necessary papers. AUDITOR~S BUDGET Mr. Shepard pr~sented his budget. Repairs and Maintenance to Equinment - By c!ommon consent this item was increased from $1,050 to $1,100. Televhone - By common consent the amount of $l}00 requested was increased to $600 with idea of changing to rotary system. Capital Outlav - Mr. Shepard expiained the $6']5 requested in this item was for the purchase of an electric typewriter and adding machine. . After the above changes, budget requests for Auditor~s Office were tentatively approved with exception of salary requests which will be considered at a later date. COMMISSIONERS BUDGET Mr, Bowden presented the Commissioners~ budget estimate. . 34r7 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JUNE 23, 1969 (CONT~D) COMMISSIONERS BUDGET (CONTINUED) ' Dues and Subscriptions - By common~sonsent this item was increased from $1,500 to $2,400. Stationerv and Supolies - By common consent this.item was increased from $1,200 to $1,400. T~lephone - By common consent this item was increased from $600 to $800. Mr. Bowden is to investigate the rotary system for this office. ~ Car Allowance for Countv Administrator -$1,500 was placed in the budget for this item which had inadvertently been omitted. , ~ Capital Outlay -$600 was placed in the budget to cover eost of a typewriter, desk and other necessary equipment for the County Administrator~s Office. This was tentatively set. Mr. Bowden was requested to make a stiudy and glve a further report on needs of the office. Salaries -$975 ~s placed in the budget for salary of an intern for the Commissioners+ Office for three months. Position of Countv Enqineer - Mr. Bowden discussed the need for a County Engineer. Mr. Bowden said with the master drainage program in the planning stage now and approval af a soil survey, he felt there is a great need for the services of an engineer. Mr. Harriss asked what kind of Engineer and Mr. Bowden said one with a degree in Civil Engineering and a minor in Sanitation. Mr. Harriss felt that should position of engineer be authorized;; not oniy w uld the salary of this person be necessary, but also a salary for an assistant to the engineer. . , ' - ~ Mr. Bowden said he believed it would eventually work inLo a department. Mr. Hall said he realized the County needs engineering serv;ces at tSmes, and.it has been policy of the Board to engage the serv+ices of an engineer, but he wondered if it might be well to have one on • a retainer basis. . - Mr. Marks felt the Board.shouid have the water study before employing an engineer. Mr. Harriss feit the Board should wait this year on employing an engineer. Mr. Bowden pointed out he had received several letters expressing the feeling that the County needs the services of an engineer. By common'consent it was agreed that Mr. Bowden investigate and determine what it would cost to employ an engineer on a retainer basis. • Mr. Williams expressed the view that he felt the County Administrator needed assistance so that he could devote time to more valuable things and that.the Commissioners should• provide assistance. . . The budget estimate was tentatively appr.oved with exception of salaries and changes in items mentioned above. CORONER~S BUDGET Budget estimate for the Coroner~s office was discussed and~tentatively approved with exception of salaries which will be discussed along with other salaries at a later date. Also, Auto Allowance item was increased from $550 to $575 inasmuch as the mileage.allowance will~be lOd,per mile~this fiscal year instead of 9~'. • ~ COUNTY AID The Board began discussion of the budget estimate for County A~id, and were able to finish discussion of eleven items. These first eleven items were approved as requested with the exception of Junior Outing and Liability d Workmen Compensation & All County Insurance, General. Mr. Shepard said $200 is paid every year for Lhe Junior Outing, and he feels ' $200 should be placed in the budget estimate instead of $150. Mr. Harriss questioned amount of Liability 8 Workmen~s Compensation and all County Insurance General. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Harriss and Mr. Metts•make a study of this item and advise. • MEETING RECESSED Meeiing recessed until 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 24, 1969. Respectful•ly submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET D~t'SCUSSIONS MEETING - JUNE 21}, .1969 A55EMBLY , , , , ~ . In accordance with the recessed meeting of June 23, 1969, the foliowing members of the Board convened for the purpose of reviewing and considering the budget estimates for the fiscal year 1969-70: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Administrator Laurence O, Bowden; County Asiditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. HFALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET ~ Dr. Joseph Knox, Heaith Director, and Mrs. Mable Price, Executive Secretary, presented the budget estimate for the Health Department. , ~34~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSION MEETING - JUNE 2l}, 1969 (CONT~D) HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET (CONT~D) Contingencv - This item was discussed at length. Mr. Marks said this item had been eliminated from other departments~ budgets and felt it wouid be discriminatory to allow it,in the Health Department Budget Estimate. He said in this way the Commissioners have closer control over spending. Mr. Hall disagreed; he said he felt it was necessary because the Health Department operates under two governments (City and County), and it would make it necessary for the Health Department Lo go before the City Councfl and County Commissioners before getting additional funds for any emergency that might arise. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Contingency Fund be reduced from $2,000 to $1,000. Motion carried four to~~one. Mr. Hall voted "No." Travel - 1'his item was increased from $12,000 to $13,200 inasmuch as the mileage allowance is being increased from 9d to lOd per mile, V.D. Clinic - By common consent this item was reduced from $2,680 to $1,600. Equipment - This item covers office equipment. Mrs. P.rice said the $850 was requested for a,typewriter, two desks, two chairs, and a cabinet for sub-division maps. Dr. Knox informed the Board that a dentist had donated a dental chair to the Health Clinic and it would be necessary to have it installed. Also, he had been promistd another dentist chair and X-Ray equipment. . Salaries - Salaries were discussed briefly. Mrs. Price said in January nurses went to Minus 1, sanitarians to Normal and sub-professionals to Plus 1. Salaries requested in this budget would bring them to Minus 1 below Normal. Mr. A9arks requ¢sted Nlrs. Price . to furnish scale of salaries. Mr. Metts asked what the income is from.the Laboratory. Mrs. Price said approximately $1,000 per year. Mr. Marks wanted to knarabout rates charged for testing water for other counties. AIo tests are being made for other counties. Drainaqe Proqrsm - Discussion was held on the Drainage Program. Mr. Metts said he was in favor of addi,ng another dragline last year but was over-ruled and that drainage is ,just as much a problem this year as last. Mr. Williams said he felt the County should either get in or out of drainage and he did not see how it could afford to get out. Dr. Knox said he thought a backhoe