1969-08-04 Regular Meeting374 MINUTES OF THE BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MEETING - JULY 17, 1969 (CONT~D) AIR CONDITIONING HOGGARD HTGH SCHOOL AND CAFETERIA ROLAND GRISE SCHOOL Mr. Harriss brought up discussion of air conditioning Hoggard High Schooi and cafeteria at Roland Grise School and said he could not go along with the budget with this item. Mr. Harris5 said he felt this could be done later out of Unanticipated Revenue. Mr. Hall said it would cost the same thing either way, Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts that the air conditioning for these two schools be withdrawn from the budget. After discussion of getting Mr. Shepard to check effect•this would have on the tax rate, Mr. Harriss withdrew motion and moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the tax rate be figured w3thout the $84,000 for air conditioning and with the $84,000, and the matter be tabled until July 28 at which time it will be decided. Motion carried. Mr. Bowden was asked to call Mr. Morrisay about absolute date to adopt budget resolution and whether or not members could cast vote by telephone, Page 64 was approved; namely, Revaluation Restricted Surplus $25,000 and Cape Fear Tech- nical Institute - Building Surplus $9~1. SCHOOL BUDGET Approved as requested by the School Board, and recommended by Auditor with the following exceptions: School Bond Construction $2,020,534, Schoo2 Pensions increased to $90,139, Regionai Drivers Education increased to $I}5,000, Attendance Officers reduced to $8,375, Wages of Janitors and s Maids increased additional 5% -$182,500, Fuel red,uced to $14,500, Water, Sewerage Lights 8 Power 3ncreased to $152,200, Total Maintenance of Plant $316,332 reduced by $8,735, Retirement and Social Security to be ad~usted by the County Aduitor, Wages of Drivers reduced to $50,000, Five Schoo2 Buses reduced to 4 in amount of $2!},000, Request for Walkway over 13th and N~rket Streets deleted, and Page 76; namely Capital Reserve Fund deleted. ~- Since bddget meeting, School Board requested amount budgeted for text books be reduced by $5,000 and the $5,000 be added to 631-Wages, increasing the total to $17$,765.00; that with some additionai State aid this would allow the 10% increase for Janitors and Maids.. The ' School Board also requested the $8,735 that had been moved from Maintenance of Plant to 631 be returned to Maintenance of Plant, leaving the total there $316,332. Poll was taken of the Commissioners on July 18 and approval was given. See Dr, bellamy~s letter of July 18, 1969 in Schools fil~e. COURTHOUSE RENOVATION Mr. Harriss suggested going back over architect f•igures, Mr. Metts suggested that Board put $30,000 in for renovation of the Green Stamp Building and do it for that. By common consent ' it was agreed to budget $95,060 for Ma,Jor Renovations and Capital Outlay and $4,000 for Capital Outlay-Elevator on Page 51. , PETTY CASH IN COMMISSIONERS~S BUDGET FOR COFFEE AND FLOWERS By common consent it was agreed to have a petty cash fund in the Commissioners~ Budget to cover coffee at the meetings and flowers when personnel has a death in the family. REC~SS Meeting was recessed to reconvene at time to be set later. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk .tb the Board s PhINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 4,1969 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners John Van B: Metts, Jr., H. A, Marks, Berry A. Williams; County Auditor Perry Shepard; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Vice-Chairman Mear.es Harriss, ~r, was not present at the beginning of the Meeting. Mr. James C. Fox,.County Attorney, was absent. INVOCATION Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. A: L. McGee, Pastor, Caivary Baptist Church, to give the invocation. • ' APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following changes were made to the minutes of the regular meeting of July 1l~: On Page 2, under heading, "Discussion of State Highway Adding New Roads to Its System", third sentence should reflect '~most lots had been sold" instead of "all lots had been sold." , ' 3'75 ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST !}, 1969 ~CONT~D) APPROVAL OF MINUTES (CONT+D) On Page 5, third paragra~h from bottom of page, last sentence should read '~... Cumberland has capacity ..." instead of '... Columbus has capacity..." . On Page 7 under heading "Appropriation to be Reduced to HUD" should be changed to "Appropriation to be Restored to HUD." On Page 2; under heading, "Letter From the Nortfi Carolina Medical Care Commission, Renovation of North Wing of James Walker Memo'rial Hospital", Mr. Marks requested that the following be added: "The Medical Care Commission showed estimated cost to renovate building to be $25 per square foot whereas the firm of Ballard, McKim 8 Sawyer eStimated $10 per square foot. Mr. Marks said Mr. McKim, Architect, said he did noi see why his estimates should not be in line with actual probable renovation costs,~since he had taken into consideration all items menfioned by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission." ' • After the above corrections were made, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the minutes be approved. Motion carried. At this time, Vice-Chairman Harriss ,joined the meeting and asked that the following be added to the mimutes of July 14: Under the heading, '~Discuss;on of Renovation of Jail", Mr. Harriss asked the minutes reflect the following statement he made at the July 14 meeting: "Mr. Harriss also asked Mr. Williams what his fee would be, if he performed the preliminary work and the Board decided to get another architect to finish the work. Mr. Wiiliams said his fee wouid be the same." Chairman Hall said by common consent this change would be approved by the previous motion. Approval of Budget Discussions Minutes and Joint City-County Meeting was deferred until later in th~ meeting. REPORTS No reports were due by or through the County Commissioners APPOINTMENTS TO PIANR~ING COMMISSION?: Chairman Hail announced reappointment of Mr. Maurice Emmart, whose term expired at the end of July, to serve on the Wilmington-New Hanover Planning Commission. Also, Chairman Hall appointed Mr. Henry von Oesen to serve on this Commission. These terms are for three years. DRAINAGE PETITION, SECTION 4. GREEN MEADOWS A petition was presented to the Board which had been brought in by Mr. Elwood Benton, 5628 St. Nicholas Drive. The petition was signed by 26 property owners in Green Meadows and requested relief in the way of drainage. The petition pointed out that stagnated water stands for long periods of time causing mosquitoes. By common consent it was agreed, at Mr. Harriss~ suggestion, that this be referred to Mr. Peter Powell for investigation to determine whether this situation has existed over a period of time or whether it is one caused r~cently by the • heavy rains. Nfr. Poweil will be requested to get in touch with Mr. Cranford about this. SALE OF COUNTY OWNED~?:OTS - I~NHATTAN DRIVE. CHARLOTTE STREET, AND LOT 16. BLOCK A"OF BRONX Two options to purchase property from New Hanover County; (1) Lot on Manhattan Drive,~ valued at $500 (offer received #750) and (2) Lot on Charlotte Street, valued at $1900 (offer received $3100) were presented to the Board along with request for approval of sale of Lot 16, Block A of Bronx, which Mr. Brandon had requested by telephone to have approved. Offer on this lot is $650. The Wilmington Housing Authority wishes to purchase this property. Mr. Harriss was of the opinion that the property owners ad~jacent to this property should be made aware of the proposed sale and should be given an opportunity to acquire the property, if they so desire. Mr. Hall was of the opinion that the oniy ob,jection anyone would have would be to the purpose for which it will be used, Mr.~Harriss moved that the Board defer action on these options to give any interested parties an opportunity to be heard. Motion died for lack of a second. Nr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that we entertain acceptance of offers of the Housing Authority on the lots in question, subject to no better offers tendered prior to our next official meeting. Motion carried. AIRPORT CONTRACT -.IOHN TALBERT 8 ASSOCIATES Contract with John Talbert 8 Associates, Inc, for Engineering Services with New Hanover County in connection with the up~coming work on the New Hanover County Airport was discussed by Chairman Hall. Nfr. Hail advised the Board he had signed the contract. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that the Chairman~ action in connection with this contract be ratified by the Board. Motion carried unanimously. TREES AND POWER POLES AT AIRPORT ~ Mr. Harriss brought to the attention of the Board that trees needed trimming at the airport, but he understood that where easements had been acquired this could be done without any further action. He wanted to acquaint the Board with this eventhough it is an administrative matter. Mr. Harriss said he had been in contact with the Power Company abovt moving the poles. At this time, 9~40 .AM., Mr. Hall left connection with the Coast Guard dedication. AIRPORT INTENSITY RUNWAY LIGHTING SYSTEM the meeting to greet the folks arrivd~ng~. in Uice-Chairman Harriss discussed the new High Intensity Runway L¢;ghting System at the aitrport with the Board and read the agreement which the FAA had presented for the Board~s approvaP and the Chairman~s signature. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board approve the agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign, if the agreement meets with the approval ;,: of the County Attorney. Motion carried. / 3~6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 4, 1969 ~CONT~D) ARTIFICIAL FISHING REEFS Mr. Harriss made a report on the status of the proposed artificiai fishing reefs to be located at Carolina Beach and Masonboro Inlet. Col. Page was here on Wednesday of last week, and with his letter of July 29 he had enclosed forms Lor applying for a grant from the BOR Land and Water Conservation Fund. Col. Page informed Mr. Harriss that Mr. Harold Moses, of the Recreation Division of the Department of Local Affairs had offered to visit and help in working up the application. Mr. Harriss said he was hopeful some larger vessels might be acquired; he already has had offer of thousands of tires which cannot be burned or used for landfiil. Also, he has had an offer of $1140 from the former Reef Association to pay for transporting these tires. There will be a committee meeting of Tuesday night to spread the work around. Cape Fear Technical Institute has offered assistance and been of great~help. This project will not cost the county anything, the county's services are matched by federal funds. Mr. Metts questioned the county~s liability should a barge sink in tte channel loaded with tires for this project. Mr. Harriss said insurance wovld be one of the things discussed at the meeting on Tuesday night. Mr. Williams said he had recently attended a meeting where solid waste was discussed and lots of larger cities had no place to put such waste as old autos because the price you get for ~unk is not justified and that a fishing reef is one way to get rid of solid waste. 'Mr. tidilliams suggested keeping this in mind for disposing of old autos. Mr. Harriss said Mr. Br.own of Norehead Section had called him to take pictures of these reefs for fish life, etc.; he is interested in putting reefs in the Morehead Section for fish. Mr. Harriss pointed out the fishing reefs would attract tourists. Mr. Metts asked whether psople who wanted to get rid of ~unk might not help toward expense of bringing it•to us. Mr. Harriss assured him they would get it at as little cost as possible. Mr. Harriss pointed out the reefs wovld be placed on,rock bottom (1) a little over a mile off shore of Carolina Beach, size 100' x 300', and two miles off Masonboro, same size, Mr. Harriss said they were proceeding as authorized by the Commission previovsly. Mr. Harriss said he was turni~g the forms sent him by Col. Page over to Mr. Peter Poweil with request that he have them duplicated and a trial copy filled in and then he is to ~et in touch with Mr. Moses. Mr. Harr.iss said the Federal Government is spending $30,000 in South Carolina on fishing reefs, and the budget of the Division of Outdoor Recreation increased from four hundred million dollars to six hundred million dollars this year. LANDFILL OPERATION Mr. Williams said at a recent meeting on solid waste an idea was presented which will tie in with New Hanover County. Mr. Williams said after ~.land is filled in, it is usually not suitable for heavy buildings, but is excellent for recreation areas, He suggested that if the County is going into its own landfill operation it acquire its odrn areas and then use them for recreation. He sai.d he would like for it to be brought to the attention of the Administrator and kept in mind, if we go f.urther into landfill operations, By common consent th3s was agreed to. He cited the present Optimist Park; this area use to be a trash dump. , . Mr, Harriss said what worried him with drainage was the destroying of the natural breeding area. He called attention