would help. He also pointed out the expense of keeping a drag~line repaired. Mr. Metts suggested that Dr. Hnox get Mr. Cranford, Director of Sanitation, to check on cost of equipment which he feels is needed. Mr. Harriss svggested•taking into ' consideration the needs of the Airport and other departments where drainage equipmefi~t can be used. $10,000 was tentatively budgeted for Drainage EquSpment. InsecL 8 Rodent Control Insurance on £qnipment - Mr. Metts questioned why $~00 was budgeted for this' item when only $15tl was spend last year. Mrs. Price said they received a refund last year. She was requested to investigate this. The $700 was Dudgeted as requested. Mr. Marks said he still ob,jected to the County paying one-twelfth each month to the Health Department and suggested withholding that portion of the one-twelfth to pay new employees which will be empioyed in January until such time as they are emp2oyed. Mr. Shepard 5aia he had been advised by outside auditors to leave the system as it .is now. Mr. Hall felt this was an administrative matter and could be worked out. With the exception of salaries and changes noted above, the Health Department Budget Estimate was approved by the Commissioners. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO M[JSEUM ADVISORY BQARD Mr. Hajl,brovght to the atLention of the Board th at Mr. WinfieFd Sapp~s term of office as a member of the Museum Advisory Board would expire on June 30, 1969, and that Mr. Sapp had expressed the wiliingness to serve again. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. N~rks, that Mr. Sapp be reappointed to serve on the Museum Advisory Board for a term of three years. Motion carried. . . WAIVER OF TAX P$NALTY. MR. MILTON FINKELSTEIN Mr. Bowden brought to the Board~s attention that Mr. Milton Finkelstein had come in to prepay his taxes but discovered his taxes had not been listed. Mr. Finkelstein said he was under the impression the Tax Department had listed for him. Mr. Finkelstein requested that he not be penalized for failing to list earlier. Mr. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that due to circumstances, t•he pena2ty for late listing be waived. Motion carried. ~ REFUND OF TAXES DUE TO OVER APPRAISAL, NfftS. J, E. SOUTHERLAND' A letter was presented to the Board from Mrs. J, E. Southerland requesting refund of taxes charged her due to incorrect appraisal. Mr. }{arriss moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that N~rs. Southerland be refunded the amount overcharged, funds to come from Unanticipated Revenue. Motion carried. MEETING RECESSED Meeting recessed untii 8:00 P.M., June 25, 1969. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Cle rk to the Board , \ ~-iJ MINUTES OF BUDGET DiSCUSSIONS MEET2NG-JUNE 2$, 1969 ASSENlBLY In accordance with the recessed meeting of Junez 21}, 1969 the following members of the Board convened for the purpose of reviewing and considering the budget estimates for the fiscal year 1969-70: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Viee-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commission¢rs John Van B. Metts, Jr., Berry A, Williams; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden; County Audd~tor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board.' DEDICATION OF NEW BRQrDGE Discussion of a letter Mr. Hall had received relative to dedication ceremonies for the new bridge was discussed. Mr. Hall appointed Mr. Harriss to work with the Chamber of Commerce, Merchants Association, and.City of Wilmington in formulation of proper celebration for•opening of the new bridge, c AIRPORT BUDGET ESTIMATE Mr. John A. Westbrook, Airport Nfanager,'was present for dfscussion of the Airport Budget Estimate. • • , . . . Labar from Prison - Prison labor presently being used at the Airport was discussed. By common consent it was agreed to reduce this item in the budget from $3,000 to $1,500 and use hired labor instead. It was the thinking of the Commissioners, prison labor did not make a good impression at the Airport. • Tools and Suvplies - By common consent this item was reduced from $700 to $250. Travel - By common consent this item was increased from $250 to $1,000 because of anticipated travel of Commissioners in connection with the Airport. Capital Outlav- Mr. Williams expressed the feeling that the office furniture in Mr. Westbrook~s oPfice and the office of his secretary should be replaced. Mr. Harriss said identification lights and a mower are needed which will cost approximately $2,000. $3,000 had betn requ2sted for Capital Outlay and this was left in budget estimate. PAYMENT TALBERT & ASSOCIATES FOR AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT SERVICE Mr. Harriss moved, scconded by Mr. Metts, that bill from Talbert and Assoeiates for engineering services in amount of $6,000 be paid. Motion carried. .. Salaries - Discussion was held on Airport salaries. By common consent it was agreed to increase Mr. Grady~s salary to Classification 17, Step 8, in amount of $7,702. Mr. Harriss suggested appointing a new person at the Airport with title of Airport Operations Manager at same salary as Mr. Westbrook of $9,192, giving Mr. Westbrook title of Airport Maintenance Manager. This ~frs what had been recommended by•the Chamber of Commeree and Airport Committee. ~ ' •• Discussion was then held on who would make decisions at the Airport. Mr. Harriss and Mr. Metts felt the manager on duty at time could make the decisions. Mr. Hail felt someone should be suthorized to make decision even thovgh the duties of each are specifically set out. Mr. Harriss said they would work under the County Administrator. The;dufies of the new man would be public relations and.public accomodations at the airport. Mr. Williams said he too had the same resecvations that Mr. Hall had; that he feels someone should b~ "boss.,~' He said to put two men at the Airport with matching authority will fun,into problem of too many ~~bosses"; Mr. Bowden, Airport,Committee, and the two men. ~ Mr. Metts suggested putting salary in budget for new man and working out the~details later.' By common sonsent $9,192 was budgeted for the proposed new position. The following raises were approved: Grten $1.~0 per hour, Nixon $2:05 per hour, McCa1T $1.70 per hour, Clemons $1.70 per hovr, and Sikes $1.95 per hour. Mr. Harriss suggested it might not be wise to gas the sheriff~s cars at the airport. If this were discontinued, it would not be required to keep a prisoner in the garage pumping gas. Mr. Harriss also felt maintenance of the Sheriff~s cars:could be taken care of by private garages, thereby relieving the airport personnel of these duties so they could devote their full time to airport work. Mr. Harriss felt maintenance of equipment should be phased out with exception of airport equipment and even major repair Sobs on their equipment should go to private garages. Mr. Hali said he would like to know how much it would cost the County to do this. Mr. Metts said Mr. Bowden had been asked to determine the cost. Mr. Harriss pointed out the Alrport is going to have to go Airport; that it is a valuable asset and can more than carry itself. He says it has reached a state where it should be expanded. Mr. Harriss pointed out t.hat the new cargo building which Ballard, McHim and Sawyer had been asked to furnish.spedifications for wili cost around $10,000. Also, Mr. Harriss pointed out that $107,000 is availablt for improvements to!.the•terminal building, but this could be used toward a new terminai building: It will require an additiona2 $200,000 to begin a new Terminal Buiiding. .Mr. Metts said if the, new Terminal Building is constructed, it will be necessary to connect to the City~s sewerage plant. He felt that the Board should talk with some,engineers to obtain ideas. ' - - Mr. Williams questioned where the $200,000 would come from. Mr. Harriss said it would have to come from non-tax monies. Mr, Me-tts said the County Attorney and Auditor should determine this. I 350 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING (CONTINUE-) AIRPORT BUDGET ESTIMATE (CONTINUED) Mr. Hall pointed out the County is also faced with othcr critical items such as a Juvenile Detention Home and Jail ' _ Mr. Harriss also pointed out that amortization of airport buildings is very much faster than on industrial buildings. Cargo bnilding wili be paid for in from fiv~ to eight years. ~ With the above changts and with exception of salaries, the Airport Budget Estimate was tentatively approved. BUILDING INSPECTOR BUDGET ESTIMATE Mr. Register was present for discussion of his budget estimate. Auto Allowance - By common consent this item was increased from $3,500 due to mileage allowance being increased from 9d per mile to lOr~ per mile for fiscal year 1969-70. Discussion of fees charged for building inspections was held. Mr. Register said they w¢re based on cost of about $7 per square foot for frame buildings and $8 per square foot for brick buildings. Mr. Register, as well as the Board of Commissioners feel this is too low. Mr. Register requested an additional inspector, since the work load has increased; he said there was around $2 million dollars worth of construction going on now that has to be inspected. Permission was given tentatively to.~employ an additional building inspector on July lst. _ Capital Outlav - By common consent this item was increased from $500 to $1,000. Sa2aries - Salaries were increased from $1!},901 to $20,108. Other than salaries which will be considered again, and items mentdoned abovy,the budget estimate for the Building Inspector's Office was approved. ' CONTRACT BETWEEN PENDER AND NEW HANOVER COUNTIES FOR MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC SERVICES Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr, Williasm, that the proposed contract between Pendtr and New Hanover Counties be approved with the corrections made thereto. Motion carried. VACATION FOR PSYCHIATRIST By common consent it was agreed that the Board confirm that Dr. Knox, who will be employed as a Psychiatrist by the County within a short while, be permitted two weeks vacation with pay. RECESS Meeting was recessed. MEETING RECONVENED Meeting reconvened after brief r.ecess with same members present as were earlier. OFFER TO PURCHASE YMCA PROPERTY. 3RD AND MARKET STREETS Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board of Commissioners offer. the YMCA $l}5,000 for their property at 3rd and Market Streets with the understanding the County demolish the present building. Motion carried three to one. Mr. Metts requested the minutes show that he was very much opposed to this action. MEETING RECESSED Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the meeting recess to reconvene at 8:00 P,M. Monday, June 30th. Motion carried. Respectfully svbmitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board . r;~. ,~~ ~ MINUTES OF THE BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JUNE 30, 1q69 ASSEMBLY In accordance with the recessed meeting of June 25, 1969 the following members of the Board of County Commissioners convened for the purpose of reviewing and considering the • budget estimates for the fiscal year 1969-70; Chairman J. M, Hall, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr. H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Administrator LaurenCe O. Bowden; Caunty Au~kitor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Dr. Heyward C. Beilamy, 5uperintendent of Schools, Dale K, Spencer, Assistant Super- intendent of Schools, members of~the Board of Education, and members of the School Staff were present for the presentation of the School Budget Estimate. Mrs. Mary Ann Yarboro and Mrs. Ellen Williams were present as observers from SOS. , ,, \ ~3~1 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING (CONTINUED) TRANSFER OF FUNDS Dr. Bellamy requested that the following transfer of funds be allowed within the School Budget for the fiscal year 1968-69: ••• From: Clerical Wages of Janitors Fue 1 Janitor.5upp2ies Telephones Repairs to Buildings 8 Grounds Heating, Lighting d Plumbing Salaries, Maintenance Personnel Wages of Drivers To Salaries - R,O.T.C.' Water, Light & Power Retirement 8 Social Security $ 65~.88 4,~63.72 : 93•89 • 176.91 . 6!~ 3,8z5.72 ~ 1,712.76 • 2,587.88 i,o54•~2 . . 652.88 9,360.88 5.355.36 $15,369.12 $15.369.12 Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the transfers be ap~roved. Motion cari~ied. SCHOOL BUDGET ESTIMATE On Page 69 of the Budget Estimate there were two changes made: ~School Pensions Item was increased from $87,939 to $90,139 and Regional Drivers Education was increased from $42,00o to ~45,000. ~ Mr. Williams pointed out that two-thirds of the Administrative staff are being paid entirely from loca2 funds and asked if other counties are doin` this. Mr. Williams said he ~ also noted that the School Board is asking for additional help in this department. Dr. Bellamy said he did not think they are '~top heavy in help°, and they are asking for one additional person in the payrol2 department this year; that clerical help last year was started at $245 per month and this year they are requesting s'tarting pay be increased at $270 per month. Mr. Williams said he was in favor of paying county employees same basic wage and felt some consideration should be given in increasing this. Mr. Hall said this was pretty much in line with what the Board had anticipated and might ,just•as well go along. Mr. Williams said he would go along with tentative approval with id¢a of coming back to this item later. • On Page 71 of the Budget Estimate, Attendance Officers Item was reduced from $8,675 to $8,375 and Vocational Salaries Item reduced from $377,977 to #362,875. On Page 72 of the Budget Estimate Dr. Bellamy pointed out that item of Wages of Janitors and Maids was higher due to ~andtor positions being increased from la.l to 4!