to the marshes along the river near the Battleship; the wildlife has been moved out. . ~ COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE, PUBLIC HEARING Mr. Williams brought to the attention of the Board Mr. Timothy Wood~s letter of July 23 advising that a public hearing would have to be held on the County Zoning Ordinance. The Board was advised of conversation the County Administrator had had with Mr. Wood and that Mr. Wood had said September 15, which is a regular meeting date, would be fine for the hearing, Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that public hearing be held on September 15, 1969~~ and the proper advertisement be made of the hearing. Motion carried. • KELLWOOD COMPANY, RIGHT TO EXERCIS'E OPTION • • Mr. Marks questioned the price Kellwood is paying for the land on which they hold an option. Mr. Marks,was told by Mr, Harriss it was $2150 per acre and the land was•about eight acres in size, PRATT ADVERTISING A550CIATES Letter from Pratt Advertising Associates requesting they be allowed to perform the adminis- trative and public relation duties at the airport was mentioned briefly. Mr. Marks moved, ~ seconded by Mr. Metts, that this letter be referred to the Airport Committee for its consideration. Motion carried. REQUEST OF WRIGHT CHEMICAL COMPANY TO LEASE PROPERTY AT AIRPORT A letter from Mr. Westbrook arlvising that John Wilkes, Chief Pilot for Wright Chemical Company had asked permission to rlease space (100 x 100') at the airport to construct a hangar for their aircraft was mentioned. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that this be referred to the Airport Committee for its consideration. Motion carried. HEALTH INSURANCE FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES Mr. Metts inquired as to the status of the bids which the County had received for health insurance for its employees. Mr. Metts expressed the feeling that inasmueh as the Insurance Companies had gone to so much time and trouhle in preparing the bids, he felt they should be opened. I~ir, Metts was advised that action was being delayed until a ruling from the Attorney General can be obtained. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that upon approval of the County Attorney, bids be opened by the Insurance Committee and recommendation made by them. Motion carried. ' 3~~' MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 4, 1969 ~CONTINUED) APPOINTMENT REPRESENTATIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, SEACAP Mr. Harriss read the letter relative to appointment of a person to serve on this Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that appointment be left up to the Chairman. Motion carried. Mr. Williams expressed the feeling than an elected repre'sentative shovld be on the Board, because in many cases organizations are not adequately represented by local government. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that~the meeting recess•at this time, 10:25 A.M., in order to give the Commission; an opportunity to attend dedication ceremonies for the Coast Guard, meeting to reconvene as soon thereafter as possible. Motion carried. MEETING_RECONVENED Meeting reconvened at 3:00 P.M, with all the Commissioners present, County Auditor Perry Shepard, and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. KELLWOOD COMPANY OPTION AGREEMENT Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Nfetts, that Kellwood Company be permitted to exercise their option to purchase parcel of land d'escribed in Option Agi~eement made June 6, 1966 at purchase price of $2,150 per acre. Motion carried unanimously. FORMAL APPROVAL SOURCE OF FUNDS WITHIN SCHOOL BUDGET FOR SALARIES OF MAIDS AND JANITORS Dr. Bellamy~s letter of July 18 requesting transfer of $5,000 from Textbooks to 631- Wages and restoring $8,735 that had been moved from Maintenance of Plant to 631-Wages was discussed. These transfers were requested in order to increase wages of maids and ~janitors ten (10%) percent. A poll of the Commissioners was taken on July 18 and a ma~jority approved the transfers. Mr. Hall requested formal approval at this time, and Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. l~~illiams., that the.transfers be made as requested. Motion carrie'd unanimously. JAMES WALKER HOSPITAL ELEVATOR Mr. Hail advised the Board of Commissioners that the Hospital Board had approved accepting offer of $100 from the County for punc~ase of one of the elevators at the old James Walker Hospital and with proviso that space from which elevator is removed be boarded up and the remaining elevator be left in operable condition electricallY:. Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Metts,_ that the $100 be paid and the conditions met as requested by the Hospital Board. Motion carried unanimously. RELOCATION OF JAILERSry QUARTERS Chairman Hall advised the Board that Jailer Johnson and his wife would like very~; much to move off of the Jail floor. If they did this, it would make it possible to have an additional six or more ce11s.. Mr. Hall said no funds had been budgeted for this. Mr. Metts suggested completing remainder of budget before taking this into considerati•on. Mr. Williams moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Board of Commissioners go on record today that it will find suitable quarters for the Jailer and work toward enlarging the ,jail , capacity. Motion carried. • • COST OF NOVEMBER ELECT~'ON TO BE BORNE BY COUNTY , Mr. Hall advised the Soard that the cost of the November election on the one (1~) percent sales tax wili have to be borne entirely by the County. Mr•. Wil•liams suggested the appropriation in the budget for the Spring election be used for the fall election since by the time the Spring election comes around Unanticipated Revanue will probably be available. Mr. 'Shepard advised the Board that funds had been budgeted for both elections. REQUEST OF SHERIFF MILLIS Request of Sheriff Miilis to start new deputies at Classification 1!}, Step 1($5,105) instead of the base ($4,888) was discussed. Sheriff Millis said if permitted to do this he would be able to attract good men, and it would in no way change the amount of $40,000 that was approved in his budget for additional deputies, Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams,,that the Sheriffts budget request be granted. Motion carried vnanimously. FIRE AND BURGL`AR AL}~RMS Mr. John Wood, Electricai Inspector, appeared before the Board to discus.s the fire and burgiar alarms that are presently in the courthouse. They are now located in the elevator shaft, but will have to be relocated because of another elevator being installed. Mr. Wood said the Sheriff had expressed the feeling that he wished to have them gotten out of the courthouse, since the County does not receive anything out of them. Mr. Wood said he had talked with people who are willing to pay something in order to have them in the courthouse. Mr. Metts asked whether or not there ~ver was any contracts. Mr. Metts suggested writing the people they would be removed or relocated in the courthouse. In the people are written, it would be one.way to determ3ne whether there are outstanding contracts, Mr. Metts~said. Nr. Nall said this could be haridled administratively, and the Board would be kept informed. DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL BUDGET ITEMS , 1- Dispostion of County Shop at Airport - Mr. Harriss said iti wouid be desirable to remove the County shop at the Airport for two reasons, (1) airport personnel could be used exclus3vely for airport work.and, (2) would remove opportunity for loose handling of gasoline, etc. Mr. Harriss said he did not know of any mishandling, but it would remove the opportunity. Mr, Harriss recommended tY~:shop be disposed of and the money re-allocated. This was deferred until a later time. J ~ 3'78 MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 4, 1969 (CONT~D) DISCUSSION OF ADDITIONAL BUDGET ITEMS (CONT~D) Museum - A call r~as made to City Manager Brandon at this time to determine what action the City Councilmen had taken on appropriating City~s share to the Museum. This had not been firmed up at the Joint Meeting. Mr, Brandon advised that the City is g6ing along with their share. 