} and maids from 82 to.ql{. Also, it represent~s a five percent increase in the salaries of these people. Dr. Be2lamy pointed out the increase in cost of telephones was due to phones at new schools and getting the telephones straightened out at Hemenway Hall. Mr. Williams requested breakdown of N~intenance of Plant and Dr. Bellamy said he would furnish this promptly. Mr. Metts pointed out that if two percent was goint to be put in the budget for maintenance, they should be careful and not come up with a big capital outlay request. On Page 72 of the budget estimate, fuel item was set at $14,500 Water, Sewerage, Lights & Power Item was increased to $152,200 and Retirement and Social Security item was increased to $128,000. On Page 73 of Budget Estimate, Wages of Drivers item was reduced from $55,000 to $50,000. Dr. Bellamy said this was a flexible item; drivers at present are being paid $1.45 per hour. Mr. Wiliiams questioned the possibility of getting adult drivers; Dr. Bellamy said !t probably would be possible if more than $1.45 were paid. Dr. Bellamy pointed out that though there were more accidents this year than last, he attributed it to more traffic. He also pointed out that teenagers have the best record of driving throughout the nation. •• In discussion of teachers~ salaries on Page 74 of Budget Estimate, Mr. Williams pointed out that the State is increasing the teacherst pay ten percent. Mr, Williams asked Dr. Bellamy how many additional teachers he expected to have next year, did he propose paying them from State or Local funds, or if some wou2d be paid entirely from the Local Supplement? Dr. Bellamy said the Board of Education was faced with paying $100 increase to teachers, so will have less teachers. r~ On Page 75 of the Budget Estimate under item Furniture & Inst. Apparatus, Dr. Bellamy feit this item could be reduced inasmuch as they were able to purchase two p3eces of equipment that was pro,jected in this budget. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that this item be approved in amount of $55,265 and the Board of Educatim be permitted to operate on i.t immediately. Motion carried. _ Dr. Bellamy explained that the item covering Library Books was for the purpose of trying to get libraries opened in the new schools which will meet State standards. At this point, Mr. Metts asked that the School Board five serious consideration to adopting a twelve-month school operation. Mr. Metts said it had been tried and it did not work in some places, b.ut it is being tried again in Atlanta, Georgia. He said the ~idea had been endorsed by Robert H. Finch, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Mr. Metts felt this is necessary because more schools are needed and school vonds for these schools -are becoming more difficult to get passed. He said the teachers like the twelve-month plan, ~-~ because they get paid year-round. . Mr. Metts said he realized it wouid have to be a state- wide plan because of teacherst pay. If the students go into the June quarter, they could skip one of the other quarters. Dr. Hall said Mr. M~ttst proposal merits consideration by the School Board, but he pointed out that such a:move would entail a large capital outlay for air conditioning and other items. Dr. Bellamy said the drawbacks are community acceptance and costs,! ~s~z MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JUNE 30, 1969~CONTINUED) SCHOOL BUDGET ESTIMATE(CONTINUED) On Page 75 of Budget Estimate, d,iscussion was held on request for five schooi buses, Dr. Be2lamy informed the Soard of Commissioners that based ori new zoning there will be a. need for additional buses. Mr. Spencer pointed out that it i~s anticipated there wl11 be an additional !}00 students living one and one-half m11es from school who will have to be furnished bus serv3ce. When these buses are approved by the State, the State will assist in keeping them up. This item was not approved at this time. , On Page ~6 of the Budget Estimate,, Acqvisition of Sites Item was not approved at this time;i At this time, Dr. Bellamy proposed construction of a cross-walk over the intersection of 13th and Market Streets. This is proposed for the safety of the stvdents who cross back and forth each day in line of the heavy traffic at this intersection. The cross-walk would cost approximately $30,000. Consideration will be given to this item later. Mr. Williams read a letter at this time, which Dr. Bellamy had wri•tten County Aiaditor Shepard, requesting $250,OOQ be placed in the budget estimate over a two year period for the purpose of stock piling for the building of a new school. Dr. Bellamy pointed out that if this can be done, it will be possible to build a school building without a bond issue. Mr: Williams said it would,be well to create such a fund without waiting until the need for a school building becomes acute. He said it was becoming more difficult to get people to vote for bond issues; that the cost of interest in the future wil.l run more than the buildings, and he feels it will hurt less now than to wait until the need becomes acute. He said raising taxes to create a reserve fund is not tasteful, b.ut it might be better. Mr. Nlarks pointed out that if the one percent tax referendum can be passed in the Fall, it will be possible to do some of thest things then. ~ Mr. Metts pointed out that he wished to keep the ad valorem tax down as much as possible. Mr. Williams said he would like for it to be considered further before the budget discussions are finished. . School pensions were discussed at this time, and it was pointed out that it was intended to pay them this year. .An actuarial study is to be made to determine whether to continue • this practice or not. Air conditioning of Hoggard High School, which was built with pians for air conditioning was discussed. Dr. Bellamy said the funds ran out and air conditioning was not instalied. Roland Gr1se Cafeteria was built for air conditioning at a future date. It is completely enclosed with no available ventilation. The Commissioners tentatively placed.$74,000 in the budget estimate for air conditioning Hoggard High 5chool and $10,00o for air conditioning Roland Grise Cafeteria. With exception of the changes mentioned and salaries, the School Budget was tentively approved. RECESS Meeting recessed to reconvene on Tuesday, July 1, at 9:00 A.M. Respectfuily submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE BUDGET DISCUSSIONS N~ETING JULY 1, 1969 ASSEMBLY In accordance with the recessed meeting of June 30, 1q69, the following members of the Board of County Commissioners convened for the purpose of reviewing and considering the budget estimates for the fiscal year 1969-70: Chairman 1. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr.,H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Haze2 Savage, Clerk to the Board. INTERIM BUDGET At the request of County Auditor Perry Shepard thatr~an interim budget be provided, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the following resolution be adopted: "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BQARD OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Section 1- That in order to operate the County and its subdivisions from July 1, 1969 to date of adoption of the 1~69-70 Budget Resolution,.appropriations are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, the pr,incipal and interest on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense of the County and its subdivisions at the same rate of expenditure as provided for in the 1968-69 Fiscal Budget Year. Section 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption of the 1969-70 Budget Resolution and all disbursements made in accordance with this resolution shall be chargeable to appropriations made in the 1969-70 Budget Appropriations.'~ Motion carried. PRISON,FARM BUDGET ESTINiATE Mr, Lutha Mintz, Prison Farm Supervisor, appeared for the review of the Prison Farm Budget Estimate, l , '~ 353 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JULY 1, 1969 (CONTINUED) PRISON FARM BUDGET ESTIMATE (CONTINUED) Clothinq - This item was reduced from $1,500 to $1,350. ~ Fertilizer, Seeds 8 Plants - By common consent this item was reduced from $!