2- Final amount.for pog Pound - t~ir. 5hepard infonned the Board that he had budgeted $10,000 for dog,wardens and $2,000 for equipment in connection with the dog pound. •• 3- A brief discvssion was held on renovation work needed in the courthouse; namely renovating offices formerly occupied by the ldelfare Department and Related Moves. Mr. Metts was of the opinion that some of this should be left to the tax payers as inducement to vote for the Sales Tax in November rather than adding tax to pr.operty owners. Mr. Harriss said the Board should allow something in the budget for renovation of the basement. REQUE5T OF CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR, INCREASE IN SALAR'iE5 General Harriss, Civil -efense Director, by letter requested transfers of funds as follows in order to be able to increase salaries of his Assistant and Secret~ry: From Printing-Mimeo CSP $125, Procurement of Surplus Items on Sale $50 and Local School Teacher Salaries $75 to Salaries of Assistant Director and Secretary. Request to increase salaries was necessary due to State fncreasing salaries on July 1, 1969. Mr. Metts_moved, seconded by Mr. Marks, that General Harriss~ request be honored. Motion carried. ADJUSTMENT OF SALARIES IN AGRICULTURE 8 ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT Memo from the County Administrator relative to adjustment of salaries of two secre- taries in the Agriculture 8 Economics Department was discussed. Mr. Baggett and Mr. Bowden recommended Mrs. Pope~s salary to be $4,400 and Mrs. Brown's $l},211. .Mr. Metts moved, • seconded by Mr. N~rks, that Mr. Bagge.tt~s and Mr. Bowden~s recommendations be approved, Motion carried unanimously. DOG WARDEN Mr. Harriss suggested the County Administrator begin interviewing persons for this position. SERVICES TO THE AGING Mr. Harriss read a letter from Mrs: Louise Love, Director of this Agency, requesting that the County reconsider their request for $7,504. Mrs. Love advised the City is con- tributing $3,750 and the United Fund is contributing $1,500 and if the County will contribute $7,500, it would give them $1?_,750 to operate on. I~7r. Harr.iss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the County contribute same amount as the City; namely $3,750.. Mr. Marks said the County now is spending over $170,000 for persons over 6$ years of age and that he felt the ma~ority of people this program helps are the lonesome which help he considers a fringe benefit. He f~els the County should heip people at the bottom of the pole. Mr. Williams said this is a matter of opinion of whether all the people being helped by this agency are as well off as some may think;. there are a lot of folks who are determined they are going to make it on their own, and he thought they needed encouraging and thought this is money well spent. Mr. Harriss wanted to know if there were any agencies that take elderly people that cannot afford cab fare and who are unable to walk, to clinics and doctors~ offices for treatment. Mr. Marks said the Welfare Department does not. Vote was called on motion; it failed with Messrs. Hall, Marks and Metts voting ,'~No." AIR CONDITIONING OF SCHOOLS Discussion was held on whether to budget for air conditioning Hoggard High School and the Cafeteria of Roland Grise School, action having been deferred unti2 the County Auditor could determine what effect this item would have on the budget. The Auditor presented Schedule A which included air conditi.4ning and Schedule B which did not include air conditioning. Under Schedule A, with air conditioning, the tax rate would be $1.62; Schedule B, without air conditioning, the tax rate wouid be $1.59. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that the Board adopt Schedule B. Mr. Marks made a substitute motion, seconded by Mr, Williams, that the Board adopt 5chedule A. ;, Mr. Harriss said he would like to point out there are many things needed more than $81},000 for air conditioning; it is a limited item, will not be needed for more than a month in the Spring, then only part time, and perhaps a month in the Fall, so it is a facility used only two out of nine months that schools are in session. If the school schedule were run in the summer, it would be absolutely necessary, but in view of some other requests thaL the Board has had to deny cannot see spend~4ng $84,000 for this item, Mr. Metts said it would be very nice to have, but pointed out the Board of Education changed their mind about putting this in when schools were bu.ilt. Mr. ~etts said the Board of Commissioner.'