}00 to $300. Janitor Supplies -.By common consent this item was increased from $1,700 to $1,800. Laundry - By common consent this item was reduced from $1,200 to $200 due to the fact equipment is going to be purchased for purpose of doing laundry at Prison Farm: ~ Li~hts and Power - By common consent this item was increased from $1,600 recommended by ;the Auditor, to ~2,000 due to additional electricity anticipated for washer and dryer. Cookinq Uten'sils - By common consent this item was added to the budget estimate in the sum , or $300. , Feed - Doq Pound - By common consent it was agreed to put $100 in the budget for this item. Groceries - By common consent it was agreed to increase this item from $9,500, recommended by the Auditor, to $10,000. Travel- By cnmmon consent it was agreed to reduce this item from $300 to $250. Stationerv and Supplies - By common consent it was agreed to include $50 for thls item. Repair Nlaintenance Equipment - Discussion was held on the maintenance of Prison Farm equipment. Mr. Metts mentioned there is a possibility of sending all trucks over to the County Farm, since the airpoft property is very valuable. Also, Mr. Metts discussed wosking something out with the school~ Board of maintain the county equipment. Mr. Williams inquired whether or not there are any buildings at the Farm which should be demolished and if so, whether or not an appropriation might not be necessary. Mr. Hall said he was going to talk with Judge Smith about sending someone to the farm that can work. _ Salaries - Mr. Mint2 mentioned t'hat Mr. Cooper is retiring and he wished to recommend that Mr. Gray be appointed to fill the position Mr. Cooper had been filling which was in the Drainage Department. • • ~ With the above changes and with exception of salaries, the Prison Farm and Drainage Budget Estimates were tentatively approved. APPROPRIATIONS AND TRAMSFERS REQUESTED BY COUAIIY AUDITOR Mr. Shepard requested the following transfers and appropriations: To: Commissioners~ Telephone. Tax Coilector, Refund Taxes Courthouse, Jan. Supplies County Farm, Lights • County Farm, Jan. Supplies Superior Covrt,• Fees, Jury Reg. of Deeds, Stat: and Supplies Courthouse, Rep. & Main. Equip: Courthouse Lights Elec. Insp. Auto Allowance Museum, Capital Outlay From: Unanticipated Rev. 8 C.D. Interest To: A8E Lights ~ A8E Dues 8 Subscriptions From: A&E Farm Reports $ 57.20 53•84 59.82 132.55 2•74 47.60 29.11 21.91 116.l~8 192.86 io.33 ~ 7~4.44 24.22 3.00 ~ z7.22 Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the transfers and appropriations as requested and recommended by the County Auditor by approved. Motion carried. At this time, 9:45 A.M, the meeting recessed in order that the Commissioners could attend ceremonies,at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Meeting reconvened at 11:30 A.M, with Chairman Hall, Commissioners Metts, Marks, Williams; County Administrator Sowden; County Auditor 5hepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board, present. , ~ CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE General Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Defense Director, was present for reviewing his budget requests. Disaster Communications. Incl. Citv-Countv Network - By common consent $100 was set for maintenance. School. Local Classes Cond. bv Req. Nurse -'By common consent;thi5 item was deleted. Office Expense. Incl. Stationerv. Su~nlies, Postaqe - By common consent this item was reduced from $300 to $250. ' Emeraencv Ooerations Center - By common consent this item was eliminated. , `e.. . ~ ~ 35~ MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JULY 1, 1969 (CONT~D) CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGET ESTIMATE (CONT~D) Capital Outlav - Generator - Discussion was had on this request. Mr. Metts suggested that Mr, John Wood, County Administrator BowdeA,and General Harriss check out the generators ' at the old hospital and report back beY'ore this item is approved. With the exception of the above changes and salaries, the Civil Defense Budget Estimate was tentatively approved. At this time, 12:35 P.M. the meeting was recessed for lunch. At 1:1}5 P.M. meeting reconvened with same persons present as before. SHERIFF~S BUDGET ESTIMATE ~ Sheriff Marion Millis was present for reviewing his budget estimate. Auto Exoense - By common consettt this item was increased from the $12,800 recommended by the Auditor to $15,000. Bonds - By common consent this item was increased from $480 to $620 due to anticipation of more deputy sheriffs being added to the force. Repairs, Maintenance Eauioment - By common consent this item was reduced from $400 to $100. School Crossinq Guards -,By common consent this item was increased from the $2,La1~1 recommended by the Au.ditor to $3,250. Hirinq of Additional Denuties - Sheriff Millis requested in his budget estimate permission to hire ll} additional deputies, total salaries amounting to $75,012. Mr. Metts said with the growth of the County,~the Board may as well face it. Mr. Hall said it might be possible to authorize the Sheriff to work up to the 14 additional deputies; it might be possible to get $40,000 from the surplus account. . Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Board increase number of•deputies in the Sheriff~s Department as requested by thc Sheriff, bvt that it be on a staggered basis and funds appropriated on a staggered basis to be worked out by the Sheriff and Auditor, with limit of $40,000 for salaries and that deputies be hired on Classification 14 Base. Mr. Williams said he agreed that additional men are needed but not convinced that th¢ Board should move from present force to almost double at one ,jump. Mr. Williams pointed out that other countfes had not incrtased their force to this extenti. Mr. Williams made a sub- stitute motion that the Board authorize force of Sheriff to be increased by seven during next budget year. Mr, Hall seconded the substitute motion for purpose of discussion. Mr. Hall said the streets, roads, and area mean as much as the size of population in determining number of inen required. Vote was called on substitute motion. Niotion failed. •Vote was called on original motion. It carried three to one. Mr. Williams voted "No". • It was pointed out that no item will be entered in next year~s budget estimate for special d~puties ai Seabreeze. , . A short discussion was held on purchasing gasoline for the Sheriff~s Department fr.om a gas station and how much refund the County would get back in the way of Sales Tax. •Mr. Metts suggested that Mr. Bowden make an investigation of this. Salaries - Sheriff Millis was asked whether he cared to c:omment on the salaries of any of his men. Sheriff Millis said he felt that Deputy Burnett should rate as a Sergeant and should receive the salary of $6,71~1 as he had requested, and also, Evans and Waters. Mr. Willitams discussed qualifications of Grohman. Sheriff Millis said Grohman had experience in a lot of different things in connection with law enforcement and felt he was worthy of further consideration. Salary of $6,607 was suggested for Deputy Grohman. Mr. Bowden was requested :to,work out salaries of the detectives in the Sheriff~s Department. Mr. Williams mentioned the fact that one, or more of the men in the Sheriff~s Department was doing outside work and felt the men,were being paid well enough not to be doing this. Sheriff Millis is to look into this. With the above changes and with exception of salaries, the budget estimate of the Sheriff was tentatively approved. JAIL BUDGET ESTIMATE Sheriff Millis was pr¢sent to review the Jail Budget Estimate with the Board of Commissioners. 6lothina - By common consent this item was reduced from $400 to $300. Elevator Contract - By common consent this item was increased from $855 as requested and recommended by ;t~he Auditor, to $925• Salaries - By common consent Joseph Johnson, Chief Jailer, was promoted to Lieutenant and Assistant Jailer Mobley was promoted to Sergeant. ~alary of Johnson was changed from amount requested to $~,192; Mobley~s to $6,731E; Braswell~s to $6,276. • With the above changes and with exception of salaries Jail Budget was tentatively approved. . 355 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JULY 1, 1969 ~CONT'D) r CHAMBER OF CONNnNNERCE BUDGET ~ At the ovtset Mr. Williams said it should be clarified that no funds are appropriated to the Chamber of Commerce. It is advertising for New Hanover County. Also, it was pointed out that,the bills are paid by the New Hanover County Auditor in most instances. The Chamber of Commerc~ was represcnted by Public Relations Director Ed Menke, Mr. John Foard and Mr. Richard Pratt. These gentlemen outlined the work the Chamber of Commerce did last year in the way of• advertising.our area and also the response which they r¢ceived from the advertising. They ~ presented over 2,000 inquiries for coming from Ohio and other various states. They informed the Board of the result of 4~os£ing.~outdoor writers from the Ohio area. As a result of this;; this area was written up in midwestern newspapers. Mr. Hall said he felt that tht County gets back what it spends in this kind of advertis.ing, and Mr. Wiiliams expressed the opinion 'that opinion that he felt the County Teceived°paycman~7~:times"ovet.: The Chamber of Commerce requested $30,000 be set in the budget estimate this year. After a britf discussion, Mr. Williams suggested putting $30,000 in the budget tentatively, which was agretd to by Lhe other members .present. ADVERTISING AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Remainder of the items on Page 3 were discussed and approved tentatively. Two new items were included; UIP Mementos, $300 and Industrial Development, $3,000. COUNTY AID BUDGET ESTIMATE Insurance - Mr. Metts suggested dropping the insurance on buiidings that are going to be x demolished and put other buildings under muitiple peril. Mr. Bowden was requested to drop the insurance on the buildings which are to be demolished and to put others under multiple peril. Hospital Insurance - Mr. Bowden informed the Board that the employees had expressed a desire to keep Blue Cross insurance which they now have rather than go under a new plan. Mr. Metts suggested leaving the hospital insurance as is at present; namely the County paying $4.00 per month.per employee. Public Audit - By common consent this item was increased from $6,500 to $7,000. School Pavino - By common consent $36,048 was placed in the budget estimate to cover this item. . • • • • • Trash Disposal - By common consent this item was redviced from $9,100 to $1},600. Hospital Insurance - Emplovees - This item was reduced from $6,000 to $4,500. Renovate.James Walker Hospital -$9,948 was placed in the budget for this item. Community Hospital Expenditures -•By common consent this item in amount of $2,500 was deleted from the budget. • Lower Cape Fear Council of Local Governments - By common consent $1,525 was placed in the budget estimate to cover New Hanover County's membership in this organi2ation. T. B. Office Renovation - By common consent $45o was added to the budget for this item. The budget covering County Aid was tentatively approved after the above changes were made. At this time, 5:20 P.M., the m¢eting was recessed to be reconvened at 8:00 P.M. Meeting reconvened at 8:00 P.M, with the same persons present as were before. ROAD PETITION - BRAGG, REILLY AND PINE VALLEY DRIVES. PINE VALLEY SUBDIVISION • ' Road petition requesting Bragg, Reilly and Pine Valley Drives in•Pine Ualley Subdivision be added to the State Maintained Secondary Road System was presented to the Commission. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the standard resolution be adopted and that the State Highway•Commission be requested to add these drives to their Secondary R'oad System. • Motion carricd. ~ - ._ • WELFARE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ESTIMATE ' Miss Lela Moore Hall was present to review the We_lfare Department Budget with the Board of Commissioners. ~ • After discussing proposed Title X3X which is to become effectivelshortly the Welfare Budget was tentatively approved with the following changes and with exception of salaries which will be discussed later: • ~ Grouv Insurance - This item was reduced from $6,115 to $3,000.• - Office Equipment - Capital Outlay - This item was reduced from $4,000 to $2,000. Attornev -(Vacant)-.$2,000 was added to the budget in the event a full time County • Attorn~y is employed by the County. • _ •- Vacant Positions - The Welfare Budget shows two vacant positions on Page 86, one of which Miss Hall said she does not plan to fill. This was deleted from the budget. She on2y plans to fill the other one for a half year, and this salary was cut in half. On Pagc 87 a vacant position of Social Worker A3de was shown as vacant and Miss Hall said she was not goint to fili this position either. This salary was deleted from the budget. ~ ~356 MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JULY 1, 1969 (CONT~D) WELFARE DEPARTMENT BUDGET ESTIMATE (CONT-D) Salaries - Miss Hall requested that sa2aries of Lhe Welfare Board be incr¢ased from $1C to $15 per metting for the regular board members and from $15 to $20 for the Cha3rman. Miss Hall informed the Board that she had requested the salaries of the persons in the Welfare Department be on same step in new cange as on the old range. . Mr. Marks, Chairman of the Weifare Board, said the Welfare Board had agreed unanimously to request salary of Miss Hall be the same step on new rangc as old plus one st~p. Mr. Marks pointcd out that Miss Hall has 58 people to supervise and the work she put in the plannino of the renovation and moving of the Welfare Department. Also, Mr. NFarks pointed out that Niss Hall is required to operate,the Welfare Department under 168 different regulations. With the above changes and with exception of the salaries, the Welfare Budget was tentatively approved. MEETING RECESSED Me2ting was recessed to reconvene on Wednesday, July 3, at 9:00 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage CLerk to the Board MINUTES OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING JULY 3, 1969 ASSEMBLY In accordance with the recessed meeting of July i, 1969, the following members of the Board convened for the purpose of reviewing and eonsidering the budget estimate for the fiscal year 1969-70: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners H. A. Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Haze2 Savage, Clerk to th~ Board. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR BUDGET ESTIMATE Auto Allowance - By common consent this item was increased from $3,000 to $3,300. Stationerv & Suvvlies & Postaoe - By common consent this item was increased from $200 to $3z5• . Capital Outlay - By common consent this item was reduced from $1}00 to $250. Travel - By common consent this item was reduced from $1~50 to $400. 2-Wav Radio - By common consent $500 was restored to this item as originally r~quested by the Electrical Inspector. Salaries -,In discussion of salaries, Mr. Wood said he felt he should get at least electrician~s pay. Discussion was held on moving plumbing inspector into the Buflding and Electrical Inspectors~ office. Mr. Hall said he would discuss this with Dr. Knox. Courthouse Elevator - Mr. Wodci advised that the inan who is to work on instailing the courthouse elevator would be ava;labie to begin work on July 14th. Mr. Hall said the hospital committee made a recommendation to the Board to go ahead and hispose of the elevator at a token sum. Mr. Wood said he thought $50 to $100 wouid be a fair charge. By common consent it was agreed to offer New Hanover Memorial Hospitai $100 for the old elevator in the James Walker Hospital Building which is to be demolished. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board go ahead with this proSect and make appropriation on Page 51 of the Budget. Motion carried. . MUSEUM BUDGET ESTIMATE Budget for the Museum was tentatively approved. It was pointed out that Mr. Eyster, Museum Director, was due four weeks vacation this year. Mr. Williams moved that Mr. Eyster take two full weeks vacation this year. Mr. Williams withdrew his motion. Mr. Eyster requested permission to t~ke only one week this year. Mr. MarR's moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that if Mr. Eyster wanted to take only one week this year, he be permftted to do so. Motion carried. ~J~ MINUTES OE BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING JULY 3, 1969 (CONT~D) ~r ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUDGET ESTIMATE ~,,.• Mr. Timothy Wood was present for reviewing his budget estimate. Budget for the Planning Department was tentatively approved. Mr. Williams pointed out that request for salary increases was less than 10 percent. ZONING ORDINANCE Mr. Wood informed the Board that the zoning ordinance would be ready for pubiic hearing about 30 days from this date. The hearing will have to be advertised two weeks in advance. • PUBLIC LIBRARY BUDGET ESTIMATE . , ~ Mr. Louis Poisson and Miss Katherine Howell were present for reviewing the Library Budget Estimate. Continqent Fund - By common consent the $1,000 requested by the Library Board, and which had been de2eted by the Auditor, wa5 restored. i Miss Howell said it was necessary to 1~ave tYe Contingency Fund because sometimes she had bills that had to be paid before she received funds from which to pay the library~s bills. The County Auditor suggested paying every quarter and Mr. Marks suggested paying by the first of each morith instead of the last of the month as is being done now. Mr. Williams said he was in favor of payment by the quarter which would reduce work of the Auditor. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Auditor be authorized to make the monthly payment to the library the first of the month. Motion carried.. REQUEST OF BQARD OF EDUCATION TO PURCHASE B00}(S AT THIS TIME A call from the Board of Education was received requesting authority to order books in amount of $8,000 instead of waiting until their entire budget is approved. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the School Board be authorized immediatedy to spend not to exceed $10,000 for books. Motion carried. REQUESTS FOR TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS Mr. Shepard presented the following requests for transfers and appropriations To: @Tax Collector, Advertising $2,531•97 From: Independent Data Processing $2,531•97 To: #Auditor, Sta. 8 Supplies 33.48 Reg. of Deeds, Sta. 8 Supplies 10.00 Coroner, Salary 51.96 ' From: C. D. Interest ' 95.l4~+ @- Advertising in June - Early-Delinquent accounts # - Budget copies Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the appropriations and transfers be approved as recommended by the County Auditor. Motion carried. Refund Taxes - By common consent this item was increased from $1,500 to $1,800. Travel - By common consent this item was :increased ~'rom $75 as requested to $80. Salaries - Mr. Johnson said his office wili require a full time cashier this fiscal year. This is necessary with the Validating Machine. He also poiilted out that receipts have to be written when taxes are paid on each piece of property. With the above changes and with the exception of salaries, the Tax Collector~s Budget Estimate was tentatively approved. . CAPE FEAFt TECHNIGAL INSTITUTE BUDGETt ESTIMATE Mr. McLeod and Mr. Galehouse were present for reviewing the Cape Fear Technical Institute Budget Estimate. Improve Gounds - Parkinq Lot - By common consent this item was increased from $7,500 to $10,000. Cape Fear Technical Institute Budget Estimate iaas approved with the above change and with exception of salaries which will be decided later.. At this time, 12:00 P.M, meeting recessed for lunch. Meeting reconvened at 1:30 P.M, with the same persons present as earlier in the meeting. COMMISSIONERS~ BUDGET ESTIMATE The Commissioners~ Budget Estimate was partially reviewed at a previous meeting. Mr. Bowden now proceeded to finish presenting the estimate. Capital Outlay - Mr. Bowden requested $16,300 be budgeted foc Capital Outlay. This would enable him to purchase office equipment for the proposed new Commissioners~ Office. Mr. Marks requested copy of the list of equipment and said there were "too many unknowns" before deciding on this. Mr. Williams said whether•or not the proposed space is made available, the Commissioners~ office was going to have quarters somewhere. Mr. Shepard suggested budgeting for this later when it is known where the office is to be 2ocated. Mr. Hall said he felt it should be droppcd now, but something should bc done about it later;. $1,100 was m;ugeted for Capital Outlay for the fiscal year 1969-70. ~ ~358 MINUTES OF BUDGET'DISCUSSIONS MEETING JULY 3, 1969 (CONT~D) Administrative Assistant - Discussion was held on need for assistance for the County Administrator. By common consent it was agreed that Mr. Bowden employ an Administrativc Assistant September i, 1969 at a salary of $8,500 per year. $7,000 was budgeted for the portion of the year one will be working. . Countv Enqineer - Discussion was held on hiring a full time engineer. Mr. Marks said.he was in favor of doubling the force in the office but not in tripling it. Hiring an engineer on a fee basis was dziscussed. Mr. N~rks said he felt by hiring an assistant for Mr. Bowden would give •him mort time for this phase of work, By common consent it was agreed that an engineer be employed on a fee basis when the need therefore arises. COURTHOUSE BUDGET ESTIMATE Janitor~s Supplies - This item was increased from .