.s should certainly consider very strongly passage of the sales tax, He said he felt there was a potential of another tax and would not like to see the property tax raised higher at this time. Mr. Marks said he would like to remind Mr. Harriss that we do have summer school in New Hanover High School. Mr. Marks said he had taken the liberty to discuss with some members of the Schooi Board as to whether they would be willing to use Hoggard School in the summer if air conditioned, and they said they would, Mr. Mr. Marks reminded tY~ Board it would take enabling legislature to go to;year ro,und schools. Mr. Marks said some students will not go to summer school because of the heat. He said he wished to point out these two buildings were built to house studenLs and teacners and are not designed with sufficient ventilation because they were built to be air conditioned, He said he was told that the temperature was 112 degrees in one of the class rooms at one time. MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST L~., 1969 ~CONT~D) AIR CONDITIONING OF SCHOOLS (CONT~D) Mr. Niarks said he wished to call.attention to a conversation Mr, Harriss had with.Mr. Laney after attending a graduation exercise at Haggard High School. He said Mr, Harriss had told Mr, Laney that he wished every Schoo2 Board Member was required to attend and to suffer through the exercise; that the school definitely needed ai.r conditioning. Mr. Harriss said the ventilators were closed and he was not convinced the school had been ventilated to}.9ive it a chance to cool off before graduation. Mr. Harriss said he felt the ,jail should be taken into consideration; where prisoners do not have room to lie down at night to sleep. Mr, Williams said the Board knew his feelings about air conditioning but he wanted to say he is still convinced, though agreeing iaith the Commissioners that he would like to see the tax rate 2ower than $1.59, there are certain things that a're encumbent upon this Soard to provide, and $$4,000 is an item he thought should be provided for air condit3oning at this time. + Another item is the Jail. He said he understood the Grand Jury ~just reported that the Jail is much overcrowded, but he understood the County has some unanticipated revenue that could be shown as antici~ated revenue and the Board could go ahead and budget for jail renovation. He said unless something bad goes.i~rong, money is available for jail renovation. Mr. Metts said he felt`iP•the Board raises taxes now, the chance of losing the•sales tax is greater; also it is a little late to get the air conditioning done by September, and he felt it should be deferred. Vote was called on the substitute motion. Motion passed three to two. Mr. Metts and Mr. Harriss voted, "No". . Mr. Hall, in voting yes, said when you find you have to face something, you might as weli do it one time as another. , ADOPTION OF EtTDGET County Auditor Shepard advised the Commissioners the total budget is $11,90l~,113. The tax base is $296,400,000 and he has based the budget on ninety-four (94%) percent of this figure or $278,21E0,000. The following bvdget resolution was offered: ' 3'79 "Be it Resolved, that for .the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1969 and ending June 30, 1970 the following appropriations are made to the various funds which are deemed sufficient for carrying out the necessary operations of the New Har.over County Government: Total Funds Budpet , General Fund . . $.1,617,52~. Agriculture & Economics 3~,397 Aid to Blind Fund 34,394 Aid to Dependent Ch~ldren 1,003,600 Aid to Perm. 8 Tot. Disab. 526,500 Oid Age Assistance . 676,200 Medical Aid to Aged 18,~}00 Boarding Home Children 70,300 Indigent 72,240 Medical.Assistance 26L~,000 Day-Care Children 1$,72Q Welfare Adm. Fund . 549,099 Health . 30l~,722 Mentai Health ' 13g,~21 Debt Service 1,215,181; Cape Fear Tech. Reg. 64,301 Cape Fear Tech. Bldg. 524 Schoo2 Regular Fund 1,651},467 Supplement 8I}0,000 Sook Fund 20,000 Buiidtng:Fund 13,500 Capital Outlay 2!}3,080 Drivers Training 119,170~ Bond Construction 2:;020,53~ Pensions 90,139 Regional Drivers Ed. [}$,000 Lunchroom 115,000 School Improvement 7,600 Revaluation 25,000 District Court 7,500 Court House - Capital Outlay 99.000 $i1,9o4,113 $ .2000 .0086 .0105 .0347 .0192 ,0172 .oz28 .0234 .oli6 ,0008 .0643 .a893 .0077 .3681 .oi94 •3954 .2000 .0057 .o64s .0252 .0081 .0332 $ 1.62 "Be it further reso2ved that a tax levy of $1.62 per $100 be levied against all taxable property in the County as of January 1, 1969 to support the activities of the County Government for the fiscal year i969-70 using a~ase valuation of $29b,000,000. "Be it further resolved that $2.00 be levied on each taxable poll or male person between the ages of 21 and 50 and the taxes levied and co.llected under this Section shall be for the benefit of the Public School Fund and the poor of the County. ~ I , 3 8 O• MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 4, 1969 (CONT~D) ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET (CONT~D~ "Be it further resolved that the Budget be adopted in detail and spent only in amounts appropriated fo~ each item unless changes are approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Marks moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the above resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Metts requested the minutes refiect that although he voted for adoption of the budget, he was opposed to the tax rate. Mr. Harriss expressed the same feeling. Mr. Hall made the following comments: We feel that the people of New Hanover County know that the Board of Commissioners have worked long and hard to provide a budget which, in our opinion, provides necessities for the government of New Hanover County. We have tried to take into consideration, in our ,judgement, things needed to be done, and that while we ail realize a tax increase at this time is not popular, we have tried to meet the demands that have been imposed upon local government and needs that have accumulated over a period of time. Mr. Marks said the Board~s task of estabiishing the tax rate this year was made more difficult by the previous Board~s reducing the rate last year. He said if the last Board had not borrowed amount equal to eight cents of tax rate and had added the eight cents to the rate instead of reducing it five cents, this Board wouid not have been put at such a dis- advantage. Mr. Marks said the record will bear this out. SCHOOL BOARD REQUESTS, LEGAL FEES A letter dated July 24 from Dr. Bellamy stating need for an additional $7,000 in Legal Expense and requesting it be allocated from the School Surplus Account was presented to the Board. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Harriss, that Dr. Bellamy~s request be approved. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF BUDGET DISCUSSIONS MINUTES AND JOINT CITY-COUNTY BUDGET NINUTES Mr. Harriss moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the budget discussions minutes h¢ld by the Board of Commissioners and the minutes of the Joint City-County be approved. Motion carried. PAYMENT OF BILL FOR $50 TO VICTOR G. SNEEDEN FOR RELOCATION OF VOTING MACHINES Bill of Victor G. Sneeded in amount of $50 for relocating voting machines sometime ago was presented to the Board. By common consent it was agreed this be paid from the Board of Elections.Budget. FINAL PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR RENOVATING WELFARE BU,~ILDING Mr. Marks advised the Board the Welfare Board is having difficulty in getting the work finished at the Welfare Building and suggested withholding payment of bills until such work is completed. By common consent the Board agreed to this. INSPECTION OF VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS Mr. Metts reminded the Board that it was aimost time for the yearly inspection of the Volunteer Fire Departments and suggested sometime in September. Mr. Hall said sometime in October would be more.convenient for him. Mr. Metts asked Mr. Hall to choose the day in October and let the Commissioners know. ROAD PETITIONS - HOLIDAY HILLS DRIVE AND ANOTHER UNNAMED RQAD NEAR MASONBORO SOUND The above road p.etitions were presented to the Board. Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the Board follow the usual procedure in sending them to the State Highway Commission, sub,~ect to approval of the Planning Commission. Motion carried, ADJ OURNMEN T There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Metts moved, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the.meeting ad,fourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Hazel Savage Clerk to the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING - AUGUST 18, 1969 ASSEMBLY The regular semi-monthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held n the above date and time in the Commissioners~ Room with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Vice-Chairman Meares Harriss, Jr., Commissioner Berry A. Williams County Attorney James C. Fox; County Auditor Perry Shepard; County Administrator Laurence O. Bowden; and Hazel Savage, Clerk to the Board. Commissioners John Van B. Metts, Jr. and H. A. Marks were absent. INVOCATION Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Rev. D. Morrison, Pastor, A.M.E. Church to give the invocation.