>$3,850 to $4,500 because of anticipation of converting to oil. Coal is being used now. Mr. Bowden was requestcd to check cost of oil against cost of gas and advise. Liqhts and Power - By common consent it was agreed to increase this item.from $4,800 as recommended by the Auditor to $6,000. Repair, Buildings and Roof - By common consent it was agreed this item bc increased from $4,000 to $5,000 because of need for repairs to the courthouse roof. Dumvster - Mr. Bowden pointed out the need for a dumpster for the ~a;l garbage which now is being placed in cans on the streets which creates a problem in the way of dogs . turning.them over, etc. Cost of a used dumpster and cost of the City~s pick-up service will amount to $715 for the fiscal year. By common consent this item was budgeted in the budget. . . Mechanical Elevator -$4,000 was put in Courthouse Budget Estimat¢ for this item and $4,000 in Courthouse Annex Building Fund, or a total of $8,000 was budgetcd.for a•mechnical elevator to replace the one used in the courthouse now and which is worn out. The $8,000 is based on,the possible use of one of the elevators now in the old Jamcs Walker Hospital complex. With the above changes the Courthouse Budget was tentatively approved. At this point, 2:2Q P.M, meeting recessed 3n order for the Chairman and Mr. Bowden- to attend meeting with Mr. T. C. Jervay relative to hiring deputy sheriffs. Meeting reconvened at 3:20 P.M, with the same persons present as were earlier. TRANSFERS AND APPROPRIATIONS Mr. Shepard requested the following transfers: To . Sheriff~s Auto Allowance From ,: Within Sheriff~s Budget To . Cape Fear Teehnical Construction Cost Appropriation From . Unanticipated Revenue Cape Fear Technicai Building $ 474.40 $ 474.40 ., i.5o7.47 , . `, 1,507.47 Mr. Williams moved, sec,onded by Mr. Marks that the transfers be approved as requested by Mr. Shepard. Motion carried. MACRAE PARK 8 OAK GROVE CEMETERY BUDGET ESTIMATES ~ Reva~ir - Maintenance Eavinment - By common consent this Item was reduced from $1,400 to $1,000. ~ . Capital Outlay - By common consent this item was increased from $1,200 to $2,500. Mr.•Bowden said this amount was requested to purchase playground equipment and a mower. Buildinq Imnrovements - Mr. Bowden explained need for this; to build new bathrooms which are badly needed. With exception of salaries and above changes, the Park and Cemetery Budget Estimates were tentatively approved. . SUPERIOR COURT BUDGET ESTIMATE ., Mr. Bowden reviewed the Superior Court Budget Estimate with the Board of Commissioners. He advised the Board of a letter received from District Solicitor Cobb recommending a raise of at least 10% for Assistant Solicitor Barefoot. Discussion was held as whether or not the County is responsible for Mr. Barefoot~s salary. Mr. Bowden was requtsted to check this out. . The Superior Court Budget Estimate was tentatively approved with exception of Mr. Barefoot~s salary which will be taken up again. TAX LISTING & ASSESSING BUDGET ESTIMATE Auto Allowance - Assessor - By common consent this item was increased from $1,400 to $1,500. Stationerv 8 SuDVlies - By common consent this item was increased f ro m$4,500 to $1,500. ~J~ MINUTES OF ~UDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING JULY 3, 1969 ~CONT~D) TAX LISTING 8 ASSE55ING BUDGET ESTIMATE ~CONTTD) Travel 8 M12eage- Local - By common consent this item was increased from $300, recommended by the Auditor to $325• ~ ' Xerox Lease - Mr. Bowden expressed the need for a Xerox Machine in,the front•part of the Courthouse which would be more convenient and 2ess ~ttpe~Sive to the other offices. By common consent $2,400 was budgeted for rent of this machine. Additional Personne2 - Mr. Bowden informed the Board of the need for addit3onal personnel in the Tax Office. He said he feit another appraiser is needed;' Mr. Blake ~ will be responsible for the Department. Mr. McDanfe2 will be put on commercial and industries and the new appralser on other appraising. Mr. Bowden aiso told the Board the Tax Officer needs two additional clerical workers, one to file and the other to assist in prepayments. By common consent the Cammissioners tentatively approved these positions. • , VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS 8 OGDEN RESCUE SQUAD BUDGET ESTIMATES By common consent the Soard of Commissioners tentatively approved the amount of $30,250 which had been budgeted for the Volunteer Fire Departments. '' . Mr. Bowden brought a letter to the Commissioners+ attention which he had received requesting appropriation in amount of $3,000 instead of the amount which was budgeted; namely $1,375. The Commissioners were not inclined to go along with this request and by common consent tentatively approved the amount budgeted; namely, $1,37s, with the proviso that none of the appropriation be used in thefr ambu2ance service. ~ DISCUSSION OF RENOVATION OF THE S8H GREEN STAMP BUILDING Mr. Williams said before the Board spends a dime on the S8H Green Stamp Building, it should have some second thoughts, He said whether the Board liked it or not, they were going to have to provide ,Jail facilities. He s,aid if the County is going to purchase the YMCA Building, it might want to tear iL,down and build a,jail over there. Mr. Bowden said he would like the minutes to reflect that he agrees with Mr. Wiliiamst ~statement. Mr. Bowden pointed out that the Board has to provfde office space for the Election Board. Mr. Hall said the Board has to sooner or later cdme face to face with the problem and he felt that by enumerating these things it might be possible to seli the one percent sales tax when it is brought to the vote of the people. Mr. Williams said he does not want future Boards to da something this Board should have done. Meeting recessed to be reconvened at later date for continuation of budget discussions. Respectfully submitted, • Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING - JULY 1L~., 1969 ASSEMBI.Y The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chafrman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr., H. A. N~.rks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Attorney James C. Fox, County Administrator Laurence 0. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, CSerk to the Board. INVOGATION Chairman Hall ealled the meeting to order and aske3 Rev. C. A. MeCombs, Pastor, St. Matthew~s Lutheran Church, to give the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Marks moved, 5econded by Mr. Metts that the minutes•of regular meeting of June 16, 196q and Special Meeting of June t~, 1969, be approved as written, Motion carried. REPORTS No reports were dve by or through the County Commissioners. PRESENTATION CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL AWARDS General Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Civil Defense Director, appeared before the Board as a follow-up to his l;etter of July 11, 196q addressed to Mr, J. M, Hall, Chairman Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, Mayors of Wilmington, Carolina, Kure, and Wrightsville Beaches in which he advised that a special ceremony is to be held in the Commissioners' Room an Monday, July 22, 1969 at 9:00 A.M, for presentat.ion.of.Certificates of Merit on behalf of the Joint Civil Defense Council. General Harriss-expressed the desire that as many of the Commissioners as possiblc attend this ceremony. A.B.C. PERMIT REQUESTS A.B.C. Permit Requests from Prince~s Grocery, 7553 Market Street Road; Atlantic Tobacco Company, 1901 Dawson Street; and Williams~ Candy Store, 802 Grace Stre¢t were presented to the Commissioners. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks that thzse requcsts be referred to the Sheriff~s Department for its consideration. Motion carricd. ~